The Complete Pearl Jam Iceberg

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Pearl Jam is a band most of  you probably know because of [Music] and which may have inspired a couple of [Music] bands but they are also an American rock band   formed Washington in 1990 and one  that I fell in love with because I [Music] heard and my dumb 18-year-old brain  thought man that sounds so badass a manly I   love this [ __ ] but that's not all the is to  these guys no there's a whole D Iceberg which   I created myself because there wasn't one made  yet but oh well the band's lineup can consists   of founding members Jeff F and on bass guitar  Stone goser on rhythm guitar M mccre on lead   guitar and Eddie verer on lead vocals and guitar  as well as Matt Cameron who plays the drums and   he joined later in 1998 at least that's what  Wikipedia says to me pearljam is my favorite   band and the one I can connect to emotionally  the most other than that anything to do with   their songs and history is definitely something  my brain likes to hyperfocus on so let's get into   it here's the Pearl Jam Iceberg I created with  some help from Reddit fully explain to you for   all you PJ nerds out there tier one Jeremy Mother  Love Bone founding members Jeff Fame and a stone   Gosser began playing with malfunction vocalist  Andrew Wood and eventually formed the band Mother   Love Bone in 1987 their debut album Apple was  released in July 1990 but singer and Jeff and   Stone's friend Andy Wood never got to see his band  and music comes for fission due to a tragic heroin   overdose that led to his death just four months  prior thankfully now we can still imagine what   Mother Love B would have been like with beautiful  and amazing songs like Crown of Thorns this is   shanga Stargazer and many others the band's  formation devastated by the death of Andy Stone   goer began fueling his emotions into harder Edge  songs and riffs that he started to practice along   with Mike mccre an old childhood friend it was  Mike Who convinced Stone to reconnect with his   former band made Jeff fan and after a while the  three of them sent out a demo tape that would   soon find their way to San Diego based Eddie veter  a talented vocalist he wrote lyrics for the demo   songs while on a day out surfing recorded them and  sent the tape back to Seattle within a week Eddie   joined the band and Pearl Jam was [Music] born  11 Studio albums as of the date of this video   BR Jam has released 11 official Studio albums  in their 33 years of being a band their first   and most recognizable album 10 was released in  1991 from then on they released versus in 1993   Vitalogy in 1994 no code in '96 yield in 1998 by  noral in 2000 riot act in 2002 their self-titled   album Pearl Jam in 2006 which is otherwise known  as avocado and then back spacer in 2009 lightning   bolt in 2015 13 and finally gigaton in 2020  Nirvana versus pearljam in the early 90s when   a new genre of alternative rock music emerged  called grunge two bands were on top of the   mainstream in terms of popularity back in those  days you would often hear of a rivalry between   the bands Pearl Jam and Nirvana in reality though  this mostly took the form of teens and Adolescence   choosing as a defining side and thinking the  other band was inferior this was mostly fueled   by comments kurk Cain of Nirvana made saying  Pearl Jam reminded him of the hairspray and   cockrock scene and that they were jumping on  an alternative bandwagon in the end though   Kurt actually considered Ed vet to be a really  nice person after some phone calls they shared   there's even footage of the two slow dancing to  Eric Clapton's Tears in Heaven backstage at MTV Awards the drummer history all right so here we  go these are all the official Dr Pearl Jam has   had over the years Dave kusen only recorded the  album 10 with them after which Matt Chamberlain   played a couple live shows Dave abiz however was  the one who toured with him from 1992 till Midway   1994 he recorded first s Vitaly with the band  it was followed up by Jack irand who carried   the torch recording drums for no code and yield  until finally sound garders Matt Cameron took   up the sticks in 1998 and has continued to bring  the Thunder to this day official bootlegs one of   my favorite things about this band is the fact  that they consistently put out professionally   recorded mixed bootlegs of every single live  concert they've played since the year 2000 it   means that after you went to see them live in a  place nearby you would only need to wait a few   months and there is an official CD of it which  you can buy or download off of BR Jam's website   moreover they're one of the few bands I've come  across that have actual footage of almost every   single show they've played starting with the  first ever concert they gave when 10 wasn't   even out yet one final thing I'd like to mention  is the fact that they've never played the same   show twice with Eddie always making sure to come  up with a new set list on the spot containing   hits covers obscure Rarities alike Ping Pop 1992  stage dive as a band grew in popularity more and   more International festivals were also added  to the touring schedule one of which was the   Dutch pil Festival of 1992 which yielded the  biggest crowd the band had ever seen in their   career up to that point fueled by the cathartic  music and the energy of the huge mass of people   before him Eddie ver climbed onto the camera  Crane That was filming their performance and   jumped into the crowd during the climax of  the song porch with this his storic stage   dive is not the only time at his risk his life  climbing the rafters and whatever he can find   was the band played the instrumental section  of porch this is honestly one of my favorite   things about early 90s Eddie veter so I made  a video about it showing every single stage   climb I could find on the internet check it  out if you like to it is some genuinely crazy [ __ ] friendship with sound garden the so-called  grunge scene of the early 90s was a really   tight-knit and friendly community of bands hanging  out together and supporting each other at live   shows one of the best examples of this is bram's  close friendship with fellow grunge group sound   garden Stone Jeff and Mike were already friends  with Chris Corell and his band even before projam   was for but once Eddie veter flew over to Seattle  Chris almost immediately accepted him and took   him under his wing being the new guy in town that  was really grateful for Chris saying he was like   an older brother to him furthermore when sound  garden dissolved in 1997 its former drummer Matt   Cameron joined Pearl Jam and has stayed with  him for almost 25 years now Bose grunge bands   yling one of the things pearljam has unfortunately  become known for in the m mream is the vocal style   Edie veter used when he was still trying to find  his voice in the band often singing in a lower   register with his naturally deep voice the way he  used to Belt Out lyrics in the early days is often   times described as yling this influenced almost  a whole genre of Po grunge band singers from the   likes of Scott stab of creed and Chad Kroger of  Nickelback I personally think they exaggerate   the way Ed used to growl and marble mouth his  voice and I really don't like this the sound of   it this focal style changed as Eddie became more  aggressive in 1994 and used more distortion on his   voice from then on his voice has become clearer  while still containing the same amount of raw power MTV Unplugged another famous life  performance came into existence when Pearl   Jam was stashed to St down their instruments  I mean for an episode of MTV Unplugged where   they play with only acoustic guitars other than  incredible performances of oceans Jeremy and the   live this nine is known for Eddie showing  his political side and writing pro-choice   on his arm during a powerful rendition  