THE BOYS Season 2 Cast Preview Panel – C2E2 2020

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[Music] please welcome the stage la zilato dominique mckellen aaron boyarty come on out aaron anthony starr last but not least carl urban [Applause] first of all you guys welcome to chicago are you guys glad they're here [Applause] i'm so excited to talk about the boys because it is first of all it's an amazing show second of all it takes this whole pop culture superhero genre and it just completely flips it upside down which is something i love about this series what do you guys think resonates about the boys to everyone in this room and more that's a great question uh i don't know i mean uh you know i think that something in the boy is for everybody and i think it presents a great kind of twisted narrative on the superhero genre y'all used to the marvel films and and it's nice to see something that's uh dark and twisted and uh and different and i think the success of films like deadpool um has uh has proven that there is an audience for uh r-rated uh comic book material absolutely there's a like there's we're so saturated in comic books and and and uh you know dc universe everything's a universe now and i think it's nice to just you know to have the option that comes out with something a little more subversive and a little more [ __ ] you i and that's exactly what it is you know allows your character though you're you're a whole you're a you know a family man you're a home guy and you it's really interesting because you have to find that dynamic between being that family man and yet going on these missions and and being a part of the boys so how did you sort of create that within mother's mouth so it's very easy because i'm really the nice guy when i'm hanging around these guys like they're really bad people that's a great story carl's been a horrible influence on me in my personal life that's true kyle's a horrible influence on everyone no i mean uh you know i just want to say what he means horrible influence he means ending up in a club being taught karate with jack quaid by a woman wearing red lingerie at three in the morning oh my god true story got the photo what are you talking about i can attest to that i was there what i was there i can attest to that this was part of the cast there see didn't you see what i mean and they made us wear boas we had boas i had a purple bow that's right so this really happened anyway um back to the question uh you know for me it's it's i'm ocd in real life so it actually feels good to be able to go on set and clean up after all these guys and straighten things out it's to the point where i straighten things out for the the the people on set who are supposed to be doing it for us i straighten it out for them you know like i i correct them this is no joke because i we we're next to each other signing autographs liz is there organizing his photos into neater piles i noticed that today you saw that i saw that so then they started maybe writing a little more of that caretaking they do write more that he's the mother of the group he's the dad the the the bad father you know i'm the caretaking mother and uh you know it's just uh they're my kids and i love them i love that well let's talk about billy butcher i mean you mentioned the mcu you dabbled in there a little bit with thor ragnarok and now this is a totally as we were saying different take what drew you to play the seemingly dark billy butcher uh well it was two things really um i read the the pilot script um i thought it was it was fun and dark twisted and and i really was drawn to the character of billy uh there's a sort of machiavellian um uh character who um you know manipulates huey uh into doing what he wants and um that appealed to me uh so far away from what i'm like on and off nice guys nice guy um and and secondly it was it was really kind of meeting eric kripke and seth rogen and evan goldberg and talking to those guys about what it was they were going to do and what they weren't going to do and and i decided that uh it was a leap of faith that i was going to take that i was really intrigued by i didn't think that i had seen anything quite like it and i think that's you know one of the things that we all kind of look for and when we're trying to find something to do is is some sort of a semblance of originality and this definitely had it were any of you familiar with the graphic novel before hearing about the show for me not so much i mean i was aware of what it was but i hadn't read it what about you guys no i no i had no idea no no it's just it's just not something that did come across my plate but um i read it and did not think it could be put on screen and then and then i was [ __ ] intrigued i'm like oh cool how are they going to put that much dick and and horrible [ __ ] and a tv show and not little i mean come on the the comic is outrageous but i think um you know kyle mentioned the creative team around it and i think what they've done pretty successfully i think is really just negotiate negotiate or walk that balance of being true to the graphic novel but also making it accessible and something that we can actually put on tv absolutely and let's talk about homelander i mean oh yeah yeah you you are the superhero but also the super villain all wrapped up in one um how do you create that dynamic as an actor or you just go with the maniacal laugh and then yeah i could go on about you know all this deep character work and a little bit i think a lot of it's just me um and i'm a little sad to say that but you know if you ain't got it you can't put it on screen so i guess i i think it's um i think one of the most important things that you just got to enjoy being the bad guy you know i got so much rope like i turn up and i can almost literally do whatever i want and they'll and they won't say yes all the time and they'll put me back in my place a lot but being bad is fun me and uh me and dom had a really we with the scene in the first episode four when the plane's going down and um she had the most extraordinarily horrible day she was crying and she was really carrying the emotional weight of the scene