The Complete Riku Timeline (KH Character Breakdown)

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[Music] with Kingdom Hearts 4 around the corner hopefully I decided it's high time we all get caught up on where our Guardians are in the series and not only where they are but where they came from this will be the beginning of a series on the channel where I plan to recap on all the important characters in the K series this one be to not only have a Consolidated history of each main character but also to catch you guys up before the impending release of Kingdom Hearts 4 ladies and gentlemen welcome to the channel I do a lot of gaming content with a lot of it focusing on Kingdom Hearts so if you guys are interested in that or in catching up on the rest of the Guardians consider subscribing to see more content just like this while you're down there don't forget to like the videos that greatly helped spread the content and go ahead and comment whose timeline you would like to see next in the series down below so the original plan was to sort every moment in ru's life and any other character we cover on a clear linear timeline however Kingdom Hearts currently doesn't have an age or year year system in place this meaning we don't have any specific year or equivalent stating a character's birth or life to then follow the linear path from this being said I will instead go off of each game in the series as a quote unquote year so whatever game we first have any appearance of said character will be the start of their timeline and we will then move from there and cover every major appearance that they have in the series rku being the main character alongside Sora I decided to start with him as from the end of Melody of memory and the Kingdom Hearts 3 secret movie it's looking he's going to play a major role in the recovery of Sora with that being said let's run it back all the way to our earliest known appearance of rku in Birth by Sleep So currently in the series our earliest appearance of rku comes from when he was about 5 years old in the age of Birth by Sleep and no the medals and Union Cross don't count ironically actually the earliest point we have of rku is the literal start of his journey he was venturing out to the island where he and his best friend Sora would always love to play while there in this time however he noticed his tall strange man who didn't look like he belonged on the main island and definitely didn't live out here cuz well no one lived out here it's unknown exactly how he knows of this information but rku seems to have some understanding of the outside world and that the world he lives in isn't the only one rku eventually approaches the man who we all know as Tara he confronts him of this knowledge surprising Tara that a kid could be so insightful and confident as this Tara noticing this decides to take a big risk you see terara performs what is known as a keyblade ritual where he is passing on his gift as a ke blade welder directly to rku where he will one day learn to wield a blade of his own he then tells rku to keep this secret else all the magic will wear off which rku does terara then Parts ways with rku where they wouldn't see each other for over another 10 years officially starting rku off on his journey where he will have a lot of ups and downs shortly after this on another venture to the island with Sora he meets another strange person who we all come to know as Aqua unlike terara however rku doesn't reveal to this lady what he knows likely trying to keep his promise to terara Aqua then gives advice to the two boys saying that they should always protect each other as that's what friends do they both promise her that they will and then part ways with another friend that they wouldn't see for over 10 years skipping along an unknown amount of time rku and Sora were on the beach heading home when rku notices that Sora is crying he brings this up and explains that there is probably someone out there who is hurting and trying to connect to Sora giving the advice that Sora should open his heart to this and welcome in this unknown Soul Ru unknowingly also started Sora on his journey that would connect them together as keyw wers another small moment I want to mention that we aren't sure the exact point but can assume it's after this point but before Kingdom Hearts 1 so dragged rku to a mysterious cave on their Island where he was hearing strange noises and was convinced that there was a monster waiting to be slain after entering the cave with Sora however the boys discover it's just the wind blowing in and not a vicious monster however they GRE interested in the place and would eventually make it their secret place where they would go to scribble on the walls just before leaving though rku gets a strange feeling and turns to look at a weird door with no no handle in the cave he then notices that where there was just a blank wooden door is a giant Keyhole he doesn't mention any of this to Sora but what he does mentioned to us players is a new girl at the mayor's house who we all know as Kyrie and we finally take a 10-year jump to Kingdom Hearts 1 so it's been 10 years now rku is now approximately 15 years old and to this day he still loves going to the island with his best friends Sora and kyri in the time since we last saw him R's infatuation but the outside world has not wavered it's only grown in fact fact he Sora and Kyrie have all began a plan to build a wrath and Venture off to discover the outside world themselves so their days mainly consist of just that Gathering materials to build and food to survive well at least rku does as Sora just seem to be napping on the beach all the time one day before heading home the game relaxes at their favorite spot on the island chilling on a palpa tree and watching the sunset with this one discussion we learned that Kyrie actually came from a different world herself we also learned from rku that because of Kyrie herself coming from the outside world it actually inspired rku to want to visit them himself he expresses his gratitude of Motivation by thanking Kyrie hinting at a subtle Obsession or liking to Kyrie herself before leaving for the day rku Hana a palu fruit from the tree explaining that whoever eats it their Destinies will become intertwined this plot point however comes more into play in Sor and Kyrie's timeline and will be expanded upon in their own respective timeline video after a while the gang eventually finishes their raft and heads home before starting on their big Journey however unb benounced to them a dark force was in play and would strike tragedy to their world that very night a weird giant dark force was in the sky over the island causing what seemed to be a small storm Ricky being worried about the raft they finished heads off to the island along with his two friends now it's un sure exactly what Spar ru's interest in darkness or even the knowledge of it all to begin with the main theory is that the lingering heart of anom who already reached out to Sora and would already play a big part in ru's story had also reached out to rku himself feeding him this knowledge and curiosity this is a very likely assumption how there however there is no true confirmation of this in the series regardless when we next see rku Sora has found him and is trying to save him from the impending Dark Storm above however rku explains to Sora that Darkness can provide the way out for them that Darkness can hold the power to this dream of seeing the outside world he holds out his hand to Sora as a dark pool surrounds the two of them and begins to envelop them as Sor approaches trying to save his best friend the darkness takes hold and transports rku away to a world known as Hollow Bastion Sor was not taken with rku though as unknown to rku In This Moment accepting the darkness into his heart actually somewhat corrupted it and the keyblade That rku was supposed to inherit actually rejected rku and took Sora as its Master at least for now that is so after arriving in Hollow Bastion rku was found by none other than Maleficent a dark witch who was on her own journey of taking over the world and unlocking the unknown power and knowledge of Kingdom Hearts the heart of all worlds she takes rku in even giving him his own bedroom as a home in Hollow basan rku didn't see it but Maleficent was slowly implanting false trust in rku so that she could use him as a tool in her journey to take over the world so rku goes on his own Journey now his first thought being to find both of his friends that he was separated with after a short while he finds Sora in a world known as Travers town we see Ricky strike down what is known as a heartless you see to keep things simple heartless are beings who have lost their heart to Darkness and as their heart was corrupted by Darkness turned them into a monstrous form without will or self-being at all anymore so rku strikes one down as I said with a new weapon he has acquired known as Soul Eater it's basically just a dark sword that he likely acquired through channeling darkness that he allowed into his heart although the exact origins of this weapon are unclear okay back on track with the story so rku finds Sora and notices him traveling with Don and Goofy a duck and a dog who are actually the Royal Mage and Knight to a King who we will discuss more in detail later on rku enjoy seeing his friend again and explained that he's been traveling all around looking for him and Kyrie Sor reveals the same as him and his new companions were doing just that as well after asking where Kyrie is rku explains he isn't sure just yet but if Sora just leaves it all to him they will surely find her in in no time during his boast however Sora takes down another heartless that spawned revealing to rku For the First Time The keyblade after a small discussion rku actually takes the keyblade from Sora which was a huge shock as no one but Sora so far has been able to wield it without returning it to him it seems that even though riku's heart has been corrupted the keyid meant for him still has some connection with his light or at least what's left of it Sora then tries to offer that rku come with them as they have a rocket that can travel the worlds but Donald argues this saying that rku can't come in the midst of their argument rku dips out without him even noticing we next see him later on spying on the three with Maleficent by his side you see Maleficent had began to manipulate Riku saying that Sora had abandoned him for his new friends unfortunately rku fell for this and his jealousy only fueled the darkness growing inside of him rku then Falls fully into Maleficent's trap beginning to help her on her goal of finding Kingdom Hearts he's told that the door to this would be unlocked if they gather seven princesses whose heart consists of pure light Ru then helps her gather all of these princesses and promis that Maleficent will help her find Kyrie the first princess who see him capture is Jasmine she resides in a world known as agraba and while Sora Donald and Goofy were handling the troubles going on in the world at the time Jasmine was left unattended which allowed Ru to sweep in and take her back to halasan we don't know for sure exactly how many and which princesses Riu captures it's possible he could have captured the majority of them or only just Jasmine all we know for sure is that eventually they do capture them all except for one that they struggle to find keeping her promise for helping her Maleficent reveals she has actually found Kyrie and offers her to him as a reward rku ask Maleficent why she is helping him to begin with which she responds with only more in manipulation saying that rku is like a son to her and she only wants him to be happy rku has his doubts still however but goes aboard his new vessel to see Kyrie on a ship with a pirate known as Captain Hook Once on This ship however reiku finds out the hard truth Kyrie is unconscious because she has lost her heart Maleficent tells him that the heartless luckily took her heart and explains that if rku truly wants to find a way to save her and return her heart they will have to finish their journey to find the princesses this is where Maleficent fully reveals the plan of