The Darkest Hour - Episode 60 ft. DarrenTheWizard | A Dark and Darker Podcast

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[Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of The Darkest Hour tonight is episode 60 with Darren the wizard was supposed to SP a couple of weeks ago we had some technical difficulties but we are good to go this week I'm pleased to introduce the himself let's go say of the boys hello gentlemen hello hello hello Darren you're looking beautiful your camera looks fantastic you're looking great I'm I'm glad that we yeah I'm glad we kicked it back uh and waited a couple weeks were show us some of your Wizardry right off the bat all right wizard man what kind of magics do you have up here I'll do the port for for a drink here all right you almost spilled that coffee care the same cup or a different one um oh now you're asking the real questions Jay um yeah leave that up to Myster got to drag them ball here okay okay just this kind of stuff oh all right look at this [ __ ] all right keep going I'm digging it the one where it goes up oh how you do that bro okay is that those like those infomercial things that they used to have late at night shy some good skills right I've never seen a man handle balls better on Twitch to be honest good catch nice ball recovery I'm G to put that down for a minute good sh part of the prick what do you mean warm up working on slight of hand card magic and all that stuff love that Sol a Rubik's Cube in 60 seconds really oh yeah maybe 90 seconds all right how fast can you solve it sober and how fast can you solve it after you've just blazed some delicious Devil's lettuce smoking doesn't make it that much harder to be honest probably drinking and stuff would make it harder but uh yeah I don't know maybe it add a few seconds like not much okay interesting interesting all right how's how's your uh broomstick handling skills broomstick good dude I should like I got my staff this big ass thing oh [ __ ] hell yeah have a whole tree man it's got these huge sockets and everything in it crystals no I haven't found the right ones yet man they're all so freaking expensive too but anyways this thing rocks yeah that staff was expensive no I found this thing I was going to say these holes okay good good I was like I hope you didn't buy a stick like you can go find those out nature I found they literally grow on trees calling all crystal girls we need somebody to come start dating Darren to give him a bunch of crystals preferably the healing ones you know he needs a witch to his wizard for sure um if you do that for him he'll also enjoy a tarot reading you know you can read his palm you can do all the corny [ __ ] just give him the crystals all right there you go I love it well boys we were well I was gone for a little bit um I'm happy that we have Darren here so Darren thank you so much for joining us it's great to have this episode with you episode 60 which is fantastic uh last week excellent excellent and uh last week we had the scuffed hour um why don't you guys uh Jay Donnie tell us about how that went why don't you tell us [ __ ] yeah I thought it went all right until I read the comments oh [ __ ] me then [ __ ] it was fun it was something yeah I watched it I watched it I will say uh Donny's back must hurt after carrying that show you you left you left Donnie hanging man you could have met him halfway you're you're one of the co-hosts that poor bastard he had he had to pull tee I didn't type any comments you type the comment okay I'm a straight shooter that calls it I that calls it how I see it I I just felt bad for ask are you guys sure you want to do this at least 48 times before I'm just saying fair enough I had fun and I think I love the episode I laugh my ass off I watched the whole thing it was beautiful I think because we're running up on episode 69 I think 69 should also be a scuff just hour we should do another one with s there okay we should we should do the Scuf with s actually that'd be great you you host again we'll do scuff TST and I'll just come on I'll just I'll just show up you run the show Jay and I will be color it'll be great here you go um about FES and [ __ ] sure Donnie how are you good man good no complaints Life's good excellent Jay how the hell are you sir what's going on doing good you know just chilling excellent beautiful how go the dungeon dungeon grinding how is it you know it's uh that's all right I mean hasn't really changed much you sure fair enough I've barely I've barely been able to play like I was out of town and then I've had a bunch of work to do and I've barely been able to touch the game which sucks but that's going to change this week later this week luckily but I did get to play a little bit of Druid and it's pretty [ __ ] fun I think have they been changing it over the last like week or so have they been editing like how it plays on the play tests I don't think there's been yeah like they still the bear does like 11 damage still I think yeah I think think they've they they wanted to get like the systems out in place the design team but they don't have they haven't like adjusted damage numbers for animal forms and stuff it's all like unarmed damage right so all that stuff will come uh before it goes to the live server for sure but I think they just wanted to get certain Milestones met on the test server but we've asked uh Jay and Donnie how they are Darren how the [ __ ] are you buddy it's been a couple weeks since we talked what has changed in your life in the last two weeks anything any memorizing any new spells out of your spell book I don't know I've been doing great I've just been uh streaming a lot I've got a festival this uh this next weekend here which I'm super stoked for but uh no I don't know I've I had such a blast playing Dark and darker last night actually testing out some more multiclassing stuff before it's gone yeah knock knock back on the magic missiles holy [ __ ] yeah I heard about that it was crazy man what what kind of Festival are you going to buddy that's a sid trance uh thing it's like a small little gathering you're bring the 100 people oh dude I'm gonna bring like six of them I'm G bring this whole bag of tricks and stuff man bring yes I bring this box full of like a thousand different size googly eyes put them on [ __ ] everything please tell me you have the light up gloves where you do like the [ __ ] hand dancing I don't do globing no no but uh has a term gloving that's amazing he knew exactly what he was talking about oh yeah he just go yeah you don't you don't wear a glove you just go in barehanded I mean I could you're a FY guy dude nice you don't need that doesn't to just like add to it though you know oh could put the gloves with develop the skills it would be really hard to do this with gloves on to be honest that looks crazy kind of need to maintain contact with the ball it's called Contact juggling the secrets in the that's it looks it looks [ __ ] awesome it looks super cool yeah all right here's an important question for you sir before we get to the game joints bongs or dabs you got to pick one what do you pick for the rest of my life I'd probably just choose joints probably they're pretty versatile like if I would I would start arguing semantics i' be like a blunt joint or something like fair enough I bet yeah I bet you if you had a dab kit though it probably looks insane do you have a dab kit I do not actually okay I've got uh you know a few pipes kicking around I get this one nice this one's pretty sweet I used to smoke this one on stream all the time then I end to move into a place that I can't smoke inside anymore and now is it just part of part of the outfit or is it just like actually enjoy smoking out of it well I'll bring it out to festivals occasionally and like I'll sometimes have a h out the window if it's like minus 40 or something crazy like that but umus 40 where do you live where do you live in Canada man oh that's right that's right Canada I forgot about that goes goes like minus 40 to positive 40 Celsius so uh 40 is - 40 like both but uh Jesus 40 C to F 100 4 that's [ __ ] crazy crazy4 no no 4050 at it's worst maybe so Canada goes by Celsius yeah Celsius can we just agree like you know I'm all four kilometers whatever whatever other distance thing you want to measure it by but Fahrenheit is superior like it's more accurate it's it we could talk about science [ __ ] I think it makes so much sense that freezing is at zero boiling is at 100 like I'll give that stuff like I'll give you that but for temperature for like like daytoday temperature in the weather feel like fah is just such a better understanding of like the actual weather I don't know C [ __ ] but do you do you say that Donnie because that's the system you've grown up with 100% I like cheeseburgers and french fries dude I'm in America get her done brother I'm biased Canada's really weird cuz when we're doing stuff cooking temperatures we actually use Fahrenheit like all of our ovens and stuff the main part of the dial actually is excuse me it's Fahrenheit on the outside and most people say oh yeah cook it at like 350 or whatever and yeah it's weird it's funny though and we do we do a bunch of stuff like that like when we um when we talk about like how much a person weighs we'll probably give it in pounds but if we're talking about like you know how heavy like a you know anything else almost is like kilograms grams you know what doesn't make any sense is when the Brits say Stone how many ston do you over my head pound or something a stone is 13 and a half or 14 or like something odd I some Antiquated I weigh 11 stone she's like what the [ __ ] are you talking about one stone is 14 lb 14 lb there you go it's just random kind of came up like that too it was like a king he's like my foot is the length that we will measure [ __ ] by right can't remember the guy's name it's crazy H um so last last weed question are you a an habitual um smoker of the finest Leaf in all the Shire is it a just a is it a work thing as the stone wizard or uh or like what's your what's your what's your daily okay brother [ __ ] yeah man just kind of fly man not like fully blasted all the time but you know bit of a buzz maybe yeah I love it I'm happy aw B guy pardon you awaken B guy um kind of because I pair it with like rolling tobac out so I'll just put sprinkle some in there and like have a little spliff and then have some breakfast or whatever and get going damn I if I wake and bake I got to get back in bed reset the alarm start the day over like I got to or go to brunch like brunch is a good wake and bake activity you oh hell yeah I don't if I have sunglasses on like I I don't want to I don't want to get ripped at 8:30 in the morning and then go to breakfast it's just it's not fun it's not good 830 well my my body I'm an old man now so my body wakes me up every day at like 8 8:30 it's like an internal alarm clock and I can't escape it that sucks ah whatever I love uh I love getting pie on substances and like going out in public it's like a scary it's like a good scary no it's like the fun of it you know if I'm going to do it I like send it but dude I have so many stories about like psychedelics going out in public and [ __ ] it was it was bad but uh that's funny not a fan of in the city more out in the forest is probably the way to go for that oh yeah dude I was at the urinal one time I once saw a movie uh on some substance and uh I had to go pee and I was by myself so I go to pee and I was like for whatever reason this guy comes up next to me probably the nicest guy in the world the thought enters my head I'm like this guy's going to [ __ ] kill me I got to get the [ __ ] out of here right now ran out of the movie theater like ran across the parking lot Jesus uh kind of I came back I came back I realized like I ran out and I was like all right I freaked the [ __ ] out I was like all right cool I can go back now I think that hilar what are you doing bro don't answer that Don I'm not going answer that anyway I uh I caught your stream a long time ago Darren and I just thought the idea of like a stoned Wizard playing Dark and darker was just a funny Channel idea um I know we're me we're we're meing about ganja or whatever it's it's whatever but I uh I just thought it was a funny Channel idea I you're content's hilarious you're good at the game and it's a very very chill Vibe so um it's it's awesome to have you on so let's talk about some Doc and daaka so multi classing obviously was sort of announced that it's going away I think this is it's only what like couple days left before they they sh it for a little bit Yeah likely probably