The cheapest way to make black diesel fuel | BLACK DIESEL GARAGE

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[Music] welcome to Black Visa garage I'm Gabe and in this video I'm going to talk about how to make black diesel fuel a couple different ways to do it and this technically is going to be probably the cheapest way you can get into making black diesel fuel black diesel fuel is oil mixed with a little gas and you can run it in a diesel pickup the reason for it is you can make I don't know 400 gallons I'm going to guess for like 25 dollars that's way cheaper than fuel diesel right now is four something or no it's 399 I think per gallon diesel fuel so like 400 gallons for 25 bucks that's a pretty good deal it will cost you some money to make it but I'm gonna go over probably about the cheapest way you can efficiently do it which is what I'm doing right now ways you can make it a little cheaper than I am right now and also um probably what I would like to do in the future for a more efficient system but it costs a little money but for starters you have to get your oil and that's easy enough some people use fry oil from restaurants I know that's a big thing I don't know if you have to mix anything with it or what but for black diesel you need motor oil so you can go to almost any mechanic shop and they'll mostly give you the step just for the fact of it costs them to get rid of it normally so the best way to do that is find a mechanic shop that is willing to put oil or used motor oil and barrels for you to take usually they'll have a forklift and they'll load it up for you so it's best to go with 55 gallon drums I would say always make sure you bring a 55 gallon drum or bigger two mechanic shop just because they're a business they're trying to run efficiently and make money technically you could bring them five gallon buckets but they probably would not like that and would probably not do business with you or the fact that that would be a hassle for them but say they can't load a 55 gallon drum or you can't unload a 55 gallon drum or wrestle a 55 gallon drum out of your vehicle a truck basically most people are going to be doing this live trucks there are some cars that run off diesel fuel and you can't move one of these drums with the car mostly if you're looking at this video you probably have a diesel truck so you have a truck bed and most likely they'll be able to get us loaded in your truck bed so if you need to unload you could buy yourself a cheap little pump and some rubber hose or you could tip it over you could screw one of these nozzles onto it and tip it over in your truck bed and drain it out of your truck bed into five gallon buckets or you could siphon it out there's many ways to get oil out of the barrel and five gallon buckets to how you can transport it now for me what I do is I take some car ramps I put them on my bed roll the barrel down the car ramps roll the barrel to where I want it and then I will lay it on the ground like this Barrel first I'll screw the knob or the valve on top and I will lay it on its side on the ground like this Barrel but I will make sure this is all the way to the top of the barrel so that I can fit a five gallon bucket under lower I'll be rolling it until until then I run into the problem I can't get it any lower so what I do then is I as you can see I wrestle it up onto some tires to get it high enough so that I can keep filling it up to use up the barrel and of course you could leave it upright and use a pump and siphon it still if it were sitting on the ground but that is how I do it so to make black diesel I need the oil here's my system here's how I get my oil so we're going to fill up a bucket with oil first and when I tested it out to see if my truck would run off black diesel fuel what I did was I put a funnel in my fuel neck with a t-shirt over it and siphoned it through that that was a pain so then I put a bucket with a bed sheet or pillowcase over it siphoned it through that into the other Bucket from one bucket so that's how you can do it if you want to test out if your truck will run off black diesel um I had a six nine at first it would run off straight black straight oil motor oil no gas added my truck now seven three diesel will do the same thing but I just like the idea of adding gas to thin it up a little bit and keep it cleaner means it's an IDI 73 non-direct injection it's better to keep your fuel a little bit cleaner and the gas will break it down a little more so now that I have my oil here out of my bucket I'm gonna bring it over to what I came up with to strain it this is my system to strain it what it is is a bed sheet and 255 gallon drums I cut a rectangle out of the top of one drop this one into it after I cut a third off the barrel and I took one of the Caps out to where it drains into this Barrel here and I ratchet strapped a bed sheet on top and it just strains any thicker material through the bed sheet so it actually does that pretty quick I can fill up a five gallon bucket dump it in the top go get another and I can keep filling it and usually don't reach the top of five gallon buckets