The Coffee Break! ☕️ | Peppa Pig Official Full Episodes

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today pepper and her family are going for a walk in the countryside what a lovely day perfect for walking here's a sign showing all the ways we can go so which way do we go you choose pepper um let's go that way that way leads up a big hill that is a big hill what top of the hill well as it's such a big hill there's probably something amazing at the top I want to see the something amazing are you sure you want to climb all the way to the top pepper yes let's let's go Pepper and George are climbing the big hill mummy and daddy pig are climbing the big hill phew my legs are tied already I knew it wouldn't be easy hooray I don't think this is the top look the hill carries on yes that wasn't top because it didn't have the something amazing do you really think there will be something amazing at the top daddy pig well there's got to be a cafe or something a cafe a brilliant that will keep me going [Music] it is hard work climbing the big hill I can't wait to get to the cafe um when I said there's got to be a cafe at the top I should have added this a chance there won't be a hello there it is Miss Rabbit's Cafe amazing what can I get you coffee for Daddy Pig and me and juices for Peppa and George of course [Music] thank you this is just what I needed yes it really was worth climbing to the top oh this is in the top what no you have to keep going up that way okay okay we've got this far so we have to keep going on wooden up wood the amazing thing at the top is amazing yes I hope so too good I think we're in the cloud look at the top it's getting flat I think this is it we made it hello wow I can see the whole world [Music] look there's the playground I can see the supermarket [Music] I told you it would be amazing at the top it is now all we have to do is climb down well going downhill is a lot easier than going up oh come on George Let's [Music] I think if I started rolling down Peppa I might not be able to stop Daddy Pig has tripped on a mushroom wait for us daddy pig [Music] rolling down was really fun can we climb up the hill and do it again of course but maybe we'll save that for another day yes the big hill will always be here oh everybody loves the big hill Emperor and George are watching super potato winner trip to Hollywood does star in my new film vegetables in space just find the golden ticket to win the trip of a lifetime to America me well there's only one ticket in the whole world so we'd have to be very lucky to find it oh what's this in the potato it's the golden ticket yes it means we're going to America pepper and her family are flying to America Miss Rabbit is the pilot captain speaking will soon be arriving in America I think does anyone know where it is I've never been before you can't miss it it's really big is that it let's ask hello are you America yes ma'am we are jolly good we're coming in to land welcome to America Miss Rabbit At Your Service where do you want to go Miss Rabbit sure but this this is Miss Rabbit every town needs a Miss Rabbit that's right bye enjoy your trip is this Hollywood Hollywood no this is New York I've been I'll give you the tour New York the city that never sleeps yeah but only at night the buildings are so tall first stop of the tour the m the Empire State building wow can we go to the top for sure going up did you do all the jobs Miss Rabbit now just the important ones ice creams we're so high in the sky oh I can't look daddy pig does not like heights to Sandy yes with this telescope you can see even more I can see a big green lady with an ice cream that's the Statue of Liberty look it's a Statue of Liberty come on people we gotta get moving oh going already yeah like we say in New York if you ain't moving you ain't going nowhere yeah yeah I'm moving where are we going next with rabbit Times Square look at all the lights mummy there must be a million light bulbs here it's the most light phobia Square in all the world coming soon the new movie from Super potato and hash brown s and space that's a movie we're going to be in really well then you better get straight to Hollywood yes can you take us I'm afraid not but I have just the thing to get you there a motorhome it's just like a house on wheels here are your keys do you want to come too and meet hash brown or sure but I'm just so busy you all have a great time I'm tired out yes for a city that never sleeps it's made me very sleepy it has been a very busy day in New York good night pepper and her family need a good night's sleep for the journey ahead Madame Gazelle is taking Peppa and her friends on a school trip to their children we are going on a creepy crawly Safari why are you always late there he is sorry I'm late Stephen wanted to come too Stephen he's my stick insect okay you can bring Steven but it's your job to look after him thank you Madame Gazelle is