The Complete History of Halo CE Speedrunning

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on August 20th 2023 a Halo Runner named camid pulled off the impossible beating Halo Combat Evolved on legendary in 1 Hour 3 minutes and 11 seconds that's the fastest that anyone has ever beaten Halo C on legendary or any other difficulty watching Cid's run he's ridiculously good at C itself he has great strategies for dealing with different encounters and of course there's some insane tricks when watching speedrunners do crazy tricks a common question is how did someone even find these tricks and the answer is it wasn't one person Cid's world record run is a culmin of 22 years of Halo C speedrunning and development hundreds of people putting thousands and thousands of hours playing Halo finding new tricks and shortcuts all finally put together into the greatest Halo C speedrun of all time I'm a frog and a Halo C Runner myself and in this video we'll be looking at the history of Halo C speedr running and how we got to this point special thanks to you goat rope Chrono sloth SG grpro joshington and Cordia acces for helping me put this video together and reviewing it for accuracy and thanks to from the graay for giving me the idea for this video in the first place let's let's hop in released November 15th 2001 Halo C is obviously one of the most popular and influential games of all time a big part of what made Halo unique is that for a first-person shooter players had a lot of freedom in how they approached the game between weapon selection nonlinear levels with different paths to take your strategy for different encounters there's no right way to play Halo and with this level of Freedom given to players it didn't take long for the Halo faithful to start doing some well unintended things the most famous example is Rand glass's warthog launch video from 2002 where he launches a warthog and his own corpse all over the silent cartographer Beach but also in 2002 a few other things were discovered for example a player named frog blast no relation discovered a way to survive a fall to the ground on assault in the control room from the first bridge and because of this skip have no enemies for the remainder of the level on the level Keys it was found that you could use a shield at the start of the mission to get pushed into the ceiling and platform your way into the keys room just a couple minutes into the level but these discoveries remain more as just cool things you could show your friends rather than anything competitive there were a few Forum posts on the most popular fan site at the time halo. where people would post their best times without any video this started with a post from Astro the space duck where they posted their best times and encouraged others to do the same as a side note Astro the space duck was actually a young celestal on who now works for blizzard on Hearthstone there was also a Budgy Donnet group called Halo at lightning speed but unfortunately I couldn't find any Archives of it in the old posts I found that references it mentions that it had been dead for the past few months so for all intents and purposes Halo speedrunning at that time wasn't really a thing in any serious capacity that is until 2004 halo. hosted a contest called going nowhere fast it was a contest to beat each level of Halo as fast as possible on legendary and whoever submitted the fastest run of each level would get a prize to use a speedr running term it was an i individual level competition what's great about going nowhere fast is that contestants had to submit video evidence of the runs and these videos are all still available for us to look at because they're from 2004 they are potato quality but they're still worth looking at so let's do that the winning time for pillar of autumn was 6 minutes and 8 seconds by Condor man his pillar of autumn run consists entirely of either clearing rooms as fast as possible or running past enemies there really wasn't much in terms of Tricks there's a minor trick here where you can trigger the bridge cut scene early by entering the doorway and backing out and in the room with the stairs he did a grenade jump past all the enemies on the landing above us otherwise it's just good legendary gameplay Halo the level's winning time was 1529 by gwd PTO it starts with crossing the bridge killing some enemies clearing out the drop ships the first area as fast as possible and then the first trick he Parks his War hog here jumps on top of it and runs to press the button to activate the light Bridge which would normally have an unskippable cut scene but because the game considers the area unsafe it never plays later he picks up a sniper rifle then heads to the first Marine rescue section at the rocks and Snipes three Marines on top of the big rock there are three areas where you're supposed to save Marines but the game lets you progress even if they're dead so it's faster to just kill them at the first two areas instead of saving them so next he goes over to what we call River and runs over one marine and picks up the other two as a Gunner and passenger which removes them from the encounter this has the same effect as killing them except he's not actually killing them the last area at Cliff he has to clear regardless of whether the Marines are alive so this time instead of killing them he just clears the area and the level ends Truth and Reconciliation was one with a winning time of 24-21 by Cody Miller the ground combat is mostly just Cody clearing things as fast as he can although in the third section there is an active camo that he grabs to be able to run past enemies Cody's first big trick happens inside the Covenant Ship after clearing out enemies Cody does a couple of grenade jumps to get him from the first floor to the second floor from the second floor he's able to walk upstairs to the the third floor with no extra enemy spawn besides a single gr that was already spawned while he was at the bottom during the keys escort at the end of the level in the bridge after keys and the Marines dialogue about escaping the level ends early because of a trigger that was skipped by the earlier grenade jump the ending skip wasn't very well understood at the time and there were a few foreign posts on halo. buy. org wondering if Cody cheated the ending but rest assured he did not silent cartographer's winning time was 418 from goat rope goat rope is a name you may recognize from the goat rope achievement in Halo MCC for beating CE on legendary in under 3 hours to start goat rope runs the exact opposite direction of where he's supposed to go grabs a warthog and drives to the first facility normally a door closes and you have to go to a different part of the island to open it but go rope does what's called a warthog fling to push himself through the door before it closes after doing the warthog fling goat rope shoots for a second to skip a cut scene and lands Below in such a way that he takes almost no fall damage after this drop he does another drop onto an overshield and activates the silent cartographer just a couple minutes into the level to get out he grabs an active camo and runs as fast as he can to the top and gets past the enemies just as the camo is running out after dispatching a gold to lead and making it back to the surface he waits around for fa Hammer to pick him up and that's the silent cartographer assault in the control room was won by Shawn orley with a time of 653 and this probably was the weirdest one of all after fighting his way through the first room Shawn gets to the first bridge and does a series of Falls that get him to the ground cop over I didn't think there were any human forces left on this part of the Ring Cortana to fire team Zulu I read you he then waits for a bit and hitches a ride on a pelican and jumps out by a ghost because of the Bridge fall there's no enemy so he's able to make his way to the end with no problems the first five levels of Halo C were definitely more trick heavy than the last five levels 343 Guilty Spark won by Tristan kahill with a time of 741 the library by Cody Miller in 2057 two betrayals by Taylor Jones in 253 keys in 1318 by go rope and the maw in 1108 by Trevor Fitch are all pretty much just full path playthroughs of each level with not a lot of tricks there were still a few though at the start of 343 Guilty Spark Tristan went left and jumped on a rock to get to the facility faster and after the second elevator did a trick called camo jump or camo jumo for the typographically impaired you're supposed to fall off and then fight through another couple rooms to get back up but camo jump lets you avoid this and run through almost the entire facility while camouflaged towards the end of two of the trails you're in a banshee and there's a door that breaks and you're supposed to proceed on foot but Taylor backtracked a bit grabbed a ghost and got it through the door using the Banshee which saved him a few minutes of walking and fighting the ma featured a 360 during the warthog run that besides looking cool also ensures that the warthog stays upright and doesn't flip if done correctly that is I mess it up all the time librarian Keys both had basically nothing in terms of tricks I mentioned the shield bump trick on Keys earlier that let players get out of bounds and Skip almost all the way to the end but in 2004 this wasn't seen as a viable strap for a speedrun due to how difficult it was hence the 13-minute time for goat rope going nowhere fast was an i competition but if you had these times together they come to a full game time of 2 hours 15 minutes and 16 seconds not counting a few minutes of unskippable cut scenes that would also be included in a true full game time but now Halo speedr running had an official start and a baseline for others to build on and after the conclusion of going nowhere fast that's exactly what Runners