it flows fast enough that it doesn't take forever and then secondly you can always buy another bed sheet or pull that one off power wash it and throw it back on here but it just cleans all the oil going through the sheet runs into this Barrel and then I think these valves are like ten dollars but they're worth getting and they're real Handy um the frame underneath it is just something I had laying around you could like I did out there use some tires you could use some cinder blocks I had that wooden frame lying around you could buy two by fours so it can be pretty cheap if you have something lying around or really doesn't cost that much to get a few cinder blocks with some two by fours that has wheels on end stuff I already have it like that but now since we have our siphoned oil in here and I can hold probably 50 45 gallons of oil in here I can't feel full because I chopped down into it but I put strain oil into a clean bucket and if you're looking for 55 gallon drums you can find them anywhere from five to twenty five dollars usually fifteen dollars is a pretty common price I would look at maybe drive around town and you might see some companies that have a bunch of old ones laying around you could buy from them sometimes they're in garage sales and farm auctions but a real good place to find them is on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist so if you look those places you'll probably come up with some for fifteen dollars a piece while I'm here talking about this thing I also talk about how I would like to do it eventually eventually I would like to have a couple barrels upright and maybe a big um whatever they are 375 gallon tote I think is what they are the big plastic chemical totes I have one out here but I like to have all my barrels lined up with maybe a tote and I'd like to I also have a Old Farm fuel um I don't know why I'm drawing a blank on what they're called a fuel can or I don't know a fuel storage thing just a big 100 some gallon tank that sits in the air on a frame and you gravity feed into your vehicle or tractor or whatever I have one of those it's not set up I'd like to have that in my system eventually but I'd like to have barrels lined up with some kind of pumps to pump the oil through filters like you can get a diaphragm pump that operates off air on the internet and on the lines you can screw on a filter and I can't remember what it is it's like one or two thousand micron filter is what would be best for filtering this stuff but I'd like to get some barrels with pumps mounted on top with hoses running from each and an air compressor with diaphragm pumps and filters on them so I can pump it through the actual canister filter and change out the filters and that way I could also just pump it out of a barrel into those barrels and make it a lot simpler and easier so that's my plan for the future but here's how I strain it for now and I'll show you once you have the oil so I add gas to it and this is just my little blue container I use for fuel it's about a paint I would say I don't use any precise measurements it's just this blue container too usually hair Fuller than that five gallon bucket of oil and you'll see there's a lot of bubbles in top from trapping air into it as it went into the bucket which isn't any kind of problem but I dump about a pint of gasoline into the used oil and use gasoline you can probably get it from scrap yards I was just buying my gas brand new because it's cheap enough you can buy you're only adding a pint to five gallons so it makes your cost still way cheaper than buying any actual fuel for your vehicle so I just bought my gas right there is a little Barrel I got from a mechanic shop where I get my oil because someone it's 80 gas like 20 diesel because someone filled their diesel pickup that is almost empty with gas so they gave me that and I'm just using it as pretending it's straight gas right now but you put your oil in there or your gas in your oil mixture and then I have this right here to mix it I just took a little piece of metal tacked it onto a piece of Rod and stuck it in my drill that's a pretty cheap way I welded it if you don't have the means to do that you could go buy a paint mixer for mixing paint cans on a drill or you could also I mean there's cheaper ways to mix things you could stick a wooden dowel rod in here and clamp of ice grip to it so just a way to mix it is what you'll need next this is what I got I like it I just stick it down my bucket put my drill on high and mix it all up [Music] and you can see now that a lot of the bubbles disappeared there's still some in there but a lot disappeared and that's basically the finished product I'm going to show you how I put it in my truck there's multiple ways to do that but I'll show you what I'm doing at the moment I used to stick a funnel in there and drain it through a funnel but I'll show you what I got going now so once again this is stuff I just had laying around this is a lift pump out of a 6'5 Chevy that I had I wasn't using for anything with a couple bits of rubber hose um there's a lot cheaper pumps than this out there this is like