The dark side of agriculture in Ethiopia (2/2) | DW Documentary (Farming documentary)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] ha ha ha get it gonna gradually sign so they gave in so taking anniversary of a dog a very old away nobody'll know why I ever thought what if I started who doesn't go for a morning [Music] [Music] the airport in Addis Ababa Ethiopia six years ago this is where the story began on the tarmac I see white cargo planes being unloaded food aid coming into the country and at the same time food being exported out [Music] why is a famine struck country receiving food aid exporting food to the rich world to us didn't make sense returning to find out more I couldn't imagine that it was the beginning of a much bigger story [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now if I can just point out across the way here there is a neighbor of ours here he's also a local person he has no infrastructure much no machinery but what he does do is follow his crop very closely and he does everything at the right time and you see he's also got a very good crop now I'd like to show you this crop just here now the person the farmer who has this is somebody who lives in Addis Ababa not following their crop closely they're what we call an investor they come perhaps once a year to look at their crops now the result of that is that we have a lot of this weed this is called as a grass weed is called a cinder bo literally it means no bread what we need is more of the the mentality of the farmer rather than the investor people who were committed to growing crops following their crops having that competitive instinct wanting to find something which increases the production one of the things they're very keen on these people with having export crops in order to increase the foreign exchange now we haven't gone down that route I mean we do save imports its million yeah yes block a and block B they're ready now and the others are almost ready so and if you can come on Wednesday Tuesday night you come that's good and also yours good good I think that's very nice no problem with that then that's good million is she [Music] [Music] commercial farming is absolutely essential in this country as in most countries the peasant farmer is a very good farmer normally but the peasant economy is only producing food for the rural community for themselves they cannot produce enough food for the whole population nowhere near so there has to be a very strong commercial farming sector [Music] ivan has been out here for five years always working close with the community anytime you said please can I go to my crops because it's I must go always we said yes no problem I had said to the combine is please go and harvest Mohammed's crops you've got the salary and also you've had the leave when you needed it you know I know and God knows what do you think in our culture when she Mengele will become it will be divided something into a compromise yeah we have to compromise that we are mahmoud with you there appears for that case we have to lost out man yeah all our money or some of our money it's a some a trauma but she's not to be Kanaka beaten Evie who know gonzaga a mine kafon amalfi she merely kana one who go you she [Music] one of the the chief things that you have to have is a great deal of humility if you shout and demand things you will make no progress you cannot do anything without getting on with people not pretending that you're much better you know a lot more in actual fact it's largely through the goodwill and friendship of people in this area that we've managed to get to a position now where we're actually making some good progress 7774 sent I think about twenty kilos is it it has been a great puzzle for a long time why agriculture has underperformed throughout Africa really and I really wanted to be involved in the push forward to try and get more production and especially in a country where people were hungry I consider it a great privilege to have this land it is a great responsibility it's a passionate thing really having possession of land but I'm just a farmer in that way we don't want tens of thousands of hectares and shareholders we're doing this as farmers [Music] the land Ivan took over was an old state farm that hadn't been farmed for years and the wheat from his fields will be eaten by Ethiopians not exported Ivan might be the exception to the rule but it leads to give some hope in Addis things are getting even worse the government is targeting the opposition and locking up the few remaining independent journalists listen I'm a virgin that isn't Nettie gana Parishad behind the agar acumen Solomon Nassau to have a Madras the monasteries are full democracy in Kazakh who you call do not show a light tone I'm mr. savolta bizarre unit per pod person all one bone Giroux that Baraka for debate both I am Raja that Mossad the hooded person and Grandma rag is a man Wanda national Mahoney I try to contact Argo but he's impossible to find and I have to return back home [Music] [Music] just a few weeks later I see our go again now as a refugee in my hometown Berlin he's gotten a tip from a secret source the government was about to arrest a group of journalists his friends our gal warned them so they could escape but then the Ethiopian security police found out about it they gave me an ultimatum