it's really [ __ ] harrowing and she's like really great in it and this is this very intense thing i had a [ __ ] ball i was laughing i was like oh you guys are great it's going down get the [ __ ] off the plane and this poor thing she was a wreck at the end of the day did a great job and it's amazing we had such different experiences and i think that's one of the great things about being i had a blast a bad guy that was the best week of filming it was so much fun filming that plane scene i mean it was i my favorite my highlight my highlight of the first season yeah it was pretty cool yeah yeah well your character is it's interesting because you are starting to have a conscience and you know we see you struggle and whether it's reaching out to your ex or starlight you know she's kind of becoming torn so well i think when we meet maeve she's quite torn she's jaded with everything that's been going on and she's been the victim herself she knows where starlight is standing because she stood there herself so um when we meet her she's um she's quite broken and and we're meeting her at a very low point and from there i think through starlight we see her start to see herself and become aware of of the journey that she needs to take to get out of that situation yeah and you even tell her be original or be you know yeah yeah so that's a very cool scene between you drinking and crying exactly when i've just vomited wait yeah after you threw up yeah vomit from alcohol poisoning yeah yeah and obviously aaron starlight what a great character um really amazing job as an actress what do you want i mean to be honest you were thrown into this me too movement storyline and and i'm just curious did you have any trepidation as an actor kind of walking in like that you know what i actually didn't because so the version of the script that i originally got cast in when it was a pilot did not include that storyline and i remember i booked the job and i started to read the boys comic book and i and i read this moment that starlight has with a bunch of these guys and it's like the situation in the pilot but even worse and i was like wow okay that's really interesting i'm glad we're not gonna be depicting that and then kripke called me and he's like look we're gonna do our own take on it it's going to be a little bit different and it's going to serve a purpose that's ultimately going to be a strengthening point for starlight isn't just going to kind of catalyze this like sort of mental journey that she goes on from like being point a which is kind of like naive and ignorant about the world to like ultimately deciding that it's not going to defeat her it's going to light a fire behind her ass and then also i think the way it explored the metoo movement in terms of like you know they're most things lie within the gray areas and how you respond to situations is more important than how you're you may react to it in the moment viscerally so i liked it i was super happy to kind of approach the taboo subject and sort of get involved in the dialogue around it i thought it was very brave of the show and the view so yeah thank you dom you mentioned the fight scene and i mean it's an extremely physical show for everyone you know whichever side you're on what is the training like for you guys um in preparation for filming is there any or you just kind of go in and the stunt coordinator teaches you in the moment how does that work oh well i definitely trained for my fight sequence that i had with the three wrestlers yeah big guys yeah there was a lot of choreography for that how long a lot of fun or um i probably learned that choreography maybe in a few days but i had trained beforehand i had done muay thai and i was in the gym doing weights and stuff like that so um but i think that was another highlight i i loved shooting that scene it was the dialogue beforehand that was the tricky part but i think that was i think yeah but the action was awesome i remember every time walking in and i was meant to be really like in a bad mood in the scene and i kept seeing you kick ass and i was like girl but then i was like you look amazing thanks yeah i don't do anything i i just walk around in a cape with my hands behind my back and laser people um which i love because i did a show for four years called banshee and that had the entire world's fans are in this room the five people that watch that [ __ ] show are here thanks guys um plug god you may know me from such shows as banshee yeah please all go and watch it i need the money i'm living on the street um no but that there was so much action in that so this was just like the prospect of walking around in a in a puffy suit and no like i fly i just they put me in a harness and that can hurt sometimes but but but that's about as long as i talk right like that is literally the only problem i'm going to have well there's an art to that there's no kids here right yes i bet these kids here i bet some bad parents have brought their kids to the boys i bet you you can't watch the boys yet you can't even watch the show why would you bring your children what's wrong with you well carl your character goes through the first seven episodes thinking one thing and then finds out that his wife is alive and how does that change billy um and his objective i guess well this is a season two question really isn't it um yeah because you know i think i think billy and season one never never really gave up on the fact that his wife was alive but you know really if he was to think about it would would kind of feel like she was dead because he's exhausted all possibility of finding her so sorry yeah it's really interesting i am listening i am listening yeah yeah so uh but then you know uh obviously i think you know in season two uh that's what we're really going to explore and i think delve right into the rape of it all um which you play really well by the way i mean i think he's america's favorite race um yeah so but no all good things we i mean you're gonna you guys will love i mean just get i can't season two just gets uh deeper and and uh obviously more more character everything gets more intense and taken up a whole lot of