everybody ready yes is the creepy crawly Safari will we see Big Sky animals on the Safari oh no Danny any creatures we see today will be very tiny and not scary at all here is Mr lion hello everyone hello Mr lion welcome to my Safari Mr lion you startled me for a moment sorry about that Mrs wildebeest the name is Madame Gazelle oh silly me I must try and remember gazelle not wildebeest the children are very excited about the Safari great today they will meet little insects living in their natural home the wild oh Steven doesn't live in the wild ah we have a pet insect with us today how do you do Stephen Stephen says how do you do marvelous All Aboard for the creepy crawly Safari here we are in the Wild Wood full of creepy crawlies I can't see any creepy crawlies yeah try you using a magnifying glass a magnifying glass makes tiny things look big a Lizzy bird oh how Charming yes and the ladybirds home is this leaf Steven lives with me at my home we watch TV together it sounds like Stephen has a very comfy life yes Stephen is very happy next up the rocky Wilderness here we get to meet another insect in its natural home what is it a millipede it has lots and lots of spiky little legs so it can walk quickly Steven doesn't do much walking so so what and now we arrive at the grass Savannah the home of a very special little insect my word are they super jumpers they are wow grasshoppers move quickly hey wait for me that's the thing about insects one moment they're here the next they're gone ah Steven's gone Stephen the stick insect has run away oh no where can he be maybe Steven heard the Call of the Wild but Steven this was me he doesn't like the wild don't worry he can't have got far yes [Music] no is this him no oh dear Stephen is lost in the wild maybe it's for the best all animals are happier following their Natural Instincts Mrs wildebeest the name is gazelle of course yes gazelle Steven's come back welcome home Steven Steven the stick insect likes the creepy crawly Safari but he likes his own home the best it is a lovely sunny day in Granny and Grandpa Pig's Garden Pepper and George are helping Grandpa Pig with his raspberry patch a little bird has come to look at Grandpa Pig's raspberries cheeky birds eat my raspberries would you the little birds like your raspberries grandpa so do I it's a good job I'm here to make sure they don't eat them all Grandpa Pig I've just had a wonderful idea let's go camping camping we could camp in the garden no let's drive somewhere find a nice spot and pit a tent but our car is a Granddad dog's garage being fixed oh yes what about the old motorbike motorbike yes Grandpa and I have had Many Adventures on our motorbike when we were younger is that was fun but it was a long time ago granny Pig all the more reason for us to get the old motorbike out again here it is like what's this funny thing on the side it's called a sidecar pepper you and George can sit in it what about my raspberries you can't take your garden with you Grandpa come on it'll be fun to get away for a bit I suppose so but if we're going to go I just need to make sure my raspberries will be safe pepperon George you play in the garden while I pack a bag for the trip okay [Music] there what are you doing with your raspberries Grandpa I'm keeping them safe from those pesky Birds shed um sort of here we are bags packed and ready to go camping what are you wearing granny this is my motorcycle jacket it keeps me warm on the motorbike oh my raspberries will now be safe and sound let's go very good do you have the helmets and goggles here they are you must wear a safety helmet if you ride on a motorbike All Aboard yes granny Pig which way should we go that way the seaside oh This Is The Life all day long this is Grandad dog's garage hello fill her up please Grandad dog granny Pig I didn't know you had a motorcycle yes we're using it while you fix our car well the car is fixed you can take it now oh if you don't mind I think we'll pick it up later we're having too much fun on the motorbike all day long Pepper and George have arrived at the seaside hey let's Camp here we've forgotten the tent no we haven't pepper this is a very special camping motorbike watch this wow the motorbike has turned into a tent dick tent yes Peppa we've got everything we need to sleep by the sea hooray I hope you're not missing your raspberries too much Grandpa Pig not at all because I made a few adjustments to the motorbike this morning and brought my garden too patch Grandpa Pig loves camping especially when he can bring his garden with him pepper and her friends are playing in their Clubhouse Let's Play Shop yay the clubhouse has a counter like a little shop what are we going to sell we've fruit and cheese in the fridge The Little Shop is open what can we buy plastic plastic fruit and plastic cheese can I have some plastic cheese please yes Mommy and maybe a plastic Apple to go with it thank you that