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the NBA has been around for so long there are bound to be some stat lines over the years that just kind of stick out and today we're going to go over 10 of in my opinion the craziest stat lines in NBA history if you like this video and you want more like them then please leave a like it helps a lot and if you don't like the video then just move on James Harden on the Houston Rockets was really really good at basketball he set a lot of Records made multiple all-nba teams Allstar teams and even one MVP but he also had some of the craziest stat lines in NBA history and this one just sticks out more than the rest on January 8th 2017 James Harden had a quadruple double but not one that he probably would have wanted because while he did have 40 points 10 rebounds and 11 assists he also had 10 turnovers making him one of the only players in NBA history to have a triple double while also having 10 plus turnovers so like I said earlier I guess it's technically quadruple double if you want to count it but I'm not stats guys so I don't know if you would count it nonetheless pretty crazy when you're talking about some of the worst stat lines in NBA history this next one might take the cake because just recently on April 14th 2024 this year Delano Banton had one of the worst stat lines you will ever see now he had 17 points seven assists five turnovers you're probably thinking that can't be that bad but when you look at his shooting stats that game it's pretty terrible he shot 6 for 26 from the field while shooting 0 for 15 from three and he did all of this in 39 minutes on top of the horrendous shooting stats he was also minus 39 and plus minus which if you know anything about plus minus that's pretty horrible granted it was the last game of the season so I doubt anyone really cared but still one of the worst stat lines you will ever see from an NBA player now Dennis Rodman owns some of the craziest stat lines in NBA history thanks to his ability to rebound the ball and in the 1993 season Dennis Rodman did something that will probably never be done again and he did it in a month span on November 10th and November 12th back-to-back games Dennis Rodman had zero points and 20 plus rebounds in both games as a matter of fact he only shot the ball once in each game so if that's not crazy enough just less than a month later December 1st 1993 Dennis Rodman did it again he had zero points and this time he had 28 rebounds and he did go 0 for five this game but still having three games in a 30-day span where you score zero points and have 20 plus rebounds I don't think anyone's going to do that ever again that might not ever be done again in a season let alone the span of a month now the 1980s was a very interesting time for basketball and it had a lot of crazy stat lines but one of the craziest has to belong to John Lucas because on April 15th 1984 in only 28 minutes of playing time John Lucas put up a whopping 24 assists while scoring zero points now first off talk about a guard that everybody wants on their team cuz this dude said there is no I in team there is only a Wii which is also not in team but regardless 24 assists in 28 minutes is absolutely absurd but not even scoring a single point in 28 minutes while only passing the ball to your teammates that's a true point guard right there now I said the'80s had a lot of crazy stat lines and this next one is also from the 80s just 2 years prior 84 January 2nd 1982 another guy that I have never heard of Mike Bantam put up one of the fullest stat lines you will ever see so let's start with the good 24 points 12 rebounds eight steals three blocks you're probably thinking that's a really good game and it is outside of the fact that the guy had five fouls which isn't great and he set a record for turnovers in a game with 16 turnovers so there's obviously a lot to unpack here first off he had a double kudos to him he had eight steals that's pretty good three blocks decent 16 turnovers I don't know how he was still in the game I don't know how after the 10th turnover you don't just sub him out for a little bit and then five fouls this dude had to be frustrated 16 turnovers and you're just hacking dudes over here while having a double double I don't know if there's a statline in NBA history that is quite that unique cuz that stat line that that's one of one right there so when you talk about crazy stat lines guys that do just a little bit of everything thing typically have some really full stat lines and Draymond Green is a guy who has a lot of crazy stat lines throughout his career but I think this one might be the craziest of them all on February 10th 2017 the second 2017 in this video Draymond Green had Four Points 11 rebounds 10 assists 10 Steals and five blocks making him one of the only players in NBA history to have a triple double without points now this is a very Draymond Green statline okay if I just told you those numbers and told you this player has played in the 2010s your first guess would have been Draymond Green and like I said he has a lot of crazy stat lines but I don't know if any of them come close to this one and I forgot to mention he was also plus 26 and plus minus which is really good and being plus 26 and plus minus while only scoring Four Points very impressive there's been a lot of crazy stat lines in NBA history but there have been very few perfect stat lines in NBA history but the most perfect statline of all time belongs to a player that you probably wouldn't guess and it's a kind of recent one because on December 22nd 2018 Thomas Bryant had the most perfect statline of all time he dropped 31 points had 13 rebounds and he shot 14 for 14 from the field and three for three from the free throw line making him the only player in NBA history to shoot 14 or more shots and make all of them while also going perfect from the free throw line Will Chamberlain had a couple games where he shot more than 14 shots and made them all but he did not go perfect from the free throw line so Thomas Bryant owns the most perfect stat line of all time for now and that's a stat line though that I don't think anyone's going to touch for a while because going 14 for 14's pretty hard Dwight Howard has some absurd stat lines in his career because he was the most dominant Center in the NBA for multiple Seasons but his craziest statline of them all came on March 12th 2013 when he had 39 points 16 rebounds and shot 39 free throws yes I said that right 39 free throws and to Dwight's credit he made 25 of them which you might not expect from Dwight Howard I don't really know where to begin with this stat line because 39 free throws is absurd right a lot of teams don't shoot that many free throws let alone a singular player so on top of holding the record for most free throw shot in a game he's also up there for most free throws missed in the game because he missed 14 free throws because he shot so many I don't know if we'll ever see a player in NBA history shoot 30 or more free throws again let alone 39 so there's a lot of War stat lines in NBA history I've said it before and I'll say it again but this one might actually be worse than the one I mentioned earlier and it's PJ Washington on December 3rd 2022 he had zero points shooting 0 for 13 from the field now he did have eight rebounds five assists three blocks not bad but he did shoot over 13 making him one of the only players in NBA history to shoot that many shots and not make a single one so I don't know what's worse shooting 13 shots and making zero or shooting 26 shots and only making six regardless I do know they're both pretty bad this stat line definitely though is pretty crazy and the 10th and final statline of the video if I count it correctly below belongs to a player that you've probably never heard of and it is Elmore Smith this happened on October 28th 1973 and he had arguably the craziest stat line you'll ever see he had 12 points 16 rebounds and 17 blocks and he played an entire 48 minutes of basketball I can safely say the only player who has a chance at breaking This Record would be W Bama and he could do it but until then this might just be top five craziest stat lines of all time 17 blocks absurd also in 48 minutes making it even more absurd also happening in 1973 which I don't know how the climate of basketball was back then but I know there were a lot of 17 block games way back in the day but there it is 10 of the craziest stat lines in NBA history now there are a lot of other crazy stat lines and I would love to make a second video of crazy stat Lin lines if this one did well so if you enjoyed this video make sure to like leave a comment a suggestion of other crazy stat lines for the next video and potentially subscribe if you want to see more videos like this but until next time peace
Channel: Fool Talks Sports
Views: 6,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hf_7nLnW9Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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