The Dead Sea Scrolls Hold A Secret That No One Even Noticed!

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according to a reading from a newly digitized fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls Noah's Ark was something different than what was currently believed the two thousand-year-old text may prove that the ark was the shape of a pyramid over fifty years ago a stone thrown by a Bedouin Shepherd in a cave led to what some have called the greatest archeological discovery of the 20th century the Bedouin heard the stone crack open an earthenware jar upon investigating he find the first of what would become known as the Dead Sea Scrolls but all the scrolls and fragments were sorted out they accounted to more than 800 manuscripts about one quarter just over 200 manuscripts are copies of portions of the Hebrew Bible text now after almost five years a laboratory established by those really Antiquities Authority as part of the lien levee Dead Sea Scrolls digital library project has scammed tens of thousands of fragments from the scrolls with a custom-made camera each fragment was photographed 28 times at high resolution using different wavelengths of light the sophisticated technology enabled researchers to read letters and words that were previously illegible some of the newly digitized fragments offered new interpretations of well-known biblical stories parents reported that the new reading of the fragments has changed our understanding of ignores arc thanks to the high-resolution imagery a word following the fridge the Ark's tallness have previously been eligible however the new scan showed that the correct word is nice fit meaning gathered which according to researcher dr. alexei udesky means that the arch ribs were gathered together at the top in the shape of a pyramid dr. Uretsky said that the Septuagint translation of the Bible dating from the 3rd century BC used a Greek verb with a similar meaning to describe the ark moreover medieval authors like Maimonides suggested that the Ark's roof was pointed the nearly deciphered words on the ancient parchment stayed hidden for centuries but are now bringing answers to many long-standing questions as well as raising new ones previously the story of noah's ark was known mainly from the book of Genesis however the Dead Sea Scrolls found in Qumran cave in the Judean Desert shed new light on this story the Dead Sea Scrolls contain information about many controversial and fascinating topics from the past the story of Noah and the legendary flood being one of them Christi OSD Jonas guest author of ancient origins explained him as article evidence of the great flood real or myth that the story of the Ark is not just a biblical account the story of the Great Flood sent by God our gods according to much earlier testimony to destroy humanity for its sins as a widespread account shared by many religions and cultures around the world and dates back to her earliest recorded history from India to ancient Greece Mesopotamia and even among North American Indian tribes there is no shortage of such tales that often enough assigned very much like some of these stories truly sound so similar that one could wonder whether all conscious around the planet had experienced such an event only after 7000 BC when the ocean levels finally began stabilizing human life once again began to return to normal coastal sites no longer had to be abandoned from higher ground at least for the most part and between 6000 BC and 5000 BC once more we began to see signs of human activity closer to the sea is it a mere coincidence that a recorded history happens to start around this time is it true that early humans were too primitive to leave traces of their existence behind or the early pages of our history who were washed away by the great flood or the last ice age after all it seems that as soon as the adverse climatic conditions receded it did not take long for humans to thrive once again another discovery resulting from the digitisation is connected with two fragments that shed light on a puzzling in the bible chapter 39 of Genesis describes Oh Judah had sex with his daughter-in-law Tamara she disguised herself as a prostitute and as guarantee of payment she received his signet staff and petal after many centuries of debates regarding the meaning of the word petal the Dead Sea Scrolls have finally given the answer with the following sentence petal is as built as mushiya Bashar the Academy president said the word Patil is mentioned in the Bible ten times in every place we know what it is and what his function is except for the Patil Tamara received and this our ancestors were divided but now we have an early text from the 1st century at the latest which gives the meaning of this Patil it's the belt which he had tied his trousers or his room despite decades of study and analysis the Dead Sea Scrolls are still giving up their secrets researchers from the Xavier University have reconstructed the contents of one of the last two on deciphered Dead Sea Scrolls disclosing a distinctive calendar used by the Jewish sect that lived in the Judean Desert during the Second Temple period 60 small fragments were pieced together over a period of 12 months identifying the name of a festival marking the changes between the seasons it has also revealed a second scribe the corrected mistakes made by their original author as the BBC reported the collection is considered the oldest copy of the Hebrew Bible if refined dating to at least the 4th century BC the 900 Scrolls written by the ancient Jewish sect and never stopped amazing historians and archaeologists from the day they were discovered in a cave in Qumran in 1947 tens of thousands of fragments belonging to over 900 skulls were found in the caves of Qumran doctor-ish bowel rats and from the viable department at Ohio University told haha rats and adds this is the most important archaeological find ever made in Israel this is literature from the Second Temple period and that's rare it is not known who wrote the scrolls even though several historians have suggested that the writers were an ascetic desert sect called the hood since they said they were assisted by deciphering the code by annotation was discovered in the margins by a scribe correcting omissions made by the author dr. ranson explained that it took decades that involved many scientists and researchers to piece the fragments together decrypt them and then publish their contents still two of them remained on deciphered the scrolls are written in three languages Hebrew for the most part Aramaic while a few of them are written in Greek the scroll dr. Watson worked on with Professor Jonathan Ben Tov also from the Bible Department of the fire university was written and coded Hebrew and some of the fragments were smaller than one square centimeter very few Scrolls that have previously been deciphered were written in this language she says via Haaretz the two experts noticed a unique 364 day calendar which was already known to the researchers and differs significantly from the one jews used at that period most jews used a calendar that are similar to the one used today the sect used a calendar that was almost based on a solar year comprising of 364 days there are months with 30 or 31 days in every season dr. retsyn stated via Haaretz and adds 364 divides into seven so every date falls onto a specific day of the week and every holiday has a fixed date we know that in the temple there were some disputes between different sects over what happens if passover falls on sabbath what super seed is what sabbath for the holiday this sect solved the problem since no holiday fell on sabbath the scroll details all the dates in which the sabbath falls and all the days of the week on which holiday is fall dr. ranson also explained that when significant events took place inside a temple such as a high priest making a sacrifice in yom kippur only one calendar could be used but this calendar was disputed which may be one of the reasons that the sec left and went to the desert they had many disputes and this was one of them they couldn't celebrate holidays together she told her grants furthermore the researchers also noticed the name used in this act for a festival commemorate four times a year that marked the transition between the seasons the tech of food the same word in modern-day hebrew means period this shows us that the researchers who believe the day of celebrated a transition between the seasons was called by this name were correct and that this word has used in the Mishnah was preserved for the days of the Second Temple it is a very early concept of alka religious Jewish law dr. Ratton stated via Haaretz having that the unique calendar also refers to annual wine and olive harvest festivals no longer observed in Judaism meanwhile our research team is currently excavating in a 12th century cave that might hide further Scrolls to be deciphered the cave was discovered last year and only one blank scroll was found at the time details of what has been discovered by the team from Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia are due to be revealed soon you
Channel: Ancient Secret Discoveries
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Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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