The Complete Evolution of Phoenix

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[Music] it's the archduke son [Music] felix [Music] over the years final fantasy has featured a significant number of summons some of them like leviathan ifrit and shiva have been used in prominent fashion over the past three decades often serving as the de facto summon representation of a specific element as well as being integrated into the story on the odd occasion alongside these venerable figures plenty of other summons have featured many of which have had elemental affinities to help make them more distinct they have either featured rather unique designs or have been given additional utility and phoenix one such example of this soars above the rest phoenix has often appeared as a second fire elemental summon supporting ifrit and it has become legendary due to its ability to allow fallen comrades to rise from the ashes but the phoenix we know and love has seen a lot of deviation over the years and throughout this video we're going to take you on a very expansive journey where we'll explore how every single appearance of phoenix has tied together to create one of the most memorable and enduring summons tales of the phoenix have permeated throughout folklore for millennia with it having a strong association to greek mythology it was presented as an immortal bird with two wings that due to its association with the sun symbolized rising from the ashes and being born again and it's this description that even hints at an association with bennu an ancient egyptian deity that was also linked with the sun and rebirth as subsequent civilizations adapted these mythical beliefs the betrayal of the phoenix has remained fairly consistent but over time there were some notable additions such as a halo appearing above the phoenix to serve as a visual representation of its link to the sun phoenix has also become associated with strong vibrant colors outside of the expected red yellow and orange of the sun and in some instances was even likened to a peacock and the roman philosopher known as pliny the elder noted that phoenix had a crest of feathers on its head when the phoenix appeared within dungeons and dragons during dragon magazine issue number 47 the reference to these roots was made quite clear as it was described as a huge bird with feathers of every colour the human eye can detect but due to the nature of the medium some new traits were introduced such as a resistance to fire and the ability to wield strong fire magic as it was bathed in yellow flame the phoenix which was associated with resurrection was also susceptible to coal damage the phoenix was also said to guard very valuable treasure and when the legendary creature first appeared in the realm of final fantasy some of these traits were quite clear unlike many of the other quintessential summons that have featured throughout the years for its first appearance within the franchise phoenix did not appear as a formidable foe or powerful companion in fact within the final version of final fantasy 3 phoenix did not even appear at all as it was cut not too long before release but due to it being dummied out as opposed to flat out removed phoenix remained within the game's code from this as well as concept art that was produced by yoshitaka amino we saw how phoenix was intended to appear within the game and it was clear that although some traits were consistent with what had been established within the wider mythology and dungeons and dragons the initial vision for the immortal bird was also intended to be quite different the concept art positioned phoenix as a large bird that had a feathered tail and a crest of feathers on its head except they looked more like tassels as opposed to normal feathers phoenix was also intended to have four wings as opposed to the traditional two wings and the in-game representation was very similar with long tassel-like feathers on its tail and on its head as well as four wings unlike the concept art the in-game representation also featured colour and here we saw a mix of reds oranges and yellows working in with the traditional association with the sun from its attributes we could also see that phoenix was intended to wield fire and it would have a weakness to the cold and wind elements but unlike many of these sources of reference where phoenix was positioned as a venerable bird of considerable power in final fantasy 3 phoenix was intended to be just a normal enemy and it was a fairly weak one at that the dummy phoenix only had 330 hp and based on this as well as its level it felt similar to the chimera or sumerg another legendary bird that within its own mythology has been noted as sharing some traits with the mythological interpretation of the phoenix [Music] phoenix skipped final fantasy 4 not appearing as one of the increased number of eidolons available to rydia but it did appear in final fantasy mystic quest again as a normal enemy mystic quest was developed as an experience that was meant to cater to north american audiences and it's perhaps why the localization team chose to rename the phoenix to something much more literal hot wings yep the immortal phoenix was renamed after a type of american cuisine something that was not repeated when mystic quest was released in japan much like in final fantasy 3 hot wings were a flying bird type enemy that was strong against fire elemental attacks and could also use fire elemental attacks they also retained the weakness to wind but perhaps because ice-based attacks were combined with the water element in mystic quest that particular trait fell by the wayside hot wings also introduced some new traits they had the ability to use a petrification attack called stone beak and perhaps as a subtle nod to its mythological roots hot wings could heal themselves unlike in