'The Case Against Bryan Kohberger' | A Court TV Original Special

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the four were stabbed with a knife but no weapon has been located the True Crime Story that sent shock waves across the country all of us are shaking four murders and then the guys just running around on loose is a little unnerving the victims for college students Ethan Zena Madison and Kaylee I missed her smile she was so giving positive and fun and we love her and miss her so much now a PhD criminology student accused of the murders how you feeling Brian detectives arrested 28-year-old Brian Christopher Colberg hello how you doing how yall doing today every inquiring mind wants to know why why would Brian coburger do this the maximum penalty is death and or imprisonment for life do you understand yes plus the evidence on that knife sheath was DNA likely left there by the killer including those 12 times when he's hanging around this house you better have a pretty good reason for this guess what the defendant the suspect the accuse what does he drive a white Elantra the way that we have been convicting coburger is absolutely appalling and disgusting I want all the evidence out I want it to be clear if I'm the parent of one of these poor kids he is the [Music] [Music] Boogeyman I try not to think too much about any of the darker side of the aspects I just try to stay positive there'll be days where I have have to focus on the negativity but today is not one of them I missed her smile and that she was she was so giving when she came home she was always giving me a hug always making sure she got a hug before she left the house just the simple things these girls were born 14 days apart we loved them both so much it was a great great story and I'm sad that it ended and we lost them both at the same time I'll never see this car as mine she paid for it she felt like this was a super cute car it was emotional riding with Steve in kayle's car on her birthday we saw that vehicle at that home each day inside the crime scene tape Kaylee and her friends Madison Mogan Zan kodal and Ethan chapen were stabed to death at the University of Idaho and that car was part of the reason Kaye was in town that weekend of the murders when she bought our car she was she she it wasn't her birthday but it was a gift that she gave herself cuz she just got a new job so I remember her being super excited for that and you know showing Maddie and driving down there and showing her friends off with it those friends Kaylee Maddy Suna Dylan Mortenson and Bethany funk all lived together in the house on King Road along with kayle's dog Murphy Murphy you've been a bad boy there's a video of all five of the girls together in the home posted just two weeks before the murders They're laughing making fun of each other imitating each other did anybody do their tours today I'm just going to do it you get get out of here you seriously got to get out of here s if you look back at their moment you can actually see their whole lives these girls really did do the Social Media stuff get down get down and these girls you know they were everywhere so people got a taste and a look and a feel of who they really were I think people connected with that and then if you go back you can see like I hate to say it but like the last hours of their lives those last hours included two photos posted by Kaye on one of them she wrote one lucky girl to be surrounded by these people according to investigators that last night Ethan and Zanna go to a party at the sigma Kai house they're there till about 1:45 a.m. that morning Maddie and Kaye go downtown downtown Moscow to a bar called the corner club and then about 1:30 a.m. they walked to a food truck to grab a bite to eat and then what was the carbon back of the week excellent and then click C Rewards enjoy and it looks like you not quite have enough points yet oh that's okay that's okay um $10 so about 10 minutes later the video shows Maddie reaching to grab the food they ordered Kaylee has her cell phone up as if she's filming the moment they're laughing with each other until you see them run out of the frame by 2: a.m. all five girls and Ethan chapen were back at the house on King Road in just over 2 hours four of the six would be [Music] dead everybody here my name is Chief James fry with the Moscow Police Department I'm going to be reading from my notes today because I want the information you receive to be extremely accurate the four were stabbed with a knife but no weapon has been located at this time there was no sign of forced entry into the residence based on details at the scene We Believe this was an isolated targeted attack on our victims right away I think everyone knew this was going to be big story I mean you've got four college students taken down at once inside the same home and the chief comes out pretty quickly and and says listen no forced entry here this was a targeted isolated attack so most of us thought should be solved pretty quickly but that's not what happened here we didn't make sure we clarified have them restart or restart this feed or we arrived in Moscow just days after the murders and you could immediately sense that this was a community on edge and you could understand why four young people have been brutally murdered and nobody knows why and nobody knows who's responsible