opening Kingdom Hearts to Riku she explains that within it lies Untold wisdom and that surely if they finish they would find a way to recover Kyrie's heart to her before sending them off again however Maleficent Grant Ru the power to control the heartless once again only fueling the darkness growing inside of him rku then finds himself in a giant well known as monstro where he is looking for a puppet known as Pinocchio it's here he runs into Sora again where he begins a toy with him about maybe finding Kyrie and maybe he'll tell Sora before running off MF comes in later and asks Ru why he even cares about Sor still rku only saying he doesn't and was just messing with him while hiding his true connection that he still wants to have with Sora Sora finally catches up and begins to call rku out for his weird Behavior lately rku only flipping the situation saying that Sora doesn't even care to save Kyrie anymore and only cares about showing off his new keyblade that's when they hear a scream and go to save Pinocchio who has gotten himself into trouble and miss their argument after taking down a boss heartless who had taken Pinocchio rku takes Pinocchio himself after being begged to give Pino back Ru explains that Pinocchio being a puppet with a heart which is unheard of maybe he could help someone who has lost their heart Sora asks if Kyrie was who rku was referring to but rku just shouts what do you care about her before storming off with the unconscious puppet in hand Sora again catches up with Riku where rku makes a proposal he asks Sora to come with him and help save Kyrie that together they be more successful than a part however Sora raises his sword against him shocking rku at this action Sora explains that it doesn't matter what ru wants right now but that he can tell rku has lost his sense of right and wrong and is currently fighting on the wrong side their conversation gets interrupted however by the same enemy they defeated before and rku uses this as a moment to escape back to Hook ship later on Sora and the Gang actually make their way to Hook ship where rku is there waiting for them he confronts Sora saying that his new friend should not take precedent over his old friends stepping aside and revealing an unconscious Kyrie to Sora zor steps forward before being cut off by Captain Hook himself and then being surrounded by Harless he then asks for R why he is siding with the heartless before rku responds that the heartless obey him now and that he has nothing to fear rku with his new dark Powers conjures a dark Sora and cast Sora Donald Goofy down into the brick he then gives orders to hook to keep Sora away from Kyrie much to Hook's annoyance later on hook and rku discussed that apparently the girl they came to Neverland to capture Wendy is actually not one of the princesses of heart needed for Kingdom Hearts hook then asks why meva even cares about these princesses anyway before Riu says that he doesn't care and only cares about saving Kyrie and will do whatever it takes it's then revealed that Sora and his friends have escaped their imprisonment along with a boy named Peter Pan who by the reaction of hook seems to be a problem for rku rku then goes to retrieve Kyrie and as Sora shows up to save her rku Retreats taking Kyrie and leaving Sora to deal with the dark form conjured earlier later on we see rku left back to halasan but he didn't take a vessel and travel through the darkness alone an extremely risky move that could have taken them both and absolutely only strengthened the whole Darkness had on ru's heart Maleficent warns to rku that relying on the darkness too much could cost him his heart but can clearly see that rku doesn't care in the slightest they're interrupted by the Roar of Beast the love of bell another princess they captured who has come to save her before sending rku off to handle him she grants rku even more power with the darkness and this time rku fully accepts it reving in the new found power that he has awakened rku goes to confront the Beast and as Beast lunges at him rku actually takes him down a feat that should not be understated at all in usual fashion of course Sor Donald and Goofy once again show up however this time Ricky was not only expecting this but hoping for it Ricky reveals that there can't be two key play Masters before raising his hand and summoning sar's very own keyblade to his hand he then leaves SAR throwing him a wooden sword to go play Hero unfortunately for Sora Donald and Goofy Leed to join rku as their mission from the King was to follow the keyblade and sadly Sora wasn't its Master anymore rku was later on however Sora accompanied by Beast confronts rku Beast however is tricked and pound bounces after a heartless leaving Sora alone to fight rku Sora says he won't leave without Kyrie which rku responds that the darkness would destroy him before transforming into a new dark form that he has unlocked by giving into the darkness Sora says the darkness can do all it wants but it would never touch his heart as rku takes this as a challenge and launches a dark Fireball directly at Sora however just before it hits him goofy steps in and blocks it saving Sora rku calls goofy out asking if he would really betray his King but Goofy doesn't give in and explains that it's not about betraying the King but saving Sora who has become one of his best friends after all they've been through sadly Donald also joins them with the same feeling leaving rku alone to fight rku however still holds the keyblade and says that Sora couldn't stand up to that if he wanted to but Sora showing its confidence again explains that he doesn't need the keyblade that his heart is strong enough to win rku laughs at this but before he knows it the keyblade leaves his hand and returns to Sora the boys then have a battle where unfortunately for rku Sora comes out on top rku flees after losing and after wondering why the the keyblade left him when it was clearly supposed to be his he is confronted by The Remnant Heart Of anom The Secret Of Darkness anom explains that sword's heart in that moment was stronger than rku and that's why he lost but anom had other plans you see anom seeing the way rku accepted Darkness decided to plant his own seeds in rku he tells rku that he was imprisoned by how rku accepted the darkness and that if he wanted he could have even more power than he dreamed of unfortunately Ru Falls full force into this and asks what he needs to do anom tells him to open his heart to Darkness and to become Darkness itself we don't see it but as the screen Fades rku opens his heart to anom letting him in and giving fully into the darkness of his heart later on this new half rku half anom being who we would just call rku anom discusses with Maleficent they confront at the keyhole of the world and rku anom reveals to now have a keyblade of his own constructed from all the hearts taken from the six princesses that they currently have taken with the review of the keyblade the keyhole should be complete now however nothing happens and Maleficent turns to reveal that it must be Kyrie that since she doesn't have her heart the keyhole will remain incomplete and revealing to us that Kyrie is the seventh and last princess of heart malef sent Le to confront Sora and the Gang herself and leaves Ru anom to guard the princesses as she leaves Ru anom glows revealing just how much this young boy once full of light has given into the darkness of his heart after their fight Maleficent is left wounded and rku anom appears asking if she needs any help so Donald and Goofy being right behind her noticed the Keyblade in ru's hand as they ask if this rku explains that it is in fact a keyblade but a special one at that he explains that the keyblade has the power to unlock people's hearts he offers a demonstration before plunging the blade into Maleficent's chest attached to her it glows as rku tells her the same thing anom told him once finished he leaves as Maleficent turns into a giant dragon after sword Donald and Goofy take down Maleficent for good Ru anom returns he explains Maleficent was just a tool that the heartless were using as a puppet all along and that that the darkness in the end took her down and as ironic as it is Ru would be in just that same situation the boys eventually come face to face again where Sora finds an unconscious Kyrie and attempts to wake her rku ANM interrupts us us saying that she has lost her heart and cannot wake up and therefore the keyhole cannot be completed so long as the last princess still sleeps Sora shocked of this Revelation begs his being to let Ru go and to give him back his heart before Ru anom says that Sora must first give Kyrie back her heart Sora crumbles to the ground as Kyrie's heart inside him responds to this it's revealed that at the moment Kyrie lost her heart it found Solitude within Sora and as Kyrie has a pure heart of light she was not able to turn into the heartless Sora shouts demanding to know who R really is when he responds it is I andom anom advances on Sora ready to take him down and retrieve Kyrie's heart but just before he could strike him down Kyrie's heart calls out to Sora giving him the strength to fight back Sora demands he would never let him take Kyrie's heart and the boys began a f final allout one-on-one duel as the battle concludes Sora is Victorious and riku's body Fades dropping the keyblade behind I'll explain this next part in more detail on Sora and Kyra's timeline but to simplify Sora uses the keyblade to release Kyra's heart which turns Sora into a heartless revives Kyrie and completes the keyhole now anom himself appears in his true form now having access to such after taking over rku completely he advances on Donald Goofy and Kyrie who are completely outmatched but is stopped at a wheel of Rec left inside fights back he appears and does all he can to hold anom back telling the gain to get out of here as the heartless are soon to come and take everything over to which they take off escaping the world next we see of rku he is wandering around in The Realm of Darkness where his heart Now lies that there his body was taken over by anom while there Riu was reached out to by an unknown Voice who explains that he has been trying to reach Riu but the darkness in him kept him out of reach the voice explains that ru's heart won the battle against the darkness but it was too late for his body which is why he found himself self here in The Realm of Darkness he also explains that the door to Darkness will open soon and needs to be closed from both sides he also explains that rku should be able to feel the remnant of his friends hearts letting rku know that Sora and Kyrie are indeed okay it's then set out to Ru that he will help close his door from both sides later on after Sor and his friends defeat anom the door is open just as was said before Ru reveals himself and the boys begin to close the door before Darkness seeps out but the heartless are already forming however that same voice that appeared to rku appears now now as none other than King Mickey he defeats all the heartless forming and shouts now Sora let's close this door for good the boys do just that and as the door is closed R leaves Sora with one last message take care of her the door is closed and sealed by Sora and Micky's key blades leaving the Realms at peace and rku and Mickey stuck to wander The Realm of Darkness so Ru is now left in The Realm of Darkness and no way out as he floats in Endless nothing however he is visited by another voice The Voice explains that Ru is stuck here in a realm in between both light and dark rku awakes in a panic and wonders where the king is he knows they just sealed the door but we're on the dark side and should be stuck there the voice tells rku that after they sealed it rku came drifting to this place all on his own The Voice then explains to rku that there are two options one he could stay here in the security of sleep and never have to worry about the dangers that lie ahead or two he could take this Voice's guidance and return to the world he once belonged in true weeky fashion he takes the hand or technically the card of The Voice exclaiming this seemed like a boring place to take a nap anyway and is transported