either I gave them the name of my source or I would be arrested I could not betray my source there was no other alternative than to flee the country [Music] our GAO had heard that the forced evictions in Gambia were creating a wave of refugees over the borders to South Sudan in Kenya it seems that the land investments are also causing a refugee crisis with our NGO exiled I take up the investigation returning on my own to gamble ah eye contact omote the park official we heard that Indian company was given 300,000 hectares parkland and we were saying what what is this because if it is given there will be no park anymore because then the amount of the hectares were too much at the same time and there was a new that Saudi star is to be given a land which is in the center of the park and we went again and talked with the original government we said but what is going on and they said it is already decided and they have started cultivating in the center of our park unfortunately nobody listened and I was also kicked out local people have already decided that they are going to remain slaves of these big investors because they don't have land to farm at the end they have to fail in the end of these farmers maybe do labor very low level being paid very little and you remain as a slave for this room [Music] what is that a middle [Music] and he was saying what are we going to go we live in the country to be in exile the remaining annex the ones who haven't fled are now working as day laborers on their own former land I decide to follow the trail of the people who have fled over the border to South Sudan [Music] [Music] outside the capital Juba two and a half thousand people from Gambia or stuck in a refugee camp come on I tell you I tell me to require very occasion Jay Manuel Vietnam War La Cucina Jim Watoto guitar catchin income Kanye gajini G moto topper great the premium mannequin concoction pullman wa wa milk walk with one in makutano man on PA tomorrow down upon one Terrebonne Gauri Ramana go no no no go predator HK / o Boram what can be the barrier bungo quite o color no innumerable I mean in a movie Joe can move a shutter here one Connie can we chat a album honey I wanna be ready no no no c'mon put new puro Kalika can put a premium portable increment parisian before but Jamie Paul Raymond KY jelly jam new calico pellet de Vaca program or maybe they can be editor Michelle omen average the refugees haven't given up their hope for justice they want the World Bank to recognize the harm done to them flexible introductory they're not ready well I work with an organization called inclusive development international which is working to make global development more just and we help marginalized communities whose rights have been abused in the name of development to claim those rights in the centers of power and to hold corporations and financial institutions like the World Bank accountable the Anuak are filing a complaint they want the World Bank to start an investigation and what happened to them in Gambia oh yes protection of basic services this is one of the world's biggest aid projects the World Bank has provided billions of dollars to the Ethiopian government this project has a good purpose to fight poverty in Ethiopia but the government of Ethiopia decided that in Shambala the way that they wanted to distribute basic services is by forcibly moving people into new villages it was possible that some of the money being provided by the World Bank who was being used directly for the implementation of villages ation including for serious human rights abuses why what to look at okay no more no more no more one [Music] I believe that with some hard work and advocacy we we can get the World Bank to be accountable for what it's done it's a bit difficult for me to say but I mean I wouldn't have I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe that that this was worth it was the World Bank listen to the annuit people what happens if they don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I enrolled in the refugee program and as a refugee and first I came to New York then just recently I came to the city you know once I couldn't find the way back to home he knows as much of a laughable thing and it feels funny you know once you lost even though I remember last time I tell you know I rotate in the same place four or five times and it's not it's not good [Music] I'm very much aware that I'm extremely lucky I'm safe and I even have got a job many of my colleagues are in prison or stuck in a traffic jam all the same I still feel a deep sense of loss some associate associate with cheated on the fool you can be like me photographers looking for a good marriage a tomorrow true at the digital channels Obama say Obama tomorrow tomorrow element Gannett Kirk Godel written a story Campbell among ethnic violence has broken out in Shambala the reports is also mentioning that the big farm has been attacked and that several workers were killed frustrated young and walk can't hold their anger back they attacked the foreign farms and anyone else they associate with the regime guilty or not [Music] gamm Bella of those days cannot be compared with today's I used to compare it with the Garden of Eden but now it is like a dream to me things have changed an attack took place on Saudi star and it was evening when