Thursday or Friday they usually patch it yeah so Darren let's start with you how do you feel about multiclassing in general are you happy that it's going away for a while or for good or whatever what what is your take on it and how would you like to see it introduced again or not yeah man it's a mixed bag of emo it was actually a lot of fun and it like it it made the game really interesting kind of for a bit like uh even still right now like you never know what you're going to come across you see some weird crazy combos but also at the same time there's a lot of stuff that like well we know that they just kind of they're like we're not going to balance anything have fun they kind of just let us go play and uh there were some crazy combos man a lot of Slayer a lot of Sprint on like every barbari and stuff it's like I'm going to be glad to see that gone to be honest but um yeah I'll be sad to like not get a chance to Meme and stuff I did um I got tumble one day and I was like [ __ ] it dude let's let's run some tumble on The Wizard and just like whip ice bolts with ice Mastery and Tumble away ice bolt ice bolt like Fireball tumble it only worked a couple instances because tumble is just tumble needs work too but it's a lot of fun trying St like that tumble when you jump is pretty nice just like back step but if you don't jump with it it's kind of poop that's what I've noticed with kind of both of those abilities it's only like I feel like it's only good if you have like 200 move speed yeah and you just move with that your hit box stay there as you start to go back so they can just [ __ ] hit you anyways it's anybody do a Sil so like tumble back step build on like Ranger or Rogue have both must I've seen that yeah yeah seen a barbarian with that yesterday too that was wild he's pulling some TCH yeah K balls K balls put out a video like a week or two ago where he was on I believe a Sprint back step spear proficiency Barb and it was it was filthy it was filthy he was absolutely destroying people it was it was a great video but it just showed how certain builds can just be destructive forces of nature and just a little too much you know but it was still fun to watch Slayer and ax specialization both giving five weapon damage each and you just run around hatching and a thing like I definitely whatever else yeah that's so wild I was running that with Achilles and Sprint and if I in Norms too so if you could if you could actually get to someone and achilles them you're lawn mower them down in like three hits like they they didn't really St a chance wild hitting like 80 90 in like gray stuff yeah it was hitting very hard I mean it was fun but yeah it's it was fun U like I I'll try to get back to the question yeah I'd love to see it come back in like maybe a toned down uh way like if you're say you're playing a rogue and you have like every perk and skill from a different class you're not playing a rogue anymore right like it's got to be like maybe half of them or something maybe there's like I don't know you're definitely not playing that starter class anymore once every single yeah like four perks of two skills all from different like barbarians Fighters and stuff and like yeah no just like erase the class identity kind of you're just playing for the base stats I was playing Bon Wizard and then multiclassing was brought out and I was like wait a sec warlock just has better stats all around almost like I lose one point of will or something and gain all his strength and health and yeah like yeah just ran that for a while I'd love to see it come back it was very cool but yeah maybe some retooling yeah I totally hear you I mean my Barbarian essentially just became a fighter with Barb STS yeah yeah yeah yeah for the most part I mean it was it was fun uh trying out some builds but overall for my perspective I'm I'm relieved that it's you know going to go away for a while and that we'll go back to the the core class and the core class fantasies and and whatnot I think it's a good thing um Mr griffa we've seen some of your absurd multiclass Builds on YouTube and some of the crazy [ __ ] you've done especially on isabis with that [ __ ] Ranger build it was ridic it was fun as hell to watch but man playing against that probably sucked what is your um I suppose final opinion on multiclassing how it's going away in a couple days the future of it what are your give us your uh here Griff your thoughts is that a French press by the way it is a French press I don't think I've really ever seen one in action they're great French PR is awesome they're so good man yeah yeah oh I'm I'm glad that shit's going away it's just it feels so bad some sometimes it's everyone has the same [ __ ] they they have iron whe they have anti- magic they have Sprint so they're just immune to Magic and they're speed capped and I don't know you play melee and everyone has Savage war and just that shit's boring bro it's so boring I don't really get it it's super fun like multiclass is fun and all I you know I do enjoy it but in terms of like high roller and [ __ ] it's just so stale yeah some some clear metas were carved um I think it showed how good some of the Barbarian perks are like just a lot of those are really [ __ ] good to multiclass with yeah hopefully they're take some of this data and be like wow like 50% of the players ran Slayer what the heck maybe slayer's like extra good we should look at that absolutely yeah who knows holding that help well I think it's Slayer combined with like uh God the 10% Health buff the [ __ ] 100 magic resist because that's basically Fighter's like biggest weakness is magic so if you can get 100 magic resist then [ __ ] yeah I saw a fighter today in Norms he was running uh what's the cleric perk minus three damage from all sources perseverance yeah is that what it is perseverance I believe so it's not protection from EV yeah maybe it's perseverance he was running perseverance Iron Will robust and uh Swift and then he was running Savage Roar with Sprint full full white uh plate because it was Norms white white level shield and a white falion dude this [ __ ] he was in multi games with me and he just dominated every Lobby like people could not kill him I I tried with my my Slayer uh lizard Barbarian and I could get him to like I don't know 30% Health before I just could not kite anymore I could not dance away from him anymore and get head shots and he [ __ ] survived at all he was a tanky [ __ ] it was a it was a little little too good little too [ __ ] strong yeah my my brother's been playing Dark derker he made a giga tank fighter with only L Sprint Savage Roar basically the same setup uh the three damage thing from cleric the damage reflection thing from uh Warlock and the magic resist and the 10% Health buff and just doesn't die yeah ran into a few of those guys yeah yeah he's literally playing fighter with with Sprint as his only fighter ability it's was like what are we doing here I will say it's kind of crazy to see the the difference in time to kill though like if you have that build you're invincible and if you don't have it you die in one hit still yeah or two hits maybe it is kind of crazy yeah Donnie are you excited that multiclassing is going away do you I mean I we've kind of touched on it a little bit in the past but now that it's almost gone in a couple days like final thoughts it was it was a fun experiment um I think I'll start the game a lot more now that it's gone cuz dud I mean right now you play the game you have to fight everybody the same just kind of like how Jay said like everybody's got the same [ __ ] so if you go in close you get hit with Savage Roar if you're at the [ __ ] Edge like you know no magic you just got to shoot him with a bow and then hope you [ __ ] did enough damage and run in for a kill um it's just kind of boring honestly but I mean it's a good test it's a good test I think it was I hope it helped them but for love of God please never again yeah I I I haven't talked to anyone at the company about multiclassing I've just been doing marketing stuff so I'm not one of the designers so I don't know and also don't speak H ghoul so it's hard to know like what the plans are um CU I I I wish I did know not that I could tell but I I also do not know what the plan is I just we all just know the same thing multiclassing is going away what's going to take its place don't know um I don't think anything will for a while I think we're just going to go back to the the core Basics which is overall a good thing um okay so multiclassing goes away we go back to uh the the typical core classes and um uh the typical way the game was played typical metas will come back what do you guys want to see take the place of multiclassing in terms of progression paths in the game like what do you think is the right progression path for dark and darker if not multiclassing which is obviously a great experiment but not it what is it let's start with you Mr Wizard it did honestly give people stuff to like work towards to grind towards like people like back when you had to wait a couple days or whatever you could like you could roll something be like dang maybe I'll roll with this for a day try it out like grind some um like some more levels or on a different character it kind of man I'm getting off track already uh it oh it's on do your thing I don't even know now take a sip of that French pressed coffee [ __ ] smash some of that uh that fresh herb and gather your thoughts and give it to us you get me back on the rails [Laughter] here I can't even remember what I was saying man what are you talking about what got like notes here that I shouldn't even look at you're hilarious man um that is the most stunard thing ever you get 20 seconds can send it answering something like what the [ __ ] was I thinking about man what's the question I love it talking and like trying to read some of my notes here and I just kind of like the thought went away I love it so the question is multiclassing is gone what should take its place in terms of a progression path or system Beyond just let's go try to get some gear and and kill each other in the dungeon what's what should be the hook like what's going to get people to want to play every day every night to grind X thing what what is it damn that's a good question cuz those those just reward tokens aren't going to cut it just like the odd treasure trinket thing definit they are nice though they are cool I've never got anything better than a purple though people are like oh I got F what F many seen one one unique token it was three shoes is shoes that's so wild uh yeah man that's a tough question I don't know not really a game developer by any sorts I'm just a tester well what I mean if they okay how about I like to do to like yeah I don't know I'm trying to think I don't even know okay I mean would you be interested in like a change to gear and make gear sort of the progression path in a new interesting way would you like to see sub classing where you get to like pick a a couple of different versions of the core class and like go down a tree and unlock new perks and active abilities yeah that would be really sick if you went down like stuff like that um I I really would love to see just like um kind of more like a solo self or like a self-found uh option or whatever I'm with you brother this is this is how I always think it about it like when you level up to finally be able to access the market you got to sign that stupid little contract and pay 25 gold which is like nothing and that's it I think that like H Man part of the the issue with the game is for me like whenever I play High Roller it's always just dude's Min maxing and stuff like buying the best in slot things kill you in like one or two shots and uh if if you had when you signed up to become a market like user it would in that thing it would say you know you're agreeing to only be queued with other people that are also like in this Merchants League or whatever right like if you want to trade you can and all that jazz but you got to go against other people doing that and give I I think there's a lot of people that would love to have this self-found option back back when the one to 15 lobbies I don't know if you guys I'm sure you remember that of course whereas like oh am that was the time man I just kept playing over and over in that I just delete my character when it got to the 15 start a new one it is was a lot of fun yeah someone in chat said that's just Norms well not really like if I like if I want to queue up in High Roller I want to go in with gear that I myself have found uh a set of gear that I curated by playing the game