of porch also the MTV Unplugged version   of the song Black still gives me chills  and hits me emotionally every time I see [Music] you story behind Jeremy Jeremy which  became a huge [ __ ] for the band has a rather   chilling story behind it it speaks of uncaring  parents biting breasts and the dead laying in   pools of maroon Eddie took inspiration for this  song After reading an article about 15-year-old   Jeremy Dell who shot himself in front of his  teacher and a second grade English class of   30 students wanting to give this small article  and similar events more importance he added in   his own experience of a kid who committed a school  shooting and his fairy own high school Eddie was   Walking The Halls that day and overheard it and  later remembered that he actually had altercations   with the kid and got into fights with him last  kiss weirdly enough Burl Jam's biggest hit for   a while wasn't even flow Jeremy or even alive it  wasn't even on the 10 album no because of heavy   radio rotation a cover of a song Eddie found on  an old record became the number one hit last kiss   still has about 20 40 million listens on Spotify  and it all started because it was picked out by   DJs and played on the radio everywhere across  the US in 1998 the band eventually recorded   it in the studio and S all its proceeds which was  about $10 million to charity to help out refugees   of the Kosovo War tier two betterman mooki block  when the band was about Midway through recording   10 with new vocalist Eddie feather they played  their first ever live show at the offramp in   Seattle all they needed was a name though and  so they called themselves mookie blloc after   a trading card of the New Jersey Nets player  that have made it into the tape case for their   instrumental demos although Eddie seemed very  shy and timid that night about 200 people were   very impressed by his focal capabilities as he  was the new singer for Jeff and Stone's band Kim   thyle guitarist for sound garden attended the  show and said he particularly liked that song   evening flow you know how the even just flows  Stone goard said later Chris Cornell found mie   block absurdly great and said it was definitely  the best inaugural performance he'd ever seen in   his life up to that point they kept the name while  touring for a couple more months but eventually   changed it to Pearl Jam and as a side note the  album 10 was named after Muki Block's jersey number Eddie becoming the band's leader Stone  Gossard having already written the majority   of 10 was the band's main songwriting for  starting out over time though leadership   of April jams creative output shifted towards  Eddie veter as he came into his songwriting   roof and found his place within the band he  started playing guitar bringing riffs and   song ideas into the band for their second  record verses by the time Burl Jam went in   the studio for Vitalogy Ed was the one who  brought in the basic ideas for most of the   songs on the record as a band went on to create  more and more albums though the songwriting and   compositions were credited to either the band  as a whole or to certain individuals a SPL Jam   consists of five strong songwriters each  capable of making great stuff in their own right 10 was recorded in one week this is  technically not true as the album took about   2 weeks to finish but 10 songs out of the  final 11 were put to tape in a week partly   because Stone already had the demos for it lying  around and also partly because Eddie was quick to   put original lyrics in music and gel really well  with the band musically when we made it in about   you know a probably a total of about 2 and a half  weeks so the band didn't want black as a single   when time was out for a while listeners around  the world started to pick up on the song Black   and either liked the sound of it or connected  and found themselves in the powerful emotional   cathis of the lyrics and its delivery Epic Records  after having seen the success of aive even flow in   Jeremy wanted to put black out as a single as well  but the band refused the song was too personal to   be subjected to heavy radio promotion and an  inevitable music video but by popular listener   to man radio DJs began spinning the record anyway  sending the track to number three on the billboard   rock chart in 1993 pearljam bides in my opinion  this band has never made a bad record there's   stuffed to love about every single one of them and  the Deep cuts are amazing songs in their own right   but even random bides are known to be huge PE jum  hits songs that were never really promoted but   have let lives of their own as radio hit and live  show Staples some examples are yellow Le better   which was a bside to the Jeremy single black  and Last Kiss as mentioned before and footsteps   betterman alone breath and state of love and Trust  Mama son Trilogy when Stone sent out his demo tape   in search of a new drummer and singer back in  1990 it found its way into the hands of Jack   irons the former drummer for The Ral Chili Peppers  and later for Pearl Jam from 1995 till 1998 he was   committed to his own band though 11 at the time so  he refused but he passed the tape on to a friend   and a great singer he knew by the name of Eddie  vet when Ed listen to the tapes he went surfing   and wrote lyrics for three of the five songs  on it alive once and Footsteps in this order   it actually told a story of a semif fictional  and autobiographical man's life from his birth   until his death the start of this dark and twisted  mini Opera is in alive where a young man finds out   that his father is not his real dad and that his  biological father has been dead for some time Ed   himself tells it way better though the story of  the song is that the mother is with the father   and the father dies it's an intense thing because  the son looks just like the Father the Son grows   up to be the father the person that she lost his  father's dead and now it is confusion his mother   is love how does he love her how does she love  him in fact the mother even though she married   somebody else there's no one she's ever loved more  than the father you know how it is first love and   stuff and the guy dies how could you ever get him  back but the son he looks exactly like him it's s   Kenny so she wants him the son is oblivious  to it all he doesn't know what the [ __ ] is   going on he's still dealing he's still growing up  he's still dealing with love he's still dealing   with the death of his father all he knows is I'm  still alive those three words that's totally out   of Burden the abused soon becomes the abuser as  the story continues and once where he takes his   R out on women who sexually Advance towards him  just like his mother did so now he doesn't know   how to deal with it so what does he do he goes  out killing people that was once in act three   footsteps protagonist finds himself in prison on  death row he blames all his choices and actions on   one one person and footsteps the final song of the  trilogy that's when it gets executed that's what   happens the Green River Killer and in San Diego  there was another prostitute killer down there   somehow I related to that and I think that happens  more than we know it's a modern way of dealing   with a bad life bad radio before I divet became  known as the vocalist for PE Jam he was part of   the American Funk rock band bad radio he was a  lead singer from 1988 until 1990 and even though   they never released a record on the label he wrote  songs for them and steered the band towards more   of an alternative rock or R Tilly Peppers type  of sound most notably the eventual Pearl Jam   song betterman was written by Ed during his bad  radio days and even played live a couple [Music] times [Music] other bad radio songs I love are believe you me  with the funk and I'm alive Eddie riding oceans   while locked outside when recording 10 the B  was often