to the basement of a place known as Castle Oblivion rku takes the card given to him by the stranger and uses it on the door just ahead where he appears in none other than his old home halasan while wandering around the voice again appears and explains the world is not real but however just a recreation from riku's memory rku wanders around wondering why he doesn't see anyone from his memory and the voice again appears to explain just why he says that when rku accepted the darkness he Cast Away those people pushing them aside that rku cast everything aside for the darkness rku shouts that in the end he cast that aside too The Voice responding that ru's heart only knows how to cast away and that's why he doesn't see anyone because his heart is empty after all he threw away for power and all that is left inside is the residual Darkness after claiming that he rejected the darkness not accepted it the voice only taunts him laughing and asking did you now before rku runs off once again rku eventually runs into Maleficent or more specifically the memory of her rku asks why he can see her but no one else to which she explains that his heart is steeped in darkness and can only see those that exist in that same Darkness after a bit more taunting maleon turns into a dragon form and the two begin in a battle to which rku is Victorious after the fact rku advances on and leaves the memory of halasan where he appears back in Castle Oblivion rku is again confronted by the Voice who taunts rku more that the darkness is his weapon and attempts to pull rku in to accept the darkness again he appears just before rku is none other than anom and tells rku he is to serve him once again you see even though anom was defeated by Sora because he placed his heart upon rku that Darkness within him allowed anom to remain grounded and not truly disappear so as he appears now he asks rku to surrender to him again rku rejects this and advances on anom before he is thrown back with ease as anom advances on rku however another voice appears saying you're wrong The Voice appears as a ball of light and is revealed to be none other than King Mickey he reaches out to rku that the darkness doesn't have to overcome rku and that the light deep within rku always protect him so long as he doesn't give up rku stands as he engages in a battle with the anom in front of him after their battle anom notes rku is not intent on giving into him just yet he offers Ru another card to continue on but explains that chasing after the light will not distance him from the darkness Ru explains that he's not running at all and takes the car to continue on before he leaves however anom tempers the darkness in riku's heart and leaves him the choice of using that power up to rku and just before leaving anom explains that he'll be waiting for the day rku finally gives in to the darkness in his heart so rku continues on to sort through the Dark Worlds of his memories where he sees no one but those who reside in that same Darkness he once fell into after a while though he is reached out to Once Again by King Mickey Mickey appears in an ethereal form however saying that he can only reach a bit of his power to this place he explains to rku he is working on a way to get to him but has a request for the time being he wants rku to continue fighting and to not give into the darkness in his heart after Mickey disappears Ru continues on again before running into a man named vexon who appears through a dark portal in a black coat rku asks vexon works with anom to which vexen responds that he is half correct that the leader is anom but not the same anom and resides in not Darkness with the road in between vexon also explains that he also resides in the same place and notes that rku does as well rku says he's nothing like him and the two engage in a quick battle after the fact vexon notes that there is definitely a powerful darkness that resides in R's heart vexon says the fight provided him with the valuable Data before storming off leaving rku in much confusion rku continues on and is shocked at who he runs into next he is confronted confronted by a person who looks exactly like rku the being explains that he is actually a replica made by vexin with the data gathered in their fight rku calls him a fake which angers the replica very much he says they may have the same body and talents but unlike rku the replica isn't afraid of the darkness that unlike rku he can embrace the darkness and make it do his own bidding before raising his sword and engaging the two in battle after the battle rku himself is Victorious and the replica explains that he's still new and it won't be the same next time Ricky tries a cocky attack at this remark but his thrown back by the replica the replica says it's nice to having Darkness on his side and rku can keep playing the coward before running off rku advances once again denying being a coward as the replica said as he runs to the next floor they shouts for the replica before being confronted Again by anom anom explains that he isn't a copy but instead an example of what rku should be once again manipulating rku to accept the darkness anom explains rku used to accept the darkness in open arms but is now afraid of it after Ru attempts a strike in denial of this handsome leaves him more cards to continue on through his memory memories and states that eventually he will learn he cannot resist the darkness forever as rku continues through these memories he wonders if he will ever be free of the darkness nonetheless he finishes his last card memory and after appearing on the other side is confronted by another being in a dark coat known as Lexus Ricky recognizes him as another one of the nobodies that vexon mentioned lexius confronts rku on the same as the others that rku should not fear the darkness as with his power he could be more powerful with the darkness on his side after rku rejects another offer lexius advances rku and the to begin a battle unlike the other battles however rku comes out on the bottom defeated by lexius However unfortunately for lexius in this time of peril riku's heart naturally reached out to the darkness to survive taken over by that darkness in a form similar to when Ricky was taken over by anom he striked lexius down with ease we then see rku floating in a void of Darkness where he feels the force and darkness of the full anom after riku's heart reached out to Darkness anom took hold and now attempts to take rku over completely and return to the world once again however rku is saved once once again by the light of King Mickey and when rku appears back in Castle Oblivion the king is nowhere to be found although rku searches for him into no end he realizes that the king is with him in his heart shortly after while advancing ahead the whole castle begins to shake to which rku feels that the presence of a very powerful Darkness has just faded at the same moment Ru is confronted by another nobody named zian who explains that the leader of the castle has just been slain by the keyblade Master rku makes the connection that he means Sora and asks if that means Sora is here in the castle zexian offers him a chance to see Sor but asks if Ru is really ready to see him that after all that has happened can this rku who has been tainted by darkness really face sore he throws rku another card this one being of his home World Destiny islands and explains that if he wishes then to continue on to see the truth after they continuing to the memory World rku finds a few of his old friends from the islands but as he tries to see them they disappear in light once again solidifying that all ru's heart remembers is Darkness he then finds zian in the islands and zian explains that surely rku knew he could not see his friends zi and taunts rku even more accusing that the fall of the islands itself was ru's fault that ru's infatuation with the outside world is what caused the darkness to appear in the first place after defeating a dark side placed by zian rku sees Sora himself and attempts to confront him Thor however attacks rku much to riku's surprise and exclaims that he can see exactly what rku has become just another Pond of the darkness and then raises his keyblade and envelops rku in light rku finds himself floating in a void of light where he begins to accept his fate of Fading Into light he is confronted however by an ethereal form of Kyrie Kyrie explains that rku is too strong that he could never be defeated not by Darkness or by light she explains that instead of fighting the darkness he should accept it that darkness is very strong and can make him stronger she also states that he should not be afraid and not give into that Darkness but to know that it's there and know that it will never overcome him so long as he doesn't fear it rku takes all of this in and Embraces his Darkness fully but does not give in just as said it's with this he is able to see through the void and strike exi and down who was appearing as Sora all along as a trick after another battle rku comes out Victorious he strikes XI down fully who disappears just before he Fades unknown to rku though zon would be taken out fully by another Force but that's a story for another time after returning back to Castle Oblivion rku is confronted by anom again since rku embraced the darkness anom explains that the stronger ru's darkness is the stronger anom is he then traps rku and attempts to take over once again before the king also appears once again to save rku this time being different however because Mickey appears in his full form finally arrived at Castle Oblivion to help rku the two have a touching reunion and Mickey explains that he found a card that when he touched it brought him to the castle much similar to how Ru arrived the two take the card and use it to open the door to a world known as Twilight town as they enter however anom appears and attempts to battle rku but rku rejects him rku notes that this anom President isn't the same as the real ansom and therefore it can't really be him rku realizes that this person whoever they may be is the true original voice voice that brought him to the castle in the beginning the one that guided him on the journey through the castle the being claims this as correct and Reveals His True Form as di di explains that he has been watching rku and he wants rku to choose that rku is a special being who can belong in both the light and the dark he tells rku to First go see Nam and then he will make his choice rku does just that and continues along to find Nam before he can however he is confronted Again by his replica who has changed a lot since they last met the replica now realizes he is a fake and can never truly be real so long as the real Ru is alive and in true Kingdom Hearts fashion the two engage in a battle to the death after rku beats the replica he feels sorry for him the replica wonders where his fake body will even go when it fades to which rku says and hopes that maybe it will go to the same place as him the replica then Fades with a smile and the two-part ways for a long time but not forever rku then finds Nam who is standing by a pod with sore floating in it rku panics and wants Sora out but Nam explains that Sora is asleep to reclaim the memories that she herself tampered with she tells rku Sora was given a choice to forget the castle and remember his life or forget his life and stay with her and in the end he chose his own life she then States it's time for rku to make his own choice the very choice that di mentioned earlier Nam explains that she can lock riku's heart or more specifically his Darkness so that anom will never be able to come out from inside of him however if he does this rku will begin to also lose his memories and he will return to how he was before he ever let dness tamper with his heart rku takes one look at Sora and then he decides if he forgets he won't be ready to face Sor after all that's happened riy decides to face anom himself and to keep who he is after all he's been through Nom asks what if anoms Darkness overtakes him while R responds that the darkness will show him the way Nom wasn't even surprised at his answer in fact she hoped for it as it was actually her who came to rku in the light