The Dark Knight Trilogy

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[Music] people need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne [Music] if you make yourself more than just a man if you devote yourself to an ideal you become something else and [Music] ding let you sh a St you really started something red cops Running Scared and Hope on the streets youve changed things forever There's No Going Back the idea was to be a symol Batman can be anybody for bro don't be afraid it's [Music] okay what are you seeking means to fight Injustice your parents death was not your fault it was your father's a man had a gun did that stop you I've had training the training is nothing the will is everything the will to act I'm going to show the people of Gotham their City doesn't belong to the criminals and the [Music] corrupt you're a good cop one of the few you're just one man now we're two Bruce we were gone a long time what's that oh you wouldn't be interested in that white B pass the way that's frightened me this time my enemies shared my dread so what do you think does it come in Black what the hell are you I'm Batman I got to get me one of those who are you guy dresses up like a bat clearly has issues where are you here you are my greatest student Gotham isn't Beyond saving give me more time no one can save Gotham why do we fce him so do we could learn to pick ourselves up still hav given up on me never he's here who the Batman Mar Gotham terar that's apart through fear CR no scared it's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me Bruce it ends here if you finally learn to do what is necessary I won't kill you but I don't have to save [Music] you good evening ladies and [Music] gentlemen some men aren't looking for anything logical they can't be bought bullied reasoned or negotiated with some men just want to watch the world burn and here we go starting tonight people will die I'm a man of my word where is he tell me what you know about the Joker why so serious [Music] you wanted me here I am now that's a more like it Mr Wayne the night is dark as just before the dawn I promise you the dawn is coming you have nothing nothing to threaten me I was meant to inspire good not Madness not death I've got to find this man lucious at what cost hello Jim The Joker went it took the best of his in TN down what did you do I took Gotham's white night and I brought him down to our level we decided to act we three then why was it me who was the only one who lost everything it was a you thought we could be decent man in an indecent time you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain I believed in har and it will be a very long time before someone inspires us the way he did going in go go why is he running dad he didn't do anything wrong that's the point of Batman he can be the outcast he can make the choice no one else can make to them you're just a freak like me they need you right now when they [Music] don't they'll cast you out you see only one end to your journey you're not Batman anymore maybe it's time we all stop trying to outsmart the truth and let it have its day I don't know what why you took the fall for dense murder but I'm still a believer in the Batman even if you're [Music] not why would you run maybe it's not you I'm running from B you should be as afraid of him as I am you made a serious mistake not as serious as yours aser Mr Wayne Gotham take control of your city this this is the instrument of your Liberation I am the League of Shadows I'm here to fulfill Raza 's Destiny we will destroy gosip and then when it is done then I will break you when goam is ashes you have M to to die did they kill him I'm not sure Bruce why do we [Music] fall sometimes a man rises from the darkness sometimes the pit sends something back you don't owe these people anymore you've given them everything not everything thing oh yeah I broke you I have you come back my father work is [Music] [Music] done it is a fall far better thing that I do than I have ever done it is a far far better rest that I go to than I have ever known people need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne Master way will you come me back to goam for longson as long as it takes no one's ever going to know who saved an entire city they know he's a silent Guardian a watchful protector a dark KN was the [Music] Batman I never said thank you and you'll never have to as a man I'm Flesh and Blood I can be ignored I can be destroyed but is a symbol there a symbol like a being [Music] incorruptible I can be Everlasting what simple
Channel: themanbatman
Views: 1,218,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Dark Knight (Award-Winning Work), Batman Begins (Award-Winning Work), The Dark Knight Rises (Award-Winning Work), Christopher Nolan (Film Director), Christian Bale (Celebrity), Batman (Comic Book Character)
Id: ci6mwf6IPDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2015
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