I actually met a group of professors from the University of Idaho they were out for a bike ride and they really summed up what the community was going through it has deeply affected all our students and our faculty and our staff and it's been just a struggle to to get through this last week so how hungry is this University this town for answers very much so uh the fact that there isn't an answer is makes makes this even worse you know all of us are shaking I've heard from people all across the country talking about this tragedy it's a small college town we all know each other people in the community knew these students so everybody's affected one way or another part of it's because we just don't know anything yet we also met the prosecuting attorney Bill Thompson any new details nothing that I can share how was the crime scene um I can't talk about it everybody's working together the the investigation is still active absolutely how long they're going to stay here at the home don't as long as they need to I ended up sitting down with Bill Thompson in his office and remember they had not identified a suspect and a lot of people were wondering are are they going to solve this and it was one of his answers to me that made me think they know a lot more than what they're saying would you feel safe having a child living near or on campus I would um but I say that knowing that many people would not and I'm probably in a I not probably I I'm in a different situation because uh of the information and the knowledge that I have of how the invest ation is progressing coming up weeks go by without an arrest just your mind has to spin like okay what is going on you know some people can commit crimes and uh there is no justice for that family what the families in public didn't know about the investigation partly under her body partly under her comforter on her bed likely left there by the [Music] Killer [Music] Moscow is a very typical University Town it has a a vibrant downtown with places to eat places to drink places to gather there's not really much surrounding Moscow um Rolling Hills of just wheat fields and various other Farms small town feel um I think it's roughly 25,000 people give or take a couple thousand I think of North Idaho as a pretty off the- map type a place pretty safe place very familyfriendly and to have four murders and then the guys just running around on loose is a little unnerving weeks after the murders of Zan kodal Ethan chapen Maddie Mogan and Kaylee gonalez no arrest had been made to the point that a lot of the students there on campus had cleared out because there was this fear among the community and even some of the victim's family members had fears that the investigation was stalled I had a private investigators and different different things and that's why they told me to slow down Steve you know this thing you know you me as as a father it's never fast enough and I want to just charge ahead like uh probably just like a dumbass but that's what I knew what the families and the public didn't know was that the detectives had some significant evidence and leads including DNA and a potential eyewitness at the time of the murders according to investigators Kaye and Maddie were on the third floor of the house in Maddy's room kayle's dog Murphy was across the hall in kayle's room Ethan and Zanna were a floor below across from them was Dylan mortensson and on the first floor was Bethany Funk who was in her room Dylan will be a key witness in all this because she's on the same floor as two of the murders and she opened opens her door three different times now the first couple of times she really didn't see anything but she was hearing voices maybe it was the dog maybe somebody was was crying or something she wasn't quite clear what she heard but the third time she opens the door she sees this tall figure dressed in all dark colors and she noticed his bushy eyebrows and then this man walks right past her imagine what it would be like to be a young woman who opens the door and sees this man all in black and all you really see are his eyebrows and he's tall and he's big and he just killed four people with a knife he walks right past you and out the door how close to death were you it gives me shivers to just think about what that is and that must just roll through her head every single day yeah that's going to stick with with a jury according to investigators Dylan described herself as being in quote Frozen shock when she saw a man inside her home in the middle of the night she was so scared she locked herself in her bedroom but the thing that raised eyebrows is that nobody did anything about it in fact 911 was not called until noon the next day about 8 hours after the estimated time of the murders some people when they're very frightened they just shut down and and they tend to isolate and hide and basically it's a safety seeking safety response if she had been drinking or under the influence of something she might have just shut down because she really didn't know what to do the major piece of evidence that the public didn't know about was a knife sheep Left Behind likely by the killer it was found partly under Madison mogan's body and the comforter on her bed on the snap of that knife sheath was DNA so investigators had DNA from the crime scene and they took the DNA and they ran it through the