did following going nowhere fast Halo speedrunnner started using the forums for a website called high impact Halo in early 2006 some of these Runners including goat rope created a site just for Halo speedrunning called highs speed Halo high speed Halo posted speedr running news walkthroughs Community challenges runs and most importantly allowed submissions and kept a list of the fastest Halo times it started with just Halo 1 and 2 but as the years went by and more games were released high speed Halo ATT track these as well as well as keeping records for legendary highs speed Halo also kept records for easy normal and heroic they also kept track of Co-op runs at this point full game records weren't tracked because this was still early internet and uploading 2-hour runs wasn't really feasible there were even mailing addresses added to the site at one point if you needed to send a VHS tape of your run during this time Runners also continued using their section of the high impact Halo forums for discussions backtracking a bit on February 12th 2005 Cody Miller made a forum post on high impact Halo unfortunately it is an archived challenging Halo Runners to get the total time for all Halo levels on legendary down under 2 hours that meant between all the records to this point over 15 minutes needed to be cut progress started to be made almost right away I don't have the exact dates but in 2005 there were a few new records set the silent cartographer was brought down to 3 minutes and 54 seconds by a new Runner named Insidious this run added a slightly different route on the escape to the surface and a new grenade jump 343 Guilty Spark was cut down to 732 by a new Runner named spot check beating the going nowhere fast time by 9 seconds but biggest of all Insidious cut the going nowhere fast time for two betrayals by nearly 8 minutes bringing it all the way from 253 down to 1723 the biggest change was the beginning rather than fighting his way down the pyramid like Taylor Jones did and cidus took a pass to the right and got in the first Banshee much faster otherwise the sublo is still just full path with a Ghost Trick at the end it's just done a lot faster and better worth noting these times silent cartographer in 354 343 Guilty Spark in 732 and two betrayals in 1723 would stay the world records on highspeed Halo for the entirety of its existence how long that is exactly will to in a bit also Cody Miller cut Trevor's M time from 11:08 down to 9:15 this run featured a trick called Cafe bump there's two sets of doors that get bashed open by hunters but if you stand in the corner of the set of doors on the right you can get pushed out of bounds on top of the map the issue is that without actually walking in the cafe yourself the room is invisible when you're on top of it it just looks like this for this reason Cafe bump prior to this was a trick only done in Co-op because player one could get out of bounds and player two could walk in the cafe to load it but Cody's 915 Moss somehow pulled it off he gets Vision while out of bounds and was able to platform form his way past the cafe skipping part of the level including the entire Bridge section where you're supposed to have a cut scene at the time this was explained as just a Super Lucky glitch I found I don't know how it works but it it happens like one out of every 50 times where if you're like crouching you must like get inside this room and then it loads those Graphics I don't know how you do it that that's why you still have the record now it's time to talk about keys somewhere between 2005 and spring of 2006 goope managed to cut his 1318 Keys all the way down to 923 the big time save here was after finding Keys normally there'd be a massive fight with a ton of flood in Spec Ops Covenant in the going nowhere fast run goat rope not only did this fight but died a couple times setting him back even further his new run had a strat for a quick exit using what's called a distraction grenade basically you throw a grenade and if the enemies see it before they notice you they just stare at the grenade like idiots and you can run by skipping this entire encounter in March of 2006 a new Runner named skirty joined the forums and on April 3rd of 2006 he made a post sharing something huge I'll let you see it for [Music] yourself he successfully pulled off a keys run using the shield bump and beat it under 3 minutes he set an easy record of 239 and a legendary record of 250 worth noting skirty wasn't the first to successfully do the shield bump in the run the first record using it appears to have been spot checked with a legendary time of 413 why exactly it was so much slower I can't say because there's no video but skirty brought it down to 355 then 321 then 250 my guess is that this is a combination of being able to line up the trick faster and the platforming once out of bounds skirty may not have been the first person to use the shield bump but he was the first person to get really good at it and he single-handedly cut down the keys Time by a lot and this level for a really long time was skur's level so that's why the MCC achievement for beating Keys's parttime is called skirty bump 2006 also featured the entrance of a couple other notable new Runners the first was slicky who ran easy and set new easy records in 2006 for Pillar of autum Truth and Reconciliation and 343 Guilty Spark the second was riper who pushed the Legendary Time down even further riptor cut pillar bottom to 519 Truth and Reconciliation to 1651 Library down to 1425 and Halo to 1308 riper's pillar of autumn was simple it had cleaner gameplay and was a bit riskier with clearing and running through the rooms riper's Halo had two huge changes from the going nowhere fast run first to start the level instead of crossing the bridge rter did a grenade jump which saves a couple seconds versus crossing the bridge but more importantly Skips a trigger normally there'd be two banshees a drop ship and a covenant Squad that spawn here but instead it's empty and you can walk right through second in the second half of the level where you're supposed to say Marines riptor starts with the cliff section rather than ending with it the order he goes with is Cliff Rubble river which is by far the fastest and what Halo Runners still do now Raptor's Truth and Reconciliation run unfortunately doesn't have a video anymore but based on easy runs at the time I can assume a couple things first in the hanger he would have done what's called the triple grenade jump rather than doing Cody's grenade jump which only took him to the second floor he did this series of grenade jumps to get him to the top the reason the first jump doesn't kill you is because you're Invincible while the overshield is charging up second during the keys escort at the end he would have killed some of his own Marines to turn Keys hostile liking Cody's run the level ends early due to the grenade jump but Keys being hostile means you don't even have to listen to the we're screwed we're screwed man dialogue in the bridge first the level just ends almost immediately Raptor's Library had one big Strat not seen in the original going nowhere fast Library first riptor Skips a trigger at almost the very start of the level by getting pushed up by a carrier this means there are no flood until after the first door except for a couple that are pre-spawn he also added a cool grenade jump after picking up an overshield that lets you run to the end of the first floor pretty safe Library also has four more doors that you're supposed to hold out at but on three of them riptor had ways to hide and not fight any flood finally instead of fighting all the flood at the end riper instead grenade jumped through the last door before it's fully opened and ran to the end every one of these four times from riptor again would stand his records for the rest of high-speed Halo's existence all in all riptor alone cut 17 minutes off the going nowhere fast times combined with keys being brought from over 13 minutes down to less than three the 2hour Mark had been crushed assault in the control room had been beaten a few times since going nowhere fast by Cody Miller and Insidious but in July of 2007 skirty got the earliest of these that still has video with the time of 553 it used a new bridge fall method that didn't involve having to ride a pelican with these runs this meant that all of the going nowhere fast times had been beaten the community time for all levels added together was down to 1 hour 36 minutes and 30 seconds in 2007 a runner named lots of luck appeared and set new easy World Records on 343 Guilty Spark with a 540 time and more importantly a new ma easy record of 14 this run had a new strategy for the reactor room in Cody's 915 run on legendary he started on the right side of the reactor room and took out each one of the four reactors one at a time in lots of Luck's new easy run he went left did a grenade jump to get to the second level early instead of walking all the way around and had a timing on opening the reactor so that he could do two at once on each side this was huge and a few months later these strats were used for a new ma legendary world record in 842 by once again Cody Miller which also featured the cafe bump and Cody managing to get vision and single player unfortunately the end of 2007 also brings us to the dark ages of C speedrunning from 2008 through 2012 highspeed Halo had a grand total of six new Halo C records between easy and legendary six four of these six were slight improvements to easy World Records on assault in the control room the silent cartographer the library and two betrayals respectively and the other two were skirty improving his keys legendary time getting it down to 244 and then 241 high-speed Halo changed hands a couple times and part of the lack of updated records was simply because it wasn't updated all that often by those