earlier and not Kyrie and gave him that very same advice so as rku leaves and returns to the castle he's confronted by Micki and di di explains that it is now up to rku to believe in di or not and hands him a black coat just as the organ oranization wors he explains the organization will be after rku and that this coat will ward off the darkness and defer its presence from them rku explains once again he's done running from the darkness before moving on to the final floor just before they Advance through the final door however rku asked Mickey for a favor as Riu is about to face anom he knows his heart could fall to Darkness and therefore return anom completely therefore if that happens he wants Mickey to destroy his heart he's cut off however and Mickey denies such favor saying that no matter what happens he will be right there to help save him that after everything he and rku are friends now and Mickey isn't going to let him fade rku thanks him and the two move on to face anom in the final battle anom tries one last time to convince rku to join him but it's no use as the two engage in the battle once again rku comes out Victorious but in the end anom explains that his shadow will always linger and that one day he will return in his final words anoms Darkness explodes and takes hold of rku however just as Mickey said he comes in just in time to save Riku from Fading Into Darkness as the two lead the castle bigy asked rku if he's going to return home but rku says he can't yet he says he knows the anom shadow will always be there and he can't return so long as he still remains Micky offers an encouraging word and says that until he met Riku he thought Darkness should never exist but his time with rku changed his mind and now he'd like to walk the road with rku on the journey to figure out where that Darkness leads rku takes Mickey's gesture and is honored to have such a friend at his side the two then Dawn the coats and meet up with di di ask Ru if his choice is paid has he decided to walk the road to dark or the road to light in the end rku says that neither sued him and explains he's not walking either road but the road in between not Twilight road to Nightfall but the road through the darkness that ends in light rku chose the road to Dawn neither suits me I'm taking the Middle Road do you mean the Twilight road to Nightfall no it's the road to Dawn so for the next year of his life rku dedicates his time doing whatever he can to help restore sora's memories and wake him up at the same time he also continues to help di in his efforts to discover organization 13's true goals and work to take them down the next time we see rku physically is in his first encounter with Shion a replica made to copy the powers of roxus sora's nobody who passively began to also siphon sora's memories of Kyrie which in turn kept Sor from waking up in this encounter the two have a brief fight however rku easily outmatches her and proceeds to find out more of this mysterious woman after getting a look at her face he's taken back as her face resembles either Sora or Kyrie we aren't sure exactly what rku saw what we do know is Ru is clearly shocked at this and then proceeds to call her Keyblade a fake and giving her the advice that the organization is bad news and she should stay away he leaves Shion broken and beaten but this isn't the last that they'll see of each other Ru would eventually discuss with Nam what he discovered of Shion to which Nom explains what I stated before however Nom also adds that for Sora to fully wake both Shion and roxus will both need need to be defeated so that what was taken from Sora can be returned siku eventually meets up again with Shion on his old home of Destiny Islands unlike before though this time things go a lot smoother the two actually have a conversation as at this point Shion has more concerned with finding out who or what she really is and what her connection to Sora was rku then explains the truth that Shion has passively taken sora's memories of Kyrie except a hair curler for some reason the two actually open up a bit to each other chion even jokingly apologizing for taking Sora away from rku before leaving rku leaves Shion with a choice to go with him and return what belongs to Sora or return to her friends and continue living her life I'll explain the next part more in detail and Shion and rox's timelines but to sum it up Shion would go with rku for a while before being forced back by Axel another one of her friends eventually Shion decides to return what she took from Sora and baits roxus into destroying her to do it after her death roxus is in shambles and out of anger seeks out revenge on the organization which is where we meet back up with rku rku would eventually intercept brus but anticipating the upcoming events Desir to meet up with his old pal King Mickey beforehand rku at first appears to Mickey in the form of anom but transforms back to himself before they speak this is because Ricky realizes that anthom's Darkness still has a hold on his heart and is always on edge of taking him over at the same time rku knew the upcoming encounter with roxus may not end well and decides to ask Mickey for a favor he first explains the situation with Sora as the two haven't seen each other in a long time and mickeey has some catching up to do afterwards he explains in this fight with the roxes he could end up giving into the darkness in him to win because of this Ricky makes Mickey promise that whatever happens he will be there to guide so Donald and goofi when they wake up as Ricky would not let himself face them if what he feared came to fruition Mickey promised and the two friends part ways once again so in the world that never was a home world to no bodies in the organization rku intercepts roxus on his way to get his revenge the two meet at memory skyscraper where they will have an allout duel and neither really comes out on top in their duel Ru baits roxus a lot bringing up Shion calling out to Sora and him and working his way to taking roxus back with him though unfortunately for rku in the end roxus came out on top which led rku to what he feared the most you see rku knew the darkness could win him this fight but feared the consequences of opening up that gate again however in light of his best friend's life in the line rku made the difficult decision and opened his heart to Darkness at this point ru's physical appearance changes to reflect that of anom where he also Dawns the guardian and easily overpowers roxus this time once this shows up the two take roxs his back where they work towards restoring sora's memory once and for all so the white roxes his memory and put him in a simulation of Twilight town where he will live out for 5 days as they prepare him to return to Sora Ricky for this time does dis his bidding and keeping roxus in check even calling himself anom at one point fully accepting his dark role he has taken upon himself the time came to restore Sora but before that Riu decided to Pride D for more information as he had been doing the bidding for Diz for going on a year now now and had no idea what he even wanted with him to begin with d explains Revenge but doesn't elaborate on the details which seems to agitate rku eventually did says it's time that not only roxus but also Nomine must be disposed of clearly showing his hate for nobody's however Ru had different plans he meets up with nomina and axel who both helped restore Sora to both their surprises rku out of gratitude decides to spare them instead where he lets them go off ignoring diz's request to destroy them so rku from here on out decides to work in the shadows he slowly helps out the gang without ever trying to let them know that he's even there he even helps Kyrie make her way to Twilight town to reunite with Sora however she is intercepted by Axel who is on his own journey to get roxus back we see him leave clues for Sor Donald and Goofy that Secrets lie within the mansion in Twilight town that their answers about whoever this roxus is and where the organization are could be found rku also travels to a world known as land of dragons where he takes down a Chinese General with ease to explain to the emperor about some impending organization Shenanigans I mentioned this because I want to know note that rku being able to take down this General with such ease clearly shows just how powerful he has become in the series while here he also has a small run in with Sora where the two have a small duel Sora believing he's a member of organization 13 as to why rku chose this fight is unclear but personally I like to think that he just missed his best friend nonetheless rku runs off after with his secret intact So rku eventually decides to take fight to the organization where he confronts a high member named SX Who currently had Kyrie imprisoned at their home base SX attempts to flee but before Ricky could chase after Kyrie who was rescued by Nom stops him you see even with the change in appearance Kyrie was able to put the pieces together that this man who helped her was rku she would also convince rku that their priority should be to go help Sora which they do just before they do though Kyrie is overran by heartless to which rku bails her out and decides to give her her very own keyblade so that she may be better of use to fight and help Sora I also want to take a second to note that somewhere along the line here rku actually acquired a keyblade of his very own a similar design to a soul eater sword SW known as way to Dawn it's unsure when he acquired this but he's clearly shown to have it throughout Kingdom Hearts 2 cut scenes so the time comes and rku helps Kyrie reunite with Sora however before he can leave Sora stops him believing that he is actually anome Sora begins to thank Ricky for helping Kyrie it's Kyrie who decides to let Sora know that this isn't anom but in fact his long lost best friend the three hold hands where they allow their hearts to connect which in turn allows Sora to see behind the disguise and see rku who he really is Sora breaks down in front of rku please in that he looked everywhere and was constantly worried about what happened to him Ricky responds that he didn't want to be found he then explains what he had to do to get this far and they didn't want to be seen like this in front of the two of them so after touching a reunion the three friends are finally reunited for a short time the game then takes out two organization members first up being luer followed by the previously mentioned SX after Sak Was Defeated Sor began to get fed up on why everyone from the organization referred to him as roxus rku is the one to explain to Sora that roxus is his nobody to which Sora had no knowledge of until this moment he then goes to explain his fight with roxus and how he had a hunch that roxus really just wanted to meet Sora after everything that happened so the gang eventually catches up with Mickey and D who had been revealed to actually be the original true anom known as anom the wise anom had been working to destroy Kingdom Hearts a power that the organization had been working to building to become real people again they are interrupted by zimis who Not only was the organization's leader but also was the original Apprentice of anom and Spark's need for Revenge once again I would be glad to go over this in more detail on a timeline for anom or zimus as there's a lot to impact there So eventually the machine anom was using to destroy Kingdom Hearts becomes overwhelmed with the power it contains and self-destructs taking a substantial amount of power from Kingdom Hearts and unfortunately taking anom as well however in the explosion a miracle happened you guys being the great viewers you are like the video and subscribe to see more content like this on the channel in the future oh yeah and Ru got like his real body back or something so to quickly go through this next part as a lot of weird stuff happens basically rku Sora and Mickey confront simus simus eventually takes what's left of Kingdom Hearts into himself and disappears a door then spawns and Mickey explains that the hearts of the worlds came together to give them this door to reach sness so the three ban their key BLS together and