impressed by how Eddie could come up   with great lyrics on the spot one day during a bad  rainstorm Ed was asked to put some change into the   parking meter for someone but as he made his way  back the door to the recording studio was locked   the only thing I with him was scrap of paper and  a pen and the only thing he could hear was Jeff's   booming bass guitar coming through the walls Eddie  feder once had an interview so I wrote the song to   the base I wasn't even listening to hear the song  at first when I heard a break I'd start pounding   on the door trying to get out of the rain so as  I was doing that I thought [ __ ] it I might as   to write [Music] something Green River before  Stone and Jeff were impl Jam they were part of   Mother Love Bone but even before that they were  part of another Seattle Proto grunge band called   Green River they were playing lead guitar and  bass respectively along with vocalist Mark arm   and guitarist Steve Turner who will later on  be the founding members of another big Seattle   grunge band mud honey if you're interested I  highly recommend the Green River Song swallow   my pride Temple of the Dog continuing the trend  of other bands Stone and jeffrine this one is   very near dear to my heart formed as an homage to  Mother Love born singer Andy Wood Temple of the do   was founded simultaneously with Pearl Jam Chris  Cornell of sound garden who was Andy's roommate   for a long time wrote a lot of songs to cope with  the tragic death of his friend just as Stone goser   did together along with Jeff aan and my mccre of  pjam as well as Matt Cameron they created the one   off album Temple of the dog named after a lyric  on one of Andy songs to me this is an incredibly   good record it showcases what Pearl Jam could  have been like with Chris Cornell As It singer   interestingly enough though Eddie veter features  in the song Hunger Strike because he heard Chris   had some trouble with some vocal Parts he stepped  in and instinctively harmonized with Chris he   sang a verse and AR rest his [Music] [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] history Lo dogs always having   to chew which specific set of the many songs it  recorded with end up under New Studio release PR   Jam had amassed quite a number of unused songs  on November 11th 2003 the band released an album   compiling some of them called Lo dogs a personally  love this record it has a nice collection of weird   obscure songs like education and Grammy out  of control along with Incredible tracks that   deserve a spot in their main albums like sad hold  on fatal and hard to imagine here's hoping we got   another one of these soon as there must be a  [ __ ] of unreleased songs since 2003 till now   Eddie's isolation and writing verses when the  time came to record their second album versus   projam profited of their success and booked a nice  hotel and a nice recording video Eddie however   was dissatisfied with the luxury and felt that he  couldn't write a rock record in such a comfortable   relaxing environment in order to keep the raw  intensity he wanted to put out in his new songs he   I saided himself and wrote most of his lyrics and  guitar parts isolated in a van traveling the open   road feeling inspired he changed the way he was  singing which gave the band inspiration to write   fast Punk riffs as well as slow acoustic ballads  faly book the album cover for proam third record   faly is actually based off of an old medical book  Ed found at a garage sale the book was from the   early 20th century and was titled fatality which  literally means the study of Life much of the   record's art and liner notes was inspired by the  strange imagery in the pages of the book and fit   the theme of mental health well-being and life and  death which were big Inspirations for the lyrics   and Vitalogy other than that it's one of the most  annoying CD Sacrament your CD rack as it's shaped   more like a square LP Hall Fame induction in 2017  pearljam was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall   of Fame David lman Held a speech describing 27  years of a band that he called a true living   cultural organism and inducted members Jeff Aon  Matt Cameron stone goard m mccy Eddie veter and   founding member Dave cruzen the original drummer  Dave cruzin also played a life with them during   the ceremony Ed scar songs if you've been  listening to Pearl Jam for a long time sh   a pick up on themes the guys like to write about  best example of this is Eddie's songs about cars   and driving away because man he has a lot of them  starting with go from versus which is about not   wanting his trusty car to break down on him while  driving rearview mirror from the same record is   about the catharsis you feel after driving away  from a bad situation looking at it through your   rear view mirror MFC is a song on yield and it  stands for a mini fast car and is about all the   smaller cars driving around Europe which Eddie  wed over gone a song from avocado is written in   a similar ve in this Rey mirror and is more about  the Blissful Solitude of being on the road and on   a solo record Earthling there's a song called long  way it's about a man driving the freeway after a   breakup finally you could say that the entire  Into The Wild soundtrack Ed made for the movie   is about leaving everything behind and going your  own way but there's not a lot of cars in the story   fighting against Ticket Master around 1994 the  members of Pearl Jam were dissatisfied with the   ticket prices for their upcoming tour as hitting  costs were added into the already high price   for a single ticket wanting to offer a concert  experience that every fan could be able to afford   bril Jam took the fight at the monopolistic giant  itself Ticket Master a lawsuit followed which   both Stone and Jeff attended it didn't really go  anywhere though as ticker Master couldn't agree   with the pricing guidelines the band laid down $18  tickets with a service fee of $180 clearly spelled   out on them even though the battle was lost PR Jam  remain one of the few bands that actually stand up   the ticket Master's approach of selling concert  tickets their 1995 tour continue to fight as they   refuse playing the usual big Arenas and festivals  opting for small or lesser known venues and   sporting Fields instead tier three given to fly  alive is is actually a demo recording before the   band went in the studio to record the songs on 10  as we hear them on the album today Bron recorded   a bunch of Demos in early 1991 one of the songs  they played that day was alive and because they   couldn't replicate the raw intensity that they  play with when recording 10 a couple months later   they used a demo recording instead the only thing  that was added was Mike's epic two minute guitar solo Mike solo on the live was inspired by  Ace Frey when the band recorded 10 my mccre   sat down and actually rote out an entire  solo for the song Alive which had never   really done before even though it's one  of the most recognizable and best solos   in rock history it took huge inspiration  from the song she by Kiss where his Guitar   Hero Ace fry played some great parts that  he adapted into the solo for her [Music] life [Music] this is something that happens in a lot  of rock songs though and in his defense the solo   on she was inspired by what Robie creger did on  5 to one by the doors together one more time get   together one more mirror ball and Merkin ball in  1995 proam was kind of at a Crossroads the band   wanted nothing to do with the current state  of commercial alternative music and the fight   against Ticket Master was at its peak feeling  the need to do something completely different   for a change not associated with Pearl Jam the  guys turned to new Young who become a mentor of   sorts for the band as he had guided them in their  huge and sudden rise to Fame in the past and so   the mirall record happen where the