and go up against other people who also found [ __ ] that they have curated from their stash to go into high roller with I don't want to go in with gear that I found and play against people who have just saved up some gold and bought B in the marketplace to Max for however long and yeah I I agree I I I think if you decide to be in the merchant Guild and trade or whatnot you should be queuing up with players that also want to do that and if you decide not to the I mean this would obviously would make sense and be a lot better when there's way more players right you don't want to the The Q's too much when there's not a lot of players active at the moment totally get that uh that's a very sound argument but let's say there's 100,000 people playing the game if I could just go into high roller with other people who are self- found only and I know that the trio that me and my boys are going up against they had to earn that gear if they have a named item they earn that gear yes I think if if you have to actually play the game and earn your kit you care about it more you'll care about the fights you take more and if you just have a stash filled with gold and you could just quickly buy a whole new set um gaining that power power quicker means you're going to burn out faster and uh it's the same thing that I have said before where like I when I was a kid like 13 years old and I played the Starcraft Campaign I was chugging along having a great time with the story in the campaign and about halfway through my buddy told me about cheats like show like power overwhelming and show me the money yeah infinite vespine gas and uh being Invincible or whatnot so I was like oh this is cool I'm going to try this out so I tried some of the cheats while I was playing the campaign and then suddenly was zooming through the campaign so much faster and I I was like all right well I might as well just skip through and just see the story so I just kind of cheated at the game to like rush to the story and it killed the experience for me and I I got that power quicker and I burnt out of the game faster and I I regretted it and I I get the same kind of vibe when I can just spend some gold on the best possible kit and then potentially throw it away in the next High Roller I get into not care about it and rinse repeat yeah exactly ex and and it also like in the game it like makes it way more exciting when you find like a good item you're like dang this thing has like plus six physical power and five armor penss like holy [ __ ] I can use this whatever like it makes it way more gratifying to to loot and stuff I agree with all this I just don't think that's going to reach a wider audience you know you got to realize we're all nerds for the game on this podcast why have both I think it'd be fun yeah both but I mean how many players do you have already what do you mean you got to up that you got you got to up the player count if you're going to do something like that that's literally what I said in the beginning yeah like this this doesn't work with like 7,000 players in the dungeon you don't want to split that queue you want everyone playing in the same sandbox but like I said if there's a 100,000 players and there's interest in it and I don't ever think anything would be truly 50% of the player base wants to do this and 50% wants to do that it's never going to be that cut and dry in black and white there's always going to be some mode that gets more popular is more exciting but I think testing that just testing it in the test server or testing it for like an end of wipe event for 3 weeks or something like that just to see how it goes is 100% worth it and I think it would be more popular and exciting than than people realize that's just my I think it's a good test don't get me wrong I just don't think you should split the player base um even if we have 50,000 people online I don't think you should split it I I I don't know sure what do you think Jay overall with like self found and if there's 100,000 players do you think a cell phone mode would make sense to test just to see how it goes do you like that idea would you want Miss buying B on the marketplace instantaneously if you wanted to or would you give the sell found mode a real shot I think there's a plenty of people that would like it but yeah it's just I I don't know we can't we can't have it you know what I mean if let's say ssf came out tomorrow I'm pretty sure the game dies you you between that and like Arena and [ __ ] there'd be like three different games in one yeah so I look man just take the tarov approach just take bis off the marketplace do like Blues only yeah Blues only do that ruin it for you I mean Blues I don't that's I mean if you if your if your issues you can go on the marketplace and buy B take the bis away I I would agree with that but it's like what's what's you know what's the difference between a blue b and a [ __ ] unique B you know what I mean just take the market away to get all together it's just so hard to do that how may just maybe just Nerf the b i that you know what I mean or what if you gear is just off the charts right now what if you make um the crafting and and player created items much more exciting and crafting more exciting and the marketplace as dank to a 67 Jace chat um just be crafting stuff like it's a player it's a player created gear economy only only uh like certain reagents and crafted items stuff like yeah but me at that point you're just adding another step to buying your bis maybe yeah I don't know I think it's the same thing true yeah you're just bis with steps yeah it's it's a hard thing to crack it's and also you know introducing too many different types of cues and modes it's a it's a very dangerous hard Balancing Act Right but if they're going to if they're going to attempt anything the design team like Now's the Time in these in this early access stage before for it's a 1.0 now is the time to experiment I I just hope we see a self found experiment even if it's just for a couple weeks and it actually sucks at least we'd know if everyone if if 90% of the player base if 15,000 people 20,000 people came back they like this sucks what if what if everybody loves it then you that just becomes the game that that's great what if that what if the devs don't want that I don't know what if they have like a whole plan and stuff well that's the whole point that's the whole point of test to see to like kind of feel experiment to decide what's good like just because you have a vision of something if you're player base and customers are like hey the vision's cool but if you actually switch this thing around and try this it's more fun which could lead to player retention more sales uh people playing longer more streamers and YouTubers making content around it then you have make a pivot that's just good business I think true MH yeah uh okay well you guys talked about dark and darker on the scuff hour for about 30 seconds last week so let's let's actually dive into the Druid what what is what do we think about Druid let's start with uh Donnie because your name starts with d but so does Darren's so I literally was thinking like oh [ __ ] Darren the wizard as I was saying anyway let's start with Donnie though and uh what do you think about D oh go ahead go for it yeah say I think it's I think it's cool in ideas right obviously they got to dial it in but I think it's cool I think it's the freshest thing to come to the game ever honestly um probably since Bard as far as like change to the way the game could be played um yeah I think it's really cool I think more like control Battlefield control options would be cool I think like my favorite spell is probably the the barrier one as like n barrier whatever that's just cool like you can block somebody off with that or like you know block up a hallway that's cool stuff um forms oh yeah yeah that's that's cool man that's that's and it does damage exactly stuff like that changes how you would play and like oh they have a druid like maybe we shouldn't push into them or you know just something cool like that um I think it needs a little bit more of its own like design like more items Dr would be nice but I mean that comes with of course so that way that way you know when you look at it like oh that's a druid yeah versus yeah does druid have spell memory one and two or just one can't remember I think I had one and two and shape shift one and two yeah oh that's right okay right yeah I would love to run just a full 10 spell Druid that would be so [ __ ] fun just go full support and some damage yeah they're going to be wild support throw some Hots up maybe a little you know fairy fire get Groot going in there oh yeah hell yeah sound just sounds awesome hit someone with a with a the Triant you summon that and then right behind them as they're fighting the Trant you summon that thorn bear so it's ticking damage on them from behind they're sandwiching between these two things and you [ __ ] you hit your dream fire on them oh yeah it's see that's fresh man th those are the ideas you want when you ever have a new class like I think that stuff's awesome M I don't want them oh goad no I was just gonna say it's gonna bring some uh some new life into the to the combat and metas and general it's going to be interesting seeing it integrate and people getting used to it and [ __ ] yeah obviously they got to dial it in like it's still in testing phase of course but I don't want them to be married to the idea of like oh we are making this game about DD blah blah blah like make cool unique classes like if you're going to add Paladin in it doesn't have to be the Paladin from D and D make a cool [ __ ] Paladin that you think would be fun to play your own version of a badass Paladin yeah exactly just like how they did warlock like warlock is nothing like it is yeah a death knight would be sick be awesome like give me a reason to play that over cleric is what I'm trying to say sure like make monk cool make monk different like I can wall run I don't know whatever cool mechanics you want to add they're going to try wall running with the panther it's not it's wall jump It's a wall jump jump off wall that'll be cool still I think my my thought process is why would they do that probably to see how those types of mechanics will work will actually work for future classes right like if if Panther can't jump off the wall well and it's wonky like let's maybe not put monk uh into the wall running category you know or VI or wall running on the monk um but I think it's going to be cool once that's actually in and once once all the damage numbers are actually figured out and not every animal form is doing like unarmed damage yeah it's going to be awesome and like imagine buff ball bear with like a Bard and a cleric a mouse running in and then turning into a bear right in front of them and mauling them and like that'll be just so much fun it's going to be sick or uh um a buff ball or a bunch of like Buffs on a uh a panther it's it's just going to be so fun the DPS on Panther I feel like it's going to be pretty mean it's going to be pretty awesome but yeah I think the Druid in General's awesome man I can't wait to see what future weapons and gear they can actually equip obviously they just wanted to get it onto the test server um as Bare Bones as possible as quickly as possible because they've been talking about it for so long right yeah um so I don't know I'm excited about Druid I think it's [ __ ] badass I think rat form is insane like Jay you've been having some fun with rat form jumping through the Windows like what do you what do you think about the animal form Jump Through the Windows too sorry but that such such a fun little pastime on the server yeah the rat one is a little a little crazy I quite like it I mean I don't even know what you said would you ask me jump through window do what do you think about it what do you think about rat what do you think about the animal forms in general obviously we know that they are doing base unarm damage so besides uh design stuff like that like do you think it's good for the game do you think it's interesting do you think it'll be fun in comps on the live server I don't know I was sitting in one of the pregame lobbies as there's like four or five bears and like six chickens and I was like what am I playing so I I don't know I don't know if it really fits see when it's a little more finished up it was just like kind of weird there all yeah but the test Server doesn't have a lot of people and that's the shiny new want to check out the Druid obviously obviously there's going to be 10 people in [ __ ] [ __ ] form running