The Christian’s Relationship to the Government- Romans 13:1-7 (8.4.19) - Dr. Jordan N. Rogers

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[Music] we obey the government we avoid punishment we achieve a clear conscience and we pay our taxes we ought to be model citizens this morning we're in Romans chapter 13 verses 1 through 7 Romans 13 verses 1 through 7 this passage is not particularly appetizing to many of us as I just prayed for a couple of reasons is talking about the earthly earthly governing authorities and why we as Christians really why anybody should be submissive to government we don't particularly like that I know because one there's something within us within our the sin within us that that likes to refuse Authority that likes to rebel Authority don't tell me what to do I am my own person but then there there's also on top of that there is this this thought within us that I'll gladly submit to Authority so long as Authority agrees with me we apply that to government's we apply that many times I have seen it applied in the home to the leadership there of the husband I'll follow your leadership so long as I agree with you that's not the command of Scripture the command of Scripture is to submit to your husbands as the church does to Christ and so also for Christians we are commanded to submit to the government men and women alike we are called to live lives of obedience of submission to the earthly governing authorities this morning in this passage what I want to talk to you about is the Christians relationship to the government the Christians relationship to the government now please don't please don't let the the the number system there in the Bible the number system that editors have added later on don't don't let this dissuade you from remembering that in Romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 we were commanded because we've received the mercies of God or mercies from God we must live our lives for God so we're commanded to live our lives for God we are commanded to give ourselves as living sacrifices that's not a one-time offering that's an all the time giving that is an all the time living and what Paul has done from verse 3 of Romans chapter 12 even till now Romans chapter 13 ending there in verse 7 for our section today what Paul has done is he has taken this this premise this principle of offering yourself as a living sacrifice and he's applied it in a number of different ways in verse 3 through 8 he told you how to live as a sacrifice before God in the local church in verse 9 through 13 he told you he told you how to live before God in all things just the characteristics of the Christian life and then in verse 14 through 21 when he told you is how to how to live as a sacrifice before God as you respond to difficult situations so in every situation overcome evil with good offer yourself as a living sacrifice and what does Paul explained to us there in verse 2 of Romans 12 he says this is your spiritual worship this is your act of worship so don't be conformed to this world don't think like other people of this world don't let news stations or political parties shape the way you respond to governmental authority friends none of us our independent democrat or republican first I thought I'd get at least one Amen on that if I'd have said none of us are Democrat first that'd have been a bunch of amens it's too easy yeah guess what none of us is American first we are Christian we are little Christ's we are followers of Jesus I'm all for being a patriot serving our country loving our country laying down our lives for our kinsmen your legion says to God your allegiance is to King Jesus so what does King Jesus say about earthly governing authorities you know what he says submit to them he doesn't say take up the sword and unseat them he doesn't say look you're my people you're not their people therefore rebel against them no quite the opposite in fact he says submit to them and Paul lays out for us essentially two commands in this passage in verses 1 through 7 he gives you a command in verse 1 he gives you a command in verse 6 through 7 - commands in regards to the earthly governing institutions and then sandwiched in between those two imperatives he gives you two outcomes of obedience two outcomes of rightfully submitting to the earthly governing institutions so let's look at those in turn here with this caveat I'm not taking this opportunity because the text does not warrant this I'm not going to take the opportunity and ambassador meant lambaste solve the the ills that are portrayed in this country this passage was not written to governments this passage was written to Christians this passage is meant to instruct us on how we relate to the government now you can draw inferences and you can draw out implications of the text you can draw implications as to what the government ought to be what they should do what they must do what God has designed them to do but that is not the preeminent point of the passage the leading point of the passage is how Christians respond to the government in fact I want you to think about something before you disqualify the whole sermon and say well surely God doesn't expect me to submit to that President or those senators or those governors of those pause surely God in His wisdom would not expect me to submit to him or rewind what five years surely God didn't expect me to submit to him surely God didn't expect me to honor him oh if the election had turned out another way surely God wouldn't expect me to honor her but what does God expect God expects submission God expects honor to those to whom honor is due I want to remind you of something contextually necessary in this passage when Paul wrote the Epistle to the Romans who was the governing authority I tell you what they would have been glad to have our president because they had Caesar they had an evil despot who was crucifying people