The Crown Court

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I am the judge and it's my job to interpret and uphold the law other people present during a trial at the Crown Court are the prosecution barrister and the defense barrister usually with solicitors behind them taking notes and the jury the defendant will sit in the dock and be present during the trial it is at my discretion whether or not there is a public gallery after the jury has been sworn in I address them directly I inform them that it is for them to decide if the evidence they are going to hear proves the defendants guilt I also inform them that it is their job to consider the evidence not the law and that I will guide them if necessary on points of law I am the next person to address the jury I introduced myself and explained that IP and behalf the prosecution in this case and my learned friend who I name appears on behalf of the defense I then outlined the prosecution case explaining each offense and the evidence the jury will hear improving this I will state that it is the prosecution's responsibility to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that a defendant is guilty of the offense that they are before the court for I will introduce the first prosecution witness I will then ask a series of questions with regards to the evidence they have given in a statement to the police this is known as examination in chief upon completion of this the defense may ask the witness a series of questions this is known as cross-examination upon completion of the cross-examination I may be given the opportunity to ask a further series of questions to the witness this is known as the reexamination I will continue to call witnesses until all the witnesses have been called to the stand I will announce to the court that this is the case for the prosecution at this point in the case I may make an application of no case to answer to the judge stating that the prosecution has not raised sufficient evidence to prove that the defendant has committed the alleged offense if he finds in favor of my application he will instruct the jury to find the defendant not guilty and then he will release the defendant this is an acquittal if the judge considers the prosecution has raised enough evidence then I will continue with my case as with the prosecution barrister I will introduce the witnesses however at this time they will be given evidence for the defense this will follow in the same procedure of examination in chief cross-examination and then re-examination at the end I will declare that was the case for the defense I then stand and give what is called my closing speech where I outline the prosecution case and try to persuade the jury that the defendant is in fact guilty I then stand and give my closing speech outlining the defense's case and try to save the jury that the defendant is not guilty I will then sum up all the evidence I will direct the jury on the legal issues and what the prosecution has to prove if they are to find the defendant guilty I will give them the legal options available reminding them that if they are not sure they must find the defendant not guilty we then retire to make our decision once a decision has been reached we return and as foreperson of the jury I announce the jury's verdict if found not guilty the defendant is released if the defendant is found guilty I will make a statement in mitigation to the judge the judge will take this statement into account before sentencing I thank the jury for the service that they have provided if the defendant is found not guilty I will release the jury from the court if the defendant is found guilty I will move to sentencing in a straightforward case it is likely in that instance that the jury will remain in court I may however postpone sentencing where other factors are to be considered this can be particularly appropriate where there have been contentious issues or whether defendants background is likely to have a significant impact on the sentence I pass you
Channel: University of Derby
Views: 1,017,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forensics, usher, science, witness, criminology, sentence, guide, crown, tl, prison, defence, expert, court, introduction, magistrates, teach, law, judge, jury, clerk, practice, students, solicitor, prosecution, learn, udol, trial, derby, uni, graduate, bcl, School Of Law And Criminology, study, instruction, barrister, university of derby
Id: tZYvv_s5R-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 08 2014
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