running it at the time which was a frustration for some of the runners but for CE especially the reality was also that there just wasn't anyone really speedrunning it I've only mentioned a few different Runners and that's because for a long time the entire Halo speed running Community not just CE was only a handful of people and over the years a lot of those people moved on and there wasn't really anyone coming to replace them the worst moment for CE speedrunning and Halo speedrunning generally came in 2011 at gdq which is Games Done Quick a speedrunning event hosted for charity Cody Miller was invited to speedrun three games one of which was Halo CE on legendary the community time for all the levels was still a few minutes over an hour and a half at this point so Cody gave gdq a conservative full game time estimate of 2 hours unfortunately for Cody this was not even close to how much time he needed let me see what happens I forgot I I forgotten how to do this part Cody's gdq run took well over 4 hours making matters worse he had to lower the difficulty twice and finished the last four levels on normal Cody not only couldn't handle the combat but also couldn't do any of the tricks outside of Silent cartographer which still took him over 7 Minutes the hisory leading up to this run gives important context because as mentioned Halo wasn't really done full game people did individual levels so it's understandable that he wouldn't be flying through some of the levels that he didn't know as well but also it's 100% on him for not practicing at all prior to doing a live full game Run you would expect him to be good at the level that he was the world record holder for the ma but it took him over 15 minutes on normal I'll go ahead and let the cat out of the bag now even after the gdq run this wasn't known for a few more years but Cody Miller cheated his previous world record runs so on the maw how did he do the cafe platforming in single player my best guess watching The Run he does Cafe bump stands in the cafe makes a cut Waits a long time for a checkpoint and then Falls and bounce he reverts to that checkpoint Cuts back to himself now having Vision while out of bounds and can platform to skip part of the level you can actually find the cut by watching his radar closely or for the 9:15 run you can go to Z upload and read the description that he edited in 2022 admitting that it's two segments and not a straight through run I found I don't know how it works but it it happens like one out of every 5050 times where if you're like crouching you must like get inside this room and then it loads those Graphics you're a liar even on his original Truth and Reconciliation run from going nowhere fast you can notice the cut when he enters the ship so Cody was not as good as he claimed to have been and on top of that he didn't practice prior to gdq and it led to a train wreck in Halo speedr running's reputation taking a hit for more on this I made an entire video breaking down this run in its entirety and all the stuff Cody messes up on the bright side in 2011 there was a new segmented full game c legendary speedrun from Slinky and skirty this run being segment admit that there were edits and they could try different sections as many times as they needed use tougher strategies and tricks that they may not want to do in a single segment run and edit together what an ideal run of the game could look like some of these new tricks were cryo bump on pillar bottom where you stand in the cryo tube at the start of the level get bumped out of bounds and can skip part of the beginning this was another trick that was known about all the way back in 2001 or 2002 but hadn't been used in a run before pillar of autumn also featured a new trick called maintenance skip where if you kill these three grunts fast and get a checkpoint at a certain time you can get Cortana a dialogue out of order revert to that checkpoint and get this maintenance door you're supposed to wait at to open several seconds faster on Halo instead of jumping on their warthog to get up and activate the light Bridge early they do a warthog fling this is the same mechanic as on silent cartographer to get through the door except here you're doing it into a wall and getting launched up Truth and Reconciliation featured a grenade jump using four grenades to get all the way from the bottom floor to the third floor and one jump rather than three silent cartographer rather than doing the standard warthog fling instead did a trick called window bump they exited the warthog were pushed through the window and landed on an overshield to avoid dying from Fall damage assault in the control room was pretty much the same as the I world record with the addition of a couple grenade jumps in the second half the level to run through it faster 343 Guilty Spark added a grenade jump towards the end of the facility so rather than jump on a box in the previous room and then cross a bridge Slinky did a grenade jump and could go straight to the elevator to leave because he didn't go the normal path and activate the light Bridge there were no enemies the library had a different grenade jump towards the start and was riskier overall but otherwise didn't really add anything new worth mentioning two betrayals was the first level run by skirty instead of slinking it starts off with a bang in the second room instead of hanging back skirty takes out a sentinel then an elite and runs through everything then once outside skirty goes straight for the banshee and that sums up a lot of skirty two betrayals it's mostly just yellowing each section as fast as he could at the broken door rather than ramming the ghost through with a Banshee like previous run skirty uses a rocket launcher and advin what would become known as a 100% Strat in the words of go rope that's called the 100% Strat it gets its name from how often it works on Keys ske did the platforming running forward instead of going backwards on the Moss Gertie did Cafe bump and showed himself falling back and boun to get Vision because he's not achiev there was an extra grenade jump in the reactor room and at the end of the warthog run he did a trick called barrels to drive the warthog straight through where you're supposed to get out at the segmented run wasn't perfect some of the strats like cryo bump and pillar of autumn actually lost time and on that note Slinky would later be Ed as another cheater which he also admitted to and a lot of the tricks he came up with looked cool but would either be completely impractical or just playing slower but I digress the segmented run still showed off a lot that could be incorporated and built on for future runs and showed that Halo C still had a lot of room for improvement even without finding new tricks with high spe Halo and disarray and not a lot of Runners playing Halo anyway those who were still active decided to move off of highspeed Halo and just keep track of Records in a Google sheet and keep their discussions on a Skype group high speed Halo would go on for a couple more years and still technically exists today and hosts AI generated articles like top five most sexy Halo Cortana picture but this was effectively the end of it the biggest Halo speedrunner during this time was Mr Monopoly who had dominated Halo 2 for years and in 2013 started streaming on Twitch technology at this point had caught up and Runners including Monopoly started doing full game runs and keeping track of full game records after Cody Miller's terrible 2011 run at gdq and a run he did the following year at gdq for Halo reach that also went poorly gdq was hesitant to host any more Halo runs but Monopoly and his fans and other Halo Runners successfully got Halo 2 to be listed as a donation incentive which was crushed and Monopoly was invited to gdq to run on January 7th 2014 monopoly's run was amazing and even though I don't run Halo 2 it's one of my favorite runs ever to watch a Halo speedrun had just been done in front of by far the biggest audience it ever had and it was a huge success shortly thereafter go Ren a few others decided to start a new site for Halo speedrunning this is the site Halo Runners still use today Halo runs was different than highspeed Halo in a few ways first off it just looks better especially with how records were kept which was now front and center on the site as well Halo runs would also keep track of full game times and was updated regularly maybe the biggest change was that it no longer tracked normal or heroic runs easy and legendary were the most popular categories and they felt it was better not to divide things too much especially given how dead Halo speedr running had been in the Years prior since its creation has done a much much better job keeping track of times and Records than highspeed Halo ever did and because of that we're going to be able to get a lot more detailed from here on out speaking of why don't we update what the best C Legendary Times were when Halo runs started pillar of autumns world record was 458 under 5 minutes by a runner named KH the first big change from Ritter's old record was this section after the maintenance tunnel where K sticks and Elite throws another plasma at the ground and then runs through the second big change was the ending where instead of killing the enemies con runs to another maintenance tunnel to get around them halo the levels world record was 1245 by Run named sub whistle Subs run didn't really add anything new that hadn't been seen in Ritter's run it was just that run but better Ritter's Truth and Reconciliation had been beaten in 2013 By sub whistle as well with a time of 1510 which in turn was beaten by KH with a time of 1454 in early 2014 right when Halo runs was started K's run doesn't have video but based on Subs run my guess is again it's rippers run but faster Insidious as silent cartographer from 2005 still had been