final fantasy 3 hot wings reverted back to only having two wings and they retained the red orange and yellow color palette but in a rather comical move much like other enemies in the game there were two sprites and the second used when the enemy was in a weakened state showed a bald and rather angry bird it wasn't until final fantasy 5 that the phoenix appeared as a summonable entity and it could be obtained from the top of the phoenix tower after a rather emotional story sequence concluded unlike the two previous appearances of the phoenix what we saw perhaps due to its connection with the story was much closer to the bird of legend instead of being just flame coloured phoenix now burned bright as a two-winged flaming bird that sawed across the sky when summoned and alongside this rather majestic appearance we got to see the introduction of a move that has now become legendary flames of rebirth acting as a direct nod to its mythological roots flames of rebirth could be used to deal moderate fire damage to all enemies but its main strength came with its utility as it could revive a single fallen ally back to full mp and full hp it made flames of rebirth a very powerful move and as such it was denoted as the game's ultimate summon requiring 99 mp to call forth much higher than the 66 required to call forth bahamut it represented a strong first real appearance for phoenix and such was its impact that this particular version reappeared many many years later in final fantasy record keeper as a soul break for not just lena who made sense from a thematic perspective but also lock from final fantasy 6. [Music] in final fantasy 6 phoenix could again be acquired at the end of a dungeon that bore its name except this time it was the phoenix cave as opposed to a tower the phoenix cave appeared in the world of ruin and it had a story connection with lok as after learning about a cave that contained legendary treasure he set out to find it and the party reunited with him in the final chamber after being acquired locke then attempted to use the power of the phoenix to revive rachel and this then related back to why locke is associated with phoenix in record keeper but for some reason the developers chose to connect him with the final fantasy v version of phoenix as opposed to the final fantasy vi version for this particular game phoenix had some slight deviations from the previous three games and this related to both appearance and gameplay utility when summoned phoenix would again be a flying bird and it would have two wings but its tail was now different it also featured the red orange and yellow colouring on its tail and wings and feathers that appeared on its head but its body was covered in brown feathers with some purple feathers appearing near its neck and tail from a gameplay perspective phoenix would use flames of rebirth but its utility was modified alongside dealing moderate fire damage flames of rebirth could now revive the entire party as opposed to just a single party member but because of how powerful this act was revived party members would no longer be granted full hp and mp instead they received no boost in mp and hp would only be restored to one quarter of a character's maximum nonetheless it still made flames of rebirth very useful and it could be argued that phoenix was again the ultimate summon as it had the highest mp cost this particular version of phoenix also appeared in record keeper but not only as an ally phoenix was one of the rank 5 fire elemental magicide bosses and in addition to some final fantasy 6 themed fire attacks it could use both flames of rebirth and savage flames of rebirth to heal itself and deal fire damage to the party when summoned it could also use ultra flames of rebirth which could break the damage cap and deal a considerable amount of fire damage as well as reviving koed party members and healing the party as well before we continue learning more about how phoenix has evolved i'd like to thank everyone who's watching for continuing to support the channel and giving us the opportunity to create these random videos about final fantasy and just have fun by experimenting with different types of content just having that freedom makes a huge difference and it's allowed us to explore with confidence the stories of various characters how themes and concepts have evolved over time and even how square came to be as a company if you would we'd like you to take a look down at your subscribe button to see if you're subscribed most people who watch our videos aren't subscribed and they might not even know they aren't so make sure you click that subscribe button if you don't want to miss upcoming videos such as a deeper look into the history of final fantasy 10 which we're producing to celebrate its 20th anniversary and part 2 of the complete history of square where we're building up to the release of the original final fantasy and now it's time to get back to the complete evolution of phoenix final fantasy 7 featured a reduced number of summons compared to final fantasy 6 but phoenix made the cut it was no longer found in a phoenix related dungeon but it could be obtained from fort condor assuming the party protected the huge materia and this was still kind of themed as even though it wasn't a phoenix the condor was still a huge bird and the material could be found inside the egg it was protecting that also contained a baby condor signifying a rebirth cycle phoenix could also be dug up from the bone village and this made the summon quite unique as outside of alexander it made phoenix the only other summon that could be acquired twice excluding the master summon materia from a visual perspective there was a clear iteration on what had been seen within final fantasy vi phoenix again had fire colored wings head feathers and a similar tail but now as opposed