The Cinema Sitdown #607 The Florida Project

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welcome to cinema sitdown today we watched the Florida project with a whole bunch of uh mischievous little kids in a apartment complex so join us in just a few moments uh and we're going to talk about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi again we're back uh I'm here with I'm Jordan I'm Addie I'm Thomas and I'm Kayla and I'm Isaiah so we're just going to go through some initial kind of Impressions and just maybe some emotions some moods you're kind of feeling uh we'll start with you I really I en I did enjoy it it kind of I feel like it takes a turn a little bit halfway through you're kind of just watching these kids just live their life in the middle of the summer I think they said it's like two weeks into their summer break and then all of a sudden things start happening and people go different places and it's very almost jarring a little bit as what happens but it's a very simple story I like stories that are very simple and for me like just watching the kids run around felt very nostalgic of being a child in the middle of the summer with nothing to do so you just go to your neighbor you're like hey you want to do something and they're like okay but it was it was cute it's very cute yeah I do agree uh something about it was very nostalgic I will say I don't know if I was as honry with some of the stuff that they did but uh just like some simple stuff that they they were doing just like you know running out in the rain plain stuff like that and just like some of the like gibberish they were almost saying I was just like that yeah let's go back to the simpler times yeah so this was also my first time watching it uh I knew it was about like kids in an apartment complex that's about it um I knew some bad stuff was probably going to happen CU yeah it's a movie um but I I don't know it felt very like bittersweet because you get all these like kind of very bright like contrast is just kicked up uh and so you get the sense like this is going to be really like fun and cute kind of movie and like you mentioned Jordan like halfway through real stuff starts to happen and it's just kind of like that big contrast between like a child's like view on the world and reality um and I just really enjoyed that I really liked the movie um the ending I have a few qualms about but we'll get into that um we'll start with Kayla and then move down this way because I know Thomas has choice uh opinions on this movie um yeah honestly it actually took me a while to understand what was going on in the first place CU it was kind of moving slow and just like yeah these kids are running across the street oh my gosh suris don't get hit by a car with how much they were doing it like you see in the background all the time there's these cars everywhere and they just keep walking across the street but I mean once I kind of understanded what the story was trying to tell I was like okay I can kind of get this now I don't really feel the Nostalgia from it probably because I grew up in the woods so like every time it was summer instead of being like go talk to the neighbor kit it was go play in the Woods by yourself okay I don't feel that sense of it but I do kind of still feel like the childlike sense of let's go do something and making up all your fun stuff and eating ice cream really grossly but yeah I don't know this movie is certainly about Florida and this movie is certainly produced by 824 um I want a blanket statement I do have nice things to say about this movie I promise I I TR I truly mean that there are some things that I did really like I will just blinging statement this is not my kind of movie and that's okay but we as talked about it before the show we're going to have some friendly discussions about it I'm not going to get too heated about anything I just want to State my opinions yes so basically you're kicked off the show actually yeah we're going to put a piece of tape around your mouth um but so I mean the when you say your type of movie um I guess for anyone who hasn't seen it it's a very like slow Meandering kind of movie like stuff happens but there's not a real like clear story arc um the characters don't really change and the world like the reality for this kid does change kind of but you never actually see the result of it so really things remain the same throughout this whole movie and for me I really enjoy movies that are very open I guess and kind of ambiguous and also just you're just kind of experiencing life with these characters it reminds me a lot of this Korean movie called burning it has Stephen Yun super good but like for two hours you just see this guy like Meander through life so it gives me that and I love those types of movies so I can see how like for other people this would just be an absolute chore to get through you know um but I do want to ask what your thoughts were on some of the cinematography cuz it does a lot of different stuff in it I cinematography is admittedly not really the field that I'm the most knowledgeable in um I thought there were some really pretty shots uh I I to an extent there was a point where I was like I don't know if they included this just cuz they're like yeah we shot this really pretty shot but we don't have any reason to include it into the M overarching story so we're just going to put it in between between two things happening um if I had a nickel for every time there was a shot of someone just walking somewhere and then pulling out a cigarette smoking it and then cutting to something completely different that didn't go anywhere and I I realized probably like an hour and a half into this m it's like a just under two hour long movie um I realized that what that was is it was a way to signify like a day had passed it was essentially it was like oh you know this is no longer the same day now the next day it was just showing hey there's someone smoking at Sunset here's someone smoking in the middle of the night and now it's the next day and or or even more time passed to show that some time had passed um but as far as cinematography there are a lot of cool instances um specifically the the trying to remember exactly when it happens but this the sequence when they're going through the like abandoned house there were some interesting shots where it was just the kids going around this abandoned house and of course they all live in a motel just being like Oh you know I put my bed here and actually no I put it in the middle and fill the outside of it with toys like okay yeah no that's this is a good way to show that it's just showing literally an empty desolate room that's been broken into God knows how many times and just