guys played  as a powerful backing band for Neil Young one of   Rock's greatest Eddie f was less involved in this  project and only came in at the till end of the   recording process he added backing vocals to the  song peace and love but once he was asked by Neil   he went upstairs and wrote two of my favorite  songs I got it and long road instead of Neil's   miror ball record these two ended up on an EP  called Merkin ball released by BR Jam 10 club   Holiday singles when the band started to grow  in popularity during the early days they start   started the official 10 club which served as the  Main Place fans of pearl gam could get updates and   special collectible items along with a yearly copy  of the band's magazine deep 10 club members would   receive a 7in single which the band recorded and  professionally mixed these were called the holiday   singles and every year from 1991 till 2018 with  the exception of 1994 because I guess they just   skipped the year fans received a new Pearl Jem  song in the mail around Christmas time some of my   favorites are let me sleep Sonic Reducer the cover  of Love Rain Over Me by The Who and a rendition   of crown of thorns by Mother Love Bone singles  movie cameos film director Cameron Crow's next   big project in 1990 was a film called singles  basically romantic comedy said in Seattle just   before the grunge explosion in the mainstream  being friends with most of their growing rock   bands in the Seattle scene the film features  many cameos of grunge rockers as well as per   performances by Alison chains and sound garden  bjam members Stone Jeff and Eddie even played   small roles in the film serving as the fictional  band behind one of the protagonists in the movie   they had some lines of dialogue and in my opinion  some pretty funny scenes other than that he was a   backed by Stone and Jeff and drummer Eddie verer  I mean that's good that's that's a good review a   compliment for us is a compliment for you was  let come looking for full mad sees this one's   all about mik mccre during the production of  fightology Mike went into drug and alcohol   rehab where he met basist John Baker Saunders  once the two were back in Seattle though they   began playing as a side project band along with  skard and Screaming Trees drummer Barrett Martin   once Mike asked the mighty Lane Staley of Alison  chains to join Matt season was born as an effort   to help each other stay healthy and sober the  band's name was derived from the season in which   s cber mushrooms are in full bloom otherwise known  as magic mushrooms in only about a week of time   the band created their only self-titled debut  record my favorite song on there is a beautiful   River of the sea which you should definitely  check out even flow was recorded nearly 70   times one of the biggest struggles in completing  the 10 record was getting a version of Even Flow   the band felt satisfied with Mike mccre talked  about this in a Q&A with a daily record in 2009   we did Even Flow about 50 70 times I swear to God  it was a nightmare we played that thing over and   over until we hated each other I still don't think  stone is satisfied with how it came out when the   movie singles was in production though the band  re-recorded the song for a soundtrack with Dave   abraiz on the drums instead of Dave cruin this  time they came a bit closer but it's likely the   band still don't feel like they've ever recorded  a perfect version of evenflow the funny thing is   however is that even pearljam never played the  same satus twice even flow is a song that they   pretty much always play Live according to their  website they' played it 868 times making it their   most played song activism it might have been Ed  writing pro-choice in his arm during porch on MTV   Unplugged where the mainstream caught attention  of Pearl Jam's political views but Pearl Jam has   always been a band that has never shied away  from speaking out on their beliefs each member   of the band takes takes part in activism and has  strong feelings about issues and organizations   in the world that they're willing to fight for  Jeff for instance has built many skate parks in   neighborhoods all over the us while Mike has been  suffering from Crohn's disease all his life and   has become an advocate for IBD or inflammatory  bile diseases supporting them in different ways   Stone likes to help out the people of Seattle in  any way he can and is a big supporter of voting   Matt supports War child and teachers rights and  Ed has recently done a lot for EB research and   he has always spoken up about women's rights  and the importance of voting as wello you have   to register to vote there's a way on the way out  I me do it if you want but it's your choice it's   your voice don't waste It Rock the vote it's just  right out here you got that do it nothing better   to do nothing better to do lastly the band has  played many benefit shows since the beginning   most notably the bridge School benefit along  with with Neil Young pearljam also tries to be   as environmentally friendly as they can in terms  of touring emissions no more music videos pejam   made videos for Jeremy oceans alive and even  flow but then they stopped as the band agreed   that the art portrayed in their music and its  lyrics should remain subject to interpretation   of the listener and commercial music videos  interfere with that the video for our live and   even flow is just footage of the band performing  the songs life with no accompanying visuals could   clearly tell what the music is about Pearl Jam  change his strong beliefs however about 7 years   later as they finally put out a cartoon-like  animated music video for Duty evolution in   1998 since then the band has sporadically made  professional music videos of which most of them   still mainly show the band just performing  the song to leave more room for personal interpretation Eddie holding off on better man  better man one of pear Jam's most popular songs   was actually written by Ed when he was in high  school during his bad Radio Days the song is a   very personal one as it's from the Viewpoint of  his own mother who was with a man she wasn't all   too happy with she keeps working up the courage  to tell him she wants aart ways but ends up not   as Ed belts out sarcastically can't find a Better  Man Pearl Jam later recorded the song for verses   but Eddie was reluctant their producer Brandon  O'Brien once told this story there's a great   song we recorded for verses betterman which ended  up on Vitalogy one of the first rehearsals we did   they played it and I said man that song's a  hit Eddie just went uh I immediately knew I   just said the wrong thing we cut it once for  verses he wanted to give it away to this green   piece benefit record the idea was the band was  going to play and some other singer was going   to sing it I remember saying to the engineer Nick  Didia this is one of their best songs and they're   just going to give it away and it can't happen  and we went to record it and I'm not going to   say we didn't try very hard but it didn't end up  sounding very good I may have even sabotaged that   version but I won't admit to that it took us  to the next record recording it two more times   before he became comfortable with it because it  was such a blatantly great pop song focals at the   end of black one of my favorite BR Jam recording  moments is on the song Black and it's a part not   many people know about the Epic climax at the end  always hits in the fields but Eddie does not stop   pouring out his heart there it's a little more  buried in the mix but he can be heard screaming   out in angs during Mike's guitar solo throughout  the end of the song The Rock aoris of his voice is   chilling and I'm so glad they left it in sometimes  to me lyrics can still come up short in delivering   the core feeling of a song and just belting  it out like Ed does here hits me even harder [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] yellow little better lyrics yeah so this  song doesn't really have lyrics it's a common joke   among fans and it's one of the main things people  pull up when trying to prove nobody can understand   Eddie vet when he sings or does it Eddie changes  up the lyrics in some way or another almost every   time they play this song live but there was a  time when the song had actual lyrics according   to Mike it was a guitar part that came out of a  jam in a studio and once he showed at the Ed he   came up with lyrics for it right there on the  spot on a couple different occasions however   Eddie has explained some aspects of the song an  old friend of his Tim Le had a brother who served   in the first Gulf War Tim had received a yellow  letter one day telling him his brother had died   in the war feder wonders if he'll be coming home  in a box or a bag he went on a walk with him and   came across a porch where they saluted to the  American flag but the people didn't wave back   as the two of them were alternative looking  single video Theory single video theory is   a 45-minute documentary of the band in the midst  of making yield made by director Mark Pellington   it's really great actually and even though  it's so short you get a really cool inside   in the band's inner workings and their Dynamics  in the studio back in 1998 it was the first time   we got to see Pearl Jam behind the scenes and  working out songs like give the fly wish list   and in hiding and it has great performances of  almost every song on yield as well the T Club   Vitalogy Foundation the T Club was born from the  remain of the Mother Love Bone Earth Affair a fan   organization started by Pearl Jam in 1990 as a  way for the band to give back to their fans and   create a community around Pearl Jams music back in  the '90s this was actually a great way for fans to   receive exclusive content of their favorite  band in the form of a fan club only single   around Christmas time a fan magazine released  twice a year called Deep and nowadays priority   ticketing and merchandise the Vitality Foundation  however is a nonprofit organized by the members of   pearljam which focuses primarily on helping the  environment homelessness and Indigenous causes   since 2006 tier four force of nature glorify  G is about Dave Ruiz glorify G is an anti-gun   song with lyrics mocking gun enthusiasts as  some pean fans know the song was inspired by   former drummer Dave abraiz coming in one day  and telling everyone that he had just bought   two guns this sparked a conversation within  the band and according to Eddie he just sat   down and wrote what the guys were saying these  became the lyrics when he asked Dave if it was   true that he bought a gun Dave simply replied in  fact I bought two which is how the song [Music] starts self- pollution radio in January 8th 1995  PR Jam hosted a 4 and a half hour long radio show   on their very own Pirate Radio station and fans  of the Seattle scene enjoyed a great night that   day listening to life performances of PR Jam  sound garden mud honey the fastbacks and Matt   season feature M mccre and ellisen Chang  this Lane Staley it even premiered tracks   from an upcoming solo album but none other  than former Nana drummer Dave Gro called Foo Fighters [Music] along with Ed spinning some of his  favorite records there's also lots of silliness to   be heard which I love like an old tape recording  instructing you how to chew in a Bas bass first   string and Nirvana's Chris no velich reading  a chapter from a book his writing about a guy   who's trying to overcome a cynicism it was in the  incessant lights it was in the strip mall parking   lots and wide boulevards it was the world this  was America of the 1990s and James was pulling   up to his little piece of it 10 remix the Reverb  ever since its release it can be heard that songs   from the debut 10 sound a bit different when  they play Live there's a lot less Reverb and   the mix sounds not so much Stadium Rock the band  never 100% liked how their first ever songs were   produced even the rck parisher did a great job  when versus was made producer Brendon O'Brien   came a lot closer to the raw garage Rock sound the  band has when they play live for this reason and   also to commemorate its 10-year-old anniversary  the 10 redex album was released containing the   old mix as well as Brandon's version of mixing  the album MTV Unplugged in DVD format is also   part of this box set Banner Royal Hall speaking  of MTV Unplug what would that be like if projam   did a fully acoustic set but years later  with a whole bunch of newer songs well the   2003 Bridge schol benefit performance in Ben  Royal Hall can be an answer to that question   it contains rare songs like fatal and down and  dead man and beautiful acoustified versions of   songs like nothing as it seems immortality and  black the last one of which has a part where the   audience sings The Epic climax at the end and it  gives me chills every time you try here the room you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] references to rock magazines in blood blood  is about Ed facing the corrupt side of Music   corporations and the media feeling like they  don't feel they get that the music he creates   isn't just for advertisement and financial gain  to him it's literally the blood that he bleeds   although it's in a subtle way he references  big rock magazines that are part of this   problem saying spin me round as a reference  to spin magazine roll me over Rolling Stone   and [ __ ] circus circus magazine it's okay my  personal favorite live Rarity is when the band   plays daughter and ends up playing an extended  Jam that leads to a cover of it's okay by that   Moon there's just something calming about those  chords and the way Ed sings the lyrics comforting   you and telling you no matter what is happening  in your life it's going to be okay I hope to   one day hear this song live and they don't play  it often so it's kind of a hold a grill to many [Music] fans [Music] so immortality is about Kurt even though the song  talks about victims in theand for public show and   a cigar box on the floor Ed can directly debunk  this fan Theory stating no that was written when   we were on tour in Atlanta it's not about Kurt  nothing on the album was directly written about   Kurt and I don't feel like talking about him  because it might be seen as expectation but   I think there might be some things in the lyrics  that you could read into and maybe we'll answer   some questions or help you understand the  pressures on someone who's on the parallel train Jack iron saved the band he did actually in  1994 when the band was on the verge of breaking   up at their peak of mainstream popularity when  Jack irons joined the band Dave Abes had just   been fired because he had different ideals and  a personality that didn't really mix well with   the rest of the band BR Jam was also taking off  really fast in the mainstream too fast you could   say then Jack irons came in and was described as a  breath of fresh air believing tensions and making   everyone feel more relaxed then 1995 happened  where the battle against Ticket Master was in full   swing and the miror ball record was made as a way  to distract themselves from Pearl Jam for a bit   the band felt disconnected all the while through  making no code their fourth record which the band   still looks back on as being a non-regular more  transitional album Jeff wasn't even made aware   of the record being made 3 days into recording it  Jack irons however served as a sort of spiritual   guidance and by the time yield came out he fully  helped the band discuss and work out out their   problems reuniting them and saving them from  almost breaking up during their struggles boom   gasbar boom gas bar is pretty chill Hawaiian dude  Eddie met a long time ago when he was surfing in   Hawaii since 2002 he has