beaten at the time of Halo runs creation but on February 19th of 2014 a couple weeks in a runner named laul beat it with the time of 349 same thing an assault in the control room skur's 553 run from 2007 was still the record but on February 18th 2014 laak beat it with the 544 343 Guilty Spark was crushed by sub whistle in 2013 with the 637 sub whistle started doing the final grenade jump from the segmented run in his runs the only difference being he used a frag instead of a plasma Halo Runners still do this grenade jump now and it's called sub nade named after sub whistle Ritter's 1425 Library still stood when Halo Ren was created but was quickly beaten by KH with a 1417 insidious' two betrayals was still record as well and his record would stay that way all the way until March 7th of 2014 when KH got a 1656 K's two betrayals which uses a lot of strats that were developed by a runner named joshington is ridiculous there isn't really anything in terms of Tricks it's more so the combat and how he navigates each of these rooms but classic TB as it's called was the hardest level in C speedr running and this run really is the origin of it most of what he does in this Tu betrayals run is still the Classic route today keyword being classic because we certainly aren't done talking about Tu betrayal yet for a while after Halo runs was created skur's 241 Keys was still the record more on it later the mo record was still Cody's cheated 842 run until March 11th 2014 when Khan beat it with an 822 impressively KH Got This Record without even doing Cafe bump finally the full game record at the time of Halo runs launch was 14728 by goat r at this point iil strats and full game strats were basically the same so full game runs were just the il's ran back to back to back a lot of the I records at the time were just taken from full game Runs goop's run was the world record but it was still far from perfect there were plenty of deaths and mistakes throughout which isn't to say that it wasn't a great run because it was but there was still a lot of room for improvement even without finding any new tricks or strats 2014 ended up being maybe the most important year in Halo speed running history a few months after Monopoly gdq run which sparked things again goope was invited to do a c run at gdq which also went really well and is still my favorite Halo run of all time and with Halo runs now being a thing goo plugged the new site several times and of course in the fall of 2014 The Master Chief Collection was released which came with achievements for beating each level under a certain amount of time and achievements for beating each game on legendary under 3 hours a runner named naked Eli got famous on YouTube for making speedrun walkthroughs of every level in the MCC and single-handedly got a lot of people interested in learning Halo speedrunning in one year Halo speedrunning went from being on its last leg to bigger than ever and with all these new people entering that meant there were more people looking over levels and coming up with new strategies with new discoveries happening left and right there was more movement in records throughout 2014 than there had been in the near decade of Halo running prior especially for legendary pillar of bottom went through a huge shift in 2014 in older runs the strats were overall pretty safe but as the year went by riskier and riskier strats were picked up like here in older runs Runners would walk around and grenade enemies but the new route was to jump through this barrier which Skips a spawn trigger and run straight through there was also this hallway that Runners would clear that they began running through after throwing a couple grenades in precise spots laak also used the maintenance skip previously seen in the segmented run in one of his world record runs by the end of 2014 the legendary world record for pillar of autumn was 408 by sub whistle Halo was mostly the same the only change was that in the rubble instead of sniping the Marines on top of the big rock Runner started driving up running over one of them and picking up the other two to help them clear the last area one of these two marines would have a sniper rifle and would ride in the passenger seat you'd want him to be the passenger because he does crazy amounts of damage by the end of 2014 sub whistle had brought Halo's world record all the way down to 1117 Truth and Reconciliation had the biggest drop of any level going from 1454 in early 2014 to 1040 by the end of 2014 and another run from whistle one change over time was how the opening was handled in Cody's original TNR run from going nowhere fast he sat back and killed just about everyone at the opening of the level unfortunately again Raptor's old run isn't available anymore but by 2013 Runners started sniping two Elites two Jackal and then booking it which is also shown in Subs 1040 there's also a pathing change where instead of walking around this sub cleared a few enemies then walked up a rock and went straight through it after doing a w fight at the start of the ship Runners would grab C and make their way to the second hanger affectionately called the RNG room RNG is basically just a speedr running term for luck there's a set of doors on the left you have to go through but only the Covenant can open them in Cody's old run he spent a lot of time clearing this room but by 2014 Runners had started baiting the Covenant usually Elites but sometimes not into opening one of the doors for them in older runs of TNR as well Runners would grab a hidden camo before clearing the holding cells of the ship in 2014 is when they stopped doing this silent cartographer was a very interesting level in 2014 La Fox 349 was beaten by 1 second by a runner named atrox or vetro vetro did the same strats with the war hog flinging and running upstairs a month after vetro's run con with the 348 himself except he use a totally different route instead of the warthog fling KH went with the window bump shown in the segmented run oh yeah sub whistle would later beat these times with a 343 but vro closed out the year with a 339 world record that also used the window bump assault in the control room on the other hand showed basically no more developments vetro took the world record in June and lowered it a couple times to close the year out with the 538 but the route didn't change at all vetro did have an MCC achievement named after him for this vetro strike which oddly is a par score achievement and not the part time achievement but still 343 Guilty Spark had a major change not so much in the route besides the addition of subn but the ending of the level which was a mystery for years was finally figured out at the end of 343 Guilty Spark you arrive at this structure and have to hold out for a long time what exactly had to happen for the level to end was unknown and seemed to be random sometimes it would in fast other times slow until it was finally discovered in 2014 that on legendary the int trigger was hide your ally Sentinels dying once they died a 7-second timer would start and then the level would end knowing this Runners started shooting the Sentinels themselves to get them to die faster on easy this end timer also trigger simply by entering the last area with one red Health sub whistle closed out 2014 with a legendary record of 544 now we're on the library and it's time to take a second to talk about a runner named joshington joshington was going bananas in 2014 with discoveries the barrier jump in pillar of autumn that was joshington on Halo he came up with a way to run into the first grenade jump rather than stopping and waiting on TNR he discovered a grenade jump to get you from the bottom floor to the top floor that involves sticking yourself with a plasma Grenade on two betrayals you found a faster version of a previously done grenade jump but his most impressive and important work was on the library keys in the mall joshington developed a trick called flood bumping if you played Halo you know that some flood fall down like they're dead and then after a few seconds get back up whenever they get back up they don't gradually come up their hit box instantly reappears where they first fell so if you stand on top of one of these revor flood while they're down when they get back up you'll get bumped and can get pushed into or through walls doors Etc the library has a lot of doors that you're supposed to wait at a couple of these you can grenade jump through but the rest Josh found ways to skip by flood bumping these doors are the first door which is 100% consistent Dark Door where the flood that spawns has a 40% chance of spawning as a revor the 92nd door where you have to hope for a human revor to spawn and last door where you also have to hope for a human revivor to spawn the first door on the second floor also has a flood bump but we'll get back to that in a bit he showed these flood bumps off in a run that was world record at the time and groundbreaking but 2014 did end with skirty having the legendary world record at 1233 with two betrayals outside of what KH show off in the early part of 2014 and Josh's approved grenade jump the biggest thing was a new D Lo at the very start if if you press the button to open the door to exit the control room twice at specific times you can get the door to open while the game still thinks you're inside so no enemies will spawn except two Jackal and two Elites that are pre-s spawned after getting in a Banshee you do have to fly back up and hit the button again though the world record at the end of 2014 was 1411 from sub whistle and the part-time achievement for two betrayals on MCC was named Whistle Stop tour after him on Keys flood bumping was first done on a run by a runner named Soul at the very start of the mission there's a flood with no arms chasing a grunt Soul took down this flood in front of a door and was bumped through