The David Blaine Card Trick That FOOLED LeBron James REVEALED!

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hey how's it going everyone MLT magic tricks here so in this video I'm going to be revealing David Blaine's card trick that he performed on LeBron James and Anthony Davis this trick aired on David Blaine's magic special called the magic way I will be leaving the link in the description to the video of the performance if you guys want to check that out so in this video I'm going to be breaking down how the card trick works and essentially teaching you how to do it so make sure you stick around for this one but before we get into this tutorial if you are new here to the channel make sure you subscribe with those post notifications on from our magic content like this and also check out the link in the description to my Amazon page or have a collection of all the decks I use in my videos along with a variety of magic tricks and accessories but anyways guys let's get right into how to perform this card trick okay so if you haven't seen the performance just a really quick summary of the effect of this card trick it basically involves your spectator choosing a card you take that card you place it in the deck and then the deck basically shrinks in front of their eyes so there's only 13 cards from one suit that they chose plus their selection and it just has a very impossible effect it will blow the minds of everyone you perform it too and I'm going to teach you how to do it right now so what you're gonna do for this trick is take your deck of cards and you're going to remove all cards from one suit in the deck so I took out all the diamonds this is 13 cards right here the 13 diamonds these can be in any order you want to it does not matter I'm just using diamonds because that is what David Blaine used in the video and you guys can choose any suit from the deck diamonds hearts clubs or spades you're going to take these cards and you're gonna simply place this pack right on top of the deck and the remaining cards could mean any order it does not matter as long as you have this suit of cards right on top of the deck you're gonna go up to your spectator with this setup and what you're gonna want to do is go up your spectator with a break actually below the 13 cards because you're gonna have your respect to your choose a card from the deck but it cannot be one of the cards from your you know set up pack right here on top so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go pure spectator with a pinky break below the 13 cards and then you're gonna kind of put your index finger in here as you're spreading them out and kind of keep track and you can just place your index finger right on the last card in the the setups pack there top you're gonna hyper spectator choose a card from the middle force them to choose one from you know the bottom portion of cards all the cards below the top pack because if they choose one that trick won't work so they choose a card and you're just gonna hide your spectator look at the card and as they are looking at the card and as you're squaring up the deck you're gonna want to get that pinky break right here below the 13 card so essentially this is what David Blaine did here he had Anthony Davis choose a card I believe it was also a heart you know a card with a suit as a heart your Hydra spectator look at the card and while they're looking at it this is what you're gonna be doing with the deck you were going to take the cards from below the break and you're going to ditch these cards in your pocket this trick works best if you are obviously wearing pants with the pocket and it works even better if you're in a hoodie that has kind of that open pocket there that's easily accessible because this move has to be quick you're going to ditch the bottom portion of cards here and then the only cards that are going to be in play are the cards from the same suit in this case all the diamonds this pack of cards here goes in your pocket and obviously in the video David Blaine had plenty of time to do this because you know after Anthony Davis shows the card and he went into another room with LeBron to sign the card so David Blaine had plenty of you know time to do this this was not caught on camera so at this point once you have ditched this you know bottom portion of cards here in your pocket you were left with 13 cards here all from the same suit now you're probably thinking oh we know this obviously looks like a super small portion of cards how did David Blaine make it appear as he had an entire deck here when Anthony Davis brought the card back into play so this is what you're this is the movie you're gonna be doing while your spectator is looking at the card in honestly it works best if you have them to sign it as well because you do need to buy some time here while you're getting this pack of cards set up so it's obviously gonna be very quick from the point your spectator chooses a card you immediately ditch this pack write the rest of the cards in your pocket except the 13 you have these in play and the move you're going to do is applying pressure with your four fingers on the top thumb on the bottom and you're gonna apply pressure downwards and then you're going to put use your index finger to push inwards a little bit like this so you create separation between the cards and then as you can see here I have little gaps in between each card and from a certain angle kind of like this you're going to be pointing the I pretend I spectators here gonna be pointing the cards downward at them so it's going to appear that you have an entire deaf but in reality you only have 13 cards now guys if you are performing this trick yourself you do need to do this quick you need to practice it because when you're performing it to a spectator or a group of spectators preferably you're not gonna have much time but in you know the case of David Blaine performing that you did have quite a bit of time since they went into another room to sign the card but that's not gonna happen all the time so you need to get in this position here remember you're applying pressure inwards basically like this you're getting the separation and it looks the best you can make it the most realistic if you you fan out the cards here and you kind of grab it from the bottom like this and remember guys if you prefer if you English directly your spectator they are gonna see the big gaps here and they will get suspicious and it'll call you out so the angles are extremely important in this trick it's best to kind of hold the cards downward like this because the small portion that's gonna be facing towards