by the thousands in fact that crucified Jesus and yet Paul says of the governing authorities even the ones that crucify Jesus submitted them show them honor so we have no grounds for dismissing this passage at all because we don't like our current government or we didn't like a past government but we're gonna disagree with an upcoming government in fact it doesn't even matter so much that we live in America this passage is applicable to people who live in Iran this passage is applicable to all peoples everywhere how now now that that becomes the question how is this applicable what does God expect from me in my relationship to the government those are necessary essential questions that are actually answered for us quite clearly here in the scriptures look with me here at the first command that Paul issues Romans chapter 13 beginning in verse 1 he says let every person be subject that is an imperative it essentially means be submissive be obedient let every person be subject to the governing authorities that is the earthly governing institutions whatever government that might be - the governing authorities for there is no authority except from God and those that exist have been instituted appointed ordained by God so what's the command very clearly the command is be submissive to the governing authorities now I don't think that that's simply just talking about government institutions either that's talking about Authority that we are under you're under Authority in your job I'm under Authority in my job we are to submit to those authorities why first write down the command that Paul gives us you must submit you must live in obedience to the earthly governing authorities that is the first command that Paul gives us you must live in obedience to the earthly governing authorities now Paul grounds this command so when you say ground normally it's introduced by by a coordinating conjunction gar 4 it's what he says that he'll give you a command do this and then he tells you why what what foundation is this command built upon so submit to the earthly governing authorities why Paul he gives you that answer look at the second part of verse 1 he says for there is no authority except from God and those that exist have been instituted or ordained by God that is why we must obey be submissive to the earthly governing institutions why because no one has Authority unless God gives it to them and God has clearly given authority to the governing institutions I'm going to summarize the entirety of this sermon in this this one sentence if you would write this down you honor God's authority when you submit to the governing authorities you honor God's Authority when you submit to the governing authorities why is that because they got what they have the the power that's what Authority is it is the it is the power the ability the approval to lead and to tell us what to do and what to not do so when you submit to governmental authority when you submit to the earthly governing institutions you are in fact honoring God and again route this back into Romans 12:1 through 2 this is your spiritual worship that's part of a worship song you sing with your life is living obediently or submissively to the earthly governing institution whether you live in America Canada South America Israel wherever you live in submission to the government and that's part of the worship you offer to God in this life let's not reduce our worship down to songs I truly think that God is more interested in the song of our life than the song of our lips you sing a song and how you use your gifts in the church you sing a song with the characteristics of your life you sing a song with how you handle difficult situations and friend you sing a song in your relationship to the government that is how part of how you worship God you offer yourself as a living sacrifice to him authority is something derived from a higher power God is ultimately the highest authority in the universe he does not derive his authority from anyone but himself he is omnipotent he is all-powerful therefore if anyone has power they have received it it has been delegated to them by God so when you honor the authority God has delegated you honor God in other words you must obey the governing authorities to honor God's Authority you must obey the government the government's authority to honor God's Authority Titus chapter 3 verse 1 this is not an isolated teaching of Paul here in Romans chapter 13 let me read Titus chapter 3 verse 1 he says remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities to be obedient to be ready for every good work authority comes from God honoring Authority honors God remember Romans 11 verse 36 for from him all things through him are all things and to him are all things to him be glory forever amen if everything is from him then the authority that our government has over us has also been given by God there's not a lot of amens this morning believe me I know this is a this is a difficult sermon this is a difficult passage to swallow now amen amen got it there listen to what Jesus says Jesus affirms and teaches the same truth in fact he looked Pilate the Roman governor in the face as Pilate says I got the authority to crucify you listen what Jesus says I love it John chapter 19 verse 10 through 11 so Pilate said to him said to Jesus you will not speak to me do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you jesus answered him you would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given to you from above therefore he who delivered me over to you has the crater sin he says Pilate I know you have authority over me but remember your place lest you become puffed up unless you become arrogant the only reason you sit in that seat is because God gave that to you you're not the highest power in the universe now I want to make a careful note here we're talking about obedience to the government submission to the