around the goddamn like open a door and see like a bear looting a guy with like you know a demon form warlock behind him I'm just like what the [ __ ] is that you know what I mean it's just yeah but that but that is such a that's a flash of of a moment in time like a the Druid is is was brand new for a few days everyone wanted to touch the new the new shiny toy and see how it played it's not going to be like that forever in fact it's probably not like that anymore at all if you go on the test server I'm sure people have chilled out you know like running Druid every single time still going to be Druids of course but it's not going to be 10 bears in a server yeah yeah yeah yeah that's not really what I was saying I just you know see a big ass it's just out of place you know maybe that's just a shock thing oh oh you're saying just the fantasy you get used to the Bears yeah you're saying just the fantasy of the in a room all the sudden after all this time it's just OD that's all that makesense I don't know um yeah I'm I'm a little more sad that it didn't have more on the test server but that's okay it's it's just just like it's so hard to get like a feel for it being so unfinished as all that's fair mhm the Spells are cool though I thought that the hots were going to be super op but they're actually pretty tame cuz they like they don't actually like give you health it gives you more recoverable health or something so I'm not sure like non gray Health into gry health I guess yeah like you pop a hot and then you sit and you heal faster kind of a thing yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] like that yeah but there there's a couple of the heels that are pretty [ __ ] strong what's the one that's like 10 seconds 10 seconds long it's um a Rejuvenation what something like that or the one where all the flowers bloom and stuff it looks [ __ ] cool by the way yeah that one that one's pretty good yeah the heels are pretty good which I'm happy for cuz we need some player competition for sure just wait for uh yeah that's true but whenever you um have the effect that you're supposed to get at a dream fire like you put a hot on someone and then you dream fire someone when that when you start getting that combo that's going to be [ __ ] badass too I think it's going to be I do like that though that's that's like a like wow retailed like disc priest I think I don't really play it but it's like it's a Healer where you you heal more when you do damage you know so it's kind of like a hybrid is type of support 40 thing which is nice I think it' be a nice change of pace yeah I totally agree with you yeah I think it's I think it's really cool um it's obviously it's hard to play the Druid right now you only have that ceremonial staff animal forms are all unarmed there's you know half the [ __ ] doesn't work it's it's just like when when Bard and warlock came out right but in the in the coming weeks we're going to see this thing you know come into itself and be much more powerful and more complete and then obviously go on live servers and then we we'll see in actual comp and I think it's going to be awesome I uh I okay but why why is the Triant only 12 seconds come on feels underwhelming it doesn't even do damage well we haven't seen all the perks like what if there's like perks that help with trance or summons or something later but we we don't know what's going to come be cool if I summon the tree underwater and it doesn't like do something pretty cool I'm I'm going be sad how are you going to have it be have like some crazy effect underwater there's only so much water this is a valid complaint by the way I'm being serious what about like handful of water spots yeah okay I wonder what a little bit faster I think that's from what I it better just like start turning into like Blastoise or something yeah do something cooler maybe tentacles that it can or like vines that it can hit from a bit farther or something I don't know yeah yeah yeah arrogant disaster said what if it grows when it's in water yeah like what if you cast it and it lasts longer and it gets and it's bigger and faster and stronger that'd be sick that'd be cool and has a cool ability here's why I think Druid is a massive W all around okay is one it's very different there's no other class in the game that plays like it very new experience you're add to the game and two you can do dumb [ __ ] like turn into a rat or whatever the [ __ ] you want to do or beat chickens you can have fun in the game without having to actually sweat your balls off cuz like right now I feel like unless you're sweating your balls off you're not really having a good time so I think that's why Drew it's fun like make it a little silly like let's have a little fun give something to do right now other than just W in well in in HR that's the case I think Norms is is pretty pretty just fun it I don't feel sweaty and Norms I'm just going in like it's like it's pubg in a way some wacky times yeah I I throw on my Squire set I go in there we dick around if we die we just queue up right away just go right back to squire buy a couple potions bam you're right back in instantly whereas in HR I I still feel the sweat I'm I'm still with you on that and it it sucks that's what HR is for in my opinion I agree but it sucks when you go into HR without a Market Place bis kit because then you because the gear Gap I'm going to I say I've been saying it for months and I still think it's true the gear Gap is is too shitty it needs to be squished it should not be as substantial it is right now um I'm 100% behind you on that one but it's just too much and and when I'm the guy that actually has saved up thousands of gold and I get a bunch of legendary gear and I have a badass weapon and I'm dominating people it is fun for a few minutes okay but after a while it's like man this let's just go play Norms again the fights are more fun yeah the fights are more equal so I'll just retire this awesome biscuit in my stash let's slap on Grays and whites again and go back to Norms where it's it seems more even it's more fun YOLO yeah do some wacky plays and Norms yeah I I will say though entangling vines or whatever thank God they're doing like these big AOE especially on a cc that means blizzard is on the table you know I'd love the blizzard that's like all I really know for AOE I would like to see blizzard come to wizard wizard yep cold wizard a blizzard wizard would be sick cuz they they already have ice Master right you got to give them some more ice [ __ ] come on with one spell guys come on please yeah give us con cold makes way too much sense like give us like a slow where like yeah that'd be sick um you know what else is sick hit me go on um me I have cancer I'm dying queuing queuing into solos to or trios on all maps on a what is it two-minute timer please just keep it like that three minutes three minutes that's great keep it like that rotations man I'm so glad it's I'm so happy that you yeah um not really in Norms Only on West though and East my lobbies are pretty full like always and and any of them that I I quue up for at least in normal in high roller that sh a big dead sometimes yeah yeah I isn't it fun though like going into a goblin caves as trios going in to the ice C going into even the [ __ ] solo knowing that you're probably not going to be able to kill the boss unless you're one of a couple builds but just going in their solo is so [ __ ] fun I love it I missed it man yeah I hope it stays like this don't I mean don't you guys is there a better suggestion from anyone to how to do this or is this is this it keep it at three minutes rotation yeah 3 minutes you can get to play whatever you want it seems way better this time yes compared to last time I agree yeah as a primarily solo player it's great to be able to like if I want a quest I can queue into GPS uh solos now instead of like having to run against three man or trying to find people and stuff you know it's yeah definitely is nice for solo questing among other things absolutely do you think trios and Goblin caves is ridiculous yeah do you think it's too much it should be it should be should be ridiculous yeah I agree maybe the mob density I think that's though but I don't I think I think mobs should scale with solo Duo and Trio yeah um I it'd be nice I agree I don't know I don't know if they need more mobs in Goblin caves not more not more like even on trios it's going to be like [ __ ] imagine three three- man teams with like triple the density of goblins it would be [ __ ] chaos yeah I don't know sick like 20 goblins in a big room yeah like running like trying to fight and there's goblins swinging all over the place it would be crazy Sor what did you say Donnie oh somebody somebody made a point killing both Goblin cave bosses for free is a problem because you know when you do trios or Duos you can basically just murder them maybe put a different boss in there for Duos and trios no just scale it's scaled solos make it like yeah just make you can I guess scale it or if it's trios like add an extra mechanic or something I don't know yeah yeah just make the Cyclops have six rockf phases scaling is kind of like a a boring thing though I will say it just makes everything a bullet sponge so it would be nice to get like a variety out of it but that's going to be a [ __ ] ton of work I would imagine it would be they would have to balance like nine Maps overnight you know no you're right yeah you're right but I I think I definitely think new mechanics new interesting things if I go in Solo or with a buddy or with two buddies if it if it was harder you know fighting that cave troll was harder with two buddies because of X Y and Z and not just oh he hits harder and has more Health that's that's the move for sure all right yeah we are we'll take it for now though you know I'll take scaling for now of course be able to like solo the bosses and Crips and stuff be pretty pretty nice that where's my hob guy at you know where's like my big Goblin at like Hob Goblin is like a bigger Goblin it's like like a more humanoid sized little smarter yeah where's my my Goblin mini boss at you know so just an ugly human you're saying yeah not quite a human you think about it yeah it's not really human it's like he's probably like 5 feet tall I would say like a I don't know I don't know the [ __ ] lore just a bigger stronger Goblin basically how is there no mounted enemies yet you're telling me you didn't see you didn't ever play like Clash of Clans and hog rider could have had a goblin riding something it would have been sick are you kidding me J hear me out come this has been I would love that imagine they get rid of the module map building and we go to like the goblin Fort or whatever and there's like Goblin Hog Riders outside that' be [ __ ] sick be tight that' be myig I want to see a map after you saying that a couple times I do want to it would be nice to see like an actual map what do you mean oh oh not like the module style but like a a proper handed crazy designed and [ __ ] yeah yeah see what they see what they can cook up you know it' be cool to see I I absolutely agree unless it's just the same thing just retwisted a little bit just to get rid of the squares don't tell me I would hope not but it'll be cool to see no I yeah I think I think you're right on it'd be really cool to see a different style of uh map design one day uh okay so we're 53 minutes in let's switch over to Q someone said Luigi's Mansion map beautiful idea uh as we transition over to Q&A will you regil us with a couple of cool wizard tricks and transitions wizard tricks uh sure cool surely you can hit us with like at least a fireball right a dude look at all this stuff man I don't want to knock my candles over my ball or anything like that dude to if I catch my my books on fire that would just not be cool I try to do a I'm trying to learn some slight of hand card magic okay where we go like this oo where go look at that nice dude Etc all right I don't know if I can that one works just a color change I'm working on it would be sweet to have like a little routine that I could do up close and like be a roving performance artist at festivals just like contact juggle and like do some tricks blow some people's minds maybe get a free ticket to festivals and stuff oh nice the goal I could mix up my Rubik Cube but I I'll just like mix it up real good okay I I'm not one of the guys that can like memorize oh I just did it six twists this way and that way I can only do it one uh with one technique I was gift look like you've rehearsed this a couple times not going to lie I have probably solved like more than a thousand