The Clean 20: Dr. Ian Smith's Clean Eating Plan

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and welcome back our next guest is a New York Times bestselling author who has written a dozen books books about taking control of our health getting fit and losing weight today he is here with his latest piece of work it is called the clean 2020 foods 20 days total transformation dr. Ian Smith is an author physician and News correspondent he launched a nationally syndicated daily news feature called HealthWatch and he led a campaign also to help cities civic group friends and families all team up to get healthier which is fantastic great to see you again always a love coming here another book why did you feel like you needed to write this one it's not get it right in your first [Laughter] book is so much fun it's very easy 20 foods 20 days total transformation the reason why I wrote it is because a friend of mine was in the gym she says Ian I've been working out a lot I've been eating what I think is correct and I can't lose weight I'm sluggish I don't feel good I said you know what get rid of some of the processed ingredients in your in your diet and and and try to really eat cleaner we can have later she comes back I lost all this weight you know my energy level is through the roof so I was like you know the average person needs to realize how many processed ingredients are in our regular food preservatives additives food dyes artificial sweeteners these things are making us feel sluggish and disrupting our hormones yeah you think you're trading in a regular soda for a diet soda you're still not helping yourself in your weight loss journey chemicals all over the place but clean 20 is a program that says it's all affordable it's all flexible don't be intimidated by the words clean eating organic does not have to be organic it's this is a diet for naima diagram for everyday people for lifestyle you know whether we and our Facebook group we got a great Facebook group called the clean 20 so people should join us we got truck drivers stay-at-home dads secretaries teachers you name it because people love it and the results are just absolutely amazing the average weight loss in 20 days is 10 pounds though it's not supposed to be a diet but they're losing a lot of weight but beyond the scale increased energy levels lower blood pressure lower blood sugars lower cholesterol and whole families are doing because looking here who can't eat this stuff right yeah really good food so what foods are on this yes 20 program so you make your own clean 20 list these are samples of my clean 20 list lentils pasta yes you can have pasta whole grain or whole wheat pasta avocados lemons some spinach some bread some cheese there's Turkey there's chicken there's seafood this is my clean toilets but yours could be different you can choose what you want on your list you don't always hear of dairy and and wheat being on but why these things these things are awesome for you now listen if you have an allergy or if you're lactose intolerant okay I understand no dairy but why eliminate a whole food category because it sounds trendy no no dairy is great it has calcium has vitamin D protein we want these things the other thing is this you can be a vegan vegetarian pescetarian carnivore gluten-free diet doesn't matter because you make your list and look at these foods here I would say start your morning with some protein and fiber makes you feel full longer so you know an omelet with some veggies in there little cheese little turkey bacon some bread or maybe some oatmeal with a whole bunch of fruit in there yes it has sugar but it's natural sugar comes with other phytonutrients good nutrients a turkey burger is fine sweet potatoes my favorite little pureed sweet potatoes salad you can get anywhere so if you're on the go you could always get a salad and yes I love my pasta whole grain or whole wheat pasta and some salmon but once again there's 60 recipes and look at that yeah 60 recipes in the book you can cook it yourself you don't like to cook guess what most of these foods you can get out yeah convenience of it mm-hmm so added sugars natural is different you said then yeah because it's about the sugar package right so the sugar and soda and cookies does not come with a package it's just empty calories but a sugar inside of a fruit or vegetable comes with vitamin A and vitamin E and all these other types of vitamins are you a fan of people eating several meals including small meals throughout the day say every three hours or so are you more a fan of three three square meals a day so this program is three meals and three snacks but smaller portions you don't count calories on the clean twenty I do all that for you all you do is follow what each day says so every day is spelled out for you these are your meal options these are your snack options or there's a whole section in the back of the book that gives you snack options some people like for small meals a day that's fine if you want do it that way but three square the right size not three square jumbo size okay are you a fan of like counting your macros like your proteins and things like that I like those things but once again this is a program this is a program for everyone someone who's busy someone doesn't have a large income this is why people like to clean 20 our Facebook group 15,000 people who are doing it together you do lose weight better and keep it off longer with a group the other thing is exercise by the way in the book on chapter 9 I teach you exercises we could do right here in the studio at home no gym membership necessary because exercise will maximize your weight loss all the time yeah it's great we were looking at some fun pictures and testimonials from people who've join your group on Facebook and our viewers can do that too 100% join our Facebook group to clean 20 you can email me if you want a copy of our DVD if you're gonna do to clean 20 my email is the clean 20 at say hey I'm gonna do the clean 20 program give me that workout DVD link for free I'll give it to you but just have fun really don't stress about it and last thing this program doesn't punish you if you mess up on a day or mess with a meal it's okay keep going other programs are so restrictive you mess up you guys start all over again it's true this is a lot of delicious food learn more at shred life to calm but it's the clean 2020 foods 20 days total transformation
Channel: TMJ4 News
Views: 109,939
Rating: 4.8640904 out of 5
Keywords: morning blend, dr ian k smilth, dr ian smith, the clean 20, clean eating, clean diet, diet, shred
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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