The CDL Road Test is CHANGING in August - What to Expect - The CDL Driving Academy Podcast S3E1

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hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the CDL driving academy podcast and in today's episode we're going to be going over some juicy topics which are going to be the road test is changing that's right the CDL road test is changing in August of 2023. it's official it's happening in multiple States all across the country and this is also a federal guideline that's pushing everybody to actually make this change happen they're calling it The modernization of the CDL road test so they want to make sure that everybody is up to date with the latest and greatest when it comes to what the industry is trying to say so in other words they're saying hey we have to change it we have to make sure it's modern and the reason why they say that they are changing it is that they've heard a lot of different things when it comes to the actual Trucking industry and they're having a lot of issues on certain topics and they want to say okay if truck drivers are actually making a lot of the same mistakes why don't we actually change the test to actual test for the information that we want and to make sure hopefully that those mistakes on the real world and in real life actually start to drop down if you are somebody who looking to get a CDL license I do recommend that you should go through this process ASAP because when the test changes most of the time it's not going to be an easy change most of the time they make things a little bit more difficult every single step of the way right so my recommendation is if you want to get your CDL license I definitely recommend that you go through this process as soon as possible before August happens and understand that it's not going to be a One-Stop shop because one of the crazy things that they're actually putting into place is if you start the actual test before August and then all of a sudden you don't pass maybe you only pass half of the test by the time the test does change you're going to have to start the test all over again on the new testing format so you want to avoid that at all cost you want to make sure that you actually get started with your CDL license right now we're in May and things are going to just speed up during the summer time right so you want to make sure that you're able to get the process started get make sure that you are going for the CDL road test before and you want to have at least two tries before this actual road test does change a lot so let's talk about the road test itself and again we don't have every single detail but we do have a great framework of what's going to be happening so the road test is still going to be split to three different parts part number one is going to be an inspection portion of the vehicle itself this is probably the biggest portion that's in the air what we've been hearing on this portion itself is that a lot of some things might be changing and some of the definitions might get more expansive so what does that mean that means that you're going to have to know more details on each individual item so as an example the pre-trip inspection used to be something where you would inspect up to 90 items of the vehicle both inside and out and you have to pretty much memorize a script so as one example you're going to say okay this is my brake chamber this is what a brake chamber actually looks like right over here it is mounted securely it's not cracked it's not dented it's not leaking and the clamps are present if you miss one of those items as a description then you will not get credit for that brake chamber now there are three different brake Chambers on the truck you have one for the front axle one for the middle axle which is a drive axle one for the back axle so if you miss it three different times that means you lose three different points it can get kind of easy what they are talking about is actually making each definition a little bit longer and maybe cutting out some of the items so potentially it might get and become a shorter pre-trip inspection but it might get more difficult because when you start merging a lot of things together that means that if you miss one thing you're actually going to lose a whole lot of points because things become a lot more valuable in the point system itself right so it might make it a lot more difficult to actually pass that's why I'm telling you if you want to make sure that things run as smooth as possible for you my recommendation is start today don't wait till August because what's going to happen is everyone's going to try to rush in and we're probably already going to be booked by that date in time already right so super super important that you do understand that now like I did say that there are three parts of the road test part number one we talked about part number two is going to be the parking Maneuvers so right now we're testing people on three different parking Maneuvers you're gonna have a straight line backing you're going to have what's called an offset back so it can be either be offset to the right or offset to the left from there The Examiner is going to be able to pick whether the third maneuver is going to be an alley dock or one of the parallel parkings right so the one of the cool things about being here at Dragon Academy is that we actually have our own third-party testing site which means that we will give you the actual CDL road test ourselves so you don't have to go to a local DMV and deal with the state employee that being said we have some leeway on which ones we're going to be giving our students but now when it comes to August it's going to go from three different Maneuvers to now it's going to test you on four different separate Maneuvers itself right this is where we have a lot more detail on so let's go through these let me actually pull it up on my secret phone right over here as I have the actual screenshots of what's going to happen so the first maneuver that they're going to be testing on is something called a forward stop right so what does this mean this means that you're going to pull the vehicle forward and your front bumper has to stop within a three foot box now this has to be done in one motion you cannot stop pull up stop pull up stop pull up and you cannot get out to look so it is very very important that you make sure that you know exactly where your front bumper is the reason why they added this maneuver to the entire list is going to be because a lot of people did not know where their front bumper