The Brazilian Uru SMG: A Study in Simplicity

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esse vídeo apareceu nos meus recomendados esses dias. Essa arma lembra bastante a TEC-9

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/LeXxleloxx 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Cara, Senhor Ian "Jesus das Armas" McCullom é foda.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Liensis09 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mais sobre essas Uru e o mercado clandestino de armas no Brasil:

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/transigirthenight 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Inclusive, os EUA copiaram o modelo e passaram a reproduzi-lo ilegalmente.

EDIT: uma empresa americana copiou o modelo, mas o governo deles tem nada a ver com isso.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Cutruvia 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Muito interessante! Nunca havia ouvido falar dessa arma.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/adminslikefelching 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Se destaca por ser exatamente o que foi feita para ser, uma arma extremamente simples e de baixo custo de 40 anos atrás. Infelizmente ela é extremamente defasada. Não aceita nenhum aparelho de pontaria, nem mira ótica nem laser. O carregador é simples (single stacked), sendo longo e com média capacidade. A coronha não é retrátil e a arma não leva em conta ergonomia e ambidestralidade.

A diferença entre mira de ferro e mira holografica + mira laser é abismal. A laser é sensacional caso possa ser empregada nas situações.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JulioFN 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey guys thanks for tuning in to another video on I'm Ian McCollum i'm here at the rock island auction house taking a look at some of the guns that are coming up for sale in their May of 2017 premier auction and this is a really unusual submachine gun to find in the united states this is a Mekanika Uru, Uru being the name of a tropical rainforest bird in Brazil and this is a brazilian manufacturer submachine gun they are quite rare in the United States as I said they only made about 10,000 of these they were manufactured from 77 to 1985 development began in 1974 the designer was a guy named Olympio Vieira de Mello or something like that my Portuguese is non-existent and this is what makes this really interesting to me it's not so much the outside but rather the inside this is a very this was designed from the ground up to be a very cost-effective simple and efficient submachine gun and it really kinda actually does that really well so why don't we go straight to disassembly this thing has only 17 parts and no pins and no screws how does that work let's find out the rate of fire that the designer chose for the euro is about 750 rounds per minute I think that's a little fast but it's certainly not uncommon it is chambered for standard 9 millimeter Parabellum uses a 30-round magazine following the idea of minimizing the number of pins and screws and whatnot the magazine catch is a flat leaf spring so you grab this and pull it backwards and you can slide the magazine out 30 rounds it is a single feed position magazine meaning that the two stacks of cartridges in the mag taper to a single one at the top that's a little easier to design the gun around because it means you only have one position where cartridges will ever feed from instead of having to design the gun to feed from to left and right however these are less reliable in general and a little harder to load magazines for the single feed designs. Now disassembly will start with the buttstock we have a little spring-loaded detent here push it in, rotate and stock comes off this does leave a gun which can be fired in a two-handed grip like this very easily if that's what you want to do I will point out these were actually adopted by both the Brazilian Army and a number of Brazilian police forces state and local police forces so they did see official government use and while we're here there are the markings that pretty much covers everything it's all right on the side there manufacturer Uru nine-millimeter Mekanika was the company that designed them, and there you go made in brazil now moving on with disassembly we're going to take the barrel out it is simply threaded so little spring detent to keep it from falling out that's unthreaded that all comes out with the barrel now out we can separate the upper from the lower receivers you'll notice on this receiver tube we have a pair of flat steel plates that have been welded into place these contain the sights so there's our rear sight aperture and also the sling swivels there's the rear sling swivel there's the front one that thing doesn't even count as a front sight blade it's more like a front sight nubben but that's what it's there for and then each of those plates also has a hole in it the rear one has a detent the front one has a solid peg coming out and to separate the upper from the lower you just push this detent in and pull the lower down off you'd normally do that probably with a cartridge I'm going to do it with a little punch 'cause it's what I've got available there is our fire control group magazine well and general