will be a lot of money please oh dear I didn't bring any money with me today that's okay you can use these buttons lovely here are two buttons thank you have a nice day what else do you sell um we've got my toy owly okay I'll buy owli here is a button thank you now Ali is yours oh it's lovely and cuddly now what but I've just bought it for a button it's just a pretend shop mummy oh of course owly Susie Sheep loves her toy owl I'm feeling thirsty do you have any fruit juice um um no sorry Daddy but we can order some in Clubhouse has a toy wooden telephone hello fruit juice thank you goodbye they said we'll have their fruit juice tomorrow oh I see okay see you tomorrow have a nice day next have you got any cakes yes mummy we've got a cake in the toy oven the toy oven is made of wood and has a light that comes on inside what's what kind of cake do you want it to be um can it be a carrot cake okay it's a carrot cake that looks delicious I can't wait to try it it's a plastic toy cake mummy it's not real of course and how much does it cost one button please have a nice day what else are you selling in your shop today Club they are made with the finest cloth fantastic I look like an emperor Baker's five buttons very expensive but I suppose that's what you have to pay for invisible clothes you can try them one if you like Mr Pig leave your own clothes here thank you but I think I'll try the one at home have a nice day that was quite a cue now it's finally my turn I'd like to buy a sorry Daddy we're closing bye have a nice day it is time for the children to take a break it is hard work running a shot [Music] here is Mr Labrador in his ice cream van hello children what can I get you ice [Applause] here is the money hang on these are just buttons the buttons are pretend money of course pretend money how Charming I'm afraid I haven't got any real money either no problem Mr fig we take cards so that's all the children's ice creams and one for you thank you very much pepper and her friends love the clubhouse everyone loves the clubhouse Heather is visiting the library today Miss Rabbit is in charge of the library hello Pepper and George hello Miss a bit everyone keeps quiet in the library so that books can be enjoyed in silence and calm here is Mr Bull he has come to mend the library roof sorry Miss Rabbit just mending the roof well please mend it quietly this is a library okay the emergency telephone Hello rescue service again I'll be right there back in a mo keep everyone quiet for me okay [Music] is too high up to reach hmm do I need a helicopter or an airplane or a ladder what a bit of luck there was already a ladder here there finished lovely job now they're coming through stand back everyone got you miss rabbit has rescued tiddles the tortoise teddar's you naughty boy thank you Miss Rabbit just doing my job hello rescue service oh I'm stuck on the roof my ladder is vanished Into Thin Air oh uh how strange don't worry I'm on my way thank you oh what would we do without Miss Rabbit hold tight Mr ball I'm coming up thank you Miss rabbits just do my job Miss rabbit has rescued Mr Bull hang on this is my ladder yes lucky for you I uh found it yes that was lucky bye bye see you later oh so how am I going to get down in the library pepper George and daddy pig are quietly reading a Story Once Upon a Time there lived a red monkey and the emergency telephone Hello rescue service I'm away from my desk right now but please leave a message after the beep hello hello it's me Miss Robert hi hello this is Daddy Pig please rescue me I'm stuck on the library roof uh uh how could we rescue you from the roof have you got a helicopter or an airplane no or a ladder no what can we do I almost can't bring myself to say it we'll have to call my dad oh a grumpy rabbit here hello Dad I'm at the library I need rescuing what and bring a ladder and Ladder you say don't worry I'm on my way grumpy rabbit is going to use a fire engine to rescue Miss Rabbit fire engines have ladders fire engine coming through you can't drive a fire engine in here keep your voice down this is a library sorry now where is Miss Rabbit oh I see that's why she said bring a ladder hang on [Music] oh goodness I'm saved this rabbit is rescued thank you for rescuing me dad just doing my job Miss Rabbit and grumpy rabbit are good at rescuing all rabbits are good families pepper and her friends are at playgroup today we are going to do drawings of our families isn't me I live on my own in a very tall house sometimes my two sisters come to visit and we play music Greta plays Bass Dragon Place drums and I play guitar [Music] that is my family now it is your turn I live with my mummy she likes to push me on the swing and that is my family I am Andy Mouse here is me with Mommy and Daddy we like playing in the park to you Mandy Everyone likes playing in the park who's next what a lovely drawing Pedro this is Mommy and Daddy and me Pedro