National Crime database and there were no hits no matches but the DNA was still useful because you could eliminate potential suspects and there were a lot of them not only ones that law enforcement was looking at but a whole bunch that people online all those True Crime that are out there were looking at as well I made a video a few weeks ago Jeremy rean was included in that video and a lot of people since then have said that he seemed very suspicious or he was the murderer my name is Jeremy Reagan and I live just a couple doors down from where the murders happened I first met Jeremy Reagan about a week after the murders he was a neighbor of the girls on King Road once people saw Jeremy on camera many started to speculate that he possibly was the killer what was it like to be accused of something so horrible offensive um they watched my interview and they said hey he's kind of weird it must be him and so then they dug into everything I ever did on social media stuff that my parents had posted about me taking everything super far out of context for some people it was definitely worse than others I know the various Jacks and Jakes um they got hammered Jack deor and Jake shrier these two guys are the boyfriends of Kaye and Maddie as a matter of fact uh Jack shared a dog murf with Kaye so a lot of people were looking at them and investigators looked at them as well but cleared them so law enforcement says these guys are Innocent but the folks online weren't convinced there was also Jack Showalter who was at the food trunk when Maddie and Kaye were there he became known as hoodie guy so people were analyzing the food truck video and they thought he looked quite suspicious ious you know there's been a lot of speculation and rumors we are the official source of information individuals who are being harassed in the this situation people need to be careful another early focus of the investigation was video detectives gathered recordings from homes businesses all around the time of the murders in that area and one thing stood out one vehicle stood out that was a white Hyundai alantra we're looking for that car because we believe through our investigation that that car was in the area during the time of the murders according to investigators beginning at 329 a.m. the white Elantra made three separate passes by the house on King Road then at 4:04 they say it was back for a fourth time stopping in front of the house before traveling on to do a three-point turn it then drove past the house again and out of the camera's View at 4 20 it was back in View and leaving the area at a high rate of speed so everyone's looking for this car this way to launcher and there's an officer a campus police officer from Washington State University across the state border who decides to run a list of all the white elantas on campus and he finds one it's registered to a guy named Brian Colberg they end up finding his car in the parking lot of cobber campus apartment when they run his name they find that he had been pulled over twice in the months before the murders once in Moscow and once imp pment hello hi am officer Lingus stops being audio and video recorded I was just slightly into crosswalk so yeah where I'm from Pennsylvania we actually don't have like crosswalks so even if you're if you're kind of slightly they have there's a little bit more leeway as well like there are a few lines like there's one white line there's another one like there's like a certain margin from which you can actually kind of put your place your vehicle during the traffic stop in Moscow coburger gave the officer his cell phone number now when you get a phone number it changes everything because you get access to it in a different way that's one more piece of evidence one more piece of the puzzle is it enough to see what the puzzle says not necessarily but you're getting closer according to investigators cobber phone records showed that between 2:27 a.m. and 4:48 a.m. the morning of the murders cober's phone was turned off or in airplane mode or possibly out of battery but it wasn't connecting to any cell phone tower sometimes it's not about evidence it's about the lack of evidence that actually matters in this particular case we had a cell phone that was turned off for a very specific window of time during a window of time where four people were murdered and he is the singular suspect that means something investigators say that when they looked back at coburger cell phone records in the 5 months leading up to the murders that his phone was in the area of the girl's home on 12 separate occasions this was not just something where he happened to be in the region one time and it's easily explainable the problem is is now you really have to be able to explain that other dozen times the month before you better have a pretty good reason for this coming up the arrest hey Brian do how you feeling how you feeling Brian how strong is the evidence against Brian koberger you read the affidavit and you just find out that he was stalking them he was hunting them he was just a person looking for an opportunity imagine what happens when you're finally able to get the results of the DNA sample we got this guy we've got this guy we don't know when and how this DNA got there I'm not at all worried about the [Music] DNA last night in conjunction with the Pennsylvania State