The Complete Evolution of Gilgamesh

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Final Fantasy has evolved as a franchise in numerous ways over the past 31 years but while many of the concepts that have been fundamental to this evolution were established in the original game there are of course other elements which originated once the franchise had already become established some of these didn't stand the test of time but others have since become part of the proverbial furniture and one such example of this was introduced in Final Fantasy 5 we spoke in our last evolutions video about boss fights with the four fiends being a specific area of focus this was a concept that was first introduced with the original Final Fantasy and it acted as a pretty straightforward tribute to Japanese history and culture following its introduction the concept was present in some shape or form for the next three iterations that followed with Final Fantasy four Pank direct homage to the original four fiends but by the time Final Fantasy five rolled around the concept took a much more interesting twist as the approach we'd previously seen was replaced by a new take on the concept that instead focused on a single antagonist that you'd square off against four times throughout the course of the game at least in a competitive sense this antagonist was called Gilgamesh a character inspired by not only the Mesopotamian king of the same name who served as the protagonist in a poem called the Epic of Gilgamesh but also Benkei a famed warrior monk who lived during the Heian period and ended up serving under yoshitsune minamoto whose clan are also referred to as the Genji in the context of the Final Fantasy franchise the character they created ended up becoming something rather special and his influence on the franchise were gone to become rather pronounced to the point that even if you haven't ever played Final Fantasy 5 you will no doubt be familiar with the existence of Gilgamesh what's interesting though is that there are many prominent parts to what we might as well call the Gilgamesh truth and that's what we thought it would be a rather apt study for our next evolutions video because since his first appearance in Final Fantasy 5 the concept will rather the character of Gilgamesh has evolved considerably which you'd kind of expects given the sheer volume of appearances he's had in both the main numbered games but also the numerous spin-offs that have been produced it does mean know that the structure of this video will be slightly different from the ones we've done previously as we won't always be looking at things chronologically so without further ado my name is Darrell and together with Lauren in our super granular style we're going to be analyzing the use of the Gilgamesh trope across the entire Final Fantasy franchise starting with where it all began in Final Fantasy 5 as was common with games that had preceded Final Fantasy 5 Gilgamesh acted as a general of the game's ultimate big bad exdeath but unlike many of the previous generals Gilgamesh had a much more prominent role and was encountered numerous times throughout the course of the game's narrative what's interesting is that almost all of these encounters were used to separately establish different elements that would become synonymous with Gilgamesh as a character and how he would then be portrayed in future iterations throughout the franchise in the first encounter for example Gilgamesh was seen to use a rather specific type of polearm called the naginata this was a popular weapon during the Heian period in Japanese history and was a weapon that Benkei a famed warrior monk was said to frequently use during duels the next encounter with Gilgamesh has since become one of the most famous in the history of the franchise it was of course the clash at the big bridge this acted as a standout moment in Final Fantasy 5 as not only did it feature awesome music but it also represented the first time that Gilgamesh would square off against bots and the other warriors of light and as with Gilgamesh is use of the naginata having their first encounter take place in this fashion was another way that the developers paid tribute to Benkei as his personal story was closely connected with you guessed it bridges according to historical records Benkei is said to have challenged samurai warriors to jewels on bridges but he also made his final stand on a bridge - as he died protecting his master your Shih Tzu named in a moto from the forces of Yoritomo Minamoto the third encounter with Gilgamesh took place on zur ship and this also featured some interesting morsels of information outside of it simply being a more developed encounter strategically one of the prominent parts of this was the appearance of Enkidu who in Final Fantasy five was visually represented as a winged demon merging mythologies this was a reference to the Mesopotamian Gilgamesh as his closest companion was called Enkidu and in the battens there's a ship after Enkidu is defeated Gilgamesh will choose to flee instead of continuing to fight without his ally this is also an allusion to the epic poem as after Enkidu is slain in the Epic of Gilgamesh Gilgamesh becomes beset with grief and gains a new fear of death another notable feature of this particular battle is the appearance of genji armor now this had appeared in games prior to final fantasy 5 but its method of acquisition was changed following the arrival of Gilgamesh as mentioned earlier Benkei was part of the Minamoto clan which can also be pronounced as Genji with gain representing Minamoto