The Cuisine Of The Enlightenment | Let's Cook History | Timeline

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[Music] the 18th century gave birth to absolutism which radiated sumptuously from Versailles under the command of a very powerful son King Louis the 14th the 18th century lauded the mind history baptized it the age of enlightenment it encompassed 200 years of accumulated wealth and privileges for the noble classes of sound ideas and advancement in knowledge but also great misery for the general people two centuries of transition considered as a turning point in human experience during which France believed it was the center of the world France set the example in every Court of Europe an element of Gallic genius is seen in the theatre it has been a hot June day in the year 1658 the cicadas start to calm down but the colleagues of Monsieur Moliere have just come to life under the vaults of the castle castle actors from the rock theater rehearse a scene from the play by the famous 18th century theatre troupe an actor manager author not yet known as Moliere but simply jean-baptiste baccala [Music] [Applause] [Music] they had their modern-day Madeleine beige are the muse of Mali air to faithfully act out the famous lines [Music] Valliere says did Monsieur ask his physicians if there was nothing more prejudicial than to eat with excess Harburg on replies to true one her surely to eat so as to live and not to live so as to eat this scene from the miser will one day become a reference and set standards at the Comedie Francaise with this play Moliere described with satirical humor the narrow mindedness of contemporary people as they face culinary innovations of the time there was a radical change in cooking practices since spices were discarded for other modes of cooking this is clearly expressed by a famous French cook of the time and certain Monsieur Francois who published a book in 1651 stating that a vegetable must taste like a vegetable meat must taste like meat an enlightened cook should avoid mixing savers it's very much like our contemporary cooking when we try to enhance the true texture aromatic quality of garden vegetables and quality regional products time watercress mint these were widely used ices originating from remote countries were totally rejected the dictates of the master cook foie soir in reality a certain monsieur de la darin became a reference in french cooking his theory became the standard in kitchens of every great house in France however such ideas have not yet reached the hostelry of bar our Jean in PES nos southern France where molière's troop is suffering here the meal is far from flamboyant a simple fish soup we of s will suffice as a true feast composed primarily of pieces of sardines mackerel cod and occasionally small cooked mullets this Mediterranean dish became a tradition the penniless choirs and travelling acrobats with a hearty appetite living on we're best after Bo BES water and love jean-baptiste okhla alias Moliere was poor but joyful and an ambitious man in PES mass the price de Conti moly as patron and friend supports him he also expects more he is certain that Maria's talent will take him to Versailles allowing him to dine at the table of neither 14th one can never achieve something extraordinary grandiose and beautiful than by reasoning more often and better than others one of louis xiv aphorisms the power of his pretensions led to the building of Versailles as from 1661 the young monarch contemplated transforming what was a small stately house of cards according to the Duke de san Seymour the chronicler Versailles under Louie de fourteenth - an imposing palace inside as outside nothing was left to round them with its buildings and gardens Versailles combines perfect geometry and the art of symmetry even when hundreds of guests invade the grounds and His Majesty's dinner becomes a total finely regulated spectacle being termed an orchestrated dinner we clearly see that the whole event was very official and very ceremonial moreover King Louie insisted that meals should be truly ceremonial the King ate opposite is caught either alone or with members of the royal family the only people allowed at his table when we look at the menu a fall says we see there were enormous quantities of food that's why has been said that the aristocracy ate in great quantities in the 17th century and that the King of France had to surpass all others this is not completely true in the service elefante says all dishes were exposed on the table at the same time diners only helped themselves to certain delicacies the pompous dinners at Versailles would be imitated by others but never equaled the famous orchestrated meals with service Allah forces would influence many noble tables during the reign of the Sun King as was his design but also thanks to the magician's laboring in the kitchen gardens [Music] at the time of our ancestors all parks had their vegetable garden such gardens were transformed into parks by our knowledgeable masters words not taken from a fable even if they were from showing the level-10 the watchful eyes at monsieur du lac Contini monitor the king splendid orchards and vegetable garden [Music] in this month of September 1651 AK Antony presents his horticultural innovations to the head man servant of the king Nikola the burner phone he has to be aware of all that His Majesty desires to see in his plate the burn form notes every remark of the kingdom's principal gardener having to write so much the burn form will become the author of the delights of the countryside a true reference for the gardeners as well as cooks lakyn teeny checks the ripeness of the