pony I have glasses Daddy has glasses mummy has contact lenses amazing how about the panda twins Pandora and Peggy are doing their drawing together daddy is a police officer and mommy is a firefighter sometimes daddy drives Us in his police car Daddy can we do the siren yes please can we do the siren now girls you know the siren is only for emergencies oh all right then super and Danny Dog my daddy is a sea captain he has Adventures on his bones but now Daddy has come home to me and mummy and he won't go back to see ever ever again what a wonderful adventure oh next I'm Penny polar bear I live with my mummy and my other mummy well mommy is a doctor and one mummy Cooks spaghetti I love spaghetti bubbly Penny and Freddie Fox my dad has a bun it has everything in the world inside it impacts of five Super and Rebecca this is me with mummy daddy Richard Rosie and Robbie we live in a hill [Music] times my auntie Miss Rabbit visits oh it's nice to have a break from all my jobs and I need rescuing oh Dad not again okay I'm on my way all the jobs in the world yes what would we do without Miss Rabbit Pig and this is mummy and daddy and my little brother George George thinks his toy dinosaur is scary it is not scary but if I don't play he cries yeah it's hard work having a little brother the parents are here to collect the children hello hello mummies and daddies come and find yourself on our wall yes Mommy and that's Shady oh it looks exactly like me yes what wonderful drawings of the families I love families yeah I love families a day Peppa and George have come to play at granny and grandpa's house Pepper and George hello my little ones bunny why are you dressed funny granny is playing another little game with her friends it's not a game it's an historical reenactment of an ancient time the 1960s so I'm dressed as a hippie what is hippie it's what Grandpa and I were a long time ago hippies loved colorful clothes yes those were good times and I've got costumes for you and George Pepper and George are dressed as hippies have a nice time I'll see you later hang on Grandpa you have to dress up too what but uh if you don't join in you're a square say grandpa is a square a square is what hippies called people who were grumpy and boring I'm not grumpy or boring so I suppose I'll join your little game good I found these clothes in the back of the cupboard wow this is my old flowery shirt and my velvet bell-bottom trousers baby this will be fun after all follow me everyone we're meeting my other hippie friends in the garden [Music] rabbit is dressed as a hippie groovy man marzel and Granny elephant and it's hippies too squeak out baby do you catch dig our bean machine what he means do you like the van oh yes it's very nice so now everyone's here what happens we're going to do things that hippies did in the 1960s well I was there at the time but it's so long ago I can't remember what we did if you can remember it you weren't there hey please play music and sang songs groovy rainbow hear my song flower power love and joy Joy Grizzy rainbow hold my hand flower power love and Glory be like singing and dancing what else did they do hippies love flowers they wore them on their heads there you go it's our part flower power hippies wanted to be one with nature we wanted to save the planet that's a playgroup their Planet that's right the children have been learning about nature we have been saving the planet by planting a little tree never and her friends like saving the planet a wonderful living beings when we were hippies we used to hug the [Music] hugs of the trees a hug come on Grandpa we're all doing it well I suppose things can't get any sillier hugs of course they do oh no it's raining oh out daddy oh rain is part of Nature and it's only a little sour the rain is stopping already the rain has stopped but now the ground is all wet it's probably time to stop the hippie game um well I don't quite remember fun fun it is like fun this is [Music] man it's a gas no hippies love jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles Pepper and George are playing in the garden can't touch me you're never going to get me here is Rebecca Rabbit hi Rebecca what are you paying we are running is good but can you hop yes I can hop hop hop that's not hopping Peppa that's jumping oh hopping is when you jump up and down on one leg like this Rebecca rabbit is good at hopping [Music] come on George hopping is easy you just jump on one leg hop [Music] here is Susie's sheep hello everyone hello what are you playing we are hopping like this super duper but can you skip yes that's not skipping that is just funny running oh skipping is when you hop on one leg then hop on the other leg like this Susie is good at skipping hop on one leg and then the other come on George is good at skipping I can skip the highest I can skip the longest I can skip the fastest here is Pedro pony hello everyone what are you