The Dalai Lama - Capitalism, Socialism, and Income Inequality

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fora tv' the world is thinking and your comment before about socialism the strength of Marxism is even distribution the strength of capitalism is more production of important goods how do you choose between these either capitalist country I think unlike 18th century 19th century early part of the century regulation and also I think all of law I think much involved when coal masses they invented is that theory a condition of the worker at that time in Europe I think now much different I think much changed so therefore the same word capitalism I think the reality I think much changed so meantime I think one one important thing I want to share that is gap written for in this country the richest country I think the highest consuming grey energy like that or oil but within this country one time in Washington one public sort of meeting I share this they richest countries capital Washington here also this abrupt what were suburbs around Oh the pockets in Washington for people but we really did african-americans yeah very poor they sometimes I had the opportunity meeting some of the sort of the African native about their sort of life then their condition seems difficult very poor so this is again not only morally wrong but practically also source of problem more gap and poor a section of the people jealousy frustration and resentment that transform violence or anger violence they then whole society whole community so answer peace no not not peaceful or unsafe so women a global level did get rich in the poor and national level also reason for I think we have true addresses in this problem very very seriously so one time in India one wealthy family came to see me and asked me some kind of blessing then I told them I have nothing to bless nothing blessing must come food within Buddhist viewpoint and then also I told them you have the source of blessing you are wealthy family now part of your money should spend to as a help in the form of education mainly education not just giving money but education and training and health to those in Bombay area was a slum sorry slums you see many poor people there so make that make contribution and stop some work yeah it's the real source of blessing then you get real blessing I told them I don't I brought that family so many occasion I never used this subject you to come I already see sharing now the poorest section people instead of frustration what heart put put put her today effort for education training and with self confidence the richest site provide equipment facilities so that's the way to reduce this gap not some of the socialist follow the reforms or orcid a practice that sometimes you see create lot of difficulties lot of hatred among the people but through compassionate way through sense of community but Murray know and sharing I the firm from the regicide compassionately help them provide them material through deadly provide self-confidence they are sight more hard work with self-confidence so that's I think very very important so now system not much sort of I she did important now for example China people row to China still socialist country but rich and poor gap immense and the coastal area down wealthy families many stories like that and the interval was integrate novice monk Vidya Oh stir this is many put women down so so down for ya the system still social system and Chinese government always proud to say we are socialists but the reality known but one one might use offend or really Nobel laureate purse and very I can't I do not want to mention his name but very well respected sort of person and he also so versity usually you say have grapes of admiration about people's proper China now recently I met one occasion you know I asked about this which people spoke with China he's socialist so then he told me China no longer socialist but chemist or totalitarian and capitalist he mentioned that I think it is very true so therefore sometimes I joke he leaves a telling people now today people probably China is something very very wonderful that is communist the Communist Party led by communist party without a communist ideology so so like that so the system on paper not much important important is society people yourself they should act according the oneness of humanity and sense of global responsibility sense of community that's important [Music] you [Music]
Views: 173,344
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Keywords: rich, poor, buddha, buddhism, buddhists, wealth, wealthy, capitalism, socialism, capitalists, socialists, money, china, chinese, carl, marx, marxism, marxist, mao, maoist, charity,, foratv, fora, tv
Id: Y3wHx4NLHzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 10 2008
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