people are coming out from the work to Pakistanis and 3 to pian were killed so due to this the government sent a lot of troops to convey LA and after arresting many people now the next step was last week to start arresting people which many friends good friends of mine came from me from the government and say you are going to be arrested so instead of waiting to be arrested go somewhere for a while because this government whether you are right you have done nothing they cannot ask you they start with beating you torturing you then when your case is suspected and you are free you're nothing you're dead nothing you are released with a lot of wouldn't inside and that's why I decided to move from my place to hide myself because of the fear of the threat I don't fear arresting I fear torture [Music] I'm not really that keen on returning to Gambia but if I can prove that the land investments are inciting violence there's a good reason to go there I just have to [Music] the Saudi star farm has now turned into a military camp the workers are escorted to the rice fields by heavily armed guards what was this hill made for this this hill is made for forest for taking a clear view Oliver this displace or security it is very nice here people can come here enjoy the view here the sunset from here it's so beautiful why do you need so much security e mr u taargus told me before that you had a problem with terrorists yes that's right few guys there were army and they danger does danger to kill the few guys so we don't want that to happen again for that reason we have a security here after the attack on the farm the Ethiopian army sought revenge on the remaining and walk in the area give me immunity and dr. Tang Booga Maricopa do it to Nia giving the wire we can Anita beginning and can avoid the JB actually no peeping Nutella on Anita don't don't don't no mama we cannot go bobbing gil-dong don't and even their can actually go goofy well it'd be well no big day [Music] and even here cowboy here we have the loom to Calcutta right when I need an economy generate the community dark onion Cora no car cut you're gonna turn out to an hour cartoon and you can adjust the Nikita economy gnyana Jadhav a year to Nanami new character named corny by the commando 2 ponyo Cara genuine cargo an enemy Ronnie and okanagan croire no kakera Jamie Muro Muro an eternal alma mater to Takara by convoy [Music] just a few years after the foreign investors first came to gun Bella the region is slipping into chaos and violence the anger of the locals is turning into violent retaliation the government responds by sending more troops in violence is breeding violence I wanted to read you a short summary it takes months but the World Bank finally reacts the complaints filed by the refugees leads to an internal investigation the research team sent Ethiopia needs a translator with local knowledge of gambelli and they asked almost all mode feels obliged to help the truth get out and so he accepts returning to Gambia despite his fears a dead donkey cannot fear Mena because it is already dead so this is where we are [Music] a year later the World Bank's report is finally getting ready the annual revenues in the camps are mobilizing and so this is a very important time for you to try to influence the World Bank it is very important that they hear your voice and that is the reason why I've come back because I want to collect your messages and take them to Washington to deliver to the bank's board of directors megumi-chan Hashanah capital will bank I'm you ain't gettin old didn't wanna teach buggy G maken didn't wanna wanna walking one money ago kappa they will bomb let's afford monte organic form a tokyo no VA I know you Lydia but you know yeah let's go girl Anna dhaan come okay no dog no more daddy kill car color hair color epoch of our new ruler little Jack we are particularly against foreign investment in our land without consultation of the villages with our compensation of the land they destroy our history our identity our beginning learn to our people history it's not our will our to put them to be there we have not been consulted we did not pay any compensation and we are known in exile corner acquire Jordan Bank numero one loom kimono top kini mega maaan una loca per Apple a mano a womano quieter pain can you make one local you get pain cream Molly pink actually kept our negative chili pepper drew drew Marwa no I know a better way about being a better man today the tuna could depend but pink is Monica peir Minimoog Guinea tell em I didn't get oily German mucho painting umbrella or I could throw up will appear people by knocking like that catch any nigahiga pain only knew walking no more I understood learn the more an opinion be to make a bit of an island media Mogami nano 101 new New Madrid an angel embankment open he came but como caterpillar Kelly then the buddha-dharma Walker Padma kanima oh won't you go up in me no more a poor Italian women no agreement organically Sano I failed again can my agent when I didn't know you are gay pepper and on Monday was drawn run muncher bacon opinion aboard but I drew be attaching different do I hear boom but I draw a bunny [Music] [Music] [Music] at the World Bank's annual meeting the top management is gathering [Music] the bank has overriding goals which as you know are to end poverty and promote