The Creepiest Discoveries Made by YouTubers

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- How you doin'? I'm Kallen and this is Slapped Ham. From one YouTuber who discovered a great white shark in an abandoned wildlife park to another who found a disturbing vampire doll in an ancient graveyard. Today we're looking at the creepiest discoveries made by YouTubers. But just quickly before we get into these fascinating stories, remember to hit that subscribe button for more awesome, creepy content just like this. (dramatic music) In November 2018, YouTuber Lukie MC made a truly creepy discovery while exploring an abandoned wildlife park in Victoria, Australia. The video begins with the camera holder and a friend entering a dilapidated wooden shack that leads into a bizarre cave-like structure. He comments on the vile smell as they pass several small alcoves, one of which contains an overturned vending machine while another holds an old table and chairs. The walls are littered with faded pictures of Australian animals. The pair make their way down a long, dark tunnel before once again emerging into sunlight. They pass an overgrown enclosure that once housed some sort of animal before entering another rundown building. The structure appears to have been a living area, possibly designed for guests to stay overnight while visiting the park. The camera holder peeks into a half opened fridge that still contains jars of food. A large container of rancid milk sits on the bottom shelf. The explorers continue to look around the derelict building. The broken furniture littered across the floor suggests that someone's been here before or is possibly still living inside. Cautiously, the pair move on. They approach a wall that looks as though it's been ripped down, revealing what appears to be a secret storage space. The two decide to enter the strange room. It becomes darker and darker the further they go in. Unable to see clearly, the camera holder pans a light around the room. He notices a large tank that appears to be filled with some sort of dark liquid. Unable to see inside, the two explorers make their way around to the opposite side of the tank. Suddenly the pair realize that they're staring at the tail of a very large creature. One of the explorers can be heard saying, "That is creepy as," as the camera holder slowly pans the length of the tank, revealing the beast's gigantic body and finally it's head and huge teeth-filled mouth. After this video went viral, Lukie MC was contacted by the previous owner of the park who informed him that the giant creature was in fact a five-meter long great white shark. It was moved to the tank after becoming entangled in fishing nets and dying off the coast of South Australia. The dark liquid in the tank was actually formaldehyde, a chemical needed to preserve the specimen. When the park was eventually shut down the owner was unable to find a new home for the shark and so was forced to leave it behind in the ruined remains of this creepy, old animal sanctuary. This unsettling video was uploaded to RM Videos YouTube channel in March 2018. It shows a baby vampire doll with a bottle of blood sitting on top of an unmarked tombstone in a Brazilian graveyard. As the camera holder inspects the creepy doll you can see it's eyes appear to follow them as they move. When the video first surfaced some viewers suggested that the doll might actually be possessed and could contain the spirit of someone buried in the graveyard. Others thought that the doll might be an evil idol designed to summon a real vampire from it's resting place. While it was later revealed that the doll was in fact the work of a sculptor, it made for a very creepy discovery. Certainly something you wouldn't want to come across while exploring a spooky old cemetery. Popular YouTuber, Exploring with Josh, made a very creepy discovery in 2016 while exploring a cave in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington State. The cave known as Ape Cave is the longest continuous lave tube in the continental United States and has long been a popular hiking destination. The cave received it's bizarre name in 1924 when the residents of a small mining community became convinced that apes were throwing rocks into the canyon. The rumor persisted until 1984 when an elderly man came forward revealing that it was in fact he and a friend that had been throwing the rocks. As Josh and several others make their way towards the mouth of the cave, one of them can be heard saying, "Oh God, this looks like something out of a horror movie." With lanterns in hand the group slowly head into the darkness. At one point the cave becomes so narrow they're forced the crawl on their hands and knees. The temperature begins to drop as icy breath can be seeing coming from the mouths of the explorers. The cave now seems too small to continue and the group contemplate returning back to the surface. However, just as they're about to turn back they discover that the cave actually starts to widen once again. Now crawling on their stomachs, the group decides to press forward. Suddenly they hear what sounds like someone crying in the distance. Scared, they slowly head towards the noise. One of the group