notches basically everything that you know it's like it's like it's a little bit like drama 101 right whenever someone's got something you take it away if they get married you break them up whatever so everything that the characters end up with at the end of season one or don't end up with then they get or they lose and i think you know you don't want to spoil it because there's some pretty crazy stuff coming up i'm thinking of one scene in particular which you'll you'll know when you see it that i've never done anything like it but but it is it's like you know it is it's i think it's a it's difficult that's this you know it's the difficult second album um it's hard to come out from a show that's got a little bit of momentum and um we felt pretty good about it and then what do you do to follow on from that and i think our creative team kripke and um the writers did a really good job of balancing that and not pushing it too far but but at the same time extending on the you know the elements that the fans have grown to love i know what scene you're talking about i know soon you're talking about too like i wouldn't wait till it happened because i went into the makeup trailer the next day so excited like did anthony have a [ __ ] fit did he go off yeah was he pissed yeah did he have a mental breakdown and what nobody realizes is that is just you and like your natural habits yeah but no one knows what we're talking about so none of this is relevant but it's still very interesting so we're all speculating about what's going to happen um anthony and aaron and dom did you guys have any input into what the what your superheroes outfits were going to look like uh not to what they look like more like what they felt like like this is like squeezing my torso so hard that like i can't feel my organs so let's loosen it type of thing okay for me but not the aesthetic that was all lj okay yeah mine is quite uncomfortable i've got a bustier and a corset and then that thing that i i literally can't bend in so um it definitely adds to those fight sequences where you know it's a little harder but um but obviously we were just trying to be accurate and represent the comic books properly and that was that was the priority so yeah i think these guys came off worse really because especially you know we're shooting up in toronto so by the end of the summer and we start dipping into winter these guys are out freezing um i spend the summer melting because i've got so much believe it or not i'm not as buff as homelander i know you i know i look it but um but like it's so hot in that thing so i've got a cooling system that pumps cold water and i have to walk around like with a little bag and it looks like a catheter it looks like a little catheter sticking out of this i'm going to get all iv bags right just like hang it up and walk around like i'm in hospitals i was so disappointed the first day i saw you on set like i was like a fan boy i was like oh [ __ ] homelander and he turns around and he's got a little bag yeah little briefcase you must be lazarus so great to me that's exactly what happened so much about you amazing um we're gonna open it up for questions because i know you guys probably have a lot of questions for these guys there's two mics in the aisles and well they kind of get themselves sorted um everybody in here loves the boys they love you guys what do you guys geek out about are you watching anything are you listening to anything in particular we actually just started watching well i started watching succession yeah the three of us are successful about that i love that i mean the boys that is like my favorite group of deplorable oh my god it's such a good show so good so well done i also just watched that show taboo oh taboo anyone seen that i'm hearty it's so good what i've heard and if you haven't seen it tom hardy is the lead and it's just phenomenal he's amazing i love him he's not bad yeah hi we'll start over here hi hi i'm melanie i'm from atlanta um my question is mostly for aaron and how you guys talked about you know the boys being an r-rated superhero show for a lot of people that's their first r-rated superhero show and i think it's really interesting that aaron already had experience of being part of a show that was really dark and also kind of me too heavy um i just kind of wondered what did you draw from that or what was it like kind of when you realized your new story line then like what experiences did you bring from jessica to the boy um it's funny because i i feel like when i approach characters i look at them as such singular specific entities that i haven't thought very much until recently that i've kind of gone through two very similar story lines on jessica jones and the boys which is really interesting both characters um go through pretty insane sexual abuse maybe my character and jessica jones you can't really you can't compare but she goes through something that's horrendous um i think what it probably was was um [Music] honestly there was there's such a difference between the roles because the first time around i was playing just such a a human just a human being who is in jail who has been raped who has been knocked up and then the boys is kind of the opposite and then i end up killing myself you know what i mean i'm not ruining this because it came out years ago the boys was like was like i had to find the strength in that so that i loved doing because i had done the role which rightfully so of a young woman who just was totally defeated by an act that was done to her the boys was really interesting and i loved the way eric took it because she gained strength from it which you wouldn't normally think would be the result of sexual assault but i think a lot of young women have this because you go through it when you're supposed to do you can't let it ruin the rest of your life so you know they both go through sexual assault um i've played that a bunch of young female roles and i think it's reflective of the fact that unfortunately it's a kind of an epidemic amongst young women but um i would say they were really different and i approached them essentially as just totally different entities