and G representing family during this fight you can for the first time steal Genji armor from Gilgamesh to build out this aspect of Gilgamesh his character Hironobu Sakaguchi stated that Gilgamesh actually obtained the armor by proving his worth in battle against other members of his village and that the armor had been passed down in this way for centuries this is also likely to have been a nod to samurai culture the armor was often passed down through generations due to its inherent value the fourth encounter with Gilgamesh took place at Castle exdeath assuming you chose to open the treasure chest and it's during this fight that we learned about the true form of Gilgamesh this also appears to have been influenced by Benkei in some fashion as according to historical records he was said to always carry seven weapons on his back a sword and axe a rake a sickle a hammer an iron star and then naginata in Gilgamesh's final form he is utilizing a two-handed sword and axe a flail a shuriken and the naginata all at the same time and to accommodate for this the developers chose to give him eight arms so that he would still have two hands during this particular fight we also see a glimpse of another trait Gilgamesh holds his lost for powerful weapons this was also kind of taken from Benkei who used to claim the weapons of samurai he had defeated in combat but it also has elements of the Mesopotamian Gilgamesh - as according to Samuel Cramer a Sumer ologist Gilgamesh became a symbol for man's vain but endless drive for fame glory and immortality within the context of final fantasy 5 this is evident as Gilgamesh opens the treasure chest before bards hoping to find a unique weapon that will give him the edge in their upcoming jewels unfortunately he ended up finding and using a weapon native to the world called Excalibur which of course is a play on Excalibur this turned out to be a terrible weapon and as a result of his poor performance in the subsequent jewel Gilgamesh was banished into the void by exdeath an action which all but made him immortal by accident an allusion to Gilgamesh his goals in the Epic of Gilgamesh the final two encounters then take place in the void and are more ceremonial than anything else but due to the amount of screen time Gilgamesh received and the rather obvious traits he possesses it's possible to construct a framework for the quintessential Gilgamesh appearance should contain when encountered Gilgamesh should be in a 2-fold quest one to find the strongest weapons in that world and two to look for challenging fights in the case of the latter if this challenging fight isn't with Bart's then Gilgamesh will accept duels against worthy opponents when these jewels take place they should do so on a bridge and it's likely that he will be supported at some point by his companion Enkidu in terms of his weapons while he should carry numerous and at least one of those weapons should be native to the world he's appearing in he should also have multiple arms in order to make use of these weapons and he should have an affinity with the Genji armor and Gilgamesh should almost certainly act like a bit of a buffoon before we get on to how all of this developed throughout the series though it is worth noting that Gilgamesh as he appeared in Final Fantasy five did also make a retroactive appearance in two other main series games Final Fantasy one dawn of souls and Final Fantasy four after years in the forum instance Gilgamesh appeared as a cameo alongside other Final Fantasy five bosses inside the life spring grotto and he picked up where he left off continuing his search for Excalibur but he yet again stumbled upon another version of Excalibur and was defeated when he tried to use it in the latter he appeared after being summoned by the creator and upon being defeated he called for Bart before dropping the Excalibur the next appearance of Gilgamesh actually came in Final Fantasy 8 as he wasn't present in the original version of Final Fantasy 6 and didn't appear in any version of Final Fantasy 7 it meant that when he did resurface the ogre mesh had been absent for seven years and in that time the franchise as a whole had undergone some significant changes almost every aspect of Final Fantasy was now amplified from the graphics due to gameplay mechanics and music and as you might expect this also meant that there were some notable changes around how Gilgamesh appeared in Final Fantasy 8 perhaps the most pronounced change though was that Gilgamesh no longer appeared as an antagonist his role was instead changed to that of a support character assuming the player had acquired Odin before squaring off against sefa in the lunatic pandora upon Odin's subsequent defeat his sword the zantetsuken was thrown into the air creating a rift in the space-time continuum this allowed Gilgamesh to escaped the interdimensional rift grab the sword and join the fray based on this and some of the lines of dialogue he has in the Japanese version where he says huh was it you but uh it's therefore implied that this Gilgamesh is the same Gilgamesh who appeared in Final Fantasy 5 but even still there are some clear differences for one Gilgamesh is no longer using his trusty naginata indeed he has actually abandoned all of its original weapons apart from the Excalibur in an immediate sense he chooses to use these an Tatsu can a weapon native to the world against sefa as he has just acquired it but upon subsequent appearances in the game he will also use the Excalibur Excalibur and Masamune it means the five weapons he previously used which were all unique have