strawberries for a very special supper tonight His Majesty is receiving Madame de Maintenon in private the most recent favorite of the King adores strawberries hence the Kings kitchen must produce such fruit even at the end of September the kitchen-garden and orchards remain above war a true Garden of Eden alluring to the Royal palette of new either 14th among the different products that lack Anthony worked on there are strawberries peas asparagus these were all products that would particularly appreciate it at the the court of Louie the 14th but one of the favorite fruit of who the 14th was figs and so that concern he decided to invest a lot of time energy money into the production effects more than 700 fig trees ensure the production of black purple yellow violet and green alias RG leaked varieties of figs like Antony even manages to offer some to the king as of mid-june in the King's kitchen gardens and orchards quantity competes with a geometry tested to the extreme the garden is composed of 16 square plots of vegetables laid out around a large pond surrounding the garden behind high walls r29 closed gardens containing more than 120 varieties of pear and apple trees they have been planted randomly or for espalier cultivation horticulturist arboriculture Asst botanists nursery gardeners or simple gardeners are commanded by lar Cantini they use methods that will become standards in gardening my Cassady was not so much an inventor as much as a thorough investigator and someone who really tried to perfect the techniques of production of both fruits and vegetables and when we xiv heard of him and brought him here to Versailles he had the opportunity to work on a much much larger scale he used much more glass in particular on in the form of bells bells that he could place over the plants to protect them from the cold and to heat them up also used what's called chassis which one could be described as window panes that were used much like the Bell glasses that too to put over the plants and protect them from the cold and to also magnify the heat of the Sun and so try things out concerning hot beds try to produce asparagus out of season lettuce out of season radishes to produce high quality produce like Antony works relentlessly up to his death in 1688 taking care that his cultivations are perfect the progress made in horticulture and a Borah culture in versailles will rapidly be admired and adopted by fellow artisans from the far [Music] like Antony may have helped some the greater population to have access to vegetables to better vegetables but not necessarily directly it's quite possible that his experimentations his his trees his attempts to create more interesting more tasty more productive vegetables for the court created and caused a diffusion of varieties that were then without before then had not been accessible to the general public a [Music] century later under the reign of Louis the sixteenth the passion for natural savers originating from early products and choice fruits lived on but the manner of appreciating them evolved a new mindset shared the delights of eating meals ala fossils [Music] in the Year 1779 for example the decant add the family used this banquet method to celebrate the nomination of the elder boy of the family Aurasma Gaspar as commander of the Royal Artillery the young officer is an expert swordsman but also a gourmet [Music] the tradition had been handed down from his grandfather the marichal Deacon Todd [Music] the dining room of more foie Chateau has been perfectly preserved and retains its gloss of yesteryear for an intimate supper with only four lackeys [Music] Digital Ecosystem ownership fidelity meet 18th century values called for intimacy orchestrated meals are forces required many domestics because it was deemed necessary that each guests have his own servant ensuring the wine service and in particular change of plates you get more polish or less yet these people in the 18th century desired to dine with more proximity discarding the former tradition so they invented that our famous intimate suppers meals were now orchestrated with a small bill members that appreciate now a new tradition makes women who had been relegated to the function of offering Pleasant company in the previous century as equals to male guests in this period of enlightenment women are from now on resplendent as they organize literary shows their intelligence is welcomed and gallant suppers [Music] and the desire to savor increasingly delicate dishes makes quality dominate the palate at Versailles [Music] however meals at the decor dad's household aster orchestrated a la francaise with five major courses a traditional meal always begins with soups and while alights - followed by entrees the third course consists of a roast the lackeys present various dishes of roast meats or baked fish pencils [Music] the fourth course consists of the desert hot or cold they can take the form of various pies including a fresh vegetable pie the passion of the elite class for natural savers now includes peds they have become is central the success of peace with ladies is such that each year seminaries are organized in their honor the Marquis de city he wrote the saga of peace continues good people are impatient for the next meal with peas then comes the pleasure of having eaten some and the joy of eating more at the next meal these are the three points that our princes have been ruminating on for four days [Music] finally the fifth course the large dining tables of noble families to the joy of the ladies receive desserts fruits and patisseries they have been kept in the wings for this moment the ladies in their tight