government and one of the first questions that comes to our mind is does that mean I obey the government in all things what if the government says all children two and under have to be thrown into the Nile River what if the government says that what do we do are we to be submissive is that what Paul is saying is Paul saying have an uncritical absolute obedience to earthly governing institutions that's not what Paul is actually saying here one of the things we need to understand is that the laws and decrees of earthly governing institutions are binding and authoritative insofar as they do not violate God's law the laws and decrees of earthly governing institutions are binding and authoritative insofar as they are not in violation of God's law a few examples here for you you remember in Daniel chapter six Daniel and the Lions Den a favorite a favorite historical record of all of ours you remember why David was thrown or Daniel was thrown into the Lions Den he was thrown into the Lions Den because he refused to comply to the government's decree up until that point Daniel had lived in perfect compliance to the Kings decrees to Darius's laws laws the Medes and the Persians he'd lived in complete compliance to it and it was only when these other other government officials wanted to do away with Daniel that they gave a law they knew Daniel would have to violate God's law in order to obey because they knew that Daniel operated under the principle that God is my king and I will always obey God no matter what so they set a trap is what they did let me read this passage for you here very instructive for us Daniel chapter 6 verse 7 through 10 says all the high officials of the kingdom the prefix and the satraps and the counselors and the governors are agreed that the king should establish an ordinance and enforce an injunction that whoever makes petition or prayer to any god or man for thirty days except you O king shall be cast into the den of lions now O King established the injunction and signed the document so that it cannot be changed according to the law the Medes and the Persians which cannot be revoked therefore King Darius signed the document and injunction when Daniel knew that the document had been signed what did he do he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem he got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he had done previously Daniel has held up as an exemplary actor here as an exemplary character because he in fact not because he violated the law of the land he's held up as an exemplary character because he held up that God's laws are absolute not the laws of man man's laws are authoritative they are binding on us insofar as they are not in violation to God's laws if this government the governor of the United States if it ever issued a decree that forbade us from worshipping Jesus Christ you are permitted in fact you are expected by God to violate that law that law is not on the books right now and there are many laws thousands of laws that are not in violation of God's law and what does God expect for us to do comply to them that includes the speed limit talking to myself that is a law it's not a suggestion right it's a law we're expected it's binding on us to obey it Daniel chapter 3 you remember these three guys you know as many baby dedications as we've done I've never come across parents who've named one of their kids Shadrach Meshach or Abednego I challenge you I challenge you we have some in here who are expecting Shadrach Meshach Abednego you can use it in a in a middle name you can even hyphenate all three who's this baby oh that Shadrach Meshach Abednego Daniel chapter 3 verse 16 through 18 Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and to the king o Nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you in this matter if this be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand O king but if not be it known to you O king that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up and what happens to them they're thrown into the fiery furnace there is one who is like the son of man one like the Son of God who comes in and rescues them they come out of that fiery furnace and they don't even have the scent of smoke in their garments there are many followers of the Lord who have violated the law of the land in obedience to God's command and they've been thrown in the fiery furnace and they were not rescued just because you live righteously in the midst of an evil government doesn't mean that God will always save you from their wrath but you are promised that when you put your faith in Jesus God will raise you up from the dead now look at a New Testament example Peter and John there before the ruling government of Israel the ruling government of the Jews in their days the Sanhedrin that is the seventy elders over Israel Acts chapter four verse 18 through 20 it says so they that is the ruling party so they called them Peter and John and charged them commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus but Peter and John answered them whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than God you must judge for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard that's a good governing principle for us isn't it if it comes to a decision of obeying the government or God always choose God but if there's no choice there guess what there's no choice if it's not a choice between obeying the government and obeying God obey the government that's the command that Paul issues under the authority the inspiration of the Holy Spirit let every person be subject to the governing authorities there's no authority except from God and those that exist have been instituted appointed ordained by God so there's our command now look at two outcomes Paul gives you two outcomes in verses two through five two outcomes of obedience two outcomes of living of life submissive to the government interesting things happen