The CRAZIEST Red Dead Redemption 2 THEORIES | RDR2

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G True braith weight real family Gavin was abducted by aliens and the nightfolk worshiped the Bulger those are just to name a few of the 10 wildest fan theories circulating around the Red Dead Redemption 2 community that we'll be exploring today as always if you enjoy the following you all know what to do and without further delay let's get straight into the video Gavin was abducted by aliens Theory whilst roaming around the Landscapes and towns of the Wild West players well of No Doubt encoun Nigel a be fbl Englishman who's frantically searching for his lost friend Gavin Nigel could being accounted numerous times throughout this title even traveling further south during the epilog there are many speculations and theories as to the missing friends but one theory is that Gavin was actually abducted by aliens proof evidence to the theory can be found at Han's Bethal where the player can discover the remains of the mass self-killing of a religious cult along with a note described as the mysterious sermon which foreshadows an Alien Encounter that can in fact be triggered around 2: a.m. but how did players TI gav to this across the floor are broken wooden planks that if you inspect a little more closely actually spell out Gavin's name is this what really happened to Idol's friend and that's why he's nowhere to be found in the entire game of Red Dead Redemption 2 the sun where shipper died after the first interaction theory in the southern regions of new Austin during the epilog John Mar and comp beat an NPC who's going to be known as the son worshipper whose actual name is Bob brownley Bob brownley doesn't eat he doesn't sleep and he doesn't drink water he claims that all he needs to survive in this world is the energy provided to him by the sun in which he worships Bob brownley can be encountered a total of 12 times each with a minimum of three in-game days in between leading players to believe that he actually died following the first interaction proof the rule of three the rule of three tict takes that the human body can survive 3 minutes without oxygen 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food so if Bob brownley truly isn't consuming any water there's no way he could have been around for a total of 12 encounters which would be at a minimum 36 Days this prompts the idea that after the first interaction near McFarland's Ranch the following 11 encounters were just a figment of John's imagination there was no rat in the veling gang Theory the Pinkerton detective agency alongside local law enforcement are hot on the heels of the vantelin gang and have been since the infamous Blackwater fairy Heist as they travel across all five states of Red Dead Redemption 2 the agents always seem to catch up with them eventually as we draw a close on the primary story of the title agent Milton openly admits to Arthur that Michael Bell was the one who sold the gang out but some players believed his confession was falsified and there was in fact no betrayal whatsoever proof the gang wherever they of most recently settled and set up camp can't seem to stay hidden in the shadows for very long they always seem to make too much noise eventually drawing the authorities towards them the Blackwater fairy Heist the shootout in Valentine and the bank heist in s are but to name a few even at one point right before the assassination of Leviticus Cornwall when mic claims there has to be a betrayed in the mix after debunks this T stating that the whole gang just got sloppier than a town drunk and that's why the pink would always locate them so easily the theory also goes on to claim that Milton's falsified confession was solely to cause friction between the members of the Fant Lin gang it hopes that they will pick one another off the night folk worship the pator theory the Bayou is a very dangerous place when it comes to in particular a reptilian aspect citizens are often very wary of traveling through these swamps and woodlands in the region for fear of the many alligators La in the lands especially with the circulating rumors of the legendary bullgator who prays within the waters nobody is safe from the reptiles except seemingly one particular faction the night folk players have come to theorize that the terrifying nightfolk actually worshiped the reptiles and believed at the legendary bullgator to be a Godlike creature proof Gamers Drew this conclusion from the Nightfall being able to wander freely throughout the swamps of the Bayou and are never seen to be attacked by the aligators with some even speculating that many of The Travelers that are kidnapped by the crazies are even fed to the legendary bullgator as an offering in granting the group safe Passage through the very dangerous territory Abigail fixed her pregnancy Theory although a bit morbid some players have come to theorize that Abigail Roberts actually faked the pregnancy of her and John maron's daughter the time gap between 1899 and 1907 leaves so many un questions making the a a difference almost a blank void it's believed to be within a stretch of almost a decade that's when Abigail were claim to become pregnant proof we have very little information on the child and only May potentially believe her name to be Rachel as that's what John would name a steed in the epilog possibly in her memory but other than that there's not much else to go on during the epilog there's no mention of the child whatsoever and she's only brought up in conversation in the first Red Dead Redemption during a talk between John maren and new found friend Bonnie McFarland I think he mentions here somewhere later in the story during his time in Mexico but I can't remember for certainty throughout our time in 1907 Abigail is constantly criticizing John for his actions as she attempts to pull him away from his previous life as an outlaw leading to some speculating that she may have in fact fake the pregnancy then later a miscarriage to try and convince Jon to live a more homely life together as a family there's more detail to discuss with this so if you'd like to see a breakdown of this Theory or any other theories in today's video be sure to let me know in the comment section Valentine is under a case Theory NPCs of Valentine can often be seen discussing an apparent case that's been placed upon their town this stems from Whispers And mumblings as well as gossip from people with probably too much time on their hands even after visiting the town early on in the game vaning gang members Mary Beth and Karen can be seen discussing the rumors with Karen giving her details of what she heard from a lady in town proof before Valentine became what it was in 1899 it was originally home to a tribe of Native Indians during a Siege from the military backed by the government who wanted this land for themselves the area was surrounded and the locals were massacred with those surviving being forced to flee their home this was following constant disagreements between the Native Indians and the government officials conning on who the land truly belonged to it is believed that it was the surviving victims of this act who placed the town under a case as Revenge the case was believed to still be in place