W We're reaeady to gogo. RiRight now w just scrcrape s
off f and starart digginin. Sound g good. NARRATOROR: For brbrothers R k
and Martrty Laginana and thehek Islaland team,m, the
hopes ofof revealiling the ananswers toto a 223-y-yead
mysterery have n never beeeen h. Afteter compleleting thehe
consnstructionon of a mamassiv5 fofoot wide e steel cocofferm
arouound Smithth's Cove,e, they a are finalally excavavatie
neararly 12,00000-squarere-foot. I'm f feeling s sort of aa
childidish excititement toto set we've e only seeeen in picict,
to digig up and d see withh our owown eyes w what thatt
enigigmatic anand peculilir U-shshaped strtructure i i. It't's kind o of nostalalgic,. Dan dug g it in '7'71,
and d we are g going to reveaeal it in n its
entiretyty and hopopefully b g that datata to Danan and shoho. NARRRRATOR: AfAfter resesearchid
photograraphs and d surveys s n duringng Dan Blalankenshipis
exexcavationon, ththe team h has identntifid
an arerea near t the Norththt end ofof the cofofferdam w whery
bebelieve ththe U-shapaped stre can bebe locateded. I'll l tell youou this. Might bebe some ststuff in
there e for Garyry to findnd . If itit's here,e, he'll f fin. No doubtbt about t that at a . There y you go, G Gary. O Oh, my memetal detetecto. B Big old s spoil pilile. I got a a signal h here. Nonfererrous. I I got a nononferrousus here,. [beepingng] Wherere is it?? J Just herere. How deeeep? I dididn't see.e. Hey Ricick, take e a break. Yeah, w we want t to
sesee what's's going o on. I I'll do i it. H Help him m pull it t in. Is that t it therere? Oh man.n. Oh manan. Now w I'm seeieing-- You'r're seeingng resultsts r. Yeah,h, I'm seeeeing reala. That musust be allll. See therere in thihis lump.. That sosounds likike a nonfnfe. Yeaeah, it dodoes. Yeah. It is.. ItIt's nonfeferrous, w whatever. [beeeeping] Gary's s happy. I'll l let you u do the
honorsrs just inin case. Wow,w, look atat that. I can n see goldld color.. Yeaeah, me totoo. Is s it heavyvy? Pretty y heavy. Yeah, y you can s see it heh. Lookok. It t looks gogold colorore. Yeah,h, it lookoks gold c col. I I think i it's got t a
milllled edge,e, doesn't't ? I I'd say t that's a a coi. Yeah, I I think t that's a a . NARRRRATOR: A A gold coioi? Could ththe team h have founundr
firsrst piece e of actuaual tre atat Smith's's Cove? Andnd this isis just
the bebeginning.g. I donon't knoww
abouout a milllled edge.e. NoNo. N No, I'm n not so susure
ababout a mimilled edgdge eit. I thinink you'rere-- no,
I don'n't think k so. I If that i isn't a m milled - That's s good. That's s good. It meaeans it's s older. NARRATATOR: If t the gold-d-cod
objeject is, i in fact, , a c, ththe absencnce of mililled es
isis a likelely indicacatin ththat it prpredates t the disy
of the o original l Money Pit t in 1795.5. It's nonot copperer either. It's likike gold p plated. Yeaeah, I canan see spapark. It's g going to o be
ininteresteded see whahat thisis is whenen it's clcleane. Yeah.h. That't's going g in
the e top pockcket. Top p pocket. T Top-pockeket find.. Allll right, , keep goioin. Proceed.d. We neneed to fifill
thisis pocket t up!