playing we were hopping and now we are skipping have you done jumping no but I love jumping jump jump jump Peppa is good at jumping hopping skipping and jumping can you do them all together what like this that's impossible I mean a hop a Skip and then a jump like this hop skip [Applause] jump oh my go hop skip jump no that's wrong I can do it skips skip stop no jump jump no let me try jump hop hop no hop skip jump is not easy you have to keep it steady like this hop skip jump pop pop skip jump are you ready are you steady hop skip jump pop slip jump pop skip jump are you ready are you steady hop skip jump Peppa has found a muddy puddle hop split gosh [Music] good morning children good morning today as a special treat some of you are going to spend the day with the police as a prisoner no Freddy as a guest they will join us as we drive around in our police car helping people who would like to go me okay Peppa and Freddy this is the police car have fun I will call you when it is the children's lunch time right you are Madame Gazelle see you later don't be late we are having sandwiches and the jelly sandwiches and jelly eh delicious the police like sandwiches and jelly bye everyone bye -bye [Applause] can we use the siren please I'm afraid not Freddy the siren is to be used only for emergencies what's going on here oh dear there is a traffic jam we need to get past all these cars to see what the problem is Cameron now yes this is just the sort of emergency that siren is for stallion hit car has has Bank of goodness you're here what seems to be the trouble my car is broken don't worry Mr stallion we'll sort this out Erin cure no need to thank us we're just doing our job car parked in middle of Road [Music] you simply move the car out of the way and the traffic can move again [Applause] emergency over [Music] bye bye bye so you see children our day is full of emergencies like that we never know what will come next calling old police calling all police who's that it's the police station receiving you loud and clear over emergency cat stuck up a tree another emergency can we use a siren again of course Freddie we've got a cat to rescue what's going on here then it's Mr cat meow Mr cat is stuck in the tree what what climbed up why it seemed like a good idea at the time and now you're stuck yes it's a good thing we're around to help isn't it yes I'll get the ladder sorry Mr Cat will get you down see oh all right sorry the tree looked like it would be good fun to climb yes it's not a good idea to have a tree here dangerous tree in wrong place so children have you enjoyed your day with the police it's been brilliant I want to be a policeman when I grow up good lad calling the police over another emergency how exciting police officer Panda receiving you loud and clear over and Freddie are late for their lunch remember it is sandwiches and jelly over played for someone sandwich Ellie now that's what I call a real emergency use the siren of course it's what the siren was built for Freddy love the police car everyone loves the police it is a lovely sunny day at Peppa's house what annoy easy little fairy tummy I'm going to Magic you into a frog oh dear please don't turn me into a frog I have to live in a pond on my own and I will be so sad don't worry mummy it's just pretend I know Peppa I'm pretending too that's why I winked what when someone closes one eye it is a wink and it means that they are pretending so you are pretending to be sad yes it was a joke ah so you were trying to make a joke it wasn't a very funny joke thank you Peppa Zoe Zebra has come to play with Peppa hello Zoe hello Peppa Zoe has her toy monkey monkey says oh let's play in my bedroom how are you today monkey oh dear monkey has a bad cough that's not monkey coughing that's you no monkey has a bad cough why are you closing and opening your eyes I am closing one eye because I'm winking why you wink to tell people let's pretend and monkey has a cough oh it's a game here is George so Dr George monkey has a bad cough Dr George what cure do you suggest for the cough it's just pretend George that's why we are winking daddy buys good advice Dr George monkey must go to bed and not watch any TV no fun for monkey until he is better thank you Dr George Daddy Pig has arrived home from work I'm home hello Daddy Pig Daddy Daddy call to George told us to put monkey to bed with no TV and now monkey is better is there something wrong with your eyes no Daddy we are winking oh it's just pretend oh I see that is clever and you learned how to wink today did you yes well I learned something new today too I learned how to talk like a pirate haha gym lad shiver me timbers learn to talk like a pirate well you see I've given up my old job and I've got a new job as a pirate daddy pig should show me shiver me timbers Oh Daddy Pig oh it's nothing oh I probably shouldn't have done that pirate voice are you pretending Daddy no Peppa I think