The CRISPR Patent Battle: Implications for Downstream Innovation in Gene Editing

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- Ah, welcome I'm Ann Hassett. I'm the executive director of the Engelberg center and I'm really thrilled to be able to bring you this program tonight. Because, it's something I've really wanted to understand and fortunately I found four super smart people, who understand so many aspects of it, that I'm gonna let them do most of the talking. But what I do wanna just start out with are some of the things that I think are so interesting about this. Like many different levels of this phenomenon of CRISPR. 30 years ago, some Japanese scientist were looking at E. Coli and they saw some very interesting repeats. Which someone at radio lab came up with a really good musical way to display, to kind of communicate, and I'm not gonna try to repeat it because I'm not musically talented. But what they saw this, sequence of repeats and they thought, gee that's unusual you don't usually get repeats preserved like that in E. Coli. So a lot of time goes on and the step, that was the beginning of what ended up being identified as CRISPR which, and Jake will correct me if I've got this wrong, is a sort of acronym for clustered regular interspaced palindromic repeats. And that's basically what those scientist had discovered but they didn't yet know what the value of them was, and there's a very very long story to get from there to here and I'm gonna leave a lot of that to Jake. But, I think what's really interesting is what we're facing today is kind of a revolution in what is available for us to do with gene editing techniques. And I think you'll hear some of the, from the participants in the program, some of the things that can be done in the course of addressing the issues that we really wanna focus on tonight. And I just wanna kind of go over those briefly before we let each of the panelist start doing the talking. I think that one of the big issues that we have to consider with a technology like CRISPR is this question of. What does it mean for downstream innovation and commercialization of gene editing? And there are a lot of difficult issues to consider about that. I think the key issue that we have to consider is what are the models that are being used for licensing, and are there any special responsibilities for licensing when the results of the research are really from government funded efforts at universities, and that's exactly the situation here. And then I think we also have to consider, not just what's happening. Which is a story in itself. But what really is the way that we ought to be trying to license these sorts of technologies. What's the social significance for us of the effect on innovation. So that's the headline of what I think the panelist will cover. I'm gonna give them each two minutes to introduce themselves and give kind of a main point and then we're gonna go through the technology first and then the subsequent licensing topics. So Jake why don't we start with you. - Sure, so my name is Jake Sherkow. I'm an associate professor at the Innovation Center for Law and Technology at New York Law School. Yeah. (laughs) - Okay, you don't have to use all your two minutes you can save it for later that's fine. - Sure I reserve it for rebuttal after. - For rebuttal yeah. (laughs) We have the yellow lights here so you'll be, it's like being in a oral argument. And, Bruce. - I'm Bruce Wexler I'm a partner at Paul Hastings, chair of the life sciences industry practice group and an adjunct professor at NYU. - Lisa. - Hi, I'm Lisa Wallet. I'm a professor at Stanford Law School and I'll mostly be talking about some of the policy implications here. A lot of my research is focused on University patenting and in particularly, University patenting under the Bayh-Dole Act for a federally funded research like this. - And Abraham. - Hi, I'm Abraham Goldfinger. I had the Industrial Liaison Office here at NYU, which is the office responsible for commercializing NYU technology. So we've been very active in starting up new companies around technologies having started more than 100, and have seen many of our products come to market to help benefit patients. So you know I'm very grateful to Ann for setting up this very interesting discussion. You know cause we'd like to, our goal is to bring products to market to help the public. But it's good to be thoughtful about what we're doing and is it, what's the best way to do that. So looking forwards to a very interesting discussion. - So, I was looking into kind of how many patents there were that cover CRISPR and just in the United States I think that the US patent office has 50. It has already issued 50 patents covering CRISPR and there's a few applications that are pending. One of them we'll hear about later on. And out of those 50 it's interesting that probably 13 of them are from the Broad Institute, MIT kind of group of institutions. Another 10 are Harvard itself. Then there's three from Dupont and then a few other companies that each have one, and then Caribou, which is a company you're gonna hear about later, has one and has some pending applications. So what kind of brought us to this event today is that about a month ago the US patent office, the PTAB, the Patent Trial and Appeals Board, issued a decision in an old-fashion interference the kind that we may not see many of. Because there were patents from CAL, University of California Berkeley, that were filed and then other patents that had applications that had been filed by. I'm gonna call the Broad Group just to note all that of those relationships. And they were all in the first to invent era and so old-fashion interference had to be decided between them. And that's really the decision that came down about a month ago, and it's gotten lots of attention, it's raised a lot of interesting questions and that is where we're gonna try to focus tonight. So I'd first like to start with Jake, who is amazing as a lawyer, because not only does he get the law but he also gets the science. So he's going to talk to us about the technology to the extend we can within the time we have and also about the litigation. - Sure, thank you very much Anna and thank you very much for having me this is a wonderful program. I hope you are all as excited about this as I am although I suppose that that will be hard. So let's talk about exactly what CRISPR is. Since the molecular structure of DNA was discovered now roughly 64 years ago. It's been the holy grail of molecular biologist to be able to edit this DNA in living cells, to be able to edit the genome. This wasn't even dreamed of as a possibility until the advent of recombinant DNA technologies in the 1980s. And we didn't really develop techniques for gene editing until the 1990s and the early 2000s. These older methods you need to understand were costly, they were difficult and they were clumsy. In very broad stokes, for those of you with a computer science background, they were not programmable, right. In order to edit any particular gene of the genome one needed to create an entirely different enzyme to do so. This is like building a new computer for every line of code that you needed to write. It is other words impractical. In 2012 we have a major breakthrough. We have Jennifer Doudna of University of California, here on the right, receiving her 2013 breakthrough prize, and to her left Emmanuelle Charpentier, who was then at Umea University in Sweden, she is now at the Max Planck Institute. They discovered a way to modify a naturally occurring bacterial immune system called CRISPR in order to flexibly edit the genome of living cells. I wanna be clear and this something than Anne mentioned earlier. They were not the first to discover the naturally occurring system. That honor belongs to, depending upon how one takes a view of scientistic history, a string of researchers from Japan, France and importantly Lithuania. But Doudna and Charpentier, they were the first to be able to engineer the system in a programmable way. What do I mean by engineering the system in a programmable way? Well, this is CRISPR-cas9, the system that we're talking about in it's most basic form. It uses a single enzyme, cas9, that is the blue blob you see at the top there. Which is derived from particular species of bacteria known as streptococcus pyogenes. It also needs a short piece of RNA, this is the purple DNA-like looking thing here, although to be clear it is RNA it is not DNA. That is referred to as a guide RNA. In natural systems the guide RNA comes in two pieces. The CRISPR RNA, the one that looks like it is matching, the matching genomic sequence component over there and something called the trans-activating CRISPR RNA. Which is essentially that loop up top that you see there right. These two pieces are required to form the CRISPR-cas9 complex that you see here. Doudna and Charpentier's major advance was discovering a couple of things actually. The first was that these two pieces that were otherwise separate in bacterial cells, could be combined into a single-guide RNA, that is the purple molecule you see right there. This is known as SG-RNA or the single guide RNA. They also discovered that to get this system to work you needed what's called a protospacer adjacent motif, that is the yellow DNA bit that you see over