The Chase| Can The Team Take Home A Massive £32,000 In The Final Chase? | February 5 2020 Highlights

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[Music] when we know one we know six foot ten inch X England rugby player Martin Bayfield what switch characters body double in the Harry Potter films a Hagrid B Voldemort or C Dobby you have put Hagrid gotta be definitely brilliant correct answer is what a question that is did that fall in our lap step close though chases / brilliant you never know do you that's just typical brilliant they still should have picked me I don't need a body double no indeed he's next question what are usually written on a Snellen chart a lets us be numbers see symbols Snellen you've put letters I'm thinking it's that thing you look out on the opticians you know that little kind of the big letters going down to smaller letters it's a complete guess that's what I'm thinking correct answer is step close to home chasers put that is some handsome eight that's exactly what it is here's that question how are the actresses Elle and Dakota Fanning related a cousins be sisters see aunt and niece you've put past my sisters you think it's wrong it was an initial gut reaction of sisters I'm really not sure correct answer is that wrong will that step closer to home chasers put that wrong with that sisters is that question in 2019 what was added to the basket of goods that is used to calculate the cost of living a robot vacuums be quinoa or sea smart speakers you've put smart speakers really I'm sure I saw something the paper about it correct answer is step closer to home chasers put we're now free ahead we've got 22 grand in the cash builder come on big man is that question what term has been coined to describe a child's ability to pressurize their parents into buying them things a pushing power B prodding power C pester power give put pester power is that right I've got three kids six four and one funny names makes easy correct answer is o play step close to home chasers put very good one more with home enjoy he's next question [Music] Martin Landau played commander Kunak in which Gerry Anderson TV series a space precinct V you fo see space 1999 Newport space 1999 I've not watched any of those but it's the one that kind of spoke to me yeah okay fair enough to go through 22 grand correct answer is what creature is the Umbrella Cockatoo bird correct in what country was Dutch elm disease first described Netherlands correct who's the first regular female host of BBC's question time Fiona Bruce correct according to tradition which Pope died around 64 AD Lucius sin Peeta Indonesia is located between the Indian and what other Ocean Pacific correct blue plates a Pernod cutting and carrion matron Sid Jones Kenneth Williams 2019 the city of Paris sued what room letting website Airbnb correct in what Australian state is the Melbourne Cup run Victoria correct the dish known as ocean pie usually has what filling correct cruel Heathcliff is a phrase and what number one hit song correct eighteen forty which English artist painted slaveship Gainsborough Turner who is Cowell Middleton's youngest royal grandson its Louie correct an adult human has about twenty-two square feet of what organ skin correct buckthorns of rabbit in what Richard Adams novel watership down correct Roger Moore played Lord Brett Sinclair and what TV series the persuaders correct the flapper dress was introduced in what decade twenties correct what monument in Whitehall is made of Portland stone Senate house correct which Canadian actor has two daughters that Eva Mendes Ryan Gosling correct in children's literature Violet Beauregarde visits whose factory minimum correct complete the proverb enough is as good as a what change feast Sparky is a slang term for what trades person electrician correct what Grand Tour did the cyclist Pedro del Gado win the 1988 just in time Wow 21 congratulations a lot of you honestly it's a massive team effort that seriously good wow 21 let's bring back the chaser [Applause] [Music] nice a big man I'll be honest there wasn't expecting that but 21s an above average score and I kind of like this because it means I can play it my preferred pace rather than the sensible pace here we go remember if the beast gets a question wrong my team get it right they push him back one step time for the final chase [Music] you ready beastie oh yeah your time starts now a curriculum vitae is commonly known may be correct what human sense organs are affected by hyper Metropia and the ice correct the 2018 film the post is by which oscar-winning director Aaron Sorkin's dr. Tom Moser I'm pretty sure it's Steven Spielberg which is muscles about about the newspaper I think yeah I don't know Steven Spielberg is correct we pushed the chaser back great answer Rob here we go the time starts again now the Sadducees were an ancient sect and what religion Judaism correct Madison Avenue is in what New York City borough and hand correct in the 70s Kate Jackson played a member of what TV sagas angels correct the book sucked is about what social network Facebook correct growl Madrid have won ten Euroleague titles in what sport football stop the that is wrong basketballs massive in Spain Barcelona basketball team are really big I assumed Real Madrid yeah I'd assume Real Madrid have got the basketball side she's good basketball is correct we pushed the chaser back seventeen required there's a trap there and I walk from right into it your time starts again now what beans are fermented to make miso paste soya correct biology was a 2005 hit for what girl group mystique stop the clock that is wrong biology or was a 2005 hit for girl group Girls Aloud correct we push the chaser back 17 required here we go your time starts again now large two forms is a bronze work by which English sculptor anymore correct which royal princess was christened in 2015 Charlotte correct what name is given to a doctor specializing in rheumatics orthopedic stop the clock that is wrong oh geez rheumatologist it's correct we supposed to chase the back 16 required your time starts again now the answer vector is a small variety of what creature thanks fee correct which comedian presents the quiz show the time it takes had McGinnis stop the dropping that is Robert Jason Manford is wrong correct answer is Joe Lycett your time starts again now Joe tepees is a nickname for what women's fashion chain Dorothy Perkins erect Kansas City low balls a form of what card game hooker correct which British actor married uma Thurman 1990 Gary Oldman correct hello moe and Palmer are cities on islands in ROTC in their training correct who is the first poet laureate to be awarded a damon hood carryout Carolyn Murphy correct hey Phyllis creatures how many heads correct and what type of Golf Club might you find a double Ben Sharpe which stopped the clock that is wrong Porter Porter I've got a bad news yeah the putter he's correct we pushed the chaser back and ten required here we go your time starts again now who directed the film Star Wars The Force awakens George Lucas stop the clock that is wrong JJ Abrams is correct push the chaser back a lever and required the time starts again now Nanny Alexandria was nanny to which very old Womble wrote uncle Bulgaria correct the ski resort of sir that is in what country Swiss 'land correct that's not my name is a UK number one hit for what do oh noo t.t correct what that's been shuffle tiger okay seven attempts to push back six executed well played chaser needed eight fantastic 32 grand congratulations two thousand six hundred sixty-six pounds freely no seriously brilliant Rob what will you do with your money when I take my wife and children a holiday and maybe even go and watch things and play rugby abroad and maybe go to Benidorm with that perfect Jane I'm gonna get my artificial Warren and I'm gonna Benidorm Adan damn well hopefully that's enough money so I can go to Australia and go to Benidorm with my staff and these brilliant Dan Jane Rob take the money 32 grand congratulations you're not being caught you've outrun the chaser [Music] [Music] Oh
Channel: The Chase
Views: 83,144
Rating: 4.8917198 out of 5
Keywords: The chase, bradley walsh funny moments, the chase final chase, the chase game show, game show, quiz show, Bradley Walsh, the beast, mark labbett, itv the chase, the chase uk, the chaser, the chase biggest win, the chase winner, the governess, Anne hegerty, Paul sinha, shaun Wallace, Jenny Ryan, the vixen, the chase funny moments, the chase best contestant, best of the chase, the final chase, TC_PL
Id: 3IJpQ5RZJ-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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