The Catch UK | Season 1 Episode 2

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Oh toy fishermen are a breed apart it is very much an are my job I do question my sanity since arms every trip is a gamble you just have to go where you've got instinct and your experience get it right and the crew can come home with thousands get it wrong and they can catch nothing my worse has been to pound 50 I just want to be there to support him as they battle against the odds and the elements things turn quite nasty very quickly it's the most dangerous job in Britain is sales worst injury our same death now there's a demand for a new generation who are tough enough to endure the call to see I don't know any think of our fish they swim now all can definitely break people and definitely make people yeah I'll never ever succeeded it anything you know I bucking Donna you learn who you are quite quickly and you saw Joe as fisherman you are the last of the hunters it's early spring gear aboard boys amigo skippers across the south coast to getting shipshape further the week's fishing you ready to go boys mutt his captain of the armor under one of Devin's top-earning boats wait another dollar my first trip twenty-five years old we came in at a forty plus thousand trip at all the other fishermen and Brixham share a beginner's luck beginner's luck but you should start over let's go fishing every year Matt catches over a million pounds worth of fish most of MAS crew have been with him for years come on disco time is money over the next seven days they are hoping to catch over 40,000 pounds worth of cuttlefish Dover sole and monkfish the profits will be shared between them he honestly hopes having the crew behind me all the time you haven't let him down today so it must be nice for them knowing that they got the best chance on this bow is any other boat more chance of earning a good wage week-in week-out but on this trip one thing is different I tried out the way they matt is breaking in a new crew member I haven't lost the thing they yell anyone travis has been out of working on job seekers allowance for the past two years laughs we eat for a couple days May is a long to learn but just go with the flow and you'll be right you've got that one shot you can't myself if I do something wrong that's really bad you might not get the couch how live everyone down I'll just end up annoying the skipper so I don't want to let no one down push the ball forward oh I see it parsley learn the more money you earn you can guarantee when I go out on the pubs downtown I love the least three or four people asked me for a job down there you losing that much on every tale you lose a lot money it's not easy to get on this boat you got a really impress now we know Jack the Ripper might have been there with the trophy a couple times with the highest-earning vote at the port you're true-blue the biz such work very well in a portrait but at the top Oh No but not all boats are doing so well with 40 years of fishing under her belt the Van Dyke is one of the oldest boats in Harbor hi Chris a skipper drew hasn't earned a penny in weeks because he's been stuck in port making repairs well the lady says we're just about geared up ready to go to sea and as soon as we get a trip in I'll send you some money right the good news is the MCA have given us new MLT on the boat which was kind of a very very big box we had to tick I'll get you some money in two weeks time I probably won't be able to get all of it but we'll be able to give you a couple of grand sir down to me as a skipper to go make the boat pay and is always repairs to do yeah okay right ideally we should put some new wires on but we don't have the money to do that at the moment so we need two fish to get some money to get some new wires it's kind of a catch-22 situation unfortunately it's real up as soon as we get a trip and I'll send you some money okay okay thanks Chris Cheers fight fight see why I left last time he practically par the bike yes shape my own see she know hey can we stay again ha once upon a time that boat was the best done in boat they're not some bulbs did you want to change it no if that's still okay we're not doing too great at the minute but three it's the best basketball that I know if we work all night I'm not coming so if we work all night I ain't coming tonight I'm gonna tell him now loud enough crewmate Spiller and hurry have been working on paid all week to repair the boat scalloping gear yeah but it's still not ready cause bad a little bit more J normally most folks you don't really you can keep on top of the pub so you don't really get the problems you always gettin stuff fixed and stuff out I think personally she waits for things to break then he'll fix it with debts rising every day Drew's insisting they leave as soon as possible but his crew are not convinced y'all probably chatter rim sound off I mean we are good crew members see you and we do work hardness we've done this for days now unpaid yeah yeah I know your circumstances we want to get to see and we want to make some money we don't want this gear coming in and repairing it every five minutes I can assure you the financial pressure is on me I know there is but I owe you loads of money everywhere maxed out all my credit cards I'm not been taking wages I'll even get to see and I need to learn oh we completely know your position yes we're about fixing stuff at the last minute but the financial pressure is mine it just seems like the rush job to us well you know I hear you but it's not a democracy and I want to go to see hi Aaron yeah all right nice to meet you okay okay whitewalls on a jump aboard and I'm a