The CAR WIZARD shares the top ASIAN cars TO Buy & NOT to Buy!

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guy wizard oh goodness scared me welcome back to the wizard shop where we've been spending some time today on movies roll some of you have seen it in the shop in the background and you might be wondering why is it why's it been sitting there and a lot of it is the waiting on parts just like you do on these things let's just give you a quick little rundown it is a rolls-royce but it also is a BMW in 73 v12 engine and guess what BMWs always have trouble with is a coolant pipe I've got this one cut out and the seal is here was gone bad and it was leaking pretty bad out of the weep hole we were actually out of cars and coffee and it was just dribbling all over the place it looked kind of bad so we thought we'd probably to better fix it this is the fix a lot of BMW fans will be familiar with this this is the expandable coolant pipe that goes in here it takes care of this problem without having to pull the motor contrary to popular belief hoovy is not stupid with his money he's actually very wise and smart with it this is one of the instances here that's one of the reliability issues with the BMW engines to the v8 and the v12 is these crazy coolant pipes this is like the third or fourth one that I've done and speaking of reliability a lot of you have had a lot of questions I've even called the shop about what kind of car should I buy what about this car what about that car so I think today what I'll do is just have a seat and we'll go over what's a good car and what's not in the Asian market [Music] if some of you just seen movies recent videos on his Hummer h2 the last video he removed this see out of it and he was going to trash it I think I'll just make it a shop seat in fact I'll just have a seat on an h2 seat well it's been pretty busy in the shop here this week we've had quite a lot of cars coming and going and I i've worked late and actually been working weekends it's been getting pretty busy you've seen the last video a lot of supercars in here and we just finished up the Ferrari and it's gone it's done it's a happy customer on the on the topic of reliability I've had multiple multiple people come into the shop and they're in the market for a car and they say what should I buy and it's always I always say whether it's an SUV or a car I always say Toyota Toyota Highlander or a Toyota Camry toy they never listen no one has ever taken that advice it's always three or four weeks later I get a phone call say hey yeah we finally did get a new car we got a GMC Terrain and the transmission spilled its guts out on our driveway this morning what do I do and it's just like I told you not to get a car like that I told you to get a Toyota no one ever listens ever it's it's cost but after you buy the cheap car and you fixed it now you're at the cost of the Toyota I don't get it I just I don't get it but you guys are smarter than that and that's why you're watching this these episodes that make is you're wanting that information and I'm happy to give it to you so I'm going to do a buy this not that analogy with the Asian market cars not SUVs or trucks or specifically going to do cars and some of these that I list or based on just what I've seen come in the shop and the same repetitive issues over and over and over and over so the first buy would be a Toyota Corolla if you're looking for a small car that gets good gas mileage you can drive it and drive it and you don't have to work you do have to do oil changes and things like that but maintenance but as far as things breaking down on you it's very unlikely on one of those the one not to buy a Nissan Altima it seems like the ultimate especially when they get over a hundred thousand miles the interior just deteriorates in them there's leaks galore there's CVT transmission failures there's all kinds of issues with them that I don't see with Corollas so moving on down the list a Toyota Camry if you're looking in the market for a midsize car maybe with a v6 a little bit more power a little bit more room that Camrys gonna have that same reliability but in a larger size and it still gets pretty decent gas mileage with the v6 as well and again you're gonna have that drive at drive it drive it without a whole bunch of issues I've seen some Toyotas come in the shop with two hundred thousand miles and I put them on the lift and the bolts still have the cab plating on them they're shiny like brand new there's not a drip to be found anywhere of oil I can't say that for Nissan's the not on that in that category being Nissan Maxima the same 3.5 v6 in the Nissan's they always have power steering leaks they always have oil filter adapter leaks it's the interior deteriorates after a hundred thousand miles so that's a not in that category in the in the small car category for another brand other than Toyota that would be reliable to be a Honda Civic those I would say they're probably 80 to 90 percent as reliable as a Toyota they start gonna have every cars gonna have some issues and even the bad ones there's a few good ones in the bad categories but the Civic is going to be a good car that's reliable good gas mileage maybe a few little issues here and there but it's not gonna be anything near some of the other ones I'm going to list okay and then on one in that category it's kind of a sporty car not really a sports car it would be something you don't want to buy would be a Mazda rx-8 those are our maintenance nightmare I've gotten phone calls on those cars where I say do you work on rotary engines and I'm like no I don't and they say I've called 12 different shops and they all declined to repair or work on my rotary engine there's people out there that specialize in those that know those I'm not one of them and it's very hard to find one of them so is that going to be a reliable family car a reliable transportation for your family no no one's no one's gonna work on it so that would be one in that category don't want to buy and if you're looking for something a little bit more utilitarian that's got all-wheel-drive and maybe has a hatchback a Subaru Outback is really good back in the days in the early years they did have head gasket problems but the newer ones twenty twelve thirteen fourteen they really don't have that trouble and they're really very reliable Subarus are pretty reliable cars they get decent gas mileage you're not gonna get a gas mileage of a Corolla or a Camry but they're gonna get pretty good gas mileage and they're reliable and it's gonna have all wheel drive it's got an elevated ground clearance and be a nice car and in that category something that you don't want to buy a Daewoo logons oh really you don't want to buy a car from any manufacturer that's not in business anymore I've seen some of these cars going around and I have never seen one in good condition they're always completely ragged out and destroyed if you're looking at one of these it maybe is somewhat in good condition just walk away so in the Asian small to medium car category those are some of cars that you should buy and some that you should not buy ones that you should look into buying ones that you should walk away from I think that kind of settles that we're going to do more videos of these trucks and then we're going to do vans and things of that nature American cars European cars so again if there's any tools or anything you see me using check them out on my Amazon affiliates I've got them for sale we've also got hoodies we've got coffee mugs decal stickers check those out and purchase those and again thanks for watching the wizard shop [Music]
Channel: Car Wizard
Views: 940,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car wizard, david long, hoovies garage, tyler hoover, car issues with tyler hoover, chrisfix, omega auto clinic, scotty kilmer, car repair, car maintenance, tavarish, Doug DeMuro, vehicle virgins, watchjrgo, jalopnik, smoking tire, samcrac, vinwiki, Hoovie, car buying, car advice, what car to buy, buying a car, don't buy this car, good car, bad car, toyota, nissan, daewoo, subaru, honda, kia, corolla, camry, civic, outback, laganza, maxima, optima, mazda, rx-8
Id: VEkg4uTdYn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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