The Dalles City Council 5-9-22

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no church [Music] video let's avoid that word up here recording in progress uh well my phone is showing 5 30 and this is the regular city council meeting in may 9 2022 um i'm going to call this meeting to order may we have a roll call of the council councillor long here council richardson president councilor mclaughlin who is serving as president of the chamber or the chamber of the council tonight and the mayor is absent all right um well i've asked councilman uh randall scott randall to say uh the pledge tonight go ahead i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and through the republic for which it stands on one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all a little digital delay uh we go into since there's no presentations or proclamations tonight we'll go into number six audience participation during this portion of the meeting yes sorry oh yeah let's go back and pick that up please i bypassed number four which is the approval of the agenda everyone has had a chance to look at the agenda do we have a motion i'll move to approve the agenda with the supplemental agenda adding item 9 to the consent agenda the resolution number 22-019 accepting the appointment of mayor mays to the house bill 4123 advisory committee thank you we have a motion as admitted as in the ended uh do we have a second second any discussion all in favor of accepting the motion say aye aye anyone opposed now we go past the presentation proclamations and go to audience participation during this portion of the meeting anyone may speak on any subject which does not later appear on the agenda up to five minutes per person will be allowed citizens are encouraged to ask questions with the understanding that the city can either answer the question tonight or refer that question to the appropriate staff member who will give back to you within a reasonable amount of time if a response by the city is requested the speaker will be referred to the city manager daniel hunter for further action the issue may appear on future meeting agendas for city council consideration do we have anyone that would like to speak um yes sir would you uh come on up to the microphone state your name and your address pull that mic closer to you my name is patrick gilbert we got well turn it on on the button on the end okay my name is patrick wilburn i reside at 1112 penton street the dalles oregon i would like to address the esteemed members of the city council the reason why i am here today is not only a citizen of the dalles i'm representing the oregon military order of purple heart i am the junior vice commander for the military order purple heart in the state of oregon the proposal that i am sending to you guys today is to make the city of the dallas a purple heart city um this is at no cost to a city or a county entity what this is for is to show the veterans not only of wasco county and the city of the dalles that they show their contribution to their not only a service but to some of them that have lost their lives in battle and gave us the highest honor that they probably do to this to our government he said it's at no cost to the government the military order of purple heart provides all the signs provides all the everything um just need to make sure to see whether the city would like to have a proposal and be a purple heart city this is a mission that i have taken on as a newly appointed junior department commander um and i'm hopefully going to bring it to more cities and the rest of the 36 counties in the state of oregon thank you for hearing me today and thank you very much any questions he's provided material to isaiah that will come back in the form of a proclamation but not for another for another meeting what kind of signage patrick um so the signage is provided by um the roads it's working in correlation with the roads department and the purple heart trail so it's a subsidiary of the military order a purple heart um that wants to advocate and show um so that basically it's it's an official sign that both that all states have agreed upon i have a example right here now depending on how how of anybody wants it there's a couple different examples of it it'll say you know purple heart city will either say the dalles or whatever area you'd like to put on it they're either white they're purple but they're usually no bigger than by 12 i believe they can be requested to be bigger upon the department if you guys would like to display it bigger but they do have some standardized um signage that they do use thanks any other questions thank you very much thank you i don't know if patrick mentioned it or not but he is a purple heart recipient yes i am also a purple heart moscow county veteran service thank you guys thank you thank you all right um mr arrogance would you like to present sure [Music] pull that mic over [Music] of course uh good evening council members i'm here i'm here in uh you're representing the uh committee uh and uh i sent an email to everybody all council members uh this weekend and i didn't know if everyone had an opportunity to see that or not um i have a copy of it with me i've included a copy in that packet i've given you in lieu of saving time we wouldn't necessarily need to read that email but um basically i'm here to uh to address some concern regarding the proposed budget that was approved for the fort bell's fourth um and how it was slashed back like i said i could get into the email but basically what had happened is it was uh 25 under or 25 000 proposed budget that uh i was under the impression through a goodwill from julie krueger that was going to be approved um i was never at any point anybody from the committee asked to uh that it was important that i uh come to a budget meeting or even requested that it would be a good idea to come to a budget meeting and that didn't happen i also submitted the submitted a p l to julie that apparently didn't arrive to the budget meeting either um the biggest thing i wanted to include in that email or in that packet really is the fort dallas fourth committee everybody that's on the committee and their contact info at that budget meeting it was implied that uh that we weren't being upfront and honest about uh our financial like no honest should i say honest i should say more upfront than willing to reveal uh our monies and where we're at and that is not true we have like a set of pnl into quickbooks that more than willing to share with council and actually i would like an opportunity at some point that he could address the council individually or as a group to discuss the matter and uh we're just looking for a good event more than willing to share