The Clone Wars: An Overview *Legends* | Manda-LORE

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[Music] Sequoyah gar greetings I am peddler in the lore master Mandalore today I'm going to be digging through the archives collaborates on the clone war the conflict that changed the fate of the galaxy forever the origin of the Clone Wars can be traced back to the creation of the separatist movement 24 years before the Battle of Yavin on roxas prime don't you two former Jedi Master announced his intention to secede from the Galactic Republic demonstrating to the people of the industrial world that the Republic had become a corrupt and unstable body rotting from the inside being consumed by the corruption much like a rocks and garbage worm so to do is secretly an apprentice to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious who was under the guise of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and was instructed to do this by his master he wasn't wrong about the state of things the Republic had indeed become a corrupt decaying ancient government in need of dire change and many systems saw this and rallied to Dooku and his new Confederacy of Independent Systems based on the ideals of a weaker central government and stronger planetary government the Confederacy of Independent Systems or CIS grew to around 6,000 members systems by 22 BBY once more Dooku is able to coach the six major industrial powers in the galaxy to join the cause with back Toit armor workshop producing battle droids intergalactic banking clan providing financial backing the Commerce guild finding raw materials the techno Union ingenuity the corporate alliances regulation products and the Trade Federation influence of the shipping lanes the Republic was definitely friends in the Senate many calls for the creation of an army since the moment army was disbanded less than a thousand years prior while others simply called for peaceful coexistence between the two galactic governments the military Creation Act was the main topic of debate and when senator Padme Amidala the chief opposition to the proposed legislation survived an assassination attempt Jedi Knight obi-wan Kenobi tracked her would-be assassin to Kamino where he also discovered that an order had been placed for a clone army 10 years prior what 10,000 units of clone troopers ready to be deployed and senator Amidala absent the Senate folded up to the mounting pressure in the military Creation Act was passed in 22 melee why 200 Jedi and an army of clones ascended up on Geonosis and attempt to end the war in one battle however Dooku and the separatist leaders were able to escape and evacuate their forces the Republic victory of Geonosis kicked off the Clone Wars and the Republic could have pressed their advantage and overrun Confederacy space however the rewards and the clone troops are ready and a million more troopers were still in the final stages of training the CIS exploited this fact and deployed their forces along the major hyperspace lanes fortifying its defenses Republic forces invaded a tracking while the Confederacy invaded merkel sheer and well as rackin would turn into a year long slog resulting in a bittersweet victory for the republic Berga sheer belts whitley to the sea is the second month of the warsaw sea is offensive led by the just general severance tan what the Battle of eridan prime captured experimental Republic weapons known as the decimator eager to use these decimator she turned her forces on the Wookiee colony of the layers Prime after a swift victory she moved her forces to the core world of therapy her luck changed when the Jedi general eju Shen John managed to defeat her at therapy general Shan John came up against severance tan again at the Battle of Frant in the Bothan sector and after defeating her in a duel fueled by revenge for his Padawan who died at her hands on Geonosis he exiled himself in disgrace that same month Count Dooku sent a fleet to secure rule akela Roma's Krypton renoir to hopefully learn the location of the forest Harvester the power source in the ancient dark reapers super weapon it's location was revealed on Roxas prime the sea is capital at the time and the Republic assaulted the system resulting in a draw due to escape and the capture of Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker Anakin was held captive on Alerus Prime and was freed when his master Jedi general obi-wan Kenobi led an assault to liberate the planet Kenobi and Skywalker turned their army towards the red bar in order to seize the planet as well as learn more about the dark Reaper which Dooku had already tested on Mon Calamari Bakura and Agumon at the Battle of red bar and it can learn how to withstand the effects of the dark reaper which was revealed to be on the ancient fifth