become a full-time tour  member and plays keyboard for every Pearl gam   live show and when he's introduced by Ed the crowd  always goes boom instead of the usual yelling and   then there was a few years we we we got away with  with somehow doing it without uh somebody in his   position but looking back I don't know how we did  and now it's already been 12 13 years with him Mr   Boom [Music] Gasper he helped write the song loveb  Captain from Riot Act and played the keys and   other songs of this record as well as an avocado  and lightning bolt dirty Frank this song was   written when the band was on tour with the Redal  Chili Peppers in the early '90s the guy toyed with   the idea that their bus driver was a crazy serial  killer who like to cook and eat people while the   band was out playing their shows the cool thing  about this song is that it is played in a chili   pepper style and it helps visualize how the Ral  Chili Peppers would have sounded if Eddie feather   was their front [Music] man no code album cover  the cool thing is is that even though the album   is called No code is completely full of code the  CD and LP have this decoding dial on them and the   album was released with four different sets  of nine cryptic Polaroids you can collect the   most mind-blowing piece of code however is that  once you fold out every panel on the CD or LP   the 144 Polaroids form a triangle with a circle  in it the no code symbol which kind of reminds   me of the Illuminati but very cool nonetheless  according to Ed that means do not resuscitate   and it was symbolic for where they were as a  group at that point in time if we're dying let   us die don't try to save us we don't want to  live as vegetables Ros skill tragedy when Burl   Jam played the Ross killed Festival in Denmark  in the year 2000 eight people fell victim to a   Stampede in which they were crushed to death and  the ninth young adult later died in the hospital   on a count of three three steps back please one 2  3 one take a step back two take a step back three please only 45 minutes into the show after getting  mixed signals from the crowd the band finally knew   something was very wrong as they saw someone  being pulled out of the crowd and according   to Ed they were blue security underestimated the  safety conditions as rosale had the reputation of   being a safe Festival but the tragedy and Trauma  that took place that day still lingers on in the   back of the band's mind nowadays they always  pleas make sure that everyone is safe and stop   the show if not the actual story behind the name  Pearl Jam Eddie V had a grandmother named Pearl   who was of Cherokee Heritage she would often  make her special hallucinogenic Jam which is   lovingly called bur's Jam the guys decided to call  the group bur Jam as an homage to Ed's Grandma I   got a great grandma and her name is Pearl and  she was at one time married to an Indian chief   who in a a uh a wonderful Crossing of cultures uh  she integrated some of his into some of hers and   um it was uh the combination of like peyote and  preserves and it was this hallucinogenic Jam no   no here's how it really went down Jeff being the  artistic guy of the group came up with the name   Pearl and after attending a Neil Young concert  and seeing him perform long instrumental jams   the band added Jam to the name and so pejam was  born Future Days In The Last of Us The Last of   Us is a video game telling the story of Joel a m  Survivor in the fungus infested zombie apocalypse   in which he meets Ellie a young girl who seems  to be the cure for the spreading virus a SEO was   released called The Last of Us Part Two where  Pearl Jam's music actually plays a small but   emotionally important role the zombie outbreak  started in 2013 just in time for PE Jam's 10th   album lightning bolt to release as Joel starts  teaching Ellie how to play guitar future days is   one of the songs he likes to play and sing at one  point and spoil is alert Joel dies in the sequel   leaving Ellie to try and figure out how Joel used  to play this song he really liked Future Days the   lyrics also have many connections to Joel and  Ellie's relationship in the story furthermore   a TV show adaptation was also created on HBO  of The Last of Us and telling the same story   as the video game and and the song All or none  but Pearl gam also plays a part in this story   Bush mask incident in 2003 when America was still  in the George Bush era prj released Riot Act and   on it a song called Bush leer it was a critical  song of the US president already but every time   they played it life Eddie would put on a bush  mask and eventually impal it on his mic stand   supporters of the president were not a fan of this  of course resulting in the band always getting   booed off stage reaching multiple news headlines  about the controversy Eddie took it all pretty   well actually as he took the time to say that  it was a good thing that people were booing and   yelling at least they weren't quiet as the last  thing political debates need is common people   not using their right to say something and stand  up for what they believe in Crazy Mary recorded   during sessions for versus Pearl Jam's cover of  Victoria Williams Crazy Mary is released on the   benefit album sweet relief Victoria Williams  had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in   the previous year and so this record was made to  help the popular folk and Country performer with   her medical bills this song became a life staple  for bjam as they played it a lot in the 2000s and   always ended the Epic buildup with dualing solos  from Mike mccre and keybo is Boom gasar tier five   CLA voyen Jeremy original video before the music  video we all know love came out the guys actually   made a different version of the Jeremy video which  can still be found in YouTube directed by Chris   kuero instead of Mark Pellington it has a couple  of differences such as the whole video being shot   on black and white and featuring a different actor  for Jeremy this one was made way before the song   was released as a single and that might be the  reason for a lower production quality where we   see closeups of Ed on a chair singing the song  like a maniac in the official video this older   version mostly has full body shots spinning around  individual band members accompanied by an artistic   shot here and there to match the mood and subject  matter of the story the drunken singles release   party this night is just a hilarious drunken  cluster [ __ ] which for a long time was no   footage of up until resurfaced a couple years ago  as the movie singles premiered the band played a   short set at his release party as they played a  small role in it as well apparently peam had to   wait a really long time to perform and went just  drinking instead when their time finally came they   were annoyed to find out that the crowd consisted  of just a bunch of Executives and what follows is   a sloppy disaster of his Show featuring state  of love and trust and the who's Baba Riley the   members say that throughout the whole show the  sound was just really bad and they couldn't hear   themselves that well through the monitors at one  point Edie was just so frustrated with this that   he smashed the soundboard which unbeknown to him  was actually the lighting rig and he can remember   wondering what it kept getting brighter in the  room the crowd changed the lives meaning for Ed   as I've said before alive is a very sad song about  struggling with being alive while knowing you've   never really known your biological father in 2006  Ed says something quite beautiful about how this   song has transformed over time and I'm just going  to let him tell the story so the original story   being told in the song is that of a young man uh  being made aware of some some shocking truths and   uh one was that the guy he believed to be his  father while growing up was not and hard truth   