corsets have been obliged to spare a small place in their stomach for one more delight the new gastronomic fad Chantilly cream such large and odorous meals make diners thirsty this evening an exceptional wine will accompany the desserts and exceptionally it can be drunk pure at the time most wines were watered down this is a Van de Sam a true luxury wine producing seaside town of Cabret or southwest France it has a slightly iodized savor of the Atlantic Ocean helping digestion it is said and freeing tongues for conversation perfect for Aurasma Gaspar decanted who seems to want his dinner to go on prolonging the pleasures derived from such a gallant meal [Applause] the following morning about 7:00 a.m. some commoners or peasants in the service of the American dad and therefore a little more blessed with fortune have gathered in the offices of the Chateau they have come to purchase choice leftovers of the banquet of the night before for a handful of francs [Music] Stew's roasts patisseries and fine wines cost a great deal of money nothing shall be wasted in all the offices of stately houses organized trade of leftovers and meals is commonplace in Chateau water of war the people in the service of the occult at family managed such goings-on with good humor on the other hand in Versailles during the royal sale of leftovers there were many a fight to obtain some of the wonders forsaken by the court this allowed some bankrupt Nobles to make a trade and thus sustain their position among the high and mighty often such a trade of royal leftovers proved quite profitable the acid the season allowed for a prolonged state of conservation a second leftover trade would result that some of the less fortunate subjects of His Majesty could thus find something decent to eat meanwhile the number of people living in misery continued to grow [Music] the 17th and 18th centuries marked a period of transition demographic figures changed considerably the peasant population increased but not the land for cultivation consequently the yields were insufficient the rural population ate little and poorly [Music] the ceaseless wars raging across Europe and the movement of armies destroying so much along their way did nothing to make matters better [Music] to get through the winter many peasants were often obliged to beg [Music] with the chronic lack of wheat bread becomes an unsavory food broad beans acorns and even crushed and ground vine shoots were used to make flour for so many it was the only staple food people soaked up leftover soup or stale wine for want of choice Europe is reeling from misery and the kingdom of France is struck by 13 famines accepting the British Isles where the dish of beef or mutton remained a reality for most of the population elsewhere in Europe even in Italy meat was becoming scarcer many butchers closed their shops not having any more meat to sell and fewer customers had the means to buy what was available [Music] salvation for Europe came from the Americas it began with the return of the first conquest odorous to Seville in Spain they had discovered the potato the potato would make bizarre inroads to conquer Europe the Spanish would be the first Europeans to test the patatas they were fed to human guinea pigs in the poorhouses of Sevilla since 1618 at the time of the terrible 30 Years War Spanish soldiers had their German allies discovered the kartoffel as the Germans would call the potato at the same time potatoes were grown in England they were regarded as food unfit for human consumption and so they were used to nourish livestock all surplus produce was sold to the Irish whose population was perpetually struggling to fight famine at the beginning of the 18th century the potato had become an established vegetable in Europe except in Italy and in France where most of the population continually lacked food and suffered from in 1759 during the seven-year war and obscure assistant pharmacist to the French army was wounded then made captain by the Prussians he was antoine augustin Parmentier and all the french soon knew what they owed to him and the potato in two years of captivity he had time to discover the favorite dish of his jailers and to measure the nutritive values of the potato he was named director of the pharmacy of the invalids military hospital in 1772 there he ordered researchers to study with the greatest care these tubers parmentier would even invent marketing in the fields of need then in the green belt of Paris he oversaw plantations that were surrounded by high walls uncovered a mystery but that did not stop the theft of the plants they proliferated very quickly in vegetable gardens everywhere potato production became a success merchants and scientists would turn the experience to profit there's a scientific context to the period of the age of reason we think of did the whole of Dalembert it is the time when men drew up encyclopedias intelligent people tested everything plants in particular bonds were made between thinkers and scientists at the end of the 18th century local aristocrats became involved in primitive cooperatives it was especially the beginning of what one would later call seed production enterprises horticulturists would start to organize collections as a very precise example which involves Parmentier and vilmorin we know that at the end of the 18th century a film era had developed 200 varieties of potatoes progressively networks of merchants will take advantage of his more hard science adopt them and distribute productions in a handsome club run overlooking the Thames river these two young Lords are totally removed from the concerns of the lower classes concerning their