world of soul and an assault led by Jedi Master Yoda mace windu Luminara Unduli along with Kenobi and Skywalker was launched on full the resulting Battle of Thule led to the dark reapers destruction but Dooku once again managed to escape capture while the double agent and Jedi Master Quinlan vos under the alias of corto boss was on a mission to the famous space station known as the wheel he uncovered the separatist plans for a massive assault on the cloning facilities of Kamino and quickly relayed the info back to the Republic thanks to vos the Republic was ready for the CIS assault on Kamino and with the combined efforts of a host of renowned jedi including obi-wan Kenobi and Padawan Anakin Skywalker the Republic was able to repel the invasion and save the next generation of clone during the Battle of Kamino the advanced recon clone commando or arc troopers were awakened from stasis at one in particular alpha 17 took two Kenobi and Skywalker aiding them on a mission to Alma done while Kenobi Skywalker and alpha 17 were fighting the gendai bounty hunter dirge and uncovering a new CIA's bio weapon known as swamp gas on overrun the Republic suffered fearing victories on Fionna and tear as a result of battles like lleana and tire many Jedi opposed the executive order demanding that Jedi Knight service general and threatened to defect and mace windu agreed to meet with defectors on roll Sora bulk the leader of the defectors showed his true colors when the red attack i dark jedi asajj ventress raided the meeting and a majority of the would-be defectors returned to the order after witnessing bulks treachery another dark alkalyn had joined Dooku's ranks meanwhile the Republican faded pendulum for and upon victory removed the Sept capability to produce deadly diamond boron missiles on the agricultural world of kill era a crack team of Republic commandos Omega squad eliminated a secret CIS research facility and capture the chief scientist responsible for creating a clone targeting nanovirus following the swamp gas disaster on Oh Madonn Kenobi and for Gen I went on a mission to the CIS laboratory on quanta and although they recovered the antidote for swamp gas Kenobi was the only survivor after Asajj Ventress and dirge defeated the other four Jedi four months after Geonosis Grand Master Yoda led a force to invade separatist allied accion however a CIS relief force managed to repel the attack on the plains of Dantooine Mace Windu's forces faced off against the goliath seismic tank and against the odds the republic managed to pull a victory out of what seemed to be a defeat a few systems over on you nilin obi-wan Kenobi led the third system's army in a daesh's attack and while Kenobi faced off against third on the ground his Padawan let the space forces to victory against the massive gun platform that swarms of men x-fighters concurrently Mon Mon Calamari the amphibious Jedi Master Kit Fisto like scuba troopers in the battle to aid the Mon Calamari against their separatist allied core and counterpart on the lightsaber crystal rich world of Ilham Count Dooku since the Wonder droids to destroy the Jedi Temple there and although they succeeded Vera Sophie and Luminara Unduli were rescued by Yoda and Padme Amidala lor on their way to a diplomatic mission while Anakin was mopping up the sub forces above muta lence asajj ventress entered the battle and after leading him into a dogfight throughout the city street she jumped to the jungle moon of Yavin 4 where the two told and Anakin emerged victorious the kulish cyborg general grievous revealed himself to the Republic at the Battle of hyper II when he crushed the republics of salt on the Droid foundries and single-handedly defeated 7 Jedi severely injuring Shakti Aayla Secura rook and ki-adi-mundi who were rescued by arc troopers after recovering from her wound on Highbury Jedi Master junkie and Blom who led the Republic forces to victory against secessionists on breath all 4 mod 7 of the Warsaw mace windu leading Republic forces against the steppe a lie follow I militia on his homeworld of Haroon calm attacks on Republic supply ships on the Karelian trade spine near Dover on began to appear and were causing problems for the Republic's war effort to a team of Jedi were dispatched including Ayla Sakura and Kit Fisto and they succeeded in exposing the corruptive Rani and Senator and destroying the pirate hell post attacking the shipping lanes in Quinlan flosses effort to establish his cover as a Jedi defect he had to do very many unsaid I like things to appease Dooku and during the to Anza breath in which the planet realigned itself of the CIS he got his first assignment it was ordered to his homeworld of kifu in order to persuade the ruler tinted off his aunt to defect to the CIS however when she refused loss was