The Carnivore Diet: Is This Really True?

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so you might as well eat the most vegan thing on  the menu which we often call um grass-fed beef and   lamb what welcome to plant-based news my name is  Joe and we're going to do a little Deep dive into   the delusions in the carnivore world now that's  not actually a real interview I just screenshot   myself over it but I was watching it and I was  absolutely surprised that he said the most vegan   thing on the menu which we often call um grass-fed  beef and lamb I mean you have to really do some   mental gymnastics to arrive at that and that's  what this video is going to be about we're going   to be looking at the confusion around the mythical  healing properties of a carnivore diet we're going   to have a look at what I called the Bishi effect  which is why people benefit on these fed diets   but the real reason behind that we're going to be  having a look at how people deny the benefits that   they've had on the vegan diet in the past and  we're also going to be looking at the delusion   which you saw in the very first clip of the  conviction that they're not causing any harm   it's mind-boggling so stay tuned let's get into  it the first thing I want to show you is how this   movement is spreading so very famous people are  getting on board and they influenc people around   the world to follow them and one of the absolute  standups in this area is Michaela Peterson what   if the problem with reducing your animal intake is  actually chronic health problems and then what you   have on one side is an increase in chronic health  problems and then that's suffering compared to the   life of an animal so we're going to break down  that logic a little bit later in this video but   I want to show you the kind of people who is is  influencing because it's not the one person at   the top of the Heap that's eating a carnivore  diet that makes the difference here it's the   thousands of people that follow them I just want  to say I've got nothing against anybody featured   in this video I'm just looking at the carnivore  diet and trying to understand more deeply why   people do it so let's take a look at some of the  people that do I reference Michaela Peterson a   lot because I feel like I am kind of in the same  position as her although she I believe does have   to eat even more strict than I do but she eats  that way to simply not be sick anymore and I   am in the same B now the first big delusion that  you run into is what I call mythical healing and   it's this belief that by eating only meat that you  are going to heal everything in your body and all   your previous ills but it's not a fair comparison  because what they are doing they are comparing a   diet that is completely absent of refined sugar  with a diet that they were eating lots of sugar   right so if you're eating a processed vegan diet  with sugar and processed foods and you switch to   only eating meat that's almost like doing a detox  it's a weird detox but it is the detox nonetheless   so initially there will be some improvements but  let's break this down and see what's really going   on here give a brief overview of the benefits that  I have experienced since starting the carnivore   diet specifically has first of all been and it  is the only way of eating that has gotten my   Al cerative colitis into actual remission so the  very first thing she says is that the carnivore   diet was the only way she got her ulcerative kitis  into remission but there's a bit more to it than   that if I eat anything that causes any even like  minor amounts of inflammation my digestion is   one of the things that is affected not severely  it is only if I keep my diet without seasoning   and the you know highest quality unprocessed  animal products that I don't get inflammation   and my digestion remains normal so she's eating  a really strict carnivore diet and she's seeing   her ulcerative kisis go into remission that's  the same as me saying as a diabetic I'm eating   a really high fat diet and my diabetes has gone  into remission it hasn't gone into remission   you were just avoiding the symptoms alterative  colitis is caused by an omnivore diet regarding   it as a lifestyle disease caused mainly by our  omnivorous diet and what is basically Minds is   that you eat these foods which they're not meant  for you they're they're packaged processed foods   you eat that you cause damage into your system  and it shows up in your body as kius and the way   to fix it is to use dietary methods to heal your  body and a plant-based diet has been shown to do   this a group of Japanese gastroenterologists have  been providing a based diet to all patients with   IBD for over a decade and Publishing extraordinary  results far better than have to date been reported   in the medical literature so here's the thing  a vegan diet versus a carnivore diet regarding   this illness it gives you a much broader range of  foods to eat and that is a positive overall but if   you misuse it it's a negative you could be having  Quant and sugar with jam and it's vegan and I can   pretty much assure you that's going to aggravate  any kind of colitis issues that you have going   on and in fact I downloaded the study to have a  look at what they were feeding them and they had a   point system showing more points the more healthy  vegan food that you ate and they had a negative   point system for all of the sugar intake and the  animal products so they were doing a plant-based   diet a vegan diet that was a healthy one that  would cure kitis so it's disingenuous although   probably accidentally to compare a very strict  almost fasting regime fasting from the point   of view that you're literally monom mealing meat  versus being able to eat all kinds of foods that   are vegan and saying one got rid of kitis and the  other one didn't what you've got to compare it to   is a carnivore diet and what that involves and  a diet that is designed that is vegan but it's   designed to eliminate the effects of kitis so how  about a plant-based diet for relapse prevention in   ulcerative colitis educ ational hospitalization  meant bringing patients into the hospital to   control their diet and educate them about the  benefits of plant-based eating so