The D700... a Strange Love Affair

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all right guys let's talk about the d700 has a lot of YouTube channels based around the d700 and the legend you have to ask yourself why is it called The Legend you know how do we fall into this Rabbit Hole we're still here you know people fall in love with a lot of inanimate objects in their life and we've all had our favorite pair of jeans our favorite pair of shoes maybe over our lights and we had a favorite car you know a fisherman has their favorite rod and you know guitar players certainly have their favorite guitars I'm a guitar player I have my favorite guitars and of course a lot of people in photography have their favorite photograph photography gear their favorite camera now a lot of Pros could care less I mean it is just a tool at the end of the day it's just a tool and also no big deal but what's interesting about the d700 is that as you dig deeper into this rabbit hole and you find more and more videos of real professional photographers who use those cameras when they were new as their primary tool for their job you know 15 years later they've moved on to the most advanced camera gear maybe they even switch systems maybe they're shooting so and easier or cannons but they all love the d700 none of them says a bad thing about that camera some of them even though they sold off all their gear when they've switched systems or moved on up they've kept the d700 some of them have regretted even selling the d700 and of course it's been known as The Legend how does something like a camera that's only 15 years old become the legend I mean even within your photographic circles when you say the legend people know what it is it's quite a great incredible because when you think of all the cameras that have come along you know photography goes back a long way you know there's been cameras that have come along that have changed the course of Photography now the technology that's come along you know you think of big names back in the you know going back like leica's and hasselblads and you know roller flexes and those types of Brands and the of course the people associated with those but none of those cameras they might be legendary but none of them are called The Legend and lots of cameras that have shaped our our photographic Direction I mean we went from film to digital a digital actually my understanding it just started out has NASA created digital photography in the early 60s and then later Along Came Kodak who played with the technology and that but it's my understanding that in the early 2000s it was Fuji that came along with the most practical First consumer-based digital camera and of course things went on from there but bad camera and those cameras at the time aren't considered Legends um and you look in the mirrorless Revolution first mirrorless came out 2004 believe it or not for my research it was Epson put out the first two murals it was a rangefinder style camera and then Leica put one out uh not too long after that and several jumped on the bandwagon and uh you know Sony pretty much gets credited with that technology and evolution and they took that and ran with it clearly they were the leaders for a long long time I think Canon is caught up in Nikon's almost there I mean it's Equitable um so yeah but those cameras aren't called Legends either you say the legend it's the d700 now of course you know it's a 12 megapixel camera it was a professional camera at the time still technically a professional camera um but it boils down to the image quality there's nothing else like it my understanding is that that sensor only went in to that camera the d700 and its bigger brother the D3 and I believe it was a Panasonic sensor for whatever reason they didn't use a Sony sensor even if Sony was short or they had a contract dispute or you know someone beat someone on a golf course and got pissed I don't know but whatever whatever the reason you know they put the that sensor in those cameras and that in its own right started it but the D3 is a great camera but it's not the legend because even though they have the same sensor picture quality the color saturation better on the d700 just has that look and you know the look I'm talking about it's that sort of film quality but with digital quality at the same time 12 megapixels in my opinion is perfect for people you know I love that camera now how did I fall into the rabbit hole my first DSLR was a d 3200 that was a great camera I learned a lot with that camera and my my wife actually bought that and the funny thing is my two most popular images on social media were taken with that camera to this day um and one of them was literally with the 17 to 55 kit lens and the other one was inexpensive 10 to 20 Sigma it's like I think it's a three five to a four six or something like that I still have that lens these are the two images I'm referring to the D3200 I eventually sold to my friends but he could get into photography but I never loved that camera by any stretch the D 3200 I went to the d7200 now at the time my dream camera was the d850 and the d850s were going for about 3 500 bucks or around there at the time I couldn't afford that but I did need to graduate I'm not a technology nut per se where I have to have the latest and greatest thing I I just don't care if my phone works it's fine I don't need the next thing I don't need Windows 11 if Windows 10 works I just I'm that guy so what I do is tend to wait and buy the older generation so what I did when I decided I wanted the d7200 and the reason I went with that now with this the 7200 is because it had no low pass filter which I really wanted and it had dual card slots so what I did is I waited until the d7500 came out the price dropped on this I got this at the time for less than a thousand dollars you probably get them for five or six hundred bucks now I don't know but it also has a great reputation as a camera with good quality images and it was my main camera for a while but I wanted to get into full frame and did not have the money for the d850 but playing