The Boys With the Stars Story in English | Bedtime Stories | English Fairy Tales

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the boys with the stars once upon a time immemorial there lived a generous and handsome Emperor who ruled over half of the world in his never-ending Kingdom there lived the most beautiful woman lapped ISA Lux ISA was a shepherd's daughter her lustrous hair and smooth soft skin made her stand out in the whole kingdom her beauty had mesmerised everyone in the town even the birds the animals and the trees lapped ISA was not only beautiful she was also the kindest woman she would tend to her flock and cared for everybody around her and it's not just the birds and animals lap teases beauty and generosity made even the stars fall for her one such star was Lin you have a good heart we have been watching you from the skies and we are mesmerized by your beauty and your heart therefore I have got you a gift what gift a blessing on the sick month of your marriage you will be blessed with twin boys they will be your boys with the Stars boys with the stars yes with a bright star in each of their foreheads they will always be around to protect you their stars will be their armor nobody will be able to hurt them they will be the most handsome and wise boys on this land [Music] saying so Lin disappeared in the sky the next day as love Tisa was walking her flock of sheep on the nearby pastures to graze she heard a few horses trotting along as she turns she was surprised to see the Emperor with a few soldiers approaching her as soon as the emperor saw left Siva he fell in love my name is and that was that the emperor got down from his horse and spoke to left teaser for a long time the Emperor fell in love with the beautiful shepherdess and asked her to marry him lap Tisa who was also impressed by the Emperor agreed to marry him but it was not going to be easy the Emperor had a dishonest courtier by the name Marique Marique wanted his own daughter to be the Empress the Emperor being unaware of his intentions trusted him dearly but how can this be this palace has a tradition which cannot be broken she is a shepherdess if she wishes to marry you she must offer you something valuable in return only then will it be a marriage among equals but she is a shepherd's daughter it's not fair to expect something valuable from her a tradition is a tradition my Emperor I did not make these traditions and as an emperor you must not break them right hmm may I speak I do have something valuable to offer on the sixth month of my marriage I am blessed to have two twin boys with a bright star in their foreheads they will be invincible and they will always protect me and this kingdom will they now and how do we make sure that you are not lying if this turns out to be a lie then I shall be put in the dungeons for the rest of my life what teaser no forgive me Emperor be it an empress or a shepherdess a word is a word I believe in my blessing and I believe in myself the emperor hesitantly agreed the wedding took place the very next day the palace and the whole kingdom rejoiced and celebrated for days Marika could not say a word to stop it anymore but he was far from accepting defeat from a shepherdess months passed and soon it was going to be the sixth month Marika was getting restless with each passing day finally he made his final move and plotted against his own kingdom you want us to attack your kingdom we will lose I know but how does that matter I have promised you two bags of gold once you are captured I will free you and hand over your reward tomorrow is the last day of the sixth month I have to separate the Emperor from the impressive go now the next day Emperor received the news that his people were under attack he didn't want to leave his wife but it was his duty to protect his people you must go dear I will be fine naturally the attackers were captured but as the Emperor rushed back to his wife Marie stopped him today is the last day of the six months my Emperor the Sun is about to set and yet there is no sign of the boys with the Stars mm-hmm a word is a word she had said I don't care she is not going to the dungeons I [Music] understand the Empress can go back on her words I guess no I won't this is a plot against me and this kingdom but till the truth is not out as promised I will have to live in the dungeons the kingdom was in shock everybody was confused at the sudden turn of events everybody but Marique that night he sneaked out of the palace and walked towards the scene this is pure magic how did you both grow up in a day hush now the palace didn't know that Lin's blessing had come true the star had given the Empress twin boys the night before Marique had watched it all luck seized a laydown her boys beside her and had gone to sleep only to find them gone in the morning Marika wanted these boys with the Stars gone away far far away he had already planned their fate he kept the two babies in a boat and mercilessly pushed the boat in the vast sea now my daughter will be the Empress and I shall rule half of the world I won't let a shepherdess and her boys with the Stars spoil my plan the boats loved it for hours before being in a storm the waves were strong and fierce they rocked the boat hard but the boys loved and enjoyed the run then came a big way and pushed the boat inside the angry waters but instead of drowning the boys with the Stars were transformed into two tiny fish they jumped out of the boat happily and swam through the storm back at the palace I understand your sorrow my Emperor but your people look up to you with hopes and dreams you have to think about them you must marry again Marique I will not marry again only for your people my Emperor they are not the ones who lied to you why are they being left without an empress I don't know him if I may my Emperor why don't you marry my daughter she knows everything and she will understand your pain ah do what you want Marique I don't care sparing no minute Marique made all the arrangements the wedding was to take place the same week a few days passed and the fisherman found two shiny shiny fish in their net let's present them to the Emperor yes he's getting married today this will be the best gift no wait don't kill us these fishes can talk yes we are no ordinary fishes please don't kill us but what do you want us to do with you then take a big bull and fill it with fresh do after we swim in it keep us on the grass and let us dry hmm the fisherman did what they were asked after all they were talking fishes after their swim the fish were put on the grass to dry off after they had completely dried off the fish were transformed into young boys they both were handsome with bright stars on their forehead who who are you we are the princes we are sons to your Emperor and Empress mateesah whoa I knew our Empress would never lie we have to reach the palace before the marriage takes place you must cover your heads don't show the star to anyone we will take you to the palace the palace was crowded everybody awaited the ceremony but neither the palace nor the Emperor was happy who is everyone we all know that the emperor has decided to marry my daughter now we shall wait wait were they and how dare you interrupt a courtier of my palace we are your children father your boys the boys with the Stars world how is this possible this man your trusted court he left us to die at the sea so that he could make his daughter the Empress he wanted to rule but he forgot that we are blessed by the star herself he cannot kill us Marique is this true arrest him oh my sons my sons the Emperor immediately sent for lept ISA and freed her from the dungeons she hugged her boys Blin the star was right the boys were born out of goodness and goodness always win against the evil the Emperor and his Empress Lefty's have ruled for many years after and so did the boys with the Stars [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 481,186
Rating: 4.6487985 out of 5
Keywords: English Fairy Tales, story, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, bedtime story, story english, stories, english, english fairy tales stories, kids story in english, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids in english, The Boys With the Stars Story in English
Id: gX3mwwjeXxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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