there at the side. And this essentially allows the CRISPR cas9 system to cleave DNA at both sides, not just on one side, but to make a clear double-stranded break here. By making a clear double-stranded break you have thus enabled yourself to be able to edit the genome essentially however you see fit. The other reason why this technology is so powerful is unlike previous systems which needed to create essentially a new cas9 for every different gene you wanted to edit. We could use a single enzyme and simply create a new piece of guide RNA depending upon the gene that we wanted to change. These guide RNAs are relatively short and you can literally go home and do this if you would like, order them online. They are cheap, they are something like $7 a base pair right. At the same time, right, this is a bacterial system, CRISPR-cas9 is a bacterial system right, and it was unclear at the time whether it was gonna work in the cells of higher orgasms or eukaryotic cells. There's some concerns about this right. Eukaryotic cells, the cells of higher orgasms, they have a nucleus, DNA is packed into chromatin modules, like proteins that DNA wraps itself around. And the fact is that the cells of higher organisms don't naturally produce cas9. In January 2013, Feng Zhang, a researcher from the Broad institute, blows this wide open by demonstrating that it is possible in living cells to be able to edit the genome using CRISPR-cas9. Not only that but you can do this in the cells of higher orgasms if you find a way to produce the cas9 enzyme, and maybe most interestingly you could do this for multiple genes at once. In other words if you wanted to edit 50 genes at the same time, you could do it at the same time. You didn't need to do it in 50 separate reactions. If you guys are interested in some of the mythology behind the invention here, the mythology works like this. Feng Zhang is at a conference in Florida, he hears about Jennifer Doudna and Charpentier's work and he immediately retreats to his hotel room or he reads every paper that he could find on CRISPR, and then leaves the conference early and goes back and creates the system that he created in his lab at the Broad Institute. I have no idea whether this is true or not, this is the apocrypha that we are dealing with when it comes to CRISPR invention. But this is it, this is still a major advance. This is a way to precisely edit, in a cheap and easy fashion, the genome of cells and higher organisms virtually at will. Our ability to what we can do with CRISPR-cas9 as an engineer-able system is essentially limited by our own imagination. Needless to say everyone's imagination immediately has fixed on designer children, right designer babies. This is the thing that CRISPR scare mongers like to talk about. I think that for a variety of concerns I'm happy to talk this in a Q&A. This is wildly overblown. But kind of more on the table for discussion right now is using the CRISPR system to edit to the genome of pests. For example, by inserting something called a gene drive CRISPR system in aedes aegypti mosquito in order to eradicate it entirely right. Or for that matter rather than eliminating an animal bringing an animal that no longer exists back. To resurrect species that have longed been extinct. George Church, a researcher at Harvard has proposed using CRISPR to do just this. Editing the genome of an Asian elephant to bring back the Woolly mammoth. Why I wouldn't call these application of CRISPR science fiction, at this point they are somewhere between fact and fiction and yet something much more superlative than alternative facts. The real value of CRISPR-case9 is just how flexible the system is for a variety of different types of genetic modification. Here's a great review of those from Shue in this 2014 cell paper. "We can use the system to turn genes on or off "that already exists in a genome. "We can screen for the function of different genes "on genome-wide basis. "We can show us when and how much certain genes "are being processed by a particular cell or a cell type. "We can control wide variety of cellular interactions "in an almost infinite variety of conditions. "The power of CRISPR-case9 isn't just that it edits. "It is also that it can be used to create, to power, "to report and to analyze the content of the genome. This power was recognized by both Doudna and Charpentier as well as Feng Zhang, and suffice it to say both sides filed patent applications covering engineered forms of this CRISPR-case9 system. Doudna and Charpentier's application was not specific to any cell or cell system and just literally was silent with respect to that. Although they hypothesized that the system could be used in the cells of higher organisms. Zhang's application however was specific to eukaryote system, and gave great details about how to implement that system in eukaryote. This, long back story that I won't get into right now, triggered an interference at the patent office. Which is a trial, for those of you unfamiliar with interference practice to assess among other things or among multiple inventors, who invented a particular technology first. I will describe the timeline of this interference in a moment. But if you wanted to distill the thousands of pages of interference material down to a single question this is it. Who was the first to invent a single-guide RNA mediated CRISPR-cas9 gene editing system in a eukaryotic cell? For those of you that have a procedural bent, like myself, here is the timeline right. May 2012, Doudna files her first provisional application, she publishes her critical paper in science in August. December 2012, Zhang files his provisional application for eukaryotic applications. He publishes his seminal science paper in March. Because Zhang had the ability to fast track his application for those patent practitioners in the room, using a procedure known as a petition to make special. His patent was issued first even though it was filed second. So Zhang's first complete patent gets issued in April of 2014. At this point University of California Berkeley realizes that they may be loosing the horse race and so thy petitioned the PTO to declare this interference. This petition gets filed April 13th 2015. I still remember where I was when this got filed. January 11th 2016, the patent office formally declares the interference and we had interlocutory oral arguments, in December sixth 2016 of this year. Last word about this phrase interlocutory oral arguments. Generally speaking interferences are broken down into two phases. The first phase is something called an interlocutory phase. This is where the patent trial and appeal board, a panel of three judges who are experts both on molecular biology and patent law, decide all of the issues that are related other than who was there first. They decided what was invented, what type of technology, what precisely was claimed, does it meet certain requirements so on and so forth. We call these the non-priority motions. Both sides get to petition for which non-priority motions that they wanna file. In doing so we need to first assess exactly what the technology is that's in dispute between the two parties. In other words how do compare essentially two documents or for that matter in this case. How do we compare 14 different documents at the same time? And to do so the patent trial and appeal board writes essentially a fictional patent claim that is suppose to cover all the technology at issue. I am not mercifully going to go through what the count, this is what this fictional claim is here. I simply want to point out three important elements. The first element is that the interference centerd on applications in a eukaryotic cell. They also centered on applications dealing with this DNA targeting RNA. That's the single-guide RNA that I mentioned earlier. And lastly that they are specific to one particular enzyme to use this technology, cas9 right. Here are the patent applications and the patents that were originally subject as part of the interference. You have Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier's patent application that had yet to be granted or issued down at the very bottom. By the time the interference gets declared Zhang already has 13 issued patents, he actually had 14. All right one was originally put in as part of the interference and then removed later. Here are the motions, the non-clarity motions that each side petitioned to file during the interference proceeding. I'm not gonna go through the meat of each one of these, although to the extent that you're a gluttons for punishment I'm really happy to do that. I wanna focus on just one here, these are the ones that got granted. The one here that Broad file called the no interference in fact. This was essentially Broad arguing that Zhang's invention was an appreciable advance over Doudna's, irrespective of what Doudna's invention actually was. Irrespective of how Doudna's invention ends up being claimed. Zhang did something different, therefore Zhang is entitled to his own patents and there should not be an interference. There is, "No interference in fact." That argument won the day on February 15th of this year. So for those of us suffering from a Valentine's day hangover we had this to look forward to. Broad said that they had, the patent trial and appeal board panel claimed that