The danger of pride - Derek Prince

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oh let me stop for a moment and see if you can pass your examination I don't be frightened if if you don't agree with me you can still go to heaven but what is the one particular word or aspect of conduct or character that is singled out all the way through is that which ultimately provokes God's wrath pride that's right God has been dealing with me personally on the subject of pride for nearly two years I think maybe I should share this personally before we go any further in 1990 November Ruth and I took what was to have been a six-month sabbatical in Hawaii we went to seek the Lord for his plan for our future and we envisaged a nice relaxed time in this beautiful setting reading the Bible and praying and having fellowship with other Christians and it didn't work out that way at all it was an extremely difficult time for many reasons I became seriously ill with a disease that could have killed me and Ruth was left looking after a husband who had no strength at all and part from that gone persistently dealt with us I mean I've seen God deal with my wife who is a real saintly woman and I've seen God say and do things to her that I wouldn't have dared to say not because I'm afraid of her that simply because I wouldn't have the strength to do it and I'm not going to lay bare any of her secrets but for about six months in fact we had to prolong our sabbatical because we hadn't arrived at the conclusion at the end of six months gone relentlessly and remorselessly dealt with us he was always kind and always patient never condemned Natori but he lay bare one thing after another in our lives which he insisted that we change and of all the things that he dealt with the one that was most that was central to everything was pride and you know there's various ways of dealing with Prague roulette me tell you one good way that we learned that is to confess your sins I think that's become old-fashioned you know the church today we don't confess our sins but the Bible says confess your sins one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed now the King James Version for some reason says confess your faults I think maybe they were afraid of being too close to the Roman Catholics but the word in greek is sins it's just the same word that's used for sin all through the New Testament confess your sins one to another and you know it's very hard to stay proud when you're confessing your sins you try it let me recommend it to you especially for a husband to confess his sins to his wife I mean if there is one thing that a husband doesn't want to do so that's it but I'm glad that I had a wife to confess my sins to I'm glad she listened so patiently she confessed sins to me too what I'm saying is I have a totally different view of pride from what I had that's one thing I'm afraid of it's being proud I don't claim that I've achieved that and when I see Christians especially ministers you demonstrate manifest pride I trim I really do see it seems to me that in the church today you can get away with product it's not considered simple in fact it's almost considered something to be emulated Bobby you know a lot of people say pride goes before a fall that's not true says pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before I don't want to end up in destruction I'm speaking to you out of personal experience and please don't imagine that I think I have achieved it but I will say I'm a very different person from what I was doing obviously and I am continually amazed that God has been so patient with me I am literally amazed that he would tolerate things in me so long you
Channel: Derek Prince Ministries Nederland
Views: 81,321
Rating: 4.9367208 out of 5
Keywords: Derek Prince
Id: mu-wITblq50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2016
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