little look around Aaron is joining the crew of the van Dijk don't worry about that having spotted an ad for a trainee deck under jump if you fancy right come Korea he is very random it is three years of acting singing and dancing this will be his first trip to see you get on the engine room don't put your hands near any spinning nasty-looking ping on it I'm gonna go on this boat with people I don't know and things I'm not used to I'm not gonna say I'm not nervous just to seem cool or anything I'm totally nervous I'm scared so right anyway I better todd'll off cause it's dead time can I have a kiss then as I'm going to see despite his crews misgivings after five weeks stuck on shore not earning skipper drew is determined to leave within the next few hours upset with settle for a Razzie the moment I'm forcing it's a case of needs must I owe people money the only way I'm gonna pay that is by getting the boat see she's hiding kiss huh I'm sorry what we're here for your birthday I'll be thinking of you 12 years old take some pictures you promised me you stay small and cute forever I remember as a teenager thinking I would never be a fisherman's wife it's um I saw I used to see is being really really hard yeah most need to cope with then one has a lot and at the moment as well it feels kind of harder if anything as well because the pressures and the stress is financially emotionally mentally okay look I need him but I can't have him he's got to go to sea check out what offer us my game as dawn breaks the Van Dyke is at last on its way I love your woods and they speak to you when I can next week you happy round things dish then you're gonna go fishing so Donnie see when he gets back yeah I love you you be good for mommy bye love you love you love you when you get to see your you're responsible for the guys lives and their livelihoods you want to make sure they earn as much money as they can so they've got enough money to feed their family and keep a roof over their back in it the fun begin drew is heading 35 miles of Devon's coast to one of his favorite scalloped hotspots give him a good wave the van Dijk will be gone for seven days is a very fine line at the moment I have to get the boat to see to earn money to pay the bills I just hope to god we catch something after five weeks stick on Lund for repairs the Van Dyke is once again on the hunt for scallops right all York's out I'll be with fishing equipment some of the crew are still worried about it's no secret about his financial troubles everything else he's just been trying keep her in and keep trying to make it work unfortunately it's due to the lack of maintenance and money that's been put into her she has been struggling a couple of times with a bag of scallops selling for up to 70 pounds drew is hoping that a big catch will help with his dance shake some lost often the thought that we'll go out there and yet this week this is gonna be it this week we're gonna hit it big and keep a few people we owe money to of our backs that's why you hope for the Van Dyke's scallop gear is pulled across the seabed for up to 90 minutes at a time if you can find the scallops drew will need at least 20 good holes before he's covered his costs and gone into profit set lovely jubbly for the Van Dyke's newest recruit it's a first taste of life as a deep-sea fishermen go out to sea and there is no signal you can't get old or anyone you can't dial 999 when the variation can't get us if you fall in the sea and that the boat sinks you have to survive so that's what makes more scary can you put another mark on the starboard side here please Aaron has only two days to shadow the crew before he'll be expected to work proper shifts make sure the decks are shipshape all the time the nets are up here we're not on the penny get in and out as quick as we can on the armor under the crew are bringing in their 5th hole of the day that's it like massive shake don't we scatter it and skipper mutt is keeping a close eye on the latest addition to his well old team after one main pickle them out there the dollar signs where I come from older generation you think the only generation all idiot a lot of money survivor in jail in the army or all you want to do is sell about side and play on the xbox although you know I'm not interested in that I want to achieve something in my life and that's a goal you know I feeling good yeah Betty going a bit no I'm good now she's named try keep a balance of soft I know for a fact I'm and I like at first I'm not gonna like it from anyone but I'll get used to it you got to do things in life you don't like the armor and ER is one of Devon's top earning boats but so far fishing has been disappointing where the fun's over fish gone where's all the fish gun got me the side nice idea it's not good enough to go back on a teen who's a trip I had one battle pissed off I'm flipping I was leak so I was wasted not wasted it's still earn money but all the times want to be the top be the best earn the most on much boat average catches won't do so he's gambling everyone's wages and moving to a new fishing ground five hours away yo all right plan of attack got five hours steam the earth deep no not any money while we're steaming burning fuel if it pays off it'll pay off big time it's the Old Faithful Richey on you know Channel Islands your target the most expensive fish monkfish Dover sole Brill and turbot which all making a fortune you know the risk this tide is a risk of damaging the nets in the gear but let's take that chance if it pays off like it does nine times out of ten when we go there it'll be the difference between a 30 grand trip and a 40 grand trip possibly are