Broad has persuaded them, that the parties claimed patten-ably distinct subject matter and for that reason the parties' claims do not interfere and the interference was terminated. What is the meat of this decision? Why did the PTAB decide that what Zhang invented was an appreciable advance over Doudna's? Well here's a couple of reason why. Reason number one for trial, attorneys in the audience. Because of statements that Doudna herself made when being interviewed about her technology. She said for example, that they did not know whether or not the system was gonna work in eukaryotic cells. That she herself had many frustrations getting it to actually work and that anyone who will be able to get it work, would be making, "A profound discovery." If you are a trial lawyer and this is your clients own statements, I hope you are sitting down. Right. There's a number of other reason as well, reasons that have to deal with the molecular biology between eukaryotic system and prokaryotic systems. Some of these I went over earlier right. Things having to do with protein folding cellular compartmentalization. Those kind of chromatin module issue which some scientist laugh at. And so anyway all of these ended up the PTAB concluding that the Broad statements, do not demonstrate that Doudna had a reasonable expectation of success in getting her system to work in eukaryotic cells. Because she did not have a reasonable expectation of success to getting the system to work in eukaryotic cells, Zhang actually doing it was an advance such that Zhang was entitled to his patents. So very briefly I just wanna talk for two minutes about, what happens now, where do we go from here. What happens after there's no interference and fact is declared? Well essentially the University of California has two options. First option, it can appeal the no interference and fact decision to the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. And I think as a strategic move this is probably a good idea. This is the only avenue for them to still have a chance to declare complete victory. But with that being said I think the chances of complete victory at the Federal Circuit are low. The absolutely excellent attorneys are at the Patent Docs Blog, you guys should all read it. Talked about why this is so and that is because, decision regarding reasonably expectations of success, those are factual decisions, and by being factual decisions they're entitled to deference on appeal. This is not just a case where it's a little bit of fact that the PTAB is hanging it's hat on. The PTABs decision on February 15th was a 51-page monster. That's a monster as far as the PTAB is concerned. It was 51-page decision that went through a lot of facts as to why It believed that there was not a reasonably expectation of success to get the system to work in the cells of higher organisms. So to the extent that University of California Berkeley loses at US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. It can go back to the patent trial. It can back to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, where it could try to get broader claims covering of the technology. It could try to convince the patent examiner that it's entitled to what are called genus claims. It's entitled to claims that are independent of particular cell system. But, I think for all the reasons that the patent office stated. Even if they are successful in getting these claims issued, in a litigation posture they're gonna be incredibly weak. Why are they gonna be weak in a litigation posture? Because the first piece of evidence a challenger is going to offer, to demonstrate that the patents are not valid, with respect to eukaryotic cells is the PTABs own decision that came out February 15th. It would not be that difficult to convince, or at least I personally. I know we have some difference of option on this panel. I don't think it would that difficult to convince a jury that this is something where three of the best experts in patent law in molecular biology have decided that what Zhang did was different and Doudna did not sufficiently disclose what she claims she had invented. So in that case if this is what happens. If University of California Berkeley ends up getting their Broad patents, and that they are later invalidated in trial, their invention goes up in smoke. This is anyways, that's the graphic there. This uncertainty is gonna complicate the licensing arrangement that currently these surrogate companies have. That Doudna's company has and Zhang's company Editas has here. The licensing regime is very very complicated. I will leave a discussion about this later to my other panelist. I simply wanted to show you the slide just to show you that a lot of companies have already invested a lot money in this space, and not having a clear answer as to who owns the foundational patents in this technology is really kind of hampering other entrants in this field and is causing some inefficiency. Right, that's it thank you very much. - Thank you Jake. So I'm gonna alter slightly what I told the panelist I was gonna do. I'm gonna give Lisa and Abraham the short comment time and then Bruce I think you have more that you wanna say, so we'll let you follow. Lisa do you have any comments on Jake's presentation? - It was awesome. (panelist laughs) Yeah I mean I think. I'm slightly more optimistic than Jake about the ability of Berkeley to get Broad genus claims granted and have them upheld in litigation, and I think I agree with his overall assessment of the merits. But, It might seem odd that Berkeley could get broad claims genus claims that would include use in eukaryotic cells and that the Broad claim would still be granted and not obvious in light of that. But they're really different legal questions and that kind of situation happens in patent law all the time. Where you have an initial genus claim and then some has species claim that is not obvious in light of that and so. The question on whether Berkeley's claim would be valid it's primarily a 112 disclosure question. You'd need the disclosure in the Berkeley patent to enable people who are skilled in the art to make the full scope of the invention at the time of filing and to show possession of that invention. And there's been a number of cases in biotech where courts have invalidated, kind of broad claims under these 112 concerns. Though, primarily in cases where the claim is really more functional language, I mean not at official means post function claims. But functional in a way that I don't think it could be CRISPR claims. So, I think that it is possible that we could end up here with a situation where in order to use CRISPR in eukaryotic cells you need to have a license from both Berkeley towards genus patent and that Broad species patent. - Abraham did you want any comments about any of the points that Jake made? - Just again that was an excellent presentation and I'm not nearly as familiar with the details of what went on the patent inference as they are. But just to echo what was just said. Sometimes you might get a very broad claim or you also might get specific technique claims. That the technique that would be applied broadly, would also be applied with eukaryote. So without claiming it so very broadly, you're claiming techniques and if the techniques are useful when you apply it to eukaryotes that it's potential that they would get claims that a company would wanna use as they develop products. - So Jake I'm gonna let Bruce talk and then you'll get a moment, two minutes to respond if you want to. So Bruce I know that you have a lot of thoughts about the litigation and the meaning of it. So why don't you let us know. - Yeah, first of all everything, I mean it was an excellent presentation. I don't actually have anything specific that I disagree with in the presentation. What I did was I looked more at the patent office's decision and the thinking about future litigation. How things will play out and some really sort of observations I made looking at it from the outside. Not having been involved in that particular interference or nothing I'm saying is sort of confidential to any party. As a global point I think that the interference decided that the the UC genus that was patent-ably distinct from the Broad species. So we have a species that is non-obvious over a prior genus that's the upshot of it. The outcome of that you split off into two separate groups of patents. And so I think what that did ultimately was just to generate more uncertainty, than anything else. It was interesting to me that Broad was authorized to file a written description motion. Where they could have attacked whether or not there was adequate support for the UC claims, but the board point out at page eight that they chose not to. So then the question is why, you know why not go down that path? And there's a couple of things that are potentially embedded within that. One is, if they had attacked the written description support of the UC claims in a situation where they're not functional claims per say, but they're just very broad claims. Then you wonder whether that record itself might cause harm to the scope of the Broad claims, except they were trying to go broadly as well. So there could be some risk intention there in keeping like a date on the most. Also, you know, did they think it would be