The CRAZY Truth About Beverly Hills 90210 | Drama, Fights, Firings, Cast Hookups, They Were How Old?

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[Music] for those of you who grew up in the 90s especially  as a teen that music takes you all the way back to   when you'd prop yourself down in front of the TV  on Wednesday nights to find out what Kelly Donna   Brenda Brandon Dylan Steve David and Andrea  were up to on American teen drama television   series Beverly Hills 02 and0 fun fact before the  show got the name we all know and love now it was   once titled class of Beverly Hills 02 and0 as I'll  continue to refer to the show which should not be   confused with the 200 2008 version of that name  was created by Darren star and produced by Aaron   Spelling under his production company spelling  television for Fox the initial premise of the show   was based on the adjustment and culture shock that  twins Brandon and and Brenda Walsh played by Jason   Priestley and Shannon dhy respectively experienced  when they and their parents Jim played by James   eous and Cindy played by Carol Potter mov from  Minneapolis Minnesota to Beverly Hills California   as a result of Jim's job promotion fun fact the  Walsh house wasn't actually located in Beverly   Hills it was in Altadena California about 30 m  away looking for Innovative programming for the   three-year-old Fox network then chairman and CEO  Barry Diller phoned Mega producer Aaron Spelling   about doing a high school show screenwriter Darren  star told the New York Times in 2008 that he had   the idea of doing a series that focused on real  issues facing teenagers he pulled inspiration from   other Productions like ABC Drama 30s something  that dealt with issues facing that demographic   and the John Hughes movie The Breakfast Club  for how it told a story from the point of view   of the characters in the first episode Brandon  and Brenda begin attending West Beverly Hills   High School after some time they befriend several  classmates the self-centered and promiscuous Kelly   Taylor played by Jenny G my name is Brenda I'm  Kelly carefree and spoiled Steve Sanders played   by Ian zering hey Steve Brandon how you doing good  nice car smart and driven Andrea Zuckerman played   by Gabrielle carteras um is Andrea Zuckerman  around I am she ditsy and virtuous Donna Martin   played by Tori Spelling oh my God I would die  if my mom did that to me give her a break she's   from out of town brooding loner Dylan McCay played  by Luke Perry my name's uh Brandon Walsh Brandon   Walsh scotch or Irish both actually by way of  Minnesota and younger and naive students David   silver played by Brian Austin Green and Scott  scandin played by Douglas Emerson in that first   season the teenage characters aside from David  and Scott were said to be in the 11th grade but   due to the success of the show their ages were  revised to be one year younger in the second   season which essentially meant that they repeated  their junior year fun fact the fictional place   and name of West Beverly High School was used  because Beverly Hills High School a real school   in La would not allow the production to use its  name filming for the school set scenes took place   at Torrance High School about 20 M away the theme  song that you heard at the beginning of this video   is actually the show's second one the original  theme song was only used a few times very early on before being swapped out with  the one that went on to become famous that second one was done by composer  John E Davis initially he was asked to write   the background score for the series 2hour  pilot thinking his job was done after that   he was surprised to get a call from  Aaron Spelling a couple of days out   from the premiere spelling had just played the  episode for Fox and the executives hated the   theme written by an unknown rock band so he  asked JN to come up with something and send   it to him the very next day he pulled an  allnighter and came up with a classic fun   fact while countless versions of John's theme  have been heard throughout various episodes   over the seasons the one featuring the iconic  hand claps came about in a very unintentional   way they ended up serving as mere filler for a  gap he didn't know what to do for that part of   the song so he thought it would be cool if  all of the cast did a hand clap in [Music] unison each member of the cast had their own  unique journey to getting on the show that   would make them household names Jenny had to  audition multiple times for the role of Kelly   and was the first to be cast taking the role  also meant that she had to pass up a show on   NBC which she said was the scariest thing in the  world but she knew spelling was a great producer   Gabrielle was living in New York and sleeping in  a friend's bed because she didn't have any money   she repeatedly went back to the gigantic cattle  call for the roles of both Brenda and Andrea she   ended up getting the latter role and was the  oldest cast member Gabrielle was 29 when she   first began playing 16-year-old Andrea Zuckerman  worried that she would be considered too old   she lied about her age it was the press that  eventually outed her she told the whole story   to Access Hollywood in 2011 they didn't know I  lied I actually talked to a lawyer about how I   could sign these contracts and lie about my age  and still be able to do the show is it okay and   yes it is as long as you just say you're over 21  then a magazine that I won't say did an interview   on the show with somebody else and they went  and asked my agent I said I don't talk about   my age or whatever they found it in the DMV  illegally so then they were printing it and   I thought this is it I'm going to lose the job  there's no way by that time the