you ready for this Trev come on it's gonna be either work mate you'll be gut gut gut watch watch watch quit coffee back out on deck Road our school yeah you came for it let's do it see the bit the big guy with make or break this didn't pay off we wasted five hours getting there five hours fuel five hours no earnings but you can't just stay there I think the fish will come to you that's why you're a fisherman you know you search a fish you hunter people go and dig gold out the Yukon same sort of thing they you know they they dig holes in the ground and hope to find a big pot of gold and yeah we're very similar 35 miles out into the English Channel drew is bringing in his first hole of the trade hey high five EU quotas restricts color boats like the van Dyck to just 11 days fishing a month so every hall counts you always kind of sucked the wheel out when when you call up there's always that gon gon be really good be really good-looking ideally we want a minimum of sixty seven baskets and scallops per Hall much less than that you're what you're only really paying the expenses latter one scholar that was a crap first or borghese wondering just wondering how long it would take you to admit defeat no I don't Dunham if I admit defeat easily yeah the early days when you've done a couple of days and you've not caught much you're thinking one behind already just over ten days a month we were actually allowed to fish question to anyone who asked me about it is if you were told you could only work for 10 or 11 days a month could you pay your mortgage could you put a roof over your wife and children's head and feed them and they all say no you have little periods where everything seems to be going wrong when you're pulling your hair out oh god what do I do this job bless your Chloe that's lovely should we write another one for daddy yeah can white one for daddy you know my role is provider and protector determine wonderful word for daddy make sure they will roof over the head and food on the table and clothes on their back I've got to uh you got to keep caring for them drew decides not to spend time and money move into a new fishing ground experience tells him there will be a good haul of scallops somewhere on this patch of seabed I can walk yet by midnight it seems drew is right to stick to his guns and stay put as the scallops start to roll in the whole crew ups its game and Aaron can at last see what real fishermen do when the equipment come up for the scallops they sort of straightaway knew what to do I sort of wondered how they knew how they knew if that needed been done how they knew you know how they just saw and knew everything still smiling Aaron ah don't smile in Drew's determination to go to see despite his crews misgivings has paid off I draw tent bags and I feel happy is innocent when you do find good fishing and you know you're earning good money it puts a spring in your step really good feeling yeah is it doing that non-stop now six days non-stop the armor under has spent five hours steaming to what skipper Mart hopes are the more abundant fishing grounds of the herd ste cécile the hard day's love for us it's a gambling to win gave their trap smells easy now there with the weather worsening it's also a chance for much trainee to prove its worth and sells out I remember my first few times I hated it go around bury aired fake y'all not to see land for a week it was for torture don't want to be there as the thing want to be there if you don't want to be there you finally losing beau he loved anything this way down to let me swing it let me go up then they go forward it's nothing work it doesn't look like it because then guys make it look easy you have 160 hold this true it's in that burnout my worst worry is messing it all up I can't really afford to build I was kicked out of school at 14 years old I don't need up being homeless living on the street staying at friends having no money so I walk him down after a disappointing start to their seven-day trip the our Miranda has spent valuable time and fuel moving to new fishing grounds at the heard ste Tim I think about my shift yeah gelatine coffee yes you know free is the boat's latest recruit has had just six hours off and is due back on shift alongside his new crewmates I spend more time on here I'm so we have a big family mate uh or jeong-seon old John's Latin telling me everything you'd be not worried about with Matt you could and make you in good hands on this boat as a skipper personally I don't think I'm no baron any one of them on the boat we're a team I'll show them good mutual respect and get it back and I think that's why we gel so well you know doesn't happen often but if you hear me shout and scream it's for a reason to take note oh really you know I keep Lucy alright trying to keep visit yeah a couple things late what time's your watch start Sara McGraw so why the you sat in the Galea you crewmate dramas out on deck working don't realize we're terrible yeah you're longer then you out there may be done go out there so simple as that you're here to work not sitting the guy you're talking with the crew you've got enough time for talking in between holes or when you're what watches off right yeah it's not on mate he come on the boat you got to start from the bottom work up Trev we've got the best crew we are decent groom you got four in mate and you got be the best all right sort out a little bit you got off the trip still to prove you can I walk yeah nice little bit done I'm 21 years old I ain't gonna be getting any younger now I need to start buckling down and do something right otherwise I'm gonna end up being a nobody when I'm all yeah that's