opened the door to men make their way through a series of battles before finally defeating Zenus after the fight rku attempts to open a portal so that they can all leave and return home however he is unsuccessful Mickey explains that after the explosion rku no longer has ties to the Dark Realm anymore shockingly though a portal does open thanks so roxus and N who had both returned to Kyrie and sora's heart where they belonged after touching goodbye to their nobodies Ru explains that they're all still them that nothing is chains and they begin to make their way to the portal before Sora and Ricky could get through however the portal closes on its own leaving the two behind as it's shown that zimus isn't done after all so Sora and Riu depart on the true final battle in what might be one of the coolest in-game boss segments in gaming history so in their final fight with Zenus Riku takes a hit to save Sora at one point and is down for the count however in an amazing team up rku hand Sor his keyblade to which Sora Dawns both of their blades to take zimus down the two then join hands on the keyblade and fire a beam of light together at zimus finally taking him down and ending the organization's Reign for good and by for good I mean that this is Kingdom Hearts so really it's just for now for now after the fight however Ru and Zora are somehow transported to the Realm of Darkness rku has taken substantial damage from the fight and wanting to rest on the shore decides to accept their faith that they are stuck with no way out fortunately rku comes across a letter from Kyrie Tora sent floating in the waves long ago that finally makes it way to him reading the note sora's connection with Kyrie seems to resonate as it opens the door to light allowing the boys to return home where they truly belong they step through and crash into Destiny islands where their Journey once began they reunite with all their friends who were just so happened to be there waiting for them after all the turmoil and the trauma rku has returned home with his friends so Kingdom Hearts recoded takes place in a data world recreating the events of Kingdom Hearts 1 since this is all data and not the real recw I won't be discussing this here but I did want to note that in the end scene that from what Mickey learns in recoded he discusses it with yens Sid his old keyblade Master Yin Sid decides that due to an upcoming event much more dire than the previous danger they have faced it's time to prepare Sor and rku it's time for them to take the mark of Mastery and exam to become true keyblade Masters so I want to point out that the amount of time from the end of Kingdom Hearts 2 and the beginning of dream drive distance is not quite clear we know for sure that it wasn't that long so no substantial year time jumps or anything at most best guest the fans have come up with is a couple of weeks depending on who you ask regardless however rku did not get very long to relax back at home before he and Sora were called upon again when meeting up with yensid he explains the situation at hand he explains the backstory on xehanort a man behind everything whose body and mind was split apart but will indeed return one day to trouble us yet again the point of this test is to prepare rku and Tora for that impending event as well as give them both a chance to become a true keyblade Master Sor expresses rightful concerns at this as he and rku have already proved themselves formidably in the past and should be well beyond the title of Master however it's rku actually who expresses a bit of Doubt understanding that the darkness still has a hold on his heart deep down and struggles the wonder if he's even fit to wield the keyl at all with that sord is convinced and the two embark on their tests to restore the sleeping worlds to briefly explain in the events of Kingdom Hearts 1 when the worlds were restored from Darkness some worlds never fully awoke from it so even though the returned to the RO of light their heart still sleeps from Falling Into Darkness the test is to restore all these worlds and awake them fully now I'm not exactly sure on the details of this next part so if someone is feeling a bit smarter than me feel free to comment below but to travel to the sleeping Worlds the boys traveled back in time that power I'll explain more in detail later to their time on Destiny Islands they then fight Ursula for some reason and afterward a ke to the sleeping world awakes the guys then summon their keyblades and use it to travel to the sleeping worlds again the details are kind of hazy for me and I couldn't find any concrete details myself so if any lore Buffs out there are feeling it feel free to comment down below and I'll pin the comment so anyone else can see it so once in the sleeping worlds rku finds himself separate from Sora and back in Traver toown the main Hub world of Kingdom Hearts 1 he runs into a man named Joshua who is a part of a friend group who is stuck in a game to save their lives in the midst of the sleeping Travers Town rku asks Joshua if he knows where Sora is Joshua says that he doesn't but admits that there are currently two versions of Travers town and therefore Sora must be in the other one Joshua also gives info on dream meters and Nightmares basically the the heart esque enemies of the sleeping worlds as Darkness can't quite reach here rku eventually runs into beat one of Joshua's friends fighting in the game the two have a small Feud that is quickly resolved before suddenly rku passes out when he wakes the guys are gone but he notices a red-headed girl being chased after by dream meters and goes to save her after doing so rku learns her name is Shiki and that she is trying to find her game partner to keep her safe rku agrees to accompany her along the way where eventually they run into a man in a black hood just like the organization the black hood had tricked Shiki into luring rku there in promise of saving her and her friends at the price of rku himself the black hood pulls back his hood to reveal a young boy about riku's age with gray hair and yellow eyes which rku does not recognize he summons a large Dream Eater who rku has to take down and after doing so he be and Shiki are all greeted outside by ethereal forms of their friends and Sora showing that the two worlds are indeed connected after all once both Sora and Riu completed their missions in their respective sides Joshua goes more in depth on their situation it's not that relevant to rku outside of what we already explained though so I won't go in depth but after words The Voice seal Travers Town Awakening their first sleeping World in their Mark of Ry rku next finds himself in Lassa where he meets a gypsy named Esmeralda and a French Captain named feus he notices s Mara running away and actually covers for her when confronted by feus about her whereabouts she thanks him for this and explains that judge fro who was with the captain is hunting her kind she explains that she would hate to know what kind of Darkness would drive such actions in someone to which R reflects as he has much experience with that same Darkness Ru wants to learn more and is directed to the Chapel of notredam ahead for answers here he runs in the quad Quasimoto who says that frolo is his master protecting him from the outside world Ru actually gives Quasimoto the advice that a true fan would see him for who he really is and tells him to ask his heart he then sets off for the edge of town to find fro saying to himself that he wishes he could take his own advice on the way there he runs into a giant dream meter causing trouble and after narrowly dodging him to the edge of town learns that frolo himself spawned this creature from his own Darkness the creature is then set off back to the Chapel to burn down the gypsies including Esmeralda and rku chases after he's a bit late however as the chapel has already set up Blaze luckily Quasimoto had actually saved Esmeralda and knowing that she's safe rku heads to confront the dream meter he runs into frolo at the top and in confrontation fro actually falls off down into the fire below after all this however rku is confronted by none other than anom the Seeker of Darkness accompanied by the same young gray-haired boy rku Ponders how this is even possible before anom does some usual picking at the darkness in rku unfaded though rku shouts that he walked the road to Dawn and that the keyblade will guide him to the light so R then takes down the dream eer who is patiently listen listening nearby how nice of him he then meets up with Quasimoto favis and as morala to which Ru actually opens up that his advice to Quasimoto earlier was speaking from personal experience they actually comfort him with this allowing Rico a little solace in the fact that he's not the only one who's locked his own Darkness away and tells himself that he can't be phased cuz he knows the road his heart walks with all said and done Ricky Seals the sleeping world and moves on to the next Landing next in prankster's Paradise specifically in the body of the whale monstro Ricky runs into Toto whom he has an awkward history with if you remember from Kingdom Hearts 1 luckily being a sleeping world japedo doesn't have those memories and Ricky offers help in finding Pinocchio who japedo lost in the belly of monstro Jiminy Cricket Pinocchio's conscience gives more details on how Pinocchio wandered off with a stranger in a black coat to which rku catches her up for sure so rku goes off to find them and Jiminy tags along when they catch up rku confronts the blackheaded man only for him to flip his hood and reveal ru's fate rku reflects that this was the dark side the side that gave in so long ago Pinocchio suggests that he get a conscience too and Jiminy asks if duu does have a friend or anyone to turn to rku Smiles knowing just who that is and reflects on his best friend Sora who was always there for him with that stupid grin on his face a loud Rumble shakes the belly and rku tells the boys to stay back while he handles it to which he runs into another large Dream Eater who he takes down with ease after reuniting Pinocchio and jepetto Riu reflects on Master into his words that the worlds have been freed from Darkness but are yet to wake from it and although he doesn't say it I like to think that rku felt that personally as a boy who was free from darkness and yet to wake from it but with that done he seals the third world and continues on rku next finds himself in a world known as the GD a world very similar to the Computer World in anom computer from Kingdom Hearts 2 he's captured by guards and runs into Sam a user searching the grid for the Creator his father Ru participates in a brief light cycle Battle Before escaping his imprisonment Along With Sam Sam offers Ru a way off the grid through a portal and Ricky was headson at first as this wasn't his main mission but decided to accompany him along the way instead eventually the two find his father and along with them and a girl named Kora the gang make their way towards the portal along the way s's father explains how in creating this world he accidentally created clue the main villain after them who although originally intended to protect the grid is now corrupted on a mission to conquer it rku again reflects on this said how even xanor and his mission for answers created anom and that if we're not careful with our curiosity any one of us can create their own anom the gang is then intercepted shortly after to skin through a bit of not too important details they eventually recover the key to the portal and fight through to make their way there clue is waiting for them however along with the dream meter that he spawned in his own pursuit to conquer the grid as ru's Jobs go though he tells him to lead this one to him and takes down the dream meter Sam and cor eventually are able to escape with his dad left behind and after all is said and done Ricky reflects on how there are many portals he has gone through and will go through but regardless The Venture always waits and that he's ready to do that alongside with Sora so he seals the for sleeping world and moves along so Riku actually finds himself back in Trafford toown where Joshua had apparently called