cubes now at this point I can solve it onehanded dude you solve it blindfolded though uh no no I can't do a blindfolded and I got put in a weird algorithm on YouTube shorts like two weeks ago I found like the world speed record for like a 3X3 or like a 2X two Rubik's Cube or something I was just like all right cool this is not what I want to be watching where my like other I don't know I just like that world record so man yeah aren't they doing that [ __ ] in like a matter of seconds yeah the world record's like freaking eight seconds or something like that that's yeah absurd did you did you Lube your Cube uh excuse I have not this is a only a few years old it's Lu Cube you're supposed to lubber Cube bro Lu Cube man I mean you have a professional Speed Cube a Speed Cube okay yeah you could take him apart and clean them I used to have one that's like yeah really fast I had a whole bag of wizard and it got stolen at a festival o damn that sucks damn start set it down oh well someone just you think it was like another wizard that took it I hope dark wizard I hope they turned into a wizard after they looked at it they like opened it up and we're like holy [ __ ] there was like some crazy stuff in that bag man all right last step here I just keep doing the same move over and over and over you got to put the faith in the algorithm okay it will work it looks like it's totally messed up did you guys see like some of the Arena stuff got data minine by the way wow look at that nice job well done that wasn't even 90 seconds that was great got I've got an even cooler trick that you can do with this because it's impressive to like solve a cube but I want to like solve a cube and then put it into like this configuration oh yeah do on each each one and be like oh uh uh like or like put like go visit somebody that's got a cube on their desk be like can I play with that mix it up and like leave it in this it's cor I think this is a little more visually impressive than just a solved Cube I suppose if you're Conquering the Rubik's Cube as is you're going to need to up the ante eventually so little flourish on top okay I like it hell yeah thank you for that transition um so Jay you just said something interesting something about Arena uh data mining Arena what did you hear some they like data mind some of the uh when you say they was it Ryan six days a week no is that grass guy grass guy who's grassy I think it's just grass right but he does like a bunch of data mining for the game no sh but it was just like banners and like some of the um I don't know what you call assets or UI or something the data that would that would mean it's kind of s right you would think I mean if you could data mine something it's in there but it did look good like I how's it look it was all right it was it was just like banners and Banners and like some UI stuff interesting really get much but okay cool might be on the horizon like Grayson was talking about this morning in scord they some big things on the horizon we're going to hear about one soon no wonder I really hope that yeah they give us something when they take away multiclassing whatever that may be Druid or whatever all right chat get your dark and darker Fleshlight yeah okay though right cuz they didn't they do that with madrinas they were like big announcement coming guys get your dark darker coffee like what the announcement was yeah funny yeah chat give us your questions thoughts concerns comments oh was on that that video bro lyan race wait what what what lyan I I don't really know what that is a werewolf kind of yeah why doesn't Drew have like warwolf form probably proba L here dude wait was it like a skin race it was like a playable race you could get in the shop I would imagine unless it's like an NPC or something I don't know I watched he said playable or he said race sorry oh race a race okay I thought it was a character race that had the same stats as a lizard man race it just had the head shot reduction and no hats I would imagine it's like placeholder though yeah yeah yeah exactly I love how s's like someone pretending he hasn't played 20 plus matches on dev build his leg and I I got to be honest the first I [ __ ] heard of lyen is is right here that's the truth uh I mean honestly like I can just say from a Dev perspective now um they keep certain thing I know I know my man went to one Zoom [Laughter] meeting let me give the dev POV on this one yeah sorry well they keep stuff compartmentalized like pretty well like I'm I'm working on marketing stuff and like trying to come up with cool stuff on that side of the fence I I'm not a creative director I'm not a coder I'm not a designer so I don't know what the [ __ ] going on over there so in some ways I still get to um you know get excited along with you guys whenever we hear about [ __ ] that's day of mind or whatever and I think that's smart like it's it's good to not be too loose with your design with the entire company right like I I think that's totally fair and uh and it also is when you know a lot about what's going on you get distracted um and in some ways I kind of like being surprised about stuff still as a as a player who plays this game as his main game so yeah rocket launchers coming for you s actually a repeater how about this seriously so be just for you your streamer item will be a repeater crossbow and only you can equip it how about that it it shoots Ranger traps could you imagine everyone everyone would me included would be very annoyed if right now they're like we're adding streamer items i' like dude [ __ ] what I'd be I'd be a little pissed off I I just made that up just now there's no streamer items sit up don't don't take a magnifying glass to everything I say please there's nothing like that I swear there's nothing like that and I know as the months go on you guys are going to try to Corner me sometimes and [ __ ] I get it I get it but I'm good at secrets so there you go all right Q&A what do we got um s will Jay ever take his long awaited vacation he has been putting it off but if hard work then win play hard I based after the scuff hour last week Jay 100% needs a vacation yeah I think you got to take a vacation you got to get out of well we also we also tried to ask Jay what he was into and he's like I just want to stay home and watch TV and watch YouTube and play video games I know I was like [ __ ] we got to get this man out of the house take a vacation go go touch some sand in the ocean I swear you'll come back feeling good Jay's like [ __ ] off I'm not I got I got work to do I'm try I'm just looking for a question here Jay okay just one last vacation thing if you were going to go on a vacation where would you want to go I don't know bro can I help you a vacation thousands of dollars to go somewhere where the sun shines a little brighter can I help help you plan a vacation that is not thousands of dollars in a summer you don't even to a take a weekend trip to like Seattle or like Portland that sounds terrible are you kidding me you how how far away are you from CCH the airport far enough I mean if you can you get there in like 90 minutes or less I can I yes I can get to the airport okay flights from Seattle to Hawaii are really cheap I'm pretty sure not as bad as you think cuz it's right there friend went there he spent five grand he was there for like three days that is his fault you do not have to do that you do not have to do that anyway we can talk about this later I want to help you plan a vacation you deserve it and you should take one it's healthy all right moving on fair enough okay uh let's see here Jay give us a a Vaca a vacation give us a question I don't have any they're all talking please sir we need we need time off please hell no what am I going to do in the woods bro [ __ ] unplug dude oh yeah I'm gonna go camp in this next weekend I'm super Stu go get [ __ ] high to Festival Daren dude come on that sounds great he got the Fushigi two wizards hanging out hanging out at the festival you can play with each other's balls would be very interesting we' be casting a bunch of spells and [ __ ] oh yeah hell yeah gu time time and a half even it be wild I [ __ ] love that idea you could you could IRL stream it come on come on this is good stuff uh let's see um what class is everyone going to play when multiclassing goes away in a few days from uh Gino and the last question was from uh the real Silo the real P silo or just Silo what class class you're going to go back to when multiclassing is gone fighter fighter Darren I mean probably wizard but a little of this a little of that okay same okay I'll probably play wizard actually ice Bolt's just too much fun man I can't stop throwing ice bolt head shots it's too much fun I respect that I'll probably go back to Barbarian um Barbarian is fun I like it don't you shake your head at me don't you shake your head at me yeah you're gonna you're GNA have 16 throwing axes oh he's just old W key dude or you thinking 24 on your next load out instead honestly I I hate range in the game it's the one thing that I will openly say that I do not like about dark and darker is all the range stuff I don't like range utility I wish there was no throwing axes I wish there was no throwing knives and that's the truth I wish none of that was in so the question is only like four only like four yeah yeah yeah I feel like Neo this past week every I was in a game I can't remember if it was earlier today I think so I was Wizard there was two fighters and two Rangers and all of them had bows bro I have never been so [ __ ] in my life sucks it's not fun G me flash it's not fun people just like holding angles shooting you from across the room especially if you're a wizard you die in like two or three shots it's like sweet it just turns into a very slow shooter it's a medieval shooter at that point yeah I mean some range is fine but what I really hate is is utility spam that's it's not great in my opinion yeah but everyone has their own opinion about that some people like throwing knives with rupture or achilles with throwing axes and some people really enjoy it so are they wrong acoss the room as a wizard it's terrifying no no Cutthroat lasts way too long by the way I was going to say are they wrong and yes they are but I get why they have fun with it it's all good something for everyone in dad uh okay let's get another question um who here is going to play Druid when it comes out from fub I actually want to attempt to make Druid my main and I want to be the support on my team I think it'd be really fun as I will be a druid and I will not be the support on your team bro I got you I'll be front line okay the bear on the chicken making that one work hell yeah three Druids in a party what do you guys think awesome terrible idea be fun and very chaotic I think it'd be great through the Three Bears you get the three bears in in that one Barracks room that has the beds you get three you get you lay down in each bed gold Goldilocks comes in what Goldilocks Three Bears no okay you talking okay I don't you guys don't remember goldilock let's all let's all turn into bears and oh look at those three beds right there I was like all right yeah every everyone gets their own separate bed what are you thinking do you want to push those beds together bro what are you talking about I don't know why are you telling us to go bare for and walk in this room bro I don't know what are you thinking it fed in it fed into the fairy tale but you you've ruined it thanks sorry I didn't see that one either of course you haven't I think but for real though three Druids I think would be super sick yeah it could go hard for sure and you know what I really want to see is soda Popp and come back to the game because he's a very famous wow Druid I want to see him come back to the game and Main Druid because the soda Po and Dad streams were awesome he was a he was a pretty goddamn good cleric I want to see him come back full form Druid St yeah i' bet a lot of people would come back if dreid dropped officially yeah well I mean it's coming eventually probably in a few weeks or so at this point right I I don't know when just a waiting game but can's coming out till next W yeah let him you think next W really oh yeah damn as i l a month out yeah no way I honestly don't know but I hope it comes sooner than later because there's not a lot of people in the test server and I want to play a druid but I want to play it on the live server with my typical crew you know so I'll just be patient no big deal uh let's see here um what questions do we have you got a question from your chat this time what you got Mr G you think about putting