very simple things and I wish that more and more people would grasp hold of these truths here look at verse 2 through 4 you'll see the first outcome he says therefore as a consequence whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed and those who resist will incur judgment krema they will incur condemnation or punishment for rulers are not a terror to good conduct but to bad would you have no fear of the one who is in authority then do what is good but if you do wrong be afraid for he does not bear the sword in vain for he is a servant of God an Avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer outcome number one when you live a life in submission to the government no no to you not only do you honor God's Authority when you do that but outcome number one when you obey the governing authorities you avoid punishment that's novel isn't it when you when you obey the governing authorities you avoid punishment if a police officer you shouldn't even have to say this if a police officer pulls you over and stops you what should you do stop if a police officer says put your hands on the wheel what do you do you put your hands on the wheel and if you go to reaching in your pockets to grab something what is he off not just by the law of the land but what is he authorized by God to do bring judgment so we submit would be respectful we show honor we show reverence not only to the police officers but also to the laws that they enforce not only to the police officers and the laws but also all of the other governing officials and when you disobey the law you still pay the consequences we don't need to have it in our mind that because we are saved by grace through faith that we don't face consequences in this life God has saved us from the eternal consequences of our sins but God will still allow someone to rot in jail he may raise you up from the dead he will raise you up from the dead if your faith is in Christ but you will still pay the full sentence on earth for crimes that you commit and that's not unfair that is justice that's right and you know what that's supposed to do that's supposed to accomplish good for us that is supposed to be a punitive deterrent to people who would do evil things it is supposed to make them terrified to violate morality because guess what people in this world who were unregenerate who do not have a heart that's been born again made new by God given the holy spirit and a will and a desire to do what's right guess what the only thing that motivates unregenerate people to live lives of morality is the fear of punishment it's the only thing that motivates unregenerate people to do what is right it is a fear of judgment it is a fear of punishment I don't want to get a ticket I don't want to go to jail the fall I want to honor God that's not in their mind so God has set on this earth governing institutions to put fear into all people so that there's some sort of restraint upon mankind imagine what this world would be like if there were an Turkey if there were an Turkey if there was lawlessness you've seen some pictures like this you've seen some videos you've seen videos when when cities break out in riots and people break through the storefronts and they flip cars and they rob buildings and they're robbed homes and the burn things and destroy things why do they do that because we are moving as one and the government can't punish us though there's no fear now so what does the government do they come in with lethal force they come in with with punitive judgment in order to bring about law and order this is what's necessary in our world it's what's necessary to restrain evil lest our totally total depravity be let loose and come to it's grievous end now God has instituted he has ordained earthly governing institutions for our good the government is not our enemy when you obey the governing authorities you avoid punishment first Peter chapter 2 verse 13 through 15 the Apostle Peter writes be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution whether it be to the Emperor as supreme or to governor's who are sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good for this is the will of God that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people Peter goes a step further here and he adds in a nuance thought that when we when we obey the government when we submit to the earthly governing institutions not only do we avoid punishment but we give testimony it's an evangelistic tool when we are model citizens when you obey the governing authorities you avoid punishment Paul doesn't stop there look at verse five outcome number two verse five he says therefore one must be in subjection not only to avoid God's wrath but here it is but also for the sake of conscience that's a turning point isn't it you have to be subject to the the earthly governing institutions not only to avoid wrath but also for the sake of what for the sake of conscience for the sake of knowledge to the conscience the conscience is that essential part of your inner person that knows right from wrong because you have been born again your conscience is a little bit different than people who are unregenerate you have a conscience that has been enlightened a conscience that has been made new a conscience that has been reformed a conscience that has been transformed and is being transformed by the renewal of your mind therefore you know what is right you know what is wrong you have a tremendous sense of upright morality to me this is a prevailing reason that we ought to submit to the government that we ought to obey the government so that we have a a clear conscience so that you and I know when we when we go to sleep tonight on our respective pillows I've got nothing to worry about in this world I have not violated the law of man I have honored God's authority my conscience is clear yeah it's not that now I'm obeying the government because I'm so fearful of