around on YouTube like I do with photography and all that I kept tripping across videos I talked about this Legend is t700 that had the old was the greatest image quality and of course it was full frame it was a professional camera three thousand dollar camera when it came out built like a tank well I'm a big dude I prefer big cameras I don't like little plasticy toys I'll break it um and so I looked into it I did a ton of research and I don't really like buying a second hand Electronics I get I just don't so my intention was to find something inexpensive with a low shutter Captain for me the low shutter count was 40 000 or less so I did a lot of shopping did a lot of research I finally found one found one at where did I find it at I found it at Adorama at all places so I ended up buying my fir my d700 and this is craziest thing I this had a shutter count of twenty six thousand price was 279 dollars and the grip was 14 bucks with shipping and tax this camera this three thousand dollar professional grade camera the low shutter count an excellent condition cost me 327 dollars it's been more than that when I go to a Giants game I mean what a steal a steep this camera for 327 bucks now the funny thing is I have the d7200 but I don't love this camera you know whatever I shoot it once in a while still you know um but you know I don't love it at all everything about about it in the uh is true you know the image quality is awesome I fell in love with it I loved it so much gotta buy another one I have two d700s this one I took a chance on eBay with a very highly rated seller always nervous this one had similar shutter count 26 or 7 000. this one came with a grip an extra battery um a ton of other bells and whistles in the box and this one with shipping and tax was 384 dollars less than four hundred dollars for this amazing camera the reason I bought two there was a few reasons one I liked it so much I decided this is going to be part of my workflow portraits I love the way it looks for portraits I just fell in love with that look I also happen to like it for street photography as well again because a lot of times people in it but the colors are just fantastic and I don't have to tell you that's why you're watching this video as to why you have one too I love those cameras I don't love my other cameras um it's a strange love affair the funny thing is since then I have added the d850 it's fairly new to my Arsenal um but because of the Advent of the mirrorless thank you this camera was almost new in the box 1400 shutter count came with a battery came with a grip came with some other accessories brand new in the box for two thousand dollars I just couldn't pass it up but here's the thing um I'm I'm liking that camera I am but I'm really not so sure it's that much better than the d700 few weeks back and I might do a video on this I had a photo shoot a portrait shoot in one of the Cities here at the quad and I had the D7 this I had a d850 but I took the d700 and the pictures came out great now recently which I'm doing some videos on I got to shoot a monster truck show two nights and what I did is I took again I have the d850 when I took the d700 and there'd be people and there'd be a lot of color I was concerned because the lighting isn't great as it gets dark and there is action I believe the with the grip you get maybe five shots per second but the d700 but I took two I took them both so I put you know the 24 to 70 I won 7200 on the other and I went out and blasted away 2 000 shots with these cameras um interestingly enough towards the end of the night the one with the D7 with the 70 to 200 which is the lens I probably use 75 percent of the time or more uh it stopped it the shutter just quit shuttering these quick clicking it got stuck somehow it seems to work okay now maybe just we got tired I don't know I put it through its Paces out there for sure I'll have it checked out seems to be okay but anyway um I decided to take the d850 by itself the next day and I shot with that the d850 by by far is a much faster Focus you know and focus is so much quicker than this and of course it's got I think nine shots per second and it's obviously incredibly capable of course the images are huge as part of the files from Acid but when I compared two images it really it didn't make a difference at 45 megapixel more modern camera versus the 12 megapixel even shooting at like 2500 ISO there wasn't a whole lot of discernible difference so the dh-700 is awesome it is a strange love affair I love those cameras I know you guys love the cameras and I'm still stuck in this Rabbit Hole In fact I love this so much I've come across two more over the past year or so it was super low shutter counts for like 400 bucks and it's I love these cameras so much it's difficult to not buy them anyway folks I'm going to leave you with some of the images with the d700 and you know we love them right the awesomest it's 2023 I'd still shooting portraits with it as opposed to my d850 um I just love the May 12 megapixels you know people getting this megapixel thing like that's the end-all be-all I think there's so many megapixels now in cameras I don't think any printer can actually keep up with them to be honest with you and I have a friend who has a Sony that has so many megapixels the lenses he has aren't even capable of taking advantage of the 60 megapixels that the camera is capable of it's it's like why anyway the d700 is a strange love affair with this camera I love the cameras and uh what can I say I'm just going to keep using them so there you go folks take care I will see you on the next one if you got some comments great uh how did you fall into the d700 rabbit hole all right man take care bye [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dan Kabanuck Photography
Views: 4,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D700, d850, Nikon, Nikon D700, Nikon D850, the legend, monster trucks, portraits, love, camera, DSLR, mirrorless, mirrorless camera
Id: 1EdGiBnbbMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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