"The Day I Lost My Faith" by DeadnSpread | CreepyPasta Storytime

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if power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely then wouldn't you agree that any existing God would be the most corrupt being imaginable the man stood in the middle of our local pastors sermon and spoke these words and a voice so loud I'm sure you could hear him outside he framed the idea as a question but his tone implied it was a matter of fact no one had ever seen him in town before it was a small town and he was not exactly the kind of man that you would forget he was dressed in a black suit and tie a long coat and a wide-brimmed hat but she wore even in church something I'd always been told very disrespectful though it was quickly clear this man had little to no respect for God or religion a crop of blond hair hung down over the back of his neck and even from my seat four rows away I could see the brilliance of his blue eyes when he turned to look at those behind him son may I please finish my sermon the pastors stepped down off the pulpit his Bible still clutched in his liver-spotted fist no you may not I have asked a question an important question to a man of God and I expect an answer his voice was soft as silk with a distinct draw that I couldn't quite place all I could tell was that he wasn't local he walked from his place amongst the crowd and over to where the pastor was standing his smooth features adjust a position to the aging man of God you are implying a human flaw to the Lord corruption is a trait of mankind not of God the pastor seems satisfied with his answer and crossed his arms you could hear the congregation whisper as the stranger in black thought of reply indeed corruption does appear to be distinctly human does it not he turned and gestured over us as if we were the humans of which he spoke yet aren't we made in His image pastor yes but we're also given free will we make our own decisions about how we free will the stranger interrupted the pastor and began to walk down the aisle towards the pulpit yes we do have free will free to act as saint and sinner alike though I'd be reluctant to say that there is more of the latter than the former that's what we do with free will and our meager power he stepped onto the pulpit and looked over the crowd of confused churchgoers son I'm gonna have to ask you to step down from there the pastor looked like he aged another five years since the stranger began his diatribe his face was flushed red and he was beginning to lose patience with the interloper and his church oh I will just as soon as you've proved to me that you have more right to be up here than me a stranger flashed a toothy grin and tipped his hat to Mrs Margo in the first row he blew her a quick kiss before turning his attention to the crowd her husband ripped her arm and stood to leave clearly made uncomfortable by the gesture I'm sorry I can't stand here and listen to this anymore mister Margo said to the pastor as he drugged his wife along mr. Margo mrs. Margo I'm gonna have to ask you to return to your seat until we finished here the stranger lowered his head and pointed one long finger in their direction his frame seemed to extend just slightly as he did making his arm look stretched and body look more lanky mr. Margo Tim to his friends who I had never really got to count myself suddenly stopped in place and turned to face a stranger everyone sat in silence as the two simply looked at each other for what felt like forever a stranger's fly smile still curled on his thin lips mr. mungol began to sweat and his body stiffened like an lost his eyes bugged out of his head and mrs. Margo Genet to her fans whom I also couldn't count myself started asking if he was okay and worried Thailand people started to rise from their seats and help him as it had become clear something was seriously wrong Tim the first force came he's having some kind of episode another shouted rising from their seat trying to rush past the others to get to him a heart attack someone help him sit the down the last voice cut through the others like freshly sharpened knife through the morning Brad it was the voice of the stranger he had jumped down from the pulpit and was walking towards the Margo's slowly as he walked by the pastor he snatched the Bible from his hand and kissed it before tossing it over his shoulder like trash this is you isn't it what are you doing to him this is Margo screamed as the stranger got closer to them mr. Margo continued to convulse but remained on his feet the veins were popping out from his neck and forehead and his hands were clenched so tightly his knuckles had turned ghost white those who had previously gotten to their feet to help all seem to shrink as the stranger passed them he gave off an air of menace that worsened with each passing second God's infallible and omniscient my dear Janet the stranger reached his hand out towards mrs. Margo and she recoiled and discussed I can do nothing he doesn't allow with one motion the stranger swung his arm around towards mr. Margo and placed a hand on his face don't touch him someone screamed and I turned to look but no one had taken to their feet to support their voice we all just watched