survival [Music] their passion is simply they are inveterate card players they are subjugated by Pharoah a very trendy card game of the time [Music] they bet guineas of gold which will ensure them of a very good dinner but the passion for gambling nails them to their chairs Lord Linton wins this round and his adversary cannot replay to camouflage his hunger the losing player orders a slice of ham between two slices of bread the tormented man who takes the time to taste a glass of Bordeaux all the same his Lord sandwich his name will henceforth be associated with this mode an ancestor of fast food the sandwich will invade North West Europe its success will make a junction with another invader coming from southern Europe [Music] in 1660 having escaped from pirates and filibusters of all swords but then benefiting from a lull and mistral a schooner unloads the first cargo of coffee in the port of Marseilles a merchant has the idea of opening a drinking house and making a commercial drink of coffee such establishments exclusively dedicated to coffee would spread very quickly in all Europe in spite of warnings from detractors like dr. : as a responsible man of Marseilles dr. Kalam exaggerates the harmful effects of coffee in a thesis he claims that coffee attacks the brain causes paralysis impotence and of horrible loss of weight he lost his campaign in 1670 to Paris discovers the first coffeehouse to open on the great boulevards some coffee houses are entirely decorated Turkish style large coffee houses meet with success such as the Procop in Paris they become meeting places for all the major intellectuals of the time coffee appealed inevitably it may perturb sleep but certainly it makes conversation easier it stimulates the brain ideas flow more easily in the 18th century chroniclers wrote that coffee visibly made people think better I can imagine all the enlightened philosophers consuming coffee and enormous quantities and attributing heaps of virtues to the beverage in particular the power of reasoning and then putting back sleep so as to be able to write great lengths during the day Voltaire was a great coffee drinker in more popular coffee houses such as the coupe shoe in central Paris the first newspapers appeared society games were played and coffee was drunk infused or filtered these methods of preparation were preferred in Europe Middle East and Turkish method were quickly abandoned consumption of coffee grew rapidly despite the appearance of a formidable competitor chocolate [Music] regardless of its cost and restrictions of consumption dictated by the Catholic Church and a growing reputation of it being a devilish aphrodisiac chocolate invaded coffee houses and salons the success of chocolate led to the success of the Seb or porcelain manufacture it produced jugs for hot chocolate in great quantity together with new style coffee and chocolate sets in porcelain at the time there was no powdered chocolate chocolate was bought by the bar it was crushed and sprinkled in hot milk which was stirred gently so as to obtain a rich and consistent liquid then came the art of serving it according to the recipe of the chocolate seller and beverage expert show he became the first master chocolate maker of France after having obtained a royal appointment in the port town of Vienna to transform cocoa coming from South America the aroma of chocolate perfumes the end of the afternoon air offering these people a pure moment of happiness but the workers manufacturing chocolate in Europe lived moments of sweat and toil manufacturing methods were no better than those used by the Aztecs at the time of Montezuma [Music] no Superettan caller Kuni it drinking chocolate as we know it powdered cocoa sugar mixed with milk was brought to Europe from the new world the equipment to make ground cocoa and manufacture chocolate was a stone as technique behind me is a very good example this is the oldest process known and was called meta tea in fact this ancient American Indian mechanism was reworked in Europe someone in Europe had the idea placing the stone on a furnace but how did it work what else could you do with this type of object you initially placed cocoa beans torrefied cocoa beans their workers knelt behind the stone and ground these were difficult working conditions when the beans had been reduced to a paste with an oily base sugar was added progressively a rudimentary chocolate was obtained it was worked until one obtained a certain degree of smoothness according to demand of other ingredients would be incorporated such as cinnamon or vanilla ground beforehand with the pestle any problem Allah didn't [Music] the success of chocolate coincided with the democratization of sugar after having been available only for the elite to sweeten delicacies going to noble tables sweeten delights were now to be found on sale in the streets of Paris pastry cooks chocolate makers and sellers of jam and sweetmeats appeased the bad smells of the crowded cities and made a fortune by selling caramels macaroons among other delights the riverbanks of large cities such as Paris saw great commercial activity at the foot of the old bridges of the course of restoration seafood was unloaded from small vessels and barges city dwellers began to crave for seafood and phenomenal quantities of oysters were rapidly consumed they were preferred cooked most of the time the average diner usually ate four to five dozen oysters were kept fresh like all seafood despite the rarity of ice refrigerators had yet to be invented the freshness of seafood was ensured thanks to a fabulous network of land transport called chasse maje horse-drawn wagons on the coasts of