to get straight to the Keys room later in 2014 a faster spot was found though so instead of getting bumped by the door Runners would take the flood back to where they spawn and bump through a wall this doesn't take you straight to the Keys room but the issue is that even if you do get bumped in the keys room you have to walk back here to hit a trigger anyway so this is faster and skirty once again held the legendary record at the end of 2014 with a 223 the only issue with this trick was that the flood would always spawn but he wasn't always a revor and it wasn't known how to consistently get him to be a revor so in 2014 this trick wasn't full game viable yet lastly the ma what Cody Miller had claimed to do with Cafe bump wasn't reproducible by any anyone else until 2014 when joshington found a way to get Vision in the cafe without falling in bounds or cheating after doing Cafe bump there was very precise platforming and positioning and once in position you nudge yourself so that you were out of bounds but your camera was just barely in bounds to load everything Josh himself held the world record for Ma at the end of 2014 with a time of 755 with all these new strats tricks and discoveries the full game legendary record in 2014 was cut by a lot first by KH with a 14445 but it didn't take long for go up to beat that time and then beat it again and again and again bringing the record down to 13640 on June 28th 2014 a month later on July 30th sub whistle claimed the full game record for the first time with a 13622 and the record went back and forth between sub goat rope and vro who also held it for a brief period of time in November 2014 the SE Runners were approaching the 90-minute full game Mark when just 10 years earlier it was a project to get the individual level World Records under two hours on November 17th 2014 sub whistle was streaming legendary runs on Twitch when he started a run that didn't seem like it was going to be anything that was slow this is a really bad run but I don't even care especially after losing a minute on aotr due to bridge Fall problems this run is pretty much over but after having a better Guilty Spark in library sub salvaged the run with a gold two betrayals and ended the run with a gold ma yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my yes the 90-minute barrier had been broken also not to neglect easy but at the end of 2014 the full game easy record had been cut all the way down to 11646 by vetro with earlier records also being set by KH goat rope and laak between an explosion and popularity the birth of Halo runs tons of new discoveries and the breaking of the 130 barrier for legendary full game 2014 was a pretty good year for C speedr running 2015 would see the introduction of the greatest C speedrunner of all time to start 2015 on February 21st Halo runs released a new segmented run done by sub whistle skirty soul and vrox this run featured new tricks like Drop skip on Halo the way it works is the first area has six Marines supposed to save and wait for faux Hammer to come and drop off a warthog after clearing the first ship upon arriving you'll get some Marine dialogue and then five more ships will come in the first three having Marine dialogue before them it was discovered that if five of the six Marines were dead you'd skip the dialogue before each ship and if you cleared them fast enough you could skip one of the ships entirely and only fight four on silent cartographer vetro did the window bump but rather than stop his Fall using the overshield he bounced off a space crate then used the overshield in a nade stack that sent them up a floor normally on assault in the control room you just drive the ghost most of the way until you fly up to a set of bridges but in the segmented run they showed a trick called fireworks by throwing a frag grenade at the same moment a plasma grenade explodes at your feet you can actually launch your frag grenade onto a platform and on that platform there's a Banshee you can now jump in the library was full of flood bumps but one that hadn't been used in a run before was at the first door on the second floor you can easily just stand to the side and no flood will spawn but instead skirty launches a carrier into the corner stands on its legs and gets bumped through the door and teleported even further this trick is called carrier bump and it's the worst trick ever conceived the reason being that it only has a 1 in seven chance of working attempting to trick in an iil let alone full game would be painful two betrayals didn't have anything that unusual but goope did mention a theoretical Strat there's actually a cool strategy that ended up being slower in this segment where you can actually get a Banshee out of the map and just fly straight to the end but it ended up breaking triggers and if you like went you could go back and hit the triggers but it still ended up being too slow so it didn't get to get uh get used a Banshee outside of the map interesting the mob was hands down the craziest level rather than doing Cafe bump skirty doesn't even earlier bump out of bounds when flood bash open set of doors the issue was that you couldn't see anything but that didn't stop skirty usually after Cafe bump you'd platform through the cafe then fall back in bounds after then walk through the cryo room and so on but skirty platformed without having Vision farther than anyone had ever platformed before skipping the entire cryo room one thing I'll mention is that with the release of the Master Chief collection Xbox players had a sizable Advantage with the ma out of bounds platforming MCC players could do this bump and have Vision just by switching to anniversary Graphics so the mon 2015 was dominated by an MCC Runner named Dark Raider make no mistake that though this platforming even with vision is really tough and Dark Raider was really good at it back to the segmented run the ma had maybe the dumbest thing I've ever seen before so the aim of this floor is to get to the top level as fast wild stuff the segmented run finished with a time of 10704 almost 10 minutes faster than the old segmented run from 2011 CE speedr running had come a long ways and not that much time but now I'll give you a date in 2015 even earlier than this February 16th 2015 that was the day the Gish Goblin set his first ever CE world record an i of two betrayals on legendary it was a 1331 40 seconds faster than sub whistle previous record at different points throughout 2015 Gish held world records were seven out of the 10 levels the exceptions were Library keys in the mall for the library and keys you'd have to grind ILS to get record library because the flood bumps are inconsistent and to get a perfect run you'd have to play it over and over and keys at this point still didn't have a consistent method for its flood bump of the Seven Levels that a garish held the record for throughout the year five of them were still his to close out 2015 pillar of autumn at 404 Truth and Reconciliation at 942 the silent cartographer a 321 343 Guilty Spark with a 528 and two betrayals with a 1242 gish's silent cartographer run used a similar nade stack as with TR cities in the segmented run except this new grenade stack ended with a self stick and with this had enough to get you all the way from the bottom floor to the top this is a really early version of a trick called stick stack but most impressive was what garish did with full game skirty beat sub whistle sub 90 minute with a 12951 on April 15th 2015 on May 31st Gish beat this time and claimed the world record with a 12925 unlike his iil times that would change hands Gish never gave up the full game record there were six more full game legendary records set in 2015 all six were garish who closed out 2015 with a 12447 his Halo featured drop skip as seen in the segmented run and was actually a world record itself at a 10:41 iil time sub whistle would beat it by 1 second a few days later and again a couple weeks later with a 1038 which was still the record at the end of 2015 he lost a bit of time on Truth and Reconciliation but with an 1115 on a level that was over 16 minutes for years great stuff especially considering at this point there still wasn't really anything new for TNR it was the same level just done a lot better the next four levels SC a TCR Guilty Spark and the library all went poorly culminating in garish being over 26 seconds behind his previous best run but the level that he had titled the killer of earns ended up being a savior and he saved over a minute with a new goal to get him to minus 40 if that wasn't good enough then he followed it up with another gold on keys and a really great mod to bring him to 12447 of the five levels that garish didn't have the legendary world record on at the end of 2015 Halo as previously mentioned was sub whistles with a 1038 assault in the control rooms record was held by a new Runner named cold grunner who had a 528 the library was held by skirty with an 1159 Keys was also skir with a 221 and the ma record was 725 by Dark Raider 2014 and 2015 were the biggest two years for Halo C records ever in terms of quantity which makes sense it was a game that not a lot of people were running for a really long time and there was tons of room for improvement on every level on both easy and legendary going forward there aren't going to be as many records discussed but that doesn't mean the Run stop developing we still have another 21 1/2 minutes to cut out a full game before we get to the current world record in 2016 there were 24 legendary solo records set between individual levels in full game 18 of these 24 were set by garish Goblin outside of Records in 2016 there was one of the coolest finds in C speedrunning history on assault in the control room for years the trick was Bridge fall however when playing on legendary there was always a pesky Banshee that would chase you