The Coolest, Most Awesome, Humanoid Robot Ever!

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great now does someone have a bleeding beverage container I could borrow it in somebody who needs a oh yeah I can't put the door anyways the hands on the in move looked great but they're basically animatronic if you want to do anything useful like grasp anything they're pretty much a non-starter so last week while he's moving up I crafted this cup holder basically something that I could jam against the dream and then use the fingers to close against and more often than not it will do a reset here which one car sensor because I don't want access oh yeah I know it's um this was completely under manual control I have no expectations win this contest so what's happening he's running Linux on the back end which is less important but I'm actually using x11 forwarding I'm I'm dialing into a local area network access point through SSH and then I'm using x11 forwarding to run the applications UI here well actually the heavy lifting happens over there so let's bring up the little BOTS stamp all right the robots online your desktop or UNIX pretty much yeah and then we'll bring up the user interface yes so I designed the bracket to more often than not allow me to grab a bottle and I think if I have it about here you should be okay right last weekend you think all right here goes nothing the movement so there's duties going on here I have a basic pendant that I can show you guys later but I have Excel supposes there's an insight post outside post and a simple program to kind of interpolate between these two positions to get a vault part close to it and then I have two other sliders I can move to nudge the arm up and down and to move the waist left and right - hopefully oh and like one of my fingers I need to read three threads so so if I adjust the X and the y and then nudge towards oh yeah this is all manual no sensors whatsoever this time around what you're not controlling individual souls you've got only that's what right correct and then barely okay he's posing take that shot everybody here you go nice
Channel: Squigglemom and Friends
Views: 1,291,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: in moov, inmoov, 3d printing, robot, robotics, robotic arm, make, maker, maker faire, maker space, humanoid, rssc, squigglemom, makersville, squiggle, mom, robotics society, robotics society of southern california, robots are awesome, awesome robots, humanoid robots, grey the robot, human, science, technology, engineering, open source, gael langevin, ROS, kinematics, mechanical engineering, electronics, electronic engineering, csulb, robotics clubs, robot club
Id: lErkzwfuFiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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