number two was that the real father had passed  away a few years before so when the mom relays   this information of the real father's death  to it leaves the kid who's not terribly stable   at that point in his development uh plenty  confused and uh I know this cuz I knew the guy not well but but I I knew him I mean the guy  was me but but I barely knew me then and so so he   takes all this news as a curse you know fine you  tell me these secrets I'm supposed to forgive uh   but I got to figure a way you know to live with  this and and fine the dad's dead but but I'm still   alive and and I got to deal with this uh so it was  a curse you know I'm still alive so cut to years   later and we're playing to larger audiences and  uh and they're responding to this chorus in in a   way that uh you you never thought and uh you know  folks are jumping down in the aisles belting it   out you know singing along so every night when I'd  look out on this see of people reacting in their   own positive interpretation it it was really  incredible the audience changed the meaning of   these words and uh when when they sing I'm still  alive you know it's like they're celebrating and   uh and and here's the thing when they changed  the meaning of those words they lifted the curse Mike's dehydration when playing Maggot Brain  at the Milwaukee Summerfest of 1995 pjam played a   great cover of Little Wing by Jimmy Hendricks  which was followed up by the most incredible   rendition of Maggot Brain I've ever heard the 9  and 1 half minute song by Funkadelic was mostly   a guitar solo which Mike played the ever living  [ __ ] out of and as it turns out he was sick in   both meanings of the word as he played so hard he  was hospitalized later after the show because of   [Music] dehydration of the Earth this is another  great contestant for a second lost dogs album   of the Earth was recorded during the self-titled  avocado sessions around 2006 but was scrapped from   the album they've only played the song 12 times  live so it's another Rarity which fans hope to one   day see a studio recorded version of in my opinion  we're missing out because it's a really good   [Music] song [Music] footsteps is times of trouble  in late 1990 when the Temple of the doc record   was being made by Jeff Stone Mike Matt and Chris  Cornell the band Pearl Jam was also being founded   at the same time this meant that stone brought in  a bunch of his own demos one of which was called   times of trouble which Chris eventually wrote  lyrics for and ended up on Temple of the Dog the   cool thing is though is that Eddie vther wrote his  own lyrics the exact same music as well creating   the Pearl Jam song Footsteps in the process and  this was also the final song of the Mamon Trilogy   demo which he sent over from San Diego and landed  him the job of being Pearl Jam singer I love both   Chris and Ed's writing style and it's so cool  to see how they approach the same instrumentals   completely differently 04202 April 20th of 2002  or 4202 2002 was a date when Ed first heard that   the El Lane Staley of Ellis and chains had died  it hit hard and in honor of his old peer and   friend he wrote a song about him with this title  expressing his grief and Examining The Dark Side   of grunge and drug abuse and this song Eventually  ended up as a hidden track on the loost dogs album The using Tex hey foxy mob and Mama it's  me/ stupid mob this is just a curs [ __ ] song   man the first time I heard this final track on  vitology it scared the [ __ ] out of me to this   day I've never listened to it fully and I always  skip it as soon as it comes up on shuffle why   because hey foxy mop handle mama and that's me  otherwise known as stupid mop is a 7 and a half   minute song containing ramblings by people in a  psychiatric hospital accompanied by some guitar   playing by Ed vet and some drums by Jack irons  here's what Ed has to say about the song I had   taped something off the TV when I was maybe  17 or something and I think it was people who   had mental problems who were being L out of the  hospitals early because the states were taking   away funding for mental hospitals so they were  sending these folks out without the necessary   care but it was still very intriguing the way  their minds worked and what they would say and   we experimented and tried to incorporate it  into what to date is our most emot moving s   well I'm not sure if you're R to something genius  or incredibly demented here Ed but hey it's there   the documentary he filmed is apparently called a  matter of the mind and it's from 1986 here's some   recognizable parts from it I guess if you're one  of those Maniacs who actually listen to this song   how do you want people to Love You by spanking  that's the only thing I want so much that's the   only thing I want so much why is that better than  being huged because you get closer to the person   why is that better than being H because you get  closer to person hey foxy my panel mama that's me shoe the shoess in 1993 Bram played a  show in India California where they were   met with an unusually rowdy crowd for no  reason at all they started throwing shoes   at the band much to Eddie's rage he took it  well though because he ended up with a nice   new outfit and a message about homelessness  you know what we're really good at turning   these kind of situations in good one I just  had this great idea these are all going to be   donated to charity thanks so much thank you all  right more shoes shoe the shoeless the meaning of Ark [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the song loveboat Captain is sply by  the Ros kill tragedy with lyrics saying lost   nine friends will never know two years ago today  I am mine is another song referencing that day in   which Ed says all the Innocents lost in one night  Arc however is a beautiful and haunting tribute to   what happened on the festival that day and is a  direct reference to the nine young men who lost   their lives the chanting ad does throughout  the whole song can actually be divided into   nine separate parts Each of which is connected  and attribute to one of the nine individual victims Jeff almost quit the band of her brother  brother is another outtake from the 10 era though   it's a great song it wasn't completely released  until 2003 as just an instrumental and later with   vocals eded in in 2009 and apparently Jeff almost  quit the band over it Stone was at one point fed   up with a song saying he was over it and didn't  want to play the Riff anymore and this resulted   in Jeff and stone having such a heated fight  that Jeff considered leaving the band entirely   according to Mike that's just how they work  sometimes and he eventually came back molo   sessions Ed recorded an album with 10 members of  the Walmer High School choir from Port Elizabeth   South Africa which is called the molo sessions  he played betterman long road love Bo captain   and others with him and here's what he had to  say they were a pure embodiment of the power of   music this music got them through a paride and  empowered them to travel abroad and share it   these kids respect the music for the opportunities  that has given them and when they sang it inspired   everyone who came with the contact with them the  Transcendent Melodies they invented for better man   and the like was a mind blow story behind Lucan  it goes by quick so don't don't don't wait lcan   is Pearl Jam's shortest song just a minute long  but it's aggressive as hell as it's Eddie's way   of dealing with the event where deranged fan found  his home address and drove their car right through   the outside wall when he was in the middle of this  stalker problem he used to hang out at his friend   Matt Lan's house and just try to get away from  everything there and that's what the song's about   tier six dirty Frank Eddie raging when singing  War the band's thirdd live DVD live at the Showbox   features them playing