this is a real cough buys yes Dr George says straight to bed and no TV for 10 years oh dear that doesn't sound fun hmm I know a nicer way to cure a cough oh you have to wiggle your ears jump up and down and Quack Like A Duck quack quack quack quack what you winked mummy you're just joking Mummy Pig loves joking everyone loves joking Heather and George are playing golf with Grandpa pig to play golf is quite simple you take a golf ball and hit it with a golf club into the hole like this [Music] that's all right I can hit it again missed again Grandpa it doesn't matter you can hit the ball as many times as you like here are Mr Stallion and Mrs Corgi here no grandpa pig showing the little ones how to play golfy yes that's right well I hope your grandpar is teaching you properly the secret is to give the golf club a jolly good swing [Applause] wow the bull went in the hole in one go yes it's called a hole in one well done Grandpa have you ever done a hole in one no I never have well keep trying old chap who knows you might do it one day bye can I have a go now of course Peppa do you remember what to do yes understand a golf club and you hit it oh it didn't go very far now it's George's turn remember you can have as many goals as you like ready this is impossible don't worry Peppa we've got all day I'm a bit bored grandpa oh what's that it looks like a fairy castle there's a windmill and a dinosaur it's just Kitty gold pepper it's for little children but we we children oh yes so you are all right you and George can play this is the kitty Golf Course how do we play well I suppose it is quite fun the ball has to go through that windmill over the back of the dinosaur onto a fairy castle and into the hole me [Music] oh are you playing Kitty golf uh yes Pepper and George are little you see lucky you I wish we could play kitty golf you okay with us oh thank you Peppa let me see now oh man Locker would be I say this is rather fun oh it must be your turn now a grandpa pig oh this is not really my kind of game don't worry Grandpa you can hit the ball as many times as you like I suppose so we've got all day oh okay wow you did it all in one go you've got a heroin one yes I did for the first time in my life a hole in one hooray Donald chap my grandpa is the best Grandpa Pig loves playing golf everybody loves playing golf and pepper and her family are in America on their way to Hollywood [Music] I don't know let's stop and look at the map [Applause] so what have we got here it's another Miss Rabbit is everything all right Miss Rabbit sir did you know that you may only stop on a freeway if it is an emergency but see we've won tickets to be in super potato's new movie vegetables in space so we need to get to Hollywood oh well in that case just hang a right and then you head straight on until you see the stars but a Time the Stars aren't in the sky they're on the ground bye we've got to look for the Stars George has seen a star and another star there are lots of stars all over the ground the potato am I a bird am I a plane no I'm a potato and I am hash brown and I'm Peppa Pig we want a ticket to be in your movie that's in space then let's get to the studio we've got a movie to make here is the movie studio this is where we make the movie wow it's like we're really in space that's right time to put on your costumes ever and her family are dressed up as broccoli you look funny mommy broccoli so do you Peppa broccoli shh no talking on set we are about to start filming my movie vegetables in space lights action attention the Galaxy is being taken over by a bunch of naughty carrots up the carrots yes the naughty carrot bunch I super potato I'm here to save the day and I hash brown will save the day too um what do we do you are the vegetables in space you have to cheer when we save the day oh okay how are you going to save the day super potato uh we haven't thought of that bit yet oh no the naughty carrots will destroy the universe if only there was some way of getting rid of them we can't eat the carrots but there are too many hello hello there what's this there are some fans here to see hash brown it is Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit and Miss Rabbit hooray it's the Miss rabbits we decided to take the day off for a change we couldn't miss hash brown he's our favorite potato starch-based movie star you're too kind could you help us save the universe we have to eat the carrots sure thing we're rabbits we love carrots save some for me I love carrots too look it's on this rabbit mmm yummy we did it the universe is saved free thanks to Peppa Pig and all the mess rabbits you're welcome actually I'm here to take you home oh day have you had a good time in America Peppa yes it's been a man what was the best bit the best bit was everything pepper has had a wonderful time in America ever and her friends are playing in their Clubhouse let's play Adventures outside our house is