Police Federal Bureau of Investigation detectives arrested 28-year-old Brian Christopher Colberg in Al brightsville Pennsylvania on a warrant for murders of Ethan Zena Madison and Kaylee Mr cerer was taken into custody without incident the scene was turned over to the FBI evidence response team for processing according to a Monroe County Pennsylvania prosecutor when SWAT arrived at the family home of Brian cerer they found him standing in his parents' kitchen at 1:30 in the morning cerer was found awake uh in the kitchen area uh Dressed in shorts and a shirt and wearing um latex uh medical type gloves and apparently was taking his personal trash and putting it into separate Ziploc baggies the DNA found on the knife sheath under Madison mogan's body was the piece of the puzzle investigators needed 3 days before cober's arrest detectives used trash from cober's parents home for a DNA sample that turned out to be a match to the suspected Killer's father imagine what happens when you're finally able to get the results of the DNA sample that you pull from the father you can just hear the champagne popping this is a quad murder that has to be Elation in that Squad room in that war room when they're sitting together and they're looking at each other and going we got this guy we've got this guy after Brian coburger was taken into custody in Pennsylvania he met with an attorney who said publicly that cerer told him he believed that he would be exonerated he is very intelligent uh in my hour conversation with him that comes off uh I can tell that uh and he understands where we are right now hey Brian how you feeling how you feeling Brian even though Brian cerer wasn't fighting extradition he still had to appear in a Pennsylvania courtroom I was inside of that courtroom when he walked in and everyone was able to see him for the first time his mother broke down into tears the cobber family they were sitting on the front row of that courtroom he made sure to make that eye contact with them and he kept looking at them big breaking news folks just moments ago here it is the arrival of the accused killer in Idaho it was quite a seed when coburger arrived back in Idaho he was taken off the plane in Pullman and put into a pickup truck and then a caravan of law enforcement Vehicles drove him into the Lal County jail parking lot where media and even members of the public were outside waiting for him the next time we saw him would be in a courtroom the maximum penalty for that offense if you plead guilty or found guilty is up to death and imprisonment for life do you understand yes unlike in his Pennsylvania appearance where cerer looked back to see his family in the courtroom he seemed to make a point in Idaho not to do so likely because he knew the victim's families would be in the gallery feel like he's scared to look at me in the eyes and start to understand what's about to happen to him you know he picked the wrong family so once the suspect appears in court prosecutors release the probable cause affidavit and this stuff is filled with detail after detail after detail things we didn't know 18 Pages worth and at that point the public got some answers but more importantly the families finally got some answers you read the affidavit and you just find out that nobody understands exactly why but he was stalking them he was hunting them the affidavit in this case lays out the evidence against Brian cober but there is a gag order here so we don't know everything the prosecution has but a lot of people think he's the guy he must be guilty but there's a long way to go and a lot of people think that this case isn't a slam dunk it's absolutely disgusting uh this guy does not have a presumption of innocence he has the Assumption of guilt I'm Sarah aari I'm a criminal trial attorney in Los Angeles I'm currently a legal analyst for news nation and I am the host of the Pres presumption podcast you know pre-trial convictions of high-profile defendants in high-profile cases is nothing new but cober is whole other level and I think not only we found him guilty of slaying the four Idaho students but we've decided that he's going to get the death penalty the most significant piece of evidence for prosecutors is the DNA of the defendant found on the knife sheath of the alleged murder weapon located underneath victim Madison mogan's body we don't know when and how this DNA got there so if Brian cober is person a and he touches this knife sheath and then somehow this knife sheath is picked up by somebody else I mean he could touch it he could handle it it could be anything and then that person then somehow is in this King's Road home that is a perfect explanation of how cober's DNA was on that that knife sheet is insufficient to place him in that home let alone to place the murder weapon in his hands that's why I'm not at all worried about the DNA I'm Tiffany Roy and I'm a forensic DNA expert I work privately in the area of forensic DNA and forensic biology I've been doing this work for 17 years DNA can be transferred onto items that people have never contacted and never touched that can be found in rooms where people have never set foot he may never have touched that sheath and his DNA could have been transferred there by some contact with another item or another person we can't tell how it got there we can't tell when it got there or it could