them for help they're apparently dealing with a dream eer jumping from both versions of the world without a question Riu offers his help and sets off to Corner the dream meter just before he can though Joshua has some information he explains that he originally thought the two sides of the world were parallel but after his friends reunited with each other he noticed that all the timers on their hands for the game were different rku notes that time running differently between two worlds is perfectly normal but Joshua notes that if the worlds really were parallel like he thought then time would flow the same in both since it doesn't they are not parallel he makes the conclusion that for all the similarities these are two distinct Worlds the two come to the conclusion that one of the worlds is actually just a dream and although this doesn't help Joshua and his friends he thinks information might prove valuable to rku and Sora they put the question to rest for now and rku heads off to help set up the trap for the dream eer rku catches up with be and his game partner Ryan who are fighting off the dream eater in the midst of catching up though the Dream Eater who was patiently waiting for them like any antagonist would gets fed up and runs off leaving rku in Pursuit so after a struggle he makes his way to the Third District where they pin the dream meter between the two worlds he jumps to the other version as planned and Ru leaves Sora to take the rest for there Ru sets off again but Joshua leaves him with a warning that if this is really really a dream then rku needs to be careful about what he believes he sees next up rku sees himself in country of the Musketeers where in his first encounter he notices Pete a Troublesome person from The Real World noticing that this isn't that Pete however rku much like us players wonders what the heck kind of world this even is rku knowing that Pete never adds up to any good sets off to investigate he finds a plot to destroy Mickey Donald Goofy and Sora on the other side of this world yes Mickey Donald and Goofy and no not the Mickey Donald and Goofy well I guess Mickey kind of is but I don't know guys this world doesn't make any sense just roll with it so Pete's Lackey the be boys were planning to drop a large box on the gang and rku sets off to foil his plan he finds a mini locked in a chest who he sets free she explains that they needed device to stop the box from falling and rku sets off to get it after retrieval rku of course runs into another giant dream meter who he has to dispatch of at the words he fixes the device and in turn saves the gang on the other side from certain doom again how rku fixing machine affects that machine on a completely different world I have no clue this world is stupid and makes Mak no sense so Ru seals the keyhole says goodbye all for one moving on sorry about that that word always gives me a headache but anyway rku finds himself next in Symphony of sorcery here he runs into not Mickey but also not that Mickey so I guess not not Mickey who has accidentally flooded the tower and has fallen under a spell by a cursed musical score Mickey explains the score can only be broken by a sound idea and Ru travels into the score to discover what he needs to break the curse he makes his way to find The Sound Idea he needs but it's intercepted by the gray-haired young boy from before the boy prizes at how rku was supposed to have the keyo before Sora but his succumbing to Darkness prevented him from Awakening that power rku eventually finally decides to pry the boy for information all you can get however is that rku really has locked darkness in his heart and is therefore no use to the organization whatever use that was rku is unsure but he defeats the enemy spawned by the boy and returns to save Mickey he is joined by Sora Sound Idea from the other side and the two clear the cursed musical score and free Mickey with that rku seals off the final sleeping world but it's not over just yet with the final world sealed rku should have returned to the real world however he finds himself in the world that never was the same home world of the nobodies from Kingdom Hearts 2 however he's also still in his dream world outfit meaning this is not actually the real world just still asleep somehow confusing as it may be Ru sets off to figure out what's going on along the way he actually finds as sleeping Sora noticing Sora so dozing off deeper and deeper into darkness he attempts to wake him up but is interrupted by a dark nightmare dream meter defeating him doesn't seem to save Sora however as even after Sora still sleeps rku calls to Sora as much as he can but realizes for some reason that Sora is still in the nightmare it's then that rku Hears A Familiar voice the voice of anom the Seeker of Darkness once again anom explains that Sora has fallen into the chasm of dreams and can no longer be reached anymore he also explains that this whole time as rku discussed with Joshua earlier rku has been in a dream not just any dream however but at the beginning of the journey rku actually fell into Z's dream making him in a Dream Within A Dream a dark pool then opens and engulfs rku below he finds himself face to face with anom anom explains more on how rku noticed anom at the beginning of their journey and unconsciously dove into sora's memories in turn becoming a Dream Eater to protect Sora from nightmares and some attempts as usual to pull at the darkness in rku offering that the power will help him wake Sora rku however as wise as he has ever been doesn't fall for it he knows to anom or more accurately xehanort turned to Darkness and that Darkness took his heart and the keyblade with it Ru acknowledges that that's half the reason he's even on on this journey after allowing the darkness in his heart is he even fit to wield the keyblade noting that even after locking an him away here he is haunting him again rku notes that looking at anom reminds him of the memory of terara the boy he met so long ago whom he promised a secret with that started his whole curiosity of the outside world rku decides here that this is where his new Journey Begins his new Journey away from the dark side of his heart rku decides to return to the real world to save Sora to consume the darkness and return it to light with this the two engage in a full out battle battle to which rku comes out Victorious after defeating him rku looks at his keyblade and realizes that he finally has what he told terara he wanted long ago strength to protect things that M with that rku finally makes it out of the dream realizing now that xehanort split him and to up from the very beginning rku pushes on to find his friend Sora and wake him once again making his way up the castle with a Little Help from dreamers along the way rku realizes that he still has his dream meter Powers which in turn means Sora is 100% still asleep eventually ru finds himself in the organization throne room where he will come to realize the truth of everything he finds Sora sitting in one of the chairs but is interrupted in saving him by the same white-haired boy with yellow eyes the boy says hands off my new vessel and Ru wonders what he means by vessel the boy reveals that the organization is in work to divide xehanort's heart into 13 vessels and after their failed attempts to make rku one as well as roxus they decided Sora would become their 13 the boy then reveals himself as xehanort from the most distant past as more figures begin to fill the chairs around him Young xehanort explains that he was visited by his older self to guide him on his own journey and then begins to explain the laws of time travel it's kind of complicated to explain for this video but the basics are that you must leave your body behind and there must be a version of you existing in the destination you wish to travel young xanor then looks up at the shadowy figure still coming in and explains his most future self is soon to come the original xehanort you see since xehanort's nobody and heartless were destroyed he's now allowed to fully Return To His True Body just as this is going on a flash of light appears Mickey comes down and cast stopa on the area around him freezing time for everyone but him and rku however before they can grab Sora they are attacked by y xehanort who is shown to be resistance to the effects of stop magic he and rku then begin in an allout final battle where rku of course comes out on top after the battle the effects of stops awar off and xehanort finally reveals himself in his true form Mickey asks xehanort why he's doing any of this to which xehanort Reveals His True goal about Kingdom Hearts and the keyblade this is a huge lore point in the series and I feel like can't skip over this but it's kind of comp licated so I'll do my best to summarize basically long ago the keyblade that's with the symbol X not the keyblade we all know safeguarded the true Kingdom Hearts basically the source of all Power and Light however in a clash for that same light keyblade wooders who had made keyblades based off of the xblade began the keyblade war that Clash shattered the xblade into 20 pieces seven of light and 13 of darkness and the only real Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by Darkness seanor once tried to create his own pure light in darkness to clash and form the xplay during the events of of Birth by Sleep which failed miserably due to xor's rash actions which he admits himself so xanor reveals it's time to do it right and that he's Gathering his 13 darknesses to fight against seven pure lights to form the xade and take the power of Kingdom Hearts xanor also explains that the role of the seven lights is up to us to find however it's noted that due to the events of Birth by Sleep and the capture of Sora were three Guardians short and xanor is about to have his 13 so zort stands and sora's chair Rises he summons his keyblade and begins to cast his heart into Sora Mickey and rku attempt to stop him but are stopped by zimus and anom who have also been brought through time as a member of the 13 all hope seems lost is zor's heart flies towards Sora that is until an unexpected guest arrives to save the day Axel or more specifically Lee now due to him regaining his true body like xehanort appears in a ball of fire blocking xehanort's advance and saving Sora sigar who was also there as a vessel notes they're out of time and ask what they should do that's when SX himself attacks Lee revealing himself also as a vessel Mickey and rku are grabbed by the Dark Guardian controlled by anom before Donald and Goofy also appear landing on the guardian and freeing the two at this point the zorts begin to fade and in his last words xehanort repeats it's not over he will finish his vessels and the Guardians must get ready for the Ultimate Clash to come so the gang regroups at yin's Tower and informed yensid of all they've learned Sora however is still asleep in the events prior and after pondering for a solution it's decided that Riku will dive into sora's dreams once again to awake him from his Slumber so in this dream rku battles a dark armor seeming to be protecting Sora and after his defeat Sora appears but Fades into a dark pool with his keybard left behind Ricky picks it up and raises It Forward opening a path ahead to continue on when he comes through again he finds himself on Destiny Islands in this dream version Riu meets three people who he must answer three questions what is it you're so afraid of to which rku answers losing something that's important what's the one thing you care about more than anything else to Ru answers my close friends and finally he has asked rku what do you wish and rku wishes to recover something important that I lost after answering all these questions rku is met by none other than anom the wise who perished in the events of Kingdom Hearts 2 he reveals in an attempt to atone his actions he digitized himself and his research and hid both inside Sora he explains that the data is a clue to which he hopes will help them recover all the friends that they have lost in the last 11 years of dark events anom also explains explains that due to sora's innate ability to connect with everyone it is Sora who holds the key to