weaker to raise the unpredictability of the CRISPR in the eukaryote? Was it weaker to raise that in a 112 attack on the UC patent, than to focus on the non-obviousness of the species over the genus? Now remember in this interference context, the focus was on the claim of the UC patent, versus the Broad patent. Not the disclosure per say of the UC patent and at pages 46 to 48 of the opinion, the board, the PTAB, discounts a slew of references that UC was relying upon and trying to asset obviousness. On the ground and in the context of an interference and fact they're just not relevant. So that leaves uncertainty there for us to really the question of obviousness of the Broad patents, if the full scope of the prior arc would be considered. Now, I'm not gonna offer any view on that. I'm just suggesting that the interference decision by the PTAB doesn't really fully answer that question. Of course it doesn't answer the 112 questions and then there was no exploration of priority, so you don't know about that. There was this initial collaborative spirit that seemed to exists on the CRISPR that then split off as people started to fight. Which raises the potential for inventorship fights that none of this addresses. And then on appeal, reasonable expectations success is in fact a factual issue that is difficult to appeal. But what's very interesting about this appeal is that reasonable expectations success will be isolated in the obviousness of this inquiry. And it's very unusual I think to see an appeal where the entire obviousness question lasers in so much on reasonable expectation and success. Because the board found that prior basically, prior claim, that they were suggesting the use of CRISPR in eukaryote. The board found that there was a motivation to start using it in eukaryotes, that people were working on it. They were talking about it. And the board really was persuaded by these statements that said, that you know, I don't know if it's gonna work and that was very compelling. But the question is if you go on appeal to the Federal Circuit, and let's say you find a judge in particular, who is looking at it more from say a KSR more flexible approach to obviousness. Is this case an opportunity for the Federal Circuit to pull back on the strictures of reasonable expectation and success? If that were to happen that would be very dangerous precedent for patentees potentially. So there could be very broad ramifications of this kind of appeal. Just quickly, some observations about the litigation itself. UC used two experts doctors Ryder and Carroll, the board said they were substantially identical. So you wonder why were there two experts saying the same thing. Maybe the theory was two experts are better than one. But Dr. Carroll has published some very bad statements, and his statements that they cited were about how unpredictable the field was they were contemporaneous, and Broad did a very good job of making the entire litigation premise on Dr. Carroll. They mounted a massive attack on Dr. Carroll, it was the theme and it was very effective because it showed that, in terms of credibility, what UC, and again this my impression reading these materials. I found the UC briefs a little sort of formalistic they took a very patent approach where they said, at page so and so, line so and so, there's this argument the response is that. Whereas the Broad briefs really told a story of difficulty of moving to eukaryote and how difficult it was. And how the UC folks we're just kinda saying that you could do it, but there was really no real clear evidence showing how you could move from one to the other. There was a comment that, UC said that Broad you know heard about what the UC people were doing and then got the idea and they attacked the credibility of that by pointing to emails and information thar predated what they had cited to show that Broad was doing it's own work independently. Again, another hit on the credibility of the arguments UC. So that then leads to the question so what happens next. So this decision basically just separated off the too patents. So if there's litigation all these two issues are on the table. And if there's litigation, for example you know I can think of reading this decision. I already can think of ways I might litigate this case differently. It's a lesson, its a learning lesson for something in the future, and yes you can show the decision to a jury or If it's admissible if you get it in. But the point is if there was a wold in which there's a different body of prior, there's different experts, there's a different explanation, that answers all the questions the board wanted to hear. What's the outcome? And I don't, I can't tell you right now. So when I look at this I see a lot of uncertainty. I see pathways for litigation in the future. But it definitely is very interesting that at this point they said the species is non-obvious over the genus and that's about the best I think we can take away from that. - So Bruce I have a question. In view of your sense that there's a way you would have litigated the case differently, is any of that something that you would affect how you think UC should proceed on appeal? - Perhaps. But you know, since the appeal hasn't happened I guess I'll just sort of not talk about that. - Okay. - No you know I think in general, in general. I think if the approach at the Federal Circuit was similar to the approach at the board. Where it was very sort of at page seven line six it is argued that and there's the argument and then it says the response is that, and it's sort of organized that way. I would think that the Federal Circuit wants to see something more compelling than that, rather than a compartmentalized set of arguments. And Broad did just that, I mean they had a story of this work. And I think it was a pretty stark contrast, I don't know if you agree. When you read the two sets of briefs. - Yeah, definitely and so there is a burning debate among litigators at the PTAB right now, essentially since inter par-tes review became a substantial part of law firm practice back in 2012, 2013 as to whether you as a client are better off hiring a litigator to litigate your case in front of the PTAB. Or whether or not you are better off hiring a kind of died in wool patent practitioner to do so. And these differences were on parade in the CRISPR interference case here. Broad on the one hand, their main attorney Steven Trybus at Jenner Block who is a litigator all right. You know Federal Courts around the country. University of California's attorney Todd Walters Buchanan, Ingersoll, who's PTO reg number is like five. Right by the way. I'm thrilled that I got any laughs all right. (panelist laughs) Yeah and so I couldn't agree with you more this showed in a nutshell kind of what this difference in this area of practice is. I was at the oral arguments on December sixth. I sat in a room with you know I don't know, 48 of my closest friends or how ever many the fire marshal would let in. And while I think it is true that University of California's briefs very much, like you said were very compartmentalized and just very overly formalistic as one would expect from a died in the wool patent practitioner, who's practicing before the PTAB. I have to confess I was really impressed with Todd Walters' presentation at the PTO. I thought that in the oral argument her presented an amazingly compelling story for you know, here's what Doudna did, here's when she did it, here's exactly how long it took to get to where she was. You know yes she had these statements but then you have to understand she was being interviewed by 10,000 media for an entire year and you know fine she made that statement once. What about the 9,999 other times where she said we're gonna do it now right. And frankly If I were a PTAB judge I'd probably would have sided with University of California then. But it was interesting of the three PTAB judges at the time, at least two of them had had former litigation experience. This would be judge Shaffer who was sitting on the left and judge Debra Cats who was the lead judge for that particular panel who was sitting on the right. And I think as litigators you can't shake the habit when a deponent makes a statement against party admission, statement against party interest. And you can't shake that habit of thinking that that's not conclusive, and I've got a feeling that that's what ended up happening. - And I would say the one thing that I didn't see a lot of detail, was the idea that to go from what UC did to get the eukaryote. There was no really heavy discussion of what actually was done to make it work and why that sort of flowed from a set of information that existed before. It just wasn't discussed that much one way or the other. When she left the statements very powerful. - What's interesting is that it didn't come out in the no interference and fact opinion. But it was mentioned during the course of the oral arguments right. So essentially you know, if you wanna think of this in like basic patent law terms. We have a claim, a claim has elements, what elements did Zhang add right. Well essentially Zhang added two elements. The first element was called a code on optimization technique. There's ways of getting certain genes to be transcribed in cells of higher organisms in a superior fashion relative to their