replaced by four swords each of which he used double handed as he did with the Excalibur in Final Fantasy five from this we can infer that he is still on a quest to find the strongest weapons as he has chosen to ditch those that previously failed him in the fight against Bart's in terms of his appearance although we do only see forearms we can assume that he does still have eight even though only three are represented on his right side via cutouts with arms painted on them but there's no mention of Enkidu and there's no mention of the Genji armor despite this Gilgamesh did technically duel sefa for the first time on a bridge it's just not a bridge in the traditional sense instead they squared off in the navigational helm of the lunatic pandora which in nautical terms is classified as the bridge it meant that chunks of the original Gilgamesh trope were there as there was a jewel that took place on a bridge Gilgamesh still had we can assume eight arms and based on how he appeared we can infer that he was still searching for the strongest weapons but other prominent parts were missing as there was no mention of Enka D or the Genji armor there were also some clear deviations from what we saw in Final Fantasy 5s Gilgamesh now appeared as a summon and now exclusively used swords now I didn't mention earlier that Gilgamesh hadn't appeared in Final Fantasy 6 but he was retroactive he added into the game following the release of Final Fantasy 6 advance which came out seven years later it meant that the role Gilgamesh played wasn't that significant in the grand scheme of things but even though the setting was different we got to see an advancement of the Gilgamesh trope in full force and I'm really sorry about that pun it was terrible wasn't it anyway Gilgamesh can be found at the Dragons neck Coliseum and he appears when he choose Tibet and Excalibur as taking it for a rare sword as has now become common with Gilgamesh he appears to try and claim it for himself but is ultimately defeated by the party for this particular appearance Gilgamesh has returned to using the naginata in his default form but he also has access to a wide range of weapons that just aren't visible during the battle he can throw various swords which include the light bringer Ragnarok the zantetsuken and the mat-su Nogami we can assume these were picked up on his travels in the realms of Final Fantasy one four and eight as the Lightbringer and Ragnarok both appeared exclusively in the dawn of sold remaster and were respectively some of the strongest weapons available in that game zantetsuken was of course obtained from Odin in Final Fantasy 8 and the matsuno calmly appeared in Final Fantasy 4 the after years as the strongest katana in the game during the fight you can also steal various pieces of the Genji armor and while the jewel doesn't take place in or on a bridge it does take place in the Coliseum which are synonymous with jewels so it kind of fits upon defeating Gilgamesh he offers himself up as a magicite which is in keeping with his role as a support character which was established in Final Fantasy 8 and it's during his role as a summon that we get to see Gilgamesh fleshed out even further as he through the four previous weapons away Gilgamesh will now use his remaining swords when summoned Excalibur Excalibur and the Masamune this then means that he was initially carrying at least eight weapons as we saw during his appearance in fauna fancy aid when he uses these swords they retain specific colors and is also random which one he uses when summoned but in addition to using the three swords Gilgamesh now has a potential fourth move whereby he will summon Enkidu from final fantasy 5 to deal damage that ignores defense it meant that in Final Fantasy 6 advanced Gilgamesh displayed pretty much every major element of the trope but it also built on previous appearances with new weapons on display and his reappearance as a summon the only gb/s parts came from fighting in a Coliseum instead of a bridge and not displaying all of his arms but while this representation was rather exemplary of what you'd expect from a Gilgamesh appearance in Final Fantasy 9 what we saw was rather different from anything that had come before acting as a tribute game to much of what had come before in the franchise Final Fantasy 9 reintroduced many classic elements from earlier iterations it was therefore no surprise that Gilgamesh also appeared within the game's swelling cast of characters but unlike previous appearances that were heavily inspired by Benkei the Gilgamesh that appeared in Final Fantasy 9 was a much more unique character often found in numerous places throughout Gaia Gilgamesh otherwise known as alleyway Jack the four armed man or brother Gill was a low-ranking treasure hunter he was often looking to gain fame and wealth by performing nefarious actions like stealing extorting people scamming them and good old-fashioned treasure hunting this was a clear allusion to the Mesopotamian Gilgamesh as for all its intents and purposes despite everything that Gilgamesh achieved in the epic poem he was also rather brutal and unsympathetic with his methods now unlike all of the previous iterations in Final Fantasy 9 we don't ever see Gilgamesh in combat as either an ally or an antagonist but we do know that he had four arms as opposed to the standard eight and that he carried three weapons with him two daggers and a sword we also know from a letter written by his brother Enkidu that can be found following a successful Excalibur to run in memoria that Gilgamesh was actively seeking Excalibur yet