The Daily Wire’s TERRIBLE Anti-Woke Cartoon

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all right guys in my 133% female audience it's time to take a lesson in owning the ls but I'm not going to be the one teaching you this lesson instead we're going to learn everything we need to know from this edgy new adult cartoon that they don't want you to see whoever they is Mr beram is the newest in a long string of poor Family Guy imitators with the only thing making it stand apart from the rest being the context it was released in see instead of finding this fine program on television or on one of the main streaming service like Netflix or Max to watch Mr buram you have to head on over to the streaming service I just discovered existed the de wire plus I don't know much about the D wire but I can recite every line of the cut scenes in Sonic Adventure 2o if you ask me but all I know is that they're a very conservative platform who've been looking to bring in a larger viewer Beast mixing in some more General programs among their political documentaries and the sorts it's basically the same thing as Butch Hartman's field to wax streaming service just W to niche of a market for the V costs that come with keeping up a service like this check out the Sleep Channel fairly ad parents one on there right now uh subscribe this included an entire kids block with this god- awul Bluey ripoff called chip Chilla I watched a single clip on YouTube and it was just them making really on theose allegories for being upset at a president for cheating and not being your personal choice biting and so now it appears they're aiming for the opposite side of the spectrum Nan targeting their shows towards adults they used this platform as a major selling point in advertising that it was so freaking anti-woke that nobody wanted it apart from the daily wire oh boy I can't wait to watch this cartoon that nobody wanted signs fantastic you keep my wife's name out of your damn mouth current and so I watched it through very legal means I assure you and honestly it's amazing it might just be the worst show I have ever seen and I set through Brickleberry and I set through Paradise PD and I set through borderon and I set through forget about it and I set through farar and I set through hoops and I so let's take a look at Mr buram the most pathetic series I have ever seen this show isn't bad because it's edgy or too anti-woke in reality it is the most team adult comedy I've looked at on this channel again this show isn't bad because it's edgy it's bad because it's bad we're selling a dream of perfection like fashion models who never gain weight or Android phones that never crash or the green New Deal boy I sure I'm glad they decided to add that art of place horribly timed guitar strum otherwise I might have had trouble recognizing that as even being a joke first off just like every adult cartoon right there this show is solely being advertised through its voice cast we have such Stellar Heavy Hitters as Roseanne Bar don't look up what she said Tyler Fisher Danny tryo and Patrick Patrick War Burton what the [ __ ] are you doing here two words that should never go together like women an opinion hey I'm done I'm going back to bed I don't think she's joking now if you're wondering who created this thing it would be one Adam carello Carell I don't know he's a man I've only ever heard the name of in passing or through this one interview he did with steo dude I'm about to strangle you out of your own Consciousness I thought you loved me I will kill you apparently Mr Bertram is a character who used to play in a radio show back in the mid90s that he just couldn't shake for some reason I guess he was that amazing and so after teaming up with a couple creatives that put together this brand new series for the deily wire plus it stars the titular Mr Bertram a headstrong wood chop teacher who is frequently inconvenienced by the issues plaguing our world today such as veganism feminism and general PC wokeness this is an emergency there's the cat dabbing on Tik Tok this is cleverly shown through the series me and antagonist this hipster guy who's been hired by the school to enforce the standards expected from the modern education system like protecting kids from potential injuries emotional scarring and teaching them how to ask for consent yuck see you can tell he's a loser because he wears the forces female helmet wait what year is it he also has a wife daughter and son but by God do you care they're the most Bland seted characters out there the wife is the wife she tries to be hip with current trends but feels because she is lean his gamer son is a disappointment who just sits in his room all day making content for the internet oh and his daughter is the only one here he really connects with her respecting him a lot and also taking an interest in the exciting field of woodwork there's only two episodes out at the minute but the first almost entirely focuses on him wanting to harden his students to the dismay of his triggered coworker donkey I'm feeling very triggered by this whole Donkey deal where's the second shows him and his Navy friends going on a binge during Veterans Day as the woke guy tries to save the school principal from hanging out with them yeah the principal and pretty much everyone at this school hits him right out the gate which leads me to wonder why they even bothered hiring him in the first place if he's only ever a nuisance but whatever I don't think that thought that far ahead the closest show I would probably compare this to would be king of the hill but it's the perfect example of why that series works so well in comparison despite having a similar setup see King of the Hill star is a conservative dad who also has very simple views of the world and struggles to adapt to modern times but the difference between that and Mr Bertram is in Mr Bertram I can't for the life of me tell if I meant to like Mr burum the series is nothing more than a succession of basic observations it feels like a bad standup routine more than anything character brings up some new fangle trends to which Mr beram replies with a snarky comment about how Li it is you go Mr Bertram I'm 45 now it's been a while since I've seen King of the Hill and even then I've only ever watched the first season but after sitting through the painful hour of Mr Bertram I decided to go back and watch the first couple episodes and it was night