shines a flashlight into the darkness, illuminating a young girl who was standing all alone. Extraordinarily, the girl had managed to crawl her way into the depths of the cave all by herself without the use of a flashlight. They soon discover that she doesn't speak English. Motioning for her to follow them, the group lead her back to the surface where she's finally reunited with her worried parents. This video posted online Jemayel Khawaja shows the moment several tourists stumble across a group of bizarre troll-like creatures as they kayak their way through Railay Bay in Krabi, Thailand. The furry creatures can be seen sheltering near a cave as they play some sort of strange hypnotic melody on unusual musical instruments. The bemused kayakers look on in disbelief as the beasts appear to perform just for them. When the video first surfaced it whipped the internet into a frenzy as viewers debated over what the mysterious creatures actually were. Some suggested aliens while others thought they may have been some type of reclusive cave dwelling animal that was yet to be discovered. It was later revealed, however, that the creatures were actually costumed actors who were part of a stage performance by local group Thailand Biennale and the bizarre sounds were created by traveling vocalist Tori Wranes. Even though it was staged, the tourists initially had no idea and the dumbfounded looks that you can see on their faces are quite real. Imagine paddling a kayak through the tranquil waters of a beautiful Thai island and then stumbling across this bizarre scene. (discordant music) In August 2015, YouTuber MrTechnicalDifficult made a very creepy discovery. In the video a group of friends can be seen relaxing by a river when the camera holder notices a strange white box floating downstream. He convinces one of the men in shorts to swim over to the other side and retrieve it. The mysterious box appears to be a drinks cooler that's been sealed with tape to stop it from opening. The man removes one of the pieces of tape and cautiously opens a small hatch. He immediately jumps back after spotting what he thinks is a small child. The camera holder then approaches the box to get a closer look. This time you can see that it's not actually a small child in the box but rather, a doll that's been stuffed inside and left to float down the river. While it's possible that it could simply be prank orchestrated by another group further upstream, it's still a very unsettling find. Dolls are creepy at the best of times but discovering one in a box floating downriver, that's a whole new level of nightmare. Before we get to that number one spot and take a look at a YouTuber who thinks he's found the lost city of Atlantis, remember to hit that subscribe button and turn on channel notifications. That way you'll be completely up to date with all our latest content. This video published on Bright Insight's YouTube channel in 2018 not only claims that the lost city of Atlantis was real, but that it's actual location has been hiding in plain sight for thousands of years. The video analyzes the descriptions of Atlantis found in the great philosopher Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. The works claim to quote Solon, an Athenian lawmaker and poet who traveled to Egypt between 590 and 580 BC who was believed to have translated Egyptian records of Atlantis. Using Plato's words as a guide, the video suggests that the true location of Atlantis is likely to be the Richat Structure in Mauritania, a country in northwest Africa. The structure, sometimes referred to as the Eye of the Sahara, was originally thought to have been created by an increase of pressure caused by underlying magma, or even the impact of a large meteorite. The video goes on to suggest that the symmetrical circles of the Eye of the Sahara may have once been filled with water and closely resembled the description given by Plato of the mysterious city. The video also compares several other striking similarities between Plato's descriptions and the geographical orientation of the Eye, including a large mountainous region to the north and an inlet to the south that once possibly flowed with water. If this theory does indeed turn out to be true, it will no doubt be one of the greatest discoveries ever made by a YouTuber. (soft mysterious music) If you want more creepy content just like this then check out that video on the top there, or there's an entire scary playlist there for you to binge on. Also, if you love what we do then consider supporting us on Patreon. You could your name scrolling along the top there. There's a link to our campaign in the description box below, check it out. And that's it for me, I'll see you all next time, pew!
Channel: Slapped Ham
Views: 4,177,292
Rating: 4.7926927 out of 5
Keywords: scary videos, creepy videos, creepy discoveries made by YouTubers, scary discoveries made by YouTubers, creepy YouTube discoveries, scary YouTube discoveries, creepy YouTube, scary YouTube, creepy YouTube discovery, scary YouTube discovery, creepy discovery, scary discovery, slappedham, slapped ham
Id: 1mEQ3H_RSko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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