ordered to kill her and in his hesitation it was revealed to him that 10k had orchestrated the murder of his parents and he struck her down effectively crossing over to the dark side nine months after Geonosis the Republic suffered from a media scandal when at the Battle of posad Row 400 civilian miners were caught in the crossfire and the blunder was dubbed the Bussard drove Massacre elsewhere the Republic lost or can free to the Confederacy but gained control of below mark thanks to the efforts of Anakin Skywalker the Confederacy unleashed their new weapon the lightsaber resistance CB 3 series court OSes battle droid on Khorasan specifically at the jedi temple and after routing the droids Anakin Skywalker along with a handful of other Jedi saved the temple the Jedi were able to trace the attack back to the techno Union boundary world of metal ore and an assault was launched resulting in the destruction of the court osis droid factory by Anakin Skywalker on karta Oh a fierce battle was waged and the Republic won the day as well as the last couple thousand of smart I cloning cylinders which were transported in secret to Wayland and sent tax to the Confederacy tried one last time to produce the perfect Jedi killing droid and they almost succeeded with the JK 13 bio droid if it wasn't for a republic attack on Ord cestus led by obi-wan Kenobi and consists Oh thus the first year of the war ended and while there were more republic victories they were mostly in defense meanwhile the Confederacy's gained minimal the war would yet drag on the second year of the Clone Wars started with a republic commando squad known as Delta Squad and their mission to the prosecutor a derelict a kilometer in class an old ship that went missing some time after Geonosis the commandos recovered the ship and discovered that the trend ocean slavers were in league with the CIF and slave camps were set up all over Kashyyyk yet nothing would be done about this until the outer rim sieges meanwhile in the Savannah sector fellows defected to the sets and the Republic launched a failed invasion to recapture the planet at score to mace windu led the defense of the planet against the CIS invasion force and succeeded in securing the rim a trade route for the Republic when the muddy quagmire world of Jim Beam defected to the Confederacy the Republic lawless still on the world fought a guerrilla war against them the entire time begging for the Republic's aid that came a year and two months after Tiananmen the battle turned into a new month-long killing nearly every Jedi stationed on GEB him except for Anakin Skywalker whose master was presumed dead meanwhile cabal was invaded by the CIS and after receiving reinforcements from nearby area to the Republic held on to it after Anakin would left masterless on Shaboom he came under the tutelage of Ashura Ned who he joined in the defense of the planet our canard which led to him with a disastrous defeat for the Republic while on our ganar Anakin cover from one of his nightmares and accidentally admitted to killing an entire village of Tusken Raiders to his new master who dressed in Tuscan garb and had agreed never to tell Anakin secret but requested he'd be transferred under ki-adi-mundi it was while raiding a pirate base with hoodie that Skywalker was finally reunited with Kenobi in alpha 17 who had escaped from asajj ventress his castle on rat attack where they were taking captive membership in the planet of booster wanted to secede from the Republic possum we were separatist backing and the Republic couldn't risk it so Yoda was sent to negotiate with the city and when negotiations unfortunately broke down a battle erupted one that the Republic could not win the Republic won a victory on new hostess when the Mandalorian protectors led by spar and hired by the steppes invaded the world thanks to Ayla Sakura and her clone commander nicknamed fly the Mandalorian protectors along with the crimson velvet bow hunters also hid the Republic world of null this time succeeding in annexing the world for the Confederacy around this time the Battle of my Kido began being assaulted by ki-adi-mundi and his galactic marines and lasting all the way to the end of the war making it the longest battle of the war a year and ten months into the war Anakin Skywalker and a force of clones liberated murugan see from a step occupation force while General Grievous captured to Gloria on the other side of the Parliament the CIS launched a massive assault on a 10-2 in a vain attempt to secure supply of stagnant crystals used in cloaking technology which was experimental at the time and the resulting battle became known as Triton after the dragon nebula however the Battle of the draw the crystal deposits were in dry years ago it was also at this time that the Confederacy