even the pastor the stranger woke up towards the ceiling closed his eyes he did a quick little two-step with his feet and raised the hem that wasn't covering mr. Marcos face towards the sky he imitated the over exaggerations of a faith healer in a revival tent the scene of slack-jawed onlookers making scene even more accurate in the name of Jesus Christ the Savior in the God Almighty you are healed no one knew what to expect but we most certainly didn't expect what happened the back of mr. Marcos had exploded outwards as if someone had just shot him in between the eyes with a hunting rifle the pews behind him were covered in blood brains and bits of skull it took everyone a moment to realize what had happened before the screams began I can remember being caught in a sudden maelstrom of panic as the churchgoers began screaming and scrambling for the door the stranger let go of mr. Margo's face and his body crumpled to the ground as people raced past the scene to get away praise the Lord for he is just and fair the strangers shouted with a laugh as people piled against the heavy wooden doors of the church they won't open someone screamed this sentiment was echoed by others as the panic got worse you can hear people crying and smashing their fists against the door I was stuck in the back near mr. Margo's body I saw his wife kneeled down to him crying her eyes out and spattered with his blood she held him his neck hanging limply over her arm his eyes still bugged out of his skull and his face still frozen in tension suddenly a high-pitched whistle filled the church and even in the madness everyone turned to look the stranger had taken his place on the pulpit the pastor was standing just below him looking for where the Bible had fallen I would ask that you all take your seats till we finish the debate he paused and looked down to the pastor who was in a feeble confusion and was still hunting for his Bible he jumped off the pulpit and snatched the book up off the floor where it landed after he threw it you're going to need this I saw him whispered to the pastor as he handed it over with a patronizing pat on the head he returned to the pulpit to finish his address to the ground take a breath my lovely little sheep a new Shepherd has arrived he removed his hat and hung it from the cross that was set up behind him his slicked back blond hair looked as plastic as his smile everything about him was starting to look off even the sound of his voice becoming less than he may as well take your seats children it seems like you aren't going anywhere anyway he straightened his tie and dusted off the sleeves of his jacket now where was i before I was so rudely interrupted humanity is corrupt wouldn't you agree lying cheating stealing murdering I'd call the human race a bunch of apes but that would be insulting to the Apes the stranger picked up his point again from the last piece that he'd left off he acted as if you were dressing the creature who currently looked confused and terrified but he was really addressing the whole room so I postulate that if man is made in the image of his god and men is a corrupt entity wouldn't it stand to reason that God as a corrupt entity the pastor who had suddenly been called to the defender of both humanity and the God he professed to love and understand for so many years of his life stood dumbfounded the room was quiet except for the occasional sob from mrs. Margo everyone had retaken their seats as if fallen directly into their role at the Sheep the stranger claimed them to be I was equally guilty sitting quietly in the middle of the pack watching the whole thing play out the stranger was hypnotizing in a way that made you feel uncomfortable his presence made the whole thing feel like a dream pastor Jerry the stranger took a few steps across the pulpit and smacked the pastor in the back of the head the pastor suddenly welcomed the shock he was in and looked fearfully into the eyes of the man who had just murdered one of his congregation and was holding the rest of us hostage somehow here to offer a rebuttal your argument the pastor's voice shook he looked like he was going to cry put some feeling into it man bring the Old Testament down on my head for fuck's sake fire and brimstone and all that jazz a stranger picked up a candlestick and tossed it between his hands as he paced the front of the room a pastor pressed the Bible to his chest and turned to the stranger with a bit more conviction their arguments places the sins of man in the hands of God but I say again we have free will and we choose to love choose to hate and choose to accept the Lord even if you could apply the faults of man to God I'd argue that more men are just and not you would the stranger threw his head back and laughed yes I would look at my flock the members of this community all righteous folks all good folks kind folks Oh Jerry you little man if you only knew the truth the stranger was smiling and looked out over the crowd so we dropped some knowledge on the benevolent pastor hater there was a spell over us all the only sounds that came from the crowd were some uncomfortable ships and the seats the occasional sob for mrs. Margo I felt frozen transfixed what was happening before my eyes I just like