punishment now I'm obeying the government to honor God and I'm obeying the were meant to have a clear conscience when you obey the governing authorities you avoid punishment outcome number two when you obey the governing authorities you achieve a clear conscience Paul says something startling in his testimony to Felix the governor or pagan the Roman he says this in his testimony in Acts chapter 24 verse 16 he says so I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man Paul says I live as an upright citizen he says God's people can't condemn me for violating God's law God can't condemn me for violating his law and the world the the unregenerate world the governing institutions of this world they can't condemn me either because I obey the law Paul says Felix before you I have done nothing wrong you know when he tells Felix he says all I've done is proclaimed the resurrection from the dead I haven't violated any laws Felix Paul says I take great pains to have a clear conscience friends we ought to want to do what is right we ought not just live in fear of judgment from government or from from the law we ought to do right simply because it's right because we are people who are born again who have been made new in the image of Christ who have a conscience that is living now we can obey the law so we avoid wrath and we achieve a clear conscience therefore one must be in subjection verse five not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience now look at verse six through seven verse six through seven he gives you another command the first command was be submissive be obedient to the government you must live in obedience to the earthly governing institutions that was command number one two results as to two what happens when you do obey you avoid punishment you achieve a clear conscience now he's going to give you another command to obey in your relationship to the government look at verse six through seven he says for because of this you also pay taxes oh for what for because of this you also pay taxes you give a portion of the proceeds of your income to the governing institutions why for the authorities are ministers of God laked or ministers of God that's actually where we get our word liturgy he uses ministerial language here he's for the governing authorities they are liturgical their ministers here that are appointed by God you know in a second we're not gonna like this but in a second you know what it calls the governing institutions diaconis that sounds like an English word doesn't it Deacon says that they are deacons of God that the government is deacons of God listen to this for because of this you also pay taxes for the authorities our liturgical there are ministers of God attending to this very thing literally persevering in this persisting in this pain to all what is owed to them taxes to whom taxes are owed revenue to whom revenues owed respect to whom respect is owed honor to whom honor is owed what does the governing institutions of this earth what do they persist in they persist in upholding law and order you remember the you know the the the introduction song anybody remember the show Walker Texas Ranger anybody there's a few people here you remember that remember the beginning lines of the song for the eyes of a ranger oh come on you used to sing it you're living for the eyes of a ranger are a pond you anything you do he's gonna see when you're in Texas look behind you that's where the Ranger is gonna be all right love it awesome the Chuck Norris comes out and kicks people right but what's the idea it's that this Ranger this police officer he's always watching he's always enforcing right he's always bringing justice he's always punishing evildoers so evil better not think that the law is not watching well I'm thankful for our police officers I am thankful that the law doesn't sleeve because they don't sleep you and I can well I'm thankful for our first responders because they give up time with their families because they're there they're always watching guess what I've got hope if I have a heart attack I'm so thankful that our military is the biggest dog in the fight I'm thankful that we have big missiles and and we are able to destroy countries I'm thankful that we are that way we are a terrible terror to evil doers I'm thankful for that you know what you know what that preserves for us the right to do this freely [Applause] so you know what we need to do in obedience to God's commands not only be submissive to the government command number two you must pay taxes and respect to the earthly governing authorities pay taxes pay taxes it says that they persist in doing this they're always carrying the sword to punish evildoers to reward those who are righteous they persist in doing this so give a portion of your proceeds give a portion of your income to them it is due them God has dictated a salary to the government and we are the ones who pay that we don't have a right to skip out on taxes we don't we have a command to obey God we have a command to submit we have a command to pay not only pay our taxes but look at verse seven this this one might be the hardest one of all to swallow verse seven pay to all what is owed then that's an imperative pay to all what is owed to them taxes to them taxes are owed revenue to whom revenues owed and here it is respect to whom respect is owed honor to whom honor is owed it's one thing to have taxes automatically deducted out of your paycheck it's another thing to watch our mouths we talk about the governing institutions it's not okay to speak insulting Lee of any of our politicians amen that's right it is right it's not okay for us to do that it's not okay for us to to make fun of the way he speaks the way she acts it's not not okay for us to make fun of the way a person looks or how they sound or this or that no pay respect mr. president mr. vice president mr. congressman miss congresswoman