be there because he committed this quadruple murder and took the lives of these four students and maybe when he was closing the snap his thumb touched it before he even showed up at the murder scene and maybe that knife sheath got loose because those girls were fighting for their lives now you take that evidence in conjunction with all the other evidence including those phone records wow investigators believe that cober's cell phone was off or in airplane mode around the estimated time of the murders because he turned it off we've been saying it was off his phone was off we don't know if it was off it could have been off it could have been in airplane mode or could have just simply not picked up signal during that time what's odd of course and what's problematic for the defense is that his phone did pick up signal before the murders and after the murders another significant coincidence for those who believe in coincidences I don't is that there's this white car that's driving around and around at the time of the murders close to the scene of the murders caught on video and guess what the defendant the suspect the Hughes what does he drive a white Elantra the car is driving around but then suddenly during the window of the murders we don't know where this car was we don't know where it was parked we just know nothing about the car identification of the Hyundai Elantra as like the suspect vehicle that's a problem another part of the case against Brian koberger is an eyewitness account Dylan Mortenson one of the surviving roommates she told police that she saw a man around the time of the murders dressed in black bushy eyebrows wearing a mask covering his nose and his mouth that walked past her down the hallway and then we have Dylan surviving roommate and she's so afraid that she goes in her back in her bedroom and locks herself up and then doesn't call 911 for 8 hours later okay that is highly unusual we look to expected Behavior expected response reasonable response that is what makes sense to jurors jurors are normal people so you tell them a story it better make sense right and it doesn't make sense credibility always matters with Witnesses and this witness comes across as credible is she flawed yes next the house on King Road no one that lives here is here right now and the type of person capable of committing these murders whoever did this be a cobber or someone else is a sexual domination killer plus Brian cober's defense if he says I was in this house before that's why my DNA is in this house all of a sudden you might have a completely different [Music] trial hey guys mosco PD I turn the the music down turn the music down hello Miss what's your name Zanna Zanna do you live here yes we've already talked to Maddie once and told her the same thing the house at 1122 King Road where four University of Idaho students were murdered was known as a college party house going back before Kaylee mattye Anna Dylan and Bethany all lived there in the fall of 2022 just a few months before the murders Moscow police responded to a noise complaint at the house on M multiple occasions and if I do have to come back here uh $300 something doll tickets come in your way and only gets more expensive from there is that fair yeah that's fair there was even an incidence where there are people at the house but none of the roommates are even there how goes it oh hi how are you who lives here um uh we're not actually you don't know who lives here no we're just here for a noise complaint so everyone here's trespassing well no one's here that's trespassing but no one no one that lives here is here right now now so where' they go they're just not here I have no clue where they went no clue so you guys just throwing a party in in in their house at the time they were here at one point they're not here right now I just I just searched all the room they left and went over to some other parties and everyone is about to go over to another who does live here what are their names I am actually not sure Jeremy Reagan lived near the house on King Road for a few years and saw a lot tell me about uh the house what do you know about the house so when I moved here my first year that house was not super bad notorious for like students going in and out partying all the time my second year there was a ton of people all the time in and out constantly and then my third year which is the year that all this happened it was much more similar to the first year I was here um they did have more stuff going on there but they were definitely nowhere near as loud as crazy as that second year that I was here does the fact that so many people were in and out of this house back during into the case against Brian cobber the fact that this King's Road House was a party house is a huge big deal because it expands the universe of suspects who was there at the time of the murders what was their connection to the victims who had access to this home before did they have possible motive to kill for months we've been calling this a party house this is a party venue one of the most important parts of this case is that DNA and what we know is this is a party house we know that there were hundreds of kids in this house it could even have included him and the thing is is if he was in this house are you suggesting that these four know everybody who's been there I doubt that