again and that he was somewhat successful Enkidu found the sword after following Gilgamesh's instructions but chose to leave it behind as he thought it had a lame name and instead chose to pick up the Excalibur and as a result of this the party can obtain Excalibur too instead it meant that although his appearance was rather unique compared to what had come before parts of the government robe were still represented Enkidu now appeared as his brother as opposed to his psychic but he was on a quest to find the strongest weapon in the land and he also had multiple arms albeit half of what we had previously seen but he didn't use a naginata he didn't fight and there was no relation between Gilgamesh and the Genji armor that appeared in the game and as we then moved on to final fantasy xi as Gilgamesh skipped fun of Han c10 entirely thing has continued in a similar vein except this time there was almost no connection with the Gilgamesh trope outside of the character having the same name this particular Gilgamesh was also a non playable character who was never seen in combat and similar to the Gilgamesh we saw in Final Fantasy 9 he was associated with piracy too as well he was the leader of the ten shadow pirating organization that was based in the village of Norg outside of that it's kind of a stretch to make any meaningful connection as outside of him potentially being a samurai and there having an assumed affinity with swords nothing else is present and when he appeared in the trading card game they even called him pirate Gilgamesh to try and avoid confusion but while final fantasy 9 and 11 attempted to add their own unique spin on what it meant to be Gilgamesh with Final Fantasy 12 the developers decided that it was time to try and return to the original representation of Gilgamesh from final fantasy 5 in the realm of evil ease Gilgamesh was known as a sword collector and a fearsome duelist but after stealing one too many swords and embarrassing a fellow duelist before then stealing their sword Montblanc ended up posting a priority petition asking for members of clans interior to bring Gilgamesh to justice to do so they had to head to the bar home passage where after attempting to cross one of the many bridges found inside they were confronted by Gilgamesh and his companion Enkidu and a duel ensued what's interesting here is that although there are some classic Gilgamesh elements present there are also some small deviations for example Enkidu was now a dog and Gilgamesh now only had six arms as opposed to the classic eight and what's unique about this outside of the obvious reduction is that Gilgamesh no longer has any open hands for the first time ever Gilgamesh now wielded a weapon in every hand and in keeping with the deviation we saw in Final Fantasy 8 each weapon Gilgamesh wields is also a sword they start off as a generic Kotetsu katana but as the fight progresses Gilgamesh will pull out replicas from prominent protagonists in the franchise as well as to fake versions of the Torn assault and a legitimate version of the war hero blade which we can assume he stole from the encounter that instigated their petition it means that as we saw in Final Fantasy 5 & 8 Gilgamesh used weapons that were native to the world he was appearing in you can also steal parts of the Genji armor from both Gilgamesh and Enkidu throughout the two jewels you will have as part of the petition it meant that pretty much every Gilgamesh trope was there including the ridiculous nature of his actions which were in full display after he's defeated the only exception was that he didn't use a naginata but I think we can forgive the developers for that small oversight Gilgamesh then reappeared in Final Fantasy 12 of revenant wings alongside Enkidu and there were some other illusions that cropped into after previously being defeated in the bar hand passage Gilgamesh continued his quest to find the strongest weapons and evil ease but he ended up searching so hard that he got lost in the gates of shattered time thinking that his encounter with varn and his allies must therefore be fate as he would get the chance to claim their weapons Gilgamesh decided to draw them on another bridge but he was defeated again upon doing so you are granted the d'haran doll which was the strongest one-handed sword in the original Final Fantasy 12 and Gilgamesh will also become a summon which acted as a reference to his appearances in both Final Fantasy 8 and 6 advance but even though Gilgamesh had a successful cameo appearance in Final Fantasy 12 it didn't end up appearing as a character at all in Final Fantasy 13 despite plans to do so in an earlier version of the game the development team had envisioned Gilgamesh as a hulking fal'cie who wielded giant swords but this idea was kin and Gilgamesh only appeared as a small reference as the name of a shop in the retail network called Gilgamesh incorporated he did however appear in Final Fantasy 13 - as downloadable content for the Coliseum and this appearance although rather limited from the perspective of story exposition did exhibit some of the more notable Gilgamesh traits that we've established including his rather quirky attitude which was perfectly attuned to playing off of snow as we saw in Final Fantasy 6 advanced the duel against Gilgamesh took place in a Coliseum and as we swore in Final Fantasy 12 Gilgamesh now only had six arms as opposed to the traditional eight in the first of the two fights Gilgamesh actively used a ranged weapon and though I'm not counting him throwing swords but him using the saikhan weaponry does tick the