the English Channel or North Sea awaiting the mooring of a fishing boat were fish wagons they were ready to engage in a race against the clock encyclopedias remained baffled by the phenomena did all the great french encyclopaedists as a true journalist reported the activity of the transporters and the joy they brought to Parisians the Packers usually stacked turbos and other precious fish between two layers of steak steak remain remarkably fresh thus conserving the other fish when the horses are prepared that fish wagons leave for their destination they can cover 60 leagues in 40 hours and it's summer when they drive out day and night they cover the same distance 24 hours with relays from fish wagon to relay seafood could get to the capital as soon as possible seafood buyers could then obtain remarkably fresh products ready to eat the painter Sheldon was very inspired by the freshness of skates he set up his easel at the port of room on the River Seine to execute this painting it is a source of inspiration for a major contemporary chef [Music] well if you look at this fish it's still fresh you may say it's been gutted you're right you can see that it's flesh is fresh skate was very appreciated at the time was a easy catch it was then transformed transferred to a reservoir of seawater in a double hold of a boat scaped is very resilient it could withstand the trauma of being transported to Paris and still be alive on arrival that explains why this fish correspondent with the desire the freshness this cult of fresh seafood and the abundance of early produce inspired musicians a symphony was composed with the theme of savour and natural tastes it contributed to ensuring the fortune and posterity of great cooks in the aged Monsieur de Rohan for example received a charming sobriquet he was called pierre de lune but he was anything but a dreamer in his kitchen his brigades of cooks obeyed him to the letter door was very methodical he noted with precision all his creations he overtly wished to transmit his savoir faire to those who wish to continue to dazzle the great and the good of this world [Music] handed down to us techniques of preparation that are totally valid today for example his the whole sauce made of butter and flour and broth contributing to the success of French cooking over the centuries his whose sauce was initially made of animal fat butter was used later on the difficulty is incorporating flour and very gently cooking the ingredients to obtain a smooth sauce this is the contribution of pierre de lune to French cuisine by replacing ground bread crumbs or armours as a base to making a sauce the sauteed flower base was a launching pad for hundreds of sources as of the late 18th century Dinh Diem stick in the kitchen of the Chateau de frente santo bar in most noble houses of the kingdom the savoir faire of pierre delude makes many a diners dream come true with his eternally popular beef stew with carrots or its fritters of violence Stefan Sousa and acclaimed specialist in culinary history pays homage to the savoir faire of pierre de lune a for an evening he assumes the role of master cook to the Marquis de kuai who had the most modern equipment of the time installed in his kitchen the kitchen was situated in the mezzanine of the shutter it housed one the very first automated spit Roasters in the world once wound up it's fully automated mechanism could turn a site of meat over a fire like this leg of mutton for half an hour [Music] accompanied by fresh peas and herbs a roast leg of lamb is prepared in the mode of the master the search for more delicate and natural sabers demands shorter cooking time and increasingly precise methods another secret on the recipes inspired by Pierre de Lune are these famous bunches of herbs cardamom Malagueta hot pepper and saffron were discarded only cinnamon was retained for desserts parsley chervil tarragon basil thyme bay tree leaves all chives were the chosen herbes of the day garlic and shallot were widely used and often decorated the gourd family of vegetables that were much appreciated and generally served cooked such as these cucumbers in a white hole source [Music] after having been blanched in salted water the cucumbers are sauteed in a frying pan with bacon cubes fresh herbs salt pepper and nutmeg the white sauce is prepared it is made with egg yolks and a generous amount of cream blended in the preparation is gently heated for two to three minutes [Music] the final touch according to the humor of the host is to add a spoonful of vinegar at the last moment to give a slightly acidic note the master cook could also concoct a pumpkin with cream of mushroom sauce this recipe would suffice to allow cucumbers to enter the pantheon of savers melons were glorified by generally being poached in red wine in the kitchens of the Age of Enlightenment a new character often dressed in black would become more important than master cooks the Meckler d warhead Butler he takes the role of directing cooking operations he also develops a very Shore nose when assessing the quality of dishes such as melons from Avignon in south-central France the Metra D is a man of responsibility and power a true director staging his domestics the function of the Metro D was very different from that of the head of cook at the time the maitre d was to some extent and intended he was charged with managing the supply chain of the kitchen he was responsible for signing the bills of delivery nakooma salut the most renowned maitre d in French history was a man called fat L say-tell he committed suicide because an order of seafood was not delivered on time if you see the donate it is extremely difficult