was which means that they were crashing into things with their front bumper or maybe into walls Maybe making turns or anything like that so now that's why they added this maneuver to it so sounds pretty simple but it is more difficult because imagine being in this big vehicle and not really seeing where the front bumper is right step number two is going to be the classic straight line backing so straight line backing is a fundamental skill set that every truck driver needs on how to know how to back up the tractor trailer straight you're gonna have to know how to back up the tractor trailer at least 100 feet to do this maneuver correctly the third maneuver is going to be called a forward offset tracking right so this is also a forward motion it's not going to be a backing skill so this one you're going to be pulling forward you're going to be going around a certain cone and you want to make sure that when it comes to what's called off tracking that means the back trailer tires do not always match the front tractor tires itself and they're always going to be a little bit inside so there's going to be a cone there where you're going to have to go around almost kind of like a right turn and if you run over the curb what do you think is going to happen you fail right so what they're actually testing one is making sure as you're pulling up you're checking out your mirrors and you're making sure that the entire vehicle is in the proper position and if you do that correctly you get to move on if if you don't you fail and if you fail you're going to hear this that's right so we definitely don't want to hear that now I did say that there was four I only talked about three so what could that fourth one be it's not crickets it's actually going to be something called offset reverse backing so that's the same type of thing when it comes to offset reverse backing is kind of like offset backing currently the only difference is going to be you want to make sure that the back bumper is going to be inside of a three foot box right it's going to be kind of like a mixture between parallel parking and offset backing put together if you're a student here the cool thing is that we are the testing site which means we're going to know exactly what's going to change on the CDR road test right and that means we know exactly how to train you if you're going to a school that's not a third party tester what's most likely going to happen is the first couple students who go and take the test this the school is just testing it out they have no idea what to train you on because the DMV does not do a great job of explaining to the schools itself and what's going to be changing so the cool thing about government with us is if you do not listen to my advice and get to see their license now and you want to wait till the new test actually comes we're going to be more than prepared to make sure that you are trained fully and and ready to rock and roll when it comes to actually getting past your cdro test so as a recap you're going to have four different Maneuvers one is gonna be a pull-up and stop inside the front box two is going to be a straight line back which is normal three is going to be making sure that you're making a proper right turn and then four is going to be a mixture between a parallel park and an offset backing you want to make sure that you're inside the box and make sure that the back bumper is within the three foot box as well it sounds kind of complicated now because it is complicated if you want to avoid all that complication just get yourself a CDO license today and by coming on in visit our website at CDL driving and then we can actually set up an appointment come in for a school tour at any of our locations and we can get you in and out before this test actually starts and you don't have to worry about none of this confusion but I did say that there are three parts of the road test right and the third part of the road test is not changing at all and that's going to be the actual road driving itself so can I get it amen no that's not an amen that's some Sears right over there all right so everybody's happy that the whole road test is not going to be changing dramatically but the first two parts are going to be changing the pre-trip inspections probably going to get more difficult the parking went from three Maneuvers to four Maneuvers now and things are going to get crazy in the transition time period I have been through a few different changes already on the DMV test and it's never a smooth transition when it comes to just being the driving school itself so don't risk your skill set don't risk your knowledge don't risk your money with a school that's not a third party tester like we are and all of our franchisees are going to know exactly how to start training because this is something that we are fully aware of I'm actually going to be going next month to the actual DMV itself to get fully trained on exactly how to give this test and so will all of our examiners so we'll know exactly what to bring back to our team and make sure that they are moving forward in the proper direction so if you're looking to get yourself on your road to Freedom with a CDL license and you want to do it the least amount of confusion as possible like I said many times in this video make sure you sign up before August because once August comes a lot of confusion is going to be happening and I'm not going to want to say I told you so so what are you waiting for give our team a call 908-525-3609 and and if you do you're going to hear one of these yeah that's it all right so nice to see you and I'll talk to you on the next podcast and let's get you on the road to Freedom have a great day thank you so much for watching our podcast here if you want to watch the latest episode make sure you click on that video right over there if you want to watch other great amazing videos make sure you click right over there and as always subscribe and share our channel so we can get to our mission of helping a million people get on the road to Freedom thanks foreign [Music]
Channel: Driving Academy | CDL Truck Driving School
Views: 49,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDL, truck, trucker, trucking, drive, driver, driving, license, tractor, trailer, tractor-trailer, road, test, road test, box truck, bus, commercial, drivers, commercial license, commercial vehicle, training, CDL training, CDL school, truck school, truck training, driver training
Id: sSn1S1XIdsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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