bacterial cases right. So that got discussed a little bit. And there was also the importance of being able to insert in the guide-RNA, the kind of purple piece of RNA that I showed previously right. What's called the nuclear localization signal to make sure that that got to the nucleus, where with respect to the genome that's where all the action's happening. But, and this is where I thought Todd Walters' presentation was so fascinating. There were five other labs doing the same thing at the same time, Zhang just got there first. So to the extent there was five other people doing the same thing at the same time that leaves you to believe that adding those elements was in fact obvious right. - But then-- - We can go on about the decision. Let's save the rest of this which is very interesting for Q&A or for the cocktail hour. So Abraham did you wanna make any comments on any of this or you know? - No again I think it's all been well laid out. I guess in addition to this just in terms of licensing landscape where we've been talking the US patents I guess they're also European patents and the rest of the world and that will all play out in different ways perhaps. So, just that that all needs to be taken into account as well. - Yeah and there's opposition proceedings in Europe right now to Doudna patent, issued patent right. But anyway yeah. - Listen did you wanna add any comment. - Just one very quick thing anyone's thinking about possible futures here, one possibility that we haven't talked about is that Berkeley could get it's Broad genus claim allowed, and then it might not get challenged in litigation if Berkeley decides to take the strategy of licensing it at a low enough cost that it's not worth anyone's time to challenge it in litigation. I've heard from a number of people that they think this is what happened with Stanford's famous Cohen Boyer patents on recombinant DNA, which I'll be talking about a little more later. There have been validity challenges against them but no one had an incentive to bring those validity challenges because they were being licensed so cheaply. - Okay, I wanna get to the licensing issues now. But Jake could you just like give us like two minutes on your chart to help the audience appreciate the difference between. Well how the licensing rights are kind of basically sorted out here. - Sure. So first thing's first, I cannot take credit for this chart. This chart is the work of Jorge Contreras who's my co-author in article that we just published in science. As he explained to me PowerPoint is his muse and here you guys go. All right, so when we're looking at the CRISPR patent landscape, we could think of it in two areas right. The first are licenses that are originating from the Broad Institute and it's related institutions. Those are these top licenses up here and then we have licenses that are originating from University of California and interrelated institution down, oh the clicker's gone, down there right. You may see that Emmanuelle Charpentier seems to be standing alone right there. This is because at the time of the invention, Emmanuelle Charpentier, when she was at Umea University in Sweden. Sweden does not have a Bayh-Dole equivalent. So Emmanuelle Charpentier got title to her interest in the patents. There's another researcher, Martin Karlinsky, who's name I'm almost certainly mispronouncing, who was at University of Vienna. Austria does have a Bayh-Dole equivalent, so University of Vienna is the title holder to his particular interests in any event. So one of the ways that these license structures are set up is through what we term surrogate licensers. Essentially these companies that take an exclusive license off of the hands of these universities and are then tasked with the burden of shopping them around to other commercial developers. That's essentially what we see here. Editas, which is Broad's exclusive surrogate licensee for human therapeutics you see them at the top. They are definitely the large player in the field. They are certainly the large player in the field today after the no interference of fact decision came out. And then we have Caribou Biosciences and Intellia Genomics and CRISPR Therapeutics down there. Which are the surrogate licensees to the University of California side. There's a number of different companies that are working with them, but those companies, just make sure this is still true today, still true today. Those companies are not as far along as some of the companies that obtaining their license from Editas now so. - So Jake is Sharp MPA, granting exclusive rights in the same patent as Berkeley. - Yeah, so those exclusive licenses derive from the same patent application, the 13842859 patent application. - So they don't have a joint agreement to cooperate rather they each do it themselves? - Since December of this year, since December 24th of this year, they now have a joint agreement to cooperate. There is an entire Cloak and Dagger story regarding Emmanuelle Charpentier believing that Jennifer Doudna's attorneys were not looking out for her best interests with rest to licensing the patents that's why CRISPR therapeutics was started. Which I won't get to and I could save for the Q&A as you guys could call it, literally talk about this stuff forever and will stop right there. - Thank you Jake, so I wanna turn to Lisa now. Lisa how did we get here, two major university groups duking it out you know, dark stories in the background about the money they can earn from the results of research that was funded by the government. So explain it. - I think this is a kind of great time to reflect on why are universities allowed to patent things that are funded by public money and then this stems largely Bayh-Dole act which. How many people here have heard of the Bayh-Dole act? Most of you great. So as you probably know it made uniform rules so that most federally funded technologies, universities can patent and exclusively license them. And for those kinds of technologies the normal story for why we have patents in general, reason we allow private companies to have patents is that they provide an additional incentive to come up with these inventions in the first place. So we think people will create more inventions if they have the incentive of the patent right. That story is less compelling when we're talking about something at a university that's being largely financed by public dollars. Because university professors they have the grants to do the research, they lots of incentives to, probably there's gonna be a Nobel prize from this. And so many of these things they would have the invention even if the researcher wasn't going to get the patent right. So the most compelling justification that's been offered for why we allow universities to patent things is called commercialization in theory. The idea that, it's not that the exclusive right is necessary to get the invention in the first place. It's that if there's an an exclusive right on it, not one's going to then commercialize that invention. So that kind of story makes a lot of sense if you're talking about a typical pharmaceutical. No drug company is going to invest in clinical trials for a new drug if they don't have sufficient exclusivity in it. And so even though we might have gotten the patent on the initial molecule that seems promising for curing cancer. Even if we didn't have the patent, having the patent is useful for them getting someone to bring that cancer drug to market so that patients can actually use it. In other cases where there's some technologies where many people are interested in using them, even if they don't have exclusive rights and including all the cases here where this is being licensed non-exclusively. In those cases it doesn't really make any sense to say that exclusivity is necessary for commercialization, because it clearly isn't. People are licensing it non-exclusively and commercializing it because it is useful because it's a good idea. And so that commercialization story then doesn't make sense the initial like having the patent incentive to come up with the invention doesn't make as much sense. It might be useful to have these patents as a way of generating revenue for the university and overall tech transfer does generate more licensing income than all of the cost of it. But most tech transfer offices are not big money makers for the university. In fact most of them at least as of most recent date I saw were not even operating in the black. So it's not a very efficient revenue transfer mechanism to universities. So if you're thinking about this from a public welfare perspective and then the many inventions where universities are using them, are licensing them without exclusive rights, whether it's lots of people clam pouring to use them because it's useful. I think it's harder to explain why we want these patents. I had mention earlier the Cohen Boyer patents. These are patents that Stanford had on earlier recombinant DNA technology. Stanford widely, non-exclusively licensed them, brought in a significant amount of revenue for Stanford and the foundation of biotech industry. But I think it's hard to say that we would not have had the biotech industry if we didn't have those patents. And this recombinant DNA technology is not that people wanted to use them because they had the patents, no one had