all the financial and uh make sure that we're as honest and transparent with our funding uh you know with this get the city's help you know we've had great support through the committee for the committee but through the through the residents and through uh businesses and it's just an event that can't be pulled off without the city's uh city's support as well so um yes i guess that's really all i need to tell you like i said i'm i'm uh interested to meet with all of you individually or as a group over what we proposed and what uh what we'd like to accomplish with this event and how important that uh fully budgeted amount is for us anybody have any questions or i know this isn't the time or the place for you to come up with any kind of uh solutions to our problem you know but like i said i just want to be open and honest about it the whole the whole committee does questions yes well i'll just make a comment um so i appreciate this information and i think that um obviously we had a transition with our city manager who talked to you transitioning out prior to the budget meeting and i think if julie had still been here she could have given us this information and let us know that you had provided it and that would have made a difference um you know for me um i don't know i mean the budget isn't final because the city council has to vote on it and so we still have time to figure out what we want to do as a council whether it's keep it the same or add some money back in for you so i just i just wanted to clarify that because like you said you did present it and we just didn't get it other questions i have several uh one uh so what you're doing is you're requesting fifteen 000 to be reinstated mainly because you've signed a contract for the fireworks that it's upcoming this year correct and that's all in that email that i presented to you that yeah yes so we signed a contract for fifty thousand dollars uh under the assumption that we were raising the 25 and the city would participate in the other 25 000. all right so i think we'll direct this to the incoming city manager um because uh matthew and i have spoken and he's fully aware of your commitment and we're willing to sit down and not negotiate but we'll listen to your request for 15 000 to reinstate so that the fireworks could go ahead okay so and like in that packet there is both uh both my uh my correspondence with julie on not only this year's event but last year's event that kind of shows you uh her her confidence that things would happen and and in no way in that did she ever ask me to propose that so sometimes things like this do happen especially in transitions sure sure what our intent is to come back to fair and we don't want to leave you in a lurch so um what we'll do is we'll we accept your request and we'll process it and uh get back to you sure appreciate it thank you thank you man all right any other uh audience participation here's your opportunity you have five minutes yes please come forward and if you would state your name and your address steve timmons 1527 east 18th street and i'm primarily here just to reiterate and support what matt said i am a new committee member on the fort dowells fireworks and i'm pretty meticulous about being on other committees how money is spent especially when it's benefiting the community very confident and can tell you that none of it is going anywhere except towards the fireworks um for the past several years we've had many family members we've had visitors come to our home to watch the fireworks and three years ago after that point our business decided to contribute to be a primary sponsor in this it brings fabulous opportunity to our community and i do think there was miscommunication that occurred through this um i guess just adding to this i think it would be helpful what the city's intention is not only this year and hopefully you would reinstate that fifteen thousand but also for future years so that we as a committee can determine you know what our responsibility is and what we need to do i'm primarily just here to support matt and the whole committee thank you all right anyone else right hearing or seeing none we'll go ahead and move on finished let's go to city manager report thank you just a reminder to counsel we've got a new police officer he starts on thursday but we'll be swearing in at 1 p.m on friday canyon reams is his name 1 o'clock friday police department i want to come to the swearing-in i have two other items that were part of an approved funding from safe funds and that was the camera system that was installed police department and some on city hall and that was originally approved at thirty six thousand one hundred eighty five dollars and the total cost came in at forty thousand seven seventy eight and the other piece of that is we had a approved request for 14 400 for uh new vests and carriers for police officers and the total cost on that came in at 18 500. so i just wanted to make sure council was comfortable with increasing those amounts the numbers or the contractors have already been paid on the camera system but the vest have not yet yet been ordered both of these increases will result in about 5000 remaining in that budget line and i have no anticipation of further expenditures on that this year and that's my report thank you uh council member reports darcy long would you like to begin sure um what's the total daniel uh above and what we were expecting on those two items so on the on the camera system it's going to be uh four thousand six hundred dollars more and on the best it will be four thousand one hundred dollars more this would just increase the line items and the budget that we have already considered for the coming fiscal year now this is for deductions to the safety uh line item and council's budget ah thank you all right my question always do we have the money to cover this all right that's the important question so what is your pleasure let's make a motion or do we need emotion do we need consensus uh what's a consensus uh yeah counselor randall what's your i agree all right i i also agree all right so excuse me it's a consensus of the city council that we approve the request is there anything else before i move on all right let's go on now to city council reports so in the last couple of weeks i met with the dalles main street and talked to them about some proposals they have for the next year i also attended the budget meetings the same as all the other counselors and that lasted three nights this year and the recommendation for the budget is coming forward to city council so if you're not familiar with the process that means it will come before city council at um future day i'm not sure exactly which june 13th and then