The Camera Man Titan has been UPGRADED?!

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my girlfriend asked me to pass her lipstick but I accidentally gave her a glue stick she's still not talking to me I picked the wrong way welcome to the brand new upgraded Titan cameraman in Garry's Mod if you enjoyed this video smash that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free I'm yellow hello ambulance please so you all remember the regular cameraman Titan he's one of my favorites from the entire series I mean look at him he's beautiful he's beefy's got a riot shield and cameras what more can you want well what about all this oh and not just one we have two oh here it comes hello what's going on is he okay we got two different versions look at them two separate mods different abilities and we'll be taking a look at both is this guy okay I think we'll start with this one make sure you stay tuned for version two because well the dude can fly help me so let's examine the differences in fact I'll put them side by side we can see he's got this new structure on the top of his head is that a laser are those Gatling guns he's also got a jet pack he's he's ditched the riot shield he's got Wings he had nothing on his left hand and now he's got this Blaster and of course the giant hammer also it seems like he's had a coat upgrade he's looking a bit more matrixy now let's see how strong he is ah all right jet Pack's awesome I might need my fists for this one click oh God he's right there please spawn me further away tank it oh I tanked it nice so he's shooting these blue balls and he's blue balls he's making my whole screen blue oh it's gone it's I don't think those can be dodged or the fire what if I stay up here I might say I don't know if this one can fly did I kill him oh I killed him did he try and go inside okay let's close that oh that was close she almost got out now obviously getting beaten by him doesn't really show you what he does because I'm just not very strong it is pants higher why why are his pants so high like my granddad also are these new boots ever wondered what it's like inside it oh oh it's all his gubbins is that the back of the riot shield and then we've got all the cameras in their head oh it's a big old mess look at this Hammer the hammer appears to have a jet engine on it I think this Hammer is from Transformers correct me if I'm wrong but now let's give him a little Bullseye and check out his moves so we've got the chest blast the zap from the Blaster and then of course oh the the hammer has flames coming out of it that explains the jet engine now that's how you make the hammer hit hard you put an engine on it also he's got a lot of stamping kicking but with his hands he either uses the hammer or the Blaster and then of course the chest thing if I pretend I am the block what would it be like to be beaten it would be very unpleasant now whilst I've got him here how much health does he have sir would you mind staying still is that 5.6 million yeah ah let's compare him to the other one how much did you have 850 000 okay that's a bit of an upgrade holy moly they are different shoes all right thanks that's it up oh God now let's see how strong he is against some of the toilets starting with the collector collector I barely know her he's only got 93 000 house so let's make this a little Fair we'll give him some friends the hip no with a beak and the butcher's back Willy win will he blast him in one go there's only one way to find out that's oh I think they're all dead yet pretty sure they all hey these two are just like screaming what about the Arctic Halley's we'll give him a few he can't kill them all at once yes he can apparently more he's just zapping them he just shoots them out of the sky watch this ready for it blast and he's dead again oh so cool he's very accurate I don't think he misses but what do you mean oh God yeah no he didn't he got him all okay this is a bit of a mess frankly I think we're gonna need the strongest toilet there is it's the buffed up G-Man let's see how we go do we win Dewey dhoni okay he's being sat on fire and cooked and he's dead immediately and that's the strongest toilet oh no although maybe the Tesla's now the strongest okay he's going in he's not dead immediately that's a good start he's doing a thing what did he just do huh he dead do it again all right he's going again I cooked him the thing from his chest does too much damage are you okay he's climbing the building and just to put into perspective how strong this new one is let's make him fight the old one first are they even friends of course they are they're the same guy I think is that law is it the same guy or are there more of them let me know in the comments what do you think and just whilst I was saying that he killed him a medium um wanna do it again help yourself sir okay oh it's a bit of a kick off and he's dead again no if I I think we all want to see oh yeah the TV man Titan the cinema version this is the new cameraman three two one go okay oh he's red lighted him will it kill him no he's actually tanked it blasting him ah he's killed him he stripped him off his speakers someone needs to teach this dude a lesson and well the only guy I know that could potentially be strong enough is Gerald if he's in the mood so let's find out are you in the mood Gerald no he's not in the mood some days he wakes up weak we