launched their most daring offensive against the Republic yet operation urgent lands the CIS 3rd fleet would position itself aside for a while the first fleet under Grievous's command would carve into the core worlds along the Karelian trade fine wreaking havoc within the heart of the republic duro and home brain soon fell under Confederacy control and while Alderaan managed to repel the invaders that would be so horrified by the battle that they demilitarized their entire planet as a result following a minor setback and Alderaan Elias soon felt grievous one year and 11 months after Geonosis the techno Union bulwark carrier's managed to break new year-long siege at Bull Run and began to raid output in the core world in response to this threat and the threat posed by grievances push into the core the Republic decided to launch its new victory class star destroyer six months ahead of schedule and add an axis the bulwark fleet met its end the second year of the war came to a close and with the CIS making substantial gains in the core as well as in the northeast quadrant of the galaxy it was clear that the Republic was on the losing side and something had to be done at drawn guard the Republic made an effort to capture the planet two exploited boda a fungus used and painkillers beneficial for the surgical treatment of the Republic's clone soldiers and was the health affairs OFI the Republic was victorious and Opie was knighted as a result of her action on the forgotten world upon under a Republican salt ship brought down a Sept freighter carrying a deadly engineer toxin trihex aflame 1138 and a crash landed on the surface the Republic took this routine data retrieval mission as an opportunity to field test the new phase two equipment before issuing it to the rest of the clones and Ayla Sakura was assigned to lead the mission to retrieve the scientific information package on Ventura hexif Lane Quinlan vos was also sent to recover the sit by new coop and after a brief duel with and former Padawan he let Ayla get away with the SIP on a team and invasion led by General Grievous was repelled by Luminara Unduli however Grievous had better look on the untaught homeworld of gentillesse where the planet quickly fell to his forces two years and three months after Geonosis the dark jedi of the flesh were put down in a Jedi on Jedi clash led by Master Yoda where he himself slew their leader a month later the CIF wants an assault on Azure that was fortunately repelled by Kenobi and Skywalker not although Canole losing a dear friend and lover Sara tachi in the assault Anakin once again proved himself a capable warrior at the battle prefect Iliad where he flew his customized Delta 7 Starfighter into the fridge Confederate flag ships destroying it in emerging unscathed on the other side into a last-minute micro hyperspace jump two years and six months after the battle Gino's Anakin was granted knighthood after facing his own Jedi trials presented to him by the war and obi-wan Kenobi was granted the rank of master as well as a seat on the Jedi Council feigning a desire to negotiate terms of a ceasefire Dooku lured Master Yoda to a castle on mahjongg where he hoped to tempt him to the dark side or destroy him he succeeded in neither however and after a duel like the one on Geonosis over two years earlier Dooku managed to escape one of Anakin first assignment of the Jedi Knight was unrendered when the planet threat to defect to the separatists along with its home defense fleet almighty dread-nots and a battle when a CI asleep and his assistants however the readily loyalists prevailed and assisted the Republican beating back defense after operations urgent lance and general Grievous's subsequent conquests the republic was losing the war and badly to counter this the republic deployed a new wave of clone troopers from Kamino along with clones secretly from sin tax to using the cloning cylinders acquired from car Te'o and also launched new warship of venator class with fresh troops warships and new technology the Republic launched a massive counter-offensive pushing the CIS out of the Corps and into the mid and outer rooms of the galaxy thus began the outer rim sieges [Music] realizing the errors of his ways and after disappointing Dooku on honniger Quinlan vos was hunted by Dooku and with help from obi-wan Kenobi he was rien doctrine aided into the order and his first assignment back with leading troops on Fela Kuti the Battle of sila Kumi would continue to be fought until the end of the war though boss would eventually rotate in troops out meanwhile Kenobi in his former Padawan Skywalker over in the fortress at ba Mouskouri for fresh from their victory Kenobi moved in 212 attack battalion to Cyrus and all those small fire fights for one on the battlefield to Republic