The Curious Case of Skyloft - Zelda Theory

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foreign s of years before the events of Skyward Sword God is highly has sent a piece of Hyrule surface up into the heavens on it was the sod after Triforce along with the remaining human survivors of a Great War kept safe Out Of Reach from the genocidal Wrath of demise and his fearsome demon tribe as a final measure hylia created a powerful barrier that would separate Heaven and Earth before turning her attention back to fighting demise and ultimately sealing him away for the time being over the next Millennia the residents of the sky built a new civilization with its own unique culture fashion customs and beliefs and the island itself came to be known as skyloft so what we have here is a group of people who lived out their entire lives completely isolated for thousands of years generation after generation everyone they knew and would ever know was born in the sky and in the sky they will breathe their last nevertheless skyloft is a sprawling town the people are content and as expected from an isolated civilization like this there's a strong sense of community all seems well in skyloft and for the most part it is especially compared to some of the other cities towns and Villages from past games but there's a few haunting details about skyloft that inhibits a village of the Year award events which despite skyward Swords relatively tame approach to horror are still pretty unsettling when you dig further into the implications themes and possible real-life Inspirations for it in today's video we'll cover two subjects for the price of one and as a bonus we'll even discuss the possibility of a connection between these two seemingly disconnected events these speculations don't have to be true by any means and as per usual are probably me overthinking it but hey if it makes for a more spooky story all the better with that said happy Halloween and let's dive into the Curious Case of skyloft foreign [Music] skyloft will study at the Knight Academy at some point in their lives where they will learn to master their loftwing and are taught the ways of the sword until they graduate as Knights individuals who are tasked with keeping order and protecting the island and its people until the next Generation comes of age as of the time of Skyward Sword there's a total of seven students who live and train at the Academy Lincoln Zelda included other permanent residents include two instructors Orwell and Olin and lastly the school's Headmaster gepora who also happens to be Zelda's father additionally there's two individuals who are often present at the Academy but don't actually live there the graduate student pippet who acts as a sort of role model for the younger students and henya the school's cook however there's one more occupant at the Academy and I'm not talking about the cat an entity unseen by most yet whose voice can be heard echoing through the hallways after Nightfall [Music] the chilling haunting sounds of someone in pain or some sort of emotional distress the first person to take notice of the Eerie voice is henya who swears that during the late hours she keeps hearing a voice coming from the restroom right next to the kitchen on the first floor but instead of being creeped out by it her attitude is one of annoyance as opposed to fear the other staff never mentioned the voice from the restroom probably because their rooms are on the second floor as for the students only link himself and Colin seem to be aware of it and in the case of Colin it's because link tells him about it he then goes on to refer to this mysterious individual as the weirdo in the restroom it seems both henya and Colin assume that it's just a normal person who locked themselves into the restroom for some reason but as most of you know this individual is anything but normal when link finally gains access to the restroom at night the source of the creepy voices revealed to be that of a ghostly hand reaching out from the bathroom stall one who for unknown reasons is calling out for paper to those who've played Oracle of Aegis or Majora's Mask this will no doubt be familiar as it's not the first time that we find a mysterious hand reaching out from a bathroom requesting paper it's become sort of a weird recurring theme in Zelda however one thing that sets The Entity from Skyward Sword apart from the other two is that thanks to Phi we have some substantial information about it we know that it's an actual ghost that it's a young woman and that it's a being who Harbors unfulfilled desires preventing it from moving on to the afterlife we even have a name that being Feeney now the origin of the name Feeney is actually quite interesting because this was never established in the original Skyward Sword on the Wii in part because no NPC ever mentions her by name and the dialog box did not display the name of whoever it is you were talking to something that was changed in Skyward Sword HD however the name Feeney was already hinted at long before the HD remaster of the game on switch its first appearance comes from an official strategy guide from 2011 also known as the Skyward Sword Prima official game guide where it is mentioned in the chapter about side quests the name would later show up again in the Zelda encyclopedia seven years later and finally Feeney was confirmed to be her official name in Skyward Sword HD oh and in case you're wondering her