lower assembly this now contains the bolt and recoil spring assembly I can pull the bolt handle out once the bolt is forward in the ejection port here and then all the other bits come out as well so we have our bolt we have a recoil buffer pad here this is not in the greatest shape you'd want to replace that if you're going to shoot it and a captive recoil spring the bolt is very simple fixed firing pin basically the only moving part you've got in there is the extractor else we just have cutouts for the seer and the ejector and then this circular cut out is where the recoil spring sits it has that lozenge shape retaining plate at the front so it sits right there and then compresses like so when the bolt travels and looking inside the fire control group things are really simple so this guy right here sort of is a pin but it's more of a dowel certainly not a roll pin and the trigger actually doesn't really pivot so much as it slides on that round piece and the trigger spring is right down there and it is actually just a flat spring that the trigger is bending down we have a safety on this side that's automatic that's semi-automatic and that is safe and what that is doing is rotating this bar so in safe you'll see there's no cut out so the trigger can't come farther far back which means it can't come far enough back to release the sear in semi-auto allows the trigger and sear to come back but you can see they're cut out on the bottom there and the trigger can't come far enough back or far enough up to fully release and not catch so what happens here is this will allow the bolt to drop but it will catch on each shop and what happens there is when the trigger is all the way pulled back it catches on this rear sear engagement surface when you let go of the trigger this comes up slightly the bolt will drop from this sear engagement to that one and catch there and that's how that's your functional disconnector then then on full auto this is held down far enough that the rear engagement surface never connects or one of the two never connects so the bolt simply continues cycling back and forth and firing as long as you hold the trigger down really pretty clever simple cheap a lot of things submachine guns are supposed to be so basically a stamped steel ejector right there magazine well is a couple layers that are sheet or a spot welded together I presume you can see the spot welds right there and then lastly we have this component sitting back here this pivots on the selector bar rod and it's just got a little weak in spring back here moves back and forth and doesn't appear to do anything this is a drop safety so what happens is if the gun is if the bolt is forward and it's dropped on the rear end of the gun you'll get inertia that will cause the bolt to cycle backwards and the safety issue with submachine guns is that if the bolt comes back just far enough to clear the magazine and pick up a cartridge but not far enough to catch on the sear it will then take that cartridge go forward and because it has a fixed firing pin fire as soon as it closes that's a an inadvertent accidental discharge with a submachine gun and it's a dangerous condition so what they have here is this piece which is much lighter than the bolt and under much less spring tension so if you drop the gun this if you drop it on the rear end this will compress backwards which lifts it up and it does that faster than the bolt will move because the bolt is much heavier and slower to accelerate so that when you drop the gun by the time the bolt moves back this will have slammed backwards the bolt will hit that solid surface right there and will be unable to move far enough to pick up a cartridge that is a really clever little drop safety all right there you have one field stripped Uru Brazilian military and police submachine gun really interesting exercise in simplicity of manufacture and design so a few years ago parts kits showed up for the Urus this is the first time I've actually seen a complete one I don't know how many are on the registry here in the US but it's not very many it is certainly cool to find a transferable one you know if you're into unusual submachine guns this one kind of fits the bill in a way you wouldn't expect just from looking at it on the outside so if you're interested in having it yourself as long as you can pass the nfa background check take a look at the description text below you'll find the link there to Rock Island catalog page on this guy you can check out their pictures and description place a bit online come here and participate live in the auction or bid by phone thanks for watching
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Views: 744,889
Rating: 4.9630642 out of 5
Keywords: uru, uru smg, submachine gun, brazil, brazilian smg, brazilian gun, 9mm, 9x19, 9mm smg, simple smg, crude smg, de mello, brazilian army, brazilian police, brazil police, drop safety, bolt, pins, trigger mechanism, pistol grip, a study in simplicity, the brazilian uru, smg, Forgotten Weapons, 9mm submachine, gun, designer, simplicity, mccollum, history, development, kasarda, inrange, inrangetv, ronaldo olive, ametralladora, subametralladora, Forgotten Weapons merch
Id: D_dXVwZb33Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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