daughter and afterwards when  playing the extended Jam they tagged it with the   song War as you can see in the footage this is a  unique moment where Eddie gets intensely riled up   singing War what is it good for I had never  seen him this angry before and it's kind of scary Duty Evolution stage Tremors at MSG at  a 2003 show in medicon Square Garden the band   played a great version of Duty Evolution so great  apparently that the crowd kept jumping and sink so   much that the whole entire stage started moving  causing Tremors in the arena only a select few   bands managed to do the same thing and though the  guys were honestly pretty scared they're glad to   be part of that group now I just tell you there  was something happened just now and it's easy for   us to get freaked out cuz we want everything to  be safe but uh the stage was bumping up and down like it's a credit to you more than us  but I was just told that it's only boun   that like that for a few other people  and and they were Grateful Dead Iron Maiden and Bruce Springsteen and we're  really proud to be part of that no Jeremy   no one really knows what called This Strange  performance into existence maybe the band got   tired of years of playing the same version of  Jeremy in every live show or maybe they just   felt like experimenting and chose this song  for it maybe they just wanted to trick the   fans for fun confusing them because almost  everyone there didn't know immediately that   they were playing a different rendition of  Jeremy called No Jeremy until the familiar   lyrics were bearing song the only thing we  know for sure is that this was played only   one time and eventually found its way onto the  2010 holiday single King Jeremy the wicked oh is [Music] [Applause] World Olympic Platinum when  the band was working on no code they had a lot of   extra tape in studio time one day this beautiful  song was written by engineer Nick Didia making   fun of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta Eddie  wonders how high he can jump and how high he can   run and he'll sing like Whitney very how long  can I hold my breath and stay underwat and wave   my legs around in perfect Unison with my partner  who doesn't really understand me or my Olympic dream [Music] my I'll sing like with stone was the  problem whatever he says it's his well if I was   the problem I was certainly never going to admit  it you know Stone was the problem I mean it was   it was Stone Jeff impostor somewhere during the  early '90s a PSA message from the band was going   around in fan circles telling them something along  the lines of quote This is the real Jeff faman if   someone comes up to you and says he's Jeff aan  and wants to take your PO or take you to a strip   club it's probably not him according to the Reddit  user taob kemik there was an impostor going around   posing as Jeff during the summer of 1996 he got  to meet Jeff after he played a set along with   other fans one of which kept trying to let Jeff  know about his doppelganger that's been posing as   him Jeff's only response was thanks that's good to  know hallucinogenic recipe one of the most fabled   items amongst hardcore Pro gam collectors is an  original copy of the Lucin nenic recipe box set   especially when it came out in the mid90s when  bootlegs were hard to come by this unofficial   release featur Studio Masters by Mother Love  Bone and Green River 10 and versus outtakes the   original Stone demos bootle recordings and more  but probably the most sought after part of this   collection was the CD that contained solo home  demos by Eddie veter and well these turned out   to be mostly old recordings from his time and  his old band bad radio but still pretty cool   What a Wonderful World I don't know where it came  from or resurfaced on the internet somewhere but   there's a super rare pretty funny recording of AD  singing What a Wonderful World by Sam Cook it was   probably made a long time ago in the 1980s in his  bedroom or something on his old trusty for track   recorder but to me there's just a nice air around  this recording one that makes me imagine ad as a   teenager and just sitting in his room and messing  around with music singing just for fun man if he   knew then where he would end up eventually every  member can sing R turning Mist we all know Ed can   sing pretty damn well if you ask me we know Stone  can just listen to mankind on no code and don't   give me no lip on lost dogs no matter what you  think of those and just like Stone has a bunch   of solo records Jeff made a couple as well where  you can hear him [Music] sing [Applause] Matt   Cameron has sung from time to time sometimes live  as well and a couple years ago he released a solo   album cave dweller where he's on vocals the one  guy in pearljam we've never really heard too much   of though maybe because he's just such a beast on  guitar is Mike mccre but let me just tell you he   can sing as well and there's an official Pearl  gem song of his too turning Mist which is on a   2009 Christmas single was itth I was gone [Music]  so Ed almost died in 2001 about 22 years ago from   now in 2001 Eddie and five others were out on the  Hawaiian Waters with their sailing canoe until it   overturned leaving them to drown fortunately  though this didn't happen Keith backer saved   him that day and to show his gratitude Ed donated  to help Keith pay his medical bill after another   boating accident years later where a Rusty  Anchor almost severed his leg and infected   it severely up to where he might still lose his  leg entirely on his own his name is Keith Baxter   and his daughter was there 7 years old little  blonde girl and and she said dad you promised   you promised and he said it's too rough out there  it's too rough she said you promised you're going   to take me across to the other Island and take  a peek and he said it's too rough baby and she   insisted she insisted he took her on the boat  ride she heard voices amongst all the wind and   these big big rolling waves in the middle of this  channel there was three people drifting they would   have drowned if they wouldn't have found these  people or a 70% chance they would have drowned   these people probably wouldn't have lived if  it weren't for this little girl that heard this   voice and made the dad stop and encourage the dad  she saved these three people's lives the reason I   know this story and I know it well I was one  of those three people I'm still here this is   my personal favorite Pearl Jam secret or rare L  recording or whatever you like to call it some   fans say it was a hidden track on a Japanese only  promo City for lost dogs but no one really knows   when it was recorded it's still a mystery to this  day it's evident though that I'm still here is a   deeply personal song written on a very low point  in Ed's life I happened to find this beautiful   piece of music when I was going through the exact  same thing and I'm forever grateful for it because   it helps Lifting me out of a bad time look around  it's the most powerful breakup story I've ever   heard and you can really feel the Heartbreak  in Ed's voice I hung up she called back I hung   up again the process had already started least  it happened [Music] quick I swear I died inside   that night my friend he called I didn't mention a  thing the last thing he said was be [Music] sound sound I contemplated an awful  thing I hate to [Music] admit I   just thought those would be such appropriate last words but I'm still here I hope you enjoyed this Iceberg as  much as I did creating it my projam   obsessed brain is quite content now  for a while but maybe there will be   more coming who knows anyway thank you  so much for watching and have a great day
Channel: Bear In Mind Media
Views: 27,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 71min 47sec (4307 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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