they'd be more   motivated to continue it at home most patients  about three quarters experienced improvements such   as you know disappearance or decrease in bloody  stool during hospitalization fantastic okay but   here's the really exciting part then they follow  the patients for five years and 81% were able to   remain in remission the whole time and 98% were  ble to keep the disease at Bay for at least a   year I mean that blows other treatments away so if  a plant-based diet blows other treatments away why   is this woman eating a carnivore diet the reason  is is because if you do this in a way which is   uneducated or unsupported and just eat vegan  foods you don't get the results you want and   I simplifies with her because then you start to  feel really ill you get very frustrated with this   plant-based diet that everyone's told you it's  going to heal everything immediately you find   it doesn't and you you look for other options and  you find this very restrictive super restrictive   diet and it provides you relief and you attribute  the benefit to the restricted food you're eating   rather than the fact that you've stopped eating  everything else because that's what's happened   this person's got to the point now where they  can't even eat Dill without getting a reaction   that would be the same as me only eating fat and  getting to the point where even the the mildest   vegetable causes a spike most things give me  inflammation I haven't really been able to find   anything that doesn't cause me inflammation and  I've had like say organic deal on something and   I'll think that it's fine and then within like  if I have it for consecutive days I do start to   notice issues um which again are the things I  highlighted constipation diarrhea um sometimes   slight digestive pain and breakouts especially  and that's what ends up happening you eat yourself   into a corn Corner because you've made it so  restrictive now and it's not healing the situation   it's just avoiding the triggers for the symptoms  and now when you eat anything it causes major   issues where when you go through the plant-based  process with some guidance and some trial and   error to find these foods that you want that help  you and then you start to broaden the selection   of foods that you can have in an environment of  healing you end up going into true remission where   you can eat a wide variety of foods let's see what  Dr Gregor has to say about that a plant-based diet   was previously shown to be effective in both the  active and quiescent stages of Crohn's Disease   the current studies has shown that a plant-based  diet is effective in both the active and quient   stages of ulcerative colitis as well and so they  did another study on even more severely affected   cases with active disease and found the same thing  far beating out conventional drug therapy people   felt so much better they were still eaing more PL  plant-based even six years later the researchers   conclude that a plant-based diet is effective  for treating uler of colitis to prevent a   relapse why well you plant-based diets are rich  in fiber which feeds our good gut bugs that may   partly explain why a plant-based diet prevents  a variety of chronic diseases and so that's what   we may be seeing with inflammatory bowel disease  suggesting that replacing an omnivorous diet with   a plant-based diet is the right approach so there  you have it the next delusion I'm calling the bisy   effect I tell you want after the clip but just  watch it and see if you can see a common theme   I definitely experienced some reverse aging I also  would say that my anxiety has done a complete 180   and on a daily basis I'm so much more levelheaded  I I always had severe Cravings I can focus I can   retain things much better I saw myself lean out my  teeth are I would say in the best he uh as they've   ever been so so why am I calling it The Bishi  effect because Fred Bishi is a plant-based Doctor   Who I met 20s something years ago when he was 70  he's like 92 right now and he said something to me   I'll never forget he said all fat diets work and  they work temporarily but they all work because   of what they leave out it's such a good piece  of wisdom and what you notice with that clip is   all of those symptoms that are mentioned are what  happens when you cut out refined sugar check list   so I literally just searched a random article on  Google what happens to your body when you cut out   sugar it's all pretty much known stuff right you  reach your weight loss goes leans out your Skin's   aging process will slow that's what she said  your Cravings will decrease that's what happened   you lower your risk of depression and cognitive  decline that covers anxiety and the capacity to   focus your appetite and your hunger will decrease  that's absolutely what happens you'll get fewer   cavities so that's the point when you eliminate  sugar from your diet because you're only eating   meat you're going to get all of the benefits that  you get with eliminating sugar but they attribute   it to the blocks of animal flesh that they're  eating it's it's almost absurd it's almost absurd   but it's literally what happens when you cut out  sugar you don't have to go on a Carnival diet to   get those benefits if you're having some issues  and you're eating a lot of sugar cut the sugar   back you still stay vegan and you'll do just fine  when I was vegan and I wasn't necessarily thinking   about how much carbohydrates I was eating I was  eating um I was you know eating things with sugar   so the point I'm making here is the carnivore diet  or any mono diet is no more effective in healing   chronic conditions than eating only avocados for  90 days it's not going to make you vibrantly well   because of what you're eating it's going to help  you because of what you're leaving out now I don't   recommend monomals but if you are eating too much  sugar and you want to cut that out and the only   way you feel you can do it is get all of that kind  of dopamine hit from following a really extreme   diet will I present to you the potato diet it's  going to give you the exact same benefits as a   carnivore diet but it won't involve any animals  take a look at the clip and Australian man who   ate nothing but potatoes for an entire year