and as a result if he says I was in this house before that's why my DNA is in this house now we talk about that and we talk about DNA transfer and all of a sudden all of a sudden you might have a completely different trial it's not just that the defendant DNA is in the house it's on a knife sheath which is found next to madd's body I'm a former prosecutor this is game over DNA and it's not just any DNA it's single Source DNA single Source DNA profile is the most informative type of profile we can hope to get from a crime scene it's a lot of clear information and it's a lot of very specific information if you're looking for DNA from a perpetrator that's something that's related to a weapon and a weapon that could have been used in the commission of this crime it would be a very rare event for anyone else to match with a single Source male DNA profile so it's very strong evidence Brian cobber after graduating from theales University in the spring of 2022 Brian koberger was accepted into the criminology PhD program at Washington State University at the time of the Idaho student murders cober was a teaching assistant and a few of his students came forward to say they noticed a difference in his behavior after the murders no reason to connect him to that you know at the time but definitely around then um he started grading everybody just hundreds he seemed preoccupied is what I would have said at the time he would come in be there for 10 minutes leave not say much so he didn't really do that much but you could tell there was some off about him what's still unclear is the prosecution's theory as to why he would want to kill these young people and what if any was the connection motive is not an element of crime or murder uh but of course every inquiring mind wants to know why why would Brian cober do this to four innocent victims college students um could the state go to trial without motive absolutely but I bet they won't and the problem here is that we don't even have a connection to these victims forget about motive Steve Gonzalez Kay's father believes there's a good chance the murderer was tracking Kaye Andor her best friend Maddie I'd be a little bit surprised if there wasn't uh a clear touch point that would suggest that he was interested in one or two of the people more than he was the others an Instagram account that was taken down shortly after cob Berger's arrest with the username name of Bryant coburger was following several members of the coburger family the account also followed Madison Mogan I'm Benjamin Mogan I'm uh Madison mogan's father I first met Maddie mogan's father Ben at the Mad Greek restaurant a few weeks after the murders Maddie and Zanna both worked there it's a popular restaurant in downtown Moscow tell me about what a beautiful person she was well she was she was so great she was she lit up every room she come in and she was just so positive and fun and uh and we just we love her and miss her so much the Mad Greek restaurant it's also one of the first places that comes up if you search for vegan food in Moscow we know Brian coburger claims to be a vegan because he asked for a vegan meal plan at the jail so maybe he did see Maddie and Zan at the Mad Greek and and sort of became obsessed with them but prosecutors made a point in their in their probable cause affidavit they went into detail about this Reddit post that the defendant allegedly made calling out to criminals to provide him with the reason why they chose their victims and committed their crimes now I understand he studies this Stu but this is still a little strange sounds like he's looking for the reasons why people do the things that they do maybe to answer the question for himself maybe to explain for him why he's motivated in the way that he is are you trying to figure out who you are or are you trying to figure out who they are and in this particular case I think the prosecutors are going to say yeah this was about him trying to figure out who he is because we can tell you who he is he's this [Music] guy I am sioban Scott I am a psychotherapist from Portland Doran so what are your thoughts about this Reddit post I I see a theme with him for years um in his online writings of going back and trying to make sense out of himself and I think he was in that category of I'm studying all this because I want to understand myself and so I think that was driving his research there's also in a rather perverse way way perhaps an attempt to develop some sense of camaraderie with other people and to get a sense of maybe I'm really not the only one who has these thoughts and feelings and experiences what do his studies tell you about Brian coburger it's not that unusual for sadistic Killers to study criminology we think of the BTK killer in Kansas the Golden State killer in California both had criminology degrees and the California killer did go on to become a law enforcement officers and there have been quite a few others so I think there are three reasons people study criminology the first is because they're altruistic and they really want to make the world a safer place so they have good motivations the second reason is because they're absolutely fascinated by the Criminal Mind which can be a fine reason but the dark side of that is they're trying to figure themselves out and the third third reason is because they have a plan to