a forest full of dangerous wild animals I'll email the numbers over later when I've got access to them the wild animals are outside as long as we stay inside we are safe not this game the spreadsheet numbers were copy and pasted from documents I'll call you back someone's asking me something you have to be a wild wild animal I think I can manage that you are in a forest okay I'll be a wild pig I'm a dangerous wild pig living in the forest in our little house wild animals mummy mummy yes Mandy you have to be a scary animal um okay I will be a wild mouse sweet girl mommy that's not even a little bit scary sorry can you growl growl well I could have a call but I'm not sure oh my goodness mummy polar bear you give me a shock polar bears they are good my mummies are best at growling the lucky we're safe inside [Applause] our house is too strong what's your house made of straw sticks or brick um it's made of plastic jolly good let's see how strong it is and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down the clubhouse is very strong impressive yeah yeah Daddy so you will have to stay outside with the other wild animals let's make the game more scary yes we can pretend there's a jungle outside with real jungle animals like a tiger oh I can sound like a tiger hello it's not any good no well how about a lion well stop mommy my friends are here I can roar that's really good I am a bit of an expert No One Can Do a Lion better than me it is Mr Lion The Zookeeper hello everyone uh hello Mr lion hello and here is Mrs Crocodile we've had a problem at the zoo don't panic but some animals have escaped we heard lots of strange noises coming from here and wondered if the zoo animals had passed this way ah those noises were just us we were playing it being wild animals I see we'll be on our way then um escaped animals you're looking for what are they no they've got beaks do they Roar no they make a sound like it is the penguins from the zoo oh they're so cute oh there you are you cheeky Penguins they're always running away they think having me and Mrs crocodiles chase after them it's a fun game Hello Penguin night and here is our swing everyone loves the clubhouse ever and her friends are playing in their Clubhouse let's play detectives this is our detective club and we will solve Mysteries we find a mystery yes yes use the telephone Hello we tips and we need a mystery they said go outside but that's a wooden telephone it doesn't work we're playing a game Susie ah okay Daddy we are a detective club that sounds lovely we solve Mysteries fantastic uh only problem is it's actually time for us to go home oh but you can come back to the clubhouse tomorrow okay Daddy open the car door ah and I don't seem to have the key until I found my key we can't go home I'm back to the detective Club Peppa uh I wonder if your detective Club can help me find my key yes that's a real mystery okay we'll help you Daddy thank you the key must be somewhere around here if we all crawl around looking on our hands and knees we might find it no we are detectives we do not crawl around on our hands and knees I see we have clever ways to do things maybe there's a way to open the car without a key um we could ring the police yes they can open locks cars phone the police this is the police station slow day today if only we had something to do phone the police that's brilliant uh only problem is where if I put my phone it's in the car Pig's phone is locked inside the car that's not good crappy rabbit can I use your phone sorry old chap I left my phone at home but looks like there's a phone in the clubhouse fantastic uh how do I use this thing it's a toy phone it's made of wood let me have a go I do have quite a loud voice grumpy rabbit has the loudest voice in the world calling for help we've got ourselves a job to the police car [Music] for help yes we've got an emergency what kind of emergency float earthquake tornado um I'm locked out of my car daddy can't drive us home good thing you called us that was our idea good work children we'll take it from here Daddy Pig where is your car key I've lost it key is lost this might sound very silly but have you looked in all the obvious places like your pockets oh my key Daddy Pig's key was in his bucket that's funny I didn't even know I had Pockets mystery solved all thanks to the quick thinking of these young children we are detectives and this is our clubhouse very smart I wish we had a clubhouse we do it's called the police station yes but the police station doesn't have a slide or a swing yes house is the best friends who love the clubhouse and everyone loves the clubhouse
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 758,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: c2g5JSmkf3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 38sec (3998 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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