Japanese name is similar that being fenny instead of Feeney most of you who played Skyward Sword will no doubt be familiar with Feeney as she's part of a pretty famous side quest or at least she can be depending on the choice you make it's one of only a few side quests in the series that have two different outcomes one of Link's classmates Colin will ask him to deliver a love letter to karane one of the girls from the academy he has a crush on if you do it'll result in calling getting rejected by karane in favor of the older graduate student pippet and in this outcome Feeney will tell link to forget about the paper says her goodbyes after which The Haunting at the Academy seems to stop however you can also give Collins letter to Feeney instead in which case she gives link her thanks and here too ceases to haunt the bathroom it's not until later that you realize that handing Colin's letter to Feeney has led her to develop feelings for him and in what is perhaps one of the most cruel and disturbing Fates ever seen in the Zelda game she has now latched herself onto him like some sort of super natural stalker causing poor Colin to have nightmares maybe for the rest of his life how that is dark so with all that said who is or should I say was Feeney why and how did she pass away at such a young age and what caused her to linger and haunt a school bathroom it goes without saying that we'll probably never know for sure as none of these questions are ever answered in the game nor in the books however this is a ghost story and just like ghost hunters in real life we can just make stuff up for views so the main consensus about Feeney's name is that it's based on the word Phoenix a fictional bird from Greek and Chinese mythology which does make sense in the context of the English version of Skyward Sword with the exception of Link himself Zelda and batro all the NPCs in town have names derived from Birds be it the name of a bird or the sound they make pigeons hens geese owls seagulls and so on as such I believe that Feeney was most definitely a former resident of skyloft and not from the surface or some other place the fact that Finney was young and that she haunts the school in particular points to her being a former student at the academy one who tragically lost her life at a young age for reasons unknown despite the cruel fate she bestows upon Collins she doesn't seem to be an evil or eventual Spirit but more so sad or lonely she herself clarifies that she's not angry she calls link a kind soul after giving her the letter and her feelings for Colin seem to be genuine and the nightmare is more of an unfortunate side effect of her presence as opposed to a malicious act so what could have happened to her was it murder self-inflicted or maybe just a tragic accident and what's up with a request for paper in order to get a general idea let's take a quick look at a few real life Inspirations for Feeney's Story one which has been brought up a lot as an inspiration for Feeney is hanako the angry Spirit of a girl who is set to haunt school bathrooms she's kind of like the Japanese equivalent of Bloody Mary in the sense that she needs to be summoned often as part of a dare by Young students the summoning involves going to the female bathroom usually on the third floor knocking three times on the third stall and then asking if Hanukkah is present there's many variations on hanukkah's Origin her death and the unfortunate fate that befalls her victims but I think you can see why this story in particular is so often referred to as the most likely inspiration for the events in Skyward Sword according to Miyamoto the character of Feeney was indeed based on Japanese ghost stories and urban legends like this but not necessarily on one specific Story and there's actually quite a few Japanese tales and myths besides Hanukkah about a ghost or demon hunting a bathroom there is akamanto for example a masked Spirit who appears in public toilets or school bathrooms once again the stories vary but one aspect that stands out is that the akamanta will ask the bathroom's occupant if they want red or blue paper and the only way to survive the encounter is to completely ignore him and run away as both choices lead to death the last one I want to mention is the ghost story of okiku a maid who worked in a samurai mansion and drowned in a well either by her own doing or because she was killed by her master depending on the version of the story after her death okiku's Spirit comes out every night into the mansion and breaks out into a terrible howling and sobbing causing her former Mass to go insane there's no specific mention of a bathroom but the nightly howling and sobbing as described in the story does somewhat resemble that which we hear in the academy whichever story Feeney is ultimately derived from it's all based on the same Japanese concept the idea that a person's Spirit or raycon will leave the body upon death it then goes into purgatory where it awaits a proper funeral and post-funeral rights to be performed so that it may join its ancestors however if the individual died suddenly or violently the funeral rights are not completed or if they are influenced by powerful emotions such as desire for Revenge love jealousy hatred or sorrow at the moment of death the raycon is believed to transform into a Yuri a spirit who continues to exist on Earth until it can be laid to rest either by performing The Missing rituals or resolving the