to a brown and purple body it was multi-coloured with a gradient this version of phoenix also had four wings with rainbow coloured feathers appearing on the second set a clear reference back to previous incarnations with the greeks and romans noting that phoenix would have strong vibrant coloured feathers and dungeons and dragons referencing the phoenix as having feathers of every colour the human eye could detect when summoned phoenix would use phoenix flame or flames of rebirth and it combined elements seen within the two previous games by reviving fallen allies and giving them full hp as well as dealing moderate fire damage but there was a new twist as due to the ability to pair materia phoenix could be paired with the final attack material allowing it to revive the entire party should they wipe phoenix still had a very high mp cost and it was tied in this regard with bahamut zero but it was no longer the highest a title that was instead claimed by knights of the round unlike ifrit which received a wholly different design for its appearance in crisis core phoenix was very faithful only receiving some embellishments due to the enhanced graphics and style this saw phoenix now have brown wings with flames coming out of the ends as well as flames replacing the feathers on its head when used it would grant zach the raised status and it would appear in the digital mind wave phoenix next appeared in erguise a beat-em-up created by dream factory that had a loose connection with final fantasy due to the sheer volume of final fantasy 7 characters that could be selected phoenix however did not appear within the main modes and instead appeared in quest mode where it served as the final boss on the surface its design looked a bit unorthodox but the phoenix did have four wings had flames covering its long tail and fire colours across the rest of its body and wings as well as rainbow specks too and in a nice ode upon defeating the phoenix it would drop a phoenix pinion which tied in nicely to the next appearance within final fantasy viii much like many of the previous numbered final fantasy games summons were a big part of the experience in final fantasy 8 now known as guardian forces they would each be connected with characters and were a crucial component of the junction system but while many traditional summons appeared within the standard roster of gs as well as some new ones phoenix was not one of them but it did still appear this time as a pseudo guardian force unlike each of the other guardian forces which could be summoned using the gf command ability to call forth the phoenix players would need to use a phoenix pinion during battle after this the phoenix would then have a 25 chance of appearing if the party wiped either through ko or petrification and nod back to the possible application scene within final fantasy vii and if it did appear it would use rebirth flame to deal moderate fire damage while reviving the party but now with only 1 8 of their maximum hp its visual style continued the gradual iteration with flame colored wings tail and torso and with rainbow features on full display its four wings were also much clearer but it now had multiple feathered tails final fantasy 9 continued the association with phoenix and the phoenix pinion as iko could learn the idlon by equipping that particular add-on and its visual style was very faithful to what had been seen within final fantasy 7 and 8. when called forth phoenix would use rebirth flame and much like previous games it would deal moderate fire damage while reviving fallen party members but the amount of hp restored was no longer fixed to a specific percentage as it was based on a formula that took into consideration a character's spirit and their maximum hp final fantasy 9 also introduced the ability to enhance the restorative aspect of phoenix's move as if aiko had the concentrate support ability the amount restored would be doubled and making reference to the two previous mainline iterations if ico was in the party there was a chance phoenix would be called forth to prevent a party wipe but unlike the previous games where the probability of this happening was fixed it was now influenced by the number of phoenix pinions held by the party [Music] phoenix next appeared within final fantasy unlimited the animated series made by gonzo and it had a pretty standard appearance with two wings and a flame coloured body but there was a rather interesting evolution as it represented the first appearance of an upgraded phoenix as alongside the normal version we bought witness to gigger phoenix [Music] for its appearance in final fantasy xi phoenix was integrated into the narrative as one of the five terrestrial avatars it represented a significant change from all the previous appearances where phoenix was either an enemy boss or summon and to push this notion even further phoenix didn't even appear as phoenix at least not in the initial sense in times past phoenix's physical body had been destroyed and in the present timeline its soul resided within the great katana that was imbued with fire and was wielded by tenzen as the story progressed tenzin used the great katana to try and stop the spreading of emptiness but after being misled and then turning against the remaining terrestrial avatars the power of phoenix was used to save the world by reviving celtius and granting him enhanced powers later on within rhapsodies of vanadiel the spirit of phoenix inhabited iroha allowing her to be reborn and it was here that we saw a unique appearance as phoenix was red as opposed to being flame coloured following two rather distinctive appearances what we saw of phoenix in final fantasy tactics advance continued the trend by adding some interesting deviations phoenix appeared as one of the summons available to summoners and like in final