Clasico PIE de MANZANA casero

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The classic homemade apple pie... the one we always prepare at home... for this pie... or apple pie I was inspired by my aunt's recipe... I made some changes but it tasted very similar ... We loved it... and that's why I invite you to try it like this next time you make it... accompany me to do it... I'll start by preparing the base... for this I'm going to sift 350g... of flour. all-purpose wheat... and I remind you that I am going to leave you the ingredients... as always in the information box... but you can also find them at the end of the video... ok, what follows is to add 1 tablespoon of sugar... and 1/2 teaspoon of salt... I will mix to incorporate everything very well... and then add 230g of unsalted butter... which I cut into cubes... the butter must be very cold... to I put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes... before using I will mix trying to cover the cubes with the flour... later I will cut... pressing the butter against the flour... until I get a sandy texture... like of cheese... there should be small pieces of butter left at the end... now I'll tell you that you can do that too... helping yourself with a fork... a scraper or in a food processor... I'll end up checking with my hands .. to make sure that there are not such large pieces... of butter... and for me here it already has the perfect texture... so I am going to pour 70ml of water... which I mixed with half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar ... the water must be very cold... like the butter... I put it in the freezer for 10 minutes... with a stick I will press the dough together... as you can see... the ingredients They are not completely integrated... but to verify that it is ready, take a portion... when you press, the dough should form... with my hands I will finish putting all the dough together... be careful we should not knead... just bring it together to form a ball.. if you still see a lot of loose flour... add a little more water... and finish incorporating it with the paddle.. here my dough is already perfect... so I'm going to divide it into 2 , a portion slightly larger than the other... I will place it on cling film separately... and when I put it inside the cling film... I will press lightly... the edges will open a little... but it should be able to put them together again... as I show you in the video... and once wrapped we will put them in the refrigerator for a minimum of an hour... meanwhile we are going to prepare the filling... I will use 8 apples which is the equivalent of 900g... I mixed Yona Gold, Granny Smith and gala... but you can use the variety that you like the most... only that by mixing different types of apple... it will give a better flavor to your filling... anyway I'm going to peel each one of them... later I am going to remove the core... and cut them into rectangular pieces... approximately 1/2 centimeter by 1cm... and I take this opportunity to tell you that you can use up to... a kilo a little more than a kilo of apples... depending on the thickness of your mold... ok, let's go to the stove... I will add 60g of butter to a saucepan... and wait for it to melt... when that happens... I will add the pieces. . of apple and I will mix to combine with the butter... so that each piece of apple... has a little bit of the butter... and believe me this combination already gives off a super rich smell... now I am going to add the apple juice half a lemon... the equivalent of approximately one tablespoon... I will continue mixing a little more... and then add 100g of brown sugar... the amount here... will depend on how sweet your apples are... You can use less or more sugar than I do, 80 to 120g... but to make our filling even richer... I will use a mixture of spices... which consists of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon... 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg... 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves... 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger and a pinch of salt... to balance the flavors.. I'll add everything over the apples at this point. .. later I will mix very well... so that they are impregnated with the delicious aroma of the spices... and I will cook at medium-low temperature for 20 to 30 minutes... until the apples are just soft... keep in mind The softer... the filling will be more jam-like... personally that's what I like... but if you want to feel apple pieces in the filling... cook only for 20 minutes... after this time... I will mix a tablespoon of cornstarch... with two tablespoons of cold water... dissolve very well so that no lumps form... empty your filling... mix and cook for about 2 to 3 more minutes ... or just until your filling no longer looks white... it takes on its normal color... here mine is already perfect... so I'm going to remove it from the stove and let it cool... and after one hour in the refrigerator... I will take out the dough... and leave it at room temperature for 10 minutes... since at this point it is very hard... and it will be difficult for me to stretch it... after this time... I will sprinkle cornstarch on a clean and dry surface... you can also use flour instead... but I prefer to use cornstarch... I will place the dough on top... and with the help of a rolling pin... I will stretch it to form a circle 30cm in diameter... every once in a while lift the dough... because even if you use cornstarch or flour... the dough tends to absorb it and stick to the table... I tell you... that this circle should to be about 3 to 5mm thick... it is important that the base is not too thin... nor the topping... so that you can cut your pie well... continuing with the recipe... here I have a mold to 24cm diameter cake... which I lightly spread butter... so that I can easily remove the pie... once baked... with the rolling pin carefully... I will roll the dough to lift it... and place on the mold... later I will arrange it with my fingers... as shown in