THE CRAZY CUPON LADY Extreme Couponing [NEW]

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the average extreme couponer needs to have thousands of coupons on hand at all times so they can stock up when a good deal comes around and they will go to any lengths to get them even drudging through trash yeah those are coupons let's keep looking keep looking for more okay my name's joni humer people call me the crazy coupon lady i think i'm getting like 40 of the two-liter sodas are you kidding me you love soda what makes me coupon master is that i could basically stop grocery shopping and be fine for a year i have that much supply of all of my products i want my stockpile to be my legacy and when i'm old and my body is ready to go into the ground i'll have to will it to somebody or my favorite child will get my stockpile when i moved from idaho to northern california i moved my whole stockpile with me i knew i didn't want to have to start over so we moved at least a thousand pounds of food couponing for a wife it's almost like a drug it's more addicting and each time you do it you just want more to satisfy her coupon craving joanie has to collect more than 500 coupons every week and to get them she does something most 27 year old women don't do she jumps in dumpsters ready to go to the dumpster americans throw away 57 billion dollars worth of coupons every year and with the sunday paper at the core of the coupon game for joni navigating a recycling dumpster is a small price to pay for what she hopes to find people definitely throw away money when they're throwing away their newspapers and so i've got no shame jumping in after to get what i need today i'm actually taking a friend dumpster diving with me thanks for coming are you ready i'm ready you used those pull ups high five you just saved two dollars how many is 30 40. each of the 40 coupon inserts joanie plucked out of the dumpster contains about 40 coupons with each one worth about a dollar that could equal up to 1600 in savings you want to see my haul from the dumpster today yeah when i first started couponing i spend a lot of time now i've got a lot better at what i do and i can do it more quickly every day joni's looking for all the new coupons that she can combine she's still spending you know many hours a day this is kind of a full-time job for her now and it's overtaken her life so you had yourself our son and your pregnant friend all in a dumpster today absolutely okay just clarifying that with 4 000 coupons on hand at all times joni has to be hyper-organized like a lot of couponers she's obsessive about her binders they start with produce and go all the way to pets everything in between from soups pasta baking refrigerated freezer so it's really convenient because no matter what aisle i'm in the store i can just flip to the section and find the coupons that i need at any time and those coupons have helped to amass a stockpile that includes 80 bottles of juice 50 cans of soup and 50 bottles of laundry detergent enough for about 1 600 loads of laundry and her inventory is carefully organized by product type and constantly rotated by expiration date my cereal is organized by each kind of cereal and then by expiration so my husband knows that he has to eat the cereal in this spot and he can't eat this cereal over here yeah i think i do get a little ocd about the organization of my stockpile i often reorganize my stockpile well you know this would work better if it was over here or uh oh i just got 20 more razors i got to shift this to make it work have to make them all look the same so that it looks pretty couponing began as a hobby for joni four years ago but three months after getting started she realized it's life-changing effects my world kind of started crumbling apart my husband lost his job we had to sell our home he joined the coast guard and my daughter was actually hospitalized for about a week it was something that we had to go out to our garage and live off what we already had purchased because we just didn't have money to go to the store and buy groceries i felt like i didn't have control over anything and i'm a woman that likes to have control over things today joni is heading to the supermarket with a shopping list of over 250 items for one of her three weekly trips which she plans to buy could cost her over 600 without coupons so on this shopping trip i'm buying fruit i'm buying milk i'm buying bread and i'm gonna stock up on some items that are on sale all right i have some coupons for yogurt look here's cherry okay yep you get to pick 17 more that's good for me that is a good treat for you okay put it in there you gonna get seven more next on our list is pasta lots and lots of it because buying bulk is standard for any extreme couponer here's how sales cycles work generally something will go on sale about every three months let's say your favorite brand of pasta sauce for example goes on sale well you can bet that in another three months you'll probably be able to get a similar deal so the need is to stock up on about three months worth joni is getting about 224 retail in pasta and sauce but by combining the coupon she brought with an in-store coupon joanie will pay nothing landon how many should i get [Music] three what about 40. 40. 20. it's okay 21. i definitely see how people can perceive uh joni myself as being crazy we're out there we're a little different than most what do you see i see spiderman spiderman no and i don't have a coupon for that kind we're not gonna get that today he didn't give me too much of a fight i think he knows that we don't buy things without coupons good job buddy with four carts full joni is ready to check out and with her entire shopping trip methodically planned even the cashier isn't left to chance so don't judge me but i cashier profile the old lady cashiers oh bless their heart you've got to steer clear of them you've got to look for the younger male cashiers they're easy going they scan your coupons they're friendly all right see this guy i think he looks perfect i think he'll be really friendly to the crazy coupon lady hi hi aria good how are you not too bad [Music] but even with a perfect cashier and every detail accounted for joanie's got to watch carefully to make sure her plan stays on course don't you help me move them forward uh no i've got a system okay if you don't mind me being a little bit slow then i'll just stick with my system as her total climbs higher and higher joni's nerves start to take over [Music] okay that's brutal well better start with the coupons i got a little bit nervous i kind of started to sweat like okay i hope that i did the calculations right i do not have 600 has been at the store today
Channel: The Cultured Queen
Views: 94,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KvFxdICr4wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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