do you what you know you don't just sign on what oh yeah it's like a holiday you go there to work not so funny around I need to put my finger on my house on the Van Dyke the relentless hunt for scallops continues despite the arrival of a force a gale love it rougher the pair got to find you a eggs good for you bounce so far Dicky learner Aaron who trained as an actor and dancer has only been allowed to shadow the crew during Hall's proper freshmen and a partner on his next shift he's due to get hands on for the first time if he can weather the storm I've never been anything to do with fishing I think but beyond as a fairy I was a white on the ferry a few more mates that have came and been deckle owners and now it's not that it can't be that bad and then as soon as they come out they're like oh it is bad when you're ill you can't get off the boat if you want to I can understand why people say it's a bit like help it's a tough job you don't actually have to be that strong physically but the mental strength is what counts it's 2:00 a.m. and time for a shift change on the van Dijk it's also time for an increasingly seasick Aaron to show what he's made of see what's been going on now if you follow the routine stemless then you should be okay they're quite heavy big metal things which means that after hook each side up in the middle I saw it before I knew what I was doing my fingers off did it wrong it kind of I fooled him hmm even though he's followed us half a dozen times maybe a dozen times he's gods do it and he's gone out on deck and his mind's just gone completely blank he dropped all confidence and confused himself really laughing you need a good shower and out kick up the ass really in summer party if I could just miss one of the holes cause I'm feeling like quite coming coming suck at all you bring me a bit see you sticky yeah my bad yeah we still smiling so you can't be that man here - oh boy it must be such a few of it they come no you're yourself or your LA or your king and then like I can't even Pro Seki when excellent you last all anyway sir yeah yeah it's a Marmite job are the other you love it yeah or you hate it yeah I mean I'm guessing at the moment you don't think of a career in fishing not over hey I am oh thanks do your teeth if you're having any yeah doing the bare minimum isn't an option if you want to get ahead of the knife if you try fair enough if you just give up at the first hurdle then know you've got to have tough skin to be a fisherman it's not as if you can phone up in the morning and say Oh can't come in to work today I'm L you know once you know they're broken born or feeling sick or you don't day huh that's how it worked lucky dude Hey he's sick let's go lay down me hey sit down ziwei that turn there yeah oh we've had tacky lowness in the past that suffered from seasickness and stuff but at the end of the day you got a crack on it shot yourself in the deep and can't believe you just open Tony oh well no one but you does 25 miles away on the armor and ER the storm is at its height but Travis is still on deck he's helping to bring him one of their last holes of the trevor personally often here we go let's see this boy faced a bill Weber let's say V Things is easy a little fellow he's around around hey why they smiling back at me he just grin for ill he took it like a man got always work soaking wet and done it all looking drug-drug any mugs in that yeah this works loads up though and Stephen always way it out alone you love it when a plan comes together Matt's gamble to steam five hours to new fishing grounds has paid off boxes full of valuable monkfish and oversoul are worth up to five hundred pounds so they've easily covered the extra fuel costs and a guaranteed big profits back on the van Dijk the fishing is also good and in the next few holes drew will have broken even probably the happiest time is when you get to a point and say right thus the expenses paid this is all wages now on that's probably the easiest time when you skip up right have some scholars pose up it whoa say no the cable pulling up the scalloped Reggie's has snapped one oh god that was close to your hand of Allah and 10,000 pounds worth of truth fishing gear now lies at the bottom of the ocean mother using the second gears probably about the worst thing that could happen we can't fish we'll just once that gear there's a lot of times I think to myself it's all juicer unfortunately it's due to the lack of money that's been put into her Drew's only hope of finding his fishing gear is to steam five hours back to port to pick up Salvage equipment and return to the spot where he thinks he lost it the last six months trying to keep on top of things try and keep money coming in I've been working very hard but well this kupo be it this could no well be the end of us bankruptcy lose the house it's really hard to try and keep your head above water to try and keep positive to try and feel like feel like there is hope and to find hope how hard it is at the moment trying to keep her going to try and keep her fishing and the pressures and the stress is you just I just want to be there to support him I'd love to be able to be there in person and support him just reassurance that everything's gonna be okay how can I wish you came over you snatch them how to do that man it would have been good for all of us like it's not awful his circumstances I don't know you can tell the skipper spacing but you don't do talk abou it's closed yay so I keep doing that I do some face for my is that's one thing but fashion like sympathy doesn't pay the bills dessert you know the worst thing about it is we've got to go home go and get a