The CIA’s Plot to Assassinate Julian Assange

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this guy is a traitor a treasonous and and he has broken every law of the united states and i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death penalty want to do it illegally shoot the son of a date 2017 target julian assange the founder of wikileaks location the ecuadorian embassy in london objective killer capture origins of this order from quote the highest levels end quote of the us government and cia normally a target like asajj would be easy grab him from his way home from work or shoot him as he walks to get his morning coffee the only problem was asajj did none of these things he hadn't done any of those things in years for five years julian assange had been hiding in the ecuadorian embassy in london killing him there or sending in the police would go against international law and be a foreign relations disaster so the cia had to concoct another plan first they discussed secretly kidnapping him from the embassy and bringing him back to america but that would make it too obvious america broke the law so they changed tactics kidnap him turn him over to the british that way no one would know who was behind it then right but then there was still the chance he wouldn't get extradited back to the us if the british police got him eventually they got so desperate that they had no choice they discussed the unthinkable did the cia plot and plan to kill julian assange well unthinkable for everyone else very thinkable for the cia going against every international law they contemplated assassinating julian assange in the embassy where he lived poisoned snipers sending in assassins nothing was off the table but then came another variable the u.s didn't plan for the russians realizing the cia would want to get rid of asajj they decided to do the opposite they would help him escape to mother russia after all the russians didn't grant edward snowden asylum out of the goodness of their hearts but because it was a great way to humiliate the us doing the same for assaj would be another great victory the cia finds out about the russians plans so they scrapped their killer capture plans and now have to brainstorm how they would intercept a russian extraction if the russians were going to help him escape by car the cia would crash into it with their own vehicle then grabbing him while prepared for a firefight in the process in the middle of london if the russians were going to fly him out they would get the british police to shoot out the plane's wheels before it could take off to moscow the us uk and russian intelligences were in a race to see who would get to julian assange first quote it got to the point where every human being in the three block radius of the embassy in london was working for one of the intelligence services whether they were street sweepers or police officers or security guards end quotes the question is why why was this one man so feared by the us government that they were completely detached from reality that they were concocting plans to kidnap or assassinate him within a foreign embassy in a foreign country what does it take to get to the top of the cia's hit list i'm only asking for a friend [Music] of wikileaks london police have arrested wikileaks here you can see being dragged out of the ecuadorian even if you're not on a killer capture list and you're not doing anything illegal having all your browsing history logged and linked to you by your internet provider so it's available to governments and hackers is probably not a good idea that's where private internet access comes in or pia private internet access is the world's leading no lock vpn provider a vpn or virtual private network basically reroutes all your internet traffic through vpn servers all over the world this makes sure your ip address is completely hidden and it allows for some cool hacks like watching jio restricted netflix contents pia is ridiculously easy to use has over 30 million downloads with 24 7 live customer supports and it's at an 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hacker under the codename mendax asajj broke into some pretty huge organizations what does the pentagon the u.s department of defense nasa panasonic and lockheed martin all have in common they were all hacked by assaj when he was just a teenager needless to say he was a child prodigy the kind of person you'd only expect to see in movies that was until 1991 when asajj got caught trying to hack into a canadian telecommunications company at the age of 20. he spent two years in jail and was released in 1993 on good behavior after agreeing to use his skills to help the australian police from then on he led a pretty quiet life he took some classes at the university of melbourne and then in 1999 he registers the domain but this domain will remain unused for another 7 years until 2006 when he started the organization that would make him one of the most feared men by almost every global superpower [Music] wikileaks changed the game when it launched in 2006 it was like nothing the world had ever seen before anyone with any important information or proof of classified secrets could submit their data to wikileaks anonymously something that was not very common back then it worked like a really big dropbox but instead of sharing pictures from family holidays you could share top secret information with the publishers they would sort through the info decide if it was important enough to publish and then they would pass it on to huge news agencies like the guardian or the new york times what made wikileaks different from other whistleblower organizations is that they could never really be charged with stealing information they didn't do any of the hacking themselves so to a certain extent they were innocent which led to one other major advantage wikileaks had since they weren't involved in stealing the information the classified documents they published could be used in courts this was a game changer and terrifying for powerful people with dark secrets to hide because if the whistleblowers have published the leaks themselves us law will make it impossible to use that illegally obtained evidence to prosecute people or governments but because wikileaks kept their hands cleaned the data they published could be used in any court in the us at first the group didn't gain much recognition they leaked the us handbook for the treatment of prisoners at guantanamo bay in 2007 and in 2009 they posted more than 500 thousand pages of messages sent on 911 but nothing quite caught the government or the public's attention at least not until 2010 in april 2010 wikileaks releases this video it's a simple low quality video from an apache helicopter involved in a baghdad