box of using weaponry that's native to the world in the second encounter he used replicas of famous weapons that appeared in Final Fantasy 6 9 10 and the city of Deraa decent where he'd apparently made a brief stop the two other weapons he used were another version of excalibur and a weapon called Batterson which he created while running Gilgamesh incorporated it's design was said to have been inspired by Enkidu in addition to all of this following the defeat of Gilgamesh there also a chance to receive some Gangi Alma and he also became a recruitable character akin to some of the other appearances we've previously seen this particular version of Gilgamesh then reappeared in mobius final fantasy to challenge and train wall and in brave xvs as part of the attack of Gilgamesh trial event in final fantasy xiv Gilgamesh appeared in the game not too long after it had been dragged from the brink by now Kishida and his team and as you'd expect from a game that has since become known for providing fitting tributes to some of the franchise's more famed characters and moments what we saw was classic Gilgamesh of the learning of an individual who had been swinging around stealing weapons of warriors that they had defeated in duels the player bore witness to a rather comical exchange between Gilgamesh and Hildebrand but before Gilgamesh could be captured for his crimes he retreated to the Griffon crossing a bridge in ishgard where he challenged the player to a duel this initial encounter with Gilgamesh revealed some of the classic traits that we'd look for as we learned that Gilgamesh was on a personal quest to try and find the strongest weapons in the land and as Benkei did he had been actively taking the weapons of those he had defeated while he didn't use the naginata at this point he did use a halberd that was nated to the world although true to form it was actually a replica of nail vandana PSA's weapon Enkidu was also somewhat present Gilgamesh claimed to have lost contact with his comrades so to try and fill the void so to speak he tamed a chicken painted it green and named it Enkidu when he appeared later in the quest line as he did in Final Fantasy five Gilgamesh morphed into his true form and revealed eight arms something we hadn't actually seen happen since Final Fantasy 5 in both the sets of the morph and him also having eight arms he was also joined by the real Enkidu who appeared as a winged demon but unlike Gilgamesh's original appearance where he only carried five weapons he now carried seven which is the exact number that Benkei carried as we had seen before Gilgamesh was also wielding weapons from games outside of Final Fantasy 14 with Final Fantasy 11 being a specific area of focus this time as two of the weapons on his right-hand side the riddle and the Horta Claire appeared in that specific game the weapons also quite heavily mirrored what we saw Gilgamesh use in Final Fantasy 5 as there's a mace a polearm an axe a meaty sword and in place of d3 shuriken there's a back knock the only thing that was missing was an association with the Genji equipment but the development team played he had other plans for that as its reward for completing the Delta scape version 4.0 savage raid instead and that's the fun thing about Gilgamesh different development teams had different ways of interpreting what this character means and this was particularly noticeable with gilgamesh's appearance in Final Fantasy 15 acting as the focal point for episode gladiolas Gilgamesh was a ruthless warrior who had been acting as the arbiter of talent for the Lucian bloodline since the days of the founder King somnus for over 2,000 years Gilgamesh had destroyed those who saw fit to challenge his might but were found wanting and this was the reason that gladiolus on the advice of kor sought out Gilgamesh as he wanted to know within himself that he was strong enough to protect noctus upon encountering Gilgamesh it was clear that some license had been taken with his visual style and personality but if he could look past that then the representation of Gilgamesh was almost textbook known to many around AOSS the blade master Gilgamesh wasn't on a personal quest to obtain the strongest weapon in the land but he did claim weapons of those he defeated as a prize which was a true representation of benkei's motivations because of this he did of course use weapons that were native to the world and one weapon in particular was called the Genji blade a weapon that he took when he defeated Kor this of course does show a connection with Genji equipment although in its form as a weapon as opposed to the traditional armor Enkidu was also present appearing as a wind demon and both the fight against Enkidu and the subsequent jewel which was the second fight against Gilgamesh took place on a bridge there's also a unique angle on the number of arms as instead of having more than two Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy 15 only has one arm as core cut off the other it meant that while on face value the Gilgamesh we saw in Final Fantasy 15 may not have seemed like a traditional representation of the character many of the hallmarks of the trait were still there and it's actually a very similar story with his representation in Fon Fantasy type-0 another game that was coincidentally directed by how to make Tabata perhaps because this saw Gilgamesh appear as a unique character and spin-off for the first time for his appearance in Final Fantasy type-0 not only did we see some unique twists on the classic trope we also saw some firsts including a change to his name as in