on different arcs but um yeah both were fun and challenging in their own right thanks yeah thank you great question thank you hi hello i'm kenya from chicago um just wondering how much are we gonna see of black noir in the season two because we don't really see too much of them in season one and knowing a little bit from the comics it's a big you know change or twist from you know what we see in the first in the first season so just wondering if we'll get into that a little more i'm going to love what's coming up for black noir and 100 it is so good uh he's thread very well through the the whole series and and and culminates in some diabolical action which i can't get too specific about at this point um and you may even find out what his kryptonite is good job uh nobody's right he's right it's like like like roy i think of all the characters in season two from i read all the scripts and not just the yellow bits and uh mostly just the yellow bits but but um but he's i think he was uh probably they wrote to him the strongest in season two in my opinion it's like black wire is like a [ __ ] force in season two he's terrifying yeah it's epic fun that's a spoiler spoiler look at you pushing it one little question too far but thank you good try hi how you doing guys uh my name is markell i'm from new jersey and uh i was curious i know um you guys touched on a little bit and even in the boys show um there's a lot of sort of unexpected lessons as i learned like uh you know starlight coming into the show uh or coming onto the team and not turning out to be anything that she ever expected so i was wondering if um in joining up with this cast if you know while filming this season and and the new one um if there were any sort of unexpected lessons that you guys took on as as actors what did they learn from the first season maybe or take away from the storyline anything maybe that applied to your personal life or anything professional you learned really so much i'm a horrible bowler horrible um i learned how to bowl for an episode and i took lessons leading up to it i'm so bad at it bowl i had to bowl and starlight annie is meant to be an amazing bowler and so they had me go to lessons and the teacher literally was like i don't know how to help her i learned that uh i have the capability of gaining two pounds per episode while we film four episodes then i was up eight pounds and by the end of the season i was like how did this happen i need an extra large jacket yeah it was it was crazy you need a coolant system yeah i need a homeland or soup although i don't think this is ruining anything but there was one thing we did where you must have eaten like [Laughter] you kept going and i was looking at you and i was like because i had to do it too and i was like and then you just kept slamming them and they kept saying do you not do you want to fake a bite and you're like i'm good then don't open you were like okay so admit it did you and jack do that on purpose so i'd have to keep eat donut eating donuts what do you think and i'm trying to give her like an authentic performance because the camera was on her it's a really deep moment and i was like i was like i was like liz i need you for me here to eat the [ __ ] donut so i take responsibility for four of those pounds they were good donuts they were damn good they were good donuts thank you thank you hi hi maya i'm eric from palatine illinois my question is for carl um what would you see uh dred doing with homelanders powers in mega city what would i see dread doing with homelanders powers like would you just nuke mega blocks or do you have more strain i mean he would use them for pretty much slightly more benevolent uh uh me ends than than homelander but dred's a fascist i mean i mean he's not exactly the hero's hero you know thank you thank you hi hi guys uh my name is vicenzo and i'm from chicago my question is what is the biggest challenge taking about on your role on any new role on the role in the boys oh what is your biggest challenge taking on your your characters i have the suit no no kidding man that suit is a [ __ ] it's a it's a they're really great um lj um laura jean shannon she did she she made fantastic suits that look amazing but did they do they do sometimes ergonomically um they're a little pinchy they're not they're not always super comfortable uh they've each got their own little personality and that's taken a long time to figure that out but that's you know i mean it's not that bad it's bad it is bad the laser baby was a challenge you gotta watch those [ __ ] they're tricky very dangerous handle with care there's got to be a spin-off show laser babies anyone down on that end any particular challenges i would agree with um anthony definitely the costumes for sure biggest challenge [Music] it's hard to pretend to be strong because i have so many scenes where i have to remember i'm a superhero but then aaron is like trying to open the door and i'm like oh god and then i make an effort and ever and the director's like so you can't you're a superhero like we had a scene where well i was just about to dive into something and i don't think i can tell the anecdote never mind is it a season two story yeah it was really funny basically i'm really weak starlight's really strong and there's a disparity and uh i've had some silly moments of directors being like that's just you can't you can't be like that you can't act like that so maybe i should train more for the job i think you're doing a great job thank you for your questions thank you hi hi my name is jerome green from chicago illinois born and raised my question is for kyle orban when are we getting a sequel to dread we want it give it to us all right should we just do it right now damn right let's go yeah why not hey in chicago we got plenty of tall buildings we can wake at work right you know you're uh you know your geography by the way um i actually don't know what you mean listen uh i would love to make it i've gone on record saying that uh a bunch of times um i i don't know if it's gonna happen i think that you know the guys who own the rights to dread rebellion i i think they're developing something