show had been   on long enough so it was okay Ian was roughly in  the same boat as he was 26 when the show began he   told Entertainment Weekly in 2007 I just kept my  mouth shut I never talked about it and I wasn't   the oldest in the cast either I just thought  if they're going to buy it I'm going to sell it after being out in La for a few months things  weren't working out for ran so he went back to   New Jersey where he got a job working in an  aquarium store the very next call he got was   for 02 and0 he's also confessed to doing  something very naughty during the audition   process when I went to pick up the script there  was a stack of 50 scripts I stole P them all   screw everybody else I needed a job it's long  been rumored that the casting directors had no   idea that Tori who auditioned under another name  was Aaron's daughter she has admitted though that   there may have been some nepotism at play I  heard about the show from my agent she said   your dad is doing it I was like I haven't  heard anything about it I popped into his   briefcase when he got home and I was like  cool I really wanted to play Andrea I went   in under a different name then I got the part of  Donna which I'm sure had something to do with my dad fun fact in the first season when Donna  tries out for school DJ she's referred to as   Donna Morgan throughout the rest of the show  her name is Donna Martin Shannon revealed to   the New York Times in 2008 that she thought  she'd done a horrible job in the audition   after reading for the part of Brenda  and was certain she'd blown her chance   however the casting director came out sort  of winked at her and told her not to count   herself out Luke auditioned for the role of  Steve but it eventually went to Ian before   he was cast as Dylan fun fact Dylan McCay was  originally written for a story arc that would   last just a few episodes but Aaron Spelling  was so pleased with Luke's performance that   he decided to expand the part Brian didn't take  the process very seriously at all I didn't know   who spelling was I was always the kid who went  into auditions like is this going to cut into my   skateboarding time fun fact during his 902 and0  days Brian also tried to launch a hip-hop career Brandon ended up being not only the last character  cast but done so at the last minute Jason said he   read for spelling on a Thursday got the job  the next day and was on the set shooting by   the following [Music] Monday in addition Lyman  Ward was originally cast as Jim and the pilot   but was replaced by James eous Donna's mother  was originally named Nancy Martin and played by   Jordana Capra when she was reintroduced in season  2 her first name changed to Feliz and was played   by Katherine cannon in the pilot episode the role  of Jackie Taylor was played by Pamela Galloway   and then by Anne Gillespie for the rest of the  series Terrence Ford and Arthur Brooks portray   Dylan's father Jack McCay in two episodes before  Josh Taylor assumed the role Beverly Hills N A   2 and0 made its debut on October 4th 1990 but it  was far from an overnight success all that change   thanks to two key moves a season 1 finale that  saw Brenda lose her virginity to Dylan and the   decision to begin airing the show second season  in the summer by the end of season 2 the show had   nearly doubled its audience fun fact most of the  filming during that second season at the Beverly   Hills beach club took place in Santa Monica  at the old Sand and Sea Beach Club it's the   very same Beach Club that was also used during one  summer season of Save By the Bell nano2 and0 aired   on Thursday nights at 9:00 for the first two  seasons and Wednesday nights at 8 for the rest   of its run the show quickly became a global pop  culture phenomenon complete with hysterical fans   Mall riots action figures and its cast members  particularly Jason and Luke became Teen Idols   long before Twilight fans began the team Edward  Team Jacob debate teens were forced to choose   whether they were team Brandon or team Dylan as  nan2 and Mania grew Tales of cast unrest began to   emerge primarily centering around Shannon's on and  off the set Antics the tabloids latched on to her   badir image fans formed I hate Brenda clubs and  in the spring of 1994 her character conveniently   decided to pursue an acting career across the pond  in London executive producer Charles Rosen didn't   hold back to Entertainment Weekly saying she had  habitual lateness her lateness was appalling and   she had a callous attitude and indifference she  was clearly not very happy on this showing anymore   Shannon's response there was definitely a time  that I did not want to be there I was unhappy it   sounds odd to say that I was on a hit show making  a lot of money and I was unhappy because it makes   me sound unappreciative I wasn't it's just that  the sacrifice at the time seemed too large to   me the sacrifice of a camera pointed in my face  24 hours a day while I was desperately trying to   grow up to figure out my spirituality to figure  out my boyfriends I mean I was a teenager she   also calls the lateness issue BS since she says  she can count on one hand the number of times   she was late in 4 years she chocked up a lot  of the problems she had with people to petty   jealousy Jenny told the New York Times there was  a lot of tension and unnecessary drama on the set   a certain amount of competition and a certain  probably anger about different salaries as the   years progressed people would find out how much  someone was making and then they'd be angry and   want that or if you got days off in your contract  they'd want that nobody was brave enough to step   in and set astray and have a serious talk with us  about it there was a lot of tension directed from   one