ultimately lost and Cyrus in an attempt to counter the split screen from the Republic the Confederacy launched their own strike on Republic world such as Ordo involved them that conquering two systems for every one they lost two years and seven months after Genesis obi-wan made it his priority to track down Ventress and bring her to the light believing there was good left in her and after a scuffle with dirt on mare Amir and jettisoning escaped bought into the Sun they learned of Ventress and Dooku and Grievous's location on the boss mini Kenobi Skywalker and a host of Jedi including Yoda and mace Windu commenced a lightning strike upon and he's catching the 5th leaders by surprise and all those human grievance managed to escape Ventress appear to be mortally wounded in the battle the Republic laid siege to the Citadel example believing that the techno Union Foreman wat Tambor resided inside though the Republic was victorious what tempore managed to escape Kenobi and Skywalker once again teamed up this time they took a small force of clones to adult count to the palace on room to hopefully capture the Confederate leader they were in over their heads however Andrew was a defeat two years and 11 months after Geonosis the duo along with Commander Cody assaulted the muy dia system the last CIS Bastion in the core world and the world of Cato Neimoidia dekho pneumonia and chloro no idea soon fell for the Republic it was at this time that Ayla Sakura and the 327 star core assaulted the corporate alliance world of Felucia and the battle would rage on until the end of the war intercepting Intel suggesting that the separatist leaders would lead to vélodrome Kenobi and Skywalker x' open circle sleep lay in wait above the planet and after a short engagement Grievous and the fehb leaders managed to jump to hyperspace after mopping up CIS ground forces on a planet with the shield and city Kenobi and Skywalker were tasked by Palpatine to check out a planet called Melvin where General Grievous was supposedly seen traveling to and from Grievous was nowhere to be found but Anakin did manage to destroy a techno Union research lab experimenting on the native nelvana's freeing them and was at this moment three years after the Battle of Geonosis that General Grievous made his most audacious move yet and seized the Republic capital of Khorasan but the space and ground followed the ruse to capture Palpatine however he was thwarted by Kenobi and Skywalker who joined the battle as soon as they could with the Chancellor safe and Count Dooku dead Yoda literally forced to the recently invaded Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk and the battle like many battles on the outer rim sieges would last until the end of the war the Republic got word the grievous and the SEP leaders were on Gouda pal so ob1 and the 212 were tasked with rooting him out and eliminating him at all costs it was at this time that Palpatine was revealed to be the second set and the true Lord of the Sith and after a dual space Windu Aegon colar say Seaton and Kit Fisto four were killed by Al Bateen and a window was struck down by Anakin Skywalker who at this point would become Palpatine's new apprentice Darth Vader Palpatine then issued executive order 66 to all clone commanders on the front line and the Jedi were mercilessly gunned down by their own clone troops and Skywalker now Darth Vader let the Bible first and back on the Jedi Temple later was then sent to MU stefarr birth assembly dearth lying hiding waiting for further instructions from Darth Sidious and he slaughtered them all not before ordering all active battle droid units to power down Obi Wan survived his troops turning on him at you too pal and he tracked Anakin to Mustafar for the two met and a fateful duel that resulted in Anakin's maiming thus the Clone Wars had ended and Palpatine declared himself Emperor and transformed the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire though the war was merely a ruse for Palpatine to acquire power many systems held on to the ideals of the CIS and hundreds of CIS holdouts survived even unto the dawning of the new republic as my findings on the Clone Wars keep your comm channels open some future transmission and don't forget to subscribe tab organ out [Applause]
Channel: Manda-LORE
Views: 12,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Clone Wars, Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), Legends, Star Wars Legends, Lore, Legends Lore, Star Wars Legends Lore, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Clones, Clone Troopers, Droids, Seperatists, The Clone Wars, General Grievous, Star Wars Lore Channel, Fact Free, Star Wars Explained
Id: CmDvZu4sP-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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