during Bridge fall fall unlike later Halo games Halo C didn't have vehicle hijacking so if the Banshee wanted to come run you over there was nothing you could do about it but in April of 2016 a player named santry discovered that you could actually get the Banshee pilot ejected and then fly it yourself santry refined this further a few days later and invented a Banshee grab method called Rim grab cold grunner pulled it off in a run on April 15th 2016 and set a new world record at 450 this was the first single segment run that used Banshee grab in any form a couple months later another Runner named Rock slider developed a new highly consistent method of doing Banshee grab it involves standing in a spot crouching at the right time walking into the doorway you came out of and watching the elite get ejected from his banshee if you watch Modern C speedruns then you'll know that this is still the method we use for Banshee grab today Banshee grab is only possible on heroic and legendary because the Banshee doesn't spawn on easy or normal so easy run still use the Bridge fall and this is one way that legendary actually saves time against easy sub whistle came up with the new Strat that was used by a runner named savasa in a silent cartographer world record after doing stick stack there was still one more level you had to walk up a new grenade jump called triple nade was discovered that would let you go straight to where you originally fell off of after the warthog fling this jump can only be done on legendary because you actually have less Health on Lower difficulties and even with full overshields and health you'll blow yourself up Savas sua's new record that used this trick was a 320 of the other new records at the end of the year Halo is brought down to 1024 by garish Truth and Reconciliation to 853 sub 9 minutes by Gish aotr to 442 by Cold grunner 343 Guilty Spark to 527 by Soul library to 11113 by Dark Raider and two betrayals to 1213 by Gish the most impressive and important thing was what Gish was doing in full game full game still wasn't doing stick stack on S or the flood bump on keys and outside of drop skip on Halo and Banshee grab on alcr the route really hadn't changed that much since the end of 2014 and still on December 23rd 2016 garish Goblin set a new full game record of 11940 he broke the 80-minute barrier and we are not even close to being done with finding new tricks by the end of 2016 the full game record which we had seen in 2014 Change hands quite a bit still had not been set by anyone other than garish since he got the record in 2015 Gish was dominating Halo C in 3 years after Go's gdq run Gish was invited to run C legendary at the summer 2017 gdq event and again in terms of Tricks the Run wasn't that much further ahead of where it was during go ropes run the main additions were flood bumping on Library Banshee grab and now Gish was also doing stick stack in the triple Nate jump on silent cartographer there was also a new trick at the broken door on two betrayals developed by a runner named grpr to fly your Banshee through instead of having to get a ghost but most of the time gar was cutting and where he was light years ahead of old runs was in combat Gish was really really good at C's combat and when he finished his gdq run with the time of 12451 nearly 27 minutes faster than goat's gdq run that's where he saved the most time there weren't 27 New minutes of Tricks he was doing on December 31st of 2017 gar set a new world record of 11445 this included a brand new trick on 343 Guilty Spark which to this point had been unchanged for years called reveal skip after entering the structure in the swamp in the first room after the elevator you were able to use light with weird geometry on one of the walls to get out of bounds and into a room you aren't supposed to be able to access until after the flood [Music] reveal by doing this you're able to get to the second elevator a few minutes early in spoiler alert shortly into 2018 a much better setup for this was developed on the other side of the wall that's both easier and faster and it's the method we use in runs today on a much smaller note in late 2017 garish stopped using the strout and Halo to drive into the rocks to pick up Marines and instead went back to the old Strat of sniping them gish's run also included the keys flood bump rather than the shield bump which had been made full game viable by a runner named Soo who found a consistent way to get a revor to spawn by using precise inputs from the first frame of the level to its spawn also in 2017 this didn't make its way into any runs but it was found by savasa that you could use The Wraith in the belly of the Truth and Reconciliation to get pushed out of bounds by walking into it destroying it clipping into it and getting launched Up Normally after entering the Covenant Ship you do a wave fight which on legendary had 10 waves in August of 2017 grpro uploaded a video showing himself slowly platforming all the way from the initial out of bounds bump past the belly area and past the RNG room this had the potential to turn into a big time save but the issue was that actually clipping Into The Wraith and getting bumped out of bounds was not consistent at all it needed more development and didn't get anywhere Beyond this in 2017 but was being worked on by gpro savasa joshington and another Runner named nebre so 2017 wasn't that big of a year for New Tricks but in 2018 the pendulum started swinging the other direction with the joining of a new member and discovery of some of the craziest tricks in C speedrunning 2018 started off normal enough sub whistle got the first ever sub four-minute pillar of autumn with the 359 time was shaved off of with a couple other levels and the leaderboards were still mostly being dominated by garish Goblin the first curveball came in July of 2018 a few years earlier santry who also found the first Banshee grab method found a way to fly a Banshee outside of the map on tuba Trails most importantly on solo this had been known about in Co-op and skirty has an even older video showing it on Co-op it wasn't really practical though because like all out of bounds tricks you can't see any part of the level outside of where you've already been so the screen is just empty on the MCC side of things because you can get Vision by switching to anniversary Graphics nebre was working on making a viable route for Bo bu Banshee out a level but it was really difficult and not faster than the classic speedrun however part of the method for bull that sleep and tree found involved flying a different Banshee into the ceiling to get yourself out of bounds on top of the map savasa took this part of the trick and applied it on aotr typically after flying up to the bridges you'd walk through the rooms until the Natural Ice bridge where you'd fly to the control room instead sasuka flew their Banshee into the room to The Far Side flew up into the ceiling went out of bounds and came back inbounds on the next room before the ice Bridge skipping walking through a long hallway on July 9th 2018 sabasa set a new easy record using this trick with a 518 at some point joshington was attempting this trick with an invincibility Chief turned on after messing up and getting stuck under the Banshee Josh tried to wiggle his way out but was teleported to the room he was supposed to go to and thus Banshee teleports were found this was turned into an actual trick and on July 17th garish set a new aotr legendary world record of 430 that used a Banshee teleport but it wasn't over yet in October of 2018 11 new assaults on the control room records were set eight on legendary and three on easy a runner named burnt found a new consistent teleport method from a slly different spot with slightly different melees that would send you slightly further but burnt wasn't done yet when you get to the pyramid at the end of the level there's a series of doors you have to open and go through but the issue is that they take a while to open a week after his first Banshee teleport setup burn found a new setup to skip the first three doors of the control room and take you to the last room saving even more time over the next few days burn and grpro worked on a new way of doing the first Banshee teleport that would go even F farther what they worked out was a new setup right next to the door you enter rather than flying to the far side of the room you'd stand under the Banshee melee it in a couple precise spots walk back towards W it from the left and wind up just inside the door before the ice Bridge there was also a new setup for the second teleport from farther away that gets the player closer to the door switch but what else was found in 2018 there was a new reveal skip method we already mentioned the sck stack lineup on silent cartographer was changed to be what it is now skirty cut his keys Time by a couple more seconds with a new flood bump actually hang on let's go back to silent cartographer for a second in full game runs you would do stick stack followed by triple n to get back where you first fell off from but on December 7th 2018 savasa uploaded a video showing a new grenade jump called shafted stack and later that same day uploaded an easy record at 259 the first sub three minute run they used it what is shafted stack well it's stick stack except you go all the way to the top of the shaft simple enough the legendary record for silent cartographer changed hands a couple times going from cord AIS to a new Runner named Kronos to Gish Goblin Gish though used a different trick called hog stack Gish did his warthog fling a particular way to get his warthog in a specific spot on his grenade stack he gets extra height to where he goes next to the window where he did the fling from which he can enter the passenger seat of the warthog through the glass and then run upstairs gish's record was the first sub3 