showing a kid being like oh this is how I make it my space yeah there's a lot of like kind of differing techniques like at the end especially when they go into this whole weird kind of it's kind of very quick and you're seeing kind of like almost it looks like they changed the frame rate I don't know um to slow it down or something or speed it up um but they have a lot of like really wide still shots and they also have ones where they're tracking the kids and it gives a really I don't know I I really enjoyed it because it gives both the sense that these are like little kids living in such a big world but it also has these really intimate moments where you're like you feel like you're also stumbling around this like the the house you mentioned like you're stumbling around the house with them and all that and I think it's also kind of gives that sense of like how messy their lives are as well like yeah it's so open and Grand and beautiful but but it's also dirty and like Rocky and you know dangerous um and I really enjoy that about the movie I think that differing stuff works uh I'm not sure how I feel about the end again I don't really like that whole sequence I don't understand it that much the whole movie was so still in such wide shots and like Cinema grade quality the last sequence I I swear it was shot on a GoPro genuinely I it like it was shot on a and uh minor spoilers they run into Disneyland don't know how they got in because security there is super strict especially two unattended kids but whatever they run into Disneyland and it's literally the camera operator running behind them super super shaky cuz it's literally them running behind two kids who are running and I don't think that they were set to be filming there I think that they just did that because if you look around there's people like where are these kid two kids running around people just looking straight at the camera and I'm like this has to just be like a GoPro or handheld camera something I think I can kind of make sense of why the camera changed like that and this is just me completely guessing and not being that much of a cinematography buff but like I notice how a lot of times it's during the whole movie it changed between shots of like the wide shots kind of watching the whole scene play out that were really still not too Dynamic and then between shots of that and moving cameras you could see it shake and move with the characters and my thoughts on that is like maybe it's supposed to be like showing a chain in perspective like those still ones are more of like outside perspective and then those shaky are like the kids perspective and so maybe when they're going into Disneyland and it looks choppy and fr the kid was having a mental breakdown so maybe it's just like like bits and pieces coming together to show The Runaway to Disneyland that's my guess but we it kind of yeah that ending scene kind to me it feels like cuz everything is very steady very locked down there's movement but there's not it looked handheld that last scene and it felt like to me that these two kids were at especially the main kid she was at a breaking point of I am never going to see you again cuz I have to leave I'm being taken away what if it was just her mind what if we just left right now and went to Disneyland the magical place on Earth the best place on Earth that's kind of what I took from it is that it's that scene was all in her head of what her what she would want to do next awesome I like that yeah I thought I kind of got the sense of I like it I like the idea I feel like it it kind of just Lurch me of the moment but in terms of like the idea like if it was written down in the script the story I like the idea of her going she's so close to Disneyland yet she never actually goes there till the end and I really like the idea of her in this really emotional state the only thing she can think of is to run to Disneyland for Comfort I think that's really sad it's also kind of ironic that the motel she lives in is called The Magic Castle right yeah so it's and that's where they went at the very gu con yeah it's really there's like levels of irony and like just Bittersweet is how I kind of describe it um let's maybe go into the characters a little bit with the time we have um I'll just kind of leave it up to if there's any thoughts on any characters in particular you guys want to go into Addie we might be thinking the same thing so I get it some people have hard lives I totally understand that I'm not saying it's easy to raise a kid I have no idea I don't have any kids but if you're not going to really take responsibility to raise a kid I mean if you're if you can't take care of yourself probably shouldn't take care of a kid either and I could be wrong was it even hers I don't remember what they I think so they said I believe so was it hers okay my point still stands I I still don't I just I don't get it and it and it just it made me so infu like uh infuriate and she only got wor in the movie I feel like she dug herself deeper her first ins for was always immediately start cing out the and so I was like I mean I don't know like it I felt bad at first and I'm like well you know what maybe this will like really show like maybe the situation she's getting into and I'm like no I feel like now she's just kind of bringing it on herself I I I I can't defend them any longer you know kind of thing she literally the mom literally beat the crap out of her former friend I mean there's no I don't feel no sympathy yeah you remember when I said this it was just about Florida I've been to Florida once or twice and I've seen some of that behavior and I'm just like yeah I know this is about Florida yeah I think the movie goes into kind of I guess the role of being a parent um you can have so much love for your kids but that doesn't mean you're a good parent um and I think we see that with the mom where she's very Reckless impulsive and you see all these kind of negative traits but she also does love her kid and it's clear she's you know she's willing to do whatever she can to support her kid at the end of the day I mean we see her do uh you know she's selling perfumes um she elicits a man in prostitution all that kind of stuff um I forgot what else she does I think in the beginning uh she does like uh stripping work all that kind of stuff she stole like those Ste she steals scammer yep all that probably more stuff that I can't remember but she's doing all this at the end of the day for her kid and yes she's also being very impulsive but I guess I think it's trying to kind of show like she's also still a kid like she's very young and it just shows like you it's like a kid it's like when you're babysitting someone but you're like 2 