Druid transformations in the game is like AI like bots so you can blend in a little more so he's saying like add like Panther and bear mobs so at the second you see a bear you don't instantly think it's a druid I mean I guess maybe I kind of like that though be oding around like actual yeah that'd be cool other AI rats rat Ro there's a rat you like Chase it down it's like [ __ ] this wasn't this was just a an actual rat I wouldn't beol 100% like to see see rats in the Crips and on the ruins for sure just AI but if there was going to be Panthers or bears I think on something like ruins definitely makes sense I don't think like a random grizzly bear down in hell is a good idea but I think hell bear are you kidding me yeah maybe but if it was like like panthers for instance Ron ruins but they were actually perched up on walls and jumped down at you instead of just mobs standing in the grass waiting for someone to aggro them that kind of [ __ ] would be [ __ ] amazing I would love to see stuff like that so yeah I mean why not I think'd be cool oh I don't know I forgot what I was G to say I forgive you thank you no problem uh let's see here what is the spiked Guardian I don't know what that is I'm sorry what's up Gus no one does never heard of that um skins for Druid animals from jwa dude imagine like a a [ __ ] like brown or black bear skin or a polar bear skin or like a or leopard skin on Panthers something like that that'd be [ __ ] cool hold on a second that' be sick or like a chicken form you have a rooster skin or something like that that'd be cool yeah different colored ones or like a albino rat like it's a white rat with red eyes that'd be sick oh that'd be cool as [ __ ] it would just be a flex you'd be so easy to see I want bark skin on my druid I want to be able to like cast like I thinke armor isn't that that's some like there's some defense spell I can't remember I want like actual tree armor you know what I mean oh oh like to equip like oh like a lootable item yeah yeah so maybe it has like really good properties in some way but if you get hit by fire spells you take like 5% extra damage or something like that there you go that could be cool you're a tree it better it better be like 50% okay what if it's wet wood bro huh yeah it's a tough one what if you had to wear like yeah nature armor to be able to do like transforming you know you know like you could be like a like a plate wearing not plate maybe not plate you wear like leather but like you can't transform with your armor but if you wee like bark armor you I don't know [ __ ] oh okay I like what you're cooking there something there you're cooking okay yeah that's it's it's head to something there for sure interesting I'll ask the real questions is there is there not going to be male and female animals just just wondering no I don't I don't want don't just give him no genitalia please I don't want the FES in my [ __ ] game dude wondering bro someone had someone from CHS I wondering oh sure buddy all right I play you guys know how I play on that red dead server dude half the time you're riding around on your horse and you just see a big old pair of just horse nuts just flapping around all the time like I don't need that dark and darker right I love how last week it might make you think twice about hearing Bears roaring in the the other room you might maybe maybe just won't go P the door you never know scuffed to sour last week furry [ __ ] was brought up and Jay deflected Jay deflected bring this in some roundabout way to me roundabout you brought it up the deflector himself is invited back in furry talk okay I didn't say nothing about F bro Fair okay fair enough it's cool bro you do your thing on your weekends oh they at this the deflection shield on [ __ ] wizard God damn you're good what do you mean okay you deflected it to me you're good counter deflection dude counter spelled me nice wait goblins have balls hey at least I didn't know what to like him I'm saying caught right there I've never looked at Goblin nuts why all right I don't I don't know I think I don't know you don't know why you've never looked I guess I need to check him out all okay doctor they have the Bulge yeah I don't have like hanging nuts that'd be wild Darren how do you feel about this is someone that is a a fondler of magical balls what what's what's the question let's move on okay yeah let's get it all right let's hear another question what else we got what else we got folks that's funny so much positivity that gabo gy gross goody gy good uh yeah no genitalia on the animals please just make him like sex not asexual yeah I don't yeah I don't need that be funny though jbk it would be kind of funny yeah jbk bomb asks how do you feel about more summoning abilities for warlock I think it'd be cool I mean we've seen that it does work pretty well with the Triant so sure like wouldn't it be cool to have like a little imp or something that followed you around and shot little Firebolts like that no it would be a step in the door towards Necromancer too if you had a little guy following you you'd be able to start figuring out how that [ __ ] would work yeah that's why I want the TR to last a low cuz like runs away pull something and then dies and it's like oh cool thanks then yeah yeah pretty underwhelming at the moment but it's oh sorry that'd be a fun spell to mess with like like uh like legitimate cooldowns you know like a two-minute cool down on your tree but yeah but he's got like 30 seconds when he's around' be a fun one would be a good one what if it's up for 60 seconds but down for 60 seconds you can have it up quite a bit cool yeah he's not super strong yeah he's kind of weak to right the problem is then they need to add like pet control we're going to do all that right because it can't just like wildly run around Ander everything no it should be janky as hell like the mobs it should just just be like oh there's a goblin halfway across the room let's go you have to play your wooden flute your little jid flute to control your int a come back style that would be funny KB says remove server select please I feel like as a West as a West coaster I would not like that this game would become unplayable I feel like well what if it was just like you could select a server but only if it's actually in your region of the planet like I don't think I should be able to get on Singapore but I think I should be able to choose between us East and West for instance what's the Ping for Brazil to hear sure they that are they that laggy I don't know I I think I got like 200 ping in Brazil pretty sure yeah it's pretty bad something like that yeah I mean to some degree I do think having all the servers open to everyone is a little but at the same time I get why they have not changed it or gated it at all but I don't know it's it's a hard one if anything they should just condense down the servers you'd think like USC and West just get rid of it Go Central you know what I mean or whatever yeah yeah and then it'll grab which one is faster for you to give Credence to Katie's Point uh whenever I was doing the uh the AP grind last season I was sometimes hopping on Brazil like at two in the [ __ ] morning and just playing there cu the server is [ __ ] empty so I do think it can be cheesed for sure yeah I mean some of my demigod for the the first season um some of my demigod run was in ice Caverns trios as I sold long sword fighter in in Brazil if I just wanted to like listen to a podcast rock out some music drink a beer and just kind of like work on the The Grind I would just go to Brazil and typically be in there alone or with maybe only a couple why wouldn't you you know I know why wouldn't you do that yeah it was it was fun to just kind of uh zon out a bit and just chill and you know fight mobs and listen to tunes and not have to worry about sweaty trios running me down was fun but also shouldn't be in the game well yeah you're going to tell you should be able to load into an empty Lobby to farm a I literally just said you know I I should as someone in the states be able to choose west or east and I shouldn't be able to go I should not be able to go to somewhere like you're sitting you're like it was fun it was a good time it was I I enjoyed it I enjoyed it and I did do it but do I think it should be available no I don't but did I did to do that [ __ ] then yeah I should be able to pick a dead server that's what I think though if the option's there like people can do what they can with those options do I think it should be gone yeah I think I think depending on the region of the world you're in you should have access to a list of servers on that side of the globe around that region but I don't think an Australian player should be able to go to a server that's on the opposite side of the planet like why and vice versa you know anyway but what if your Region's dead then you know what I mean time to move are they still ping locking the Chinese players I don't know I don't think so I have no idea no I don't know not sure yeah honestly like I wish that when I did my demigod run I wish I I really wish that I would have just started that grind as a solo guy solo not having to worry about it but because of the way the system worked at the time I was playing a lot of trios and then when my friends that I played with were not online and I wanted to keep the grind going and not restart it while I had to stay in trios and if I'm playing Solo in trios queue I wanted to feel a little bit safer not lose that precious AP that I'm grinding for hence why I did what I did but hopefully we'll see changes to the system so that it's not like that you know we'll see see this guy's got it figure it out we should focus on tweaks to bring more players in slashback that's all I'm saying bro yeah yeah but totally Define that you know that's a wonderful thing to say the magic TW yeah I mean I'm I totally agree I think I think iron m is trying to do that you know they're adding more I the thing that's going to bring players back is you're going to add new stuff cuz like earlier when you were saying uh soda popping right you want soda popping to come back name one thing he could have came and checked out and been like oh this is exciting before we've added dreid in like ice C warlock kind of you [Music] know yeah I mean there has got people new stuff to do yeah I agree yeah you need more exciting stuff you're absolutely right MH I think uh iron mace potentially jumped the gun with some of the announcements of stuff that was coming I mean when when was ice caverns and stuff talked about and Druid talked about for the first time saying it was on its way like several months ago right like yeah I can't remember yeah just be careful about when when you bring stuff up don't talk about it until it's really coming to bring it for Christmas yeah that's right that's right or like in January or February or something like that yeah just be careful about messaging like if you got a cool new thing don't talk about it four months before it's ready you know but that's just a learning experience I think yeah I don't want I don't want to like be like negative or anything I was saying that earlier it's like there's no way this version of Druid took took all this time so it's like what were the delays for and stuff it just set yourself up for those questions I feel like for people to start poking holes well they said the delay was because animals delay they said that the big delay they they mentioned a couple times was that the animal form months bro maybe it was harder than maybe it was way harder than they thought no one's coded animal forms before that sounds crazy that sounds crazy be I don't think that sounds crazy at all that sounds unbelievable in fact why six month 6 months to to to get those animal forms maybe it was way harder than we think maybe maybe the stuff that they had I don't know anything about game de so I I know I don't either we'll check in with you in like six months maybe you can come up yeah well I mean they were doing a lot of operation Health stuff you know um I don't know the the gameplay performance has increased I think you we can all agree the game runs a lot better first dropped on EA hell yeah so that's that's a great change you know you're you're you're going to set yourself up for success with that so just you know be pumping out content man give us something to do give us something to work towards something new Grind yeah we need we need progression systems that are actually fun I think like the the novelty of the actual game and how it operates is passing for some folks it's been out for a while now right so now it's time to