to cite other names of illustrious maitre d's of the period since we paradoxically have more files about master cooks and culinary anecdotes than maitre d's say that you do pity the tablinum it will tell the Metra D was probably one of the first to test and appreciate a new ingredient butter that became an essential ingredient in the creation of new servers [Music] it was delivered in a mound more less salted according to conservation needs rapidly it became these central ingredients to use barter was responsible for the rise to fame of another significant personality of the art of cooking it sparked the apotheosis of gum Mundy's to ending a meal the great French pastry cook Francois made his name in culinary history around the mid 18th century he registered his work in treaties the first of its kind on the art of making pastries distinguishing itself clearly from other culinary writings of the time master cooks and critics concentrated on the science of preparing great pasta whether salted sweetened horse bar set the pace for a new profession in a burgeoning trade that of the pastry cook compared to the trade of pastry cooking of today past masters at the time experimented with extremely sorted recipes Sally pierre de lune had developed a considerable variety of salted or sweetened pastries a young and as yet promising pastry cook bearing the name of ve preferred the recipe for preparing lemon tart [Music] as a complement to the usual and generous dose of butter but the refinement of the lemon tart was due to the peel of crystallized lemons or finely cut zest of lemons that lined the pie crust [Music] [Applause] without delay one had to cover this base with an unctuous cream made up of 80 grams of butter six eggs and 260 grams of fresh cream and the same quantity of sugar [Music] [Applause] [Music] but one could go further and macing his preparation of the given recipe the young apprentice pastry cook would produce the idea of combining the acidic sabers of lemons by topping the base with the softness of a meringue we can thus imagine why the young by you is going to become a very famous pastry cook what an idea beating egg whites with powdered sugar that harmoniously laying the mousse on the contents of the tart thirty minutes in a hot oven and the genial dessert is ready this was the product of an imaginative maitre d who posed an idea and of a budding pastry cook who composed the ingredients [Music] three centuries later countless events have changed the face of society but the age of enlightenment still influences many a dining table Helen Darras granddaughter of a master cook and daughter of a respected chef gets great pleasure from reading a cookery book especially written for women the title can be translated as a bourgeois wife's guide to cookery it was published by a certain mineral in 1746 how curious good parsley root certain thing in the past we rarely find them in good dishes these days a two-star chef alemdar owes commands a rare female presence in a world dominated by men from time immemorial maybe because there's always been more profit and fame to such a profession than battling to manage your household Helen has resisted all the remarks made about female chefs require newly family here we cook with a lot of intuition not too much I always privilege intuition in relation to technique which is not easy for the PC but I need you perhaps our recipes are more accessible to enthusiastic cooks at home then most of the recipes published by some of the great chefs today Kachina dangan yeah for now luckily ha the two Seagal chef [Music] Madame MasterChef has also developed her common sense her good housewife cuisine as she defines it combines very structured creations and home cooking philosophy [Music] then one of you in my cookery book you can find a recipe for frozen oysters in green apple jelly company by foie gras caviar but besides that recipe there are simple ideas that come from my grandmother I'm thinking of a source in fresh garlic per dish of chicken leftovers for example unfavourably rise to the plate simplicity and talent a brilliant demonstration of a woman chef and her creative non flamboyant cooking she keeps her sharp eye on her preparation of appeal of caviar fresh cookies on Shack velvety cream of cabbage all going to make a cappuccino of cabbage or the tartar Cochise are Jack and caviar madam keeps a low profile akin to the 18th century French humanist philosopher jean-jacques Rousseau who said that the soul of a gamma is in his palate [Music] radical political and social changes sweeping across Europe and the effects of the guillotine contributed to ending the age of dinner's a la francaise Napoleon would set the trend of eating quickly and austerely English armies returning to European soil would import the trend for eating beef the bourgeois class would adopt the Russian taste for eating preserves revolutionary times had also devastate eating traditions but coffee houses the tradition of dining out in restaurants and the art of preparing sumptuous sources to accompany the main course legacies from the Age of Enlightenment would survive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 258,429
Rating: 4.8302927 out of 5
Keywords: Full length Documentaries, BBC documentary, History, stories, real, Documentaries, Channel 4 documentary, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, history documentary, Let's Cook History, Documentary, Full Documentary, eating habits, Enlightenment Dining, European cooking, TV Shows - Topic, documentary history
Id: 8JA5oFSa9Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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