everyone else in the room knew what the stranger was going to do next we knew he was capable even though we didn't know how why we don't even have to go back that far to find a little sin do we a stranger once again hopped down off the stage and walked the rows his jacket was now flung over his shoulder in a casual manner as he moved with a swagger of confidence he stopped directly in front of Tim danbridge the man who ran the pharmacy his bald head was sweating as he adjusted his glasses and wrapped his arms around his wife the stranger leaned in close to look him in the eyes inside just this morning there was some sin right out in mr. dan bridges truck I I have no idea what you're talking about his voice was shaky Oh give me a break Dan bridge after the town already knows about this one might as well just come clean this stranger stood and looked over a knee a senior in high school who was working in mr. dan bridges pharmacy the stranger was right half the town did already know about what was happening but small towns keep secrets and circles mrs. Dan bridge started sobbing and pulling away from her husband she had already known too but he was easy to ignore when you didn't bring it up you could see the smile spread back across the strangers face it moved like a spreading sickness over his cheeks his porcelain white teeth making an even more plastic looking he reached down and grabbed mr. Dan bridge by the collar lifting him to his feet and holding and up faced palm towards him as if he was showing him off to the crowd exhibit a adultery me stranger let go of his collar and Mr Dan bridge dropped back to his seat next to still sobbing wife and the girl just barely turned 18 Timmy you nasty son of a biscuit you could hear talk rise among the crowd the talk of those who knew already and those who just learned even in the midst of the surreal nightmare everyone seemed to still love a good gossip it's fine Tim the strangers snagged a Bible out of the cubby on the side of the pews and held it up in the air as far as I know no punishment too bad for your wandering dick in these pages his eyes dropped to a knee and his arm slowly followed till he was pointing the holy book right at her terrified face not too sure we're allowed to suffer although the words had just barely left the stranger's mouth when Annie suddenly collapsed you could hear that flak sound as her head struck the pew in front of her when she went tumbling to the ground everyone was suddenly on their feet mr. dandrige attempted to rush to any but the stranger grabbed his collar and pulled him in close as if he was giving him a hug dragged her out to the center of the aisle if you could the stranger addressed those around her and while they seemed uncomfortable doing so they still followed his commands I understand the pole that came from his voice was strong not like I'd ever heard the men who were at first attempting to help her now drugged Annie's convulsing body into everyone's view which was exactly where the stranger wanted her she was lying immediately feet to feet with mr. Margo's corpse when the men let go of her and I heard the stranger command them back to their seats and order they carried out with equal morose expressions please let me go let me help her to him was struggling against the strangers grip flailing his arms and legs trying his best to wriggle free behind him his wife was crying into her hands we all stared down at Annie as her tiny frame banged against the floor in seizures no one came to her aid we all just watched sometimes I wonder how much of that was the influence of stranger and how much was just our own disturbing curiosity about what would happen next berries and he screamed out white froth coming from the corners of her mouth you could see her skin had gone flush red and she clawed at her sunday dress with both hands help me please the words came between shouts of pure agony the stranger tossed mr. danbridge back in his seat behind the cries for help I could hear him order Tim to stay put like he was a dog but I didn't dare take my eyes off Annie I wanted to help but even if I'd gotten up there there was nothing I could do a stranger got next to her and set his jacket on the floor next to him he placed one hand on her forehead and rested the other on top of the Bible but she had placed on her chest oh my oh my Deary Deary Lord the stranger suddenly shouted out in the best southern revival preacher voice this girl is possessed she is possessed by the forces of a devil himself we are going to need to drive these serpents out good people can I get Naaman the crowd stayed quiet watching his blood started to pour from the corners of Annie's mouth she chewed through her own tongue I said can I get a aa-men the strangers voice grew so loud it nearly shook the walls half the crowd spoke a half-hearted AAB in response a stranger cocked his head and raised an eyebrow as if to say really then he shrugged and continued his act begone demon begone foul corruption from the pits of Hades and as he pressed his hand to her she convulsed more and more wildly one of her dress shoes flew off her and her stocking foot bang wildly against the Pew next to her begone spawns of Satan serpent tongue creatures most cruel