fantasy 9 it could be learned as opposed to being given or called upon after using an item due to the nature of the experience there was no specific name for phoenix's move when summoned and like had been seen many times before when called phoenix could revive fallen allies but this time it was within a specific target area but where it deviated was that its move was no longer associated with fire instead it delivered holy damage and alongside reviving allies within the target area it would do the opposite of rebirth instant killing undead enemies within the same area the same implementation was then used in final fantasy tactics a2 but its range was now much greater and its ability to deal damage of any kind was removed the first time this had ever been the case even though it was also an evilly space property when phoenix appeared in final fantasy 12 it had nothing in common with what had been seen within tactics advance and instead of being a summon it harkened back to final fantasy 3 mystic quest and ergas by appearing as an enemy specifically an elite mark it didn't have any specific weaknesses to cold or win this time around but that was only because its elemental affinity changed as the battle progressed meaning it could absorb or be weak to a variety of elements from a visual perspective phoenix was solid orange with two wings and it had some rainbow colouring on its distinctive tail but in the wider sense its diminished role within final fantasy xii was now representative of how phoenix would be treated within many of the games that followed and its role within the final fantasy 4 ds remake epitomized this as even though its signature move was present phoenix did not appear as an idol on instead phoenix was now an augment due to this new designation even though the fundamental principles of phoenix were retained there were some differences when it came to execution phoenix was still used to revive fallen comrades this time to half their maximum hp but it could only be used when the augmented user themselves was defeated and when this happened not only would the user remain fallen with their comrades revived but all of their mp would be consumed phoenix next appeared within crystal defenders another property associated with evalues but its application was changed again when summoned phoenix would now enhance the attack power and range of all the allied units for the duration of the current wave making flames of rebirth now an offensive move as opposed to it having a basis around restoration within the city of final fantasy both the final fantasy 7 and crisis core versions of phoenix were referenced and the application of flames of rebirth was again modified to suit the new setting this time instead of being associated with rebirth phoenix was used to protect the summoner from harm by restoring their bravery points and making them immune to bravery breaks for a short period of time and when it returned in the sequel geodesum the two versions of phoenix had an identical application final fantasy xiii then featured phoenix in a similar fashion to what had been seen within final fantasy xi as it was integrated into the storyline except instead of being a terrestrial avatar phoenix was now a cocoon falci that was rather fittingly responsible for its climate and weather and by acting as basically an artificial sun it also controlled the day and night cycle a nice representational rebirth but what was quite surprising is that the concept artist chose to depict phoenix as a rather large insect as opposed to the immortal bird of legend it wasn't until the release of final fantasy dimensions that we would again see a proper appearance of phoenix and what was on display did not disappoint phoenix returned as a summonable being and it could be acquired after progressing through the anima grove and interacting with bennu a very interesting nod back to the phoenix's proposed roots with ancient egyptian mythology from this point on summoners could call forth the power of the phoenix and upon doing so they would bear witness to flames of rebirth a move that dealt moderate fire damage and revived all allies a combination that had not been seen in the franchise since final fantasy 9 a game that was released just over a decade before as another interesting throwback even though phoenix was only a level 4 summon it also had the highest cost of any summon in the game sitting well above bahamut a trait that had not been seen since final fantasy 6. its design also hearkened back to the 16-bit era as phoenix ditched the rainbow coloring and featured two wings multiple tails and flame coloring [Music] what was seen within dimensions served as a nice appetizer for what would come next as final fantasy 14 has featured phoenix in a significant manner phoenix appeared as the primal of rebirth and first manifested during the seventh umbral era luis suarez levier was transformed into a primal during the battle against bahamut and by using this newfound power he was able to stop muhammad but only temporarily as muhammad managed to gain control of luis war forcing him to serve as a minion and it was this act that led him becoming phoenix louisville was later encountered during the final coil of bahamut and this continued the trait of phoenix appearing as an enemy and what we saw represented a significant expansion on previous appearances of this nature in the initial sense phoenix was a giant two-winged bird that had multiple tails but alongside a solid red coloring which was something of a callback to the appearance of phoenix in final fantasy xi this time we also saw a new color blue during the fight itself phoenix would use a wide array of moves including blackfire and whitefire and it would also summon bennu an interesting choice as that particular association had only just been introduced to the