minute legendary silent cartographer at 259 as well during 2018 joshington found a new method for the rith bump and grpro worked more on the platforming in July savasa pulled off the first TNR to use any form of belly skip an easy run in 611 it doesn't go as far as GPR demoed sabasa drops in bounds before the RNG room but this was still a big step forward on the easy side of things garish was the new full game record holder and on August 20th 2018 he got the first sub 110 run with a 10915 and with his legendary time being 11245 the potential was there to get it below sub 110 as well both of these runs were also using the full belly skip with platforming all the way past the RNG room so just a month after savasa did a shorter version in an ilil Gish had adopted the trick and the whole path into full game The Run was starting to take shape and wasn't that far off from where it is now and 2019 saw it get even closer I mentioned with the Banshee teleports a runner named burnt Banshee teleports weren't the only thing burnt was working on whether it was another carrier bump on Library another wace teleport on TNR The Hanger a Teleport on The Mod to skip the cafe entirely or teleport to skip a door on the library that on legendaries closed for 90 seconds burnt was going nuts when I first started speedrunning Halo I was told that if there's a Teleport it was probably found by Burnt speaking of skipping the 92nd door on Library the Strat here was to do a flood bump but like all flood bumps outside a first door it wasn't perfectly consistent and you could get screwed by bad luck a new method of skipping the store developed by Burnt joshington and GPR called light bump involved getting pushed on top of the map by the set of doors on the far side of the room doing a bit of platforming looking at a precise spot and then getting teleported to the next hallway with no enemies this made its way into full game in 2019 showing up in gish's runs another Library trick carrier bump is seen in the 2015 segmented run made its way into a 11045 legendary record by Gish this trick again has a 1 in seven chance of working but Gish got its second try however due to the low chance of it actually working Gish didn't keep on doing this trick and this record run is the only one of his records to use it but these two tricks me the library which had been neglected for years at this point had room for a new record Kronos pulled off the first sub1 library with a 10 56 this run was on legendary it included light bump as well as carrier bump for the first time in a library iil record Another Runner named maxl would top this with a 1037 and later at 1036 maxu also beat gish's easy full game record with a 10830 and later beat that time with a 10823 and 108 even to close out 2019 the ma had been dominated by MCC players due to their advantage with out of bounds platforming but using his new ma teleport burn was able to get the legendary I record for ma with a 701 and for years on TNR the grenade jump in the hanger had been the triple Nate of the second floor and two other jumps to get to the third floor in June of 2019 the idea of fighting a consistent grenade jump to get you straight from the bottom floor to the top was brought up again by Cronos referencing an I run by con that had done it in the past a couple months later in October burnt found a consistent setup and the jump we do now called quad stack was born sub whistle and krono started attempting it in full game easy runs but the first time it was successfully pulled off in a record run was January 29th 2020 by garish in a 11014 15 seconds off of sub 110 for legendary this run also featured Burn's Mack Cafe skip teleport on the same day as gish's won 1014 a new world record was submitted for two betrayals on legendary a 1049 by a runner named soris 5 Seconds faster than the previous record which had been set by burn at the end of 2019 what was unique about soro's run was that he actually did Bull and manage to do it fast so you may be wondering why bull is so difficult you get a Banshee out of bounds you can just fly to the end right unfortunately no it was known for years to De load all the enemies across the entire map using the method with opening the door at the start however the Skips a trigger and the way two betrayals works is you have to H every trigger in order or else the level in trigger will not work that's why Runners who use the D Lo have to fly back up and hit the button again so while flying out of bounds there's a series of triggers you have to fly through again in order these triggers are expecting you to be walking so depending on when you enter them you can actually go through too fast and miss one without knowing it and because you have to hit them in order if you miss one none of the rest will work after that so you have to backtrack without even knowing knowing which one you missed and your Run's dead on top of this the trigger that the level in trigger is relying upon is What's called the five flood trigger in this area where you're supposed to be on foot five flood have to die in order for you to progress this means the level has to be loaded you can't simply fly through the trigger like the rest so on top of hitting the earlier triggers out of bounds afterwards you have to load these areas while keeping your Banshee out of the level Sor is run had him hit all the triggers until you get outside and you're supposed to grab a ghost then he turns around and loads the first and second section of the level before coming back in Bounds at the bridges from here he's able to fly to the second pulse generator clear it and do the rest of Tu bet Trails like the classic run the route would continue to be developed though in sora's time was cut to 1010 by cord AIS and a couple months later to 950 by savasa by this point it had been learned that you can actually trigger the second phase pulse generator in the Banshee so instead of clearing it on foot they'd fly through it and then start loading in the map and coming back in bounds after speaking of sabasa they were a PC player but on March 3rd of 2020 Halo C anniversary was made available through the Master Chief collection on PC thism that the anniversary strats that had been Xbox only were now available to PC players and with this plus 2020 quarantines a new influx of PC players came in the ma world records were destroyed Burns cat face skip teleport was being used and with anniversary Graphics Runners could also do the platforming that previously only Xbox players could do a runner named scale started running mod easy and legendary holding both World Records until another Runner named sloth SG took the legendary record himself his first CE world record sloth and scales went back and forth on Ma legendary but 2020 ended with Sloth holding the legendary record with a 643 the easy record was held by scales with the 631 in August of 201 a runner named camid took his first C world record with an 852 on two betrayals legendary then a couple weeks later he beat it again and again and again by the end of 2020 camet had taken the legendary time all the way down to 717 and 712 on easy the new bull route was faster and went further with camet not coming back in bounds until after the broken door meaning the broken door skip with flying the Banshee through it wasn't necessary anymore Halo MCC also made belly skip easier with anniversary Graphics because instead of having to face the belly room and do everything backwards anniversary Graphics allowed you to see where you were going burn also broke new ground on assault in the control room the firework Strat to get an early Banshee after doing Bridge fall fall shown in the 2015 segmented run had never been done in an iil until burnt did it on a new easy world record of 431 2020 also saw a new Runner named wood carpet knock the library legendary record to 1014 and the easy record to 1016 on January 30th of 2020 on his last record on Halo PC garish Goblin cracked the 110 Mark with a 10955 but with the MCC switch just a couple months away it wouldn't be too long before that time would get beaten as a side note Halo C on easy starts with a tutorial and as other time losses here and there the biggest of which is not being able to do Banshee grab on aotr it had been speculated for years that maybe someday legendary would be faster than easy through 2020 now on MCC Gish cut his full game time more and more on July 14th Gish got a legendary time of 10728 the easy record at the time was 10752 by Kronos the threshold had been beaten and legendary was now faster than easy and Gish kept cutting his time even further culminating in a 10615 this run would later be reacted to by former bungee developers who worked on Halo in a video uploaded by IGN which is one of my favorite YouTube videos ever Marty he's killing the Marines in early 2021 burn and scale started working on an out- of- bounds route to skip part of the pillar of autumn in this hallway after clearing it instead of moving on you do a shield bump like the old key Shield bump and go into the ceiling from which you can platform and hop back and bounce in front of the maintenance door this trick is called stair skip it was made even cooler a couple days later after burn showed off a new out- of- bounds teleport that needs less platforming to get to and takes you to the end of the maintenance tunnel and prevents any enemies from spawning outside of it the issue was that this trick seemed really hard and like it was going to need a lot of work before it was anything other than maybe a segmented trick and certainly wasn't going to be in full game anytime soon then a few days later Kronos set a new pillar of autom record using the stair skip teleport between easy and legendary 22 new pillar of bottom records were set in 2021 and stair skip was adopted into full game on September 28th 2021 6 and 1/2 years after his first