has  lost more than 100 lbs subsisting solely on the   root vegetable for every meal has led to a 52 kg  weight loss I started out on first of January to   do uh a whole year of eating nothing but potatoes  and it's been incredible so far I've lost so far   50 kilos which is over 110 lb at beginning of last  year I was diagnosed with clinical depression and   anxiety and uh that's totally changed as well uh  I don't suffer with that anymore um my sleep is   better my concentration is better my my alertness  is better and uh and my relationship with food is   totally Chang to the point where I don't rely  on food at all for comfort and enjoyment and   emotional support and things like that and uh I  think this has totally changed my life for the   better and I couldn't be happier with it all and  there you have it the Bei effect when it comes to   these very very restrictive diets it's what you  leave out that makes the difference and that's   why they work but to be truly healthy you want to  heal your body with a in a way that you can eat a   variety of foods and that is what happens on the  plant-based diet and in my case I've never been   the healthiest person in the gang I never have  but when I went plant-based I found I could get   an overall increased level of Health from eating  a wide variety of plant-based Foods than I would   with the wide variety of animal-based foods  because I was unable to restrict my diet and   go on these very extric regimes which is what  the carnivore diet is but so are some of the   plant-based Solutions so the overall plant-based  diet is what helped me because it could meet my   need to have a wide variety not have to be super  strict still like what I eat and see Health gains   as a result and the next illusion I want to talk  about is this absolutely interesting belief that   it's not causing any harm and really the only  negative thing about the carore diet is that   I can't really go out to a Resturant and like I  have to be very mindful of what I get but it is   something that I am willing to deal with because  again I feel my best on a daily basis because of   it otherwise I really can't reference a get to  thing about it it's really astonishing that they   can turn a blind eye to the obvious suffering  that's being caused but it gets far worse than   that take a look at this I thought I'd address  specifically the nonviolence question or um AA   there is no Aima way of eating every food  involves the death and suffering of another   animal so this is a more intellectual form of  spiritualization of the killing of animals for   food so so Aza is a term from the yogic vadas  and it's also in Buddhism and Hinduism and it   refers to the act of violence so you absolutely  commit to not harming another creature but it's   a bit like veganism and that it's not consciously  harming or not harming for the purpose of gain   it is not due to Accidental harming such as the  fact that you find if you're harvesting crops so   they're conflating the act of being violent to  the AC ental deaths that occur when harvesting   crops versus the deliberate uh incarceration and  then killing of animals and it's not the same one   is not a a Hima pratice and the other one is but  they're blurring the lines here and he continues   where does a Hema begin am I going to subject  my kids to even a remote chance of suffering   like my firstborn did not a chance even though  I agree with you about factory farming and by   good quality humanely killed meat meat whenever I  can would I feed Factory meat to my kids if there   was no choice damn right I would and although  I have tremendous respect for animals and deep   gratitude and awareness when they become my food  I put humans first now this guy's being somewhat   honest in that he is basically saying that I'm  going to put my family and humans first when   it comes to animals fair enough but where it's  dishonest is that the whole thing is implying that   you're causing harm by not giving animal foods to  your children that is the act of violence that is   where the Aima is being broken by not giving your  family animal foods and you're being violent by   thinking them a plant-based diet I mean the logic  behind it it's pretty out there it's pretty it's   pretty wacky I think you could have a very good  conversation with this guy on this topic and I   respect how seriously he takes it but really and  truly there's only one thing I think that I could   say there is no nonviolent way to eat an animal  there is no nonviolent way to eat an animal it's   as simple as that now I think they know this and  that's why a backup strategy or delusion is to uh   address where is the health problem in our society  and what they're saying which is quite amazing is   that what if the health issue is caused by people  not eating enough animal products I kid you not   if you you weigh um let's say the the the taste  of milk that's what you have on one side and then   the difference between like oat and oat milk and  normal milk to the suffering of a cow that's those   are on your two sides what if the problem with  reducing your animal intake is actually chronic   health problems and then what you have on one side  is an increase in chronic health problems and then   that's suffering compared to the life of an animal  this delusion is about the cause of ill health   so if you can shift the blame of ill health into  plants and away from animal products then you can   literally change the maths on how you're weighing  up the benefits of eating animals that you have to   kill versus plants which are not non-sentient  beings the problem with this whatif is It's a   whatif because the leading cause of death in the  world is cardiovascular disease and the way to   reduce your risks of a heart attack is having a  plant-based diet so it just doesn't add up what   this boils down to is the maths that they're  really looking at is how much do I prefer the   taste of me versus my conscience about the death  of the animals that result in that and the final   one is all former vegans have said the exact same  claims they're making about the new carnivore diet   about the previous vegan diet and they even admit  it some of the brave ones do at least one of the   criticisms that I've got time and time again was  