council will vote on it or make changes before we vote on it at that time and that is my report i'm going to pass on a report tonight and i move to my left counselor richardson same as all the other counselors i think um much reading and discussion and meetings on the budget in the last couple weeks all right and runya budget committee of course uh attended the ribbon cutting for dirt hugger out to the west end of town now part of our community and taxpayer now in the city limits i don't know if they are still going to have their facility across the river for the production part or not let's cross the commercial and the the dalles will be yeah and don hurt left the community of the dalles after uh 24 and a half years and i attended that uh little get-together out at casa el meridor good time was had by all and wish her well she's still in town working from home she'll travel to eastern oregon as the eastern oregon lcdc representative periodically but most of her work will be done right here so we haven't lost her as a citizen we've just had her seen her get a promotion to the state of oregon and then today the mid columbia veterans memorial committee met and following that had the conversation with patrick that brought him here tonight and i can't wait to move forward on his request that's it councilman randall thank you congressman mclaughlin or should i call you president mclaughlin other than the budget committee on april 29th the historic landmarks commission approved two separate requests for modifications and restoration work to buildings on 2nd street and 4th street and that's all i have all right thank you yes i'm sorry i forgot that i was going to mention something i forgot at the last meeting actually um we talked a lot about cherry festival and i think i realized after i went home that um we actually didn't acknowledge that the dallas chamber of commerce puts that on with their small staff and so i just wanted to make sure that everybody knows that that big event is actually a big fundraiser for the chamber their main one of the year and they also put that entire thing on so we didn't mention that but thanks lisa i'm a 49-year resident of the dallas and i participate participated in just about every cherry festival either as a participant or observing and it was by far one of the best well-attended cherry festivals that i've seen in close to 50 years so it was a good job and a good time for all we'll continue those efforts won't we all right yes i agree with you all right we are now up to the consent agenda number nine uh items of routine and non-controversial nature are placed on the consent agenda to follow the city council to spend its time and energy on important items and issues any counselor may request an item be pulled from the consent agenda and be considered separately items pulled from the consent agenda will be placed on the agenda at the end of the action items section and on the consent agenda tonight a approval of the april 11 2022 regular city council meetings b approval of the april 25th 2022 regular city council meetings and see resolution number 22-018 adopting the city of the dallas accrued sick leave payout policy md resolution number 22-019 which which i don't have in front of me supplement supplemental okay here it is all right accepting the appointment of mermaids to the hb 4123 advisory committee all right we have we have a motion mr president i would move that we would accept the consent agenda as amended let's present it as presented thank you for a second we have a second we have a motion any other discussion on this item not hearing any um all in favor say aye aye all right we'll move on to number 10 contract review board actions number eight contract number 20 22-0 singing drive stabilization phase three okay you're up needing members of the council uh this project is for completing the final 265 feet of the 1070 feet total soldier pile retaining wall system that we were installing for the east scenic drive stabilization project back in 2015 we completed the first phase of that project then in 2019 we completed the second phase and again this will be completing the last phase of the installation of the soldier pile retaining wall system we will then after completion of this project we'll be looking at starting funding for the fourth and final phase of the project which will happen in a couple years that fourth and final phase will be um for reconstructing the entire roadway segment and cross-section from jefferson street to esther way that project will consist of rebuilding the roadway putting a new surface on installing new curb gutter and sidewalk on both the north and the south sides of the street and then installing a sidewalk on the south side of the street and then a small little portion of sidewalk on the north side of the street down by esther way but again that'll happen after this project's over and in a couple years from now for this project we had a bid opening and on april 21st we received two bids for this project uh crestline construction uh submitted the low bid at 547 thousand and seven dollars they were actually the contractor that did both the first phase and the second phase so now they have the low bid for the third phase our we reviewed the bids and all the bids or their bids uh were deemed complete we had a engineer's estimate for that project for the amount of 568 375 dollars and then for the budget we had the city had budgeted 564 940 dollars and that was out of street fund 13 line code 7510 so the low bid for this project from crestline construction came both under our budgeted amount and under the engineer's estimate so that was good news compared to the way budgets and some of the projects have been coming in recently so with that staff recommends that the city authorize the city manager to enter into contract with crestline construction for the east scenic drive stabilization phase three project contract number 2022-006 an amount not to exceed 547 thousand and seven dollars do we have any questions from mr mccabe anyone i have one okay go ahead please just simply what's a soldier pile retaining wall it's a retaining wall where they they um pile drive uh like i-beams into the ground and then they'll have like a board system that goes and puts the walls in between those um piles that have been driven into the ground um and it creates that retaining wall system yeah thanks any other questions mr randall any questions no okay so um we uh may i have a motion on the floor please i'll make the motion to authorize the city manager to enter into contract with crestline construction for the ec drive stabilization phase 3 project contract number 2022-006 in an amount not to exceed 547 thousand seven dollars