she spewed blood between her lips like a person trying to hold back vomit those sat closest to her recoiled as the mists sprayed them but none rose to help I cast these out and then name of Jesus Christ a stranger made a force will press down in the Bible and even from where I sat a few rows away I could hear her limbs break Tim was still just behind them I saw him place his hands over his ears and lower his head not wanting to see what happened next she continued to shake her hands and feet slapping wildly against the floor as her mouth opened and something began to wriggle its way out snakes one after the other they were drenched in her blood and you could see her throat rise and fall as they conjured themselves from God knows where and slithered up for oesophagus there were six total and the people shrieked and raised their feet up to the bench as they crawled around below us their forked tongues flapping at the air Annie's body stopped shaking in the stranger his pale complexion now dotted with blood rose to his feet he slit his jacket back on as everyone either watched for snakes of their feet or stared down at the now lifeless body of a young pharmacy clerk there lay dead in the aisle I guess that one was nothing but sin not left to stand when it was exercised the stranger said with a slight look creeping over his face our pastor fainted in our stranger really took his place from the pulpit that's just one small example of the sin that rests among you the stranger had returned to a sermon now uncontested by anyone the sickness in mankind is not your fault though it it's passed down inherited from a vain obsessive disgusting God who seeks your admiration but gives so little in turn I had noticed the snakes had all set themselves below the stage they reached upwards towards the strangers voice all around me people were crying summoned vomited some grumbled under their breaths none stood to challenge him though none stood to leave in fact none stood at all it was the feeling of being pinned to your seat by restraints you couldn't see are you the devil I heard one small voice say from the row in front of me his parents quickly grabbed him and shush him I hope the stranger wouldn't have heard not just for the boys sake but because uh I don't think I wanted to know the answer the stranger turned his crimson stained face though and smiled that plastic smile as he jumped down off the stage once more there was a new jump in his step who asked that he's get in the room stopping his eyes on all the children anyone anyone at all I'll tell you the answer just as soon as you tell me who you are he stopped in the row in front of me the boy now had his face buried in his father's sleeve his mother's hand rested upon his back please sir we don't need an answer the father cleated was that your son the stranger reached out and the father went to smack his hand away but thought better the stranger stained fingertips slid into the boy's hair and pulled his head back out of the crook of his father's arm gently can you repeat the question I don't think everyone heard are you the devil a little boy asked again this time with new tears streaming from his eyes did you learn about the devil in Sunday school little boy the stranger let go of the boy and returned walking up and down the aisle the boy went back to crying into his stunned father's sleeve without offering an answer are you I heard someone else yell broken free of the spell just long enough to act with their own will another shout followed with the same question on his lips then another then another I suddenly felt the question rising up from within me not in my mind but seemingly bubbling up from my stomach with each time the question was barked out I felt more of an urge to ask myself are you the devil the lying one are you the morning star these questions weren't being asked by choice somehow he was making us ask them over and over again like a chorus I shouted my own version of the question over and over again everyone yelling and shouting suddenly looking for answers the stranger raised his hands high above his head as if he was in an old western stick-up then he slowly lowered them with flat palms facing down a slow and intense came from between his teeth a sound that no one should have been able to hear over the yelling but someone could the rooms slowly tapered off in noise as his hands dropped till all the questions were silenced when the stranger spoke next his voice was even less human than it had been previously as if some sort of mask was starting to slip away lucifer that punsie little bitch a ye can't you couldn't handle the bat even loved a bunch of apes more than him he laughed and stepped back towards the pulpit he stepped over the pastor who has still passed out on the floor but the snakes circling around him and onto the stage never throughout the whole time of God and man has there been a creature more worthless and Petty than angels and never has there been an angel more worthless and petty than Lucifer the strangers spit on the stage and there was an animosity in his former plastic eyes his blood-stained hands gripped the pulpit so tight I thought that he was going to snap the wood from its framed Lucifer is the ultimate