specific person and that one specific  person had to reap the consequences from   that Jason wrote in his Memoir she really and  truly did not give a [ __ ] it was a very cool   attitude until it wasn't while reports pinned  her departure on her deteriorating attitude and   intensified friction with the other cast members  executive producer Larry Mullen claimed that the   thing that really got shin and kicked off the  show was that that she cut her hair halfway   through shooting the season finale without telling  anyone thus throwing off the continuity of the episode Tori put the final nail in the coffin by  going to her father herself on behalf of the cast   to have Shen and fired in season 5 the production  accommodated Gabrielle's pregnancy by reluctantly   writing a pregnancy storyline for Andrea she Flo  her baby plans to producers and they asked her to   wait but she didn't want to do that the producers  were unhappy with the more adult direction of the   character and as a result she was written off the  show at the end of that season other characters   that became part of the main cast as the years  Roll by were Peach Pit owner Nat busio played   by Joe E Tata Andrea's boyfriend turn husband  Jesse Vasquez played by Mark Damon Espinosa   Steve's girlfriend Clare Arnold played by Kathleen  Robertson Dylan turn Steve turn David's girlfriend   Valerie Malone played by Tiffany th Donna's  boyfriend rap creit played by Jamie Walters   Steve's girlfriend Carly Reynolds played by  Hillary Swang Donna's boyfriend Noah Hunter played   by Vincent Young a Beverly beat employee turned  Steve's girlfriend turned wife Janet sna played   by Lindsay Price Kelly's boyfriend Matt dering  played by Daniel Cosgrove and David's girlfriend   Gina concade played by Vanessa Marcel one person  out of the bunch that really went through it   on and off camera would have to be Jamie after  starring in another spelling production uction   the musical drama series The hides which flopped  spelling invited him to join the cast of n 2 and0   as Donna's boyfriend in season 5 that plot Arc  soon turned dark as Ry became physically abusive   however it was all part of a plan the writers  wrote an episode where Ray went to rehab and   audiences would learn that he'd been abused  as a child and was caught up in the cycle but   many viewers were Furious and the production  company received tons of letters saying that   Donna was stupid to stay with Ry spelling didn't  want Donna and by extension his daughter Tori to   look stupid so he demanded that Ray be written  out of the show and Jamie fired Larry Mullen   said that the incident was devastating for Jamie  since fans couldn't separate fact from fiction we   left him as being a beater which stayed with him  unfortunately people thought he was a beater it   was just terrible the character did eventually  come back to redeem himself in season 7 now   here's some more fun facts about Beverly Hills 02  and0 Scott who was the quiet unpopular friend of   David during the first two seasons of the show was  written out because Douglas decided to quit acting   and left the show to enroll in junior college he  then joined the US Air Force in his 2014 Memoir   Jason Priestley a memoir he let his readers in  on a little secret during that famous protest   in which Donna's classmates face off against the  administration to make sure that she receives her   diploma right alongside them they're not actually  yelling Donna Martin graduates at the ear ing of   Jason they were yelling Donna Martin masturbates  how was he able to get away with that he knew   the dialogue was going to be Rel looped later  another juicy tidbit from Jason's Memoir was   all the backstage hookups he even had his first  full fledged adult relationship on the show with   Christina lease who played Emily Valentine they  dated for 5 years Tori would also confirm that   she had a quick Summer Fling with Jason dated  Brian and kissed Luke once Donna being the naiv   character in The Crew and that her commitment to  abstinence was a major plot Point throughout the   series was probably no coincidence considering who  the actress's father was Larry Mullen told vulture   the thing that was always at play in the Donna  Story was that Donna was played by the daughter   of Aaron Spelling the minute we'd go into pitch  stories about an episode he'd ask what's Donna   doing this week even though Donna wasn't one of  the main characters in the Inner Circle she was a   supporting character really in the beginning you  always had to start what the episode was about   with what was Donna doing that's what the old man  wanted to hear it was sweet it was actually very   endearing his admiration for her Tori was really  out there she was just enjoying herself so even   though the old man couldn't control her he could  control Donna Martin the first season episode   where Brenda loses her virginity to Dylan caused  major outrage from many parents they were offended   by the fact that she suffered no consequences  and showed no remorse Mor for the act after a   slew of angry phone calls to the network Fox  decided to Plate upset viewers by featuring a   pregnancy scare for the couple in the second  season as a means of punishing the teenagers   for their decision when Tiffany joined the cast  her and Brian were a real life couple apparently   he wasn't too thrilled with her Landing the role  which was also offered to Drew Barrymore Alicia   Silverstone and Alyssa Milano since he didn't  want to see her hooking up with the rest of the   show's male cast Shannon wasn't the only female  star that Jenny had an issue with Tiffany who was   brought in as her replacement character said she  didn't get the warmest reception when she joined   the cast and the girls were not very