bringing back everyone they have lost anom finally asks why rku is even here and Ru explains that he needs to wake Sora up the two have a laugh about Sora being asleep yet again before anom says that Sora is indeed already awake and has been since rku defeated the dark armor guarding him and answered the three questions so rku begins his way back but before he can go anom says that he doesn't believe he ever learned his true name he responds with it's rku and makes his way back to his friends when he comes to Sora is indeed awake and hugs rku Overjoyed that he is safe rku begins to note the irony that Sor is worried but shrugs it off and asks how Sora is feeling Sora explained he watched it all in his dream and could hear riku's voice the whole time before thanking him for saving him yensid notes they both perform admirably and the boys stand up as it's time to reveal the results of their Mark of Mastery exam yensid first notes that he's relieved to have the boys back unharmed and expresses his apologies for not foreseeing these dangers ahead of time he then says how due to the coming events destined to happen he believes they need a new keyblade Master with a new kind of power the ined note Sora and Ru Both Deserve The Honor however due to riku's bravery and traversing sleep began to save Sora it is rku who has passed the mark of Mastery and is named our new keyblade Master after everything rku has gone through all the dark roads walked he has finally emerged into the light after everything rku has deemed himself worthy and atoned for his actions he is a true keyblade Master he accepts the thanks from everyone and Lee even reveals himself to be training to be a keyblade wooder as well he was going to come in to save the day keyblade in hand but couldn't seem to materialize it however in a hand waving motion noting maybe he did it wrong a burst of flame reveals Lee's keyblade to which everyone is shocked before we close out dream Dr distance however Ru was given one more final task to retrieve someone who Yin said was aware could wield a key plate and should become one of their Guardians SOA returns followed behind by Kyrie herself who will join Lee in the training to become a keyblade welder so the next game in the series focuses mainly on some backstory for aqua but a little bit does happen with rku in the setup for Kingdom Hearts 3 so I'll touch on it briefly yensid explains that it's time to focus on the next step and save the Lost keyblade wiers to become Guardians aqua terara and Vin the three Heroes of Birth by Sleep we currently have no idea where Tera and vinus are but Mickey does know a little bit about Aqua during the events of Kingdom Hearts 1 Mickey found her in the Realm of Darkness and in attempts to get her out then she sacrificed herself to close the doors and was unfortunately left trapped in there once again rku expressed his frustration that he didn't bring this up sooner and that maybe they could have already saved her however against H notes that he forbid Mickey from bringing her up because they didn't possess the safe means to save her and knew that if rku or sore knew one of them would surely emart on a reckless attempt to save her that would have failed however times are different now rku is a full keyblade Master with the power of waking and Mickey possesses a keyblade from the Dark Realm so with new clothes built to protect them from the darkness rku and Mickey set off to find Aqua while Kyrie stays behind to learn to will the key [Music] plate so the next time we see Ricky he and Mickey are in The Realm of Darkness searching for aqua while here rku notes things feel so much different since the last time he was in the Dark Realm Micky notes rku has grown so much since that time and rku follows by saying this time he's not scared anymore in fact he's exhilarated to face the challenge Mickey notes that maybe he's different this time because he finally found the strength to protect what matters to which rku reflects on his promise he made to terara so rku asks how they're going to find Aqua anyway and Mickey says that usually he would just follow his heart however this time feels different as the closer he gets the hazier his connection to her feels this show signs that she's falling into darkness but the boys agree that they can't give up hope so they continue on and eventually find themselves at the dark Shore the same one rku and Sora ended up after defeating zimus rku hopes that since he and Sor found their way back to the realm of light here that maybe Aqua did too but miy notes that it's not the same and that Aqua has in fact fallen into a darker Abyss he also says that they aren't equipped to go any deeper than they are now and are short ly interrupted by a swarm of Heartless due to heartless being much stronger here the boys are sadly overwhelmed in the process rku is swallowed by darkness and in the aftermath Ru is floating in a pool of Darkness where he hears a strange yet familiar voice the voice says that he didn't expect to see rku again and asks him why he's even here rku explains that someone needs him to which the voice actually offers help rku asks who this person is but before they can answer rku wakes back up on the beach with Mickey at his side Mickey was able to defeat enough of the heartless to free rku but in the aftermath ru's keyblade was destroyed as well as he has a new haircut so the boys decide to regroup and prepare better for the fight Ru expresses concern on leaving Aqua wondering if she's scared and alone like he was his first time here Mickey points out that Aqua is strong like Sora and that he's sure that she will be all right in time for them to return and save her so before they leave rku leaves his broken keyblade knowing that he's leaving it here for the other me as rku understands that that voice was the repca from rechant of memories so once back at iid's Tower they run into sord Donald and Goofy who just got back from their own adventure to learn how to regain the power s lost from almost becoming a vessel for xanor unfortunately for them they weren't able to do so Riu and Mickey know that their Journey didn't Faire any better and catch everyone up on what they learned in The Realm of Darkness they Ponder on other avenues they could take but decide in the end that Aqua is going to be the key to restoring everyone else yid offers the advice that Aqua visited many worlds herself and connected with many hearts so R and Mickey decide to retrace those steps and hopes to find Clues on how to save her before they leave however they're both equipped with upgraded keyways as well as even a gummy phone invented by chip andell to communicate across the worlds so they found their way to radiant Garden where they investigate this spot that Aqua originally fell to Darkness also after pondering for a bit they come to the realization that zort possessed tera's body and that body would become the one to split and make Zenus and anom which is why the two look so much younger than xehanort himself they also conclude that xehanort must still have Tera and is using him as one of his vessels after this they call Sora on the gummy phone to share all this information they discovered with them while discussing with Sora Sora asked for advice on how to eat even give roxus a body to put his heart in rku comes up with the idea of the replicas that with rox's heart the replica would take the form of the heart inside giving him a body again they decide to discuss this with the Enzo Zan's real form who had also been restored and turned into the guardian cell much like Axel the boys didn't make their way up the castle to do just that they are sadly informed that replicas were Vex in specialty however after everyone was Rec completed to the true fors they haven't seen vexin and have no idea where he ran off to R then throws out the idea that vexin was taken by the organization to to help them use replicas as well they considered this a real possibility and set off to inform Master Yan said the whole gang regroups at Yan's Tower Sor Donald and Goofy included s reveals that they were confronted by the organization on their travels and the organization claims to already have their 13 darknesses which if true is a serious concern for the Guardians Sora also explains that they found out that the original seven princesses excluding Kyrie have passed on their light to all new princesses and with the Guardians still short zort would likely Target the princesses to fulfill the pieces of the keyblade they they also revealed that after confronted by an org member named Venus that they learned that ventus's heart actually sleeps within Sora they begin to think that maybe they can rescue Vin now but without Aqua they don't know where his body is to restore it Sora wants to help them find Aqua however without the power of waking a power they needed to learn the mark a Mastery exam it was too dangerous for Sora now as of course rku learned it but Sora did not rku tells Sora that once he recovers that power he can join them and find aqua together so Ru and Mickey journeyed back to the dark Shore once again to find Aqua this time however didn't B much different as once again they were overwhelmed by the dark Forces however this time they were greeted by a dark entity one controlling all the heartless attacking them it turns out that that dark being is in fact Aqua who had fell so far into darkness that she was overcome by it all she expresses anger at Mickey for leaving her there and sorrow on how she was left all alone and eventually fell she claims all that's left in her heart is misery and despair grabbing Mickey's keyblade Aqua Stands Tall to fight Mickey and rku Mickey being currently subdued by Darkness rku walks forward he summons his keyblade accompanied by the wheel of his replica beside him and stands to face Aqua by himself in the fight Ricky begins to become overwhelmed and knowing he just may not be enough to save Aqua instinctively he calls out to Sora to which in his surprise a door of light opens and Sora himself emerges the two team up and dispel all the darkness around freeing Mickey and leaving just Aqua herself to left to be taken down as rku rushes to Mickey's side Aqua charges at rku likely for a fatal blow however once again rku is saved by Sora who blocks the Attack Just in Time Sora then states that he will handle it himself and tells Ru to watch after the king Zoro battles it out with aqua and in somewhat a miracle defeats her and dispels the Darkness inside of her they then return her body to the realm of light where she wakes up on the shores of Destiny Islands Aqua then wonders when the destiny Islands fell into darkness clearly still believing that she's in the Realm of Darkness to which rku lets her know that she's in the realm of light that Aqua has finally returned home the gang Embrace her sharing a touching moment glad to have their friend back Haku and Sora eventually go to save Vin next and a lot happens there but they all return return safely with another friend recovered the next time we see rku all of the Guardians are gathered together completed with rku Sora Donald Goofy Mickey Kyrie Lee aqua and Venus Ru expresses thanks to Aqua for saving him in the Realm of Darkness long ago and apologizes for not going to save her sooner and later her down goofy then lets Aqua know that Ru is a full keyblade Master now to which he congratulates him and assures him that he did not let her down so long story short the gang have a bunch of touching reunions with each other but it's time to get back to business as it's now time to go and face zort they can express concerns about Tera but know that if he's with the organization then they will surely find him there and bring him home before heading for the keyblade graveyard Sor Riku and Kye return to the islands as a kind of rest moment before the final battle rku has his own conversation with his replica where repu as I call him discusses that he's got one more thing to handle before he can completely move on he explains when he was defeated that he fell to Darkness and was eventually ready to give up before rku found him again he decided then he would rather face his end with rku rather than in darkness