franchise in dimensions the most interesting moves were revelation flames of unforgiveness and of course flames of rebirth revelation had a loose connection with final fantasy tactics advance it didn't have the association with holi but as well as dealing a considerable amount of damage it could apply a debuff that would allow the next revelation to be an instant death move at the start of the second phase phoenix would use brand of purgatory and this would again have the potential to be an instant death move if the brand was not dealt with before flames of unforgiveness was used phase three is when phoenix would come into its own not only would it become invulnerable it would repeatedly cast flames of rebirth the first time the ability had been used by phoenix that wasn't summoned to assist the party not only would this deal considerable fire damage to the party it would also revive fallen bennu and would get progressively stronger as the fight progressed after being defeated phoenix would not become a summonable entity at least in the traditional sense but it would later appear during the unending coil of bahamut showing up to revive the party and grant them the effect of phoenix blessing increasing their attack damage a rare trait that had only ever previously been seen within crystal defenders shadowbringers then saw another twist as for only the second time in the franchise we saw an upgraded version but instead of it being called gigafenix this time we saw demi phoenix this allowed summoners to be able to call upon phoenix to aid them in battle first through the use of the firebird trance and second as a companion to fight alongside them where would use some of the moves seen during the previous fight as well as everlasting flight a move that would allow the party to restore their hp as well as the hp of nearby party members phoenix next appeared in final fantasy explorers and from a visual perspective it was a rather fitting tribute complete with sparkles phoenix was a mixture of red orange and yellow had multiple tales complete with embellishments and it also had rainbow coloring at the base of its two mighty wings as had been the case many times before phoenix appeared as an enemy but this was perhaps the most traditional form of such an occurrence many times before when appearing as an enemy phoenix would be a shell of the legendary bird and would often be unassociated final fantasy xiv changed this in a positive way but it was still a more creative interpretation of the phoenix at least from a visual perspective this made explorers quite unique as it represented the first chance players had across the entire franchise to fight against what many would expect to be the quintessential visual representation of the legendary bird and to go one further it was also the first battle that they would get to wield phoenix as a direct consequence of defeating it in that battle when then used as a crystal surge flames of rebirth would deal massive fire damage also summoning fire droplets that rained down from the sky but it was also a bit regressive as the various buffs typically associated with the ability were now removed final fantasy dimensions 2 featured three iterations of phoenix in the initial version of the game phoenix could be obtained through the gacha mechanic and this led to the creation of two tiers of phoenix one that would teach fire abilities and one that would teach dragon soul abilities when dimensions two relaunched phoenix became an optional summon that could be obtained as a signet for rage but all three versions of phoenix featured the same design which was very reminiscent of the design first seen in final fantasy v and when summoned they would all use flames of rebirth a move that would deal fire damage and would revive all fallen party members phoenix also had three versions when it appeared in mobius but unlike dimensions 2 they were not all that similar to each other the first two instances related back to final fantasy 7 and 8 with the former available through general pulse in shop and the latter related to a specific final fantasy 8 limited time event each ditched the association with fire with final fantasy 7 phoenix associated with light and final fantasy 8 phoenix associated with life although it should be noted that perhaps due to this association it was also the only summon to have access to the flames of rebirth ability but this time the moose application was rather different than had ever been seen before as it restored health removed negative status effects and increased elemental resistances an original version of phoenix was also created for mobius and it could be obtained via general pools from the shop and this was the version that was associated with fire with its special ability being faraga perhaps because they wanted to save up flames of rebirth for the final fantasy 8 event that would be added a few years later much like in the original dimensions brave exvius chose to integrate phoenix into its story and in this regard its role within the world was crucial as it said that if the world should stagnate the phoenix would be responsible for burning it down and reviving it from the ashes it could be found within the cave of rebirth a nice nod back to final fantasy 6 where it could be found within the phoenix cave and much like had been seen within final fantasy explorers phoenix would need to be fought before it could be unlocked throughout the encounter phoenix would use varying degrees of fire magic including firaj and flame as well as a debuff called flammable wing that made the party more susceptible to fire red hot feathers that would boost a host of phoenix's stats and flame of reincarnation a move that when used could actually restore the boss back up to full hp but what was very pleasing to see was that phoenix had elemental