called mega city one um and it would just be great to see more dread whether it's with me or not it's uh it doesn't matter i'm a fan of dread and i want there's so many great stories there i would love to see them and i have no doubt that someday someone will make it um it's just a question it's just a matter of time it will be me anybody better it doesn't know that yet but i've already signed up thank god you're back sport thank you hi hi uh sam from chicago uh i was curious if there was any omissions from like the comic book that you guys wish would have been in the show at least in the first season or something like terror butcher's dog or something you know what other dogs are gonna love season two [Music] oh [ __ ] it's creepy again yeah yeah i'm fired again i'm rehiring you to fire you again we're gonna be banned from doing these panels you keep talking we've uh we're actually all doing a uh um a a television festival thing uh in a week or two i believe hey hey where were spelufest where we're supposed to you know talk about season two spoilers uh we we're gonna have nothing to talk about and they're gonna be so infuriated with us because you guys know it first yeah if you love tara you'll love season two there's definitely terra makes an appearance thanks guys yeah thank you you're giving chicago all the spoilers [Applause] did you know hey they're not complaining right hi hi i'm um david galindo from fremont california uh school teacher correct anthony should play mama's brother in the new dread that's what i'm saying because you're good bad what'd you say what'd you say i'm sorry i missed i couldn't hear you anthony would be a great bad guy for the new drake just saying yeah madrid's brother mama's do you really watch downton abbey because that one scene you know you know i got to tell you a funny story when we first started doing the scene and he started doing the lines he was calling it downtown abby that's what i call it i was like what the [ __ ] is this downtown abbey and i wrote eric uh email i was like can we use another show like housewives of atlanta like black people don't watch downtown downtown use something that you know black people watch you know love and hip hop by the way this is from someone who drinks with their pinky up literally how much longer do we have on this panel look we got 26 minutes 26 minutes this is terrible we should designate 25 on you so to answer that question brother no i i do not watch down downton down you almost did it again downtown alley downtown alley yeah just because i started watching that show because of you with my wife i swear to god i would never watch that show i would never watch that show because you all was like yo you're a tough brother and i'm like okay let's watch that she's like and then i i swear i smell good it's so good i've been about to buy the movie it is good yeah but anyway i i'm gonna go tell her that i'm gonna text her right now and be like baby he really don't but yeah she thanks you but you know what check in with him in a year maybe he will i think i might i might start mother's milk does at that point hi hi vanessa from chicago so i follow a lot of you guys on instagram and i noticed that a lot of the cast they have like this little joke where one of them will take a picture and then the same picture i was just wondering who started that because that [ __ ] was funny who started that cow [Music] this is a long story it's not very interesting we've got 25 minutes 25 seconds 100 liz yeah it was a little bit of a prank war going on set between the boys and uh i was on set one day uh and i did this kind of burt reynolds pose on the bed and it got very sick and i don't have any time to really reference the reynolds of it all right and we get to set and i'm doing this and it's quite a heavy uh scene that i'm shooting and then i and i see laz and jack stand out really really mysterious and coy and i'm like what's going on oh no no nothing nothing no no come on what's going on nothing and i whipped out the phone checked the insta and these guys had done the exact same pose on the bed in the set next door and then the rest of the cast joined in so so that's how it uh that's how it started but uh i believe it was heading into the weekend like yes it was no that was that was like the second or third one that's what it was a little bit of sexy so yeah we've been we've been having fun i got jack a goody hit one day for some reason on set he had to have this bit of white board pinned to his chest so i just shot the [ __ ] out of that and then and then put in a whole lot of slogans on it and then we agreed to have a truce so not you not before but you not before he actually got me back by using his power as number one on the call you hope that that's the case and getting a scene rewritten that you're gonna see in season two and i'm not gonna tell you what it is but when you see it you'll know carl got me back badly badly that's when i decided to wave the white flag well we look forward to that it's bad it's so bad thank you i can't wait for these people to see this because i know i'm just sitting here going oh my god i just want to tell you guys i want to tell you guys but i can't don't ever go to prank war with carl urban you're gonna oh calvin pranks back god [Laughter] hi hi there uh my name's zach i'm from the midwest whatever um you're from the midwest um my question is actually for mr starr uh so you're international from new zealand how was it to transition to this hyper nationalistic american icon yeah yeah good luck at the moment your country has um a pretty [ __ ] good example in the white house um of [Applause] hashtag get the [ __ ] out and vote please vote you guys you're the real heroes if you [ __ ] vote no but seriously vote um the rest of the world is watching you trust me we're not happy uh nobody look what excuse me okay then sure paris climb it away don't do it again it's fine yeah naughty naughty no more actors in the white house please um what was the question coming from new zealand oh yeah yeah i mean i mean i don't know you just approach it like any other character i think we just build it from i never really