an 80 pump but it's what I had so it's cheap to me because I already had it laying around you can go and find way cheaper pumps than this and there's also plenty other ways you can get it down into your um fuel neck like a funnel and just pour it by hand I did that for a while then I thought that I had this lying around it takes a little longer but I just do other things and keep an eye on but what I do is I cram a hose down my fuel neck put a hose into the bucket I set a board on top of my bucket and then I take just a DeWalt battery I was first using a car battery then I went to one of the 60 volt Dewalt batteries now I'm just using this little one just because whatever really works for this thing Brown is positive so I plug the brown into the v-plus port and there's a B minus Port which is negative so I plugged that into the B minus port and it just pumps it straight into my tank so as far as I can think of that at the moment that is as far as I can think of everything I can explain about the process I do I will talk a little bit about the motor in using it in it this is a 7.3 diesel IDI I know some people run it and vehicles with electronic injection systems I've heard it's hard on them I've heard it doesn't work at all I've heard it does work I don't have one with electronic injection system so I can't tell you guys for sure how it works or not this is a 73 IDI and IDI is for indirect injection that means it does not inject it on top of the piston and it injects it into a cup so that cup running nasty sticky motor oil can get build up in the cup over time the Fire doesn't quite reach all of it so it's good to every once in a while I have two tanks that one I always keep diesel in this one I always keep motor oil in so every once in a while I'll swap to diesel so the sulfur can break because it can break down the um the oil getting gummed up in the cup so it's good to every once in a while run normal fuel that's also why I run the gas in my oil I don't have to but I feel like it helps it break it down a little more and then direct injection the Piston has the divot in the top a cup in the top and your injector injects it straight onto the Piston I think that's how the 12 valve Cummings are and I'm pretty sure I'm not 100 sure but that is in the combustion chamber and you don't really have any gumming up issues that way I haven't done it with this I don't know if it gets your valves dirty at all and some people would probably be against this idea but I heard some of the old-timers say like on an old gas motor that has a lot of carbon built up rev your motor up and grip water down the car breaker and what it does is the water goes in you're already running your motor it's spinning over fast if you've ever had a hot motor and poured water on top of it you'll see it evaporates right up so it's not your motor that water will go down and hit the top of your valves and the air journals in there and it will break the carbon up and take all the carbon out of your intake manifold and off your valves so if you're running motor oil as fuel that might not be a bad thing to do I have not done it on this thing but a lot of the older guys used to do that a while back on gas carbureted Motors that had bad carbon buildup um and as for peppiness and fuel economy I don't know for sure my fuel economy on this truck I did on my last truck I got anywhere from the same fuel economy to a gallon less per a mile less per gallon on my old truck it did not change it much at all and it was a manual I was driving over Hills and stuff all the time always driving in for places so that all could have been a variable within my driving also but the bar is running the motor runs gray starts up gray it hasn't affected at all the way it runs and I don't think it's really affected my fuel economy and I think that's as far as I'm going to take this video at the moment off the top of my head I can't think of anything else to say so if you guys have any questions go ahead go ahead the questions down in the comments and we will either comment back to you on your question or we may make a whole video on it also if there's other videos you would like to see go ahead and comment below on what that is and we may end up making a video on that but thank you all very much for watching this I hope that was informational to you I hope that helped you guys out to be and any support is always appreciated it's all the likes comments and subscribing thank you guys very much we love that so we'll catch you next time on black diesel garage see you guys [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Black Diesel Garage
Views: 168,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black diesel, how to, how to machine videos, how to mechanic videos, how to make black diesel, how to make fuel from oil, can I make my own fuel, how to save money on gas, can I make my own gas, diy diesel fuel, gabe, gabe the truck guy, black diesel garage, making diesel from oil, reuse oil, what do I need to make black diesel
Id: Pu8h_Bz8ed8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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