nice to her  Valerie's pot smoking didn't come all that natural   to Tiffany she told Entertainment Weekly that they  wanted her to roll a joint to drive home the point   that she was a pro ated Tiffany couldn't do it  though so the person you see is actually somebody   else's hand Tiffany wasn't Brian's only serious  relationship with 210 co-star after dating Tiffany   for several years he dated Vanessa Marcel with the  couple going on to have a child together before a   splitting apparently few things ticked off Aaron  Spelling more than a cast member coming back from   a break with a new hairstyle his publicist Kevin  Sasaki told The Hollywood Reporter if someone came   back after Hiatus with a completely different  haircut Aaron would go crazy his own daughter   Tori confirmed as much adding and if you watch  there are never sunglasses on Nano know he'd   always say let them see it in your eyes before  they hear it in your words Luke Perry's famous   squint was probably because my dad wouldn't let  him wear sunglasses in Jenny's Memoir she revealed   that she began a private struggle with anxiety at  the age of 19 I felt comfortable almost comforted   by all of the workers buzzing around me during  the day but after hours I'd find myself getting   anxious when strangers approached me and so simple  tasks like going to the grocery store or the mall   or to get gas became overwhelming exercises in  having to be on when my natural inclination was to   shut down and not interact with anyone I began to  suffer a level of anxiety that as at times nearly   paralyzing when the panic attack started to kick  in I became even more withdrawn when the show's   characters began attending the then fictitious  California University in the fourth season the   scenes around campus were actually filmed at  ocidental College in Eagle Rock that same season   ion had a bit of a rockar style breakdown in an  episode that saw him wrongly accused of rape he   was given some serious material to work with while  attempting to clear his good name but they edited   out so much powerful stuff that was like the first  time I really got some great words to say and I   Workshop them and I studied I brought game and it  never made it through the edit feeling betrayed   he admitted that he tore the dressing rooms apart  we all work so hard for our characters and to not   even get a heads up I'm not a volatile person I  have a very long fuse but after working so hard   on this particular episode I just didn't feel  like they were with me on this one Hillary Swang   who played Carly Reynolds a single mom and Steve  Sanders love interest during the show's 8th season   was originally contracted for 2 years but she was  fired after just over a dozen episodes in a 2014   interview with Conan O'Brien she admitted that she  was devastated when she was let go the experience   turned out to be a blessing in disguise though  as she got the lead role in Boys Don't Cry Just   months later and won an Oscar and a Golden Globe  for her performance in addition to his starring   role Jason also served as a producer and director  on the series but when he made the decision to   leave toward the end of the show's run no one  really acknowledged his departure he spoke about   it in a 2014 interview with the guardian when  I left the show it was so anticlimactic it just   left a bad taste in my mouth it was the fourth  episode of the 9th season I did did the first   scene of the morning literally with this actor  who was brought in to replace me and that was it   I hugged the crew picked up my box of stuff went  to my car and drove away there was no party no   nothing I felt like I'd wasted 9 years of my life  he later said he regretted exiting the show early   while reportedly ratings for the 10th season  declined to an average of 10 million viewers   per episode over 25 million people tuned in to  watch the final episode which aired on May 17th   20 000 CBS DVD has released all 10 seasons on DVD  in various regions including North America Europe   Latin America the Middle East and the Caribbean  due to music licensing issues most of the original   music has been replaced as well as some episodes  are edited from their original broadcast versions   in 2013 Paramount released Beverly Hills nan2  and0 the complete series on DVD in North America   with extra bonuses not available on the season set  several spin-offs related to the series have come   and gone over the years most notably melrose's  place which ran from 1992 to 1999 and 2008   version of the original simply titled nan2 and0  which ran until 2013 on March 4th 2019 Luke Perry   passed away due to complications after suffering  a stroke he was 52 years old around the same time   it was announced that a six episode reboot had  been ordered by Fox and that the show would be   titled BH 02 and0 the Revival premiered on the  network in August and was cancelled 3 months   later in 2021 Paramount released Beverly Hills  N2 and0 the ultimate collection on DVD in North   America which includes the 2019 reboot along with  the season sets and bonus extras from the previous release
Channel: Juicy Pop
Views: 99,357
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Keywords: the truth about beverly hills 90210, behind the scenes of beverly hills 90210, e true hollywood story beverly hills 90210, beverly hills 90210, things you didn't know about beverly hills 90210, the story of beverly hills 90210, shannen doherty bad behavior, drama on the set of 90210, fighting on set 90210, who got fired on 90210, who dated on 90210, tori spelling jason priestly relationship, shannen doherty cancer, tori spelling brian austin green relationship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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