know what i'm doing to be honest like it just happens organically each time i don't have a like oh i work from the inside out or the outside in or anything it just sort of comes together a lot of it was to do with the suit and something happens when you put something like that on that's so so uh hideously patriotic and just so over the top but there's also little um there's little third reiki sort of elements like the eagles and it's very um she did lj did a great job like like designing these suits to to walk right on the line of being uh they're pretty subversive like like thematically in in the design but um i don't really know what else to say other than just just your fearless leader is just the perfect example can i just can i just say uh i one of the things that i love to do is study other actors especially when i'm on set i'm like a mouse just watching what they do with the material and the day that i can't really give away anything but being able to watch all these guys take what's written like you read it when they give us the scripts and then you envision what it's going to be and then seeing what they do with it and elevate the material it it's mind-blowing like these are some really [ __ ] talented people on this stage and i love working with straight up endless like it goes dude truly yeah that's actually what he wanted is everyone to stop clapping and then go but you're the best you too laz you too no no i mean there are scenes in my head that i'm like damn he oh [ __ ] like that's not on the script you know so i say that with all sincerity that's amazing thank you hi hi um my name is jeremiah johnson i'm from st louis i did watch banshee number four uh my question well first comment more is i really appreciate how you know the show talks about you know the metoo movement but it also talks about the inherent corruption that comes from like corporate greed and corporate money because that's like where the corruption of the superheroes comes from so would you say this show has like opened the door for more lesser-known comic book properties like trans metropolitan um yeah and like or like chew or planetary like by warren ellis where it does a very deep dive on fringe topics that are important but usually don't get big screen time or television time that i think a lot of people are starved for in this industry no idea but i hope so i certainly hope so yeah i hope so and i'll tell you what i would what i would i don't know maybe i might be slightly off topic i might not be the best person who answered this but so when i went and saw joker um i was did i steal you yes sorry um i went and saw joker and i was like why am i going to see joker again that's done heath ledger did that that's like it's done and then it wasn't until i got in there that i realized oh they're not even trying to compete they're just they're making a film about mental illness and it was so much deeper and darker and explored so much more than i realized it was going to be about it just happened to be set in that dc in that universe so i don't know if that help if that's any sort of answer to your question but i feel like that kind of depth and being able to do character work and character study and film study that goes that deep people [ __ ] love it people like people are smart and hungry for that kind of thing so i think shows like us help to open that door but i think there's other things as well now like joker for example that are coming along like there's a new wave there's a new trend that people are wanting a little more from their um superhero universe than just good guys i think definitely thank you and i i definitely agree with you i think it will open the door for more lesser-known properties hi hi my name is eddie i'm from quincy illinois and i know you guys do other conventions and things all over the world what stands out to you for chicago is c2e2 as opposed to like san diego or some other conventions that you might have been to anybody have deep dish pizza deep deep deep dish pizza um look i i just spoke but i'll do it again um you know what i don't i don't i haven't done that many conventions he's mr convention is on my left and he can probably he can probably add a little more value than i can but but what i would say is like is with the the few that i've done um it's maybe not a difference but it's just you i mean you guys are also [ __ ] genuine and warm and it's so great like meeting you because we being in the show is kind of a bubble and it's very difficult to get a hands-on sense of how people feel about it and some of the stories you guys came up like someone came up to me today saying that her her mom was depre had met a chronic depression for five years and watched not the boy's banshee for um oh my god through that i know i'm literally just unfucking believable again ladies and gentlemen anthony fancy just [ __ ] watch it please uh no but she did she watched it so and she said um and and look i think you know she said it really helped her through that period of life and like look who knows what what it means to people but to come and meet you guys and have a little facetime and shake hands but not too much because coronavirus um more fist bumps today but but i think that's like for all of us right that's a pretty amazing thing to be a part of now i think anthony's right he hit on the hit the nail on the head you know when we come to these cities and and do these shows we generally speaking don't get to see a whole hell a lot of your beautiful city we get to hang out with you and you guys are the best part of our days so thank you so much we are blessed to have you guys as fans and we really appreciate it and thank you this is my first convention nice thanks guys thank you well then i feel like it's the appropriate time to tell you you're amazing an avatar as well and you're a great actor and and we're we're very happy to have you hi oh jacob kelly from rhode island carl i've been following your career since you're on hercules and xena and i'm only 20. and my question is do you believe that if superheroes were real your show is the closest to what it would actually be like well that's a great