exclusivity, they're not exclusively licensed. And so to that extent it's basically a small tax on the early biotech industry, that anyone who wants to use them has to pay some fee to Stanford for the right to use them. And so it's worth thinking about that in the CRISPR context now and to what extent are some of these technologies like traditional pharmaceuticals. Where it's really important that somebody have exclusivity or else nobody is going to use it. To what extent is it to say, really important platform technology that everyone is going to want to use because it's been a biotech breakthrough. And to the extent we're in the former category where it's things that we need some exclusivity in order to get it commercialized. It's not a binary question of how much exclusivity you need. There's the full scope of the patent rights you can get but it could be that a company would be willing to pursue a particular commercial application for less than than the full patent term. Or for less than such a broad exclusive right and so some of the areas on Jake's graph here are for exclusive rights for use in all human therapeutics. And it could be that those companies would, if they simply had exclusive rights, for the particular applications that they have in mind then that they would be happy to take that license and develop that. And that from a public welfare perspective it would be preferable to then not have them also have control over any other therapeutic application that someone else wants to develop. Which could then lead to them not wanting to have a competing therapeutic application with the particular one that they are developing. So I think I will pause there and let the fellow panelist respond and then can talk more abut some of these policy implications. - Abraham we'll start with you on comments on Lisa's statement. - We'll I guess I'll talk about it in a bit more when I talk. But I guess I would just say you know the mission of the university is to bring products to market, to translate technology into products that will actually benefit people. So that is the goal of what we try to do and we do think thoughtfully about it. I guess I would question the phase that's been used a couple of times of surrogate licensees. Implying that really all the startup company is is a surrogate that just takes things and moves it forward being our sales person. Whereas in reality a lot of startup companies add tremendous value there. Because they're startups they can be recipients of venture capital and investment. That these technologies are not what, you know after the fact it's easy to say, this could have been easily exploited by many people without much effort. But there is tremendous effort. There were many gene therapy companies in the 80s and 90s that generated just as much excitement then as CRISPR is generating now that ultimately didn't succeed that there were more technical hurdles than were thought. So again it's easy to look at it and say, you know that these are just essentially sales surrogates. But, what I would say is that they, in many cases, are needed to generate the investment in the overall technology which advances it. Which then makes it more applicable for the many other sub-licensees to take it forward. - Bruce did you have any comments that you wanted to make? - No. - Okay Jake. - Yeah so I mean. I guess just to kind of both to what was Lisa was saying and then also to what you were saying Abraham too so. With respect to how I agree with Lisa that surrogates can be pernicious right. I wanna give you one concrete example here right. Right here, Editas is Broad Institutes what we call or what Jorge Contreras and I call a surrogate licensee. If you're a small biotech company and you wanna get a license to use CRISPR-cas9 for the purposes of developing human therapy. The first stop on that trail that you need to go to is not to the good people at the Broad Institute, it's the good people at Editas. It's really only if there's a dust-up between you and the people at Editas does it makes sense to get Broad involved. And to be clear, the Broad has been intelligent enough to carve out provisions of it's own license agreement with Editas that in some extreme circumstances will allow the Broad to step in and essentially to remove back that tiny aspect of exclusive surrogacy that Editas has. But still, it is one thing if you are a small biotech company and the license that you are asking for is from a research institution. Which probably does not have it's own plans to develop a commercial clinical trial. But it's another thing if the person that you need to ask, mother may I, to be able to do this research is a rival, and it's certainly the case if it's a similar technology to something that you're planning on doing. So let's take a look at Juno, this license here between Editas and Juno. The chart doesn't necessarily show this well, this is actually a cross-license right. So Juno has a patent estate covering a method of gene editing in a particular cell type called Chimeric Antigen T-cells. It's actually a way of modifying T-cells that doesn't have chimeric antigens. What we call CAR-T technology right. So it's essentially this combination of using CRISPR for CAR-T technology. It is a way to use CRISPR in a particular type of cell within the human body for editing any gene. That is the license that Editas has with Juno right now. Needless to say Juno does not, and I couldn't imagine it even capable of having the ability to run clinical trials for all 20,000 plus genes in the humans genome or every disease indication that is listed out there. So even if Juno is successful, we still have some lock up in the market for someone else who wants to maybe try to be able to use this technology, CAR-T CRISPR technology for an indication that Juno wasn't pursuing at this moment. That if the Broad were in charge of this, Broad would you know be able to give away or sell an even narrower version of it's exclusive license that is currently tied up between Juno and Editas right now. So on one hand yes, they're not pure marketing agents of the university because they do themselves have value they do do real things. But at the same time they are in some ways acting as rivals to some of the small biotech companies out there and so that I think poses some problems. This is especially true from Juno, because Juno's a pilot studies for CAR-T CRISPR technology have failed due to some, an absolutely freak neurotoxicity issue that no one could have predicted. So much so that Juno has now abandoned using it's CAR-T technology at all. Which means that essentially you have this humongous patent estate that's locked up behind exclusive gates, that even if you think you can get around the neurotoxicity issue you still need to beg them for a license. So there's that particular issue. And then yeah so I mean I think you know, I guess I'm not, even though I just wrote this, maybe I'm not wedded to the terminology of them being surrogates. But there is some sense, there's some sense in the literature both from Editas and Caribou and from the research institutions themselves that in fact these companies aren't surrogates. These companies are doing what we are doing but you know with like commercial plus, public interest plus. So to the extent that they're not really surrogates and maybe they're not and maybe my characterization is wrong. It would be nice If that was reflected from the actual research institutions themselves. - So Lisa I have a question for you which is. If CRISPR truly is a platform and I think that's what has been explained today. Then why should it be treated any differently from the Cohen and Boyer patents? Which were exactly a platform that people could use in many many different ways. Why does one company have to tie up all the human therapeutics? I mean I understand why you're doing this. The question is from the perspective of someone who thinks about what the law should be. What are the criteria that we aught to be looking at? - I think it's probably useful to tease apart two different policy issues here and if we focus just on the Broad Institutes licenses as Jake as illustrated them here. We've mostly been talking about the Editas human therapeutic exclusive license and I think the policy questions there are is that exclusive license broader than it needs to be from a public welfare perspective. And by broader, patents create costs and that weight loss and so to the extent you don't need that exclusivity to get these different therapeutic applications commercialized then we don't wanna be granting than exclusive license. There's a different question which I think is more analogous to the Cohen Boyer situation of all of the other kinds of applications like the black lines here are non-exclusive licenses and there's whole bunch of different companies there. So for all of those, exclusivity is clearly not necessary to them to get it commercialized. So I'm curious Jake and Abraham. What do you think is the best justification for having the patents there, having that as license, rather than simply letting anyone use in those areas for free? - Is it me? - Either or anyone who has an opinion. - Okay, well obviously you get the patent first, you know and then it could be applied to in different ways and then I think the Broad was very, you know thought it