commit crimes and they're studying police tactics and procedures so that they can become a better Criminal and if cerer is the killer I think those second two reasons would be at play whoever did this be it cobber or someone else is a sexual domination killer and this is someone that's created a sadistic theatrical production based on fantasies that he's had for many years now the fantasies serve to meet his emotional needs to express rage at women and to have a sense of Godlike power because others vulnerability makes him feel invincible and their deaths make him feel like a god coming up the legal battle ahead as prosecutors seek the death penalty to have a full defense he absolutely needs to know that this investigation against against him was 100% % according to protocol plus remembering the victims through all this I hope we can all look through that dark tunnel and see the light and follow that light and I pray that we have Justice someday since his arrest in December 2022 Brian coburger has made a number of Court appearances and his defense team has has filed a number of motions challenging everything from the grand jury indictment against him to how the investigators processed the DNA found at the crime scene they didn't get a hit for the DNA that was found at the crime scene with the National Database so they moved to a public database one of those genealogy databases and they got a hit and it was for the suspect's father but now the defense is taken a closer look at that saying well wait a minute wait a minute we want to know and we want to see exactly how you tested all of this DNA to get that result what's going on in Brian cob Berger's case that's very concerning is the government does not want to turn over and Discovery what all was searched what databases were searched and what records were obtained when you're talking about a defendant's right to a fair trial and his due process and his sixth amendment to you know to have a full defense he absolutely needs to know that this investigation against against him was 100% according to protocol and that there was Integrity in this investigation the defendant apparently has an alibi now a little strange here they say his his attorneys that he likes to go out at night and in the early morning hours and sort of drive around and that's what he was doing at the time of the murders couldn't have done it cober's Alibi is that he wasn't at the crime scene but instead he was driving around alone that statement of his Alibi doesn't tell us obviously exactly what you know time he was driving where he was driving to and from and why I we don't have any of those details he's not saying something that's completely inconsistent with the evidence the defense is also claiming that cameras should not be allowed inside the courtroom claiming cob Berger's every move is being analyzed in a way that's prejudicial kayle's father Steve gonalez has some thoughts on that if if you're not a personable person and you um give off weird Vibes yeah you probably don't want nobody to actually see the truth and see who you are and and read you for who how you behave you can't hide the truth man just I'm so I'm so tired of the the secretive and all that stuff just I want the stuff to be out in the open I want all the evidence out I want it to be clear I want the community to look at that evidence and M Taylor is Mr cober prepared to plead to these charges Runner we will be stand side a plea of not guilty was entered for Brian koberger after he chose to stand silent at his arraignment his trial is expected to begin sometime in 2024 only Kaye you will never be forgotten we will live f for you every day with your mentality in our mind we love you so much she embodied her own sunshine and that's when her Skies became Limitless I sent you my heart I met Charlie Deo Che most important is love like it's the only thing you know how nothing even matters except love and human connection you know I'm not a big drinker but maybe I should have something you're not a big drinker I was lucky enough to be able to explore life with Maddie Maddie was the best at spreading love makes the heart Z was the funniest person I knew and made me laugh every time I spent time with her honestly Santa you will not be forgotten you have impacted so many lives and I've given people so much [Music] love Ethan was always someone you could count on to make you smile and uh cheer up your mood and I feel so lucky to I've shared so many great memories with him minions tonight we steal the moon love through all this I hope we can all look through that dark tunnel and see the light and follow that light and I pray that we have Justice [Music] someday
Channel: COURT TV
Views: 1,078,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court tv, court tv special, court tv trials, court tv live stream, court tv live stream today, kohberger court tv, bryan kohberger court, kohberger court, madison mogen, bryan kohberger trial, court tv bryan kohberger, bryan kohberger, court tv kohberger, bryan kohberger update, bryan kohberger latest news, kohberger trial, idaho murders update today, ethan chapin, xana kernodle, Case Against Bryan Kohberger, University of idaho, brian kohberger, brian kohberger update
Id: 8YiPoXzREok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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