shared prosperity and the purpose of the safeguard policies is to make sure that for every project that we have we look at that project from the perspective environmental and social issues if there are any adverse impacts that could possibly arise then we have to characterize those and we have to address those the one thing it's supposed to be consultation of the people that why we are here and I would like you to look at hearts and civil societies we are not again it's you guys we are not against the development but we are again is when the sis is done to harm other people the country where I come from an Ethiopian the government claimed at the window 99.9% in a country like that do you think that this consultation so now when we are talking about giving a safeguard to other people what about those countries who don't even acknowledge the safeguard of their own people in Ethiopia wallbang consider helping the people is hurting the people instead of creating food security causing food insecurity so let impasse in a human right in the human dignity rather than those people that we will have the people thank you well there's always a there's always a price to development the issue is to understand what that is and there are in theory winners and losers and all projects our challenge is our desire is to make sure that you know there are mostly winners and very few losers [Music] when the banks report is released it does admit a connection between the development program and the forced evictions but nevertheless it says it's not the bank's fault but the local people lost their land the claims from the annual are not recognized [Music] look you know there are there are a lot of good people that work for the World Bank trying to do the right thing with them you know there are the decision makers and they're completely removed from the people on the ground who are impacted by the decisions that they make and the decisions that they make about dollars and cents and maintaining cozy relationships with governments who are their their clients we all share a common vision of a social inclusive environmentally sustainable world protecting the environment and the world's poorest and most vulnerable people in our projects these are key elements in this vision kalupia give me here the car park of our animal play the Purdue miracle Lumina can attend a local walkathon fifteen million people have been displaced throughout the world and most of the case the funding has been given by the World Bank they've been displaced in the name of the developments and most of the case these are the most vulnerable it's absurd that international financial institutions like the World Bank are immune from any type of legal accountability you can't sue the World Bank in a court of law even if the World Bank is responsible for grabbing your land and destroying your home it's also very difficult to hold corporations legally accountable that needs to change [Music] what we need is more of the the mentality of the farmer rather than the investor the idea of foreign investors come here in acquiring land clearing people off the land it probably isn't the best development model yes it may produce higher amounts of food but I think if you look at the countries which have achieved more sustainable broad-based equitable growth they tended to do it based on small-scale farmers the huge firm that come here big companies taking hundreds of thousands of hectare and the effect is that local people are displaced and their entire culture is disturbed altogether I'd much rather see a more cautious approach and farming on a more human scale the camp will expand the capacity will expand terrorising in there will expand that side this jungle will be will be cleared and will be used for the camp expansion tomorrow will expand everything here in Oconee no Tory manifesto meant Oh nope I'm Mara give America when I know I can I can be a Pokemon burden arrangement running it a party no furniture after six years my story's coming to an end across the street from my hotel omote the former park official is held in the notorious kolento prison just a few weeks after the World Bank rejected the annex claim on what was arrested and charged under the terrorist law he's now facing 14 years to life meanwhile the country is on fire tens of thousands of Ethiopians are taking to the streets demanding freedom and the rights to their land [Music] the first time I came here three million Ethiopians needed food aid for their survival since then more than a million people have lost their livelihood when their land was taken for the foreign investors at the same time the export of food has increased steadily [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DW Documentary
Views: 100,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, farm land, agriculture, farmland, farming, arable farming, farmer, environment, nature, Ethiopia, Dead Donkeys Fear No Hyenas, Africa, forced relocation, World Bank, European Union, EU, dead donkeys fear no hyenas, farming documentary, farmland documentary, business, farming industry, agriculture documentary, DW, Deutsche Welle, documentaries, full documentary, farmland in africa, dw documentary, agriculture africa
Id: Igk5NHH-qJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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