hook people with meaningful robust fun engaging progression systems that make you want to log in even though you know every inch of all the maps and you know and you've maxed out every class to level 20 and you know how it goes why do I need to log in now and play my favorite class or the classes that I enjoy what's hooking me what's bringing me back that needs to be figured out right agreed y yeah Chad what you got you got for I talking about sniping HR lobbies when the timer's up so you can get an empty Lobby I mean yeah it sucks it's not good please fix that really nothing I don't how do they fix that though maybe get rid of the pregame lobby at that point do you guys like the pregame lobbies yeah why not I do really like them but it's like I don't I don't know I mean here's my thing what is the pregame Lobby taking away like is that is that harming server population you know what I mean is it harming like my matches population all in a little box you know that like I don't it's more of just like a streamer problem which I don't think should ever impact the game to be fair yeah but like being in the pregame Lobby you're just waiting sometimes you're waiting three minutes and you know for a goddamn fact there's like six snipers in there you know what I mean it's not like it's hard to get in people's lobbies when they have three minute window yeah I mean they could do that even if you were just queuing up for a match you know what I mean yeah it would be harder but I do think that the biggest thing is the inspecting the inspecting is just kind of whatever it's nice to know what you're going up against but for if you don't inspect then you have no idea right and other people have that Advantage it's just like an extra advantage that could just be not there if it wasn't a pregame lobby as all they're testing out not having that right in the in the test servers you can't inspect I think same broken they said I think they said in the in a line of of the update that it was intentional they're testing out not being able to inspect people yeah maybe if they just got rid of inspecting I don't think people would care as much if anything it would be cool if it just like waited you could like maybe put another thing on the market and then it would just throw you into a match or something this where rocket league has a right you push q and you can still do whatever you want still do training mode and stuff but yeah it would be nice to dig through the stash while you're in Q or whatever just as extra what if uh do you who here played Diablo I back in the day where you'd actually like create a game and it was like trade game or act one kill Andy or whatever it was like you know acts one through four full run like you could make these lobbies right it was great so what if you what if what if you what if iron mace decided to like do a a a Lobby system like that where you like you created a Tavern that 15 people could join or something and you could like trade in there talk you could you could you could name it like trading artifacts only or looking for trios or chatting about warlock or whatever it is and people could just go into the tavern and hang out emote get on voice chat you could mute someone if they're being a [ __ ] and you know not have to deal with their being racist or stupid and just hang out and then like hey you guys are actually cool let's let's queue up and while you're in the tavern you could just queue up into Trio Goblin caves or whatever that' be neat yeah someone had not not the Gathering Hall not a chatting Gathering Hall I'm talking about you and your as your character inside inside the Tav walking around chatting with people entering trade windows and you could cultivate a Tavern Lobby based on whatever it is if you're creating it like this is a trade Lobby or whatever I think it could be cool I don't know definitely a neat idea someone had suggested something very similar in my chat the other last maybe it was last week who maybe used the ruins for that kind of purposes if it's not going to be I don't know like like walking around maybe there's some yeah ways to to to shop or trade and have other people practice a few things I'd love to see ruins back as a normal map though yeah don't get me WR same yeah I I I who knows what the hell is going to happen with runes I mean it's at this point they haven't said a word about it I have no idea what's going on with it um even though runes was more of a Miss than a hit for me I can't wait to to see how they have changed it what the Redux will be oh yeah I'm excited I think ruins is better than ice caves in my opinion oh yeah ruins is my favorite map and then just got one ruin going on that's interesting ice cave just looks like a big old [ __ ] blue turd like I don't know I'm not a huge ice capes fan I'm not a big ice capes fan either to be honest I like it ruins I feel like they look they looked at ruins were like look at all these big ass rooms that people don't like let's add more and that's the Ice Caves sometimes I get that feeling I'm like God whoever whoever made that map has to be a ranger main bro you cannot tell me otherwise the map designer has to M Ranger and only that class this is what it feels like sometimes playing ice cases but yeah ruins would be pretty spicy I wonder how it'll be I wonder if they're going to like completely rework it and it'll be you know a big showing of what they're cooking up anyways um kid scientist asked s do you think they should add weapons like long sword I think we be cool have more weapons with interesting mechanics that's that's a question we've heard many times absolutely I would like to see uh weapons with more skilled expression in unique ways like that and not overall mechanics like faints or [ __ ] like that I definitely would like to see a couple more things like long sword that are skill you know High skill ceiling and and effective in different ways than just left clicking with faints you know I might go back on faints honestly not a good idea I think a faint would be fun [Music] the game would turn into like basically back step oh no it's like where you fake a swing right yeah fake a swing it might be I feel like it'd be fun to test in my opinion if you could cancel your swing or something I don't think it's a good idea I'd rather have supposed to be like unforgiving if you if you you got to commit to your movements in this game kind of thing like oh I shouldn't have swung there I'm hit the roof think no yeah people would Ascend people would Ascend into godhood and all The Mortals would [ __ ] quit the game and it would just be like morow it would just be the most hardcore [ __ ] that have mastered certain mechanics killing each other until they got bored because there's no more fresh meat I really believe that yeah probably yeah it's too much think bows are doing that just on a slower Pace um sure some people are excellent shots in the game and no for real though some people are so [ __ ] like I used to play with this guy flch godamn he [ __ ] rarely missed and I would just chase him around buffing him as a Bard and follow him as he decimated everyone with a bow and he was like top three rangers in Goblin cave solo and the guy was a God and I I think it's good to have bows and crossbows in the game I think it's good to have a classic Ranger don't get me wrong but yeah a good person with a good bow have you watched it seriously soapie stream the guy qes solo into trios and wrecks [ __ ] everyone it's insane that's fine though that's a good thing it's good whenever people can showcase Pro level play with something that multiple people have access to in the game I like that but a mechanic like faint is way worse than like just being good at shooting arrows it's a completely different demon I think yeah I don't I mean I could see that I think um I do think melee combat needs a little bit more if it's going to be longterm cuz as of right now if we're being honest except for the long sword you just W key and just [ __ ] spam left click as quick as you can yeah so I I made a suggestion about it what if you hit the Z key on your keyboard and that hot key it simply just reversed your stance and swings on your weapons so the Zander you left click and it swings from the right to the left in front of you right well what if you hit the Z key and now you switch hands and it swings from right to left so now you can uh actually think about like you can use this Vander in a tight hallway in a different way or if you have a wall to your right you can hit the Z key now you're swinging left to right and [ __ ] like that and it's not a faint it's not a faint and it's not anything that's like super high skill ceiling but you can at least change the direction of your swing so that's it I think that I think that very interesting too I think it'd be cool yeah I would like to see it at least tested and maybe it's like too crazy and it's too much and it wouldn't work but at least testing [ __ ] I think would be cool what about what about catching like the weapon with your weapon love that ABS [ __ ] solutely yes yes I think it might be fun if like weapon had like a like a block window that'd be kind of cool you know we need more blocking and parrying weapons for sure like and obviously they're going to be adding fresh like weapons and stuff in the future but yeah I I would like to see be real nice yeah I would like to see more long sword type stuff sure but if it was just weapon clashing like me and another guy both have arming swords and we strike at the same time and they Clash together and that resets the animation hell [ __ ] yes I would absolutely love that and and based on like impact power with a weapon or impact power based on perks or whatever would affect how quickly you can recover from it stuff like that if you block I don't know I just I feel like it would be amazing I would love to see I don't know if you should be able to like catch like a Bish with like a Rapier though maybe that no no sure yeah like now we're talking impct power would be part of the calculation sorry what was that impact power would probably be part of that calculation 100% absolutely yeah yeah yeah yeah a Rapier like being able to like Clank off of a war Mall swing like I don't think so imagine it like took like you parried it well but yeah you're a Rapier versus a birish you still get hit for like 70% or 50% of the damage even though you blocked it just because of the power difference or whatever maybe Rapier maybe the Rapier doesn't Clash well with a lot of stuff and it has poor impact power but it recovers faster or something like that you know yes something like that yeah just some neat new ways to play you know weapon clashing and like switching stance I think could massively change the game the the weapon like changing the swing the swing thing could be a little but it sounds cool I don't know sounds like something that could be considered but I don't know I don't think that would be too bad the only difference is like you could now play both Corners with every weapon you know or like some weapons suck cuz they swing Up From The Far Side but pick left or righted yeah that wouldn't like blow up the game or anything I think that would be fun yeah I think it would make certain things more viable like trying to use this Vander in a in a certain type of hallway sucks or if you have a a wall to your right and you're getting boxed in from a team pushing you toward that wall and you have a Zander I hope you're good at the right click version of that [ __ ] weapon or the right click uh rather mechanic on that weapon because trying to swing um to from right to left is going to fail you're going to hit the wall unless you're really good at swinging her Mouse around that kind of sucks yeah I I uh I don't know what the fix is but I would be I'd be interested in them testing some like some more defensive options in melee just so you can you can kind of counter someone if they're right on top of you that'd be fun well I think that Shields is one thing that needs to be addressed like I I hate whenever I see a weapon go through my shield like my shield is is made out of tissue paper hits your head and then Bonks off The Shield or you like have a perfect you have a perfect block on your end but you just see the top of the weapon phase through the shield and still hit you and you're just like come on man come on and some of the she and some of the impact power and like if I if I lift up my my uh round shield for instance and I just take a regular mob hit from like a regular skeleton I'm [ __ ] staggering back hard and it's hard to recover from that like like it