emotional conflict that ties it to the physical plane according to Phi this is exactly the case with Feeney as well an unfulfilled desire that keeps her from moving on to the afterlife some types of Yuri like dionrio and gorio are considered vengeful and dangerous but most are harmless so I mischievous at best there's even a specific class of Yuri who are seductive and desire a relationship with a living human although Finney does indeed fall in love with Colin I don't think this was the initial cause and motivation behind the haunting if anything it extends The Haunting even further the fact that she doesn't move on indicates that whatever kept her on the physical plane was not resolved in any way as mentioned before the most likely option is that Feeney used to be a student at the Academy back when she was alive not only because of her name but oftentimes Yuri will haunt a location or individual they are familiar with or have an attachment to in this case the school that and the fact that all young people in skyloft study at the Academy at some point in their lives even those who are not particularly Brave I investigated every house in skyloft to see if I could find anything that could link Feeney to one of the people or families living here in the current day maybe a picture of a girl who doesn't appear in game or even an extra unused bed anything really but alas as far as I'm aware no such evidence seems to exist the only mildly the interesting thing I did find is that there are two unused character concepts for Skyward Sword who are both young and female and neither have a definitive name however since they were never actually implemented into the game it's impossible to know if one of them correlates to Feeney and realistically speaking they probably don't there's also no mention of a student who died while studying at the Academy not by the school staff or anyone in town for that matter henya who first encounters The Haunting is said to have been taking care of the students at the school for the past 25 years and she doesn't recognize the voice in the bathroom nor does she bring up any tragic Tales of missing students or anything of sorts as such I believe that she probably lived and died and skyloft a long time ago perhaps in the early days of the institution or even before it was established the fact that no one mentions or even remembers a young woman whose life was cut short definitely points in that direction as for the way she died my best guess would be an unfortunate accident it's made obvious by the knights and the academy staff that flying a loft Wing as awesome as it may be is not without risk and there's quite a few rules and restrictions in place to prevent unnecessary harm or casualties like no flying after dark unless you receive special training no interfering with other Riders doing a race there are Knights who Patrol the skies in case someone falls off the island and Advanced Techniques and Maneuvers like the spiral charge are only allowed to be performed by senior students who have mastered high-level flight skills however if there's anything we know about human behavior it is that rules and security measures are often put into place after something goes wrong first so perhaps in the early days of the academy one of the students met a tragic end due to an oversight while flying their Loft Wing resulting in their death another option I've considered is that since the academy has allegedly existed for only 25 years it's also possible that Finney died much longer ago and that her house once stood where the school is now and so the haunting is actually not related to the academy at all anyway that wraps up the story of Feeney for now so let's switch gears to the second part of the darker side of skyloft the demon battle and his influence on the town from a lower standpoint batro is one of the most intriguing characters in the entire Zelda series not because of who he is but more so what he is a demon who's been living and hiding at the bottom of skyloft though interestingly enough a friendly one now I'm not going to get into the finer details about demonic entities in Zelda lore because that's a whole other topic on its own but in short they are usually portrayed as evil and associated with the so-called tribe of demons who oppose the gods Petro may just be the first and only time we've encountered one that has no ill intentions not only that but it's also the first time that a demon is capable of transforming into a human there's a lot of mystery surrounding his origin and how he ended up in skyloft in the first place after all the whole reason the island was sent into the Sky by hylia was to keep the surviving humans from being slaughtered by demons it's possible that battle was originally one of demise's followers and essentially became a stowaway when skyloft was lifted up into the heavens this would mean that he's been living here hidden away from sight for thousands of years and his friendly nature could simply be the result of him being cut off from his tribe for so long that he gave up on his evil Ambitions and desired to become human I mean he doesn't really have much of a choice here this is definitely possible and probably also the main consensus but there's also an alternative while batro is most certainly a demon we know that not all of them are born this way for example vati used to be a Minish and then transformed into a demon later in his life and even Ganondorf