in the town as there was a mural depicting the massacre painted on an animal hide before it was torn apart and Scattered throughout the town keeping the case alive to this day Dutch vanderland T cannibal Theory as the gang broke down over time before finally separating in 1899 Dutch some years later in 1911 had now formed an entirely new posy of Outlaws known to locals as Dutch's boys the new gang lives in the mountains of tall trees or more specifically an area known as coachin some beli that Dutch velind during his many years of mental decline finally broke and resorted to cannibalism for survival proof jut mentions throughout rdr2 how in order to survive the gang must adapt to their surroundings this could be construed in a manner of ways not just cannibalism but in coach there's evidence supporting this Theory those who explore the camp surroundings will notice the many bones which appear to be human aside from the obvious human skulls there are many femur that certainly look like they could be human too a form of the psychosis caused by cannibalism is known as the wio theory the wo psychosis is believed to create a psychological buffer that Shields the individuals from the full weight of their actions not only offering a means of emotional survival but also context for their behavior often with the individuals isolating themselves from the rest of the world just as touch vanderin did there's an excellent video out there covering this Theory by fishy which I'll leave as the end screen to this one and provide the link in the video description below which is something I highly recommend you take the time to watch get through brei weights real family Theory the brawe Family secret isn't kept too secret for players who explore the grounds behind the family's manner at this out housee either Arthur or John can find a troubled young lady by the name of GW braithway she's kept away from the eyes of the locals for fear of embarrassment of the braith weights who care more for their reputation than family even though GW Bears the braith weight name some believe that she was conceived by another proof G Ruth has a connection with the isolated Village of butcher Creek all the way across the other side of the map in an entirely different state the connection the numbers geed spouts over and over heading to butcher Creek if you look at the ouses in the village you'll notice that they are individually numbered and when pinpointed on the map form the shape of a pentagram further adding to this is the glowing pentagram that's visible under one of the Shacks at 4:00 a.m. gud also has physical deformities very similar to that of the locals of butcher Creek and The mrey Brood leading to some Gamers believing that these people are in fact gatr real family and that's why she can't seem to disconnect herself from the area the only question is how did she end up in the arms of the braith weight family C and Joe were brought in to be fall the gang Theory as we draw to a close in Arthur story during the final chapter of the main game former Associates of M Bell clet and Joe are brought into the mix as law would tell it was m who brought the duo in to assist in the final train Heist as higher guns but some speculate that the pair's arrival was much more than this and that they were actually implemented into the vantelin gang working under cover for the Pinkerton detective agency proof the gang are in their final days and everyone knows it agent Milton of the Pinkerton has tried just about everything to infiltrate the gang they've tried taining Arthur Molly and Lord knows whoever else but one thing that they hadn't tried up until this point was instead of trying to recruit people from the gang is to place people into the gang C and Joel were of course previous associate of Mell as the trio ran their own gang years before alongside a fourth gentleman called Norman and by this time in the narrative Micah is already working as an informant for the Pinkerton so it would be quite a coincidence that Micah brought Clon Joe into the fold as extra guns when there was already enough armed individuals to take on the train it's for this reason that some players believe that alongside M CLE and Joe were also waking on cover for the pinkton detective agency to throw a spanner in the works concerning the vaner Lin's gang the strange man was a figment of John's imagination Theory similar to the sun worshipper there's a theory circulating that the strange man featured predominantly in Red Dead Redemption one and somewhat in RTR 2 isn't actually a God the devil or even any form of a ghostly apparition it's nothing more than a troubled mind of John maren Playing Tricks on him proof the strange man knows a lot about Jon's past he's aware of the killing of Heidi Mt during the Blackwater Ferry Heist to which John was involved he also follows him around the map such as during his visit to Mexico in their second encounter then lastly at the Mar Home of Beach's hope where he claims that John's final rest places and quote a fine spot throughout their encounters the strange man Tas John with moral dilemas either be honorable or dishonorable the theory goes that in reality JN had already experienced these dmas and began to visualize the strange man following these events in an attempt to make sense of his choices the strange man was of course not real as shown by the three bullets that passed through him in their final encounter leading players to speculate that he was never there to begin with and that johon simply began to imagine the character due to the traumatic things he'd experienced throughout his life spec ating that because he was no longer with the vanderin gang where he was used to following orders he had now created the fictional strange man character in his mind to guide and belong in life I agree some of these fan theories could be perceived as farfetched but hopefully it gave you all food for thought and more importantly I hope you enjoyed the video if you did you all know what to do and if you're new here and unsubscribe to the channel already please consider doing so if you guys wish to see a second installment of the wildest fanies of Red Dead Redemption 2 that could potentially be true be sure to let me know in the comment section or even if you wish to see an in-depth video on any of the topics discussed today what are some of the theories you've seen floating about or do you have some of your own be sure to share them too on top of your thoughts to the ones discuss today thank you all for watching you've been listening to Phil of philby gaming and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Filbee Gaming
Views: 10,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craziest Red Dead Redemption 2 theories, red daed redemption 2 theories, red dead online 2024, rdr2 theory, rdr2 theories made up by fans, rdr2 fan theory, red dead redemption 2 fan theory, red dead redemption 2 theory, red dead redemption 2 dutch theory, red dead redemption 2 trolley theory, darkest rdr2 theories, rdr2 playthrough, rdr2 playthrough reaction, rdr2 filbee, rdr2 filbee gaming, red dead redemption 2 online, craziest details in rdr2
Id: x2L489hIijs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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