mr. chairman miss chairwoman we speak respectfully we honor the authorities that God has sent over us and Friends when we honor the earthly governing institutions who are we ultimately worshiping were worshipping God were worshiping God now I want to remind you of what Jesus said in Luke chapter 20 in Luke chapter 20 Jesus is approached by scribes and Pharisees trying to trick him into saying something that will get him into hot water the scribes and the Pharisees are trying to get Jesus to say I'm King don't pay taxes to Caesar listen to this Luke chapter 20 verse 22 is it lawful for us to pay tribute to Caesar or not but he perceived their craftiness and said to them show me a Denarius that is a coin whose likeness and inscription does it have and they said Caesars he said to them then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are gods you could get out your denominations not not Baptists not talking about that your denominations of currency and what itwhat whose pictures are going to have previous rulers previous presidents previous magistrates over us and what would Jesus say to us the same thing render to the government the things that belong to the government pay your taxes but don't miss the last part of what Jesus said there render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are gods how did Jesus determine the things that belong to Caesar what did he say he said whose likeness following me here whose likeness and inscription does it have what has caesar's likeness it has Caesars image on it okay so give it to Caesar render the seeds of the things that belong to Caesar and to God the things that belong to God your money has caesar's inscription and likeness on it you bear the image of God in other words your money may belong to Caesar in part but you belong to God in the hole you belong to God as a whole person you bear the image of God in the image of God he made them male and female he created them you are made in the likeness of God therefore God owns you you owe your allegiance to him but what is the problem that our world has our problem is that our world traded the truth of God for a lie and said God you will not rule over me I will not be submissive to you I won't obey you and we all like sheep have gone astray everyone to his own way we act as though as we live for our own image and we render to ourself anything that we want that's what's wrong with our world that's why we need governing institutions to rein in immorality and unrighteousness because all the sheep have gone astray everyone wants to do what they want to do what has God done friends God does not bear the sword in vain God will punish evildoers but let me remind you of the mercies of God let me remind you that though God has the right to punish evil doers that God being rich in love gave his son you know the verse John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him would not but have everlasting life God brought judgment on evildoers but he did it through Jesus he punished our crimes that deserved an eternity in hell in Jesus and so what is the call of God what is the call of God to people who have broken his laws people who have broken the government's laws what is the call of Scripture the call of Scripture is to call on Jesus and have your sins washed away have your sins paid for through Christ to let God bare out his wrath on Jesus in your stead so that you can stand before God as a righteous person what does Paul thank God for the righteousness that does not come through works of the law is the righteousness that comes from God by faith righteousness that is given to us so God gives pardon God gives forgiveness by punishing our lawlessness in Jesus my friends we we understand there's no perfect earthly governing institutions at this point there will be there's coming a day where Jesus will set up his kingdom on this earth and he will reign in lawlessness entirely he will break the kneecaps of the nations with a rod of iron that's why it says in Psalm 2 kiss the son lest he be angry and you perish in his wrath it says in Philippians chapter 2 that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father is God going to reign in lawless governments yes he is is God going to punish lawless politicians yes he is is God going to punish police officers that go too far and inflict wrath when they have no right yes he is vengeance is mine says the Lord leave to God as far as you are concerned as far as I am concerned we obey the government we avoid punishment we achieve a clear conscience and we pay our taxes we ought to be model citizens why if he doesn't want why why do you submit to the government why do you obey do you just approve of the government nope not at all not at all ask me my opinions in private you approve of the government nope well why do you obey well why would you pay your taxes to this government it has nothing to do with them it has everything to do with where they've derived their authority God has given them Authority and as everything to do it the commands God has given me I want to do what's right in the presence of God that's what I want to do because I've received the mercies of God if you've received mercy from God you must live your life for God friend you honor God's authority when you submit to the governing authorities would you pray with me [Music]
Channel: Dr. Jordan Neal Rogers
Views: 1,329
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, teaching, Bible, Scripture, Christ, Christian, Jesus, Lord, salvation, grace, government, governor, governing, authority, president, relationship, expository, expository preaching, exposition, exegesis, Romans 13, Apostle, Paul, New Testament, Gospel, election, elections, Hillcrest, Baptist, Church, Nederland, Texas, Jordan, Neal, Rogers, Dr. Rogers, Jordan Rogers
Id: m89PWUO7X94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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