The Chicago 5! Don't waste your trip on anything else.

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hey the fellow Travelers Mark here with Walter's world and today we're back in Chicago and today what I have for you are my five favorite things to do when I come here to Chicago and the first thing I love to do the most when I come here is go to the Art Institute of Chicago one of the best art galleries in the US when you go on there yes you'll see the picassos you'll see the van Gogh's but what you really want to see is American Gothic the truly American portrait that you need to see when you're there but honestly the audience of Chicago has an incredible collection for you to enjoy so give yourself at least half a day to explore all the galleries that are there and take in all the artwork and all the pieces because it is fantastic okay second thing I want you to do when you come here is go to the Museum of Science and Industry look if you have any inkling of science or anything kind of fun like that you will love the Museum of Science and Industry because when you go there yes they have a coal mine you can go down into how they've redone it and there's an actual submarine from World War II you can go there if you want to see what it's like being like in a tornado with the wind I mean there's all kinds of cool stuff to do and you're there but it's really a fantastic Science Museum and it's huge and that's one thing the museums here in Chicago are huge because they have fantastic great collections so you need some big places to put all those really great things so that's the second thing and then the third one we're going to stick with the museums because it's all kind of near each other or relatively near each other when you're in Chicago is the field museum if you go to the field museum it's a natural history museum so you're going to see it a lot of Natural History yes some stuffed animals some bones some dinosaurs some cultural artifacts you're there the two things that I like to see the most is one sue the T-Rex which is an incredible incredible piece you've got to go see because you can literally see her right there right so you've got Sue to check out and then if you ever saw the movie The Ghost in the darkness about the two man-eating Lions they actually have those two lions in the field museum and no they don't have the long main like uh like you think of lions they've lost their hair they're like me they've lost their hair but they're still cool to see so the fuel museum is a must-see when you're here now next I do whenever I come to Chicago is I gotta grab a Chicago hot dog and and you hear people talk about Chicago people don't like ketchup on their hot dogs well it's more specifically they don't put ketchup on a Chicago dog why because it's a perfect balance of flavors because you've got the all beef frank on a poppy seed bun and they put Mustard Down on there then this like really psychedelic green relish which is really good but you kind of question the healthiness of it when you see that white onions on there you got a pickle spear you got a couple tomato wedges on there you got these peppers on top and then they put some celery salt on there it's wonderful you can get it all over town so it's an easy cheap bite to eat which is important because Chicago can be a little expensive and those museums I'm telling you to go to aren't cheap but that's something you could do to kind of save a little money and have a little treat when you're here and then the fifth thing I want you to do when you come here really depends on the season if you're here in the summer in the spring take an architectural boat tour on the river because you know if you don't know this Chicago is like the birthplace of the skyscraper the architectural movement here is incredible and the architecture here is incredible so you go on those boat tours they really give you a good understanding of all that architectural history here in Chicago that you can enjoy so do that or if you're here in the summer and the Cubs are playing going out to Wrigley and taking in a baseball game if you don't even like baseball you can still go and have a good time in Wrigleyville itself or just go into the game and see one of the oldest stadiums out there in the U.S to take in America's pastime and and if you're here in the winter because I got these summer spring things I think I also got to tell you if you're here in the winter during the holidays from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Year's go to the Chris Kindle Mark the Christmas Market they have on daily Plaza it's a fun thing to do to get your hotline your bratwurst and the silly souvenirs you can buy though they're there but it's a fun thing to do and so these are things that I always like to do when I come to Chicago what do you like to do when you come to Chicago because there's a lot more stuff to see and do if you go out to like town in other parts of the city there's a lot of great stuff but this is my kind of like core stuff here in the San now that you can see if you're a tourist staying downtown so I hope you had a great time here in Chicago I hope this helps you know what to see and do if you want more we've got the don'ts of visiting Chicago things that shock tours they come here the East of Chicago on our website at and I'll say bye from here at the bean now I don't call it the cloud gate nobody calls it the cloud gate it's the bean okay same thing it's the Sears Tower at Willis Tower Sears Tower they may spell it with a W but it's pronounced Sears okay so have a great time here in Chicago bye
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 22,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: 0Z7PohGzbKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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