out well in terms of making it broadly applicable through non-exclusive licensing, so that's it's not inhibiting it. In terms of whether that serves a purpose or not, obviously the Broad will plow whatever they get back into further research so. I would say it's not inhibiting it. Whether it's promoting it the way an exclusive license does in the case of therapeutics, it's not clear if there's as great a benefit as with some of the exclusive licenses that lead to products. But I don't think you know to the extent you call it a tax, I don't think, you know it will be as I said plowed back into further research and generally if they do it wisely and not egregiously it won't inhibit further development. - I mean it does inhibit it to some, like it. I mean you said you don't wanna call it tax but to the extent it's charging some fee for people-- - No I said it could be considered even if it was considered a tax. - And so taxes under kind of general economic theory they're gonna decrease use to some degree and it might not decrease all these, but the low value users who, and on the margins it's gonna decrease use of the technology to some extent. - I have a question maybe because I've had situations where you know this idea of public good and the universities doing all the right things. I mean I've had situations where a client, not related to this, has nothing to do with this. But a client gets a communication from a surrogate about something and it is very aggressive and as far as I can tell there's almost no discernible public policy involved, it's all about the money. And so I just wonder you know, If you create this Editas and you say go make money. Is it the case that for example maybe Stanford or NYU or. It's just different philosophies by different universities about money. - I think that's definitely true and there are some awesome anecdotes about just that that I won't regale everyone with right now. But yes I think that's absolutely true. - So Abraham I wanna bring you in here because now I think. So there's some practical constraints that you can talk about from the perspective of the university licensing office in terms of, you believe you should be serving the public good you wanna be serving the public good. But there are examples where it doesn't always work out that way. Tell us something from your perspective. How can it happen that there are restraints even when people have the best intentions? - So I would say by in large most universities and NYU, for which I could speak specifically. You know our goal is the public good and so for example we had a number of patents on a malaria vaccine that we made available in a royalty-free cross license. Where we got nothing out of it and that's the first malaria vaccine that's been successfully tested in people. So that's something where there was a way to make it available to help people and we didn't look for anything for it. But then there are other cases where there are major commercial potential and you need to incentivize companies to invest as was mentioned. And also as you look at but, in terms of some of the practical consideration. So there are a number of different constituents here so one of them our various, the Federal Government and state governments. Which wanna promote economic development. So that was the primary reason for the Bayh-Dole Act in the first place. When the US was under a lot of competition in the 80s and it was felt we were falling behind. And so economic development, generally we're suppose to show a preference for small business. Entrepreneurship is definitely viewed as a good thing. Then one our other constituents would be the faculty that invent the technology. So one they have financial interests that they'll benefit when revenues are generated. But apart from that they wanna see their technology broaden to widespread use. And again entrepreneurship is something that's viewed as good in it's own sense that we're creating industry that, in the case of Stanford to all of Silicon Valley. In the case of MIT the whole initially route 128 and electronics and then the whole biotech industry that most local governments would like to see a startup ecosystem develop, in which many startup companies are created and they feed on each other and it leads to economic development and excitement. Which our faculty share in that excitement. So those are all goals you know in addition to the goal of bringing products to market to help people. So I would just say that's something in it's own right that we're looking to do. But I would say it has not impeded the actually development of products to help people. Again, where things can be broadly, non-exclusively licensed as in this case MIT of Broad did that. And where there are potential therapeutics to be developed there might need to be exclusive licenses. But you just have to think thoughtfully about how you structure them. - I just wanna check, Jake maybe correct me I'm wrong but my understanding is that Broad did non-exclusive licenses for research tools, for basic research but not for the human therapeutics where the money is. Is that correct? - Yes. So Broad is engaged in a policy of essentially free use for academic research, it does this for a non-profit outfit called Addgene. Which is think one of the most innovative companies, being a non-profit company that has been created. That essentially serves as a DNA, what we call plasmid repository for researchers out there. It's just a fascinating organization that essentially relies on the contributions of other scientist in order to be able to run. It's fascinating. For research tools it also offers non-exclusive licenses for agricultural purposes. It only offers non-exclusive licenses. It has a license with Monsanto that's non-exclusive for example. And it is only for human therapeutics that it engages in it's exclusive incense practice and it manages that through Editas it's surrogate. There are no surrogates for these other non-exclusive license areas. It manages it's IP itself. - Just a minute, so Abraham I wanted to ask you a question which is, there's been a lot of conversation about the use of surrogates companies. Is that something that is kind of necessary these days. Because the work of licensing of big technology like this is larger than what a University Office of Industrial Liaison can handle, or there something else at play? Is it that there's, is it as what's suggested earlier that it's the view on the dollar sign? - Right, I would say that on the licensing aspect of it probably it might be done more efficiently with the additional resources that a startup company would bring to make the licensing of it more efficient and quicker. But again I would come back to, a lot these technologies while they might seem very exciting and like they can't miss that there is still work to be done, actual research in the labs, and companies like Editas raising capital to further develop it and make it work. Again there have been other technologies that seemed just as exciting as this years ago, but they didn't succeed and you know a certain thing that it will succeed here as exciting as it is. And so these companies serve the function of further developing it and through all the various relationships they have as it's each of their exclusive licensees as they work with them, it all goes to benefit the core technology. They might learn something from Juno, they might learn something from another company they exclusively incense in another field. So having a company that's focused on the practical aspects of making this an FDA approvable product. There's a value there that goes beyond just being a surrogate. - And in your experience have you found it from time to time the interest of the scientist who are the inventors in working with the further development of the invention into a product, is greater when it's happening through a company as opposed to just directly through the university licensing office? - Yeah it adds a level of excitement to it and it also. Whereas within the university there are charged with educating their graduated students. I mean it's a teaching mission. Whereas at the company they could be focused on just getting things done in a as timely a way as possible. You know doing more of the practical brunt work that might not be suitable for a graduate student's education. You know they could be focused on making products and translating it into something with practical benefit. - I wanna give each of the panelists a minute to give any sum up points if they want to and if they don't that's fine. We'll go to questions from the audience. I'll just note, we're being recorded today because there are a lot of people who couldn't come and want to be able to watch. And that means if you ask a question you have to either go to or let somebody give you the microphone, there's one on either side of the room. So don't just ask the question from you chair. So we'll start. Jake you wanna add anything? - Yeah you know look I think this is one of. I mean needless to say I think this is one of the most interesting areas both of patent flaw and of science and also for those of you interested in he kind of licensing systems surrounding intellectual property. And that, you know, without expanding this too much to get derailed I would say that there are some advantages that in