years older than them and it's like I don't know what to do so I'm just going to like give you candy and like I don't know let's watch TV and you know stuff like that so it's like yeah I I I I dislike her but I also like can understand her it's a very realistic kind of character um and it contrasts with William defoe's character who is very mature and he's more of like a father real parent kind of figure that's who I wanted to go into yeah he is easily the best part of this movie in my opinion in my opinion you're right he is consistently respons looking after not just Haley's kid the the main mom but all of the kids who are living there he looks after all of the residents I'm in there like the I believe it was the same character that was like at the pool doing the thing that I won't discuss on PBS um and he was like kind of getting into it with her and then later he's like ah you got to smoke and she's like yeah for you absolutely like he's to an extent at least somewhat of a friend of everyone there and it is such a cool character to see especially with the You Know M protecting like the kid and the mom it it goes so well together and specific like you mentioned like it it's a hard character to play It's A Hard character to have because you want to not like her she's impulsive she's rude but also at the end of the day she is in her own way trying to do the right thing yeah well it even shows like William Deo like like his like a glimpse of his situation as well and like with his um his son who's all grown up and I think it's almost like he feels really really bad for Haley in her situation and wants to also do as much as he can I think it's just the taking advantage of the kindness that kind of tis me off a little bit cuz it's just it's like she expects it and then that's when I kind of have a problem cuz I'm like you really shouldn't expect that but I mean it I can't speak on like that kind of living situation because I I don't know but it yeah no I but I do agree that he was easily one of them the best in it yeah and they do a lot of like still kind of shots on William defo he's usually like smoking or you know just staring at the kids and stuff like that um so you can see like he's supposed to be portrayed as this very like calming figure um in both really the mom and the kids' lives um and really for like the whole Community which I thought was really interesting because I thought they're gonna kind of go the Trope of like oh everyone hates you know the uh the owner the manager whatever which is kind of true but also there's a sense of like Community like they appreciate him but they're also like he has that responsibility to take care of them I thought it was just a really cool aspect and I almost I wish they would have given him a little bit more time almost I I think this movie could have used a like maybe just 20 minutes of more character development for William defo cuz I feel like that last moment of him choosing to let kid get taken away could have been a lot more powerful if we knew more about his character I don't even remember his name I Bobby Bobby yeah Bobby I keep calling him defo but Bobby Bobby could have used a lot more character development in my opinion I wanted to know more about his family situation and how that correlated or contrasted with the mom in the movie um and I think did Kayla I don't think you got to talk about the characters was there someone that you wanted to bring up um kind of sort of I still did want to bring up Bobby a little bit cuz there's one thing I want to build on that a little bit just a little bit um is just that at the very beginning he was kind of set to be that mean grumpy manager man I mean from the kids perspective everyone's perspective but I feel like as time went on it showed that he genuinely did care about those kids I mean he got rid of the creepy guy that was yeah yeah he straped s get him get him out get him out and like he was trying to be responsible and tell trying and lead him the right way but doing the best he could I really appreciated that aspect where like the whole movie in fact does a lot of like showing not telling almost or like imp implications and I liked that as well for his character and a lot of characters as well yeah it's a very subtle movie and I really enjoyed that uh we'll go into our ratings here and see how much you guys enjoyed that type of movie uh starting with Jordan I out of 10 I would give it about a seven I think it was really good and I like that we I mean we can infer who called CPS but I like that we don't know I personally think Bobby did it as much as he did love them I think he knew this was not a good situation but they don't ever tell us who who called them but yeah I would give it a seven out of 10 that's pretty high but I mean you you do you uh I I don't know you said a seven yeah I feel like the more that I have time to think about it I might give it a little bit of a higher rating but it's more like it's a 5 five I I don't really know if I'll if I'll watch it again but it was interesting a lot to talk about K I'm going to kind of agree with that sort of mentality of like there's a lot to talk about and you can definitely go into them they completely gloss over the fact that a kid committed arson but there's a lot of things to examine and look at but honestly it's kind of slow paced and it's very simple and for me like it took me a while to understand a lot of stuff in the movie I got an understanding watching this so I'm going to give it a four just not for me but a lot of people howby would like it I'm in a very similar boat I know it's not for me this movie is very gritty it's very realistic it's Florida it made me feel genuinely gross at sometimes I won't mention what specific instances it is very realistic it is very very realistic in a lot of ways four out of 10 it's again it's not for me there are some things I really like about it will the photo is great four yeah so I'm going to say I was saving mind uh ruminating didn't want any pressure uh I really love how the realism of the characters I love how slow it is I'd probably give it like eight overall so I'm going to probably be the highest um but I think people should give this movie a try you know if you're watching it you have some free time uh it's on something I don't know we couldn't we couldn't figure it out it's on somewhere maybe but thank you for joining Cinema sit down have a Wonder ful day and we'll catch you on the next episode the next bye [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Red Digital Studios
Views: 91
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J9Rkh7KU3e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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