expression of my point he's just another failure of a corrupt God who cares only about taking from those who worship Him a disgusting fallacy of a creature who sits back and watches his people damned the hell for their mistakes for the sin he heaps upon them at birth the stranger lowered his head for a moment as if he was deep in thought after a few seconds his arms raised and he pointed a finger at the father of a boy who had originally asked the question to quote the great Johnny Cash God said to Abraham kill me a son he raised his head the fake plastic smile returned to his lips another gasped rose from the crowd as the father wrapped his hands around his son's throat and began to squeeze you can see the father's eyes were filled with protest but his arms moved independently of his mind his wife next to him started screaming and trying to push him off of the man's grip was so tight I could hear him pleading with his wife to stop him she was suddenly raised out of her seat and thrown across the church by some unseen force you could hear the sound of snapping bones as she struck the back wall hard enough to leave a crack in the plaster the heart says Abraham's bitch should stay the out of it the father kept going even when his son's face had turned nearly blue even as tears poured from both of his eyes even when the boy's body went limp in his hands right there in front of the whole town he filled this we all did nothing but sit and watch all of us except the stranger he stood at the pulpit and laughed well I'm done here Oh stranger took his coat from the cross and slipped it back on he twirled his wide-brim hat and his bloody palms for a few seconds before placing it back of his head and jumped from the stage he landed right in front of the pastor who was finally waking from his time on the floor and the stranger once again stepped over him the snakes beginning to strike at the pastor's flesh over and over again they struck the pastor screams to pain mixing with the wails of those who suffered loss on that Sunday morning the woman who'd lost her husband the man who lost his mistress and worst of all the wailing a horrible cries of the father who'd killed his own son if the stranger's aim was to test the group's faith in God or break it he'd likely succeeded in most you've all been fun to debate with he paused looking down as he reached the door no actually not really he looked up towards the crowd again and smiled none of you made a single good point just feel the weight that had been placed on the room starting to lift It was as if the stranger was releasing his hold on the room he no longer needed a captive audience he'd made his point or had his fun in my head question swirled as the heavy wooden door creaked open in the light of Sunday morning crept into the dark and atmosphere of the church I found myself unable to hold back from saying anything what are you I shouted towards the stranger as he began stepping through the door and out into the steps what are you and why did you do this the stranger stopped and looked over his shoulder in my direction his eyes look like voids when he was back lit by the Sun and there was a genuine madness on his face i huffed out breaths as if standing and shouting was the greatest workout I'd ever been through the feeling of the oppressive weight still lingering on my body meeting his gaze made me feel cold down through my bones I did this because I could he turned half way towards me and I felt as if the whole world vanished and the two of us were left standing in a void as dark as empty has what was set in his eye sockets he straightened his jacket again and spun on his heels at first it seemed as if he would ignore the other part of my question the meat of the knowledge that I wanted so badly and feared so terribly before the doors closed on him though he vanished to leave the stench of death and weight of guilt over our heads for the rest of our lives as he gave me an answer an answer so unsatisfying made me wish he'd killed me along the others as for your other question his voice had started to fade as he walked down the steps you hey there kids it's me mr. creepypasta and I've worked with a lot of talent over the years many of the author's have books of their own which I highly encourage all of you to check out to see more of their tales of the strange and horrific and for those looking for a sampler of some of my absolute favorites I've worked with these authors to compile just that stories that have been made famous throughout the internet stories on this channel and some that are brand-new the creepypasta collection is a long time coming with support from all authors involved check it out on Amazon and in your local bookstores September 2nd or I suppose you could save yourself for the nightmares
Channel: MrCreepyPasta
Views: 361,808
Rating: 4.867506 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, scariest, creepypasta stories, creepypasta storytime, mrcreepypasta, horror, scary story, story, reading, narration, telling, mr, Narrator (Fictional Character), Ghost, survival horror, slenderman creepypasta, story telling, ghost story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2016
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