The Culling Makes Embarrassing Return With Horrendous Pay-Per-Match Monetization Scheme
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: YongYea
Views: 732,379
Rating: 4.9201593 out of 5
Id: cpH5Cdaf-RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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I mean this IS the wizard101 model and people still pay for it. You can't pvp unless you pay the monthly membership fee. That's no different than the 30 day pass he mentions, except wizard101 is more expensive than the proposed Culling pass.
Now granted wizard101 is more than just pvp, but there actually are a lot of players that just login to pvp at this point. So the pay to play model isn't actually that far fetched. The pay per game token system sounds ridiculous, but the passes are no different than membership here.
In my opinion wizard101 provides way more content for the fee they charge (excluding the buy packs for a chance to get what you want), so I feel it is worth it. Having played the Culling back in the alpha, it was nowhere near enough content for any fees. Doesn't look like they added anything to increase the value either.