was once nothing more than a thief a mortal albeit a powerful one who became a demon when he obtained a piece of the Triforce so anyone could feasibly transform into one given the right circumstances and this concept Falls in line with the Japanese shirio someone who slowly transforms into a demon because of repressed feelings of jealousy hatred grief or sadness this being can be a spirit but it can also happen to someone who's alive as such it's possible that batro's original form is that of a human one who transformed at a later stage of his life it would explain how he knows it's possible to turn back into human again in the first place his fashion also matches that of the residence of skyline left though this could also be a failed attempt at a disguise so he can mingle with the people in town it's clear that batro is lonely and well who can blame him he's been living in hiding for who knows how long and any attempt he's made to connect with the people of skyloft resulted in fear and panic it's not until one of the kids from town goes missing who's later found hanging around his house that he finally meets someone who isn't immediately terrified of him despite his good intentions and friendly demeanor the very nature of him as a demon has an unfortunate side effect on the town above though one which he doesn't seem to have any control over it's revealed that the mere presence of batro is Aura so to speak is directly responsible for some of the crazy stuff happening in skyloft after Nightfall not just the various monsters that show up but also the Sinister shift in the behavior of one of the animals in town that roamed the streets at night the adorable cat-like pets who keep the skyloftine's company seem totally normal but after Sunset they are suddenly overtaken by some sort of Rage making them hostile and honestly kind of scary to the people of skyloft this transformation is a complete mystery and seem to think that it's just part of their nature little do they know that the source lies right below their feet after finishing batro's side quests and transforming him into a human the remlett ceased to become enraged and the many monsters no longer appear on the streets at night either it kind of makes me view demons in the series in a different way I mean even those who don't want to hurt people cannot help but cause problems simply by existing and it also makes me wonder if guys like vati or Ganondorf can still be redeemed after all but that's another story altogether with all that said let's finish up the video by exploring one final question is it possible that the two phenomena batro and Feeney are somehow connected while the two events seem separate there are some similarities to be found as well both occur at night each involves a being who has unfulfilled desires and both entities have possibly existed on skyloft since even before any of the current day residents were alive there's also the fact that batra lives right below the graveyard and has even marked one of the graves with a demonic symbol could this be Feeney's grave perhaps and it batra's influence lead to the resurrection of her spirit intentionally or unintentionally I mean maybe if Phoenix return from the afterlife is indeed due to batro's influence it could even explain why she asks for paper in Japanese culture there's a thing called a no Fuda a sort of paper Talisman sometimes used for purification or to ward off an evil presence maybe Feeney wanted to free herself from the Demonic influence that's keeping her here of course on the side of the developers the whole paper thing is probably just a recurring gag and nothing more hence why I said that today's stories are most definitely me overthinking it but like I said it's part of creating a spooky narrative another correlation between Finney and batro I've been contemplating is not that of a demonic Resurrection but instead a personal connection I mean think about it we have a girl who clearly died at a young age and a middle-aged looking man who could have transformed into a demon at some point of his life as opposed to being born as one and as I explained earlier this can happen due to powerful oftentimes negative emotions which also Inc include sadness and grief so what if Finney was either related to him or at the very least someone he was friends with And the emotions over her loss led to him becoming what he is today a sorrowful demon longing for friendship and restoring his Humanity and that concludes this year's Halloween episode a quick shout out to big deal Blake for becoming a patreon and to all of you for your continuous support viewership and generosity you are all amazing and I cannot thank you enough I hope you have a great Halloween good luck with them pumpkins and don't forget to always check your candy for something dangerous or gross I will see you all in the next video this is Dawn signing off and have a good one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Monster Maze
Views: 125,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda Theory, The Legend of Zelda Theory, Zelda Halloween, Skyward Sword, The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Zelda Scary, The Legend of Zelda Scary, Zelda Ghost, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Tears of the Kingdom, Breath of the Wild 2, Breath of the Wild Sequel
Id: SLeVtWx5kok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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