legendary full game record gar set his last legendary full game record which used stair Skip and came in at of time of 10541 at this point though after years of being the Halo C legendary Runner garish was pretty tapped out of Halo speedr running and started to get tired of grinding for better times as explained in a YouTube video he'd uploaded a couple months earlier there was still room for improvement on Ce but the Run was optimized enough that without discovering any new tricks it would take a lot of work to get there and garish wasn't really interested in doing it anymore someone else would have to step up and people were outside a legendary full game the mock kept going back and forth between sloth and scales until a new Runner named nervy Destroyer swept easy and legendary getting their time down to 622 and 632 respectively camid started running easy full game and managed to get easy faster than legendary again bringing easy down to 10504 2021 also included the latest edition of Halo C done segmented this time primarily by burn and campit the time for segmented was 4607 and unlike the past ones I can't even explain what things are done in it I'll link it in the description if you're interested cuz you'll have to see it for yourself it's just complete Madness on March 1st of 2022 camid completed Halo C on legendary in 10521 for the first time in nearly 7 years years the full game legendary record was held by someone other than garish Goblin and if that wasn't enough 3 Days Later Camin set another record with the 10506 a lot more work would be done on legendary ILS in 2022 with pillar of bottom being dropped to a 322 by Camin sloth took Halo under 10 minutes with a 957 Truth and Reconciliation to 609 by Camin silent cartographer to 253 by camid assault in the control room to 329 by nerby Destroyer with a new bans out a level Strat and library to sub 10 on both legendary and easy with a 945 and 955 both by wood carpet two was taken to sub seven by nervy destroyer camid and a runner named helpless ending the year at 654 on Easy by Nery and 659 on legendary by camid in full game nervy Destroyer Rose as a new easy record holder not only beating ced's previous record and making it to 104 but cutting it all the way down to 103 with a 10351 on June 27th camed cracked the 104 barrier on legendary with a 10453 this run included a first try carrier bump if that wasn't enough later on June 27th camid set the world record again this time with a 10425 run that did not even attempt carrier bump that meant camid potentially had 40 seconds of time save still just on Carrier bump and on February 6 2023 camed pulled off a run with first try carrier bump first try Dark Door and first try at last door even with an unfortunate death on two betrayals where he killed himself this run was insane and came in at 10349 making legendary once again faster than easy with Cid's Library getting first try on all bumps which are luck based this meant to be Cid's time you not only had to play amazingly you also had to get lucky on Library no one was beating Cid's time without a lot of attempt on the easy side of things nervy Destroyer had taken a break for a little while but came back to try and cut his easy time even lower during one of his D us streams only a few days after coming back nerby had the Run of his life on June 22nd 2023 he brought easy down to 10330 once again faster than legendary and make no mistake the difficulty is called easy but nery's time is ridiculous if you watch nervy play he's crazy good at the game and this run shows off an insane amount of skill and dedication nervy 10330 is still the easy record today meanwhile camid was protesting the Master Chief ction due to a bug that had persisted for months without being fixed and wasn't looking to break his legendary record anytime soon unless someone else who was really good at the game was willing to step up and try to be Cid's time it wasn't going anywhere but there was someone and that person was sloth SG sloth's personal best at the start of 2023 was 10452 starting in April sloth started working to catch up to Cid's time he cut down to 10419 then 10407 then one of the runs of all time happened we need to get aard now all right there goes record right now we are almost tied with record we're 3 seconds off record dude he was 3 seconds off of Cid's time worth noting this run had a third try carrier bump there was still plenty more time for sloth to cut and 12 days later he did cut it we need to get aard now oh mying God one second uh 1 second behind camid this run should have beaten camid but after the first bump out of bounds on M sloth fell back in on accident and had to do Cafe bump so again there was still plenty of time for sloth to cut on August 3rd sloth started a new run that was going okay until TNR at one point Mr Monopoly asked sloth in the chat is this actually world record as a meme to which sloth replied this actually no this is really [ __ ] slow but sloth stayed fairly close to world record Pace on his way to library he got a first try carrier bump he got a first try Dark Door he lost a bit of time on light bump and had a fast last door sloth matched ced's library and was now ahead of world record Pace but with all the miraculous way sloth had come up just short previously surely something else would go wrong this run it's false no way not this time pure fiction we hit barrels we hit barrels sub 10330 sloth did lose a bit of time on the last three levels but it didn't matter just like that with the 10329 sloth was the world record holder and C legendary went to its second new Runner after gish's domination this also meant legendary was once again faster than easy sloth run was incredible I mentioned the garish run that the Halo devs reacted to and were blown away by earlier this was almost 3 minutes faster than that and outside of stair Skip and carrier bump there weren't any other tricks that weren't done in that garish run as great as Gish was at combat and consistently pulling off tricks sloth and camit are that much better sloth run still wasn't perfect though he wasn't lying to Monopoly when he said it was really slow early on compared to what sloth and cat are capable of getting it was a fast TNR split for them is below 21 minutes in the 2050 range sloth exit a TNR with a 2129 meaning there was a lot of of time to save in the early game this would still require a great library with a lot of luck but with MCC receiving a new update at the end of July and sloth beating his time camid got back on the grind on August 20th Camin started a new run that began well he left Halo with the sub4 split which meant a sub 21 TNR split was possible and with a TNR that had virtually no mistakes he did it after not choking the next three levels he was on the library whether or not this could record was going to come down to the flood bumps he got a first try carrier bump he got a first try Dark Door he had a fast light bump but a slow last door that didn't matter though because camed was 4 3 1 seconds screen out of library now he just needed to finish the run without any major [Music] screw-ups he lost a bit of time on keys on the mall but it didn't matter camid finished with a 10311 which 3 months later at the time of me uploading this is still the world record in a really incredible run it still isn't unbeatable with current strats however to get to 102 it would more than likely take a really risky to bet trayal Strat called No Delo this is where instead of Del loading the enemies at the start and flying up to hit the button again you'd spawn the enemies from the beginning and fight your way down without stopping sloth is once again trying to be Cid's time and he has had splits as fast Asus 50 out of TNR however the other part of the equation is still Library luck and it hasn't gone his way yet but sloth is once again right behind camit I've been talking about sloth and camid but they aren't the only great SE Runners at the moment garish still streams on his twitch about once a week but since he stopped his serious grind his time has been beaten by a few people the number one and two on the legendary leaderboard are camid and sloth third place is helpless with a 10515 and fourth place is nervy Destroyer with a 1056 Gish is at fifth place with a 10533 another Runner Zoo who's a world record holder for classic Halo 2 legendary and former world record holder for Halo 2 MCC and Halo 3 legendary has started playing C and his best time is currently 10712 so if he keeps going he's probably going to pass Gish as well but it's important to note that times are cool and those who get them deserve the credit for being awesome but getting these times isn't a onep person thing the strats and tricks used were developed over years by many people both people finding them to begin with and then Runners actually using them and finding the fastest ways to implement them into runs without New Tricks sub 1 hour probably isn't possible on either difficulty but there's still new tricks being discovered and you never know when something unexpected will happen you could be like joshington messing around with a different trick messing it up and uncovering Banshee teleports if you're interested in learning how to do Halo speedruns yourself CE or otherwise check out Halo and join the Discord there's Runners who would love to help you in tutorials for everything you might want to learn and if you enjoyed this video then click the video on screen to watch me do a deep dive on Cody Miller's awful gdq run I'll catch you next time
Channel: Frogarchist
Views: 187,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo speedrun, halo ce speedrun, halo speedrunning, halo ce speedrunning, halo 1 speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 30sec (3750 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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