air strike on july 12 2007. parts of the video unfortunately have to be censored for the youtube algorithm it's available uncensored if you want to search for it yourself this video was an airstrike that killed 18 people pretty standard stuff in the us military what was strange however was that for a group of armed insurgents they seem to be walking around rather calmly while a loud heavily armed unmistakably western apache helicopter was roaming above but rest assured the us military promised us that quote there is no question that coalition forces were clearly engaged in combat operations against a hostile force move along there's nothing to see here but worders weren't happy with that answer so they found a freedom of information act to request a copy of a video of the engagement but to no avail that was until the encrypted footage made its way to wikileaks they decrypted it titled the video collateral murder published it and this is what it revealed these were not enemy insurgents hostile forces that the us military shot up but two unarmed photographers for the news agency worders namir noor aldine and his driver saheed chama the pilots mistook their cameras for weapons and a myriad of other casualties that didn't have any weapons or seem to be hostile at all the us military just tried to cover up friendly fire on journalists and almost instantly the video was spread to every newspaper and online publication around the world of course our top story this morning the white house blasting the release of over 90 000 u.s military records on the war in afghanistan a whistleblower website has published what it says are nearly 92 000 official u.s documents of raw data on the debts and casualties collected over the past six years the wikileaks website released nearly 400 000 secret u.s files on the iraq war late today it was the largest leak of classified u.s files in history everyone came to know the name wikileaks and julian assange everyone including the us government and they were not happy the pentagon called wikileaks a national security threat the person who leaked the video chelsea manning got cut not because of wikileaks she was arrested for leaking the video and thousands of other classified documents to the organization they tried to block off wikileaks's funding but the organization just moved to bitcoin but at the end of the day they couldn't arrest assad for publishing the video since he had no involvement in stealing it but just a few months after leaking the most embarrassing clip against the us government in recent memory julian assange was accused of a crime a crime that would conveniently discredit him discredit wikileaks and discredit any other lease they would publish in the future [Music] in august 2010 julian assange visited sweden to get support for wikileaks after the collateral murder video he was obviously not comfortable with what the us would do as revenge and he hopes sweden will offer him and wikileaks some protection except three months later swedish police issued an arrest warrant for assad they accused him of sexually assaulting two women on his visit to sweden by the time the warrant came out he was in the united kingdom even though assad gave himself up to the british police in december he still insisted that he was innocent and he was released on bail and he had his suspicions wasn't it a little too convenient that just as wikileaks rocked the world with the collateral murder video swedish police accused him of committing a crime that would discredit his character his organization and any information he shared up to that point at least that's what assad believed he spoke of sweden's quote very very poor judicial system and quote weakened by external political meddling careerism and a culture of quote crazed radical feminist ideology end quote the only problem with this argument was that swedish law prohibits extraditions for political crimes including espionage and for cases eligible for the death penalty something that assad was sure the us would work around with the cards stacked against them julian assange knew that he would have to act quickly to save himself from getting extradited to sweden if he was put in jail in his mind there was no doubt the u.s would find a way to extradite him back to the u.s for whatever crimes they were charging with soon and on may 30th 2012 the supreme court ruled asajj would be extradited to sweden to stand trial for the accusations the only problem was no one knew where assad was he'd been cut out on bail for the whole trial but after the supreme court ruling he seemed to have disappeared into thin air he hadn't left the country the british government was short of that but where could he have gone no one would find out until it was too late at the moment he was at the ecuadorian embassy in london negotiating being given asylum by their governments [Music] [Applause] on august 16 2012 the foreign minister of ecuador announced that julian assange had been given asylum at the ecuadorian embassy in london we trust that the united kingdom will offer as soon as possible the guarantee for the safe passage for this asylum of mr assange and that they will respect those international agreements that they have signed in the past and that they have always respected a tiny office in the embassy was converted into a studio with a bed shower treadmill kitchenette and computer if he had guests they'd visit him in his little studio his lawyer's therapist and even a personal trainer had to make do with the small space if he ever stepped foot outside the embassy british police officers were front and center ready to arrest him on the spot for skipping bail and he would stay trapped in the embassy for five years before wikileaks released their most damaging data dumped yet all at the cost of the us government's dignity [Music] julian assange was a target for the us government under both president obama and president trump he embarrassed the military show them how weak their security was and on march 7 2017 he released what they called vault 7 arguably the most embarrassing data leak in the history of the cia and the us governments what was involved 7 all the internal documentation regarding the cia's ultra secret hacking division and its tactics the guys who were supposed to be the best hackers in the world had apparently been hacked this breach was not just embarrassing it took away years of agency pride and dignity the organization tasked with keeping america secrets couldn't even stop a leak of their most classified information vault 7 had it all details on electronic surveillance equipment cyber warfare weapons and how they could break into almost every cell phone operating system on the planets all out in the open for the world to see agency officials