oh oh well when you were vegan you must have been   saying this stuff also and I was see my theory of  what happens is they go on a plant-based diet they   overdo the sugar or processed foods they start  to feel not good and then they blame being vegan   rather than the junk foods that they're eating  they then switch up their diet and start this   new thing and go on some kind of you know intense  detox because they're only having one food source   and it's a sugar detox and then they feel better  and and they make proclamations about how good   this diet is but then they remember how good  it felt when they first stopped eating those   foods and then they delete the old videos that  they use to Proclaim how healthy they feel now   the fact of matter is there are many many many  vegan testimonies still online that and they're   still vegan that profess how good it feels to be  a vegan and I'm going to play some of those now   hi guys Ryan Adams here from natural weightloss I'm just over one week short of 3   years on a vegan D so I thought I'd turn on the  camera and kind of reflect or really document a   couple of thoughts I have on uh my journey or  my transformation I was a little bit podgy I'm   not afraid to admit that was pretty chunky back  then I was 40 lb heavier than I am right now uh   my skin was actually pretty bad it was pretty  bad I had a bit of acne and I had a few kind of   gassy or bloating issues but when you've been  doing something for so long over a couple of   years let's say like I have been now and you're  living it dayto day um you don't really notice   the progress anymore you kind of get conditioned  and it all becomes very normal to you so it's   only when I really make videos like this and  and kind of tell my story and think back to 3   years ago that I'm so like grateful for everything  that's happened and that testimony for veganism is   indistinguishable from the testimonies I've heard  from ex vegans who took up the carnivore diet it's   indistinguishable so what would you then think  if that person then came out and made a video   like this my point is is that I was attempting  to say that I was having these benefits as a bean   when they weren't actually there I was trying I  was lying to myself what I want you to take from   this is there is no super diet so don't listen to  the super claims there is a way to eat right which   doesn't cause any harm to animals and it makes  you feel pretty good and it makes you feel a lot   better than most of the food is out of there on a  long-term basis it may not have the same punch as   a very restricted diet that you do for a while  but most people fall off and I like this vegan   testimony because I think it's very very grounded  and very very realistic and can apply to a lot of   people the thing that I have missed over the  last 10 years of being vegan has been fleeting   and it hasn't ever been enough to make me think  you know what I don't want to be vegan anymore   because I have such a strong belief system around  the morals and ethics when it comes to being vegan   I don't miss anything enough to justify wanting  to not be vegan anymore yes of course previously   I used to love eating things like dairy milk  and Galaxy and cheese and you know even see   Seafood but I don't sit here thinking about it  because there's amazing vegan chocolates there   are incredible vegan cheeses and Alternatives I  love to cook and make my own versions of things   so nothing I I don't miss anything beyond the  point of wanting to actually not be vegan anymore   my conclusion from all of this is not to say that  you can't gain benefits from doing some kind of   mono diet and the carnivore diet to me is a mono  diet but with all mono diets what happens is you   do get short-term gains but it's mostly because  of the foods that you're leaving out but like all   mono diets you end up not being able to stick to  it and then you start bringing in other things and   you're back to where you started the right way to  address your health issues on a plant-based diet   is to do an Elimination Diet but do an elimination  of the rubbish that you're eating number one get   out the refined sugar number two get out the  highly refined carbohydrates number three look   at any refined oils that you're eating all of  this is available all over the Internet so you   don't use the excuse that you're eating the more  harmful foods that just happen to be vegan right   and that's causing issues so now your remedy is to  switch completely over to eating only animal flesh   that's radical that is absolutely radical and over  time I can assure you that only the staunchest   people the most radical people will stay on a  carnivore diet long term I've been around the   health field I've fallen into fad diets and when  I've looked what I've seen is one or two people at   the top who are very good at it and selling it as  a business and then you might have some influences   or chefs or whatever the next level down and it's  become a lifestyle business for them so they're   sticking to it and everyone else is listening  to the promises and trying it for themselves   and they're not even able to do it there's very  very few people that can just literally eat a   steak for breakfast lunch and dinner over and over  and over so if you really want to deal with your   health issues find someone who knows what they're  talking about Reach Out get guidance and cultivate   a plant-based diet that works for you works for  the planet and works for the animals thanks for   watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you  did please like subscribe and share with anyone   you think might find it interesting and we will  see you in the next one let's stay plant-based
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Keywords: carnivore, plantbasednews, vegan, diet, carnivore diet, carnivore diet results, carnivore diet benefits, all meat diet, carnivore diet meal plan, carnivore diet plan, carnivore diet foods, what is the carnivore diet, carnivore diet food, how to do carnivore diet, carnivore diet tips, is carnivore diet safe, all meat diet jordan peterson, All meat diet mikhaila peterson
Id: zqXSw02nN5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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