sucks that I can't fight a wraith with a round Shield one-on-one and all I get to do is block because the recovery time on blocking with the round shield and a wraith is so bad that I just have only barely enough time to raise the shield again to block his next attack that sucks like give me give me a better window so I can actually solo a wraith with a shield yeah blocking is like almost detrimental to the blocker it often it depends who you're against but like yet sometimes the other person can recover faster and just get a free shot in man it's wild yeah Wilson said blocking is rarely worth it yeah it's some some Shield builds are really fun on paper or against mobs but against other players you're only carrying that shield for some extra PDR really and some extra stats that's it you know you know what this guy just said is so good pavise needs a shield charge yes hell [ __ ] yes it does that'd be amazing I I love that idea that' be sick that's a great idea like if you hold right click to like hold it up and then you hit left click [ __ ] like run forward or something like that little shove or something sick yeah love that idea break a door just uh sure just Shield like bashes like not even like a skill like an active skill just a regular ability on a shield would Bey right click you hold right click the hold up left click just push somebody the [ __ ] off you that'd be fun that'd be that'd be cool love that idea yeah yeah doesn't even have to do damage just knocking someone back a second was great yeah this is what this is why I should never watch the DAT of Mind videos two things Drew Drew is going to have a perk it makes them not aggro all animals or all like some insects or some [ __ ] doesn't always aggro those which is kind of cool that sounds dope at least for like ruins that's a and then the other one was uh they're going there's like a lantern she it's a shield with a light and it has a a repost or whatever that like ejects a blade out of it in it dude it's like assassin's creedy dagger in the what what are you talking about what is that what do you mean it's a shield shield oh Lantern Shield I got to watch this video that's interesting but it ejects a blade like what is that and it has a light on it how is that not like the most broken thing everol you're always going to get me I'm having trouble visualizing this so it's a shield with a light and a blade that pops out of it yeah so I think it's like the repost cuz it has a damage mod on it to make it hit more interesting that sounds that sounds a little wonky but I want to see the video Yeah somebody in chat says let's buff fighter more yay I think a lot of the changes we're we're talking about aren't just for fighter like for any melee class I think you should have more options with the with your weapons like just like I think every weapon should have like some sort of defensive kind of maneuver you can do be I agree with that super hard yeah like in like in Alder ring or Dark Souls like every weapon has like a set right I think that's cool like What If eventually all weapons had a second set and you get to choose which um you know may not daggers maybe daggers don't need that I mean f you going to do with a dagger fair enough I like every sword every axe like you should have some sort of defensive maneuver like you know I [ __ ] turn my ax and hit you with the back of it or something I don't know something like that um Donnie said you needed to go at 90 minutes we're at 1 140 so let's get one last good question and uh call it give us one last good one folks what do we got what you got for us Feats well Feats the D and D thing it's almost like perk in a way it's like different thing here's just a random thing when you guys or while we're looking for a question what if smoke pot was throwable [Laughter] crazy you're hilarious of course you would bring that only if you're only going to have four three charges at least throw them sad I think that would be cool um bong throw okay nice I think smoke pods has an item would be fun like a smoke bomb sure think so as long as it doesn't as long as it doesn't do D or Trier AES there's like 11 smoke pots going off cuz a team just flopped dead make it Nerf the size of it don't make it [ __ ] like a giant ass fart cloud like it is with the Rog I'll be right back yeah like a little smoke bomb you know just like so you could get a little like little visual cover from a ranger or something a door or something yeah' be neat yeah just a little puff not a huge room filling thing like yeah yeah yeah just a little that way if you got like a ranger and you get a push like you can you might actually be able to yeah I'm going to I'm going I want to I want one Rogue thing to change they either got to make stealth when you move not be so bad or get rid of the poof when you go into stealth I'll say it it is awful it's actually like just straight up useless if people have any eyeballs looking at their monitor no smoke smoke pot effect should not make you hallucinated or drunk it should just literally be a smoke grenade like in Call of Duty in my opinion yeah yeah oh I can't see it's you're not actually smoking pot there's not pot in the thing that's being smoked that would be hilarious if they coughed and stuff we got we got sing from League of Legends just running around the dungeon [ __ ] people up sorry about that I was about to piss my pants couldn't hold it anymore that's okay all right all right let's get that one fin good question folks what do we got what do we got make it good smoke pop plus ale cross fade I like that good I think that I have to use a potion you should smash it on the ground and it makes it sound that anyone within distance can hear yeah are you like it sound like you're putting the empty bottle back in your pocket right yeah should at least clang or something maybe but only for bar because they Barbarian training done they already got it figure it out that's funny uh uh let's see here why you know says thoughts on paying the treasure any amount towards the stash space instead of paying all at once I pay as you go like I promise I'll pay the rest next week please sir yeah sure renting it from a be cool if you unlock like a road a time I see okay yeah like you can pay him like 100 gold or whatever the one thing that I really want go ahead one thing that I really wanted to say during this is like a just a small quality of life thing that should be pretty easy but it would like be just like eye opening for a lot of people man if we could have just a little search Bar for our uh inventories if I could search luck and search my half a half a stash tab of rings for ones that have luck or something that that would be huge I don't I don't understand why more people aren't super crazy about organizing their stash my [ __ ] looks like an OCD dream and every time you keep all your luck rings in the same little SP I I everything it looks beautiful my stash always looks beautiful most people just like pure [ __ ] chaos they just throw everything in I I don't know how you can even look at it without [ __ ] losing your mind I don't get it auto organiz button would be so nice trick you just don't look at it yeah I like organ organization I can't help it I've been like I want get back in there man throw the Rings in let's go you don't got to do it just do it by by item type so that way all my rings are in one area all my cloaks are one area like I've got like 50 Rings If I want one that has like true magic or something I got to Mouse through every single one of them well that's your problem all right yeah that's a dare in the Wizard problem I get it though an attribute search that makes sense it be cool to be able to just go all the other ones out and it just shows the ones that has whatever that's a that's that's good actually I like that for ql yeah just sash it by Rarity what of that I like this one how many sub classes should there be for like one class or does it vary it probably would vary right um I think to start every class should have two and then for Content updates down the road past 1.0 or whatever you have um DLC or updates or whatever the [ __ ] it is B new subass for everyone so everyone gets two Choice like you have the base class and then bam there's two talent trees pick a path which subass do you want how do you want to flavor this class and then 6 months later hey guys here's this big content update everyone is getting every class is getting a new subass introduced now you get three choices and [ __ ] like that like you don't have to give everything all at once you don't have to finalize something in one go um you should uh space things out and not deliver all the content at once kind of a thing but you also need to you also can't just give one sub class because that sucks because everyone's just going to be the same thing so you have to have some suance of choice and I think two for each class to start is great I think people would really love that and it would get a lot of mileage and then once people sort started feeling out the meta and like certain builds were being seen more and people clearly defined which subass was best you introduce a whole new [ __ ] subass and maybe you don't just half to go down one town tree completely maybe I like some things out of subass b and a so I'm going to take my handful of points I have and go hybrid but not reach the echelons of one of those sub classes which means I might miss out on a new perk or a new active ability because instead I like the passive stuff yeah I like the other stuff I think that kind of show would be cool too soed yeah yeah that' be neat see what they're going to cook up man I'm excited for the future of this game I remain very optimistic I don't know I love the game so hell yeah brother love hearing it uh Darren you're the man thank you so much for joining I think your stream is fantastic it's very chill nice little late night thing to kind of hang out with u so keep up the good work keep up the Wizardry and uh we'll have you on again sometime thank for join thanks for figuring out your your camera and [ __ ] oh yeah sorry about that last week man it's all it's all good I had a blast thanks for having me you guys rock have a great rest of your days and all that jazz hell yeah brother um Donnie J always a pleasure um you boys are beautiful good job with the SCU to sour I think uh Donnie hosting episode 69 is a great idea we should probably consider that scuffed it up again but I'll join for that one I'll just be a co-host though be we can talk about some other dark derer absolutely uh Donnie where can people find you on the internet yeah you can find me at D Donnie on Twitch with two e and then I have YouTubes with some older videos so check them out those older videos are great if only we got a new one Jay where can people find you on the internet uh Jay rff on Twitch TW uh twitch Twitter and YouTube beautiful M beautiful and Mr Wizard Darren yeah I'm Darren the wizard here on Twitch and uh YouTube as well but I've only got a few videos out right now got to start somewhere love it subscribe boys there's more coming uh probably I don't know like say the same [ __ ] there's only so many hours in the day I always end up streaming like 10 hours cuz I just have so much fun in the moment hanging out I don't want to sit like knows hours that maybe would help you make a YouTube channel I know a guy you know interesting yeah Jay's best friend in the whole world Donnie it's not me it's not me um I'm at Som on everything except YouTube it is _ soma uh you can watch this podcast there at 8:00 a.m. every Wednesday that's PT and I also upload my weekly fifth edition D and D campaign sessions up there as well had a great session last night very very fun a lot of cool RP and uh story elements were unlocked I suppose you could say and uh yeah it's really fun so check that stuff out and we will be back next week let's see here what do we got let me pull up my little dock here oh yeah May 14 we're back with a very uh awesome dude who's up and coming and sort of blowing up in the dad Community I'm sure you guys can guess who that is um but I'm not going to say the name we'll just make it a surprise next week you guys can make your own guesses um yeah be back next Tuesday the 14th at 6 p.m PT this has been episode 60 of the darkest hour till next time have a great rest of your week and enjoy the dungeons bye-bye well goodbye
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Id: K3qttwAp2d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 29sec (6629 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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