type 0 Gilgamesh is known as Gilgamesh Asha this played in world with Gilgamesh's role within the narrative of Final Fantasy type-0 as he was a former king of lorica one of the four main nation states to help fulfill his duty of protecting his country he was made an immortal irsie by the black tortoise crystal and following this action Gilgamesh is close friend and advisor Enkidu was charged with keeping him attuned to his focus but when Enkidu was killed protecting him from a coup d'etat Gilgamesh drifted from his path and ended up leading his country to ruin as a result Gilgamesh ended up wandering around Orient's as a nomad challenging would-be heroes the jewels and once such jewel took place against Karl zero at the big bridge as ruben were engaging in a large-scale military conflict against the military empire during this particular fight Gilgamesh only had two arms and used a single sword but in the third Patriot the game assuming certain quests had been completed the true representation of Gilgamesh appeared complete with eight arms what's interesting about this fight is that if you defeated Gilgamesh he would grant the ultimate weapon to the character that defeated him but if he defeated you he would take the characters equipped weapon as a trophy this particular iteration of Gilgamesh then also appeared in Final Fantasy awakening where you could use him as a playable character and also appeared as a guest character separate to the more traditional Gilgamesh in both record-keeper and brave xvs Gilgamesh also had an appearance as a secret character in Dissidia duodecimo which is connected to the original Final Fantasy 5 Gilgamesh that had been recurring in many other games and this is noted by Gilgamesh in final fantasy 12 using weapon that he picked up in world be but almost every other representation of gilgamesh within the widest spinoffs has been more of a tribute as opposed to evolving the character in anyway they were just cameos for a character who had already been established elsewhere this includes teeth the acronym series pick logic ER and other earlier mobile titles like art Nick's Airborne Brigade and all the bravest but it also includes more recent titles like Final Fantasy explorers and world of Final Fantasy I would just like to say though that seeing Gilgamesh parlay with snow again in world of Final Fantasy was priceless it means though that when looking at Google mesh as a whole there has been quite a lot of evolution and deviation throughout his various appearances some of these have been iterations on the original character that did appear in Final Fantasy 5 while others have been much more unique interpretations but even with the more unique versions there has still always been at least one thing that managed to connect that particular Gilgamesh to all the others and I don't know about you guys but I find that absolutely fascinating it's why we thoroughly enjoy putting together these evolution videos as they help to shine a light on concepts that are core to the franchise that perhaps aren't always front and center in the way that you might think I mean he would have thought that there will be so many different elements that contribute to what it means to be gorga mesh or that they would have evolved in all the small little ways that they did what's perhaps the most interesting though is that unlike the previous evolution videos where when there was a unique variant greated that it would be iterated upon in the case of Gilgamesh these unique variations just didn't resonate with feature creators for whatever reason some elements did such as Gilgamesh only having six arms in Final Fantasy 12 and 13 - but it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if the Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy 9 appeared somewhere else - but that's enough random conjecture for now as we are at the end of this video be sure to let us know in the comments which has been your favorite interpretation of Gilgamesh and of course if you enjoyed this video please be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to our channel this video represented our third look into recurring motifs and tropes running throughout the Final Fantasy series and as you can probably tell by the length of these videos they really are a labor of love we are always on the lookout for interesting topics to study though so be sure to let us know in the comments if there are any specific ones that you would like us to take a look at if you value what we do why not also consider supporting us on patreon as we've mentioned before this video series actually started out as a suggestion from a patreon supporter and that's just one of the rewards we currently have on offer another is getting your name seen at the end of videos along so these guys you're seeing right now all right thank you so much for watching guys this is Darryl signing out I'll see you soon for more Final Fantasy videos [Music]
Channel: Final Fantasy Union
Views: 465,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gilgamesh, gilgamesh final fantasy, gilgamesh final fanasy 12, gilgamesh final fantasy 8, gilgamesh final fantasy 15, gilgamesh final fantasy xiii-2, gilgamesh final fantasy 13, gilgamesh final fantasy dissidia, gilgamesh final fantasy 14, gilgamesh dissidia, gilgamesh type-0, gilgamesh and enkidu, gilgamesh battle on the big bridge, gilgamesh documentary, gilgamesh explained, gilgamesh lore, gilgamesh morphing time, gilgamesh story
Id: ujJZX3D6arQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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