hook thing I'm trying to catch the thing again the Van Dyke is heading back to port after her scallop gear snapped and sank to the bottom of the sea to be on their fishing ship anyway innit that's right not bad to say by FISH it you go try to fit me oh is it yeah it is you now see this morning Friday very would be we're fishing in box 13 we going home Aaron I go a no foreign reaching land can't come soon enough was alive yeah feeling well again Allen well yeah essays this was an experience not good or bad it was good even at home I'll get carsick yeah that's the thing I thought I could get blow past it I always have to have the window open in the car so I'm getting get carsick and you come on appreciate ya really oh dear oh that's priceless that's priceless I think like with the shifts and stuff because I've never done that sort of around it max my clock cuts how are you 24 for ya absolutely full of beans yeah like I'll do 20 hour days now yeah quite happily I'm nearly twice your age yeah so what's next for you we do Hey no idea that's what's scary about home sweet home after eight days at sea the our Miranda is back in port I saw it crack on when land is already she's laden with a bumper whole 350 boxes full of valuable cuttlefish monkfish and Dover sole 12 come a where do you minute yeah cross deck Elona Traverse has survived his first trip at sea ages I drove guarantee the ended start of the week I told you to 15 minimum as long as you stick to hours he stuck two hours done your work done I wonder could in there make tougher alright little bonus long ago next week you handle it yeah sure yeah bad weather here month go for it alright won't wake it up suet thank you alright get finished get washed up and let's go alright okay mate nice one it was brilliant I have a lot of respect for them guys and I but if they ask me to do anything on that but I'll do it without hesitation I think it's going to become a part Amina I want to do the job as a career and I'm going to work for it they gonna put star drape up now stick offenders out as well after just two days at sea Aaron's fishing career is over it's an intense job and I have so much respect for him for doing it it just hasn't been for me yeah so I'm hoping I find what I'm looking for soon but um more on land I think one day I'd like that perseverance that Andy has I drew so much respect for him he wouldn't admit defeat drew is now heading 35 miles out to sea with a big grappling hook against the odds he's going to try and find his fishing equipment there's lost somewhere in the middle of the English Channel he's a grafter he'll do what it takes and he is determined stubborn but determined just to make it another day to keep things going another day Yatta larval cry will you man up and get on with it do you know the words give up no it's 9:30 p.m. and drew has reached the spot where he thinks he lost the fishing gear you know putting put into layman's terms or going to a big hook around the seabed and hope we catch the gear that's pretty much what you're doing it's a very small target 240 feet below the sea level even with modern GPS and I've known boats going creep for gear for 6 12 18 hours and still not find it and people have even given up looking for gear when they're when they've not been able to find it there's any kind of discrepancy in the position where you think it is you can be going up and down on the same bit thinking well it's definitely here and it's not it's quarter mile to the west or the east we've drew is very clued up away does its determination patience it's not one to give up very quickly after an hour and a half of searching something has snagged on the hook the side of the creek digs in and the boat takes on a list leans over to one side and you know you've caught something and you obviously you're hoping it's what you want to catch and not something you don't want to catch beauty go on Oh beautiful my round optimism you needed this game yes just sitting like that sitting together on you don't just give up happy days you put the effort in you work hard you'll get your reward happy days are here again the sky above it's clear again then at the dead the dead a dirt to let that it's a tough job it really is it's gonna be determined to do try and keep going he's true that it is harder than a muscle but we're fighting through we're post naturally positive people things are beginning to change enough to give hope you figure every time we come home we have enough money this weaving start paying back some of the bills from the money we owe still a few quitting wages thank fill up are you ready who the does he think he is next time the Cavani goes head-to-head with foreign trawlers I get honored again here to put it more the same boat yes and start more and Phills crew were pushed to their limits okay let's add more oh I hate my job I hate my boss there's only one god above the earth and there's only one skipper of all boat needed lessons in seamanship that's next Monday at the same time now the wait is finally over this week on four don't use your credit cards keep your phone off stay off the radar to avoid being hunted that's Thursday at nine and this Sunday at nine it's the Hasse end of the franchise the series that will get rave reviews this is England 90 having a culture crisis next tonight though it was all right in the 1970s
Channel: The Catch UK
Views: 214,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Episode 2, Season 1, The Catch UK
Id: ZIWzPtFnaXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 32sec (3092 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2015
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