The deadly Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race (1998) | Four Corners
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Channel: ABC News In-depth
Views: 296,660
Rating: 4.7042017 out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, Sydney to Hobart, 1998, archive, look back, storm, weather, cyclone, death, 20 year anniversary, Four Corners, Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, yacht race, ABC, ABC News, low pressure storm, Bass Strait, emergency
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 21sec (3081 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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Well remember it, I live in a coastal town on the far south coast of NSW and nearly drowned that year in the massive swell that rolled in that year. The beach was busy because it was the Xmas period, and I was with family but acutely aware that no one was actually watching me ( husband surfing, kids playing on beach) . After being washed down the beach in a huge set and churned in the βwashing machineβ at the southern end of the beach, I was tiring. I was hit by another set of waves. One of them carried me in to a point where I could just touch bottom. I got to shore, staggered up the beach, absolutely shattered, and my then 6 year son said β Have a good swim mum?β
Still get chills when I hear that mayday call. I couldn't image saying we are 20km SW of this point. That's a bit search area.
My friend's father died in that race. Just heartbreaking.
Yacht club leader guy comes off so sleazy i'm surprised he didn't slither away at the end of the interview like a snake.