The Craft Fever: Craft Beer Documentary

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traditional small and social these are the words that define craft beer and perhaps these are the qualities that have made it so popular the sales for this product have been increasingly growing for the last five years and so has a number of breweries in Europe which has gone up by 73 percent in that same period according to the Office of National Statistics speciality craft beer nails are extremely fashionable items in our basket this 2015 but are we really aware that the story behind craft beer is it's just a trend or is there something more to it the famous Camden Town brewery started the business in 2010 and it has been growing ever since want to know how they work what you saw there was us adding the hops that particular was the setting of the hops and of the boil she add the hops for loads different reasons for bitterness for aroma antimicrobial the further on in the boil that you add them the more aroma that you retain in the final product whereas earlier on you add them the more bitterness that you get out of them so that being the last addition towards the very end of the boil we're hoping to get a lot of a robe out of that one into the hops go into the boil for several different reasons the bitterness for aroma antimicrobial properties he also had pump with head formation so pretty much anything you can imagine that beer hops will help with so that in addition there was just the late hop addition so we get a lot of a room out of it not so much bitterness and that's why they add hops at different stages in the boil so in this first vessel the essentially mixes to get together the grain in the malt so the most in the end the water and that's gonna release the sugars that are inherently in the malt and then to do that you need to separate the two out again so the liquid from the grain and that's what the second that's goes for the louder tongue so once we separate out the grain back into the original vessel oh sorry the liquid back into the original vessel we just have that we can then boil that off so this is called our hop cannon and what we're allowed to do with this is dad hopped into the process but the latest possible saved so after fermentation is complete when the beer is much colder so nowhere near boiling so it's at a 10 or 20 degrees or something like that so there's absolutely no bitterness taken out of the hops for this but there's an absolutely massive amount of room and taken out of the hops and put into the beer and then that actually stays there as well because the beer it's more or less finished at that stage so it's a very the very last edition of pop so you can do so since packaging packaging obviously it's all about getting your beer into a form that consumers can actually drink it so for instance when you have the bottle we double purged it before we add the beer and at the very end right before putting the cap on to make it foam up a little bit so that we just get rid of that last little bit of a headspace that might have a tiny bit of option it's a really really meticulous about a fruiting option here Camden Town brewery definitely has the means to make good beer but what happens to those even smaller micro breweries in the UK alone there are more than 1,000 of them let us take a closer look for example in Landman Road not too far away from central London here we'll find the evil on the brewing company run by Clare and her husband stores this brewery was born in February 2011 and now four years later they supply no less than seven different beers to pasarán London Claire was a maternity leave and Stuart wasn't happy with his job it was a risky choice with Claire expecting her second son but it seems that we followed the right path people were very bored with a lot of the beer that was on the market so the the new the offer of new beers and different beers was appealing to people I think it sort of caught the imagination of people you know I'm not sure that saturation is yet an issue there's definitely much more competition than there was when we started but I think that's probably a good thing so what that ensures is that the quality of beer is is is kept as as paramount you know you you can't simply can't brew bad beer because there's too much competition and that I think is a good thing but I think the whole growth also plays into the Localism agenda so the you know much like the trend in foods it's not buying foods with huge airmiles its buying foods that have been produced locally it's supporting local businesses so I think that plays into it as well our second visit is to Brighton where two brave fellows have opened the bison beer craft house this shop is the first one in Brighton to dedicate entirely to craft beer open since March Jack and Nick offer more than 300 varieties of beers from Sussex micro brewery their mission is to teach people how to love local beer as much as they do at the same time they take advantage of the promising market the days of going to the pub and order in the same pint and drinking the same drink for an evening and are gone you know you think that once once people realize that there's that choice out there it's very hard to go back to drinking you know the same beer and kind of boring kind of thing that they've been used to I mean I guess it stems somewhat from accessibility too you know for the breweries to actually you know small breweries micro breweries and such like to actually have an opportunity to develop the investment over time the investment in technology comes down so it's more affordable and more accessible to actually get involved in something such as brewing the whole ethos of this shop is to is to shop local and particularly as I said to 63 micro breweries the people that we're talking to direct and trying to liaise with there's a real kind of carbon footprint that goes along with the craft beer scene and saying you know Horsham has a brewery called King beer it's four miles down the road you know that beer was only traveling four miles to us when you know doesn't really need to travel a thousand miles from you know in the States or wherever it's so you know any way that we can encourage people to shop local and enjoy local produce where they will try and do and indeed by some Brewing doesn't just benefit local economy but also encourages people to make their own beer that is why they have organized along with homebrew Depot a new with Libre School in Brighton we basically teach the all grain brewing which is the same as what you would do in a in a micro brewery like a professional micro brewery but on a much smaller scale where they're making you know hundreds or thousands of liters at a time we make 23 litres which is a which is which is good you know it's it's it's a it's a it's five gallons of beers the event is a craft beer is just that it just tastes so much better and the possibilities are endless like every year we're seeing more and more different types of beer being developed people are getting adventurous people are adding different fruits or seeds or spices or anything you can add all sorts of things to beer and and create all sorts of different things I think that is the advantage and once you know how to do it it's exactly the same as cooking we teach the basics and then you can just change up the ingredients and an experiment to your heart's content craft beer it well-made simply tastes better it might be time to know how to savor it properly we meet with Jane Peyton the first woman to be officially qualified as a beer some earlier in the United Kingdom and author of the book school of booze and beer o'clock we've got this beautiful copper mahogany colored beer we're looking up at the light to see what color it is that might give us some idea of what the taste of the beer is going to be I can tell that that's going to have a caramel and toffee sort of a a flavor to it just because of the color of it so what I don't do I'll swirl the beer and in the glass that releases the aromas and then I'm going to stick my nose in the top of the glass and what I get from that I get a very distinct hop aroma I get some marmalade like orange ii citrusy aromas which comes from the american hops and i can also smell the toffee underneath there which is where this color comes from so there's like a multi toffee and aroma to it as well now I need to taste it so I'll let it sit on the tongue for a few seconds what happens is that the aromas from the beer will go up my mouth into the nose there the millions of olfactory cells just in the bulb of the nose which means that the brain registers that flavor about a few seconds later do we know now what we drink what makes crack beer so enjoyable we know its benefits so do the tops of sell it the rose and pop in new cross comforts its customers with a fine variety of craft and big grunt beers other customers aware of the difference between them as well they convey so much culture and so much feeling that I really like about the UK and you just don't have that when you drink beer from these really big companies like Heineken thinking you know helps the local economy it also probably supports the pubs remaining open as well you know pubs are in the threat of closure and if people you know who do want to drink nice beers have it available in pubs then cops are more likely to stay open because people will be coming in and and drinking them so yeah I think it's a very positive trend it's official craft brewers are now beating me beers when it comes to customer choice and the reasons are pretty clear when we drink craft beer we are being socially responsible we are not just investing in a good beer we are helping the local economy creating jobs spending natural products and following tradition [Music] you
Channel: Periodismo Lezlib
Views: 1,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beer, craft, london, small breweries, craft beer, united kingdom, craft beer documentary, craft beer uk, breweries, hells beer, craft beer bar, craft beer brewery
Id: tyfBRxpcx6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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