question and there's a conversation that i had with eric kripke when we you know started this and he was like this is what we believe that superheroes would be like i mean yes sure you would have your altruistic types but you know human nature um you know where we can be some dark devious [ __ ] and that that has got to be represented in superhero culture and it's a more honest look at it because you know that we are flawed people and that is human nature so you know according to eric that that this is a far more honest depiction of of superheroes than uh the sort of uh you know vanilla goody two-shoes uh stuff that we've been seeing for decades uh and you know what it's more fun to watch thank you thank you thank you hi hi i'm uh i'm tony from rom lake illinois um i know you had touched on this a little bit but uh you would said that like when when you go onto the stage you just kind of like yourself and whatnot but i was wondering like how how does your like personality and your characters kind of like cross in the show how are their relationships on screen different from off screen yeah like this personalities versus characters i definitely think personality and character right look how much like starlight are you i don't it's hard to it's hard to i don't feel like i can properly answer this question because in my mind we have such a glaringly obvious parallel to his own character next to me okay but i'll try and answer um listen starlight annie is a better human being than i am she is more of a badass than i am she uh handles situations more maturely than i ever did so i actually am learning from a character i'm playing which is pretty cool and something that is a little unprecedented for me and so it sounds a little cheesy but whenever i walk away from this job and knock on wood it won't be for a while um i'm gonna kind of keep little parts of her with me because i think she's just [ __ ] cool [Applause] and and if i can have my two cents aaron is way more thugged out than starlight i'm more what [ __ ] out thugged out oh you're sure yeah but let me just tell you thank god you don't have powers because you will be blasting people in their chest it would not be good i'll just tell you that and i have this nickname on set i'm not going to lie and it involves the word thug so their nickname is peter and there's another one called life of sin it's true so because she had a sip of coffee one morning and went all i need in this life of sin to worship alone and then told us about it i'm convinced she has thug life tattooed on her stomach she's just never shown it to me but let me tell you one thing let me tell you one thing you can get invisible tattoos where they ink your skin and they don't show up so let me just tell you if you used like a light and shine it over my body you'd see a lot all right i'm just saying that leave it alone yeah leave it alone but well thank you thank you so much yeah hi hi my name is rachel i'm from chicago i get a lot of hate for saying this show is my favorite because of how dark it is so what would you say to defend fans like me for loving the show [ __ ] lighten up god's sakes i'm sorry did you say what would we say to you for liking the show how how would you defend me and other fans if she was going to defend people against saying that show's so dark but i mean you know what show doesn't have different dynamics you know i don't know and honestly it's just exposing a lot of stuff that's going on in our world like how power corrupts and greed and capitalism and all that stuff that we should be educating ourselves on if we're gonna make a change turn on cnn it's lighter than see it in that's [ __ ] dark look what's happening your boss is doing that's dot also we're not arbitrarily throwing out dark material for the sake of throwing it out there i've said this phrase before in terms of describing our show but sunlight's a good disinfectant we're trying to rip away like the weird false artificial facade behind um behind you know anything that i lost my train of thought i got too wordy all right sunlight's a good disinfectant oh we're trying to like we're trying to just approach the taboo subjects because nothing's ever going to change like the me too situation i've gotten a lot of flack for maybe being at the center of retaining that role but we are starting a dialogue to change these things we're not we're not condoning them we're admonishing them so yeah and sometimes art is a good way to do that because people will watch art sometimes before you know investing in politics and doing something like that so i think i think it's only a good thing tell your friends to turn it on give it right they get and they're gonna they've always got teletubbies there's always teletubbies yeah guide them to the children's network thank you thank you hi hi uh mitchell delegio from chicago my question is for carl um what were some of the takeaways you had and this is a dated question from lord of the rings what were some of the takeaways from what from lord of the rings i mean like besides props or you know maybe stealing a horse or two i don't know oh you mean literally did he take anything well like takeaways like maybe learn anything including like tell you have anything for sale i got a lot of thermal underwear i stole a lot of thermal underwear um uh peter jackson and uh and fran and and um richard taylor gave me my helmet from lord of the rings which was pretty rad um and i mean i guess the the deepest takeaways would have been um the experience of getting to work with uh with that cast and crew um uh particularly uh viggo who i mean you've worked with vigo hello yes and viggo's if i'm either in a situation you know that it is somewhat uh precarious or there's a moral choice to be made i'm like what would viggo do um no i'm serious that that guy is one of the most amazing altruistic human beings i have ever met and so for me i guess i feel blessed to have just been a part of that experience and to know those people and um uh yeah i think that's it's the people it's the sort of the legacy of those friendships and and um and and the memories of what we did 20 [ __ ] years ago wow oh my god