the video... by the way, I invite you to subscribe to the channel... we have many other recipes that can help you... and yes activate the notification bell... you won't miss any of the new videos... anyway, I'll roll the roller over the ends to be able to remove... the edges too, in their place you can cut with scissors... and no You need to cut so much... because the dough can shrink... if you don't put it in the refrigerator... I will prick it with a fork... after this... is where you should take the base back to the refrigerator... . for a minimum of 15 minutes... this time because of the video... because of time I didn't do it... but every time I make pie at home... I already leave the base ready in the refrigerator... for hours before... but well... as you can see, I will cover the base with baking paper... which I crumpled to accommodate it more easily... later I will place rice on top... which I have already reserved and have labeled for use as pie weights... you can use beans or chickpeas too... baking the base separately... helps make it crispy... since if you put the apples in at this time... the base absorbs the liquids and becomes watery... once I've emptied everything. I will arrange and place in a preheated oven... at 180 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes... it is important that your oven is already at that temperature... at this moment... when removing the base from the oven... remove the weights. .and take it back to your oven... which continues at 180 degrees Celsius for 5 more minutes... after this time... remove from the oven... and varnish with a little egg white... this will also help... so that the base does not absorb the liquids from the filling... and therefore remains very crispy... yes, it is an extra step. bake the base separately... but believe me, it's worth it... because no one likes... a watery base that looks like it's not cooked... ok, I'll do it aside for a moment... and now I'll stretch the another part... of the dough which is the one that is slightly smaller... well I will form a circle of about 26 to 27cm in diameter... and equally three to 5mm thick... I will cut strips of approximately 1cm... help yourself like I use a ruler... so that they are all of a similar size... and so that they don't end up crooked... I will put the strips aside for a moment... so I can continue with the recipe... well, what The next thing is to place our filling... which should already be at room temperature... in our cooked base... with a spatula, distribute well as I show you in the video... and once all the apples are on the base we are going to funniest part... which is placing the lattice lid... for this I am going to put about 5 strips... more or less... separated at the same distance vertically... then I am going to put a strip horizontally... on the 5 strips... then I will place other strips vertically... where I have a lot of space... in total I used 6 strips... I put the smallest ones at the ends... I arranged them at the end here that's why you can't see them yet .. and now I am going to lift the strips alternately... to form the lattice... from here on... I just have to lift the strips alternately... to place the horizontal strips... as shown in the video.. you cover the horizontal strip.. and then... you lift the vertical strips that you had not raised... in an alternating manner.. you put the other horizontal strip... and you continue like this until you finish.. You will see that it is very easy to make this lattice... and the pie looks very pretty... finally I will run my rolling pin along the ends... to cut the excess dough... although as I told you a moment ago... you can cut with a scissors... later I will lightly press all the ends... with the base of the pie... it doesn't look very pretty... I love how the dough turned out... but well now I'm going to varnish with an egg mixture .. a tablespoon of milk, a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar... varnish each of the strips very well so that... your coverage is very golden brown... after varnishing, when I'm in Mexico... I I sprinkle a little more sugar on the surface... but here in my oven, if I do it like this... the grate burns, so I mix the egg with 1 Pinch of sugar... but hey, now yes, I'm going to take to an oven that should already be at 200 C... in fact, when removing the base from the oven, increase the temperature to 200 C... and bake for 1 hour to 1 hour and 5 minutes... yes at 30 , 40 minutes you notice your pie is already very golden brown... cover it with aluminum foil and wait until you see how the filling is bubbling... that means it is ready... mine was in the oven for 1 hour... when you remove it Let it cool for 1 more hour... and after this time... remove from the mold and place on a rack to let it cool completely. I tell you that I love this removable mold... because it helps to unmold the pie perfectly... I'll leave you the link to a similar one in the information box... and what else can I tell you, this pie is delicious... the super crunchy, golden pasta, which combines very well with the filling... a classic dessert, which cannot be missing in your table, at any party... or meeting... as you can see, the slice does not fall apart so much when cutting... this is because we do not leave the base or the surface so thin... I also recommend using a sharp knife .. Thank you very much for watching the video..
Channel: Katastrofa La Cocina
Views: 41,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Katastrofa la cocina, pie de manzana, tarta de manzana, apple pie, pay de manzana, pastel de manzana, pai de manzana, pie de manzana clasico, pie de manzana casero, pie de manzana receta, postre facil, recetas faciles, pye de manzana, pie de manzana mcdonalds receta, apple pie recipe, apple pie filling recipe, apple pie crust, El clasico pie de manzana casero, el que preparamos siempre en casa, Clasico PIE de MANZANA casero
Id: fDb54AHOvKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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