is there a second i'll second that right we have a motion and a second on the floor any other discussion uh then we'll take a vote all in favor say aye aye all right we're moving on to 10 10 b thank you very much uh contract number the 2022.005. river pipeline replacement timber removal mr anderson thank you honorable mayor members of council first i want to draw your attention just real quick on the issue title tonight it's actually will be contract number 2021-005 i think the agenda says 2022. and with that one of the elements of the dog river pipeline replacement project is removal of the timber along the pipeline corridor and in the needed staging areas to clear room for construction of the pipeline beginning this year in april of last year the city awarded a contract to ye's timber services to serve as the city's timber management consultant for this element of the project since then y east has worked with the city staff coordinated with jacobs engineering who's the design engineer for the project at the u.s forest service to develop an rfp or request for proposals for this contract to provide the needed timber removal services sales services will include the cutting and removal of trees and down wood from the pipeline corridor the construction age staging areas and the logging decks the decking of the logs that are created and the processing of slash that'll later be disposed of by the forest service i want to point out that there won't be any gener excuse me any revenue generated for the city because this is timber that's owned by the forest service that we are just cutting it and decking it for them to sell later by their own means we developed this solicitation as an rfp rather than a straight low bid price because we wanted to ensure that we've selected a contractor that had an understanding of the project design criteria established by the forest service they had we wanted a contract that had the technical capability and the capacity to complete the work and then do so in the timeline that we needed the work to be done with and that they had enough of an understanding to be able to do the working compliance with all the permits have been issued for this project we scored the proposals that were received by using staff from both y east and city staff and the scoring was 55 percent of the points were allowed for the evaluation criteria and 45 of those points were based on price we received two bid excuse me two proposals in the uh opening on april 26th all four reviewers were unanimous in their rankings and the proposal from bounds excavation scored as being the best proposal received it was also the lowest cost proposal coming in at 469 650 within fund 53 the water reserve fund allocated 11 million 201 726 dollars for the dog river pipeline in the current fiscal year for those who are keeping track this is a slightly larger number than i mentioned in the last staff report and that's because in the last report i forgot to account for the funds that have been added through a supplemental budget to the available budget for this project the current budget had been allocated for five hundred thousand dollars or the project budget had been allocated five hundred thousand dollars for this work so there are adequate funds available for this project with that it's staff's recommendation that the city council moved to authorize a city manager to enter into contract with bounds excavation and an amount not to exceed 469 thousand six hundred fifty dollars for contract number 2021-005 the dog river pipeline replacement timber removal contract very much all right questions any questions of mr anderson go ahead i've just noticed saying at least on this one there's three zeros after the period so maybe just strike one of those myself and uh it's on that side of the decimal it doesn't affect the price heading i don't want anybody to think it's 469 million okay other questions yes dave would you remind us what approximate round numbers or or figures what's the scale of the timber removal how long of a corridor are we talking about so we're talking corridor that's three and a half miles long we're going to be utilizing a an existing forest service dirt uh road for as much of that corridor as we can to reduce the footprint of the project uh the quarter that we're allowed to clear where we're going through standing timber is 25 feet wide so three and a half miles long 25 feet wide and they can't drop it across the pipeline presumably the one of the benefits of moving most of the project into the road is it gets us away from the existing pipeline and helps protect it to remain in service while we're doing the project yeah appreciate it a timber that's down um is there a potential of any value of that timber also the downwood will doesn't have value um you know even standing timber if it's killed in a fire only has merchantable value for about one year that's why you gotta move in if you're gonna do a salvage sale really quickly other questions mr randall none okay excellent move on um well i'll take a motion on the floor as we've uh asked our questions any motion i will i will move to authorizes city manager to enter into contract with bounds excavation in an amount not to exceed 469 650 dollars for contract number 2021-005 the dog river pipeline replacement timber removal contract do i hear a second i'll second that good council randall second all right any other further discussion and let's pull it for a vote all in favor say aye aye opposed motion carries thank you all right we are now moving into executive session the city council of the dalles will now meet an executive session pursuant to ors 192.66602 a which allows the council to lead an executive session to cover the employment of a public officer employed staff member or individual agent representative of the news media and designated staff shall be allowed to attend the executive session all other members of the audience are asked to leave the room representatives of the news media are specifically directed not to report on or otherwise disclose any of the deliberations or anything said about these subjects during the executive session except to state the general subject of the session as previously announced no decision may be made in executive session at the end of executive session we will return to open session and welcome the audience back into the room all right you
Channel: Columbia Community Connection
Views: 17
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Dalles, City Council, Wasco County, Oregon, Local Government
Id: NTwz7HAL90k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 33sec (3033 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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