yeah thank you for your question appreciate it yeah thank you thank you hi yup your turn right here [Music] black mark that's the question for all right you you lucked out now it's your turn that's pretty awesome actually uh hi my name's nick i'm from uh springfield and i love the comic really good but it's it's very garthiness very edgy is there anything that happened in the comic that you're like thank god i didn't have to do that or i wish i did that because it's pretty edgy yeah touchdown of maeve's scenes you know um sex scenes i'm thankful that i didn't have to be quite so graphic with those on screen not a topic ladies go through a lot in the graphic novel ladies go through a lot my situation with the deep in the first episode in the comic book involves all the superheroes and yeah a lot of work that is just i'm glad it would have taken what about you is there a scene that you can think of from the comics you would have wished would have been on the screen i mean i kind of wanted jack from jupiter to be in the show but i know why they didn't have them in and that probably would have been a little bit too far a little bit [Music] yeah but uh i so i was just thinking like yikes but the show is fantastic i like it more in the comic to be honest yay yay thank you and i'm sure you guys love hearing that it is yeah hi hi i'm johanna from uh chicago and uh so uh where's tara where's who who terror [Laughter] he's actually in canada right now well i did notice like when we were promoting like the the original when they first started rolling out advertisements for the show so i went oh my god there's like one of the boys we got a poster up and i was like oh cool i want to go and see it they said it's you it's you and tara it's like that's an odd combo and i go along and i look and there's tara pissing on homelanders boots cut off here and i was like i finally made it look right but your crotch made it i've got it yeah my these boots i mean the whole thing is about the boots anyway i've said that before but yeah tara featured a lot in the marketing campaign thank you yeah hi hi i'm ross from california and i was wondering if you guys have any like uh favorite backstage stories or like shenanigans that have gone on during filming other than the instagram other than the instagram many actually many many a lot of laughs and season two just provided so much more i can't wait we will get to come back next year and we'll have a catch up on all the season two shenanigans but if you go to um aaron's uh insta stories i believe you'll see jeffrey trying to eat a taco oh my god jack quay trying to eat a taco funniest thing in the wind in the winter and it was like blowing everywhere we were both with such [ __ ] we were filming him trying to eat a taco and it was like going all over his costume but the best part is i just saw him in the distance eating a taco first of all he's covered in blood because when is he not okay covered in blood nothing's happened yet but you and i looked at each other and i see jack eating a taco in the wind and i was like shit's about to go down turn anonymous it's the best footage oh my god ever i think i need to post it permanently i think so did you not i no i to my stories but look at lads is horrified what's this [ __ ] got on me going did you sweep up after him but someone cleaned up the mess you get on his costume did he clean it who was there did you clean it there i remember doing that scene with the babies like when you and me were doing that the standoff scene at the end of the night and we were shooting it overnight we had four babies count them four not one baby would not cry as soon as they touched him it got into his arms it's like wow it would be perfectly calm hit me and go mm-hmm scream and it got it was just i was getting i was furious i was livid and just dying because i had all this dialogue and i was like it's not working and then i look over at him and he's just standing there smirking again just laughing as i had a great night fun night it's pretty funny thank you and we have time for just one more question hi uh hi i'm drew from new york and i have a question for carl uh just what was it like using spice girls in a pep talk and have any of them reached out to you since then thankfully no [Laughter] they did not get the better end of that talk did they i remember reading it and uh i i and uh and i liked what was on the page but i called up eric and when eric there's two spy skills not in this that he doesn't reference you gotta list them all and um and so i i said i'm gonna i'll send you something and so i actually did a little bit of google research about what jerry halliwell uh was the name jelly hair well yeah the red one or what she had been uh up to and uh and so i thought it was really fun for butcher to actually specifically know the songs or the albums that uh and so we and cookie was like this is great he folded it into the to the story and um so yeah it's uh but yes no i'm i'm waiting for the phone call from from the spice girls uh i think they actually did they they did have a reunion do you know you would know wouldn't i i think yeah it was amazing thank you and and thank you guys so much the show's so thank you chicago thank you guys been great thank you so much thank you bless carl thank you the boys season two coming this year hi this is aaron ashmore and you are watching phantom spotlight be sure to like share and subscribe like like now oh and have fun and follow your fandom
Channel: Fandom Spotlite
Views: 483,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the boys, the boys season 2, karl urban the boys, erin moriarty the boys, the boys panel, the boys season 2 panel, antony starr the homelander, erin moriarty starlight, dominique mcelligott the boys, dominique mcelligott queen maeve, laz alonso the boys, laz alonso mothers milk, karl urban 2020, karl urban panel, erin moriarty panel, antony starr banshee, antony starr karl urban, dominique mcelligott maeve, laz alonso 2020, c2e2 2020, c2e2, c2e2 the boys, fandom spotlite
Id: scSBkr_hVyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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