you your spectators not going to see that so make sure you do you are careful of the angles in this card trick at this point once you have got into this position you're gonna tell you respect Theatre okay we're memorize your card and we're gonna go ahead and place it in the deck your spectators should think you have an entire deck of cards right here in your hand you're gonna place a card in the middle but in reality you're you know you're only placing it in the pack of 13 the card goes in and you're ready to move on with the trick but just a quick note here it's kind of interesting in the video you can kind of see as David Blaine was pushing the card LeBron sort of kind of came behind him and saw him placing the card in he's like oh your little brown said to David oh you've gotta play something like seven cards down sort of calling them out in a sentence but David Wayne just you know brush it off and nobody really noticed but what it is is that it is very important when you're placing the card Ian make sure your spectators not like looking super close or else they'll see the gap so you have your separation here you obviously need to hold it you need to get the get into this grip and maintain it after the card is put in and this is the part of the trick where you're gonna ask your spectator some questions so the first question you're gonna ask them is what was the suit of your card in this case our suit of our selection was hearts your spectators going to say hearts and you're going to tell them okay we're going to remove all the hearts from the deck you can just say that snap your fingers now the next thing you're going to do is list off the remaining suits that you have so obviously we have clubs spades and diamonds left and you need to end with diamonds because that is the suit that we chose for the trick in the way you want to phrase this question to your spectator is tell them which suit do you want you don't want to say which suit do you want to eliminate you just want to say which suit do you want because if you phrase the question in the way which suit you want to eliminate they say diamonds it's gonna be kind of hard to adjust to them saying diamonds if you're eliminating diamonds but you only have diamonds left and just a quick note in in the video you will notice that David Blaine phrased the question to Anthony Davis in the form of which suit you want to eliminate I'm not really sure why he did that because if Anthony Davis said diamonds the trick may have gone you may want to gone wrong it just David Blaine would have had to kind of readjust this story as to how he had diamonds only left in the deck so remember you want to phrase the question your spectator which suit do you want and let's say our spectator says clubs you're gonna say okay all the clubs are gone and you're gonna go to your other spectator or ask the same question to that spectator we have diamonds and spades left you just say which one do you want let's say they say spades boom all the spades are gone and you're only left with diamonds but let's say your spectator says diamonds or the suit that you are using for the trick let's say the first time you ask them okay what suit do you want they say diamonds and you still had clubs and spades and play all you're gonna say is okay you just chose diamonds snap your fingers you never say okay we got rid of all the other suits except diamonds so you guys can see what I'm talking about here and that you need to eliminate all the suits that are not the one that you chose once you get down to that and you can do the reveal in a couple ways you can kind of just press down like this and you know right in front of your spectators eyes it seemed like the deck completely shrunk down you sort of do what David Blaine did you kind of rub the cards like this and you know you can see them shrinking right in front of your eyes that has a really powerful effect either way you're gonna shrink the fan down of cards so now you only have 13 plus their selection and you're gonna show them we have only diamonds left which was a suit that you ended on your spectator ended on plus their selection right here and they will be completely blown away and also just a quick note in the video you'll notice that David Blaine when he asked the question to LeBron he phrased it in the way that you guys are gonna want to phrase it by saying which suit do you want but LeBron kind of was like oh what do you do I want to eliminate David Blaine I was like yeah and then LeBrons luckily said clubs not diamonds or else you know like like I said before David Blaine would have kind of had to change his story of how he was going to finish the trick because he he chose diamonds as the suit so I hope that made sense his trick is actually not too difficult to perform you know does have a very powerful effect if performed correctly and you guys you know didn't do not get caught palming off and putting in your pocket the rest of the deck and you get into this move into this position with the remaining cards here quickly kind of in this fan move like that make sure you go out and practice before you perform you know to your a group of spectators because you do need to get the moves down quickly and make sure you're performing them cleanly you know before you go out and perform to your spectators let me know if you have any questions about this tutorial it's you know like I overall not too difficult ooh a trick you still do need to practice and make sure you're asking the appropriate questions with the suits of cards for your spectator so you end with the suit that you chose at the start so that's gonna wrap it up thank you for watching this video I hope you all enjoyed it deftly give this trick a try and make sure to leave check out the link in the description to my amazon page for a decks of cards I'll have a link in the description to this deck if you guys are curious thank you for watching I will see you all in my next video peace out [Music]
Channel: MLT Magic Tricks
Views: 173,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Blaine, David Blaine The Magic Way, David Blaine Lakers, David Blaine card tricks, David Blaine celeb tricks, David Blaine card trick revealed, David Blaine magic tricks, David Blaine revealed, David Blaine magician, David Blaine magic, David Blaine street magic, David Blaine levitation, David Blaine tom brady, David Blaine frog, David Blaine best tricks, David Blaine card trick tutorial, David Blaine magic tricks revealed, best david blaine card trick, magic trick
Id: Ko7qhhcvdRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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