an ideal world and lord only knows it's not the world we live in these days. But in an ideal world that a private licensing scheme that is administered by research institutions could be the best, the optimal way of ushering some of these technologies for it. I don't necessarily think that that's happening here right. But I do think that again ideally it is possible so that's it. - [Ann] Okay, we'll go down the line. Abraham any last thought? - Yeah just again that these are all very good points that have been raised and universities do need to constantly soul search and make sure that we actually are achieving our mission. You know structuring various clauses into agreements where we do grant exclusivity to make sure that the companies will make it as broadly available as possible again to serve the serve the public good. - Yeah, again I go back I think right now in terms of sort of business out there. There's just a lot of uncertainty generated by this decision. I think there's conflicts questions of who take licenses from. I think this chart for example I think is very helpful. (audience laughs) I think a lot people are gonna like this chart. So I think you know there was a lot of lack of clarity out there about who's been giving licenses and who you should go to and talk to and things like this are helpful I think. There's a ton of open questions on the patent side and I'm sure a lot of people out there are thinking about all these things and there's gonna be a lot of thing to watch. So it's gonna be an area that's gonna keep people busy for a while I think. - Yeah I'll just say I think it's worth for scholars and the public to be paying attention to how universities are licensing these things and whether it's actually being done in the public good. To Bruce's question earlier, there was nothing that requires universities to act in the public but in some universities have been asserting their patent portfolios in ways that have pretty clearly seem to not be very aggressive ways. It's hard to tell any compelling social welfare story from. As more universities, if more universities do that, I think there might be more public opposition to the way, to university patenting more broadly and so that's it important that scholars work with with universities to help think about the ways that they can do that. And to just add one wrinkle we haven't talked about here. I think the role of credit in all of this is important. These researchers who are angling to be the ones who get the Nobel prize, and for the university tech transfer officers. Most tech transfer officers I've talked to do view their role as bringing technologies to the public. But it's very important for them to be able to point to like here is a patent and a license that I helped to make that got it to the public. And it's harder to explain the commercialization story if you don't have a concrete license to point to, even though there may be some case where the best way to get it to the public is actually not to have a patent at all. So thinking about ways to help give credit for technology transfer that happens outside the patent license structure might be one way align what universities are doing with the public interest even more. - Thank you for that. Are there any questions from? Okay, we'll start with Ron and then you'll be next. - [Man] Could you give us some kind of thumbnail sketch of the economics of these levels of licensing. So that what kind of money is Caribou and Editas getting from where? How much of a percentage ultimately would the licensing universities get if Monsanto invents a billion dollar product. That they're gonna be able to own their own patent on whatever improvements they make on the technology they've received, or would be co-ownership and? And I know that it probably varies a lot but if you could give us some kind thumbnail idea of what the economics are at these various stages? - Yeah sure thing. So first thing's first right. We've collected all of these licenses or at least information about these licenses and we've put them on a data repository at Dataverse. Which is Harvard's data repository site. I think if you search CRISPR licenses there or my last name, that's surely be the first thing that comes up. It varies by the particular license that each company is taking here. And It also varies by the particular indication that they wanna license for. So if we're gonna think about this in terms of a joint-payment of both, excuse me, of both whatever the upfront license fee is as well as milestones on the back end. Bears, where Bear? There we go right. Bears' license from your estrogenomics down here has been pegged at around $440 million, right that is an incredible fee. That's essentially going through phase three and then after that there usually is a single digit royalty percentage on net sales. Most other licenses these days fall within the $90 million to $250 million range. Again, if you're gonna take the upfront fee as well as kind of milestone payments, not including net sales. Those are between $90 million and $250 million. Just on Monday for example, Editas signed a license with Allergan to make a treatment. I think it was for wet macular degeneration, I actually don't know if they specified wet or dry. But it's for wet macular degeneration CRISPR product. That license was for $90 million. So somewhere between 90 million and $250 million. By coincidence or by design when the patent interference decision came out in February 15th. The stock prices of the publicly traded surrogates which are Editas, CRISPR and Intellia down here. Editas for example rose by about $300 million and CRISPR TX and Intellia dropped temporarily by about $200 million, although they have since gained ground. So between the fact that these are what the licenses go for and this is how the market is reacting. Somewhere in the again, around 90 million to $250 million range, gives you a good idea about what it costs to buy CRISPR license upfront for a particular indication across multiple genes. 90 million to 250 million. Sorry? - [Woman] Hi, I just find this so fascinating and I have an MBA I was equity research analyst. I've been following these stocks and I also have an MSW as a social worker. I teach here at the social work school at NYU. So as an investor this chart excites me, as a social worker it scares me. Because one of the things that I see is this overweight of all of these corporate interests. That when you think about the users and the creators of the technology, and this challenge of public good public welfare, and then you think about the business interests that are aligning. What do you see in terms of trends of alliances when it comes to lobbying around the ethics of this? Because at some point this is going to start going down that line. And then my other question is, do you think, I'm not a lawyer that's the one thing I'm not. As I read and saw the sort of trajectory of the patent board and their process of deciding. Do you think that this punt or this sort of middle of the road that creates a lot of uncertainty is going to impact ethics conversations; because there has been no sort of definitive you know decisions on this type of technology and who really owns it? So may that's for a much broader conversation but you know if you had any thoughts on that. - [Ann] We wanted to put the ethics admissions in here and we realized it would be another two hours. - [Woman] So just maybe again, my concern or my thinking is when you look at CRISPR and what they did to get an alliance with a lot of the overseas technologies and sort of protect themselves with forthcoming technologies. Do you see this potential aligning of corporate interests when it comes to lobbying and sort of protecting you know the hundred of millions of dollars you're spending for these licenses? - Real quick on the ethics part. I don't think that, I don't see the patent decision itself as directly impacting ethics discussions in general. The patent issues are the patent issues and then ethics flows. The fact that two different groups now have exclusive rights I suppose could affect the dialogue on the breath of all the different people involved. That really goes to the first question which I'll defer. - I mean I can say broadly on some of the political economy issues that as in many situations there's the public interest doesn't have a lobbying group to the extent that universities having a fairly effective lobbying and patent issues and corporations obviously. There are, built into the Bayh-Dole Act, there are various mechanisms, safeguards for the public. Ensures things that agencies could do that they have in general not exercised. For example this ability to have march in rights to in some cases where the university isn't licensing in a way to get it to the public to grant additional licenses that they've never exercised. And I think it's largely a political economy story there that it's hard to make that case for the public.
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Keywords: nyu, law, legal, education, law school, nyulaw, NYU Law, NYU School of Law, engleberg center, crispr, innovation, gene editing, patent litigation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 37sec (4717 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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