so ru moves forward knowing that he has his other H by his side the gang all make their way to the keyblade graveyard where they finally confront zort as soon as they arrive they are immediately met by xanor who summons a swarm of thousands of enemies the gang all split up to take them down and eventually move forward up ahead they find none other than terara Ventus moves to confront him but terara reveals to be taken over by xehanort and moves to take down our Guardians he strikes down Ventus first and then Axel after he then moves to strike Kyrie but Sora jumps in front ready to take the blow for her goofy then blocks the attack before preps his most powerful spell zettaflare and fires it at tanor taking him down Donald Falls over clearly drained of energy after that attack and they tend to Vin and axel who are also knocked unconscious before they can regroup however another dark swarm formed then rku tells a stuned sword to pull it together that they haven't lost their hearts and can still be saved unfortunately for them the dark swarm proves more dangerous than they could handle it attacks and consumes everyone with just rku and Sora left standing Sora screams at the loss of his friends he feels powerless and is ready to give up however rku in a last Act of courageousness tells Sora that he knows Sora doesn't really believe they've lost he takes his stand and at a charging attack from the dark swarm defends them off with everything he has left the sad truth is that it wasn't enough and just as for told on that day darkness prevailed and light expired the next section will be explained more in sora's Timeline but the basis of what you need to know is that sora's Soul barely survived he then used the power of waking which he had regained some time ago to restore the hearts of all of his friends and then sort of returned back in time before they all fell to Darkness so just back at the fight with teror this time with some assistance from nomina actually we are Saven by the lingering will of terara an embodiment of Tara's will that had been waiting to exact revenge on xanor and was guided here by Nomine so after some more heartless fights and With a Little Help from the light of the past this time they are confronted by a rku vessel the gang determined xehanort must have brought a rku from his time taken by darkness in Kingdom Hearts 1 and made him a vessel as well zigar appears and explains they must prove themselves one last time as strong enough to be the seven lights with dark recu spawning another large swarm of Heartless around them the game prepared for another fight once again however this time are saved by none other than yensid yensid comes down in a flash of light with everything he has and holds off the heartless so that the Guardians may continue on to face the 13 darknesses so with that they set off to start the final confrontation they meet up with xehanort accompanied by the rest of the vessels eventually the gang all split up to fight their own darknesses rku himself sets off to fight dark rku anom and zigar S eventually makes his way to rku and the two team up to take them down handsome disappears midf fight leaving just dark rku and zigar once zigar is taken down he reveals that he only helped xor to be bequeathed the old man's keyblade after rku says it would be wasted on him and zigar transports away we see him on top the wall ahead where his body falls and his weapons fade insinuating that he's faded for good however much will be told of what became of zigar for real but for now dark rku remains after defeating him as well the dark rku exclaims that he is is the real rku confused by this rku asks if this other rku is the version of him when he was possessed by anom in the past to his surprise repu emerges from our Riku and explains that this is actually a version of him not a pass version of Riku and begins charging forward attacking the other repu he then separates the Dark Soul of himself from the replica he resided in leaving the empty vessel behind ariku shouts for him to take the vessel so he can have his own body again but repu shakes his head as he actually intends for the vessel to be used to save Nam his one last mission as he said before saving nominee the two then part ways for the final time after the fight Sora goes off to help the others and rku is confronted by demix demix who double crossed the organization after being benched as a vessel comes to collect the replica as he's actually helping the Guardians now with that Ru sets off for his final fight the next time we see Ru he's with Mickey fighting off young xehanort anom and zimus all brought back as vessels for xehanort through their toughest fight yet they take down all three of them and is all that is left is xehanort himself rku does have a touching moment with anom explaining that in some way he's actually going to miss him after all the two have gone through but anom tells him it's time to move on and tells them to go forth and seek what awaits before fading away with all that 12 clashes of the darknesses have been completed leaving just one more to form the keyblade xehanort summons the moon of Kingdom Hearts as well as Kyrie who xanor had captured earlier in a shocking event xananort strikes Kyrie down just before Sora could save her completing the 13th and final Clash Sora and Riku are strucken down by xananort and Mickey attempts his own attack with Ultima his most powerful spell however xehanort freezes all time with stopa and then forms the keyblade itself now that all pieces have been fulfilled keyblade in hand and Kingdom Heart summoned it seems nothing can stop xehanort however rku knows during the exam that young xanor showed that xanor can transcend space and time and that they can use that to trap him in another world so in One Last Action everyone together bans their keyblades and Fires at xehanort forcing him into a world known as Scala at kyum sord Donald and Goofy then go themselves and take down zanor together ending the threat once and for all Ru and the rest of the Guardians eventually followed their hearts to Sora making their way to him where a defeated xehanort is left standing to some of the in here ericus who was Vin aqua and tera's master as well as xehanort's old friend appears in a corporeal form he stands by xanor who was refusing to give up and convinces his old friend that it's over and the two move on to the afterlife Sora then takes the keyblade and uses it to dispel Kingdom Hearts ending the threat once and for all after the battle rku tries to comfort Sora with Kyrie's loss explaining that they'll find her eventually but Sora isn't ready to stop he decides to embark on his own journey to discover Where She Went using the power of waking to do so Mickey tries to express concerns with Sora about the dangers of this Mission but rku tells Mickey that sora's heart and mind are made up they won't be able to change his mind so the best they can do for now is believe in him with that Sora moves on and goes to find Kyrie so I'm just going to say I'm not going to touch on the entirety of reman with sora's Journey as nothing too important to rku story happens here and this video is already long enough long story short Sora used the power of waken to connect the hearts of his friends and eventually did restore Kyrie along the way as well nomina is restored into a replica and rku goes to meet her at radiant garden and brings her back to the destiny Islands while here the entire gang is gathered having fun and enjoying each other's company however as they look at the palp tree kyri is sitting with Sora to all their astonishment Sora Fades away as youing the power of waking cost him dearly for now the Gang has no idea where sora's heart ended up but their mission now is to find out just that terara and rku have a touching Reunion where terara tells rku how proud he is of him for finding the strength to protect what matters terara accompanied by aqua and Vin then begin to searching The Realm of Darkness in hope to find a clue on sora's whereabouts so in entire year passes and no one has any clue still what happened to Sora or where he ended up roxin and Shion are searching their memories Tera aqua and Vin are searching The Realm of Darkness and Kyrie is asleep as Anon the wise who was rescued from The Realm of Darkness attempts to search her heart for an answer on where Sora is rku then makes his way to radiant Garden where their friends Leon arith yui and Sid have a lead on Sora Riku catches them up on the last year and Sid reveals what he's been working on Sid had constructed every bit of data that they had on Sora he also constructed the data of the organization 13 as well in hopes that all this could show some clue of where Sora ended up however unfortunately Ely this also ends up in a dead end they are then confronted by a lady known as Fairy Godmother a magical woman who has power over dreams she explains that she was hoping that after finding nothing with Kyrie that maybe she could discover something within riku's dream you see rku had been having a dream where he was surrounded by tall buildings looking for Sora in the Stream he also felt someone watching him from way up high but that's all he can remember Fairy Godmother determines this must be a key as since rku had been in sora's dreams once before then rku must just have some kind of key to what happened she is convinced that there's something to help find Sora within riku's dream as well as two other keys so Riku and Fairy Godmother proceed to the castle and asked for what was found within Kyrie's heart you see Fairy Godmother has the assumption that the secret lies within riku's dreams Kyrie's memories and one other thing Kyrie who is finally awake reveals that they found out something about the other side of their world through much confusing lore talk they determined that this other side is something called unreality or a fictional world where nothing that goes on in this reality can reach with this Fairy Godmother is convinced that she's on the right path and decides it's time to show rku and Kyrie the final key she then transports them to the final world basically a place where people whose hearts and bodies have perished but continue to persist due to something holding them from Death here Fairy Godmother introduces them to the nameless star who she claims is the final key she explains that this star came from their unreality where it speculated Sora resides and that through all these keys rku can travel to that realm to find Sora the star conf confirms she has indeed met Sora herself and after listening to ru's dreams says that the place with tall buildings he described reminds her of quadratum so everyone determines Sor must be there and with the star's help rku opens a portal to quadratum Kyrie does attempt to go with rku but rku says she needs to train more before taking on a mission like this with that rku transports himself to the other side of reality where the rest of his story likely in Kingdom Hearts 4 is yet to be told wow okay that was a lot longer than I anticipated this video being Rick being the main side character he has a ton of moments in the series and therefore his timeline is beefier than say someone like Aqua or nominees would be regardless going through the entire series to compile all of Ricky's story was really fun and I really can't wait to see what happened to him in K4 comes out thank you all for watching the video if you made it this far please do comment down below which character's timeline you would like to see the most next and I'll do my best to make my way through everyone before King Mars 4 releases hopefully we can get everyone's story told but for now please don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any timeline to come as well as like the video If you enjoyed so that more people will get to see just what rku is all about with that said thank you all and I will see you in the next one take [Music] care
Channel: OG Skraxx
Views: 6,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 69sxZnAqlz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 13sec (4873 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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