still love him but now we have version two which is from a completely separate mod and he's flying hello sir you I don't spawn you there get back here oh yeah this one oh can he climb he was flying for a second this one oh he's he's thinner he's slightly taller it's got nicer posture the hammer is is the same model slightly different he's got a different chest structure the Blaster also looks different along with the head let me know which you prefer left or right also the jet packs look completely different this one's all black also the shoes are different but he has got the long coat nice belt let's check on his health excuse me where's your health oh yeah I gotta look at his groin sometimes it's hard to find but uh where is it there it is oh wait there it is 2.85 million hell which is almost exactly half of the other one but before we make them fight let's test this fella let's make him fly in again where is he there he comes oh God he's hit the building oh oh is he okay I like picking him up all right there we go all right well let's uh let's let him walk around a little bit before we stick him on me you gonna walk oh he makes the ground shake where's he going you want a scrap that oh God okay his bombs are slightly different he seems to have another oh is he always thumbsing up he's got those oh those bombs pull me in oh my God he sucks you in and then what's happening again so cool give me the thumb oh he's gonna do it he was gonna do it wait for it do the thumb do the there it is oh what a legend well I don't have thumbs I'm a banana but I'm gonna tank it oh he did the chest blast he's kicking me what happens if I fly away will he chase me is he flying I think he might be stuck on that building he just shoot me this one isn't as accurate as the other you can actually Dodge him but he can fly oh my God what happens if he hits you midday oh you die oh this one's so cool so now I've set this target Cube and we're gonna spawn him on a building one that's pretty high up and we'll see what he does oh please don't kill me not me he's flying in he's still flying he's still flying oh he's coming wait is he okay sir do you need a hand he seems he seems to go over there okay I've managed to get him to land up there he looks so cool protecting the city we put a fresh Bullseye down and we'll see how will he get down will he just shoot it or will he fly off okay he started shooting it shooting his orbs oh I wonder if we can get a close-up of that he spawns in with this gun the orb and then he shoots it through the cannon and he's looking over there let's turn him around face your enemy man look at him go what happens if I get in front of the ball will I die no this goes through me oh I think he pulls the thing from his chest now while I've got him up there what happens if we oh that's okay maybe maybe a little less oh no I've really I've already gone I've done it now oh no where where is his box I can't reset him what have I made I do want to break his bones but I I went a little too hard on him maybe this way oh yeah oh he's just a jumbling mess that's how you sort him out wonder what happens if you kill him let's find out oh explodes bits go everywhere where's his bits going oh hope no one lives over there oh no there's a lot of smoke so now let's see how he fares against some toilets have a feeling we're gonna need a couple five very strong toilets how will he fare only one way to find out Lads three two one okay he's gone over there he started blasting uh he's hammering oh three are dead he's doing things he's blasting I think the hammer does the most damage to be honest wait the Hammer's back out use the hammer man he's not as strong as the other one or should I say not as op uh what's happening over there um well we'll check that in a second he's killed them all he still managed it wait I just realized something hey hey you get out of the ground oh he's a gross toilet one of those metal ones you see in the airport that's disgusting and he's even got stains disgusting now the moment you've all been waiting for oh he's coming back get down who is the strongest of these two my money's on this fella these ones tend to usually be a lot more op but you never know are they actually friends they are friends not anymore again uh he seems to have stunned him is he winning who's oh not me I'm dead I think I died because he exploded so the first version one as predicted but let's check his health did he did he take much damage excuse me can I have a look oh that's on his butt where's your health bar there it is I don't think he took much damage he seems to be regening a lot of Health too smoke is still here but I am curious flying fella if I possess him can I fly oh my it's kind of hard to control uh if I press r i do the chest thing oh look at the Epic boom that comes from it if I right click I can shoot my blaster boom Oh but it doesn't actually shoot anything I can also hit with my hammer can I do the chest thing while I'm flying I can so make sure you let me know in the comments who is your favorite and if you've enjoyed this video smash that like button and subscribe if you're new it's free and I'm yeah hello thank you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 250,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gbm1qP3Lykg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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