used to quote laugh about wikileaks end quotes mocking the state department and the pentagon for allowing so much material to escape their control but now it was their turn and for the cia revenge wasn't even a question it was the only answer their blood was boiling and all they could see was red an example had to be made in the main targets of course it was julian assange [Music] [Applause] on april 13 2017 the cia director at the time mike pompeo was on a war path less than five weeks after vault 7's publication director pompeo made his new stance very clear wikileaks was now a full-blown non-state hostile intelligence service and a direct enemy of the united states wikileaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service and has encouraged its followers to find jobs at the cia in order to obtain intelligence it's time to call out wikileaks for what it really is a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like russia this new classification was bureaucratic speak that now justified the use of offensive measures against this non-state hostile intelligence service the fight was on and according to mike pompeo there were no rules after his speech he gave cia officers the order to figure out the quote art of the possible end quote he said quote nothing's off limits don't self-censor yourself i need operational ideas from you i'll worry about the lawyers in washington end quote which led to all the insane plans we talked about at the start of this video despite all the planning though their plans never went forward because their lawyers said it would be a bad idea and it wasn't because they thought let's not kill a guy who hasn't even been proven guilty of the crime no they didn't do it because the lawyers in washington said it wasn't a good idea so even though assad escaped becoming the next name scratch off the cia's hit list life wasn't going so well for him at the same time either [Music] [Applause] spending more than 6 years as a guest in someone's house seems like a bit much so it wasn't totally surprising when that ecuadorians finally started getting tired of a sergeant 2018 apparently he refused to clean up after his cat michi also known as the embassy cat and started getting on the nerves of the ecuadorian government by posting damaging information about the new ecuadorian president lenin mourinho on wikileaks at least you can't say wikileaks is biased exposing your hosts and leaving your cat's poop all over the place doesn't seem like the best way to stay in someone's good graces so in july 2018 president moreno said he wanted asajj out as soon as it was safe for him to leave in october that same year assaj tried suing the ecuadorian government for cutting his internet access and threatening to turn him over to the uk police pretty odd and things only went downhill from there it turns out that uc global the company the embassy paid to keep assad safe had been spying on him for u.s intelligence all along the same company that embassy paid more than 5 million to over the last 7 years assaj had become more trouble than he was worth and the embassy was about to cut him off [Music] on april 2nd 2019 president lenin moreno announced asajj was no longer welcome at the embassy the reason it had everything to do with asajj violating the terms of his asylum and had nothing to do with the fact that wikileaks had published pictures that linked moreno to a corruption scandal asajj had very little time to prepare when nine days later the ecuadorian government invited british police into the embassy to arrest asajj on the basis of skipping bail that very same day asajj was found guilty and sentenced 50 weeks in prison starting may 1st the us's time had come asajj had been secretly indicted over a year earlier in march 2018 and on the same day he was arrested in london the indictment was unsealed he was charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion a month later while serving his sentence in the bellmarsh prison the u.s added 17 charges to the list the maximum sentence a hundred and seventy years in prison a hundred and seventy years for the leader of an organization that wasn't all that different from other news agencies that published leaks at his extradition hearing in may 2019 asajj said quote i do not wish to surrender myself for extradition for doing journalism that has won many many awards and protected many people end quote on july 4th 2021 a judge denied that extradition request on the basis of assad's mental health making him a suicide risk but he was also denied bail because he's a flight risk so for now asajj hangs in limbo julian assange is currently still in belmar's prison at the time of recording this video if he's extradited he faces solitary confinement in a super max prison a hundred and seventy years in prison for someone who did the same job as most journalists out there where i wouldn't be surprised if he met the same fate as our friend whose first name starts with a j and last name starts with an e time will tell what the future holds for the whistleblower pioneer for humiliating both our elected leaders and the media class julian assange's life has been destroyed what i think he's done is spoken truth to power that should not be a basis on which you end up in prison ultimately he should come back to this country to face trial i think he should be punished when china demands the extradition of a canadian journalist what happens when saudi arabia does the same thing about someone living in argentina we are setting a precedent right now that we are going to live with for the next hundred years if you are new here we make video essays documentaries just like this one every single week on the most provocative stuff in the world of money power war and crime so if you like this one you're definitely gonna like the other one so click that red subscribe button below and if you want more day in the life kind of stuff you can follow me on instagram at thanks for being part of the watch of the end club keep sharpening that mind stay dangerous out there and i will see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Jake Tran
Views: 6,333,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wikileaks, rt, chelsea manning, assange court, chelsea manning wikileaks, documentary, free assange, press freedom, current affairs, julian assange, nsa, wikileaks founder julian assange, wikileaks founder, military intelligence, assange, julian assange documentary, wikileaks leaks, julian assange indictment, assange news, assange wikileaks, julian assange wikileaks, julian assange update, classified documents, julian assange arrest, finance, edward snowden
Id: 3fq83qbjPCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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