weaknesses and this hearkened all the way back to that proposed original appearance back in final fantasy 3 as phoenix was weak to ice and wind and strong against fire after defeating phoenix and gaining access flames of rebirth could be used to deal fire damage and revive fallen allies but the amount of hp return was determined by phoenix's star rating with a three-star phoenix returning 90 percent it could also use some other abilities that poured from all over the franchise such as phoenix guard that would cast auto revive on the caster and undead killer a random throwback to tactics advance where phoenix had holy affinity and was effective against the undead while the final fantasy continued the trend of having phoenix appear as an enemy and after being caught it would become a very powerful mirage during the fight itself phoenix would use various fire abilities and it displayed enhanced resistance against fire as well as a weakness against water as opposed to ice after being acquired players would then have access to flames of rebirth which would inflict fire damage and revive all allies as well as a load of other abilities that would help to prevent ko such as sos regen and safety bit as well the final fantasy served as a tribute game it made sense that the design made reference to past iterations and in that regard the influence of final fantasy 7 through 9 was very clear with flame colouring to expansive wings and rainbow feathers protruding from its torso and what was also interesting about world of final fantasy was that in its dlc an enhanced version of the phoenix appeared called the iris opera omnia has featured numerous summons since its release but phoenix has not appeared as an ally to the party it instead appeared as a dangerous enemy as part of the borough of the phoenix event another nod back to phoenix residing in a cave on face value the phoenix would seem quite weak but it would lull players into a false sense of security due to flames of rebirth which was used when taking damage that would incapacitate it this would deal considerable brave damage raise a bunch of phoenix's stats much like in brave exvius and restore all of its hp it could make for a tough fight but throughout players would at least have some nice visuals as the phoenix's design was again very reminiscent of what was seen in final fantasy 7 with large wings rainbow feathers and multiple tales the most recent iteration of phoenix has arrived in war of divisions thanks to a new event that happened in january of this year in the japanese version before appearing in the global version in may it added phoenix as a possible summon that could be obtained through the gacha mechanic and outside of some awesome concept art that showed phoenix as a glorious fiery bird without the rainbow colouring we saw some interesting passive traits phoenix would boost fire elemental attacks on associated units as well as boosting defense providing water resistance and enhancing performance against ice-based enemies phoenix's vision card could also be used to boost maximum hp for fire units as well as granting additional magic resist and increasing dexterity and it made it a very powerful pull should you use characters like king mont and that brings us on to final fantasy 16 where for the first time in the history of the franchise it's believed that phoenix will play a central role if you look at all the other times that phoenix has received a proper integration into the story this also makes sense as it's only happened really in final fantasy 11 and 14 two games that fall under the watchful eye of you guessed it creative business division 3 the team responsible for working on final fantasy 16. someone within the team clearly has a strong affinity with the summon and from what we've seen so far it looks to be a very strong interpretation and hopefully as we learn more we'll start to see the games outside of final fantasy 11 and 14 that have served as the inspiration for this new version of the phoenix but with that brief look at phoenix in final fantasy 16 we hope you've enjoyed this retrospective view of how phoenix has appeared and subsequently evolved throughout the history of the final fantasy franchise we've continued our approach of looking at the evolution from a chronological perspective and we've dive into pretty much every single appearance of the summon no matter how big or small we hope you've enjoyed looking at phoenix in this way but it would be great to hear what you thought and if you enjoyed it we'd also love to hear what someone you'd like us to tackle next so be sure to let us know in the comments below make sure you also subscribe to the channel as well as outside of publishing more evolutionary topics we are hoping to deliver the second part of our documentary where we are looking at the complete history of square all right guys with that this is daryl signing out i'd like to extend a big thank you to all of our patreon and youtube membership supporters especially reigning eckham logan ninja benjamin stone gregory who are super special unused supporters and of course a big thank you to everyone for watching this video i'll see you all again soon for more final fantasy [Music] goodness bye
Channel: Final Fantasy Union
Views: 112,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, phoenix, final fantasy phoenix, phoenix final fantasy, phoenix final fantasy v, phoenix final fantasy 6, phoenix final fantasy 7, phoenix crisis core, phoenix final fantasy 14, phoenix final fantasy xiv, phoenix final fantasy 16, phoenix final fantasy xvi, phoenix final fantasy 12, evolution of phoenix, final fantasy evolutions
Id: oMFXUsEJa0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 27sec (2067 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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