and day hey not only visually with Mr Bertram looking especially abysmal even compared to a lot of the worst looking adult shows I've covered in the past the characters never Breck these static dead-eyed stairs always looking into the abyss and so much of the movement is either reliant on ugly looking twins basically just having the animation program do the work for you with no effort to clean it up afterwards you know this is prime what kind of music do you like Gloria level of Animation hippo hop woohoo yeah baby or otherwise there are times where they just didn't animy at all there's this episode that do that is entirely made up of key frames and I can't tell if that were an intentional decision or if they just ran out of time the only times there is ever the Tini spark of life in the animation is during the occasional cutaway gag which by the way happens extremely frequently it is obnoxious but I can only imagine it's because with these characters appearing for such short periods it's quicker to just draw a couple FRS than to make an entire rig for them but they're without a doubt the best looking part of the show I'm a vegan and I'm sure that was all time and budget I feel bad for the animators who had to work on this because they undoubtedly would have rather put their talents into something good but beyond the looks what makes King of the Hill works so well is that they never really present Hank as this unequivocally gck guy he's extremely flawed meanly when it comes to his bad temper and you can always tell that whenever he's incredibly opinionated about something that it's coming from the character and not the rider whereas in Mr beram the cast feel like nothing more than sock puppets meant to be M pieces for whatever point they want to make similarly to FIS for family a much better show check out my video but you can tell these are examples where Bill Burr or Mike Judge simply took inspiration from people have have known throughout their lives particularly their fathers and so these characters while L and angry and not always the best people are still approached with a level of understanding and respect the joke comes from the fact that you've met a guy exactly like this n what if he was the literal center of the world we're watching and it's even more of an achievement to then go and make this character likable either through them not getting their way or learning to understand the other side and come around or just being so headstrong in their beliefs that you can't tell but laugh all hanker Frank want are to raise what they believe to be the perfect nuclear family to fulfill their extremely modest goals in this tiny tiny World Hank Hill is funny because he's a person Mr Bertram is agonizing because he's a mouthpiece I don't know what Mr Bertram's goal is on a wider scale he never has enough time to interact with any of the characters to create something meaningful they're too busy making some snide remark about kids these days or about the social justice movement about they're telling a story with you know characters and stuff in the first episode he makes all the kids build his porch to teach them woodworking the PC guy films this and reports him and so he has to get on the stand and defend himself because he's a threat of losing his job he also has to do this in front of the kids I don't think they would let that happen but also there's not really any threat here because literally everybody loves the guy the kids have all turned around on him off screen there's no adversary other than the pathetic sjw you guy they're so desperate to Showcase a world in which this guy only gets in the way of things that there's never any threat for the characters none of it feels real I don't even care about politics I think I've made that pretty clear on this channel but by God all I ask is have a point have a reason to exist because all it seems you're doing here is preaching to the choir although maybe not because apparently there was a bunch of infighting going on behind the scenes leading to voice actors quitting the cartoon over their own political differences how [ __ ] ironic is that and by the way who who ever actually wanted to watch this show to see something edgy is going to be extremely disappointed this is the test [ __ ] show I've ever seen I like the South parks and the family guys I'm fine with a bit of edge but there just is none here there's little to no swearing there's no blood or guts they don't even really say anything all that offensive the writers are so smug about their beliefs that they don't even bother trying to write jokes about it they simply present you with an exaggerated archetype have Mr beram make a smart remark about them for 5 seconds and then they move on that's the whole show it's so cookie cutter and by the Numbers it's a zombie oh the little girl likes woodworking so she doesn't want her real her mom to repaint the wooden fireplace in the H she's selling she takes her daughter to work for some reason who starts scraping it off as soon as the people coming to check out the place arrive they immediately see her and so just leave no jokes no character moments just nothing then the daughter proceeds to apologize for ruining it when that was her whole [ __ ] plan I'm really sorry Mom no I love that you fight for what you believe in I just couldn't believe what I was watching hey at least in farar they had to think about a setup and stuff they had to think about how they wanted to shamelessly reuse the Brickleberry character designs but Mr buram is just one of the lest most unsuccessful at what it sets out to do cartoons that I've ever watched It's just sad despite the advertising there is not a single soul on Earth who could even possibly think of being ENT by this never mind offended I can offend someone better than this watch me [Music] [Applause]
Channel: LS Mark
Views: 400,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LS Mark, LS Mark Adult Animation, Adult Animation, Family Guy, Family Guy Rip-Off, Family Guy LS Mark, Mr Birchum, LS Mark Mr Birchum, Chip Chilla, The Daily Wire Plus, Daily Wire, Daily Wire Cartoon, The Daily Wire's Terrible Anti-Woke Cartoon, Terrible Cartoon, LS Mark Review, Mr Birchum Review, King of the Hill, Hank Hill, LS Mark King of the Hill, F is for Family, LS Mark F is for Family
Id: 18pGHPOoeMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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