The Chinese Banking Crisis Explained
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Tetracarbon (Phillip Wong)
Views: 179,841
Rating: 4.7795372 out of 5
Keywords: Accounting, Business education, banking, Banks, China, Economics, Chinese Banks, Chinese Banking, Chinese Economics, GDP Growth, GFC, Global Financial Crisis, Asian Financial Crisis, Chinese Finance, Finance, Debt, Shadow Banks, Banking crisis, Financial crisis, Phillip Wong, tetracarbon, SOE, State owned Enterprises
Id: gCzZEth8uNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
"Let's hope their leaders to do their level best to keep things afloat"
Oh, hope away. Pls, do go ahead.
Well, its fairly good. I mean he is pretty much spot on if not providing deep insight or whatever.
I think you guys are saying its just a bit basic for your level, which is probably true for you.
However we have a lot of people out there with totally wrong analyses, so its nice to see some decent, proper analysis.
DISCLAIMER I am not Phillip Wong's sockpuppet. Really!
If I understand it correctly...
They spent their way through the 2008 recession. Just typical Keynesian stuff. And it worked! They were insulated from the global crisis.
Which was good for the world! The global crisis would have been worse had they also crashed. Also, good for them. An economic downturn in China leads to a legitimation crisis, since they really have no other basis for legitimacy.
But, well, they've never actually come out of the recession. So, they're just spending and spending, with no end in sight.
Well, there's one end. The "hard landing."
Is... Is that about right?